
Rememberance Day

I remember how you loved me. How you promised that you won't ever leave me. I remember how you used to jump over the fence and get in trouble, just to meet me. I remember how you would move my bangs out of the way when you would kiss me. I remember how you had a hard time asking me out to the dance. I remember how you would hug me in front of your friends. I remember how you were so over protective and called me yours whenever someone flirted with me. I remember when you found a new girl and left me alone. I remember how you used to run up to her just to say hi. I remember how you left me alone on the dance floor to go dance with her. I remember when you stopped jumping over the fence. I remember when you started breaking my heart. I remember when I left the city and you never cared. Now, you suddenly do.

Hi, how may I help you? What, why are you looking at me like that? You've seen somewhere? You're crazy. I'm new here. I just moved in a few weeks ago. Anyways, can I take your order? Will you please stop giving me that look.(sigh) Look, I've got work to do and a life to get on with, leave me alone and get on with your order. No, I don't recognize you. Just get on with your order. Alright! I'm the girl from Ashton Catholic High. Happy? I've seen you walking in the hallways. Now, if you care to order or should I walk away now? I think I prefer to walk away but I can't. It's the policy. No waiter or waitress can walk away without a order slip. Water? And a story? I don't tell stories. A love story? You gotta be kiddin' me. I'm a waitress not your mom. Pathetic. Threatening that you'll tell my boss. Great. Who's love story do you want? I know gossip from back home but not alot from here. Just hurry up and decide. I have to get on a flight at 1 in the morning back to Ireland. Did you choose a story yet? You want my love story? My love story is perfectly pathetic. With a capital P. THREATENING AGAIN! Annoyance has a limit, you know. Just in case, to tell you, my love story is boring. It has no taste. No sense. No feelings. You wanna hear a love story? I'll tell you a love story. With a capital L.

Sunshine Sweethearts

"Hello, sunshine." said a voice behind me. I turned around to see Aidan behind me. I walked around him and turn the faucet off. I reel up the hose and leave it loosely hanging on a plank. "Hey," I greet him. Aidan had his blonde hair unvisible because of the snapback he was wearing. I jump up to the shed and pull out the lawnmower. Aidan frowns. I smile at him. "It's alright my brother's doing it." I assure him. He grins again, this time, with his electric blue eyes dazzling. I leave the lawnmower on the lawn and drag him by the hand to sit down beside me on the porch. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I don't argue. No one was watching us, anyways we were in the backyard. "You know, I'm very happy today." he says. I look at him. He looks at me. I give him the curious expression. He doesn't answer. "Why?" I finally ask. "Because, tomorrow is the dance and today is the day I get to ask out my sunshine sweetheart." he smiles. I roll my eyes. The dance committee this year were calling the final dance of the year, Sunshine Samba and on the poster, under Sunshine Samba, it had said Bring Your Sunshine Sweetheart!

Aidan had literally fainted. He loved dances, at the fact he could dance. Unlike me, who stumbled at every step. "Aidan! Where are you?" called out Aidan's mom. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Vete a la mierda. Me había olvidado de ella." mumbled Aidan. "I'll send you a text" he told me. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek. He climbed over the fence and into his territory. I kept staring at the wooden fence parting me and Aidan. I knew I had to get the chores done, so I got up and went inside. "Julious! Do the lawn! I'm done my part!" I called out to my brother, Julious.
"Can you do it today? I promise I'll do it next week. I'm playing HALO."
"Do I sound like I care? No. C'MON! Remember this is a gift from me and you to mom and dad. It's their anniversary. Get up Julious!" I said walking into his room. He was sitting infront of his PS3 and his 50 inch plasma TV. Julious moaned and groaned but he got up and walked out into the backyard. My blackberry made a small ding.

It was a message from Aidan. It said: will u go 2 dance wit me?
I smiled and texted back: wat if i say no. I loved getting on Aidan's nerves. He texted back: :( I b sad den. I blushed and texted back: ok i go wit u 2 dance. I could literally hear him jumping up and down. He called me. I picked up. "SOOOO," he said awkwardly. "Yeah, I have to go buy a dress. I didn't know I was going to the dance." I told him. As soon as my parents came home, I was going to give them the bouquet I bought (with my money I earned) and run to go buy a dress. "Can I come with you?" he asked desperately. I sighed. "Alright then. I'll let you come,if you can solve this. Describe in one word." On the other line, I could hear him thinking. After 30 seconds, he said "mine." I was wowed. I thought he was going to say pretty or hot or kind. "Okay. Here's another one: Like Ice melts into rain, Sometimes Love turns into..." I left it there for him to solve. I could hear him thinking again. "Pain." he answered simply. It was a very old quote I had learned in Lit class at school when he had first noticed me. "So, At three?" he asked. I sighed annoyingly. I should've picked a harder one but I loved his company so I had to make it easy.

Puffy Stewerts

I stood watching Aidan walk out of his house holding a pair of keys to his motor Bike. He handed me a helmet and I put it on. I climbed onto the bike after he sat down. We drove away, onto the streets of Manhattan. I had my arms around him so I wouldn't fall off like I did last time. He drove into the parking lot of Tall Ridges Mall. I climbed off and took off my helmet. I straightened my hair. Aidan took his helmet off too, but he was pouting. "What's wrong?" I asked. I had noticed that Aidan had been awfully silent since he walked out the house. "My mom took away my favorite snapback." I felt bad for him. Snapbacks were really important to him. I knew because he was always wearing a snapback. I threw my arms around
him. He didn't hug me back. Which meant he was really pissed off or really really deep down in the dumps. I looked at him without removing my arms off of him. He was looking down. I blushed and moved away. "We can buy a new one. Right?" I suggested. He still didn't look at me. His eyes were on something else. Something behind me. I spun my head around to see a group of girls getting out of their car. I sighed. I should have known. He was checking out the girls. My whole shopping spree was ruined. We weren't officially dating so I had no right to get mad at him or yell at him or do anything. So I decided that I'll just have to control myself. "Um, should we go in or do you want me to go in and you can stay with them?" I asked him. He didn't answer. He was leaning casually against his bike. I could hear the girls flirting with him. I was about to walk away when he caught my hand. "Look behind the girls. There's someone there." Aidan whispered in my ear. I looked behind the girls to see the football team, as in Aidan's best friends walking towards the mall entrance. I knew what he was going to ask. "I wish I was with them." he whispered but not in my ear. "Go ahead. Besides, I've got to go do something..." I lied. Aidan walked past the girls and towards his "friends". They did some handshake and a slap on the back. I rolled my eyes. Someone called my name out. "Hey, Swift!" It was Justin, from the football team. I waved back at him. I walked towards the entrance to be caught up with all the football players. It's scary when you know they want to pick on you or tease you but it's not when your half-boyfriend is apart of them. "Hi." said most of them. "Hey." I answered half smiling. I preferred being surrounded by the soccer team. I opened the door to the mall and stepped in. The others followed with the flirty girls not to far behind. I walked towards the left to go where my destination was but Aidan put an arm around my waist and dragged me along with him. Half of his friends went to order at Puffy Stewerts or Uncle Jerry's Poutine Palace. Aidan dragged me towards Sbarro. I loved Sbarro. It was an italian food place or whatever. I loved their pizza. I loved italian pizza especially Sbarro's. "So whatcha want?" he asked me. I shook my head. "Nothing. I just ate so..." Aidan's fingers slightly dug into my skin, threatening to tickle. I put my hand on his hand on my waist. "Cheese Pizza." I answered. He ordered pizza for both of us. We-I took our pizza towards a huge table. There were two seats left next to each other. I sat down and Aidan sat down beside me. He lifted his hand off my waist cautiously as if I was going to run away. I ate my pizza in silence as the guys laughed stupid jokes and swore at other teams. "Swift, are you cheering at our game on monday?" asked Justin. Everyone stopped to look at me, including Aidan. I shook my head. "Are you kidding me? Join those dorks on the sidelines? I'd rather be humiliated playing for the Sharks!" I said with my eyes big and bold. Aidan chewed his pizza slowly. I noticed that everyone was leaning in. "You're right. But I would rather be in a cheerleading skirt than join the sharks on the feild!" laughed Justin leaning back. Everyone laughed and leaned back except for Aidan/ my half boyfriend. He was looking at me with those blue eyes you could never say no too. "Why not?" he asked. Everyone leaned in again. Then Justin did the huge eyes, then Kincy, then Owen, then Jack, then Jacob and Collin. "There is no way I am cheering with those-" a high pitched voice interrupted me. I looked up to see Camilla, the head cheerleader standing behind Justin with her two sidekicks beside her. "Hey...Camel." Justin had nicknamed Camilla, Camel which was perfectly fine with me. Camilla's thin lips made a thin line on her pale face. She had her orange hair out and was wearing the traditional very short jean skirt with the traditional two sizes small tank top and 6 inch zebra pumps, She had red eye shadow and red lipstick on. Her brown eyes settled on me. "Hello, Swift." she sounded like my name was the taste of poison in her mouth which I hoped it was. "Hi Camilla." I said dangerously like her name was going to explode into hundreds of smaller Camillas. I hated to have that thought. It made me shudder. I settled my

cold eyes onto her minions. They were both twins. Riley and Kiley. Both were blonde and had aqua eyes and tanned skin. They were wearing matching outfits. A traditional three sizes small sky blue tanktops and bootie shorts with 4 inch high heels. They both flipped their blond hair arrogantly at me. I laughed hastily in my brain. I loved

being annoying. "Anyways..." Camilla kissed her teeth. "Who are you going to the dance with, Aidan?" asked Camilla batting her mascara smeared eyelashes at Aidan. Aidan looked at her like she was stupid (which she was.). "I'm going to the dance with Swift." he answered slowly like she was an immigrant from Germany who was very slow in english. Her rude honey brown eyes flashed back to me. I snickered under my skin. "Are you asking because you have no date to the dance?" I asked innocently. Justin bit his lip. Aidan's hand rested on mine under the table. I was helping them make her go away. Before, the cheerleaders were best friends with them athletes but something happened and now the cheerleaders were dying hard to get back with the athletes like moths attracted to light or mosquitos attracted to blood. Never mind, that just made the mosquitoes and moths look good. Riley amd Kiley licked their lips and gave me the cold stare to shut me up which would've worked if I wasn't on a roll.

The Dooshbag Love Story

Riley, Kiley and Camilla were looking damned. I saw the other cheerleaders from the squad walking towards us. Now I had to deal with even more losers. The cheerleaders all stood around the table but in front of Aidan so they could flirt with him. I noticed the new girl from school today. She had red hair and jet black eyes. The color of my hair. She shot me an icy glance. I made the expression saying OOOOOOkkkkkkaaaaayyyyyy. Awkward..

. "Boys and girl

meet Mallory AKA Miley. She's new from like, all the way from Hollywood." introduced Camilla. Mallory/ Miley flipped her red curls with her hand to flirt with someone special beside me. Unless she was gay. I shuddered at the thought. I studied her more carefully. She was wearing a tight rainbow striped tank top that revealed her pierced belly button and tanned skin. Tanned skin didn't go well with red hair or black eyes. She was wearing a super mini skirt and a bit too bright yellow flats. She was tall and not too skinny. Maybe that's why she didn't wear high heels. From looking at her, I could tell she didn't have a good taste. I almost felt bad for her but at the same time I thought that I shouldn't. I was a tomboy and she was a girly girl. Our preferences were not alike. I leaned in a bit closer to Aidan. He put his arm around my neck to state clearly, he was with me. "Um, maybe I should go get the dress..." I got up with Aidan's arm still are around me. I noticed that he was standing up with me. "You're going too?" I asked him. He shrugged. "What else it there to do?". "You could stay with us." suggested Camilla automatically climbing into in my seat and patting the chair beside her. Aidan shook his head. "Ah, no thanks. I think I'll pass." he said shaking his head. I coughed out my "Be jealous and bad bye!" and laughter. We threw our pizza out and walked past shops with pretty dresses. I didn't stop to look at them. I could feel Aidan looking at me. I looked at him. He pulled me closer to him by my elbow. He laced his fingers through mine. I looked down at my addidas sneakers to keep from smiling and blushing. He laughed. I felt my face burn.

You're the one who asked for my love story! You know what? If you don't wanna listen, then don't listen and leave me alone, will you? What do you mean I'm too detailed? Remember I promised you that I was going to give you a love story with a capital L? Well, that's what I'm doing! Not the classic, I'll tell your boss thing, again. You're really annoying, you know? I'm telling my butt off while you're yawning and checking the time every once in a while. SIGH.

I'm working here part-time. I only have an exact 2 more minutes, to go. After that, I'm history. What, no! I am not going to do suicide. I mean I'm leaving the country. Why? That's my bushiness. Now, if you excuse me, I have some packing to do. No, I can not wait. Besides, who do I think you are? Who was I to tell you my dooshbag love story. See you next time, in Ireland. Oh, and if you want to talk to me again, you'll have to speed dial me. she walks away with a wave of her hand.

Speed Dial

I speed dial Aidan. "Hey, Aidan, she's leaving for a flight to Ireland at 1 in the morning." I inform him. "What? Well, where?" Aidan asks me in an anxious voice. "I don't know but I'm following her." I say getting up when she walks out the door. "Good. Call me when you find out what airport she's going to and arriving at, alright?" he tells me. I mumble an okay and cut the line. I walk casually after her but 3 people away. She stops to hail a cab. I pretend to stop to look at something in a shop. She clambers into a cab. I hail a cab and shut the door quickly. "Where to?" asks the driver. He's indian. "After that taxi. I'll double you the amount it supposed to be." I tell him. He greedily nods and drives after Swift's cab. I keep my eyes on the cab. But my insides relax a little. Though, I have to admit, Swift is something. She has her own category in elegance and the way she looks. I hope Aidan gets her back. I should have listened to her whole love story. I really wanted to know what was going on. My cab pulls onto the highway after Swift's cab. I text the licence plate number of the cab that Swift is in to Aidan. He texts back Got it

. After a half an hour, I can see Aidan's men's cars driving after the cab that Swift is in, too. I relax a bit more. I was covered up now. The cab pulled goes up an exit and so do our cars. We're right on her trail, some cars purposely take a left while others follow me and Swift's cab to the right. She pulls into an old italian building. I tell the driver to go straight and park behind one of the buildings. The cab stops. I pay him 500 dollars. He stares astonished at me. I pat him on the shoulder. "You deserve it and thanks." with that said, I quickly push the cab door open and step out into the chilly air. I breathe out causing a puff of smoke to create in front of my face. I jog down beside the building and I watch Swift walk to building number 4. I creak after her and slowly yank the door open. An old lady is sitting at the front desk, looking at me. She has a disgusted look on her face. "How may I help you?" she asks me in a high pitched voice. I pull my identity out of my vest. "Officer Alex. Alex Martinez."

Aidan's POV:
I pace quickly back and fourth in my dad's office. How could I lose her? Was I that stupid? I was. It was clearly written all over my face when I left Swift. She was right and still is. I sigh at the memory of her. My dad opens his office letting two huge, buff men out. He leads me in. "Have a seat, Mr. Sanders." he gestures towards a seat in front of his desk. I sit down and put my head in my hands. "I'm your son, dad." I remind him. My dad looks through thick files in his cabinet. He pulls a thin one out and sits down in front of me. I look up. I see him the way he looks when he can't solve a crime. "I know you are my son. But relationships don't matter when comes down to crimes. It can anybody. It can be brother who killed your mom. Just because he was related to her doesn't mean that he won't be punished for his crime!" I sigh. My dad was on a justice roll again. "Crime is a game where justice always wins. Crime can be played by lies and beings who are untruthful but Justice, no matter what always wins! No matter how many obstacles there are, no matter how much time it takes, no matter how old the case is! Justice will find a way around the obstacles! People who play the game of Justice-" I cut him off with a gesture of my hand. "Do you do this to everybody? Even the people who are innocent? Dad, I suggest you give this speech to people who are in jury. Anyways, I've got to tell you something about my case." I tell him. He nods. I can tell he was offended by my suggestion but I had other things on my mind. "I sent out some men to go follow her. She's going to Ireland for some reason." I huff out. My dad jots down some things on a paper in the thin file. He looks up at me and raises his eyebrows at me. "Her flight leaves at 1." I shrug. He scribbles that down on the file. "Now, Mr. Sanders, if her flight is at one, why can't you just go up to her, now. That will save time, opportunity and money.

" he made quotation marks around the word money. I roll my eyes. He was referring to me. "How would I say this to her? Huh? Like, OMG, you were right. I was wrong. You are the right girl for me. Can we get back together, now?" it sounded very stupid coming out of my mouth. Which it was. My dad writes something else down on the paper. I sigh. I wanted to see her so badly and my dad was sitting at his desk, scribbling things down. "So what you are saying, Mr.Sanders, that you don't know how to express yourself to her?" now that

sounded stupid coming out of my dad's mouth. I nod like a little boy. "Well, then. Carter and Barnes can help you with that." my dad slaps his pen down onto his desk. I sigh. This was not going to be easy.


Swift's POV:
I take a whole bunch of clothes and throw them onto the bed. I fold them carefully and place them into my small suitcase. I catch a glimpse of a stain on one of the shirts. I pull the shirt out of the pile and study it. It was the shirt that I had worn to Aidan and I's first day. Or more like my first date with Aidan. It was amazing that I still had it. I thought I threw away this shirt. I feel a devil and angel appear on my shoulders.

Devil: Throw it away! He dumped you. Forget about him.
Angel: But he cared about you. He always did. What if he's looking for you right now?
Devil: Cared. That's past tense. He doesn't care

now. Throw it away.
Angel: When did you start telling the difference between the past, present and future?
Devil: When did you start doing my job?
Angel winces.
Angel" What job?
Devil: Being rude.
Angel: Am Not!
Devil: Whatever.
Angel: Back to the matter at hand.
Devil: Yep. I mean nop.
Angel: Did you just agree with me?!?
Devil: NO!
Angel: Yes you did! Wait till I tell God and-
Devil: He wouldn't care!
Angel: He'd be happy to hear that you agreed with me on something after an infinity!
"Back to matter at hand..." I reminded them.
Angel: Oh yes! Back to matter at hand!
Devil: Throw it away!
Angel: Don't. It's a pretty shirt.
I paused to look at the pale yellow and white checkered blouse. The sleeves were a bit above my elbows. As I liked it. I folded and aimed for the garbage can and shot it into my suitcase.
Angel: YES! Another victory! And another loss!
Devil: ...
Angel: What happened Devil? Nothing to say! Ha ha!
Devil: Ofcourse I have something to say!
Angel motions with hand to go on.
Devil: I...I... want to listen to heavy metal!
Angel exchanged looks with me. I shrug, shrugging them both off. By accident. The angel flies but poor devil lands on my foot, with pitchfork facing up.
Devil" OWWW!
Angel: Let me help you up...
Devil: Don't touch me! I'll burn you to pieces!
Angel: It's supposed to be I'll shred you to pieces or I'll burn you to rags.
Devil: Whatever. It's the same thing with two sentences combined so you know that I'll do both if I have to.
Angel: If

you have to?
Devil stands up baffled at himself.
Angel lands down beside him. Their watches ring.
Devil: Well, that's our shift, c'mon Angel, lets catch an ice cap.
Angel: I think I'll have a mocha latte
Devil: What ever you want sweetheart.
"Did you just call her a sweetheart?" I ask the devil. The angel's pale face flushes pink making her white hair stand out.
Devil: Yeah, man. I'm dating her.
"But isn't the devil and the angel supposed to be sworn enemies?" I ask him.
The devil shrugs.
Devil: That's only when we're working. Besides, man. What else is there to do?
"What else is there to do? What happened to the whole human souls damnation thing?"
Devil: I gave up on that, long time ago. You are so late!
"When did you start talking modern slang?"
Devil: When did you start becoming so annoying?
Angel: Relax, Dallan. Baby, save it for the other kid on elleventh street.
There was a bright flash and two humans were standing in front of me.
The boy had jet black hair like me and black eyes. He was wearing a black tee with a grey fading skull over it and he was wearing black skinny jeans with a white fashionable belt and black addidas sneakers. His hair was in a Zack Effron cut which made him look even cuter. The girl had pale, blond hair and aqua blue eyes. She was wearing a blood red tanktop with a blue bikini under. She was wearing white khaki booty shorts with black four inch high heels. Her skin was olive like mine unlike the boy's pale white skin. She was considerably hot. I had seen the couple walking around sometimes... wherever I was.
me: You probably want to change your clothes, angel.
Angel: Why?
me: It's freezing outside.
Dallan/ Devil: That doesn't matter.
He wraps an arm around Angel's hip pulling her closer to him.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

Fading Skulls

I wake up in bed. It was just a dream. I blow out a breath. I wish it wasn't a dream. I clamber out of my bed and into the washroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I slip on my super soft and comfy slippers and head into the kitchen. I make sure not to trip over any paint cans only to bump into the counter. I slip a chocolate chip cookie from my Chips Ahoy! box and sit down at my table. It's still dark out. I open my door to the balcony and step out. I wonder if the devil and the angel from my dream are stalking me but there's barely anybody out. My phone inside rings. I step out of the morning chill and into my generated warmth. I pick up the phone.
Me: hello
Person: hi
Me: hey
Person: do you recognize me?
Me: not really
Person: it's Justin
Me: Justin from high school
Justin: yea
Me: how did you reach me?....
Justin: let's just say I know a lot of people. Anyways, I need you back here.
Me: why?
Justin: because last night Aidan's mom was murdered.
Justin: yea and the night before was his girlfriend Miley
Me: (happy) oh...
Justin: Aidan's really depressed right now.
Me: you mean stressed.
Justin: whatever
Me: but I can't just come back
Justin: What do you mean you can't just come back?
Me: Listen, I've finally got accepted into a university. School's starting next week. I've got to order my textbooks, get all my supplies, buy new clothes, I have to go to work.
Justin: You won't leave all of that for Aidan?
Justin: You still love him.
Me: He broke my heart, Justin. He left me. I was broken. He broke all the promises he made. (Tears swell up in my eyes.)
Justin: Remember you used to say, to give everybody a second chance when they do something wrong? Give him a second chance, Swift.
Justin: Great. When are you coming?
Me: When I want to come.
Justin: This isn't funny.
Me: I'm not being funny.
Justin: Just tell me.
Me: I'll call you back.
Justin: Alright, babe. You don't take your time. Call me the second you book your ticket.
Me: Call you back.
Justin: TTYL
The phone went dead. I closed my eyes. I was going back to the place where it hurt me most. I could smell the fresh bread from the bakery down the street. I didn't want to leave Ireland. This was my home and will always be.

Lucky Leprechauns

I walked out of the plane and into the airport. It was nice coming back home. I could see my shadow from before, leaving my parents behind and darting into the airport. I closed my eyes and relaxed. It's not going to be bad. Just visiting. Not going to stay here for more than two days. Going to go back to Ireland, soon. Hopefully. I walked towards the escalator dragging my four wheeled suitcase behind. I had packed for no more than two days so that would stop me from staying here longer. I reached the bottom floor and walked towards the Luggage area where Justin said he would waiting for me. Justin's a great friend. The kinda friend you want around all the time. He's caring but a trouble maker. If I could, I would stuff him into my luggage and take him back with me to Ireland. My new blackberry rang, with Electric by Shawn Desman as my ringtone. I changed it every week. I pulled it out of trench coat's pocket and answered it. "Hello?" I said, still walking towards the exit. "Hey, Swift. Where are ya'?" he asked me. I looked up at the sign to see where I was. "Um, Exit C." I answered stopping. "Cool. I'll pull over there." he cursed and honked his car's horn. I smiled. I didn't want to show off my perfect white teeth. When I had left two years ago, I had recently gotten braces. I got them taken off two months ago. I was two times the charming as I was before. I walked outside to see a Mustang GT and Justin leaning against it. He smiled at the sight of me. "I see you got the Irish swag on. Suits you." he observed as I walked a bit more closer to him. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "You got the smell, too." he added. I laughed. He put my suitcase into the trunk and we hopped into his ride. We drove away from the airport quickly. "Your mom was excited to hear you were coming back." said Justin breaking our awkward silence. "I'm scared." I said shaking my head nervously. I was ready to face my mom but not my dad. My dad- he was Aidan's dad's friend. They were both the chiefs- which is weird because they were supposed to be only one. My dad was somebody to be scared of. After all, he was MY dad. Never underestimate dads. Never. "You're Irish accent is even more scarier in person!" freaked out Justin. I had an Irish accent? I never knew I did. I always wanted one. "Do you notice something different about me?" I asked grinning to show off my perfect teeth. They were something to show off. "Everything's different about you. You've...changed." shrugged Justin. I rolled my eyes. He had ignored my perfect, white teeth. My stomach fluttered as we got closer to my street. I wasn't prepared for this! Why did I even agree! I nervously stepped out of Justin's car when he stopped the car on my driveway. I felt like I was an orphan meeting my birth parents for the first time. I took a deep breath and commanded myself to relax. Pretend that nothing ever happened and you're coming home from a camp or something. I thought to myself. I pulled my bag out of the back trunk and walked up my doorsteps. The welcome mat was still there welcoming me back. I wondered how my mother would look after two years. Would she still be kind and polite? My stomach was full of butterflies, they were violently fluttering their wings, threatening be even more insistent. The door opened. A warm face I've seen before greeted me. "Mom." I said biting my lip to keep myself from crying. "Swift!" my mother broke into tears and pulled me into her arms. I could feel Justin's awkward presence on the lawn. It made me laugh in happiness and joy. My mother let go of me but held me by my arms. "Where have you been? Where did you go, Swift? Where did you live?" I shook my head and wiped away my mother's tears. "I'll tell you everything. Where's dad?" I asked her looking behind her, hoping to find my dad's stubborn old face. "He's at work, dear. My, you have changed. Your clothes, your accent, your smell, your face- and your teeth!" I looked back at Justin opening my mouth to let him see my teeth. He winked at me. I hugged my mom again. It felt like heaven. It was true a mother's presence can only be recognized if you stay away from her for a long time. You can only thank her love if you're away from her. You can always thank her no matter where you are. "You didn't answer me, mom. Where's dad?" my mom frowned. "He's gone to work,dear. You come in." my mother dragged me inside, along with Justin and my luggage. Justin closed the door behind us as we made our way towards the living room. I looked around. Everything had changed. The walls were painted pale yellow with new paintings and a new modern clock was up. I felt like I was stepping into the
future from the past. "Where's Julious?" I asked. "He's gone to his friend's house. They're going to some football game." explained mom. I wasn't surprised. Julious always made entries at the wrong moment but usually the dramatic one. Mom pointed me towards the sofa like I never knew where it was. The house phone rang. Mom hurried to pick it up. The caller mumbled a few words with her and she mumbled some back and then they both hung up. Justin sat uncomfortably beside me. "This is awkward." I whispered in his ear. He nodded and bit his lip. He was still not used to me being changed which made me feel like an alien on Earth. "So, honey. Where have you lived for the past years?" asked my mom sitting down in front of me and Justin. "Um, Ireland." I said. My mom wrinkled her nose in disgust. "So that's where you got your accent from. I thought you might be living in Britain." she laughed. Me and Justin fake laughed. We weren't very happy at the moment. More like feeling awkward. "Actually, I lived in Britain for a while, too. I just decided I liked Ireland better." I corrected her. My mom grinned. "British girl, eh? Well, I knew I was going to have a British mate in my family one day!" my mom broke into laughter. Justin fake laughed with her. I just sat there smiling like a dork. My mom had a bad sense of humor. "So what did you do for a living back in Ireland?" I sat there star struck for a minute. "I was..." my mom hated the idea of having me play sports. "I was a football- soccer player for my city's team." my mom frowned. Justin checked his watch. "Um, I've got to go. I'll call you later, Swift." I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Bye Mrs. Wilson." said Justin with a nod of his head. My mom waved at him and he left, with the front door closing softly. I don't why I was behind Miley for revenge. I should've left with Justin. He probably has a girlfriend now but I respect him as a friend. "A nice boy, isn't he?" asked my mother smiling. I nodded and smiled. Justin was nice. My mother hurried and sat down beside me. "How has your love life been?" snickered my mom. She loved talking about guys and acted as if she were a teenager in this matter. "Well..." I began. My mother got excited. "Back in Ireland and Britain..." I said slowly. My mother was literally almost jumping up and down. "There was this one guy..." I continued. My mother held my arm. "He was interested in me..." I boasted. "And-" my mom interrupted me. "What does he look like?" she asked exasperated. "He has messy dark brown hair and it's windswept. So he has like flippy hair but it's like windswept to the left and stays there. He has gray, stormy eyes." I shrugged. My mother almost died. "So, his name is Coilin.*pronounced coh-lin irish names are confusing* and he liked me for a while." I told her. At the moment of Coilin's name echoing through the house, I remembered his lips on mine. "You mean you turned him down or he turned you down?" asked my mom. I pulled out my phone and showed a picture of him and me on the phone. "Awwwww." commented mom annoyingly. She grabbed my phone from my grasp and stared down at the picture smiling. "You slept with him?" my mom asked me. My eyes widened. "No! That's irrevocably disgusting! I don't want to lose my virginity yet." I shuddered at the thought. That would be disgusting. Me and Coilin? That's just wrong. We're only friends. Well we were more than friends before, now we're just friends. "So, he had to move away and told me all this gibberish and we had to break up. But we're still in touch." I explained to my mom. "I would've had such cute grandchildren. Black hair and big gray eyes. Dark brown hair and green eyes." my mom sighed. I shuddered at the thought of our children. Once I was over with somebody, I treated them as a friend. Only in one light. Well, that is except for one person. "So is there any other guy?" mom asked me handing me the phone back. "No, not really." I answered checking my messages for any from Justin or Coilin. Unluckliy, the luckly leprechauns had turned me down. There were no messages from them. This was going to be a lonely evening with mom.

Six Flags

I clambered up the stairs after my mom, hoping that my room was the same with everything left there, as the day it was when I left. I followed mom into my room with everything upside down. My room was not my room. It was painted pink with purple curtains and everything else purple. The dresser was purple with matching pink handles, the study desk was purple glass, the bed set was purple, pink and white checkered. I gulped. My lime green and sky blue room was a royal disaster. I wanted to see dad badly. I turned around to face my mom. "Where's dad?" I asked the second time in the day. "He'll be arriving shortly." said my mom locking her fingers together, across her chest. "Can I have his number?" I asked. Now I was the one who was asking the questions. I handed my phone to mom and she typed dad's number in. She handed it back to me. "Chief Wilson speaking. How may I help you?" picked up a gruff voice. "D-d-dad?" was all I could manage to say. "Julious, if you're playing a prank again, I'll see you when I come home." threatened my dad. "It's n-not Julious." I gulped. I had never been so afraid of my dad, ever. "State your business, citizen." he commanded. "It's Swift, dad. I'm back." I said closing my eyes and thinking about the times when he would take me out to the local icecream parlour. Good times. There was a silent pause. "Swift." repeated my dad softly with all strictness left his voice. "Where the boiling hell are you? I've searched all over the city for you and then the state but you weren't found! You know how much trouble you put me through! I thought you were dead for once! But the police said you weren't. I'm going to
chew you out when I track you down! Just watch yourself escape my fist!" shouted my dad. I smiled. I missed my dad shouting at me. "It's fine, dad. I've got no problem with that. I'm at your house anyways. So don't go looking all over the state for me! I'm right here at home." I informed him. "What's wrong with your accent, Swift? It's almost... Irish!" cried my dad. I loved my Irish accent. Coilin said it made me sound even cuter. My dad slowly worked his brain while I laughed an old Irish laugh. "You were in Ireland." he stated. I commented with a "mm-hmm". "Well. I'm going to deal with you later when I get home. Did you visit Aidan yet? His mo-" I interrupted him with a sigh. "Yeah. I know what happened. I'm not sure if I should..." go talk to him right now. I finished the sentence in my head. "He's at home, dear. Go ahead. Anyways, I gotta go. There's a serious case going on." the phone went dead. I bit my lip. I figured if this was the best time to go see him, so it was.

I stepped up the steps to Aidan's house. I blew out a deep breath. I rang the bell and looked down at my feet. I didn't want to face Aaron but it was the right time. The door opened. "Hey," said a sweet but sad voice. I looked up to see Aidan standing there, in his pajamas, leaning against the door frame. His eyes widened to see me. "You're not a ghost or anything? Right?" I shrugged. "I could be." I smiled. Aidan just shook his head. "Everybody thought you were dead." he informed me. "I know. Everyone's treating me that way." I shrugged. Aidan smiled. "So, you've got to come in and tell me everything that happened while you were gone." said Aidan holding the door wide open for me to come in. I stepped in hesitating. It's been longer than I've left New York than stepping in Aidan's house. I followed him up the lobby stairs and into the family room. We sat down on the couch and Aidan faced me. "Start from why you left and end to why you came back." said Aidan sitting cross legged on the space in front of me. "I wanted to get away from my sucky life. So I booked a ticket to Britain with the money I had earned from working at the local ice cream parlor and left. I began life there in Britain and used most of the money saved up for college and got a life there and then I moved to Ireland where I liked it more and then I came back here to visit my parents, you, my brother, Justin and yeah." I shrugged. Aidan shook his head. "In detail." I sighed. What mess had I gotten myself into? But it was for Aidan. "You want to hear it?" Aidan nodded and smiled. I began. I left out the part of Coilin and included everything else. "Wow. That's great. You seem to be having a nice life." commented Aidan. I smiled. "Not as easy as you think it is. Soooo, how have you been while I was developing an accent in Ireland?" I asked grinning. Aidan frowned. I frowned with him. "In detail." I added. "Well, when you went missing, I was freaked out. Everyone was. We didn't know where in the hell you were. Miley started thinking that I didn't care for her and everything. Things became rough between us and she left me to go hang out with some other emo dude. I tried to help your dad find out where you were and we found nothing. Miley got back together with me and then your dad called the search off. He said you were probably done for and if you weren't, he'd make sure you were or something. I dunno. Then me and Miley were together for almost forever. Then she suddenly broke up with me and hooked up with some other guy. Then she got murdered. So did" my eyes widened. I had totally forgotten about those facts. "Oh..." I gulped and bit my lip. Aidan looked up at me from under his blonde, flippy hair. "Would you feel offended if I say 'I'm sorry'?" I asked him. "Yes. Yes I would." he responded. "How about if I say 'I feel bad for you.'?" I asked. "I would still be offended especially if you say it in your accent." he said looking back down at his pajamas. "Would you mind if I hug you?" I asked. Aidan darted his eyes from his pajamas up at me. His icy glance said no. "Never mind that was... awkward. I'm sorry, it's just that in Ireland, I hug my friends when they feel sad and I do it a lot because they're usually sad and everything..." I trailed off to silence. "I should probably leave now, I make everything awkward and weird and random..." I got up but Aidan caught my hand. "I like your company. Come back tomorrow?" he asked me flipping his hair and getting up. I smiled. "Obviously! Maybe I'm being a bit too weird but... sure!" I said enthusiastically. Aidan smiled and was surprised by my enthusiasm. "I'm having second thoughts about that hug..." trailed off Aidan. I raised my eyebrows at him. He hugged me. I hugged him back. "You know, it's nice to have my human teddy bear back." laughed Aidan. I laughed with him too. He released me. "Now off you go. Tomorrow at five alright?" I nodded and left Aidan, smiling.


My dream was weird and awkward like me. I dreamed of Coilin and the day he kissed me. It was... dreamy and sent a tingle down my neck...
I jumped up and down and put my left arm around Coilin's neck. "Finally, I've been accepted to play for the team! Now I can live without working full time!" I grinned. We were in my new condo I had bought. "Well, I'm glad that you're glad." said Coilin.
"I'm glad that you're glad that I'm glad."
"I'm glad that you're glad that I'm glad that you're glad.
"I'm glad that you're glad that I'm glad that you're glad that I'm glad that you're glad, I think." I said tilting my head. Coilin laughed. He was shirtless, today. It was too warm to wear a shirt for him. He put his arm around my waist and pushed me against the wall behind me. I was surprised. Coilin's abs were mesmerizing. I ran my free hand down them. "When did you get these?" I asked joking around. "That's not important, is it?" he asked catching my hand before it ran down his last ab. It was a six pack. It was important. He locked my fingers through his in my hand he was holding. He let go of my hand and my body. "Never mind. Just wanted to study you up close." he lied winking at me. I grabbed the white belt he was wearing to keep his black skinny jeans up but they stayed mostly down anyways. I pulled him back against my body. "Liar. You have no guts to kiss me, do you?" I dared him. Coilin studied my face for a while. He held my hands and I locked my fingers through his. He set his stormy gaze on me and a smirk danced on his face. "I would love to kiss you, Swift. Just not here, it's too... unromantic. I like kissing girls at the right moment, you know. When girls look back at the moment when they kissed, it should be memorable. Not awkward and stupid and embarrassing." explained Coilin. "But that's what makes a kiss romantic! But very well, then. If you would not like to kiss me, then I won't force you either." I pushed him off of me and walked into the kitchen. "Wait... what? I didn't say that I don't want to kiss you! I want it to be really, really cute! That's all." said Coilin stepping into the kitchen after me. "You're a beautiful liar. Bravo! How do they say it in Irish, again? Oh yeah. Arís! Arís! Wow! Amazing! Tá tú a liar hálainn!"*Again! Again! Wow! Amazing! You are a beautiful liar!* I clapped my hands and he bowed elegantly. "Go raibh maith agat. Do mo fheidhmíocht álainn seo chugainn ... beidh mé ag déanamh gnímh go dares aon duine iarracht. Kissing bean álainn." *Thank You. For my next beautiful performance...I will be doing an act that nobody dares to attempt. Kissing a beautiful woman.* I shook my head and laughed. "Where will you find a beautiful woman around here, mo chara?"*my friend* "I don't have to go look for one. A beautiful woman is in my gaze, right now." he said eyeing my whole body. I rolled my eyes. You think I'm pretty? Come down to the states, my friend and you'll find way more than you expected. I pulled out orange juice from the fridge and poured it into a glass from the cabinet. "Forget it, Coilin. I was kidding. I'm not serious." I laughed and shrugged. "Oh. But I am." said Coilin sitting down on the stool in front of me. The counter was the only barrier between us. Coilin leaned in towards me. His face was only inches away from mine. He ran his hand through my hair. I took a huge sip from my orange juice and gulped it down. He laughed. Every girl in town was jealous seeing Coilin by my side all the time. We were like best friends. I backed away from him and picked up my orange juice. I walked past him to the seat beside him. I jumped up onto the stool and scootched a bit closer to him so our shoulders were brushing. "See what I mean? You're making this kiss awkward! When you kiss, it should be outside in the moonlight or at a late night walk on the beach. Maybe an amusement park on the Ferris Wheel or even better! A chilly day at a cafe, warming up with somebody else. Or walking through the streets of Ireland." he said dreamily. "You're awfully romantic for a guy." I said breaking the silence.


Texte: sixty six organization
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: Me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2012

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