
BOOM! It hit with a flash of dark dark green light. I was on planet deedee (which I didn’t find until later). I looked around and then I saw some of these green alien dudes that looked exactly like my friends from earth (besides the fact they were green). I went over to them and said,
“hey Caleb what’s up?”, then he said
“I am not Caleb I am calatron 5000.”
“Wow! You’re a robot!”, I said shaking with excitement. Then all of a sudden this loud voice said,
“planet deedee is under attack!”
“planet deeedee is under attack? Oh so this is planet deedee” I said but this is where my story ends. You see I am being held captive by calatron 5000 and being forced to write this story so this is the end of my life


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2010

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