
Chapter 1

This moment is what I have been waiting for a long while.The time I can go to a place where I at least half belong.The DWMA,I walked in the death room dressed in a grey tee shirt that i was going to get rid of.I was also wearing a white jacket with randomly placed colorful peace signs all over it with my jean shorts that stops above my knee.I wore my Hood over my head as well.I stepped into the death room finding lord death standing in front of the mirror."wuzzzz up! wuzzz up!"he called as soon as he saw me."Like I'v told you on the mirror,I would like to be a student here."
"okie!dokie!no problamo!I'll get to it right away!""
"thank you shagami-sama."
"here is your schedule"he said as he handed me a purple slip with my schedule on it."I also have someone to help you on your first day.she has the same schedule you do!"Then a small petite girl stepped out from behind the mirror.she had pale sandy blonde hair pulled back into two pigtails.she was wearing a long white sleeved shirt under a pale yellow vest with a green and white tie, a black and red checkered skirt that went to her mid thigh,and she was also wearing black and white boots.
"Hi I'm Maka Albarn nice to meet you"she said as she held out her hand. I took mine out from my jacket pocket and shook her hand.
"nice to meet you I'm Sky."
"I was wondering,why are your eyes like that?"I was asked that a lot,they were dark blue near the middle but the rest was a bright blue~gray color.You can barley see the dark blue.
"I was born like that I guess"I said as I kept staring forward."Do you have a place to stay yet?"I shook my head.
"well you could stay at my apartment till you find one!"
"no problem!"
"Are you a meister or weapon?"
"I'm a meister,what about you?"
"I'm a meister!"she said cheerfully.That's a shame,I'm looking for a weapon too.I think me and Maka will get along very well.I can tell she's a very determined person.I noticed its getting darker,to me it feels like its getting darker every second.I started to walk faster.Maka noticed this,"What's wrong?"She asked as soon as she caught up with me.
"I'm fine I'm just eager to get to your house,I'm very tired."
"okay."we fast walked the rest of the way.It took us about six minutes to get there.
"Thanks for letting me stay."
"No problem!But please don't be to loud my partner is sleep by now."
"Really?Whats his name?"
"His name is soul."
"Whats he like?"
"Well he can be stupid and arrogant but if you get to know him he can be sweet and very caring."
"That sounds like a good partner."
"He is but sometimes he can be a handful."We both laughed but not to loud to wake soul.I wonder what he looks like.I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
"Were am I sleeping?"
"In the living room right now sorry I'll clean out my storage room for you to sleep in tomorrow."
"Its alright."I said as I walked to the couch.
"Goodnight!"she called from across the apartment.
"Where's your bathroom?"
"the door at the end of the hall to the left."
"no problem!"she replied as I walked to the bathroom.I went inside the bathroom and locked the door behind me.I looked at my reflection in the mirror.I took off the hood from my head.and revealed red cat ears from the top of my head.I hated my ears,that's why I never show them to anyone.Also because whenever someone saw my ears they would always think I'm a freak of nature or wired and never talk to me again,even if they were best friend.I absolutely hated my ears!There the reason i'm alone and the reason I have no friends!The only good thing about them is they give me good hearing.I have no tail,I cant turn into a cat,and I have no magic.I am a human,I'm a meister.I have a small petite figure and small breasts only a little bigger than Maka's.I have red hair that match my ears and have side bangs on the right side of my face.I have a orange strip on my side bangs. I brushed my hair and then unlock the door.I put my hood back on and look carefully.I saw none was awake so I took my hood down and layed down on the couch and drifted into sleep.


I woke up to someone poking me on the shoulder.I opened my eyes to see a handsome teenage boy with blood red eyes and snow white hair."Are you one of Blair's friends?"he asked as he pointed at my ears.As he talked I noticed he had shark like teeth.This person was like me,he was different,like me.Then I forgot,I don't want anyone to see my ears!I then covered my ears and gave him a look of confusion."Who's Blair?"
"Well if your not one of her friends then who are you and what are you doing here?!"Then Maka came in,"Soul!stop!that's Sky!"
"She's new at are school."
"then how come she has cat ears!"
"what!"she came closer to me.I pulled my ears back in a way like when a cat hisses at someone.My checks got red of embarrassment.
"Do you have any magic?"
"A tail?"
"Just ears?"
"Yes"I was starting to get rather pissed off.I think she could tell so she backed off.
"Okay,what do you want for breakfast?"That question surprised me.
"Aren't you going to call me a freak of nature and kick me out?"I perked my ears up,confused.
"No of course not!"Then realization hit me like a rock.I might have my first friends ever.

Chapter 2

I walked into the DWMA with Soul and Maka.At once I could tell its not a normal school,but I'v always know that.All I had with me was a book.Yes I am a bookworm,just deal with it.When we got to are class I sat next to Maka.The thing I noticed almost right away was that Soul and Maka have a very strong relationship.But there's something there both hiding.I have a pretty good idea of what it is.There both just realizing it.And your wondering how I know this well you know how I said I have no magic well I do but I don't.It depends on how you see things.Well I can feel other peoples feelings and like Maka I can see soul's.But the thing there hiding from each other is love.There both scared to admit it because there afraid of rejection from the other.I can see why Maka Maka chop's him,which I think is quite funny,and Soul pick's on Maka being a bookworm and her breasts.But that's both of there ways to show affection.I pulled out my book and started to read.I'm a college reading level.I started this book this morning and I am already on chapter seven.
"Hey what are you reading?"Maka asked."Warriors sign of the moon."
"oh that's a good one!"
"You like warriors?"
"You know you remind me of Soul when you do that"
"Why don't you ever show your ears out in public?"
"Because people call me a freak of nature and never talk to me again."
"People won't mind here."
"I just don't okay!!"I snapped,I feel bad for that."Sorry it's just a touchy subject for me."
"Its alright"I continued reading."weird"she mummered.
"I can hear that you know."
I chuckled"Its alright,I'm just messing with you."
"Oh!Hi Tsubaki"
"Hey Maka,who's that next to you?"I turned around.
"I'm Sky"I said as I held out my hand.
"I'm Tsubaki,nice to meet you!"By looking at her soul I could tell that she is a very nice and caring person.I wonder who is her partner?"You too."At that moment I heard the door slam open.
"YYYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!I"M AM THE GREAT BLACKSTAR BASK IN MY GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I put my ears back."Who is that idiot!He hurt my ears!"I asked Maka.
"You didn't hear him?He said he was Blackstar so bask in his glory."
"I didn't hear him because he's so loud I hear buzzing.My ears are super sensitive because there like cat ears.They can hear better than human ears."
"Oh yeah,I forgot."
"I'm so sorry Sky-Chan"Tsubaki apologized over and over.
"It's alright,It's not your fault."I looked over at Maka."Why does she keep on apologizing?"
"Because,that's her partner,it's her job to keep him under control,so she's sorry she didn't do so."
"oh,well I think she the only type of person that can,She's very patient."
"Yes and very caring."
I looked over to were Blackstar was with Tsubaki."Blackstar please calm down!"
"COULD YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!"I yelled at him.He looked over at me.
"oh so you don't like me?!"
"No!I just don't like your shouting,it hurts my ears."I gave him my death glare.He looked away and took his seat next to Tsubaki."good"I huffed.
"Wow what did you do!?
"I just gave him a glare."
"okay."Then a boy with two girls came in."Hey Kid,Liz,Patty!"Maka called.
"More friends!how many do you have!"I exclaimed.
"Well most of us are here,me,you,Soul,Tsubaki,Blackstar,Kid,Liz,Patty.The only one missing is Chrona and Ragnarock."
"Do they go to this school."
"well yes but no.You can see them after school."
"Hey I have an idea how about we have a party!so everyone can get to know Sky more!"Maka exclaimed.
"Uh!You don't have to do that!"
"Yes I do!You need to know the gang better if you want to hang out with us!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After school,we made it to the apartment on Soul's bike."Okay Soul"Maka said"We got to get ready for the party!"
"Uuuuuhhhh do I have to."
"Awwwwwww!Come on Soul!"She made just about the cutest puppy dog face.I could tell Soul loved that face.
"Okay,what do you want me to do."I need these two to realize whats right in front of them.

Chapter 3

"All done!"Maka exclaimed.
"You guys did a good job"I said.
"Thanks!"Maka and Soul said in union,then they both blushed.Hmmmm I thought maybe I could try that.Then the door slammed open,any harder and I think it would of broke.I cover my ears with my hood and then my hands."YYYAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOO!!!" Blackstar shouted."TIME TO PARTY!!!"
"SHUT UP YOU LOUDMOUTH!!!!"I yelled back.
"Oh it's you!What are you doing here so early?"
"I'm living here for now."
"I THINK YOUR-"Maka then slammed a book down on his head,he was passed out for now.
"No problem,he starts to annoy me."Then Tsubaki came running in."Sorry!He's hard to keep up with!"She said out of breath.
"It's alright"Me and Maka said.Tsubaki then spotted Blackstar on the floor unconscious.She has the biggest sweet drop just imaginable.Then Kid,Liz,and Patty came."Hey everyone"Kid said in a formal tone."Hey!"I said kinda like Blair does. Weird I thought I don't usually act like that.Maybe that's my real personality.I'v never been able to really show my real personality before.Then someone I don't recognize came in.
"Chrona!"Maka said excitedly.Soul gave a look of jealousy.Ohhh I though that's another reason he's afraid of rejection.He think's she might like Chrona.Maka ran to Chrona and hugged him.Chrona shyly returned the hug.I could tell right away Chrona is a very shy and uneasy person.
"Chrona,I'd like you to meet Sky!"She then gestured to me.
"H-hi"Chrona stammered.
"Hi"Then this black little thing came out of Chrona's back.
"Hey!I'm here too you know!"
"What is that?"I said in disgust and curiosity.
"Well that's Chrona's weapon.He was experimented on by his own mother."
"I know how that feel's"I mummered as I looked at Chrona with sympathy.
"What did you say?"Maka asked.
"Didn't she say-"Chrona started but I gave him a "please don't" glance and he stopped.
"Nothing"I said to Maka.Then Ragnarock started tugging on my hood.
"Hey!take your hood off!"
"NO!"That right there took everyone's attention.Even Blackstar,he was awake.
"Yeah Sky wutcha hiding!"Blackstar encouraged Ragnarock.Ragnarock gave one last tug and the hood came off to reveal my ears.I put my ears back."Hey!What was that for!!"I yelled furious.
"What was that kitty cat?"Ragnarock snickered.That was it I punched Ragnarock so hard Chrona fell the ground.
"I'm sorry Chrona."I apologized as Ragnarock went back inside Chrona's back.I held my out to offer to help him up.He looked at me scared for a moment.Then looked at me with..... admiration?I wasn't sure.He took my hand shakily and I helped him up.I gave him a kind smile.I held out my hand again."Sorry I didn't introduce myself properly."He took a step forward.He then did something I think he would of never done.He hugged me, actually hugged me.I froze there for a second.I'v never really been hugged before.
But I hugged him back.I don't know why but I felt my checks get hot.Wait!why am I blushing?!I just met Chrona!But no ones ever hugged me before!"You understand"Chrona whispered"Your like I was before Maka saved me.You just hide it more."He then pulled away.My arms dropped to my side.I didn't know what to do.I looked at Maka,she was smiling?
"Chrona i'm so glad your getting better at communicating!"Maka then said at last.
Patty came up to me."Why do you have ears?"
"I really don't want to talk about that."I really didn't that was a touchier subject than my ears.I then noticed Kid looking at me with shining eyes.
"Uhhh Liz why is he looking at me like that?!"
"Sorry he thinks your perfectly symmetrical."
"He's obsessed with symmetry."
"Okay."So then I put one ear down and left the other up."NOOOOOOOO!!!"Kid cried.
"Your not symmetrical anymore!"He then fell to the ground and cried so I put my one ear back up.He didn't notice so he kept crying."So what do we do now?"I asked when actually I knew what I was going to do.
"Hey about the boys and girls split up?The girls in Maka's room Boys in Soul's room."Then I spotted Blackstar,even though I didn't like him.I needed him for this.
"Hey Blackstar can I talk to for a second."
"Fine!"he walked over to me.
"I have a plan to get Soul and Maka together.I know they like each other I can tell."
"I'm listening."

I just finished explaining my plan to Blackstar and the girl's.(Except for Maka of course) I was looking through Maka's closet.I found a cute pink frilly top and a pink frilly skirt.They went perfect together.She looked stunning in it."I still don't know why you guys are making me wear this!Care to explain please?!"
"Okay it's my plan I might as well."I said.
"What!?What plan!?"
"Let me explain first.Well I can see souls like you but I can also feel what other people feel.I can tell you like Soul."
"What!I don't like him!"She said blushing madly.
"Then why is your face red?"
"Shut up"
"Now what I was also going to say was that Soul likes you too."
"Your exited?I thought you didn't like him."I said jokingly.

Chapter 4

"YES!!!"We heard from Soul's bedroom.Maka looked at the wall then to the floor and kept her gaze there.Blushing more and more every second.
"See!I told you!"I said proving my point.
"I'm trying to make you two realize whats right in front of you."
"Thanks."She said blushing.
"Your very welcome!Now it's time for Soul to see you!"
"No!I mean what if he doesn't like it!"
"Maka he likes you for you he'll like you no matter what!"
"O-okay."We walked out the door and saw all the boys in the living room.Soul was pacing back and fourth.I could tell he was really nervous.I could feel it coming of him in waves.
"Yo!Soul dude calm down!Sky told me that Maka likes you too!"Blackstar reassured (I guess for Blackstar that is) Soul.
"I know it's just-......"He then stopped talking when he saw Maka.Soul was wearing a white button up shirt and dark blue jeans with his normal shoes.
"Hey what about you and Maka go out to dinner we'll stay here!"I said cheerfully.
"O-okay"Soul studdered.Then they left,hand in hand.Chrona was standing next to me,he shyly took his hand with mine.
"C-come on guys lets play a game!"I exclaimed.
"A game?"Blackstar asked.
"I-I t-think it's a great idea."Chrona said.
"What about truth or dare!"Patty exclaimed excitedly.
"Okay sure!"I said.We all gathered in a circle and started.
"I'll start!!"Blackstar exclaimed.
"Quieter please!!"I shouted covering my ears.
"Sorry forgot.Sky truth or dare?"
"Um truth."
"Is it true that you like Chrona!"I turned red right away.
"Maybe"I mumbled.
"What was that I can't hear you!"
"Yes!Okay happy?!!"
"Yes."He said with a sly smile.
"Now it's my turn."I said evilly."Blackstar truth or dare?"
"A god like me will definitely pick dare!"
"Good I dare you to kiss Tsubaki."I said with a evil grin.Both Tsubaki and Blackstar turned red like tomatoes.
"Fine!!"Blackstar snapped"I will not back down to a dare!"He then grabbed Tsubaki and kissed her.When he let go he was still red,maybe redder.


Chapter 5

Later in the game Soul and Maka came home.
"Hey do you guys wanna play truth or dare with us?"I invited.
"Now where were we?"Kid asked.
"It's my turn"Liz said as Soul and Maka sat in between me and Patty,Maka sitting next to me.
"Now"Liz said."Maka truth or dare?"
"Hm,I guess dare."
"I dare you to..."Then she had an evil smirk on her face."I dare you to kiss Soul for 30 seconds."Maka turned bright red,because of embarrassment and anger.Soul did his signature grin.Then grabbed the small of her back and pulled her into a 30 second kiss.When they broke apart,Maka looked flushed.
"Okay,Patty,truth or dare?"Maka said.
"I dare you to drink hot water from Soul's shoe!"
"What!?"Soul protested."Oh calm down,it's going to be the shoes you were going to throw away anyways!"She laughed.
"Okay!"Patty cheered.Maka got Soul's old shoe,filled it up with hot water and handed it to Patty.Patty chugged the hot water down.
"Whoa!"she yelled as she held the shoe in the air.
"Now"she said as she sat back down in between Liz and Soul.
"My turn!Sky,truth or dare?"
"Is it true that you ran away from home?"I then put my ears back.I looked down at the floor.
"That's a touchy subject"I said quietly.
"Oh!come on!please tell us!"Patty exclaimed.
I kept looking down.
"It's a-alright"Chrona tried to calm me down.
I turned to Chrona and hugged him.I felt tears roll down my checks as I weeped on his shoulder.
I stopped after a few minutes.
I wiped away my tears with my jacket sleeve.
"Well"I began.

Chapter 6

"Yes,I did run away,and Patty,you said you wanted to know how I got my ears.Well this is how,my mother always experimented on your mother,Chrona.She got married,the man she married came with a son and a daughter.He encouraged my mother to experiment on me.They had a child,my little half sister,when she reached the age of 10 they started to experiment on her.They gave her wolf ears and a wolf tail.There original plan for me was for me to shape shift into any cat.They failed,I just had cat ears,nothing else.My sister however was a success.She can turn into a wolf that can camouflage with her surroundings.Her original fur color is black. sense she was such a success they were going to get rid of me,so i ran away.I heard of this place so I came here.When I left I promised my sister that I would come back with my weapon and save her.that's it that's my life story."When I finished speaking everyone had horrified, sympathetic,and shocked expressions.
"I'm sorry I let my emotions show."I said.
"What?!"Liz and Kid yelled.
I know how you feel"Chrona spoke quietly."I could never show my emotions unless i wanted to go back into the horrible black room again."He then shuddered.I was sad but glad someone knew how I felt.

Chapter 7

After everyone left Chrona decided to stay since his room at the academy wasn't very comfortable,and I don't blame him.I was eating a fish samwich (lolz) when I felt a horrible pain in my stomach like my insides were shrinking.I ran to the bathroom holding my stomach.I felt like if I coughed,my insides would fall out.I sat there crisscross on the bathroom floor holding my stomach as if I let it go my insides would fall out.I felt horrible pain shoot through my body.I felt something soft,like fur,I held out my hands and saw paws?!I felt fur growing every were and felt myself shrinking.Next thing you know,i'm a cat,sitting on the bathroom floor.
"Are you okay sky?"I heard Maka on the other side of the door.
"Meow!"I reply,I haven't found my voice yet.
"I'm coming in!"
Maka opened the door to find me as a cat sitting on the bathroom floor.
"How did you get in here little kitty?"Maka said tilting her head.
I'm sure glad I had found my voice.
"It's me!Sky!"I said.
"Sky!?But how?"
"Well lets just say my mothers last experiment did work after all."
Maka then had a shocked and sympathetic expression.She carried me out of the bathroom and out into the living room where Soul was watching TV and Chrona was staring out into space on the couch next to Soul.While Maka came in carrying me.Soul and Chrona's faces were priceless.Soul's was completely, utterly,confused.Chrona's was very shocked and surprised.
"What the-"Soul was about to say but was interrupted by Chrona.
"How did you know?"I said as I leaped out of Maka's arms and jumped onto the couch in between Soul and Chrona.
"But I thought you couldn't turn into a cat?"Chrona asked.
"Well I think my mothers latest experiment worked."I said somberly.
"Do you know how to change back?"
"Not yet."Soul then grinned devilishly.
"Look its a cat!"Soul said evilly then picked me up and squeezed me half to death.
"That hurts!"I yowled as I tried to get out of his strong grip,but I was failing miserably.
"Soul let go of her"Maka said.
Soul just ignored her and squeezed me tighter.I let out a squeak of pain.Maka raised the random book that came out of no where and slammed it down on Soul's head.That was my chance to escape,so I struggled my way out of his strong arm's.I ran to Chrona and sat on his lap.He looked surprised,but I layed down then fell asleep to the rhythm of his breathing.

When I woke up,I was back in human form lying next to Chrona on the couch.I sat up then processed what was going on and blushed madly.Then I noticed something different.I had a tail?!but how?I thought to myself.Maybe it's because I can turn into a cat now.I carefully,as much as I could,got off the couch.I read the clock it said 7:30 am.Wow I must of been tired I thought.I was about to get breakfast but then felt a tug on my tail.I looked back to find Chrona was awake.
"Are you okay?"He asked,I blushed a little.
"Y-yeah i'm okay."
"Okay just making sure"He said as he smiled.That practically melted my heart.
"Do you want some breakfast?"
"are you sure it's okay?"
"Okay"He said with a smile.With that I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Chapter 8

"Wow Sky!"You didn't have to cook breakfest for us!"Maka exclaimed.
"Oh,it's alright!Your letting me live here afterall!"I said as I put the food on the table.It was two pancakes,two egg,and two peices of bacon on each plate.
"Where did you get the bacon?We didn't have ant before"Maka asked.
"Oh I hade to run to the store to get it real quick."
"With what money?"Soul asked
"I-I let her borrow some,i-if t-that's okay"Crona said timidly.
"and thank you for that~!"Sky said cheerfully,which made Crona blush afterwards.
"Y-your welcome"Sky than gave crona a smile that made crona's face go beat red.We all settled down to eat afterwards.After breakfest,since it was saturday,the gang decided to play basketball,much to maka's dismay.As we walked out onto the court.Maka sits on the bench and takes out a book.
"Come on Maka"Soul says.
"I don't want to play"She stated while continuing to read her book.
"Come on please!"Sky exclaimed"I'll teach you if you dont know how!"
"NO!"All the boys,exept for crona,yelled.
Kid took my arm and pulled me aside,followed by Soul and Blackstar.
Soul wispered to me"because she would probably kick our asses if she knew how to play."
"Are you guys sour losers or something?"I asked tilting my head to the right.(No offence intented lolz XD)I saw a tint of pink on Soul's and kid's cheeck's.
"Cute"I heard Kid say,barley a wisper.
"No wonder crona like's her"Soul muttered,but not quiet enough for me not to hear.
"Crona like's me!?"I asked with exitment.
"Yeah"Soul said as he rubbed the back of his neck."But dont tell him I told you that!Don't tell Maka about what I said either!"
"Okay,as long as I can teach Maka how to play basketball!"
"Well i guess that's better than a Maka chop."
"Dude!what are you doing!"Blackstar,who was suprising quiet till now,yelled at Soul.
"Shut up!"I yelled at Blackstar.Stupid moron for being so loud.
"Make me"Blackstar retorted.
"If you dont shut up you wont live long enough to defeat god,got me?and thats a promise"I said venomously through clenched teeth,glaring at him.He shut up,right then and there.I walked up to Maka,"You want me to teach you?"
"And Soul,Blackstar,and kid are okay with that?"She asked fairly suprised.
"Well kind of,but I don't have time to explain if I got to teach you how to play basketball!"I said exitedly.

"Let's go shopping!"Liz exclaimed.
"Uh,I don't know it depends on what were shopping for."I awsered.
"Were going to get cloths for you!"Liz exclaimed once again.
"Why?I'm fine."
"No your not!You have gotten to the point where you have to borrow Maka's cloth's,and there a little big for you anyways,and always remeber fashion is everything!"
"Okay"I said,defeated.As Liz and Patty draged me to the nearest mall,I wonder what outfits they will force me to wear.I shivered,i know at least one of those outfits WILL be verry revealing.
"Liz,Patty"They stopped and turned around."Yes?"Liz awsered.
"Please make the outfits approprate"I begged.
"Oh we will"Liz said"Two reasons,one you like Crona and Crona ins't the one you should suducte.Two,I think your better off cute than,suductive,cute is better on you."I gave a sigh of relief.
"But!"She continued,I tensed"We HAVE to get you a bathing suit!"
"Why?"i asked miserably.
"Were going to have a pool party tomorrow at the mansion!Didn't Maka or Soul tell you?"

chapter 2

I walked into the DWMA with Soul and Maka.At once I could tell its not a normal school,but I'v always know that.All I had with me was a book.Yes I am a bookworm,just deal with it.When we got to are class I sat next to Maka.The thing I noticed almost right away was that Soul and Maka have a very strong relationship.But there's something there both hiding.I have a pretty good idea of what it is.There both just realizing it.And your wondering how I know this well you know how I said I have no magic well I do but I don't.It depends on how you see things.Well I can feel other peoples feelings and like Maka I can see soul's.But the thing there hiding from each other is love.There both scared to admit it because there afraid of rejection from the other.I can see why Maka Maka chop's him,which I think is quite funny,and Soul pick's on Maka being a bookworm and her breasts.But that's both of there ways to show affection.I pulled out my book and started to read.I'm a college reading level.I started this book this morning and I am already on chapter seven.
"Hey what are you reading?"Maka asked."Warriors sign of the moon."
"oh that's a good one!"
"You like warriors?"
"You know you remind me of Soul when you do that"
"Why don't you ever show your ears out in public?"
"Because people call me a freak of nature and never talk to me again."
"People won't mind here."
"I just don't okay!!"I snapped,I feel bad for that."Sorry it's just a touchy subject for me."
"Its alright"I continued reading."weird"she mummered.
"I can hear that you know."
I chuckled"Its alright,I'm just messing with you."
"Oh!Hi Tsubaki"
"Hey Maka,who's that next to you?"I turned around.
"I'm Sky"I said as I held out my hand.
"I'm Tsubaki,nice to meet you!"By looking at her soul I could tell that she is a very nice and caring person.I wonder who is her partner?"You too."At that moment I heard the door slam open.
"YYYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!I"M AM THE GREAT BLACKSTAR BASK IN MY GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I put my ears back."Who is that idiot!He hurt my ears!"I asked Maka.
"You didn't hear him?He said he was Blackstar so bask in his glory."
"I didn't hear him because he's so loud I hear buzzing.My ears are super sensitive because there like cat ears.They can hear better than human ears."
"Oh yeah,I forgot."
"I'm so sorry Sky-Chan"Tsubaki apologized over and over.
"It's alright,It's not your fault."I looked over at Maka."Why does she keep on apologizing?"
"Because,that's her partner,it's her job to keep him under control,so she's sorry she didn't do so."
"oh,well I think she the only type of person that can,She's very patient."
"Yes and very caring."
I looked over to were Blackstar was with Tsubaki."Blackstar please calm down!"
"COULD YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!"I yelled at him.He looked over at me.
"oh so you don't like me?!"
"No!I just don't like your shouting,it hurts my ears."I gave him my death glare.He looked away and took his seat next to Tsubaki."good"I huffed.
"Wow what did you do!?
"I just gave him a glare."
"okay."Then a boy with two girls came in."Hey Kid,Liz,Patty!"Maka called.
"More friends!how many do you have!"I exclaimed.
"Well most of us are here,me,you,Soul,Tsubaki,Blackstar,Kid,Liz,Patty.The only one missing is Chrona and Ragnarock."
"Do they go to this school."
"well yes but no.You can see them after school."
"Hey I have an idea how about we have a party!so everyone can get to know Sky more!"Maka exclaimed.
"Uh!You don't have to do that!"
"Yes I do!You need to know the gang better if you want to hang out with us!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After school,we made it to the apartment on Soul's bike."Okay Soul"Maka said"We got to get ready for the party!"
"Uuuuuhhhh do I have to."
"Awwwwwww!Come on Soul!"She made just about the cutest puppy dog face.I could tell Soul loved that face.
"Okay,what do you want me to do."I need these two to realize whats right in front of them.

chapter 3

"All done!"Maka exclaimed.
"You guys did a good job"I said.
"Thanks!"Maka and Soul said in union,then they both blushed.Hmmmm I thought maybe I could try that.Then the door slammed open,any harder and I think it would of broke.I cover my ears with my hood and then my hands."YYYAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOO!!!" Blackstar shouted."TIME TO PARTY!!!"
"SHUT UP YOU LOUDMOUTH!!!!"I yelled back.
"Oh it's you!What are you doing here so early?"
"I'm living here for now."
"I THINK YOUR-"Maka then slammed a book down on his head,he was passed out for now.
"No problem,he starts to annoy me."Then Tsubaki came running in."Sorry!He's hard to keep up with!"She said out of breath.
"It's alright"Me and Maka said.Tsubaki then spotted Blackstar on the floor unconscious.She has the biggest sweet drop just imaginable.Then Kid,Liz,and Patty came."Hey everyone"Kid said in a formal tone."Hey!"I said kinda like Blair does. Weird I thought I don't usually act like that.Maybe that's my real personality.I'v never been able to really show my real personality before.Then someone I don't recognize came in.
"Chrona!"Maka said excitedly.Soul gave a look of jealousy.Ohhh I though that's another reason he's afraid of rejection.He think's she might like Chrona.Maka ran to Chrona and hugged him.Chrona shyly returned the hug.I could tell right away Chrona is a very shy and uneasy person.
"Chrona,I'd like you to meet Sky!"She then gestured to me.
"H-hi"Chrona stammered.
"Hi"Then this black little thing came out of Chrona's back.
"Hey!I'm here too you know!"
"What is that?"I said in disgust and curiosity.
"Well that's Chrona's weapon.He was experimented on by his own mother."
"I know how that feel's"I mummered as I looked at Chrona with sympathy.
"What did you say?"Maka asked.
"Didn't she say-"Chrona started but I gave him a "please don't" glance and he stopped.
"Nothing"I said to Maka.Then Ragnarock started tugging on my hood.
"Hey!take your hood off!"
"NO!"That right there took everyone's attention.Even Blackstar,he was awake.
"Yeah Sky wutcha hiding!"Blackstar encouraged Ragnarock.Ragnarock gave one last tug and the hood came off to reveal my ears.I put my ears back."Hey!What was that for!!"I yelled furious.
"What was that kitty cat?"Ragnarock snickered.That was it I punched Ragnarock so hard Chrona fell the ground.
"I'm sorry Chrona."I apologized as Ragnarock went back inside Chrona's back.I held my out to offer to help him up.He looked at me scared for a moment.Then looked at me with..... admiration?I wasn't sure.He took my hand shakily and I helped him up.I gave him a kind smile.I held out my hand again."Sorry I didn't introduce myself properly."He took a step forward.He then did something I think he would of never done.He hugged me, actually hugged me.I froze there for a second.I'v never really been hugged before.
But I hugged him back.I don't know why but I felt my checks get hot.Wait!why am I blushing?!I just met Chrona!But no ones ever hugged me before!"You understand"Chrona whispered"Your like I was before Maka saved me.You just hide it more."He then pulled away.My arms dropped to my side.I didn't know what to do.I looked at Maka,she was smiling?
"Chrona i'm so glad your getting better at communicating!"Maka then said at last.
Patty came up to me."Why do you have ears?"
"I really don't want to talk about that."I really didn't that was a touchier subject than my ears.I then noticed Kid looking at me with shining eyes.
"Uhhh Liz why is he looking at me like that?!"
"Sorry he thinks your perfectly symmetrical."
"He's obsessed with symmetry."
"Okay."So then I put one ear down and left the other up."NOOOOOOOO!!!"Kid cried.
"Your not symmetrical anymore!"He then fell to the ground and cried so I put my one ear back up.He didn't notice so he kept crying."So what do we do now?"I asked when actually I knew what I was going to do.
"Hey about the boys and girls split up?The girls in Maka's room Boys in Soul's room."Then I spotted Blackstar,even though I didn't like him.I needed him for this.
"Hey Blackstar can I talk to for a second."
"Fine!"he walked over to me.
"I have a plan to get Soul and Maka together.I know they like each other I can tell."
"I'm listening."

I just finished explaining my plan to Blackstar and the girl's.(Except for Maka of course) I was looking through Maka's closet.I found a cute pink frilly top and a pink frilly skirt.They went perfect together.She looked stunning in it."I still don't know why you guys are making me wear this!Care to explain please?!"
"Okay it's my plan I might as well."I said.
"What!?What plan!?"
"Let me explain first.Well I can see souls like you but I can also feel what other people feel.I can tell you like Soul."
"What!I don't like him!"She said blushing madly.
"Then why is your face red?"
"Shut up"
"Now what I was also going to say was that Soul likes you too."
"Your exited?I thought you didn't like him."I said jokingly.

chapter 4

"YES!!!"We heard from Soul's bedroom.Maka looked at the wall then to the floor and kept her gaze there.Blushing more and more every second.
"See!I told you!"I said proving my point.
"I'm trying to make you two realize whats right in front of you."
"Thanks."She said blushing.
"Your very welcome!Now it's time for Soul to see you!"
"No!I mean what if he doesn't like it!"
"Maka he likes you for you he'll like you no matter what!"
"O-okay."We walked out the door and saw all the boys in the living room.Soul was pacing back and fourth.I could tell he was really nervous.I could feel it coming of him in waves.
"Yo!Soul dude calm down!Sky told me that Maka likes you too!"Blackstar reassured (I guess for Blackstar that is) Soul.
"I know it's just-......"He then stopped talking when he saw Maka.Soul was wearing a white button up shirt and dark blue jeans with his normal shoes.
"Hey what about you and Maka go out to dinner we'll stay here!"I said cheerfully.
"O-okay"Soul studdered.Then they left,hand in hand.Chrona was standing next to me,he shyly took his hand with mine.
"C-come on guys lets play a game!"I exclaimed.
"A game?"Blackstar asked.
"I-I t-think it's a great idea."Chrona said.
"What about truth or dare!"Patty exclaimed excitedly.
"Okay sure!"I said.We all gathered in a circle and started.
"I'll start!!"Blackstar exclaimed.
"Quieter please!!"I shouted covering my ears.
"Sorry forgot.Sky truth or dare?"
"Um truth."
"Is it true that you like Chrona!"I turned red right away.
"Maybe"I mumbled.
"What was that I can't hear you!"
"Yes!Okay happy?!!"
"Yes."He said with a sly smile.
"Now it's my turn."I said evilly."Blackstar truth or dare?"
"A god like me will definitely pick dare!"
"Good I dare you to kiss Tsubaki."I said with a evil grin.Both Tsubaki and Blackstar turned red like tomatoes.
"Fine!!"Blackstar snapped"I will not back down to a dare!"He then grabbed Tsubaki and kissed her.When he let go he was still red,maybe redder.

chapter 5

Later in the game Soul and Maka came home.
"Hey do you guys wanna play truth or dare with us?"I invited.
"Now where were we?"Kid asked.
"It's my turn"Liz said as Soul and Maka sat in between me and Patty,Maka sitting next to me.
"Now"Liz said."Maka truth or dare?"
"Hm,I guess dare."
"I dare you to..."Then she had an evil smirk on her face."I dare you to kiss Soul for 30 seconds."Maka turned bright red,because of embarrassment and anger.Soul did his signature grin.Then grabbed the small of her back and pulled her into a 30 second kiss.When they broke apart,Maka looked flushed.
"Okay,Patty,truth or dare?"Maka said.
"I dare you to drink hot water from Soul's shoe!"
"What!?"Soul protested."Oh calm down,it's going to be the shoes you were going to throw away anyways!"She laughed.
"Okay!"Patty cheered.Maka got Soul's old shoe,filled it up with hot water and handed it to Patty.Patty chugged the hot water down.
"Whoa!"she yelled as she held the shoe in the air.
"Now"she said as she sat back down in between Liz and Soul.
"My turn!Sky,truth or dare?"
"Is it true that you ran away from home?"I then put my ears back.I looked down at the floor.
"That's a touchy subject"I said quietly.
"Oh!come on!please tell us!"Patty exclaimed.
I kept looking down.
"It's a-alright"Chrona tried to calm me down.
I turned to Chrona and hugged him.I felt tears roll down my checks as I weeped on his shoulder.
I stopped after a few minutes.
I wiped away my tears with my jacket sleeve.
"Well"I began.

chapter 6

"Yes,I did run away,and Patty,you said you wanted to know how I got my ears.Well this is how,my mother always experimented on your mother,Chrona.She got married,the man she married came with a son and a daughter.He encouraged my mother to experiment on me.They had a child,my little half sister,when she reached the age of 10 they started to experiment on her.They gave her wolf ears and a wolf tail.There original plan for me was for me to shape shift into any cat.They failed,I just had cat ears,nothing else.My sister however was a success.She can turn into a wolf that can camouflage with her surroundings.Her original fur color is black. sense she was such a success they were going to get rid of me,so i ran away.I heard of this place so I came here.When I left I promised my sister that I would come back with my weapon and save her.that's it that's my life story."When I finished speaking everyone had horrified, sympathetic,and shocked expressions.
"I'm sorry I let my emotions show."I said.
"What?!"Liz and Kid yelled.
I know how you feel"Chrona spoke quietly."I could never show my emotions unless i wanted to go back into the horrible black room again."He then shuddered.I was sad but glad someone knew how I felt.

chapter 7

After everyone left Chrona decided to stay since his room at the academy wasn't very comfortable,and I don't blame him.I was eating a fish samwich (lolz) when I felt a horrible pain in my stomach like my insides were shrinking.I ran to the bathroom holding my stomach.I felt like if I coughed,my insides would fall out.I sat there crisscross on the bathroom floor holding my stomach as if I let it go my insides would fall out.I felt horrible pain shoot through my body.I felt something soft,like fur,I held out my hands and saw paws?!I felt fur growing every were and felt myself shrinking.Next thing you know,i'm a cat,sitting on the bathroom floor.
"Are you okay sky?"I heard Maka on the other side of the door.
"Meow!"I reply,I haven't found my voice yet.
"I'm coming in!"
Maka opened the door to find me as a cat sitting on the bathroom floor.
"How did you get in here little kitty?"Maka said tilting her head.
I'm sure glad I had found my voice.
"It's me!Sky!"I said.
"Sky!?But how?"
"Well lets just say my mothers last experiment did work after all."
Maka then had a shocked and sympathetic expression.She carried me out of the bathroom and out into the living room where Soul was watching TV and Chrona was staring out into space on the couch next to Soul.While Maka came in carrying me.Soul and Chrona's faces were priceless.Soul's was completely, utterly,confused.Chrona's was very shocked and surprised.
"What the-"Soul was about to say but was interrupted by Chrona.
"How did you know?"I said as I leaped out of Maka's arms and jumped onto the couch in between Soul and Chrona.
"But I thought you couldn't turn into a cat?"Chrona asked.
"Well I think my mothers latest experiment worked."I said somberly.
"Do you know how to change back?"
"Not yet."Soul then grinned devilishly.
"Look its a cat!"Soul said evilly then picked me up and squeezed me half to death.
"That hurts!"I yowled as I tried to get out of his strong grip,but I was failing miserably.
"Soul let go of her"Maka said.
Soul just ignored her and squeezed me tighter.I let out a squeak of pain.Maka raised the random book that came out of no where and slammed it down on Soul's head.That was my chance to escape,so I struggled my way out of his strong arm's.I ran to Chrona and sat on his lap.He looked surprised,but I layed down then fell asleep to the rhythm of his breathing.

When I woke up,I was back in human form lying next to Chrona on the couch.I sat up then processed what was going on and blushed madly.Then I noticed something different.I had a tail?!but how?I thought to myself.Maybe it's because I can turn into a cat now.I carefully,as much as I could,got off the couch.I read the clock it said 7:30 am.Wow I must of been tired I thought.I was about to get breakfast but then felt a tug on my tail.I looked back to find Chrona was awake.
"Are you okay?"He asked,I blushed a little.
"Y-yeah i'm okay."
"Okay just making sure"He said as he smiled.That practically melted my heart.
"Do you want some breakfast?"
"are you sure it's okay?"
"Okay"He said with a smile.With that I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

chapter 8

"Wow Sky!"You didn't have to cook breakfest for us!"Maka exclaimed.
"Oh,it's alright!Your letting me live here afterall!"I said as I put the food on the table.It was two pancakes,two egg,and two peices of bacon on each plate.
"Where did you get the bacon?We didn't have ant before"Maka asked.
"Oh I hade to run to the store to get it real quick."
"With what money?"Soul asked
"I-I let her borrow some,i-if t-that's okay"Crona said timidly.
"and thank you for that~!"Sky said cheerfully,which made Crona blush afterwards.
"Y-your welcome"Sky than gave crona a smile that made crona's face go beat red.We all settled down to eat afterwards.After breakfest,since it was saturday,the gang decided to play basketball,much to maka's dismay.As we walked out onto the court.Maka sits on the bench and takes out a book.
"Come on Maka"Soul says.
"I don't want to play"She stated while continuing to read her book.
"Come on please!"Sky exclaimed"I'll teach you if you dont know how!"
"NO!"All the boys,exept for crona,yelled.
Kid took my arm and pulled me aside,followed by Soul and Blackstar.
Soul wispered to me"because she would probably kick our asses if she knew how to play."
"Are you guys sour losers or something?"I asked tilting my head to the right.(No offence intented lolz XD)I saw a tint of pink on Soul's and kid's cheeck's.
"Cute"I heard Kid say,barley a wisper.
"No wonder crona like's her"Soul muttered,but not quiet enough for me not to hear.
"Crona like's me!?"I asked with exitment.
"Yeah"Soul said as he rubbed the back of his neck."But dont tell him I told you that!Don't tell Maka about what I said either!"
"Okay,as long as I can teach Maka how to play basketball!"
"Well i guess that's better than a Maka chop."
"Dude!what are you doing!"Blackstar,who was suprising quiet till now,yelled at Soul.
"Shut up!"I yelled at Blackstar.Stupid moron for being so loud.
"Make me"Blackstar retorted.
"If you dont shut up you wont live long enough to defeat god,got me?and thats a promise"I said venomously through clenched teeth,glaring at him.He shut up,right then and there.I walked up to Maka,"You want me to teach you?"
"And Soul,Blackstar,and kid are okay with that?"She asked fairly suprised.
"Well kind of,but I don't have time to explain if I got to teach you how to play basketball!"I said exitedly.

"Let's go shopping!"Liz exclaimed.
"Uh,I don't know it depends on what were shopping for."I awsered.
"Were going to get cloths for you!"Liz exclaimed once again.
"Why?I'm fine."
"No your not!You have gotten to the point where you have to borrow Maka's cloth's,and there a little big for you anyways,and always remeber fashion is everything!"
"Okay"I said,defeated.As Liz and Patty draged me to the nearest mall,I wonder what outfits they will force me to wear.I shivered,i know at least one of those outfits WILL be verry revealing.
"Liz,Patty"They stopped and turned around."Yes?"Liz awsered.
"Please make the outfits approprate"I begged.
"Oh we will"Liz said"Two reasons,one you like Crona and Crona ins't the one you should suducte.Two,I think your better off cute than,suductive,cute is better on you."I gave a sigh of relief.
"But!"She continued,I tensed"We HAVE to get you a bathing suit!"
"Why?"i asked miserably.
"Were going to have a pool party tomorrow at the mansion!Didn't Maka or Soul tell you?"
Haha!cliffhanger not really XD lolz enjoy!
btw i started to spell crona right my bad;3
tell me wut u think plz!

chapter 9

"Come on! lets go try these!"Liz exclaimed"And there all on sale!"Liz squealed.
"Oh!I wanna go in there with you!"Patty said.
"No!I'm putting them on alone.Then I'll come out and show you guys okay?"
"Okie dokie"Patty said then giggled.Liz handed me six outfits that I pick out with liz's is a bathing suit,three long sleve shirts,three skirts,two dresses,and two mini jackets.I ran into the dressing room and locked the door before Patty could come in,knowing her she might have tried to sneak in here with me.Why, I honestly don't know she's a nut case.I tried on the first outfit.It was a black tank top with a green,red,and white plad mini jacket,with a grey mini skirt,cherry red and black stripped nee socks and sky blue sneakers.I walked out of the dressing room and walked up to Liz and Patty.
"Cute!"Liz exclaimed.
"The girraffies approve!"Patty said laughing like a maniac.I took that as a sighn that she liked it.I changed out of that one and changed into the next one.
The next one was a blue and black striped dress with a black and pink striped heart in the middle of the chest,a black mini jacket,blue highheels,and a yellow headband which i pushed my hair back with.I walked out,Liz stood up from where she was standing on the bench,and walked over to me.She took out the yellow headband and repaced it with a blue one.
"Perfect!"Liz exclaimed.I went back to the changing room and I chenged into a different outfit.The next one,to my dismay,was a bathing suit.The top was brown with pink,green,and purple poka dots and the bottom was a bikini with a swim skirt over it with the same patteren as the top.I walked out,my face beat red with embarassment with my ears down and burning hot as well.
"!"Liz finished with a squeal.
"T-thanks"I said,going even redder if that was even possible.I ran straight back to the dressing room.I changed into the next outfit.It was a long sleve dark green shirt with a light green skirt,white knee socks with light green tips and dark green shoes.I walked out,"I like it"Liz said calmly,which scared me.I then noticed Patty was gone,oh well.I went back into the dressing room and changed into the next outfit.It was a yellow dress that stopped in the mid-thighs,it had drak yellow collor,end of the sleves and the end of the dress with dark yellow flats.I walked out,"You know that yellow headband would of looked good with this outfit.Oh well,I already returned it"Liz said shrugging.I went into the dressing room again and changed into the next outfit,once again.I really liked it,It was long sleved sky blue shirt with a white v-dip collar with a dark blue shirt underneath with a dark blue choker.At the end of the shirt was a dark blue ribbon wrapped around the waist with a bow in the back,with a really dark blue skirt.Also,white knee socks with sky blue tips and sky blue flats.I skipped out of the dressing room.Liz,as soon as she saw me,had her mouth wide open.She gasped,"Oh my god!That looks so good on you!"Patty skipped up to us with another outfit in hand.
"Go try this on!"Patty said exitedly,shoving me into the dressing room.I changed into the outfit patty picked out.It was a black tank top with a long sleved hot pink mini jacket tied in the middle with a hot pink skirt and black flats.'Cute'I thought.I walked out.
"See?I knew it would look good on her!"Patty said sadisfacterly(I totally spelled that wrong sorry!)I went into the dressing room changed into the outfit i really liked(A.K.A the sky blue one~!^^)and put the bathing suit in the cart while Liz handed the clark,that was in charge of the dressing rooms,the rest of the cloths.Then we went off to buy the two new outfits.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey~! I'm sorry I havn't been updating latley! plz read and like!^^ oh btw i will be posting pics of sky in those outfits^^

cjhapter 10

"Pool party!"Patty yelled.'Oh no' I thought.I went to one of the many bathrooms in Kid's mansion to get dressed.When I came out I kept on figiting with my swim skirt.I walked out to the back padio to the pool.
"You look so cute Sky~!"Maka said which made everyone turn there attention to me.I turned beat red and felt my ears burn again.I put my ears down in embarresment.
"I-i'm not that cute"I stuttered.
"I-I t-think your cute"Crona stuttered,turning red.I turrned even redder at that comment.'I need a distraction' I thought.I ran and jumped into the pool.I felt a sudden rush of cold then quickley got used to it.I swam up to the suface to find everyone else in the water.They all looked at me with shoocked faces.
"Dont cats hate water?"Soul asked raising a eyebrow.
"Well i'm not exactly a full cat."
"Accually I LOVE the water!"
"r-really?M-me too"Crona said.
"You wanna jump in together!?"I asked Crona exitedly.
"Y-yes"I (tried to lol XD) was running to where Crona was in the pool then grabbed his hand and ran out of the pool Crona stubbling behind.Still holding hands we jumped into the water I came up fist followed by Crona with Ragnarock out of his back.
"What are doing hanging around this stupis flea bittin stray!?!"Ragnarock shouted,by that time I had,not one but two,vaines popping out of my head.
"And who would want to hang out with a dick head like you!?!"
"Stop Ragnarock"Crona said feebly.
"Mangy stray!"
"Ragnarock stop!"Crona yelled as he punched Ragnarock square in the jaw.
"How dare you punch me!You little-!!"Ragnarock was cut off by me slamming my fist hard on ragnarocks head.Ragnarock turned into black blood and went back into Crona back.
"Good ridence"I huffed.
"A-are y-you okay?"Crona timidly asked me.
"Yeah i'm okay thanks."
"Hey!"Patty exclaimed"I have a game we could play!"
"What?"I asked.
"Marco polo~!"
"Okay"I said"Who else is going to play?"I asked the rest of the gang.
"Me"everyone said at the same time which was wierd.
"I'll be first!"i said.
"Wait,"Soul said then went to the chair were his stuff was.He pulled out earplugs.
"Since you have highly trained hearing"He said putting them in my ears"You have to wear these."
"Okay,but if this is how normal people hear your guys hearing suks."
"Hey!"Soul said offended.
"Well it's true"I said shrugging.Then I duncked my head under the water for ten seconds.When i came back to the suface,eyes closed,I heard some splashing on my right.i ran as fast as I could in a pool to the derection of the splashing.I stumbled as i tried to catch who ever I was chasing.I tripped over something or someone and fell'Huh?My face isn't wet'I thought.I heard a wimperfrom underneath me.I opened my eyes to find Crona beneath me a pink tint to his cheeks.I froze,I was curently on top of Crona.
"C-can y-you please gett o-off o-of me"Crona stuttered,that got me out of my thinking.
"O-oh!Sorry!"I said cheeks red as i got off Crona.
"I think Crona owes you a kiss~!"Soul said laughing,which made me and Crona turn beat red.
"Shut up Soul"Maka said Maka chopping Soul.
_______________________________________________________________________Well here ya go~! another chapter! hope u ejoyed! i just love torcharing crona and sky its fun hehe *Evil grin lol sooo yeah when sou said i think he owes u a kiss thats wut my boyfriends bro said to me after he read my boyfriends txt message i wanted to kill him so badly but he like a little brother to so i couldnt do that Read and like~!

chapter 11

before i do this I want you to know that i messed up and this is her first day of school ignore the other chapter were i had here go to the school i was foolish and not as obsessed with soul eater then my apoligies
I am so exited!It's finally monday(it was friday when she first came )I finally get to go to class at the DWMA for the first time!
"You ready?"Maka asked from the other side of the bathroom door.
"More ready then ever~!"i said exidedly comming out of the bathroom.I wasn't kidding,I was never more readt for anything before.'Wait'I thought'What about my ears and tail?'That thought put my happieness down the drain.I put my ears down.
"What's wrong?"Maka asked.
"Do you have a jacket like that"I gestured towred her trench coat"With a hood?"
"No why?"
"My ears and tail!"I wailed despretly."Everyone will think i'm a freak!"I panicly said.
"It's alright"Maka said."You already got friends!"That was true I have Maka,Soul,Crona,Ragnarock(If you could even count him!XD lol),tsubaki,blackstar(him either lol)Kid,Liz,&Patty.
"Okay"I said with new found bravery.
"Can we please pick up Crona on are way to class?"
~At the DWMA~
"Do you think I can get a weapon soon?"I asked Maka.
"Probably,your verry copertive"maka replyed.
"Ahmm"I agreed in a humm.We walked into the gaint doors of the acadamy.Instantly I felt all eyes on me.I looked at the floor ears back and tail draging as I walked.
"Take a picture it'll last longer"Maka snapped at the people who where staring at me,which was pretty much everyone in the hallway.They imedetly went back to there buisness.
"Are we ganna get Crona now?"I asked hopefully,smiling with my ears up.
"yeah it's this way!"She said running ahead.
"Wait!"I shouted running after her.I finally caught up with her at Crona's door.I knocked lightly on Crona's door then opened it.
"Maka?"Crona asked in his shy timid voice.
"Nope~!it's me Sky!"
"O-oh,h-hi"He said timidly,slightly smiling.
"come on!"I said,holding out my hand.He took my hand and I pulled him up.He stumbled and praticly fell on me.(>*evil grin XD)I felt his lips press onto mine
(*Evin grin gets wider XD)'Oh my god!'I thought 'He's kissing me!'It took a momment for Crona to register what happened and when he did he basicly jumped five feet in the air and scurried into the emo corner.He started to rock back and forth.
"I'm sorry,i'm sorry,i'm sorry!"Crona repeated rapidly.maka stood in the door way frozen with shock standing beside Soul,who unfortanitly,showed up with Crona accidently kissed me.
"Wow Maka first you go run off without then start watching Sky make-out with her boyfriend.So uncool."
Maka and I both got really pissed at that comment.
"MAKA CHOP!!!"Maka slamed,what looked like a 600 page book,onto souls head.How he didn't pass out I don't know.I stomped up to him furous.
"Let's both be girls"I grinned evily.(Another evil grin hehe >XD)He gave me a confused look before I kneed him where the sun don't shine.That is when he finally passed out.(LOL XD)I walked back to Crona.
"It's okay Crona,I know it was just an accident."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes i'm sure"Crona shakily,I MEAN shakily,stood up.
"Come on!We don't wanna be late for class!"I said,Crona timidly following,while Maka was draging a uncounous Soul behind her.
I personally think this chapter is freaking halarous.>XD i was laughing so hard while I was typing this so yeah also Sky gets to meet stien next chapter! read and like~! hope you enjoyed~!

chapter 12


Texte: This is a fan ficytion i do not own any soul eater charecters! i only own sky and saki
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2012

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