

Hi. I'm Jordyn. Hi Diary. I'm not writing in you because you're a diary where girls write and hide their secrets and all. I'm writing in you, so when I'm old and I have grand children (hopefully not!) I'll be able to laugh back at it and make fun of myself. Let's get one thing straight. I will vaporize if ANYONE reads this. So if I never write in you again... you'll know the reason.

I snapshot another picture for my homework. I love photography. Especially flash photography. It made the world look even more amazing. I look at the picture I took. It was the top of a ferris wheel on a cloudy day. Let me correct myself. It was a picture of an abandoned

ferris wheel on a cloudy day. I blow out a puff of smoke. It was chilly outside and I had jumped over the fence of a forgotten and abandoned carnival area. The ferris wheel was still up, the tents were up and the gates were still open. I wondered if a serial killer was lurking... I shrug the thought off and stretched my trench coat down. I skip to the picture I had took of my friend's lips yesterday. It was still there. I sighed. I had come up with an idea of taking a picture of multicolored lips. More like lipstick and my friend was my model. I walk back towards the gates but I freeze. "Perfect!" I say to no one. I can make make an album on the circus and their makeup. I turn around to take a picture of the top of one of the most untattered circus tent. I'm going to have to use flash photography to make these pictures look not only awesome but creepy, too. I wonder if I can somehow get a creepy clown frowning...

Creepy Clowns

"Ab-so-lute-ly not!" frowns my brother, Derek. I frown back at him. He plays on the football team at school and has a reputation. "I promise, I'll use flash photography and change your face!" I promise him desperately. He frowns at me again and gives me the cold eyes. I sigh and look down at my dinner. "What were you doing in that freak show, anyway?" he asks me attacking his lasagna. I sigh and don't respond. My mom and dad are seated each at the two ends of the table. They listen to us talk. "I'm asking you something, Jor." he tells me again. I know what he's thinking up. "Can you stop imagining such things!" I shout at him. "Me imagining? I'm only thinking about the truth." he screamed back at me. "There is no truth! I was gone to take pictures for my project!" I argue with him. He relaxes in his seat and attacks his lasagna again. I roll my eyes. I always for this. Derek knew how to get the truth and answers out of me. I force the lasagna down my throat. I badly wanted to go on the laptop to edit my photos. "So, hows football going at school?" asks my dad to Derek. Derek looks up at him. "Oh, great. I'm quarterback." answers my brother. I roll my eyes again. "How about you?" asks my dad to me. "Kickboxing is going fine. I need to buy a new mouth guard." I tell my dad. My dad nods at the both of us. He was way more into basketball. I try to create a conversation with him. "So hows basketball?" My dad jerks his head up from his dinner. He gives me that look saying I-thought-you-would-never-ask kind of look. He starts talking. I tune myself out while my dad and my brother argue over who's going to win and what the hell is wrong with the other team.

I climb onto the bus and I sit down into an empty seat in the mid section of the bus. I relax and look out the window. My brother takes his car with his girlfriend. I hate all of his girlfriends. At the fact, that they're all cheer leaders. I pull out my blackberry. I check my texts. The dance is coming up and I don't expect anyone to ask me out by the looks of things today. My hair is in a blue clip, I'm wearing a sky blue hoodie, with red jeans and neon green and grey nikes. My black leather jacket is on my arm and my blue Jansport is hooked on one shoulder. I'm not attractive or blonde. I'm olive skinned, have jet black hair and sea green eyes. The bus stops at another stop. Allison, my best friend climbs on. We're both tomboys and love to skateboard. I forgot to mention the skateboard in my lap. She sits down beside me. "So, hows it goin'" she asks me. "Great. You?" I say pushing my blackberry into my back pocket without checking my messages. Allison grins and pulls out her phone. She shows me a message from her crush, Danil. He was asking her out to the dance. "Cool story bro." I say. It was code for I don't really care but I'm happy for you in dude and broseph language. At the next stop, twenty kids climb on, including Johnathan, my broseph. He sits down at a seat across from us. He has a straight face as usual, but his strawberry blonde hair is hidden in his snapback and his diamond earring on his right ear is shining suspiciously. He looks at us and raises an eyebrow. I grin back at him. He shakes his head and turns his gaze back to his friends. My grin fades as we reach school. We're ten minutes early. I scramble down the bus with Allison on my heels. I have my jacket in one hand with my other hand holding my skateboard by the axle and my jansport bag slumped against my shoulder. I slump against the wall outside of the school. Allison was on her phone texting with her skateboard in her other hand. Johnathan walks past us into the school with his girlfriend Nikki wrapped tightly in his arms. I wave at Nikki, she waves back. I ignore Johnathan. "We should've gone to the ramps." regrets Allison. I nod in agreement with her. I check the time on my blackberry. It was five minutes before the bell rings. We both walk into the school. I checked my messages. It had five. One from Nikki, one from Derek, One from Allison, One from Johnathan, One from Mavis and one from my Tumblr. I start walking inside with Allison still on her phone. As I walk in, someone takes my clip off, causing a jet black hair avalanche. My hair tumbles onto my shoulder and my bangs make a small streak over my eye. I turn around to see who it is. It's Derrington. He smiles a crooked one side smile. Girls fall for it all the time. I reach for my clip. He jerks his hand away. I look at Allison. She's still on her phone. "You look way better with your hair open." he comments me. I put my hand out gesturing him to give back my clip. He shakes his head slightly. I cock my head to the right and to the left, then I stop. "Please." I add. Somebody calls Derrington and leaves throwing the clip at me. I catch it and walk down the hall towards the stairs. My locker was upstairs. Allison stops and starts talking to one of her friends. I keep on climbing up the stairs. I reach the top and walk slowly to my locker. I lean my skateboard against the locker beside me and turn to face my lock. I put in the combination and blast it open. My locker smells like nothing. On my rack, there's two emergency water bottles, one nike soccer ball, addidas gym bag. On the bottom, there's my history textbook and my essay on Avalanches for language. I push my skateboard in and hook my bag up on one of the hooks. I hang my jacket on the other hook. I turn my phone off and place onto the top rack. I pull my essay out from under my history textbook and take all my homework due today. I check my schedule. I have Spanish first. I walk down the stairs, past chatty Allison and past my brother and Derrington. I take a right and face the other football players walking down the hall. They expect me to walk past them through the side, instead I walk through them. They turn around to face me. I look back and keep on walking. Then, my heart skips a beat. In front of me, Zach Collins, from the football team and the basketball team and my chemistry partner walking towards me. I regain my consciousness and walk through him and his buddy. I don't bother to look back. Even though he was kinda cute, I loved getting on popular athletes' nerves.

Cafe Cuties

I join Allison at a table with Mavis sitting beside her. She looked nervous and frantic. Her brunette hair was straight as usual and falling down her shoulders. Her aqua eyes showed nervousness and fear. She was wearing a yellow cotton dress, with a white mini sweater, and yellow flats. She was still in spring mood even though winter had not even passed yet. I sat down with my pepsi. I wasn't in the mood to have lunch today. I sit down and take a sip of my pepsi. It tastes like... pepsi. Just what I need. I take another sip of my pepsi in silence. "I need your help, Jordyn." says Mavis quickly. I had to replay what just happened in my mind two times just to understand what she was saying. I gesture for her to go on. "There'sthisguyIwantto-" I stop her with a shake of my head. "No. Be calm. Relax. Think of something cool. Be cooooool." I tell her in a gypsy from the seventies voice. She takes a deep breath. "So, nobody has asked me to the dance yet." she tells me. I nod as if it was surprising but it wasn't. "There's this guy who... I want this guy to take me to the dance. But I don't know how to get him to." she says slowly while thinking. I nod and take another long sip of my pepsi. "I know how to solve your problem. It can be solved in three easy steps." Allison and Mavis lean in to hear what I'm going to say. "First, you must tell me whom you are talking about." I say in a gypsy voice. Mavis swallows a lump in her throat. "It's Gregory." she whispers. Allison shoots me a glare. I wink at her to tell her it's alright. Gregory was Allison's ex but Mavis didn't know about that. Gregory played on the basketball team and was a guy who was like any other popular guy. Period. "To progress in this mission, you must buy a pepsi. It will increase your excellence to blend in with the crowd." I told her. Mavis hesitated. She was on a diet. "How about diet pepsi?" she asks me. I shake my head."Pepsi. Only. It is the only way to attract attention to the one whom you...prefer." I struggled for the right word. After another moment of hesitation, she got up and walked to the vending machine. She came back with a pepsi like mine. "Good." I said. "Now, Allison, give me the details." Mavis was not smart enough to ask why I was telling Allison to give us the details. "He loves root beer and pepsi." Allison rolled her eyes while she gave us the very important detail. "And using my how to attract boys power, I know how to get him to like you and take you to the dance but..." I tapped my chin to think how long it would Gregory to notice Mavis. "But What?" asked Mavis impatiently. "But, it's more complicated than I thought so. Meaning, there's more than three steps." I notified her. She looked at me then Allison and then shrugged. "What's the first step?" she asked us. I looked at Allison and then she looked at me. I took a deep breath. "First, we have to make you stand out." I admitted. Mavis looked baffled. "What? Stand out? Don't I already?" she asked getting up and twirling her yellow dress. "You do but you have to stand out in a different perspective. Besides, you will look great after the makeover." insisted Allison pulling Mavis to sit down. I had never actually done match making. I was just playing along and maybe doing something for a change. "I'll text you to tell you when to meet us." I instructed her. She grinned, got up and did her little happy dance. "Do that again and I'll rip your throat off." threatened Allison when Mavis hugged her. I moved away when she hugged me. "You guys are the best! Anyways, I have to go talk to Lilly about something. Ta-ta!" she picked up her golden coach purse (and her pepsi) and trotted away towards her "friends". Allison and me exhaled our breaths. The only reason we were being so nice to her was because she had lend her brother's axles to us when our axles broke off on our skateboards on the day of the competition. I took another sip of my pepsi. Allison looked at me.
"Why does she have to fall for him?"
"I dunno."
I looked around to see the football players walk into the room. I notice Zach Collins walking in with them. I look away. Allison snickers at me. "Admit it. You sooooo like him!" boasted Allison. I shook my head coolly. I hoped it covered my blushing cheeks. "Who?" I ask casually looking up as I would have if I didn't like anybody. "him!

" I roll my eyes wondering who him was. "I don't know anybody named him." I lied. I specifically knew who she was talking about. "Of course you don't! You ob-vios-ly don't know your own Chem partner's name!" laughed Allison. "Allison! You obviously had a crush, too but I'm not crushing, you see." I huffed. "You're right." agreed Allison. I relaxed in my seat. "You're mega crushing!" she cried. I felt my face burn. Johnathan, Derrington, Cam and Nikki joined us at our table. "I hear crush talk." says Derrington sitting down beside me. I plead with eye contact while I look at her. She nods. "Yeah, there's this girl who's mega crushing on Zach Collins." explained Allison. She wasn't lying. "Zach, my man!" greets Derrington when perfect Zach Collins walks towards to our table. I hide all my feelings and think about everything that could be boring in life. Allison shoots me a look saying: If you're not crushing on him... prove it!

I almost stuck my tongue out at her. "Hey, Jordyn." greets Zach to me. "Oh, hey Zach." I greet him back. I feel like giggling and hiding under a pillow to ease all the giggles and girliness. "I came because I heard my name." smiles Zach running a hand through his beautiful blonde hair. He was particularly looking at me. I felt the wave of shyness and girliness wave over me. I endure the embarrassment. Allison shoots me another look. I blush a little. Zach sits down beside me. His very presence makes me scream. In a good way. That's how I feel. My feelings explained in one sentence. "Oh, there's this girl who's mega crushing on you." explained Allison giddily. I feel ants run up my pants. "Mega crushing on me?" Zach emphasized the word me.

I feel like yanking out my hair. He was doing his specialty. The Flirt Rush. I've seen him do it with the cheerleaders before and some other girls. I personally would faint of it. "And who's this mega crusher?" he asks showing his perfect white, sparkling teeth. Now, I feel like screaming into a pillow. "It's a girl in grade ten." I lie. Zach frowns. Then he smiles again. At me. I feel like I'm having a sugar rush. It's like Zach's my charger. "Is she hot?" he asks smirking. "Oh yes, very!" nods Allison. I shoot her look. She smiles promising not to give my name or any hint indicating that I was the mega crusher which I clearly wasn't. "Then why haven't I met her?" questions Zach leaning in on the table towards Allison. She frowns and quickly thinks up something. "You probably didn't notice her because she's not what she looks like on the outside of what she is on the inside." answered Allison quickly. Zach didn't understand. He frowned. Even his frown was perfect. "What I mean is, that she's hot but hides it with her personality and she pretends she's not and you probably didn't notice her because you didn't think she was hot." re-explained Allison. Her hints were starting to get closer to me. But I clearly aren't hot...right? Zach understood. He smirked again. "Do you happen to know her name?" I almost gasp and cover it with a cough. Allison is not a liar. She swore not to ever lie on her skateboard. "Um, her name?" asks Allison gaping at her blouse's collar. Zach nods sheepishly. Now I feel like taking the pillow and whacking Allison's head with it. "I can't tell you the name. You see, I kinda promised her that I won't tell her name to anybody cause she no want to be on top of the number one rumor chart." said Allison. I thanked Allison with two blinks of my eye. She blinks three times back meaning Don't Mention It. Zach sighs and snickers. "Well, if she walks around any time, introduce me to her." he winks at me. I nod and smile. I've got my feelings under control now. " Zach iz just excited ta add her ta his fan list brace yo'self foo'!" laughs out Cam. Everyone laughs including me. Zach rolls his eyes. "Yo At least ah gots uh fan list unlike you and git Sheniquah's ass back ova' heeah." throws back Zach. Everyone laughs and looks at Cam. Cam laughs too. "Yo Somebody's rude you know das right!" argued Cam. "Yo ah'm just trying ta protect muh motha fuckin reputation brudda! don't make me shank ya!" threatened Zach. Everyone made an ooooohhh. Cam smiled. "Yo you nuttin' compared ta me in black slang sho 'nuff!" Zach snickered and ran a hand through his hair. His blue eyes were showing a very competitive mood. "Jocking my mood, man. Leave it be. I just teasing ya'." laughed Zach but from the corner of his eye, he was looking at me. I looked down at my pepsi. "Anyways, man. I gotta get back at the table. See ya' later." he said to me. I smiled at him. He walked away with a stride that only a greek god can have. I wish I could do that.


I walked into Chem class. I sat at my usual seat and stared at the board. I wanted my dad to pick me up already. At 4:00 my kickboxing match was starting and I had to be there at 3:40. The ring was far away and it took about a half an hour. Students pile in and greet me. I smile back at all of them and say "hi". Zach comes in laughing and a lipstick mark on his cheek. He sprawls onto the seat beside me. "Yo." he said loudly looking at me. "Hey." I say back. "Um, do you know there's a mark on your cheek." I tell him. He smirks at me. "I knoooowww. Like, everybody's jealous!" Zach mimics a girl's voice. I look at the clock. It's a half an hour before dad picks me up. Just 30 minutes more of hot but annoying behavior from Zach. I look down at my feet. I'll have to clean my sneakers after the match. "You look excited." observes Zach. "I am. My kickboxing match is today." I tell him. He nods and chugs down a can of Canada Dry Ginger ale. He burps loudly. He is very loud. He looks at me expecting me to run away or something. I just shake my head. The bell rings and Mr. Cabos or everyone likes to call him Mr. Cabbage (He doesn't mind) walks in. "Good Afternoon, students." he greets us stacking ten more files on top of twenty other ones. "Good Afternoon, Mr. Cabos." all the students say in a typical bored student voice. "Alright, students. Today we will be studying the structure of an atom." He writes down ATOM on the board with a circle beside it. "Alright then. Let's begin. Mr. Collins, please structure the atom." Mr. Cabos passes the chalk to Zach. Zach gets up and walks down to the board. He turns his back to the class and covers the atom so no one can see it. After thirty seconds he turns around to show off his handy work. Everyone laughs including me. In the middle of the atom he has a huge question mark in the middle and he has lines pointing outwards of the atom labeled with question marks. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. Zach sits back down beside me. "Your diagram is very... it explains your feelings and your understanding about the structure of the atom." comments Mr. Cabos. Zach nods proudly. "Though, it is very offensive. Take this as a warning, Mr.Collins." adds Mr. Cabos. Zach's perfect smile changed into a perfect frown. I was wondering how the transition from the smile to the frown was perfect. "So, who else has the of the structure of atoms as Mr. Collins?" asks Mr. Cabos. Hands shot up into the air. I keep my hand down. The phone rings. "Mr.Cabos here. hmm?.... umhmmm.... of course, why not?....alright then....I'll send her right down. Bye." Mr.Cabos placed the phone back into its place. "Ms.Parker, your father is here to pick you up for your match, am I right?" smiles Mr. Cabos. I nod. I wonder how he remembers everyone's last names. I can barely remember somebody's first name. "You may leave." he hands me a worksheet when I walk out the room. I walk down the huge hallway towards my locker. I put my chemistry textbook on the ground and open the locker. "Well, well, well. What a coincidence!" somebody says from the other end of the hallway. It's Johnathan. I never knew that Johnathan knew the word coincidence. I pull open my lock and crank my locker open. Johnathan leans against the locker next to mine. "Looks like you're leaving." he winks at me. I don't respond back or even look at him. When Johnathan was talking, always stay quiet. When Johnathan talked, it was a flash of words going on forever. I pull out my jansport bag and stuff my homework in. I catch a glimpse of Johnathan pulling something out of my locker. I look up. He's holding my soccer ball and bouncing it on his hand. I stab him on his toe with my textbook and gesture to give it back. He frowns and throws the ball at my head. It bounces off my face. I put my hand on my nose where the ball hit me hard. I huff. He laughs. I get up. He laughs. I smack him. He frowns. I smack him again. He rubs his arm. I go for the ball. He goes for me. I push him back. He grins and walks away from where he came from. I pick up the ball and push it back into my locker. I grab my bag, jacket, skateboard and hurry towards the stairs. I hear voices behind me. Probably more losers. Johnathan was getting payback tomorrow morning. I rush don the stairs towards the front office on the other side of the school. A teacher stops me midway. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" he asks me. It was Mr. Bernards. Pronounced Ernards. The B was silent. "I think I'm going to the office." I tell him shrugging. "You're a slacker. I can tell by your figure and your speech." he added completely ignoring what I just said. I sigh. "Look, my dad's waiting for me. I really gotta go." I repeated what I said in different words. Mr. Bernards eyed me. "I'll trust ye dis time. I see you again, you'll be doing laps for me." he threatens. I nod and act a bit scared. I walk away and jog when I round the corner. He calls after me but I run anyways until I reach the office. My dad was waiting for me, sitting awkwardly in front of the office. I hurry past him and sign out. I sit down next to him a wooden chair that some kid probably built for a wood workshop project. It could use a cushion. My dad was staring at his phone texting someone named Pablo. I tap him on the shoulder. He looks up surprised and smiles when he sees me. We both get up and walk towards the car.When I reach the car, I'm surprised to see a man sitting in the front seat. He had fair hair and two different colored eyes. His right eye was steel gray and the other was ice blue like Zach's. He smiles at me. I feel unsafe around him for some reason. Maybe even fear. He steps out of the car and shakes my hand. I shake it back uncomfortably. "Hello, I'm Pablo. Your manager." My mouth drops open. I have a manager? Even if I did, it surely wouldn't be this guy! Never! I shoot dad a look. He smiles at me. "You got me a manager?" I hiss coldly through my teeth. My dad smiles unwillingly at me. It looks as if he were under some trance. I'm starting to have doubts about this so called Pablo.

Not Cool, man!

I moved my mouth guard around with my tongue. I sat at the stadium with many people. Probably families. I wanted to get this all over with. Now. I watched a girl take a blw right in the face and smash into the jail in front of me. She crumpled to the ground slowly. She banged her hand on the ring three times. A huge crowd of fans cheered. I blew out a breath. The last match I had played, was fun. I won it but I had doubts about this girl. One of the helping volunteers opened the jail door for me. I wondered where Pablo was. I stepped onto the ring. The girl stared coldly at me. On the screen above the cheering fans, it said Taliyanna vs. Jordyn! I gulped. I didn't like the sound of that. I smiled showing my blue mouth guard. She looked at me as if she wanted to rip out lungs with my mouth guard. The referee stood between us. I got in position. The bell rang. The crowd cheered. "Tal-i-yan-na!" half of them screamed. "Jor-dyn! Jor-dyn! Jor-dyn! Jor-dyn!" I kept my distance from her and my eyes on her too. She reminded me of Pablo. She took the first move. She kicked right at my face. I dodged under her and kicked her balancing leg. She fell. I got up and kicked her in the stomach. The crowd oooohed but they still kept cheering. I went for it again. She caught my foot and slammed me onto the other side. She got up and still not let going of my leg, twisted it. I kept myself quiet from reacting. I balanced myself up on one leg when she was laughing and kicked her in the balls with my balanced leg. I didn't know it worked on girls too. She moved away from me and I got up. I ran for her but she was faking it. I flipped over her and dodged her hands. She got up. Now, the real fight would start. I got ready and so did she. I rounded my hand and went for the basic move, the hook. I went for her face quickly and it hit her. But she kicked me in my stomach. There were a few black spots in front of eyes but that didn't stop her. She went for my stomach. I dodged and jabbed her in the stomach. She groaned but didn't fall to the ground. She landed on top of me in a half of a second. She sat on top of my stomach, pulling my leg. "I play soccer, dude. Not going to work. I punched her in the back of her head real hard and kicked her backwards in her stomach at the same time. She made an "OH!" at the second when the impact hit her. I pushed her off of me. That was disgusting! Girl on top of girl. I shuddered. That was just gay. She got up struggling. When she looked up at me, she had blood dabbed on the side of her mouth. Probably hit her too hard. If I win this game, I'll be the winner of the Part A division. She snarled in anger. She ran towards me. Bad idea. That's like asking sugar from a lion and you're a zebra with a broken leg. I did the famous rising knee strike. My legs were too fast for her. It hit her in the face followed with a loud battle cry from me. I had hit her with my twisted leg. I stumbled a bit as she fell to the ground. She thumped her hand on the ground two times. I waited for the third. She hit the third one softly. I realized that I was breathing hard and my twisted leg was a bit blue. I fell to the ground. My leg was starting to kill me. I looked around for my manager and my dad. If Pablo and dad had stranded me here, I was going to scream and rip all my hair out. If I was old enough or Alcohol wasn't a drug, I would've drank it by now. The door opener guy helped me up onto my feet- foot. I pretended to be fine. "Tanksh." I said with my mouth guard on my top teeth. I had just won the Junior Lightweight Kickboxing Championship and knock out a twelfth grader. I hoped.

Diary Time.

DEAR Delirious DIARY,
I am the official winner of the YEARLY JUNIOR LIGHTWEIGHT KICKBOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS. SO HAPPY. REALLY REALLY HAPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY! Anyways, I still haven't been asked out to the dance yet... like the past three years. So.... I guess I'm staying home like last year or I might go to the movies... alone. My second place trophy from last year's kickboxing championship was mocking me until Thursday. I moved my second place trophy a bit to the side and placed my new first place golden one in it's place. My dad says it shows my improvement but I like thinking that the improved in being awesome. ;) So, my mom's been quiet for the past days now. Usually she's very outgoing and stuff, but something's going on and nobody's telling me or Derek. My English teacher is harsh since Thursday, when I told him I won the championships. He looked disappointed but took his anger out on me by giving me extra homework. I wonder what got into him. Like, who gives homework now? That was so yesterday! Kidding. That reminds me of Allen Young Walker. A music journalist or something. He's our temporary teacher for this semester. That's fine with me. He makes us study pop hit music and listen to other music, too. He does the history of instruments and everything in between but he says he has to because the school board forces him but he doesn't want to. It surprises me that the school board had enough money to hire a music journalist. Weird. Some new kids in my chemistry class were placed with new ones... including Zach. I want to cry when I think about it. Like, that was my only way to catch his attention and actually talk to him without stammering. My new lab partner, Wayne Evans, is a weirdo. He has the looks and all but barely talks to anybody. Something tells me he's like Johnathan. Anyways, I gotta go now. I smell something burning. TTYL! Maybe more like WIYL. Write in you later! BYE!

Among the Betrayed

I slid into a seat next to Washina Long Legs. Her real name was Washina Williams but everybody called her Washina Long legs because of her thin, long legs. She had a sour face and brunette dyed hair. People said her hair was flaxen blonde but she wanted to blend in so she dyed her hair brunette which was fine with me. I didn't really care. She tilted her sour head to look at me. I stared back at her. "What do you want?" she said in a high pitched voice. She chewed her sour gummy worms with her mouth open. I slid a bit away from her, making the distance. She eyed me with her four eyes. When I didn't respond. She pushed her brown zebra glasses onto the bridge of her nose with her middle finger. I noticed that she had a scab marking on her wrist where her baggy sweater didn't cover her skin. She flipped her wrist over and shoved her hands in her sweater's pockets, hiding her skin. "Um, listen. You're..." I pursed my lips. My dad was always on my case. Washina batted her purple eyelashes violently but mostly impatiently. What was I supposed to ask her? Hey, Washina, you do drugs? Who's your dealer? Thanks,for the dealer, I want some too? What if she doesn't answer? What should I say? You're under arrest? What if she asks for my badge? I'm an undercover cop?! My dad always had to send me to go find trouble. Like, c'mon! Everybody knew that my dad was the head chief of our city. That's probably why nobody's picked on me since I was in kindergarten. I get up and ignore the glares that the punks sitting with her are giving me. I noticed that they looked... high. Some of them were laughing for no reason at all. "Never mind. I'll ask you later." I tell her and walk back towards my lunch table. I wipe all the germs on Allison. She looks at me and continues talking to Thomas Cooper. The new kid in my English class. Why were there new kids in my class? Only mine. "Alright, then. See you around." Thomas got up and left the table leaving a sighing Allison. One of the girly things about her was that she was obsessed with some boys. I wanted to go home and apply more RUB: COLD to my foot. It was hurting and I had to limp when I walked. "He's so dreamy." whispered Allison. "He's so delirious." I lied. He was actually cute but not as hot as Zach. No

guy except Zach could be at that level. "I'm going to the washroom. I've got to add him to the Dibs list in the third stall." decided Allison. I handed her my permanent marker. She took it gleefully and skipped away like a six-year old. I wondered what I should do. The last time I went to the washroom was when my dad thought they were dealing drugs in the girls bathroom. Which turned out to be, they weren't but that's a whole different story. I wanted the sun to disappear and storm clouds to roll on so I could take a better picture of the freak show for my photography project. I pulled out my phone and checked for new messages. Derrington, Cam, Johnathan, Nikki and Zach sat down at my table. I frowned at them. When could a tomboy have some time to herself? I slipped my blackberry into my hoodie's pocket. "Hi." I greeted everyone. Zach looked uncomfortable but he flashed back a gorgeous smile at me. I had my feelings under control. So far. "There's this guy who's wanted to go to the dance with you, for like three years but was never brave enough to ask you out." laughed Nikki. I raised my eyebrows at her. A guy who wanted to go with me? Impossible. Kapeesh. Even grim Johnathan seemed to smile. Derrington and Cam grinned like they had won the best skateboarder of the year award. I shook my head. "Impossible. Totally impossible." I denied. "Check your phone." Nikki told me. I pulled it out. Everybody leaned over to look at it. I pressed my phone against my chest. "No way you guys are getting a look at this." I stated. Nikki smiled. "The only way you can see my messages is you guys will have to murder me first." I added. They all shrugged as if it were no big deal. I frowned. The lunch bell rang, dismissing our conversation. I got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I walked at a fast pace so none of them could catch up with me. My foot was killing me but it was worth it. I wonder how girls talk about guys asking them out. I'm clearly not into that stuff. I shuddered. I hate the feeling of embarrassment. It feels like I'm being harassed. I pulled out my homework and text book for geometry. I locked my locker and walked into my class which is in front of my locker. I sighed again. I don't see any of my classroom buddies. They're all new kids. Why am I not being changed? I recognize a exchange student from Norway. "Hey, Niklas." I greeted him. He looks up and smiles. Niklas was Norway for Nicholas. I decided to call him Niklas even though he preferred being called being called by his american name. He was reading Among The Betrayed by Maragaret Peterson Haddix. I don't know how, but I had a feeling I was among the betrayed. For no reason at all. I smiled.

I Promise

Damned, Doomed, Drastic, Dreadful, Dreamy.
I feel damned.
I feel damned because I got a C+ on my English test.
I feel doomed.
I feel doomed because my parents are going to kill me.
I feel drastic.
I feel drastic because I have never gotten a C+ BEFORE.
I feel dreadful.
I feel dreadful because I want to go on the ramps but I'm having detention.
I feel dreamy
I feel dreamy because I'm dreaming about Zach Collins.
I scribble on a piece of paper. We have to write I'm Sorry Mr.Loviage. three hundred times in total. He's my English teacher. He used to be the best teacher ever. Until I told him about my kickboxing match. I'm done writing I'm Sorry Mr.Loviage all over a piece of paper three hundred times so I'm pretending to study for a quiz next week. Mr.Loviage's kitchen timer rings. I hand him my apology letter. I wrote an apology letter on the back of the sheet where I wrote the I'm Sorry Mr.Loviage three hundred times. He snatches my work away from me like all the others in detention. He walks back to his desk and carefully placed each one into the paper shredding machine. I stare at all my work going to waste. Wow. That's all it takes to shred someone's apology letter? Stringy. "You are dismissed." he huffs. I wonder how he managed to huff all the time. I get up and walk out of the classroom. I go down the stairwell and take a right at the sixth corner. I walk quickly towards the main entrance. Great. Mom's probably at home in her room and completely silent, ignoring what's going on outside in the world and totally lost in her thoughts. I walk out into the cold November air. It's a perfect day to go down to the freak show. I mean circus. I pull out my camera. It's fully charged and ready to shoot. I place it back into my bag and put my skateboard on the ground and ride away, towards Annie's Blue Moon Cafe. I stop my skateboard and decide to go towards Trust-Trust Cafe, Fast-food palace and Bar. I skate down Main Central of our city, Troy. Reminds me of High School Musical. And Camp Rock. Heh heh heh heh. Don't get it? Never mind! I stop and lift up my board when I reach the corner of Goretti Central. I smile at the never changed but renewed 1955 top of Trust-Trust Cafe/ Fast-food palace/ Bar/ whatever. I pull the door wide open and clamber in. All the highschoolers are in, today. I remember! It's Friday and it's after school. Makes sense. I look around for somewhere to sit or something but all the space is occupied. I see Zach in the corner with his friends laughing. He was looking at me. I'm not staying here for sure. I open the door and step back out into the cold air. I think I'm better off at International Pizza across the street. I cross the street and open the door. I step into pizza smelling warmth. I inhale the smell like a drug. Okay, maybe not. That's just a bit off. There's not many people here and I like that. The tables are white and the ceiling is nice and high off my head. The hanging yellow flower lights and pot lights from the ceiling make it look professional. The creamy painted walls make me feel bright and creative. Which is what I just need. I step up to the counter and order a slice of Italian cheese pizza. This place is also awesome because it has all kinds of recipes from countries. I'll probably eat Greek pizza next time. "That'll be three dollars and forty-five cents." says the cashier. I hand her five bucks. "The change is your tip." I tell her when she hands me back the change. She whispers a thank you and shoves it into her pocket. She handed me my Italian pizza and helps another customer. I sit down into a comfy blue couch and place my pizza in front of me. I take a bite and feel recharged again. Pizza is my charger. The door opens, blasting cold air in like an AC on -80 degrees. Zach was standing in the doorway like a superhero. More like superhuman. They both made Zach look bad. Zach smiled at the sight of me. He joins me in the corner. "Waz up?" he asks me settling into his black recliner. I smile at him and take another bite into my pizza. He took my other slice and studies it for a while. He wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Yo, you like Italian pizza?" he asks me astonished. I nod. Who didn't? No. It was a pretend question. One for me to answer/ argue. "Why don'tcha eva talk?" he asks me. I shrug. "Why are so annoying?" I throw back. He looked hurt for half a second and then grinned. "Yo Do you gots uh date fo' da get5 jiggy wit i tomorrow? what the fuck sup now?" he says annoyed when I don't respond. I hate it when people talk like pimps or gangstas. Dat's right, gangsta. Not gangster. "I don't like it when people talk like gangstas." I nag at him. He frowns then smiles. "It's hard te- to keep ye-you happy, ye-you know." stammered out Zach. I smile. It's cute when he tries to talk properly. "Yes. Yes I know that it's hard to keep me happy." Zach tilted his head to look at me. "You get my text, yet?" he asks me. Woah, Zach is very annoying. "I dunno. I wasn't able to check my messages for like three days." I say pulling out my phone and checking my messages. Zach starts looking uncomfortable again. I look at my message from Zach. I read it and my mouth go's dry. "You're kidding me. You're lying. You already have a girlfriend." I tell him. He narrows his eyes at me. "No. Never did. Was to good for dem-them." Zach corrects himself. "Just promise me that you're not lying." I say.
"I promise."

Diary Time#2

Dear Dimwitted Diary,
Today is Sunday. Yesterday was a blast. I had lotta fun. Zach even taught me how to talk like a pimp. I figured that if he can't learn to talk like proper english, I'll just learn how to talk like a pimp. I'm not saying he's a pimp. Or his language. He's toooooooo cute for it. Anyways, my mom stopped crying and getting lost in her thoughts. She's starting to pay attention again. Like opening the door when I ring the doorbell. I'm going back to the freak show to take pictures today. It's perfect weather. Looks like it's going to be a heavy lightning storm later on. Soooooo, see you later. There's not much going on today, anyways.
The doorbell rang and I went downstairs to open the door. It was Zach. He was probably visiting Derek. "I'll get Derek." I tell him. "Wait!" he stops me midway up the stairs. "I'm here to see you." he blushes. I pull him inside and close the door behind him. I drag him upstairs into my room. "Yo nice place in the hood." he comments before crashing onto my bed. Uh oh. I forgot to put my diary away. Zach's eyes rest on it. He reach's for it. I grab it first. He grins. He knows it's a diary. I take a step back. "Yeah. This isn't what you think it is. It's a journal for-um health class." I lie. "Yo You don' take healf class. It's not on your tyme table." he notices looking at my time table pinned onto a mini billboard I have in my room. He flashes a grin back at me. "It's a diary!" he cries. He pulls it out of my hands rapidly and flips through the pages. "NO!" I cry. I land on him and I take the diary. I get up to run but Zach grabs me by the waist. He pulls me down and tries to take it out of my hand. Instead, he pulls me up. I have a tight grasp on the diary. I had made a promise to myself. Nobody can read my diary until I'm fifty. If I die younger, I'll haunt whoever tries to read the diary. Even if it has to be Zach. He laughs and rips the diary out of my hands. We tumble around while I try to grab the diary and Zach keeps it away from me. I finally take Zach under. We end up with me sitting on top of Zach's chest and his arms pinned down with my arms. He had the diary in one of his hands. Zach snickered. If I let go of his arm, and reach for the diary, he'll obviously overpower me. But he'll also overpower me if I stay in this position too long. Too late. he overpowers me with his arms, throws the diary on the ground and pulls me into his arms. "Forget the diary,*He won't!* the real reason I was here because I wanted to do this." he talked a full sentence without talking like a pimp. I sit there in his lap, awkwardly. His blue eyes crying for attention. His blonde hair is like the usual but more flippy looking today. His looks are to die for. Only god deserves such a beautiful thing. I don't mean that Zach should die and god gets him but he's just so...ahhhh*sigh*. I'm starting to feel self-conscious the way he's looking at me. "Are you done checking me out?" he asks laughing. I push away from him. What was I thinking for a second? Kissing him? Ughh. I'm starting to become demented like other girls. "I was not checking you out. I don't check anyone out." I throw back at him and it was true. "That makes you a hater." Zach points out picking something up off the ground. I realize it's a teddy bear. My teddy bear that I built at Build a Bear or something like that. Zach laughs at what my teddy bear's wearing. What's wrong with biker clothes? "Can you get me some water?" asks Zach innocently. I give him a suspicious look. Zach giggles. He puts his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. Relax, babe. I'll come with ye if ye don't trust me." he said getting up. "I'm not your babe, Zach." I say correcting him. Zach gives me the Slender Man look. "Yes you are. I'm going to call you that from now on. Babe." he adds. I roll my eyes. "Go bother Derek or somebody." I say with a wave of my hand. "Okay. Babe." he laughs. I give him the Slender Man look. "Everyone will think that I'm close to you or something." I say turning around and heading towards the bathroom. I bend down and pick up a pair of boxing shorts. "Nice ass. Can I squeeze it?" asks Zach to me. "No." I respond picking up my other clothes and shooting them into my laundry basket. "Please?" Zach pleads. I shake my head. "Would you do it for my massive erection?" he asks. "No." I repeat. "You're such a virgin." he tries to insult me but I shrug. It's true. Having *** it disgusting and demented. Only dorky high schoolers have it. Excluding Zach. "You're the only girl who makes me have an erection ye know. You get my attention." Zach pouts.
"I get it all the time anyways." I smile.
Zach curses under his breath.
"Well, not anymore. Where's Derek? You're boring me." Zach yawns.
"And giving you a massive erection." I add.
Zach mutters something under his breath but I can't make out the words.
"See you later. Babe. I gotta go solve the problem in my pants." he winks at me. "Though I could just stay here..." Zach smiles wickedly. I shake my head. "I'd rather you leave then stay and solve the problem in your pants here with me." I say walking towards the door of my room. Zach pushes the door closed with me against it. "Ooooh, that was easy. Now what I gotta do? Jus take you to bed or some'" I try to push him away but he's too strong for me. I guess this is why I never win any of my brother and I's arm wrestling match. "I'm serious Zach. Get the eff off of me!" I try to body check him off but he just laughs. "Rude much?"
"Flirty much? Go do this to some other chick." I roll my eyes.
"So you consider yourself a chick." Zach raises his eyebrows.
"No. I consider myself a nobody."
"Lemme guess, you don't want to have sex with me because you like some other guy?"
"No. I don't like anyone."
"So, you're a hater." I caught off guard at his words.
"I am not a hater. Never will be."
"Prove it."
"Not going to happen."
"That proves you're a hater."
"I am not a hater, I am a virgin."
"But you said you are a nobody."
I groan. Zach laughs at me. He always proves himself right somehow.
"Please Zach, I'm not in the mood for this."
"Do you mean-" I cover his mouth with my hand. "Don't say it. It's disgusting and demented." I feel Zach smile in my hand and say it loud enough for it not to be muffled. I cover my ears. "My dad will arrest you and send you to rot in jail if he finds out what you're doing to me." I warn Zach. "My dad will bail me out. He's one of the best lawyers in the country, remember?" Zach reminded me. I guess that's how he won against me in our argument. "But I won't do it to you if you don't want to but don't come running back to me and be like 'Er Mah Gawd, Zach! Like, can I have sex with you?" I cover my ears but I laugh at the same time. He was mimicking Kenisha, the Cheer leading Squad's captain. She had said the exact same words to him in the exact same tone of voice. I start having hysterics when I remember when she got rejected. I fall onto the ground and pound on the floor with my fists. "You okay?" asks Zach smiling down at me. "Yea...I'm....fine!" I feel like I'm being tickled.


Texte: Ramneet Corp.
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: Me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2012

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