

Hi. I'm Natalie. That's a picture of me BEFORE I was kidnapped by One Direction. Hard to believe right? Well, after you read my story, you'll probably be like "OH! YOU'RE SO LUCKY! YOU GOT KIDNAPPED NY ONE DIRECTION! OMG!" but trust me. I'm a tomboy. I like them but I'm not a huge... what do you call One Direction fans again? Oh yeah, Directioners. I'm not a huge directioner. I'm just a person who listens to their songs. Anyways, enough of me. On with the story.
Personality: Sarcastic, Tomboy, skater, athlete.
Likes: Kickboxing, soccer, contact sports, blue, green, Britain, skateboarding and snapbacks.
Dislikes: Parties, Drinking, Doing drugs, Drug addicts, girly girls, make up, dresses, players, jocks.


Hi! I'm Trish! A.K.A Natalie's best friend! I'm so excited to talk to you guys! Like, I didn't believe Nat's story either but when the special person out of 1D came to her house and kissed her, I was like "OMG! I can't breathe! OMG!" I almost fainted. Anyways, we should really start telling the story before Nat gets really pissed off and doesn't tell the story. BYE!
Personality: Optimistic, girly girl, athlete.
Likes: Cute guys, volleyball, badminton, make up, purple, pink, parties
Dislikes: drinking, doing drugs, drug addicts, wearing plaid skirts
Fave out of 1D: Harry!!!!!!!!!


Natalie POV:
Okay. So the story starts off like this:

It was a sunday and there was a party being held at J.J's. J.J was the school's most popular guy and obviously, he had invited, only "V.I.P" labeled people. Being invited to one of J.J's parties was a huge thing in our school. So once you got invited to one of his parties, people considered you temporarily "Popular". If you went to one of his parties, you were considered permanently "Popular." And after you went to one of his parties, J.J just had to invite you back because you were popular. But if he didn't invite you back, you were on Page 3 of the school newspaper for the next three weeks. It was publicity but bad publicity. Sure, you would get attention from a lot of the wannabe populars but after a while they would dump you. Then you would be categorized in the "Weird" people section somehow. So what this has to do with One Direction kidnapping me you'll find out soon.
Like always, J.J had invited me and Trish to his party. Not surprising. Trish and I never went to his parties. Trish had always badly wanted to go to one of his parties for "experience". I didn't believe that. So all Sunday long like any other, Trish was going to act like a baby all day. Sh was going to keep on frowning and slouching all around. For me, it was a pain in the butt. J.J would keep on messaging me, asking if I was going to come to his party. And I would always respond with "Nop. Sorry! I have other plans for tonight." With that, he would send me a picture of a dog with puppy dog eyes. I would ignore him after that. The second place popular guy was Dean. School's biggest player. He was the guy with the abs and everything. He had a huge popularity battle going on with J.J. The only reason they both kept on inviting Trish and I was because we were somehow labeled "Popular girls". I didn't even know the other popular high schoolers other than Dean and J.J. Then there was the "CIS" trio. They were the actual popular girls and hated Trish and me. So we hated them back. They were invited to Dean and J.J's parties but there wasn't much gossip of them. Everyone was after Dean and J.J those days. After Dean and J.J's parties, nobody really cared who went to who's parties.
Anyways, so we were invited to Dean's party and J.J's party. Trish wanted to go to Dean's and I said "Okay." I liked Dean way better than J.J. Way better. That day, my parents were holding a wine party at our house and I had the choice to stay locked up in my room or go get a place to stay the night. So I called Trish up-

Trish: That is not how you tell a story! It's so boring!
Natalie: I'm telling a story not a fairy tale!
Trish: You have no taste! Let me tell it!
Natalie: Okay.

Trish POV:
I sat down and groaned. I had nothing to wear to Dean's party! What if CIS was there? OMG! I would look like an epic fail. I fell onto my pink and purple bed. I stared up at the ceiling. It was 8 already. All the stores would be closed now. The mall was an hour away and I didn't have enough time. Great. Just great. My iPhone rang and I checked who it was. It was Nat. I hoped she hadn't changed her mind. Please god. I prayed before she picked up.
"Hey Trish."
"Listen, you know how we're going to Dean's party, um do you mind if we come back if there's drugs and stuff?"
I wrinkled my nose. I hate drugs. I tried ecstasy once and I ended up in the washroom for the next twelve days. I'm happy god saved me from becoming a drug addict.
"Trish?" asked Nat. I knew I had held a long pause.
"Yeah. We'll come back." I assured her.
"Great! Um, I'll be at your house around nine. Is it alright if we go out to the movies if we decide to come back?" I could hear the smile in her voice.
Nat: You could hear my smile in my voice? I wasn't even smiling! HAHAHA!
Trish: Shut up!

"Yeah! We can watch Gator Boy III! I heard it's really cheesy." I gossiped.
"Great! Um, I'm going to do something now. So, see ya later I guess."
The line went dead. I knew I had to wear something to the party so I just chose the best clothes I could find. ****Check the clothes out!!!! on next page!!!*****

Party Poopers

****above is what Trish is wearing!!!*******
Trish POV:
I walked down the stairs into the family room. My dad and my mom were upstairs talking to their business partners and I had no other siblings. I decided to watch TV until Nat arrived. As soon as I turned on the TV, the doorbell rang. Natalie has very bad timing.
Nat: I do not! I simply like coming at the wrong moment
Trish: And look where your bad timing took you!
Nat: Just continue with the story please.

So I walked towards the door and opened it. I saw Nat with her usual serious expression wearing clothes-
Nat: So you expected me to go naked to the party?
Trish: Forget it.
Nat: Forget what?

Dean's Paaaarrrrrrtttttttaaaaaaayyyyyyy

******Nat's wearing that********
Trish POV:
She was wearing her type of clothes and she seemed to look bored. "Are you coming or what?" she asked annoyed. I just grinned and closed the door behind me. We walked down the steps of my house and walked down the street towards Dean's house. Most of the students of our highschool lived in two neighborhoods. And Dean lived in the one that me and Nat lived in. He was only a couple of streets away from my house. So as we walked, I made convo with Nat.
"So are ye excited to go Dean's party tonight?" I asked. Nat looked at me smiled. "Not really but I'm going to give it a shot." she said. I knew she was only trying to be nice. She wasn't excited at all. "What if CIS is going to be there?" I asked worriedly. "Probably at J.J's tonight. They're always trying to create drama and J.J's place is the best." said Nat staring ahead. I tried imitate her looks. How does she keep a straight face all the time? I laughed. "What? Is there a sticky note on my back?" she asked spinning around trying to get a look at her back. That only made me laugh harder. "No, seriously. What?" she asked confused. "I'm laughing because I was thinking how you can keep a straight face like that all the time." I said turning around the corner towards Dean's house. I could see the lights flashing from inside. Nobody was in the front yard. Weird. I always thought that parties were extreme- not like this! As we got closer, I could hear people. When we were on the top steps, Nat mounted her skateboard against her leg and rang the doorbell. I could tell that it took a lot of bravery from her to ring the doorbell. Dean opened the door. He grinned from ear to ear when he saw us. He was permanently the school king now. "Hellllooooooooo." he said smiling and showing his pearly white teeth. Nat smiled and then went back to her serious expression. I knew it was my turn to do the talking. "Hey," I said. "Came to join us for the party?" he asked. "Baby, who is it?" said a girl's voice in the background. It was one of the CIS members. "Oh. It's them." the girl put a sour look on her face. "Trish. Natalie." she greeted us. Natalie shook her head again wearily. "What's your name again?" asked Nat suddenly bored again. "Sidney." growled the girl. "Whatever. I'm outta here." shrugged Natalie. She looked at me. "You can stay if you want. I don't mind". I hesitated and started after her but Dean caught my arm. "She said she doesn't mind." he said. I sighed. I had to choose some place and I was finally at Dean's doorstep. I........ *****read next chapter to find out her choice!*********

Nat's Big Surprise

chose to go to Dean's party. I knew I shouldn't have but I was just so desperate to go to it, and when Nat said she doesn't mind if I go, then what's the big prob? So I let Dean drag me in to his party, then into his arms, then onto his bed........
Trish: Okay. So now that's the only part I know in detail. It's up to you now, Nat! Don't fail me!
Nat: Okaaaayyyyy, but you never told me that you slept with him.
Trish: I admit it now, I slept with him, what's the big prob?
Nat: Didn't you get hurt or anything?
Trish: No. Actually, it was kinda fun. That guy really knows his moves.
Nat: So you've officially lost your v-card?
Trish: Twice actually.
Nat: WHAT! You slept with two guys?!
Trish: Nop. Slept with him twice.
Nat: When?!
Trish: the day when you were gone on a date with-
Nat: Don't say his name!
Trish: Why not?
Nat: I don't want my heart to skip a beat. It starts to hurt after a while....
Trish: Awwwwwww!
Nat: So are you dating Dean?
Trish: Yep.
Nat: But I haven't seen you guys holding hands or anything.
Trish: That's because school was over when you came back remember?
Nat: Oh yeah!
ring, ring, ring!
Nat: Who is it?
Trish: It's Dean. Listen I'll be right back. You keep on telling the story! Good Luck!
Nat: He's probably pregnant and breaking the news to her.

I skated down the road towards the arcade. I had a twenty dollar bill. It could last me the whole night if I'm lucky. I was kinda sad that Trish decided to go to the party. But that's alright. Everyone needed a break from their friends. I skated down the sidewalk when my axle wiggled. I stopped suddenly, causing myself to stumble. I stepped onto my skateboard and it flung up into my hands. I picked it up to examine the axle. When I tugged on it, it wiggled. My axle was loose. If I went riding on this into town, and my axle fooled me, it would make me look like a poser. And I am not a poser. It was going to take me another hour to reach town. And it was dark outside. The odds were in my favour. I started to walk slowly down the sidewalk. Everyone was probably gone to Dean or J.J's parties. I had no other choice to walk back home. There was a shortcut through the woods but I wasn't going to take it. I wasn't scared or anything. I just knew better than to go through the woods at night like other stupid teenagers. A pain shot up in my wisdom tooth. "Owwwwwwwwwww." I gripped my jaw. I was having another one of my major toothaches. I kneeled onto the ground. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" it was starting to kill me. *****comment if you've ever had major toothaches****** I thought I heard footsteps. I opened one of my eyes and looked up. I saw huge black, shiny shoes in front of me. I fell back and opened both of my eyes. It was a bodyguard. I looked around. There wasn't any limo around or any car. "Am I on private property?" I asked crab walking backwards. I bumped into something hard. I looked up to see another buff bodyguard. I stood up and I stepped on my skateboard and it flung up into my hand. Now four bodyguards were surrounding me from every corner. I totally forgot about my toothache. A bodyguard reached for me. I flung my skateboard at him. It him hard. He didn't even wince. My eyes widened. He reached for my skateboard in my hand. I kicked him in the place where the sun doesn't shine and he fell down. The others reached for me but I was running away quickly and I had a strong grip on my skateboard. I ran two miles into a new neighborhood where I've never been before. When I was sure they stopped following me, I stopped slowly looking around making sure that I wasn't being followed. I hugged my skateboard close to my chest. "I'm happy that you're okay!" I whispered to it. I loved my skateboard. The range rover on the side of the road lit to life. And you could never guess who was in it.

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

The four guys I was running from. They grinned except for the one who I kicked. He was mad. He was really, really, mad. He was so mad that- okay I think that's enough. I remembered I had my iPhone with me. I knew I should've used it earlier but c'mon! Everyone has some epic failure in them. I quickly unlocked it and started typing in Trish's number. I started running when I noticed that the four guys were opening the doors of the range rover. I called my mom but nobody picked up. I bumped into somebody. My vision was wobbly but I tried to make out the face. He had brown hair, dimples- curly brown hair and greenish blue eyes? Blue eyes I think? And then I fell into his arms.

I woke up shivering. My legs were really cold. My friggin' legs were really tired too. My bed wasn't as comfy as usual and my alarm clock didn't go off this morning. My horrible dream was so realistic- I could literally feel the pain and tiredness from it. My head throbbed and my eyes failed to open. I tried to feel Harbor, my dog around my feet but he wasn't there. Then, I remembered, he was at the animal hospital. I should be there right now. I stretched my legs slowly as pain shot up my legs. "Well, well, well. The princess is finally awake." said a Irish- British boy voice. I sat up shivering and rubbing my eyes to get used to the dim lighting in the room. Or should I use the word... I got nothing.

When my eyesight adjusted, I could make out two guys standing in front of me on the other side of the room. "Hmmm," said one of the boys. I still couldn't see who they were. The light lamp thingy was above my head and it didn't shine light all the way over to where they were standing.
"Where's Harry?" asked the Irish British voice to the other British voice. "I don't know. I thought Louis and Liam were gone to get them." responded the British voice. I swear I had heard their voices before. And the names Louis, Liam and Harry...... were these guys One Direction wannabes?
"I swear they were supposed to be here ten minutes ago!" said the Irish voice.
"Why does it matter?" said the British voice.
"It just ruined our entrance! You know in those movies where the bad guys are standing in the shadows and the girl tries to make out the faces but-" a door slamming cut of the Irish voice.
I heard heavy steps on stairs and then two figures appeared carrying a body. "WHY THE HELL ISN'T HARRY AWAKE YET?!" ask- shouted the British voice.
"Well, why don't you just ask him, Zayn?" said another, a bit higher pitched voice.
Okay, seriously. I had never seen such obsessed 1D guy fans before. Might as well take their pictures. But my phone wasn't in my pocket.
"WAKE UP HARRY!" shouted the so-called Zayn voice. It really sounded like him. And I thought he was the quiet guy of the band. Guess I was wrong. The so called Harry groaned and then shifted onto his side, then onto his other side, then eventually sitting up.
"Heyyyyyyy, who turned the lights off? I had them on when I went to sleep." said "Harry" sleepily. He yawned.
"You're late." they all said in unison. Well, except for poor "Harry". They really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really sounded like the actual One Direction. A thought buzzed by my head but I quickly mentally swatted the idea away. Was it actually One Direction?
"Harry" stood up lazily and they all noticed I was staring at them. Harry was facing the other way. "What? What are we looking at?" he asked confused looking from side to side.
One of the guys beside "Harry" turned him around. "OH! Hello there! Remember me? I'm the one who caught you when you fainted!" 'Harry' walked into the lighted area.
"HARRY! NO!" before the guys could stop him, Harry walked up all the way in front of me. The face that I saw horrified me. Well, more like shocked me to hell. Yea. I think I'm going to hell instead of heaven. Don't take me wrong- I don't pray for "him" or anything it's just that I can't deny the truth- I believe that I'm really mean and rude and I will go to hell because of that and other things. Anyways, back to his face.
Standing in front of me- was... a guy who had done plastic surgery to make his face look like Harry Styles.
"Harry's" eyes widened when I gave him wide eyes. "What? No! Don't be scared of me! I promise I won't do anything to you!" assured Harry. The guys awkwardly stood in the shadows. Harry followed my gaze to the other guys. "Don't worry. They won't hurt you either." said Harry. I crawled backwards against a wall. "S-s-so, y-you're t-the r-r-real Harrrr-rr-yyy....?" I asked him barely being able to get the words out. "Yeah! And those are the other guys. You might know Nia-" One of the guys cut off Harry. My stomach flip flopped over and over again like it were flip flops on deep sand, barely being able to walk through it. My heart was a professional acrobat. It flipped over and over again on a balance beam and then spun perfectly and continued flipping. Well, that's enough of career work of my body. Onto what they say.
"Harry! You messed up the plan!" said another British voice, one that I haven't heard yet.
"Plan? What plan? I don't remember any plan! What was the plan?" asked Harry with truly innocent puppy dog eyes. The voice huffed. I admit it. I really thought the guy in front of me was Harry. Harry Styles. THE HARRY STYLES! I've never thought I would be so excited to see Harry Styles. But I really thought it was him because only Harry could be so sweet.
"It's over guys. She knows who we are. Let's go. Besides she's not jumping over Harry like usual girls do." said the Irish voice. I knew who it was- Niall. THE NIALL HORAN! My body screamed in excitement. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! Wow... did I just say that. This was getting even more exciting by every second! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay. Need to relax. Inner feelings showing. Need to relax. Take in a deep breath, now breathe out. Okay. BUT THAT DOESN'T HEEEEEELLLLP
!!!!!!! Okay. Let tomboy mask take over, okay good. Feels better to be back in my skin.

There were a few footsteps and then a familiar cute face appeared. For a second, my soul left my body but I forcefully, mentally pulled it back in. Niall stood beside Harry with his arms crossed and smiling. "I thought I deserved a better reaction." he murmured. A voice sighed and there were more footsteps and another familiar cute face appeared. It was Louis. He joined Niall and Harry grinning. The other two hesitated.
"No need to hide now. She knows who we are anyways." said Louis. When the others didn't move. Niall went back into the shadows. He came back with Zayn. Zayn didn't say anything. So he WAS kind of the quiet one or maybe like me. I always feel awkward at reuniting moments. I knew the last one left. Liam. "I'm not coming out." he stated crossing his arms.
"Why not?" asked Harry.
"Because....because- I'm still wearing my pajamas. At that moment, I realized what everyone was wearing. Harry was wearing Heart and Cupid pajamas with a few moons on them too. He had bunny house slippers on. Instead of a matching Heart and Cupid pajama shirt, he was wearing a blank white t-shirt.
Niall, on the other hand was wearing a black t-shirt with white skinny jeans and the usual flappy high tops. Zayn was wearing what Zayn wears. No need to explain that. If you don't know, he's usually wearing varsity jackets and stuff. Louis was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt with matching toms. I thought I was going to faint at the moment.


Harry laughed at Liam. "W-w-why are you keeping me here?" I asked them. I could literally feel their thoughts drift back to me. "It's hard to understand..." said Harry slowly. "No. Not at all." interrupted Louis. Harry sent him a 'shut-the-hell-up-or-else-I'll-tell-everyone-you-wet-your-bed-yesterday' look. Louis immediately quieted down. Niall coughed. "This is awkward." he commented. You think this is awkward? Think how awkward is for me? Standing in front of a world famous boy band without my camera!

"I'll show you around the house!" Harry offered me a hand and I took it surprisingly and helped me stand up. I usually would've declined it and stood up myself. He let go of it slowly. Niall and the others stood there watching Harry and me. Zayn cleared his throat. "I'm going to go, um, play fifa." he stated leaving. "Me too." Niall added quickly following after Zayn. Louis stood there awkwardly with us. "Um, Liam are you still there? Do you want to go out and eat something?" asked Louis walking into the shadows. Somebody darted down the stairs. "I thought I heard the magic words 'eat something'." said Niall. Liam shrugged and smiled. "I'm Hungry too. Out for brunch today?" he asked looking around. Niall brightened a bit. "Yeah! The bad guy shadow thing made me hungry. Besides, I haven't ate for what? Like, two hours?" said Niall checking his empty wrist for his watch. I looked up from his watch to him. Niall hid his wrists behind his back. "So? What will it be? Nandos?" everyone just stood there awkwardly. "I was thinking of tacos." suggested Harry. "Pancakes please." shrugged Liam again. "I'd for anything." said Louis brightly, smiling, and looking at everyone's faces. "Corner Brunch?" suggested Niall solemnly. The three other boys shrugged and grunted in response. I was going to ask something like 'won't girls see you and like literally run over you and rip your clothes off and stuff?' but I kept my mouth shut. Harry looked down at me. "Would you like to join us?" he asked. No. I'm going to deny brunch with 1D. I'm so smart.

"Okay but as long as you explain to me why I'm here. Alright?" my guts exploded when I said the sentence without stammering. Harry's smile shrunk but he was still smiling like one of those overly kind and nice flight attendants. "Okay." he sounded dumbfounded and stupid when he said it but that's what made me laugh. I coughed out a bit of my laughter. I couldn't help but think that I was standing in front of four band members of One Direction. I imagined Trish here. She would probably hug the death out of Harry and then do suicide and then go hugging him in heaven again or something. I wonder if you can die or something in heaven again....
"While Liam gets ready and you guys tell Zayn, why don't I give Natalie a tour?" asked Harry. The other agreed and went up the stairs and us after them. The flight of stairs was short- 12 steps. When we reached the top and flung the door open, we entered a teenage dream.
The walls were painted lime green, yellow, sky blue, bright red and orange and the pattern continued all over the place. The area was open spaced. We were standing in the dining room where the basement door was located. To my left was the kitchen, to my right was a bottom level- the family or hangout room. There were a few steps to reach the bottom. The house was totally hardwood
The hangout room had matching bean bag chairs with the walls. Controllers and three nintendo 3DS' were sprawled on the ground. A TV took up the front wall. A lime green sofa was shoved against the left side of the room. Two glass ceiling-to-floor windows were also on the left side of the room but with the purple and lime green striped curtains drawn.
The kitchen was a whole different world. It was neat and tidy as kitchens should be. The counters were white and baby blue specked. Their was an island, too. The cupboards and shelves were painted a matching baby blue. The kitchen appliances were all white. The only thing that was visible in the kitchen was a newspaper on the island waiting to be read.
"C'mon! Let me show you your room." said Harry tugging on my hand, ever so gently. He lead me into the hangout room. "Sorry about the mess." he blushed. I forgot to notice a doorway that lead up a staircase. Harry looked so cute when he blushed. NO! NO! NO! No romantic thoughts Nat! Bad girl!
He walked into the doorway and he bounced up the stairs. The walls were painted blue and yellow. The carpet looked like it had never been stepped on- it was whiter than white. It surprised me that half of the house was hardwood and the other half was carpet. That's sick.
I followed a bit behind him. When we reached the top, it was amazing! There were six rooms. The doorways were huge! There were like three feet so you could see inside every room! ****The next few pages are pictures of the rooms, the person's room who's it is will be under it! Thanks for all your support!****

Liam's room

Liam's room!

Niall's Room

Niall's Room!!!

Louis room

Louis's room!!!

Zayn's room!

Zayn's room!!!

Harry's Room!

Harry's Bedroom!

Other Bedroom!

This is the other bedroom, the sixth one! Turn to the next chapter to keep reading!!!

Blush Like Crazy!

Harry grinned at the sight of me awed. "There's more!" he said in a sing song voice, leading me down a narrow hallway to the right. He opened the door. I expected to see a closet but there was another flight of stairs. God! How many staircases were there in this mansion! This could be a fire hazard! I was lead up into a small but functional room. No matter how small the room was, this room was way better than mine. Above the bed, the photos changed. To the right, was a washroom and I could see an open closet without a door in the mirror. "I know it's small but we had very little space to make this room." explained Harry. That wasn't surprising. With the size of this house, I knew he wasn't lying. "This is your room." he said blushing. My eyes widened at his words. I looked behind me and peered in the washroom to see if anybody was there. "Are you talking to me?

" I asked. He silently nodded. If this room was mine.... I'm speechless. I know it's not the best but what the hell! It's amazing and I'd trade my room for this crap anytime! It was wwwwwaaaaaaay better than my room and awesome. I've always wanted my room in an attic. I used to think it was cool to live on the top floor while everyone lives on the bottom floor. "You're kidding me, right?" I asked again. It was hard to take in that this room was mine. My guts went silver. My brain went gold. No, not cold but yes, gold. My body became platinum. I felt like I was worth a million dollars! Okay, maybe I was overreacting but c'mon! This room was mine!!! I wasn't missing home a bit! My back was still sore from sleeping on the ground from yesterday. This bed looked so comfy, it hurt me not to go lay in it. "Oh and lemme show you your clothes." Harry stepped into the bathroom and pulled something out from the closet. It was a bag. "Um, Eleanor went shopping and she didn't know your size so she guessed and bought these for you." explained Harry. For a second, I forgot who Eleanor was and then I remembered she was Louis's girlfriend. He handed me the shopping bag and I took it without a word. "Um, thanks." I said to Harry controlling myself into not slamming the door and taking a cozy shower and then going to sleep. "Um, we still have twenty five minutes. You can take a bath and stuff. You can come downstairs when you're ready." Harry was blushing like crazy.
"Okay." Harry awkwardly stood there for a few moments and then left. I blew out a breath. Something moved on my left. I turned around to see someone mimicking me. It was mirror. I studied myself in the mirror. My hair wasn't a beehive this morning and I was happy about that. Imagining myself with messed up hair in front of One Direction totally ruined the image. I closed the washroom door and undressed. I stepped into the shower remembering that I only had twenty five minutes to get ready and twenty five minutes was like giving me five hours to get ready. Yeah, I'm a fast dresser.
After I washed my hair and stuff, I stumbled out of the shower. I spotted a spotless white towel on the hanger waiting to be used. I dried myself quickly and wrapped it around me. I peered into the bag that Harry gave me. There was a new toothbrush, some clothes, perfume, deodorant and new dc's. I smiled. Eleanor had taste. I quickly brushed my teeth and smiled in the mirror. I was satisfied with my teeth.

Brunch With The Boys!

I pulled on the clothes and found a hair brush too. Wow. Eleanor was really prepared. I brushed my hair quickly but it took longer than usual since my hair was a bit scattered. I pulled on my beanie, my new socks and then my new shoes. I studied myself in the mirror for the first time since I can ever remember. Looking pretty in front of them, seemed....important for some reason. It just came naturally that I just had to look appealing. I picked up MY actual clothes and placed them into the hanger. I normally would've played a game of hanger ball instead of actually picking the clothes up and walking over to the hanger and putting them in. I was feeling... happy. Giddy is a more suitable feeling. I opened the door to find Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis sprawled on my bed playing on their 3DS's. I could hear the mario music in the background. They all laughed at the same time and then stopped suddenly. They were all focused on their gaming devices. I bit my lip. I turned off the washroom light. Harry looked up at me and then paused his game which made the others grumble. "Sorry 'bout that. Um, you'll be seeing a lot of that- hey! I just remembered that we have a game on hold at the game store!" remembered Harry. "Hey guys! Thought I'd find you here!" said a feminine voice behind me. It was British like everyone else's. I turned around to find a beautiful woman standing in the doorway. Zayn jumped up. "Adra!" he cried. The woman looked at me and smiled. "You must be Natalie. I'm Adreesa. But everyone calls me Adra." Adra put out her hand for me to shake. I smiled at her and shook it gently. I've heard my dad say "Adra" before. You see, I'm greek. Then it hit me! Adra meant beauty in greek.
*****Like it so far? So basically, I'm here to give a big call out to the most dedicated book rix user who is answering all my question and giving some feedback! And the name is Cabbabeach!


Texte: ME!
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: me
Übersetzung: me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.01.2013

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To One Direction

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