
5000 Praises to GOD from Bible

I will Praise Thee O LORD

My intension of writing this book is only to Praise GOD and give thanks to Him, who is Almight and all powerful. I personaly have recived many bessings by Praising GOD. I spoke to many persons who have been blessed when they Praised GOD. Our God will do great things for You.

"Be joyful always;pray continually;give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you"! I Thessalonians 5:16-18

When I wrote “5000 Praises - I Will Praise Thee O LORD”, I thought of it as an opportunity to encourage Christians to praise the Lord instead of grumbling. Many of my Friends reported remarkable changes in their lives as they practiced praising God. But over the years I would like that the number of people who will read this “5000 Praises - I Will Praise Thee O LORD” will accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

This Book is Written by Jacob George Gunde is dedicated to my LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. I love Him.My aim is all the people in world must praise my Master.


Note : This book is written so that when we have free time we can Praise GOD. There are 5000 different names of GOD which are mentioned in Bible. We can praise GOD by reading this book. Eg Lord GOD -I Praise Thee…







1 His praise [shall] continually [be] in my mouth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 34:1

2 Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 135:1-3

3 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:6

4 Giving thanks always for all things unto God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 5.19-20

5 Logos. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:2

6 My God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 118:28

7 Endless (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 49.11

8 Hosanna. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 21.9

9 I am he. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg 13.14

10 My King (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 2:18

11 My lamp. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 sam 22.29

12 My Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 sam 22.2

13 My song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 28.7

14 Finisher (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 2.2

15 Holy Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1.35

16 I am God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 17.1

17 Kind God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 1:20

18 LORD God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2.4

19 Minister (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 101.6

20 My glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 29.43

21 My Guide. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:3

22 My Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9.15

23 My lover (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Song of Sol 2:8

24 My Tower. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 61:3

25 One Body (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 12.4

26 Our life (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 4:25

27 Revealer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Dnl 2.29

28 The Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1.36

29 The Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 49.24

30 Trinity (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 14:19

31 God to me. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 cron 13.12

32 Hallelujah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19.1

33 He's holy (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 10:3

34 Holy King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 43:15

35 I am holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 11.44

36 My friend (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 16.20

37 My helper (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 18.4

38 My Master (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 19:17

39 My praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

40 My Savior (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22.3

41 Our guide. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 48.14

42 God of sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

43 Great I AM. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 15:1

44 Leader God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 13:12

45 Living One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1.18

46 My buckler (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:2

47 My Comfort (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119.76

48 My Creator (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

49 My defense (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

50 Nourisher(GOD) -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 4.6

51 Our potter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 64:8

52 Savior God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 16:35

53 Strong One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 49:24

54 The Spirit (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:2

55 A comforter (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 8:18

56 Awesome God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det 7.21

57 Dear God Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Tim 1:2

58 God is king. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 23:21

59 God of Abel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 11:4

60 God of Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 5:1

61 God of Gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:17

62 God of Hope. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 15.13

63 God of John. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 7:28

64 God of love. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 4.8

65 God of Paul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 13:43

66 God of wind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4.13

67 He is truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 16:13

68 Holy Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 17.11

69 Human lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 2:6

70 I am who am. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3.14

71 King priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:1

72 Lamp of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Sam 3.3

73 Leaving God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 9:8

74 Living Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 4.12

75 My fortress (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22.2

76 My goodness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 33.19

77 My Redeemer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 19.25

78 My shepherd (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 48.15

79 My strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15.2

80 Our Captain (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 5.13

81 Perfect God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 32.4

82 The blessings of God maketh rich.-- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 10.22

83 Sing to Him (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cro 16.9

84 Sinless God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn 3.4

85 The Godhead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 2.2

86 The Trinity (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 28.19

87 Thy Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ecc 12.1

88 Christ Child. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:18

89 Endless Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 106:31

90 Eternal Head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 21:33

91 Eternal King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10.10

92 Eternal Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 21.33

93 God Immortal. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1.17

94 God's eyes are upon all the ways of the sons of men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:19

95 God my maker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 35.10

96 God of earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 24.3

97 God of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29.3

98 God of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3.6

99 God of James. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 1:1

100 God of kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 47:9

101 God of peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 15.33

102 God of power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 32:11

103 God redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 78:35

104 God the king. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145.1

105 God the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 6.4

106 He is holy (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:7

107 Helper of me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 13.6

108 His name is JAH. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68.4

109 Holy Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

110 Holy Messiah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:41

111 Joseph's Son Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:22

112 King of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 2.6

113 Living spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 5.16

114 Lord Jehovah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 26.4

115 God of living men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 12.27

116 LORD on high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7.10

117 LORD our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 6.4

118 My Counselor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 14.26

119 My deliverer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18.2

120 My salvation (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 27.1

121 One Mediator (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2.5

122 Our lawgiver (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 33.22

123 Praiseworthy (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 78:4

124 The Almighty (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37.16

125 The Holy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1.16

126 The Good Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 10.14

127 The true God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 17.3

128 Well Beloved (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 5.1

129 You are holy (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 20.26

130 Blessing God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 17:18

131 Covenant lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 24:8

132 Creator of me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

133 Forgiving God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 9:17

134 Full of grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:14

135 God is spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 41:38

136 God of Denial. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 13:31

137 God of Elijah. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kings 17:24

138 God of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 14:19

139 God of Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 28:13

140 God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 5:1

141 God of wealth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eccl 5:19

142 God only wise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 16:27

143 God who saves. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 10:19

144 GOD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1:1

145 His Anointed One (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 2:35

146 I am a master (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 1:6

147 I am gracious (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

148 I am merciful (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 3:12

149 I am the vine (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 15:1

150 Invisible God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:20

151 Jesus Christ the son of Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:1

152 Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:1

153 Living Master (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 25:29

154 Jesus Christ the son of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:1

155 LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 26:4

156 Lord's Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 2:26

157 Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 14:18

158 My high tower (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 14:20

159 My strong God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 3:24

160 Only wise God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 16:27

161 Prince of joy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 31:37

162 Sovereign God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:23

163 The Root of Jesse. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 11:10

164 The great God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:4

165 The Holy Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 10:20

166 The last Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Corth 15:45

167 The Messiah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:41

168 The Prophet (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 3:2

169 Wisdom of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 7:25

170 Your Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:22

171 Blessed of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:11

172 Creator of day. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

173 Creator of man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

174 Creator of sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

175 Creator of sky. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

176 Creator of sun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

177 God saw that the light was good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:4

178 End of the Law. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 10:4

179 Eternal Master (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 21:33

180 The Only Excellent King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:2

181 God of majesty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37:22

182 God of Meshach. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 3:26

183 God of my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 42:8

184 God of my rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:3

185 God of Rachel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 30:6

186 God of Sedrach. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 3:26

187 God of Stephen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 7:55

188 God of Troop’s. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 12:22

189 God of wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:5

190 God our shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:9

191 God that hears. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 8:47

192 God's Anointed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 10:38

193 He (GOD) is the Head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:23

194 He is your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 35:3

195 Helper of poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:17

196 I(GOD) will provide. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 45:11

197 Leaving Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 16:28

198 Lord of Living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 14:9

199 My shelter God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 55:8

200 My strong rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:2

201 Our proud Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 10:3

202 Righteous King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Micah 6:5

203 Righteous Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut33:21

204 Savior (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Lu 2:11

205 The Chosen One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 12:18

206 The Just One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:19

207 The Lord Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 20:30

208 The loving God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 5:2

209 A light of fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nehem 9:12

210 All-sufficient; -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 12:9

211 Christ the Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 5:7

212 Creator of gold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

213 Creator of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

214 Creator of moon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

215 Creator of wind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

216 Deliverer of me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:17

217 End (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21 6

218 Eternity of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eccl 3:11

219 Father of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 16:27

220 Father of peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

221 God is a Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 16:15

222 God of Abednego. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 3:26

223 God of my mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 57:1

224 God who is holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:8

225 God who is near. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 10:9

226 God who is rich. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:4

227 God, the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 26:24

228 Great Physician. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:23

229 HAZAEL - God sees. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 16:13

230 He (GOD) is my refuge. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:3

231 He (GOD) led the way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 2:17

232 He (GOD) that is holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:17

233 He (GOD) that is true. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 5:20

234 Heavenly Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 5:48

235 Holy loving God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:10

236 I (GOD) am from above. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 8:23

237 I (GOD) am thy Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:5

238 I (GOD) am thy shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:3

239 JAH. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:4

240 Judge (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50 6

241 Khristos - Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:1

242 King of my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 4:8

243 Lord of fortune. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 65:11

244 Lord of Sabbath. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 2:28

245 Maker (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 35:10

246 Man of Holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 11:24

247 My father's God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 31:42

248 My God My Saviour. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:3

249 My hiding place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:7

250 My Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:1

251 O Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 5:18

252 Ruler of people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 2:6

253 Spirit of Mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 3:5

254 The Deliverer. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:2

255 The eternal God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 21:33

256 The only perfect man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek 28:12

257 The strong Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 3:24

258 Thy good Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 143:10

259 Thy Maker (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 35:10

260 Who is over all. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 20:6

261 A mighty warrior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg 6:12

262 All Powerful God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 4:24

263 Bread (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 50

264 Christ is Raised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:11

265 Christ our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 15:26

266 Whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 10:43

267 Consuming father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod 24:17

268 Creator of birds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

269 Creator of night. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

270 Creator of stars. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

271 Creator of women. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

272 Door (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:7-9

273 Father of praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chrn 29:10

274 God is the judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 50:6

275 God Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 26:63

276 God of all grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 11:23

277 God of knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 24:16

278 God of my praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 7:19

279 God of St. Peter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 21:19

280 God who is great. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 7:21

281 God who promises. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 11:17

282 He is everything. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:37

283 He prayed for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 5:17

284 He that loved us. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 4:10

285 Holy High priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 3:1

286 I (GOD) AM. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 8:58-59

287 Keeper (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121:5

288 Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 5-8

289 LORD God of Gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 19:4

290 My strong refuge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:2

291 O God our shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:9

292 Omega (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 8

293 Righteous Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 23:24

294 Ruler of my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kings 11:34

295 Savior of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 43:3

296 Sheep follow Him (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:4

297 Source (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 5:9

298 The awesome One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zeph 2:11

299 The eternal life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 3:16

300 The faithful God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 7:9

301 The LORD is good. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 30:18

302 The LORD the God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2:4

303 The Word of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 13:48

304 Who (GOD) is above all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 3:31

305 Yahweh My Banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 17:15

306 Alpha (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 8

307 Apostle (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 3 1

308 Creator of Clouds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

309 Creator of Fishes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

310 Creator of Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

311 Creator of Oceans. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

312 Creator of Plants. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

313 Creator of Silver. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

314 God of the Living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:21

315 He (GOD) is your praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:21

316 Healer GOD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exo. 15 26

317 High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 6 6

318 Holy Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:18

319 I (GOD) am a great King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Malachi 1:14

320 I am the Lord GOD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 17:1

321 Jesus said to her... -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 7:48

322 JOEL - God is God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:17

323 Light from Light. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 1:7

324 LORD God of truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:5

325 Lord who made day. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

326 Lord who made man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

327 Lord who made sky. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

328 Lord who made sun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

329 Mshikha - Messiah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:41

330 My hope is in You (LORD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 25:5

331 Praise worthy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 48:1

332 Rock(GOD) - -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 32 4

333 The Almighty King (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Kings 3:14

334 The Almighty Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Kings 3:14

335 The bread of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 6:25

336 The Christ of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 26:63

337 The (GOD) fear of Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 31:42

338 The glorious LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 33:29

339 The invisible God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:15

340 The living Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 6:57

341 The Lord of Hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Kings 21:5

342 The Man (LORD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 19 1

343 The Most Holy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 21:22

344 The only Lord God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 6:13

345 The only true God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 17:3

346 The Star of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Numb 24:17

347 Way/Door. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 14:6

348 Witness (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 5

349 ABRAM -high father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 5:5

350 Avinu - Our Father (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thess 2:16

351 Bold God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pr. 28:1

352 Christ is our life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 6:23

353 Creator of planets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

354 Creator (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 1 25

355 Eternal redemption (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 9:12

356 Everlasting Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

357 For your holy name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 29:16

358 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 1:9

359 God of all comfort. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

360 God of all leaders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

361 God of all success. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

362 God of deliverance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

363 God of Whole Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

364 God who blessed me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:9

365 God who gives rain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

366 High Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 93 4

367 Highest (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 21 9

368 Holy Almighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 5:16

369 Holy God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 19:2

370 Jesus of Nazareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 26:71

371 Jesus the Nazarene. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mark 16:6

372 LORD God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 32:27

373 Lord who made fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

374 Lord who made hell. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

375 Lord who made life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

376 Lord who made moon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

377 Lord who made wind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

378 Majesty (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 2 19

379 Mediator (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Ti 2:5

380 Mighty (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu. 10 17

381 My prince of peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

382 My Refuge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91 2

383 Our dwelling place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 90:1

384 Our King (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 18

385 Praise worthy Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:4

386 Refuge (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 25 4

387 Reverend (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111 9

388 Shade (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121:5

389 Shield of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 15:1

390 Shiloh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 10

391 Son of the Blessed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 21:9

392 Spirit of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Numb 11:25

393 Stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28 16

394 The eternal Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 9:14

395 The good Samaritan. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 10:25

396 The Head of church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:18

397 The King is coming. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:15

398 The Lord is Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judge 6:24

399 The LORD my banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 17:15

400 The LORD our maker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 95:6

401 The LORD the Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 16:5

402 The Lord's Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 2:26

403 The righteous LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 33:21

404 We are His (GOD) people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 100:3

405 Baptizer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 3 11

406 Carpenter Jesus - -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 6 3

407 Creator of diamonds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

408 ELIAKIM - God rises. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 30:18

409 Father of abundance. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1:2

410 Father (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 1 9

411 For your (GOD) great name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 7:9

412 Free Gift (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 5 15

413 God to all kingdoms. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Kings 19:15

414 God who blessed eve. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2

415 God who is merciful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 4:31

416 Harmless (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 26

417 He is our salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:9

418 His Son from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 1:10

419 Hosanna delivers us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 21:9

420 I am the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:3

421 I am your salvation! -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chr 6:41

422 Just Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 27 4

423 Lamp (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee II Sam. 22 29

424 Lawgiver (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 33:22

425 Lord who made birds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

426 Lord who made crops. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

427 Lord who made earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

428 Lord who made Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

429 Lord who made night. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

430 Lord who made stars. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

431 Lord who made trees. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

432 Lord who made women. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

433 Lord, holy and true. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 6:10

434 Master of the World. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

435 May God shine forth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 94:1

436 Most Holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 9 25

437 My faithful Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 4:19

438 My God is salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 4:19

439 O LORD God Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 7:27

440 Our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 8 1,9

441 Our Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2 14

442 Prophet of Nazareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 24:19

443 Rewarder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 11:6

444 Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 10:1-4

445 Ruler. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 6 15

446 Salvation of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 14:7

447 Samaritan. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4 40

448 Teacher. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 26 18

449 The Alpha and Omega. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:8

450 The Holy One of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:34

451 The righteous judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Tim 4:8

452 Yahweh My Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 48:15

453 A defender of widows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:5

454 ARIEL -lion of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hosea 5:14

455 Branch. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 33:15

456 Christ alone my hope. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 1:20

457 Commander. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 55:4

458 Counselor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6

459 Creator of the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

460 Darling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22 20

461 Deliverer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 11:26

462 Eternal God Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 21:33

463 Eternal Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 1

464 Firstborn. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom.8:29

465 God is compassionate. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

466 God of all knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 1:17

467 God of our salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 52:10

468 God who blessed Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2

469 God who created hell. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

470 God who gave me legs. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

471 God who is in Bethel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 35:3

472 God who is in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 3:24

473 God who spoke to eve. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2

474 God with us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:23

475 Goodness (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 144:2

476 He is Greater Than I. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 7:28

477 He is King of your life. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kings 20:31

478 Highest One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 3

479 Holy Thing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 39

480 I am Alpha and Omega. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:8

481 I am who is with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 35:21

482 Jehovah (LORD) heals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

483 Jehovah (LORD) lives. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg 8:19

484 JEHU - The GOD is he. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:48

485 Jesus wept. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 11:35

486 JOASH- God has given. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 48:9

487 Just God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45 25

488 Just Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zeph. 3 5

489 Lamb without blemish. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1:19

490 Lord of great power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 9:26

491 Lord who made Angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

492 Lord who made clouds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

493 Lord who made heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

494 Lord who made Oceans. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

495 Lord who made rivers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

496 Lord who made stones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

497 Lord who made Wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

498 Lord, you are my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:1

499 Polished Shaft. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49 2

500 Majestic in holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:11

501 Messiah - "Anointed". -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 28:8

502 Mighty Arm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 13

503 Most Mighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 45 3

504 My Lord is most high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 91:9

505 Perfect faithfulness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:1

506 Purifier (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal. 3 3

507 Ransom (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 2 6

508 Redeemer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 19 25

509 Refiner (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal. 3 2

510 Sacrificed(GOD) - -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 5 2

511 Scorned One (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22 7

512 Son of Mary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 6 3

513 Sustainer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 3 5

514 Tabernacle (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4 6

515 The Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:14

516 The great Living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 4:10

517 The Lord from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 22:15

518 The LORD my strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

519 The One (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 144:2

520 Thy holy child Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 1:18

521 Thy Lord is the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:17

522 True Light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 9

523 Undefiled (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 7 26

524 Who is rich in mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:4

525 You’re heavenly Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 5:48

526 Anointed One (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 2 2

527 Child Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 47

528 Chosen One (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42:1

529 Comforter(GOD) - -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 8 18

530 Creator of All Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

531 Eternal Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8

532 Father of our Fathers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 7:2

533 For the name of Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:38

534 Forerunner (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 6 20

535 Fortress (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 16:19

536 God and Father of all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 4:11

537 God of love and peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 13:11

538 God of your ancestors. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 26:45

539 God that does wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37:14

540 God who always lights. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:14

541 God who blessed Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 25:11

542 God who blessed Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 146:5

543 God who called Samuel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 3:3

544 God who created peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

545 God who gave me hands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

546 God who gives victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 20:4

547 God who has all power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 32:11

548 God who made the land. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

549 God's power and might. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 20:6

550 Great King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal. 1 14

551 Great Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147 5

552 Great One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 19 20

553 He (GOD) calls them by name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:4

554 He (GOD) was hungry. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:2

555 Heavenly Gracious God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

556 Hidden God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45 18

557 High Priest - -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 3 1

558 His throne is forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 22:10

559 Holy and merciful God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:9

560 Holy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh. 24 19

561 Honored Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 5 23

562 I Am Lord- -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 3 14

563 I am the Almighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 17:1

564 I am the God of Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 28:13

565 I am the God of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3:6

566 I am the living bread. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 6:51

567 I will heal my people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 33:6

568 Image of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 3

569 Jehovah (LORD) exalts. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 2:7

570 Just One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 7

571 King forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:10

572 Lamb of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 29

573 Last Adam -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 15 45

574 Light of Men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 4

575 Lord who made animals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

576 Lord who made Lucifer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

577 Man of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 13 6

578 Mighty God of my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:17

579 Mine Elect (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 65 9

580 Near Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 151

581 O Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:22

582 Obedient Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 5 8

583 Our Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 63 16

584 Our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 11:17

585 Praise worthy Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

586 Righteous God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 7 9

587 Shepherd (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 24

588 Son of Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:1

589 Strong Arm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 10

590 Strong Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 8

591 Strong Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31 2

592 That Bread (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 48

593 The blood of the Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1:19

594 The Lord is my Banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 17:15

595 The Lord of lightning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:7

596 The Lord that Judgeth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 16:5

597 The LORD thy Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:14

598 The Sower (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 13 37

599 TOBIAH- YAHWEH is good. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 2:19

600 Very High (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71 19

601 Way to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 14:6

602 You are my all in all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 87:7

603 Abiding Son.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8 35

604 Anointed God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1:9

605 Avenger (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Thess.4:6

606 Blessed One (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 72 19

607 Bread of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6:33

608 Creator of all animals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

609 Daystar (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee II Pt. 1:19

610 God the dew of youth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 110 3

611 Elect One (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42:1

612 Friend (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Proverbs 18 24

613 God Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 17:1

614 God of Wrath. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42 5

615 God our Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu. 32 4

616 God over all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 9:5

617 God the Prince. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ac 5:31

618 God who gave wealth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

619 God who gave wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

620 God who gave the bible. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

621 God's name. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 1:5

622 Good Teacher. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 10 17

623 His Dear Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 13

624 Holy Ghost. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 1 18

625 Hope for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 2:13

626 Husband God. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Co 11:2

627 King Forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 10 16

628 King of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 2

629 King of Salem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 7:2

630 Light of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 4

631 Living Bread. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 51

632 Living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 6:20

633 Living water. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:10

634 Lord Messiah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 23 8

635 Mighty Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42 13

636 Natural man. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Co 2:14

637 Prince of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 9:6

638 Refuge for Us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 62 6

639 Resurrection. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 11:25

640 Serve Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 21:15-17

641 Son of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 10 6

642 Spirit of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 2

643 Strong Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 13

644 That Rock(God). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 10 4

645 The Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 1 16

646 The Just God. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 3 18

647 The Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 45 13

648 The Word of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:1

649 True God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn. 5 20

650 Victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 15 57

651 Young Child. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 2 11

652 ABBA - Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 8:15

653 Blessed Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 46

654 Christ of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 9 20

655 Cornerstone - -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2 20

656 Creator of solar system. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

657 Creator of waves in sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

658 Dayspring (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1:78-79

659 Exalted Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 13

660 Express Image. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 3

661 Faithfulness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 11 5

662 Fire of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 31 9

663 Foundation (God) - -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28 16

664 Fuller’s Soap. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal. 3:2

665 God of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 32

666 God who created rainbow. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

667 God's blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 20:28

668 Good Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:11

669 Gracious God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jonah 4 2

670 Great Prophet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 7 17

671 Great Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus2 13

672 He is the door. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:9

673 Head Over All. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1 22

674 Hiding place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 32:7

675 His Holy Arm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 52 10

676 Holy and True (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 6 10

677 Hope of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 27

678 Intercessor (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 8:26

679 Just Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45 21

680 King of Truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 18 37

681 Lion of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3 16

682 Lord of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 110 1

683 Lord of Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 2 47

684 Lord Our Maker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95 6

685 Lord who made knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

686 Lord who made mountains. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

687 Messiah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 49

688 Mighty Power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 4 37

689 Most Upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 7

690 My Shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam. 22 3

691 Only One God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 43:10

692 Potentate. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 6:15

693 Reigning Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 5

694 Rock the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 2

695 Strong Hold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech. 9 12

696 The capstone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 21:42

697 The Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 1 25

698 The Highest (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 13

699 The Passover (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 5:7

700 Thou Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 26 68

701 Tried Stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28 16

702 White Stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 2 17

703 Zealous One. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69.9

704 A Lamb slain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:6-13

705 All in all (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 3:11

706 Almighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 17 1

707 Another King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 17 7

708 Appointed Heir. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1 2

709 Blessed Hope. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 2 13

710 Carpenter Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 6 3

711 Chief Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 2 17

712 Chosen of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 23 35

713 Consuming Fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 4 24

714 Despotes Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 29

715 Door of Faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts. 14 27

716 Faithful Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49 7

717 First Begotten. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 6

718 Glorious Arm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 63 12

719 Glory of God. - -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60 1

720 God or Deity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 20 28

721 God who gave the life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

722 God who gave two eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

723 God who made all planets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

724 God who orders the storm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

725 God's Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 3.16

726 He has made us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 46.4

727 He is the truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14:6

728 He is wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 1:30

729 Healer of Souls. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 41 4

730 His Right Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 62 8

731 Holy is He(God) .... -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99:5

732 Holy One of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 1 24

733 Hope of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 14 8

734 I AM THAT I AM. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exo. 3 14

735 Judge of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 5 2

736 King Eternal. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 1 7

737 King of Jews. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 27:11

738 King of Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 17:14

739 Leader of all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 55:4

740 Light and Truth (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 43 3

741 Lord Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 7 17

742 Lord of all. - -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 10:36

743 Lord of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 2 8

744 Lord Our Hope. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 1 1

745 Lord who made me and you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

746 Maker of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2 15

747 Manna From Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6

748 Mighty Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9 4

749 My beloved God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 12 18

750 Perfect Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 3

751 Refiner’s fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal. 3:2

752 Reproach of Men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22 6

753 Righteous One. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 7 9

754 Second Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 15 47

755 Shepherd Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 17

756 Shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 3 3.

757 Son of Freedom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8 36

758 Tender Plant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 2

759 The great King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 25 4

760 The Lord saves. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:21

761 The Mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6

762 Thy Praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 10 21

763 True Witness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3:14

764 Very Pure Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 140

765 Angel of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 16

766 Ark of Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 62 8

767 Bread of Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 51

768 Brother of James. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 6 3

769 Buckler. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam.22:31

770 Chief Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pet 5:4

771 Christ our Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 3 4

772 Christ the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 11

773 Coming again. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14:1-3

774 Consecrated Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 8

775 Eternal Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6

776 Eternal God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33:27

777 Ever living One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4 10

778 Eye of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33 18

779 Face of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 78

780 First and Last. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:11

781 First Born Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 1 25

782 Gift of God - -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor. 9 15

783 Glorious Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 33 21

784 God who gave knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

785 God who gave this life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

786 God who made man with mud. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

787 God who made me beautiful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

788 God who made me wonderful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

789 God's mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 12:28-29

790 He gives life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:28

791 He makes us free. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn .8:36

792 He that made great lights. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

793 He will do it. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Th. 5:24

794 Holy Lord God. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Sam. 6 20

795 Horn of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 132 17

796 Jehovah (LORD) name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3:14

797 King of Saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 15 3

798 Living Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 19 25

799 Living Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 5 9-11

800 Living Stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 4

801 Lord and Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2 36

802 Lord Our King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 33 22

803 Lord who gave me sunlight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

804 Magnified Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 34 3

805 Majesty on high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1:3

806 Mighty Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 63 12

807 Mine Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Habb. 1 12

808 Only Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 62 2

809 Our Passover. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 15 7

810 Preserver of Men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 7 20

811 Prince of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 3 15

812 Propitiation. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 2 2

813 Rabbi or Sir. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 8 6

814 Righteous Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 92 13

815 Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23 6

816 Rod and Branch. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 11 1

817 Second Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Co 15:45-49

818 Soter - Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 47

819 The bridegroom (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 3:29

820 The Immanuel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 7 14

821 The Living One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:18

822 The Mediator (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 2 5

823 The rising sun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 4:2

824 Word was God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1:1-51

825 All Sufficient (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor. 9 8

826 Another Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 15

827 Balm of Gilead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 8 22

828 Bara' Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 28

829 Bread of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6:32-63

830 Creator of precious stones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

831 Crown of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28 5

832 Desire of Women. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 11 37

833 Dew unto Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hosea 14 5

834 Diadem of Beauty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28 5

835 Eternal SPIRIT. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 9:14

836 Faithful One. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Thes. 5 24

837 Give thanks to the Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

838 God our Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 2 3

839 God the Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 110:4

840 God who gave me good sense. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

841 God who had made the Stars. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

842 God who has created Angles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

843 God who has made the rubes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

844 GOD Who sees me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 16:13

845 Good and Upright (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 51 8

846 Gracious Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 3

847 Hanged Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 5 30

848 He is a warrior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:3

849 He will carry us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 46.4

850 Head Over Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 4 15

851 Healer of Wounds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 30 6

852 High Right Hand (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 13

853 His Mighty Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 11 2

854 Jehovah (LORD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 3 23

855 King Beautiful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 33 17

856 King of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24 7-10

857 Life is in Him (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:4

858 Lord and Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 1

859 Lord gives wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 2.6

860 Lord of harvest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 9:38

861 Lord of Hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 23 9

862 Lord who made tree of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

863 Master and Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 13:13

864 Mine Anointed. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Sam. 2 35

865 My beloved Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 1 10-11

866 Only Begotten Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 3:16

867 Overcomer Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 17 14

868 Pillar of Fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exo. 13 21

869 Preserved in Him (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jude 1

870 Righteous Branch. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23 5

871 Righteous Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 27 19

872 River of Waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 32 2

873 Rock and Fortress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71 3

874 Rock of offence. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 8 14

875 Savior Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Peter 1 1

876 Strong Habitation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71 3

877 The Mighty One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60:16

878 The true light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:3-9

879 The true Vine. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 15 1

880 The Victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 15 57

881 The Way of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14 6

882 Thine Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 16 10

883 Very Great God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 104 1

884 Wonderful God. - -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6

885 Word Made Flesh(God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 14

886 Worthy Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 9

887 A sun and shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84 11

888 Abundant Grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 5 17-19

889 Anointed King. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Sam. 2 10

890 Approved of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2 22

891 Arm of Redemption. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 77 15

892 Armor of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6 5; 11 5

893 Author of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 3:15

894 Banner of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 60 4

895 Better than Angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1 4

896 Conquering Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 17 14

897 Crown of beauty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28:5

898 Door of the Sheep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10 9

899 Elohiym Yehovah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joshua 22 22

900 Ever merciful One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37 26

901 For you created all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

902 Friend of Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41 8

903 God in the flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 20:28

904 God the Prophet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 3:22

905 God who gave eyes to see. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

906 God who gave food to eat. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

907 God who gave good health. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

908 God who has created Lucifer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

909 God who has made the silver. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

910 God who made eve out of man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

911 God who made us sons of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

912 Great High Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 4 14

913 Great Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 13 20

914 Greatness of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99 2

915 He cares for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee I pt. 5.7

916 He is the Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3 16

917 He will save us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 33:22

918 High Tower of Mine. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 2

919 Holy One and Just. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 3 14

920 Holy One of Mount. -- LORD I Praise Thee Habb. 3 3

921 Keeper of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121 4

922 King of the Ages. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 15:3

923 Lamb of Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 10

924 You are like an Eagle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 32:11

925 God is love. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn. 4 8

926 Loving Kindness (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 144:2

927 Man Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 2 5

928 Master (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 6 9; Col. 4 1

929 Messiah the Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:41

930 Morning Star. - -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 22 16

931 Passover Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 5 7

932 Portion of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer.10 16

933 Precious Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 7

934 Prince of Princes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 8 25

935 Redeemer of Souls. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 34 22

936 Redeemer the Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 14

937 Restorer of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 102 16

938 Rose of Sharon.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 65 10

939 Salvation of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 28 28

940 Seed of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Tim. 2 8

941 Shekinah Glory.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60 13

942 Son of man is Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 12:8

943 Son of Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:20. Ac 7:56

944 Spirit of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 11 11

945 Stone, A tried. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28 16

946 Strong Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 50 34

947 Supreme authority. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 29

948 Teacher of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 34

949 That's why He (God) came. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 19:10

950 The Holy Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 11 13

951 The LORD made the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

952 The Love of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 3 16

953 The Most High (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 24 16

954 Way of the Just. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 7

955 Way of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 2

956 Witness of Truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 18 37

957 Anointer of My Head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 5

958 Babe of Bethlehem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 12

959 Bishops overseer. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pet 2:25

960 Christ the Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 10 4

961 Comforter of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 1

962 Crown of Pure Gold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 21 3

963 Defense (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 22 25. Ps. 89

964 Desire of our Soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 8

965 Disallowed Stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 7

966 Do all in His (God) name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 3:17

967 Enlarger of Gad. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 20

968 Everlasting King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 28

969 Excellency of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 35 2

970 Faithful Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 4 9

971 Father to Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 31 9

972 Gentle whisper. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kings 19:12

973 Glory of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40:5

974 God [is] a Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:24

975 God of Justice.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 30 18

976 God who gave ears to hear. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

977 God who gave me nice dresses. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

978 God who gave me parents/wife. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

979 God who gave Holy Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

980 God who has made the planets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

981 Great is the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:3

982 God greater than David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 2

983 God greater than Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4 12

984 Hated One (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8 46; 15 23-24

985 He first loved us. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 4:19

986 He will defend you; -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

987 He will protect us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91.14

988 He will rescue us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91.14

989 His Son, Our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 1 9

990 Holy One of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 29 23

991 Husband of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 54 5

992 Image of his person. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1:3

993 Image of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14 9

994 Jesus of Nazareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 1 24

995 Korban- Sacrifices (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9 28

996 Lamb of Mount Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 14 2

997 Lamb without spot. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pt 1:19

998 Lord of the Sabbath. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 2 8

999 Lord the Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joshua 11 27

1000 Messiah the Prince. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 9 25

1001 My God, my strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

1002 My Lord and my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 20:28

1003 Palet - Deliverer (God).. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 2

1004 Protector of widows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:5

1005 Refuge in Trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 25 4

1006 Right Hand of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 5

1007 Righteous Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Tim. 4 8

1008 Righteous Servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 11

1009 Rock Higher Than I. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 61 2

1010 Rock of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Sam. 23 3

1011 Rock of my Refuge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 94 22

1012 Servant of Rulers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49 7

1013 Shadow of His Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 42 2

1014 Shepherd of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 80:1

1015 Shepherd Roeh (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 24

1016 Son of the Highest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 32

1017 Son Over His House. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 3 6

1018 Spirit of Grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 10 29

1019 Spirit of Truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14 17

1020 Surety of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 123

1021 That Eternal Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 1 2

1022 The Chief Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Pt 5:4

1023 The LORD is my rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

1024 The LORD reigns. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9:5-6

1025 The Manifest Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 1 2

1026 Thy Glorious Name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 5

1027 Treasure of Wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 2 3

1028 Triumphant Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 17 14

1029 Very Present Help. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 46 1

1030 Way to the Holiest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 9 8

1031 Wisdom of the Just. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 17

1032 Word of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 30

1033 You alone are God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99:1-9

1034 Anointed Preacher. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 61 1

1035 Anointed Witness. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Sam. 12 5

1036 Arm of His Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 132 8

1037 Author of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 14 33

1038 Carpenter’s Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 13 55

1039 Creator of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43 15

1040 Deliverer to Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 59 20

1041 Elect of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42 1

1042 Eternal Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 1:2; 5:20

1043 Everlasting Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 17

1044 Father of lights. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 1 17

1045 For fear of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 2.10

1046 Fountain of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 28

1047 Friend Forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Chron. 20 7

1048 Friend of Sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11 19

1049 Fulfillment of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 7:14

1050 Gate for the Sheep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10 7

1051 God is the Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 80:1

1052 God on that stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:19-22

1053 God who gave me good clothing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1054 Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 11:25

1055 God who has made the minerals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1056 God who has many plans for me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1057 Greatness of Might. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 2

1058 Hand of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joshua 4 29

1059 He shall lead us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:14-17

1060 He will sustain you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

1061 Head of Every Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 11 3

1062 High and Lofty One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 57 15

1063 High Priest forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 6:20

1064 Higher than Heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 26

1065 His Brightness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Habbakuk. 3 4

1066 His Loving-kindness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 63 7

1067 Hope of the Promise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 26 6

1068 Jehovah-Jireh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 22:13-14

1069 Jesus of Galilee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 26 64

1070 Jesus the Galilean. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 26 69

1071 Judge Among Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 2 4

1072 Judge of the widows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68 5

1073 Kadosh - Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71 22

1074 King of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 24 23

1075 Lamp of the Feet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 105

1076 Light Everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60 20

1077 Light of the City. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 22 23

1078 Lily of the Valleys. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 2:1

1079 Lord and God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 20 28; 10 30

1080 Lord from Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 15 47

1081 Lord thy Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60 16

1082 Milk of the Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pet 2:2

1083 My portion forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 73 26

1084 Picture of Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 12:3-13

1085 Rabboni (Teacher). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 20:16

1086 Revealer of Secrets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 9 47

1087 Rod of my Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 110 2

1088 Root of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:5; 22:16

1089 Same Word of Eternity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 2

1090 Sent to preach. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 61:1-2

1091 Spirit of Holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 1 4

1092 Star out of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 24 17

1093 Strength of my Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 27 1

1094 Stretched out Arm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 11 2

1095 Sun of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 4:2

1096 Tabernacle of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21 33

1097 The first fruits. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor 15:23

1098 The Lord is coming. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:20

1099 The Spirit of GOD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:24

1100 Truth of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14 6; 18 37

1101 A horn of salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:69

1102 A stone of stumbling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 8 14

1103 Abhir - Mighty One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 24

1104 Acknowledge his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 13:15

1105 Bishop of Souls. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Peter 2 25

1106 Creator of all creeping things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1107 Desire of All Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hag 2:7

1108 Executor of Judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 5 27

1109 Expectation of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 62 5

1110 Framer of the Worlds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 11 3

1111 Fruit of the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4 2

1112 God blessed forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 9:5

1113 God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 4:32

1114 The only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jude 1:4

1115 Governor (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 5 2. Mt. 2 18

1116 Greater than Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8 53

1117 Greater than Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 11 19

1118 He guides in the Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 24:45

1119 He has Hair like wool. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:14

1120 He oversees all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 4:13

1121 Hope in Day of Evil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 17 7

1122 Hope of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal. 5 5

1123 Husband of the Bride. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21 2

1124 I, Yahweh your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41.13

1125 Jesus the Crucified. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 1 11

1126 Kanna - Jealous zealous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 20 5

1127 Keep His (God) commandments. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 14:15

1128 King of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 2

1129 Kurios - lord, master. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 6 9

1130 Leader and Commander. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 55 4

1131 Light of the Path. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 110 105

1132 Lord God of Hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 15:16

1133 Magnified Name. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Chron. 17 24

1134 Maker of One New Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2 15

1135 One LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dt. 6 4; Zh. 14 9

1136 Our Passover Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 5:7

1137 Our righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 1:30

1138 Our Sin Offering. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 5 21

1139 Pasture, feeds them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23:1-2

1140 Precious Stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 6-7

1141 Rest for our souls. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11 28

1142 Same Lord Over All. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 10 12

1143 Seed of the Woman. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 3 15

1144 Shelter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps61 3. Mt 23 38

1145 Slayer of the Enemy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2 16

1146 Son of Man in Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3 13

1147 Son of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal. 4 2

1148 Stone of stumbling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 8 14

1149 Strength of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 5 4

1150 Swears by Himself. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 6:13-18

1151 Teacher of My Path. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25 4-5

1152 Testator (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt26 28.Hb 9 16

1153 The dreaded warrior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 20 11

1154 The faithful witness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:5

1155 The King of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24 7-10

1156 The LORD All-Powerful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 46:7

1157 The LORD God, gracious. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

1158 The LORD is his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

1159 The Mighty of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 132 2

1160 Very High Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 10 1-39

1161 Very Lovely Song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 33 32

1162 Victory over death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 2:19-21

1163 Yashar - Just One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 7

1164 Your Son and Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 22:41-45

1165 All nations whom thou hast made. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1166 Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor. 6 18

1167 Arm of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 51 9; 53 1

1168 Astonished One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 52 14; 50 6

1169 Author of our faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 12:2

1170 Blessed Lamb of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 12

1171 Christ gives light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:8-14

1172 Christ is our master. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 23:10

1173 Cloud of the Lord.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exo. 40 38

1174 Conform to His image. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:29

1175 Covenant of Promise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 10 16

1176 Covert from the Storm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4 6

1177 Day’s man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9 33. ITim 2 5

1178 Ensign of the People. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 11 10

1179 Exceeding Joy our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 34 4

1180 Gardener of Earth.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41 19

1181 God of Great Kindness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 17

1182 God of righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42 5

1183 God who gave strength to Samson. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1184 God who gave the food of Angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1185 Good Man (God) of the House. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 20 11

1186 Great Door (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 16 9. Jn. 10

1187 Great God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 8 6. Tit 2 13

1188 Greater than Noah. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 3 19

1189 Greater than Solomon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 12 41

1190 He (God) intercedes for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 17:20

1191 He (God) is life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14:6; I Jn. 5:11

1192 He (God) who built the house. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 3 3

1193 Hope of Eternal Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 3 17

1194 Hupsistos - Highest (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 21 9

1195 I the LORD do keep it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 27.3

1196 Image of the Believers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 3 9

1197 Isaac prayed to Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 25.21

1198 Jehovah (LORD) title. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 8:13-14

1199 Jesus is the Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 20:31

1200 Jesus to be worshipped. -- LORD I Praise Thee Php 2:10

1201 Kindler of Tophet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 30 33

1202 King of All the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 47 5

1203 Light that removes sin. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:4-9

1204 Lord JESUS CHRIST. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 15:57

1205 Lord Our Shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 3 3; 59 11

1206 Lord the God of Hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 6 8

1207 Lord Thy Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 4 12; 60 16

1208 Lord who made fishes in the sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1209 Mighty One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 30 27

1210 Mighty One of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49 26

1211 Narrow Gate. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 7 14. Is. 40 2

1212 Nazarene (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 2 23. Zh. 3 8

1213 Portion (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 73:26;119:57

1214 Preserver of the Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 12 7

1215 Prince and Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 5 31

1216 Refuge from the Storm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 25 4

1217 Rock of My Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 26

1218 Rock of the Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 16 18

1219 Seed of Adam Humanity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 3 38

1220 Shepherd of Souls. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 25

1221 Shepherd of the Sheep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10 2

1222 Shield of Thy Help. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 29

1223 Shorn Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 50 6. Jn. 19 1

1224 Sinless High Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 4 15

1225 Sovereign Lord Helps me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 57

1226 Spirit of Adoption. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 8:15

1227 Strength of My Heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 73 26

1228 Strength to the Poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11 24

1229 Sure Steadfast Anchor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 6 9

1230 The Christ (Messiah). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 12:35

1231 The Everlasting God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 28

1232 The exact image of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

1233 The Lord God Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4 8

1234 The LORD God, merciful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

1235 The LORD is his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:3

1236 The LORD is My buckler. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

1237 The sea is his, and he made it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1238 The Son of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Jn. 3

1239 Tower and Fortress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 6 27

1240 Unspeakable Gift. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 9 15

1241 Upholding Right Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 63 8

1242 We exist through Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Php 4:13

1243 We’ll sing His song! -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 15:3

1244 Whose name is Holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 57.15

1245 Worthy is the Lamb.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:12

1246 Beloved worthy of love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1:6

1247 Bridegroom Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 7; 21 9

1248 Bright Light of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37 21

1249 Builder of the Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 16 18

1250 Child of the Holy Ghost. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 1 18

1251 Chosen Stone of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 4

1252 Consolation of Israel - -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 25

1253 Creator of the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 28

1254 Dayspring from on High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 78

1255 Didaskalos - A Teacher. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 13 14

1256 Enlarger of my Heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 32

1257 Equal of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 5 18. Phil. 2 6

1258 Faithful and True (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 11, 13

1259 For Yahweh, he speaks. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41.13

1260 God of the Covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 9 46

1261 God rescued his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111:9

1262 God shows his love for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5:8

1263 God who made the sun stand still. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1264 Governor who rule Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 2:6

1265 Greatly to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:3

1266 He gives us victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee I cor. 15.57

1267 He has promised wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 1:5

1268 He is always the same. LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 13:8

1269 He is the One mediator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7:25

1270 He uttereth his voice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:13

1271 Help of His Countenance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 42 5

1272 His love is wonderful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 3:19

1273 His Son Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 3 23

1274 Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41 14

1275 Hope and Joy of Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8 56

1276 Jesus Christ as king. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:32-33

1277 Jesus Christ our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 1 1

1278 Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:1, 16-17

1279 Jesus is everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:1-3

1280 King of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 2 6. Zech. 9 4

1281 Kinsman Nearer. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Ruth 3 12

1282 Lifter of My Head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 3 3; 110 7

1283 Light of Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 9 3; 26 13

1284 Lord who made all leaving things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1285 Man of Thy Right Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 80 17

1286 Man of War. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15 3. Rev19 16

1287 Meek and Lowly Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11 29

1288 Melekh - King (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 5 2 Ish. 5 1

1289 Mighty God of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 24

1290 Mystery of Godliness. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 3 16

1291 O Lord endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 138.8

1292 One and Only Sacrifice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3 16

1293 Our peace and rest.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jud. 6 24

1294 Pierced One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 19 37 Rev. 1 7

1295 Proverb to His People. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69 11

1296 Pure One. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn3 2. II Cor5 21

1297 Quickening Love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 88; 159

1298 Radiance of God's glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb.1:3

1299 Redeemer the Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 54 5

1300 Redemption (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee ICor 1 20. Lk 2 38

1301 Scepter Out of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 24 17

1302 Seek the LORD of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.13

1303 Separate from Sinners (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 26

1304 Shadow from the heat. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 25 4

1305 Shadow of the Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91 1

1306 Shelter of His Flock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 63 12

1307 Shepherd of the Valley. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 4

1308 Smitten Judge of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 5 1

1309 Son of the Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 32

1310 The Branch of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 23:5-6

1311 The Everlasting Arm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 27

1312 The Grace of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 17

1313 The heir of all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:2

1314 The Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job6 10. Ps16 10

1315 The LORD is my fortress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

1316 The LORD is our king. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 33:22

1317 The LORD loves justice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

1318 The man Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2:5

1319 The Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 5 18, 21

1320 The Redeeming Angel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 48 16

1321 The Word became flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:14

1322 Thou hast made summer and winter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1323 Thy Staff and Comfort. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 4

1324 Tower of Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Sam. 22 51

1325 Uncomprehend able Light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 4

1326 God of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Thes. 5 23

1327 Voice of Many Waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 12

1328 Wise and Strong Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 12

1329 Witness of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8 18

1330 Abundant Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10 10. Ps. 23 1

1331 Anthem of a New Song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 9

1332 Author of Book of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21 27

1333 Beloved of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 12 18

1334 Blesser of the Children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 9 36

1335 Brightness of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze. 10 4

1336 Compassionate Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 9 36

1337 Completer of the Saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 3 3

1338 Covenant of the People. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49 8

1339 Designer of the Universe. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 19 1

1340 El-gibhor - Mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6

1341 Ensign for the Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 11 12

1342 Exalted Name (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 34 4. Phil. 2 9

1343 Faithful Ambassador. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 13 7

1344 For thou hast created all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1345 Former of the Light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 15-17

1346 Fullness of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 19

1347 Fullness of the Godhead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 2 9

1348 Gladness of the Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 106 5

1349 God full of compassion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 86 15

1350 God has promised peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 26:3

1351 God is a righteous judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 7:11

1352 God is our mighty rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84:11

1353 God Manifest in Flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 3 16

1354 God most high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 57 2; Lk. 8 28

1355 God who is Immortal. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 1 17

1356 Governor of Many Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22 8

1357 Greatness of Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 63 12

1358 Greatness of Thy Power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 79 11

1359 Guide for Us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 3 9. Ps. 48 14

1360 Had risen from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 12:1

1361 Having the Son is life. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 5:12

1362 He always protects them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

1363 He does wonderful works. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107:8

1364 He gets David's throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:32

1365 He (God) is holier Than Thou. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 65 5

1366 Headstone of the corner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 21:42

1367 Health of My Countenance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 42 5

1368 Hearer of Prayer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 65 2. Jn. 15

1369 His Excellent Greatness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 150 2

1370 His Holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Am 4 12. Ps108 7

1371 Honorable Lamb of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 12

1372 I myself will help you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41.13

1373 Judge of the Fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 10 18

1374 King over all other gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95:3

1375 Lord of Heavens Riches. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm. 10 12

1376 Lord Our Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23 36

1377 Lord who made all creeping things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1378 My trust from my youth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71 5

1379 No one is like the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 35:10

1380 O LORD, I beseech thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 38.3

1381 Ordained of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 17 30

1382 Our Sabbath. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev23 3 Heb4 3

1383 Overcomer of the World. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 16 33

1384 Peacemaker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 20. Mt. 5 9

1385 Pleased of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 3 17

1386 Powerful and Rich Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 12

1387 Preacher of Good Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 1 39

1388 Secret of Thy Presence. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31 20

1389 Seed of Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Galatians 3 16

1390 Seed of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1 39. Mt. 1 20

1391 Shield For Me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 6 16. Ps. 3 3

1392 Smiter of the Nations.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech. 12

1393 Smitten Rock of Horeb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exo. 17 6

1394 Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt27 43. Jn. 9 35

1395 Son of Joseph. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 3 23. Jn. 1 45

1396 Spokesman of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 2

1397 Strength of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam. 15 29

1398 Sweeter than honey. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:103

1399 Terrible of the Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 76 12

1400 The Father of lights. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 1:17

1401 The glory of his majesty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 2.10

1402 The Lord is my Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 1

1403 The LORD is thy keepers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121:5

1404 The LORD that created the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1405 This is the true God. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn 5:20

1406 Throne of God’s Holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1 8

1407 True Bread from Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 32

1408 Tsur - Rock, Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 2

1409 Worthy Lamb of Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 12

1410 Advocate with the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn. 2 1

1411 Ancient of Days. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 7 9,13, 22

1412 Angel of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gn 31 11. Ex 14 9

1413 Apostle and High Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 3 1

1414 Before Abraham was, I AM. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8 58

1415 Beloved Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt13 17 Mk11 1

1416 Blessed and only Ruler. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 6 15

1417 Captain of Our Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:10

1418 Christ Jesus the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 4 5

1419 Christ the Son of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 12 35

1420 Christ, Our Passover. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 5 7

1421 Creator of the ends of the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1422 Excellent and Comely One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4 2

1423 Face of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 33 30 Jn 1 18

1424 First Born from the Dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col.1 18

1425 For his great mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Peter 1:3

1426 Gather of the Winds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Proverbs 30 4

1427 Giver of eternal life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 10:27-28

1428 Glory to the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 24.16

1429 God can do the impossible. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 18:27

1430 God is Great in counsel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:19

1431 God of the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 54:5

1432 God of your fathers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exo. 3 13, 15

1433 God who gave the rules of judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1434 God who has Mighty Wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36 5

1435 Good Master. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:19; 19:16

1436 He binds up their wounds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:3

1437 He is kind and merciful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111:4

1438 He is the king of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 46:7

1439 He protects them forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

1440 He rules as king forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

1441 He taught so many things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 7:46

1442 He that by wisdom made the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1443 He was filled with wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2.40

1444 Heir of all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 2, 14-21

1445 Hope and Joy of Simeon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 25-32

1446 I the LORD love judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 61.8

1447 Infinite One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33 11

1448 Inheritor of All Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 82 8

1449 Intercessor of Sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 12

1450 Jasper and Sardine Stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4 3

1451 Jehovah (LORD) Sabaoth. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam. 1 3

1452 Jesus Christ was a Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1:29

1453 Judge of Quick and Dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 10 4

1454 Light of Thy Countenance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 15

1455 Lord God of Mount Sinai. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 13

1456 Lord of the Whole Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 4 13

1457 Maker of the New Way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43 14

1458 Merciful God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 3 12 Dt. 4 31

1459 O Lord, thou art my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 25.1

1460 One Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ez 34 23 Jn. 10 16

1461 One who sets believers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 31 13

1462 Our God forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 48:14

1463 Priest upon his throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec. 6 13

1464 Prophet in the Highest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1:76

1465 Recompenser (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb10 :30

1466 Risen Light (God). -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 9 11 Mt4 16

1467 Rod of Thine Inheritance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 72 4

1468 Ruler over kings of earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:5

1469 Same Stone of Prophecy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 21 42

1470 Sanctified and Sent One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10 36

1471 Shelter for me Machaceh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 61 3

1472 Sinless One. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 5 21. I Jn. 3

1473 Son of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 9 27. Lk. 3 31

1474 Son of the Living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 16 16

1475 Son of Truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 18 30 Hb. 1 9

1476 Sower of the Word of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 13 37

1477 Stone Cut without Hands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 2 34

1478 Sword of Thy Excellency. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 29

1479 Testament of Prophecy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 10

1480 The coming Prophet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu. 18:15-19

1481 The Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 17.7

1482 The LORD is my deliverer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

1483 The LORD is my high tower. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

1484 The LORD is our judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 33:22

1485 The Lord Who Heals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15 22-26

1486 The LORD will guard you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121:5

1487 The mighty One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 1.24

1488 The spirit of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 11.2

1489 There is only one Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 4:4-5

1490 Thy gentleness hath made me great. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1491 Valiant Right Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 118 15-16

1492 Very Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 9 22 Lk24 43

1493 Voice of Great Thunder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 14 2

1494 Word of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb11 3 Rev19 13

1495 Worthy Lord Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4 11; 5 9

1496 A just God and a Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45 21

1497 Alpha and Omega. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1 8, 11;22 13

1498 Barer of the Seven Stars. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 6

1499 Blessed and Glorious Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 13

1500 Blessed and Glorious Name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 72 19

1501 Blessed and Holy Ruler. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 6:15

1502 Branch of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 33 15

1503 Breath of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gn2:7, Rev11:11

1504 Church of the firstborn. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 12:23

1505 Despised and Rejected One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 3

1506 El Echad - The One God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal. 2 10

1507 Eucharist (GOD) of our Faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 11 24

1508 Exalted God of Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 46

1509 Father of the fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68 5

1510 Glory of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze. 9 3. Lk. 2 32

1511 Glory to God the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph. 2:9-11

1512 God of everlasting time. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 21 33

1513 God who created different languages. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1514 God who gave cloths to Adam and eve. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1515 God who gave wisdom to King Salomon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1516 God who leads His sheep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23:3

1517 Great Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119 165 Is26 3

1518 Greater than our Hearts. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 3 20

1519 Greatness of Excellency. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15 67

1520 Hater of Iniquity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 1 9

1521 He gives light to us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:28

1522 He is the light in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:23

1523 He will guide us forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 48:14

1524 He will rest in his love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

1525 Healer of Broken Hearts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6 1:1

1526 Hidden Manna. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 36

1527 His life of victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 2:20

1528 Hope of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 16 19

1529 I will wait upon the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 8.17

1530 Jehovah (LORD) attribute. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31:5

1531 Jehovah Elohim -- LORD God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 2 4

1532 Jesus Christ never changes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 13:8

1533 Jesus the Grace and Truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 17

1534 Judge of All the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 94 21

1535 Justified of the Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 3 16

1536 King of Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4 37 Ps 24 7

1537 King of the flood forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

1538 Lord forgives us our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 3.13

1539 Maker of Morning Darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4 13

1540 Man of Sorrows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53 3 Jn 19 16

1541 Misthapodotes - Rewarder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 11 6

1542 My first Love. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn 4 1. Rev 2 4

1543 Preeminent One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1 18 Jn 1 15

1544 Preparer of Heavenly Places. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14

1545 Preserver of His Creation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 6

1546 Refuge in times of trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9 9

1547 Rejected Stone of Builders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28

1548 Risen Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 24 34

1549 Rock of the Wilderness. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 10 4

1550 Rock Our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18 31

1551 Ruler of God's Creation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3 14

1552 Sin bearer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 2. I Pt 2 24

1553 Son of Man, the Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 18 11

1554 Stranger and Alien. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69 8

1555 Strength of the Children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3 16

1556 Strong Power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish40 26 Mt28 20

1557 The ark of his testament. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 11:19

1558 The bride is the Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 5 27

1559 The devils recognized Him (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:29

1560 The Jews rejected Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 19:12-15

1561 The LORD brings justice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103:6

1562 The Lord My Hiding Place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 32 7

1563 The LORD our Banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 17 8-15

1564 The Lord that Healeth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15 26

1565 The LORD that made thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 44.2

1566 The Lord, mighty in battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24:8

1567 The majesty of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 24.14

1568 The Savior of the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn 4:14

1569 Trader of the Winepress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 5

1570 Word of Life. LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 1 1

1571 Word of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 123

1572 YHVH Elohim - LORD God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 2 4

1573 YHVH - your God in vain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 20 7

1574 A strong and mighty warrior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24:8

1575 Ask and He will give wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jas 1:5

1576 Availing Shield and Buckler. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 35 2

1577 Banner of Love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Sg of Sol 2 4

1578 Bridegroom God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 2 39 Mt 9 15

1579 Bright and morning star. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:16

1580 Buckler to the Upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 2 7

1581 Christ hath seen the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14:9

1582 Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 3 24

1583 Christ the King of Israel. LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 15 32

1584 Christ who strengthens me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph. 4.13

1585 Creator became a man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1:1-3, 10

1586 EMMANUEL - God is with us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 1 23

1587 Enlightener of My Darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 28

1588 Excellent One is our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 148 13

1589 Executor of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 33 15

1590 Foreordained Eternally. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 1 20

1591 Gentiles Trust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm. 15 12 Lk 2 32

1592 Glorious Voice with Us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 30 30

1593 God of Pardon and New Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 17

1594 God says Do not be afraid. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41.13

1595 God who gave Man to eat angels' food. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1596 God who gave the plain of tabernacle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1597 God who has made all precious stones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1598 God's name is also Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 5:11

1599 Good Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100 5

1600 He holds it all together. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-18

1601 He that createth the wind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4:13

1602 He who smote great kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 136 17

1603 High Above All. LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99 26

1604 High Priest of Good Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9 11

1605 His name when He (GOD) returns. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:11

1606 His Spirit who lives in you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8.11

1607 Holy Child Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 4 47

1608 Hosanna to the Son of David!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 21:9

1609 Humbler of the High Minded. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 5

1610 I am Yahweh your Healer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:26

1611 I the LORD have created it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45.8

1612 Image of the Invisible God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 15

1613 Inheritor of My Mountains. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 65 9

1614 Jesus Christ our Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 3 5-7

1615 Jesus Christ the Righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 2 1

1616 Jesus is that one Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 22:43-45

1617 Jesus was without blemish. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pt 1:19

1618 Lamb of the Great Multitude. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 7 9

1619 Lifted up Suffering Symbol. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 21 9

1620 Lord Our Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 33 22

1621 New creature it's in Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 5:17

1622 O Lord who sets examples. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Tm 4.12

1623 Power of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 18 6

1624 Praise of the Children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 21 15-16

1625 Praise the LORD from Zion!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 135:21

1626 Precious Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 1 18

1627 Preserver of the Faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31 23

1628 Redeemer the Lord of Hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 44 6

1629 Refuge for the Oppressed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9 9; 91

1630 Resurrection and the Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 11 25

1631 Righteousness in Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 5:21

1632 Salvation (Born of Him). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 2:29

1633 Seed of David Kingship. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 4, 38

1634 Seed of Jacob Nationality. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 65 9

1635 Shade Upon Thy Right Hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121 5

1636 Shalom of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2 14.

1637 Shout praises to the LORD!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 135:21

1638 Teacher from God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 3 1 Lk 19 47

1639 That One from the Beginning. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 1

1640 That Prophet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dt 18 15 Jn 1 25

1641 The bright Morning Star. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:16

1642 The glorious God thunders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:3

1643 The LORD always does right!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84:11

1644 The LORD God, longsuffering. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

1645 The LORD is our lawgiver. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 33:22

1646 The LORD loves good people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:8

1647 The Mercy of the Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 21 7

1648 The Rock of Our Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95 1

1649 Trader of the Angry Waves. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job. 9 8

1650 True and Righteous Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 2

1651 True Vine abiding in Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:1-5

1652 Yahweh, the God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jerm 21.4

1653 Yolk of Peace and Rest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11 28-30

1654 You (GOD) exalted above my foes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18.47

1655 You (GOD) will incline your ear. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 10:17

1656 Zeal of the Lord of Hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.7

1657 Author of eternal salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3:16

1658 Captain of their salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 2 10

1659 Christ, Son of Living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 16:16

1660 Complete Controller of All. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 7

1661 Contradiction of Sinners. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 12 3

1662 Everlasting God, the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40.28

1663 Fairer than Children of Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45 2

1664 Faithful and Just Forgiver. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 1 9

1665 Faithful and True Witness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3 14

1666 Faithful Witness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 37

1667 Firstborn of Many Brothers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 8 29

1668 For God is my stronghold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 59:17

1669 For we are his workmanship. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2:10

1670 God in his holy dwelling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:4-5

1671 God will meet all your needs. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phi 4.19

1672 Good and upright is the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:8

1673 Great Counselor. LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6

1674 He heals the brokenhearted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:3

1675 He is patient toward you. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Peter 3:9

1676 He made the waters to stand as a heap. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1677 He shall reign and prosper. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23:5

1678 He will acknowledge My name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91.14

1679 His Garment is white as snow. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 28:1-3

1680 His mission, to die for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 3:14

1681 House of Defense. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31 2

1682 I am doing a new thing now. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.18

1683 I the LORD will hear them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41.17

1684 I will not be angry forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 3.12

1685 JEHOVAH--YAHWEH - LORD God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 2:4

1686 Joy and rejoicing of heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 15:16

1687 King of Jacob. LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41 21

1688 King of Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 10 10

1689 Kinsman Redeemer (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 19 25

1690 Lifted and Exalted Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3 14;8 28

1691 Light of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 27 1

1692 Lily Among Thorns. -- LORD I Praise Thee Sg of Sol 2 2

1693 Lord God of Your Fathers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh18 3

1694 Lord Over All. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 10 12 Ph 2 11

1695 LORD, who redeemed Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 29.22

1696 Master in Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ep. 6 9

1697 New covenant. LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 5:17

1698 Ordainer of the Preachers. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 9 14

1699 Palaios Hemeron - Omnipotent. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:6

1700 Pattern of the Believers. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 1 16

1701 Pierced Messiah. LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22 16

1702 Portion of Mine Inheritance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 16 5

1703 Propitiation for our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 3 25

1704 Redeemer of Zion. LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 59 20

1705 Righteous branch of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23:5-6

1706 Rod of My Anger. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 10 5.

1707 Ruler of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 5 2

1708 Self-Existent One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 8 58 Ex6 14

1709 Spiritual Meat. LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 10 4

1710 Strength in Time of Trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37 39

1711 Terrible God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 1 5

1712 Testimony of the Scriptures. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 5 39

1713 The angels belong to Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 13:41

1714 The consolation of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:68

1715 The Davidic Covenant (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee II Sam 7:14-16

1716 The God of thy salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 17.10

1717 The Justification of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 5 18

1718 The Justification of Many. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 5 16

1719 The King, the LORD of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.5

1720 The LORD cometh from far. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 30.27

1721 The LORD will provide. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 22 13-14

1722 The salvation of our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 52:10

1723 The Straight Gate. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 7 14

1724 Thou whom my soul loveth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1 17

1725 Thresher of Wheat and Chaff. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 3 12

1726 Tower of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 4 14

1727 Victorious One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66 15

1728 Virgin Birth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:18-25

1729 Wall of Fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 2 5 Ex 13 27

1730 Who forgives all our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103.3

1731 Word of His Power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33 6 Gn 1 1

1732 Worthy Servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 2 7 Rev. 7 17

1733 Akal 'esh - Consuming Fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 4 24

1734 Amen (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 5 22Rev 1 5

1735 Another name for Jehovah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 32:18

1736 Appointed Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 5 29 Act 12 30

1737 Appointed of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104 19 Hb 3 2

1738 Beside me [there is] no God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:6

1739 Blessed be God Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 14:18-20

1740 Both the Father and the Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Jn. 1:9

1741 By His wounds we are healed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53.5

1742 Christ our Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 53 5 Ep 2 14

1743 Counsel of the Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107 22

1744 Desire of the Righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 11 23

1745 Dweller of the Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 123 1

1746 El Emet - The God of Truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31 6

1747 EL-SHADDAI - God Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 17:1

1748 Esh okhlah - Consuming Fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 4:24

1749 Eyaluth - God is my strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:19

1750 First Born of Every Creature. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 15

1751 For the Lord hears the needy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69:33

1752 Former of Jacob and Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 44 21

1753 God reigneth over the heathen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 47:8

1754 God who gave the water out of the Rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1755 Have eternal life. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 5:11-12

1756 He arose, and rebuked the wind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 4:39

1757 He gives us grace and glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

1758 He has promised forgiveness. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 1:9

1759 He has the Spirit of counsel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is. 11:1-2

1760 He is our high priest forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 6:20

1761 He knows our thoughts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 6:8

1762 He tasted death for every man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:9

1763 He teaches the humble his way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:9

1764 His countenance is as the sun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:16

1765 His praise was on my tongue. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:17

1766 Horn of the House of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze. 29 21

1767 Horn of the House of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze. 29 21

1768 I am the LORD, your Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.15

1769 Immanuel - God Is With Us.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 7 14

1770 In the Lord, put your trust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 11:1

1771 Jehovah (LORD) is our Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 64:8

1772 Kodashim - Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 9 10; 30 3

1773 Lamb of the Twelve Apostles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21 14

1774 Light in Darkness. --LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 112 4

1775 Lord Himself goes before you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det 31.8

1776 Lord of your life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 10:13

1777 Lord Thy Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 27

1778 Lord will make you the head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det 28.13

1779 Maker of All Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 16

1780 Maker of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hosea. 8 14

1781 Mediator of a Better Covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 8 6

1782 Mighty and Strong One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 28 2; 30 30

1783 Yahweh (GOD) provides. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 22:11-14

1784 Resurrection and Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 11 25; 5 29

1785 Savior of All. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 102 27

1786 Savior of the Lost. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 19 10

1787 Seed of Shem Race. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 3 36

1788 Seeking Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9 10 Mt 9 36

1789 Shepherd of the Other Sheep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10 16

1790 Smitten of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 53 4 Mt 27 46

1791 Spiritual Drink.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 35

1792 Stone the Builders Rejected. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 21 42

1793 The Almighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6

1794 The Excellent Delight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 16 3;37 10

1795 The first-born from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:5

1796 The God of the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 54.5

1797 The King, King of kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 6 15

1798 The Lord GOD and his Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 47.16

1799 The LORD our righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23 6

1800 The LORD Who Makes Holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 37 28

1801 Trader of the High Places. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 29

1802 Way Everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 139 24

1803 Wonderful Counselor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9 6,28,29

1804 Worshipful Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 28 17 Rev5 14

1805 You are honest and merciful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:8

1806 `Owlam `El - Everlasting God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 21 33

1807 All His (GOD) promises are Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 1:20

1808 All shall bow at that (GOD) name!!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Php. 2:10

1809 Beautiful and Glorious Branch. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4 2

1810 Branch (Messiah) from Jesse. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 11:1

1811 Bruised and Afflicted of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 5

1812 Bruiser of Satan. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 16 20

1813 Captain of the Lord’s Host. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 5 14

1814 Christ came as the high priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 9:11

1815 Christ the Crucified. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 1 22;2 8

1816 Christ the Power of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 1 23-24

1817 Christ, the Light of the World. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:16

1818 Elah Yisrael - God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 5 1

1819 Elayuth Hebrew - The Mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

1820 Elohim Chaiyim - Living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jr. 10 10

1821 El-Olam - God Everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40:31

1822 Firstborn from among the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 18

1823 Firstborn of All Creation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 15-16

1824 Fruit of the Womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1 25.Lk 1 42

1825 God has done mighty in work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:19

1826 God has Plans to prosper you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 29.11

1827 God is our refuge and strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 46:1

1828 God lifts the poor and needy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 113:7

1829 God sits on his sacred throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 47:8

1830 God who gave water to Hagar and her son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

1831 God who is Worshipped by angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:6

1832 He will watch over your life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121.7

1833 Head Above All. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Chron. 29 1.

1834 He'll give the words to say. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 21:12-15

1835 Higher than Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps89 27Rev 19 16

1836 His (GOD) greatness is unsearchable. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:3

1837 Honor the Lord with your wealth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 3.9

1838 Jehovah (LORD) the only Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 43:11

1839 Jesus the King of the Jews. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 27 37

1840 Light of the World. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn8 12 Jn9 5

1841 Lord God of the Holy Prophets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 22 6

1842 Lord of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Thess. 3 16.

1843 Love and serve Him faithfully. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 8:28.

1844 Mediator of the New Covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 12 22

1845 Mediator of the New Testament. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9 15

1846 Mightier than the Mighty Waves. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 93 4

1847 Minister of the Circumcision. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 15 3

1848 My Father in Heaven Lord Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 18.10

1849 My help comes from the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121:12

1850 Offspring of David. Rev. 22 6. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 11

1851 Overcomer of the Overcomers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3 21

1852 Plant of Renowned. Eze. 34 29-- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 15 1

1853 Praised the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chr 16:34-36

1854 Refuge in Day of Affliction. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 16 19

1855 Same Yesterday Today Forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 13 8

1856 Searcher of Hearts. Jer. 17 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 2 19

1857 Shepherd of the Little Flock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 12 32

1858 Spiritual Rock. I Cor. 10 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 17 6

1859 Strong Tower. Prov. 18 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Sam. 22 3

1860 Stumbling stone. Rom. 9 33; -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet. 2 8

1861 Surety of a Better Testament. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 22

1862 The deliverer and Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 11:26

1863 The glory of God the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph. 2:9-11

1864 The Great God and our Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:13

1865 The LORD is the greatest God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95:3

1866 The LORD loveth the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:8

1867 The LORD sitteth King forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

1868 The LORD will roar from Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos. 1.2

1869 The Savior of Upright Hearts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 7 10

1870 Victory rests with the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 21.31

1871 Way of Salvation. Ish. 45 22. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 4 5

1872 We trust in the LORD our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 36.7

1873 We will bless the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 115:17-18

1874 Who heals all your diseases. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103.3

1875 You give life to everything. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:1-11

1876 A very present help in trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 46 1

1877 Adonai Jehovah. Deut. 6 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4 4; 61 1

1878 All things held together by Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:17

1879 Anointed of the Holy Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 45 7

1880 Appointed Sacrifice. Hb. 7 28. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 40 6

1881 Arrow of Conviction. Zech. 9 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 7 58

1882 Beauty of the Lord. Ish. 4 2. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 90 17

1883 Blessed and Only Potentate. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 6 16

1884 Bringer of Good Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41 27; 61 1

1885 Builder and Maker. Heb. 11 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 17 7

1886 Cast your burden on the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

1887 Chief Cornerstone. Eph. 2 20; -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet. 2 6

1888 Christ the Son of the Blessed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 14 61

1889 Desire of the Bride. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 7 10

1890 El Elyon - The Highest God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 14 18

1891 El HaKadosh - The Holy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 5 16

1892 El Shaddai - The ALL-MIGHTY ONE. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 14

1893 Everlasting Name. Ish. 63 16. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 2 11

1894 Exalted and Extolled Servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 52 13

1895 First Begotten from the Dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1:5

1896 For the LORD our God is holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100:1-5

1897 From His (GOD) mouth comes knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 2.6

1898 God has Plans for your future. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 29.11

1899 God's beloved Son (at baptism). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 3:17

1900 Great Shepherd of the Sheep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 13 20

1901 Habitation of Justice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 31 23; 50 7

1902 He (GOD) that formeth the mountains. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4:13

1903 He (GOD) will be the light in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:23

1904 He will make your path straight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pr. 3.5

1905 He will show them his covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

1906 Head of the Body, the Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1 22

1907 Head of the Corner. Eph. 5 23. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 20 28

1908 High Priest Over House of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 10 21

1909 His chariots like a whirlwind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66.15

1910 His voice echoes over the ocean. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:3

1911 Hosanna of the Highest Praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 11 10

1912 I AM Almighty God. Ex. 3:14-- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8:58

1913 I am Yahweh providing kindness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jerm 9.24

1914 I the LORD do all these things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45.7

1915 In the beginning was the Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1:1

1916 Jehovah (LORD) is everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 90:2

1917 Jesus is omnipotent (Almighty). -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:27

1918 Justifier of the Circumcision. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 3 30

1919 Longsuffering God.. Num. 14 18-- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 86 15

1920 Lord YHWH Everlasting Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26 4

1921 Make His praise glorious. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:1-2

1922 Mediator Between God and Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim. 2 5

1923 Ordained Lamp of the Anointed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 132 17

1924 Our LORD is great and powerful!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:5

1925 Overseer of the Congregation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 20 28

1926 Portion in the Land of Living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 142 5

1927 Preserver of Saints. Prov. 2 16. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10 2

1928 Prophet Mighty Deed and Truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 24 19

1929 Quickening Word. Ps. 119 50. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 5 29-30

1930 Redeemer of Abraham. Gen. 15 6. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 29 2

1931 Redeemer of Israel. Ish. 41 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25 22

1932 Revealer of the Hidden Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 4 5

1933 Rod of His Mouth. Ish. 11 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 18 18

1934 Rod out of the stem of Jesse. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 11 1

1935 Root of Jesse. Ish. 11 10; -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 15 12

1936 Savior of the Body. Eph. 5 23. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 20 28

1937 Savior of the World. Jn. 4 42. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 4 14

1938 Seed of Judah Tribe. Gen. 49 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 5

1939 Son from Heaven. I Thess. 1 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6 58

1940 Spoiler of the Principalities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 2 15

1941 Sure Foundation. Ish. 28 16. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Tim. 2 9

1942 The LORD lifteth up the meek. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:6

1943 The LORD rules on his throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

1944 The LORD will come with fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66.15

1945 The LORD will fight for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 14:14

1946 The meek will he teach his way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:9

1947 The shadow of God All-Powerful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91:1

1948 The Song of Moses. Exod. 15 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 15 3

1949 The wrath of the Lamb will come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 6:16

1950 The zeal of the LORD of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.7

1951 Trader of the Lion and Adder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91 13

1952 Unclean spirits knew who He was. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 1.24

1953 Unto the Son, thy throne O God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:8

1954 Very Foundation of the Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 16 18

1955 `Owlam `Elohiym - The Trinity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 28

1956 All God's angels must worship him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1:6

1957 Anchor of Souls. Gen. 6 19. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 14 25

1958 Angel of the Lord. Gen. 18 2-15. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 3 2

1959 Buckler to All. II Sam. 22 51. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 30

1960 Christ is Jehovah Our Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:21

1961 Christ the wisdom of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 1 23-24

1962 El Olam - The God of Eternity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 21 33

1963 El Roi - God of Seeing Hagar. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 16 13

1964 Elah Sh'maya - God of Heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 7 23

1965 Elohay Marom - God of Heights. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic. 6 6

1966 EL-ROI - The God Who Sees. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 16:13

1967 Enthroned Priest. Zech. 6 12. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 10 12

1968 Even Yisrael -- Stone of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 24

1969 First Born Among Many Brethren. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 8 29

1970 For holy is the LORD our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99:9

1971 Former of all things. Jer. 51 19. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 3

1972 Foundation of our salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 3:11-15

1973 Fountain of the House of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech. 13 1

1974 God has Plans not to harm you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 29.11

1975 God has plans to give you hope. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 29.11

1976 God sets the lonely in families. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68.6

1977 God was manifest in the flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Ti 3:16

1978 Great is the Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 12.6

1979 Guarantor of the Tree of Life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 22 14

1980 He has done excellent things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 12:5

1981 He referred to woman as daughter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 9:22

1982 He rescued them from the grave. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107.20

1983 He sees our secret sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 90:8

1984 He shall teach you all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:26

1985 He understandeth and knoweth me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 9:24

1986 He will again rule all kingdoms. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 11:15

1987 He will lift you up in due time. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pet 5.6

1988 He will perform it (finisher). -- LORD I Praise Thee Php. 1:6

1989 His rebuke with flames of fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66.15

1990 His testimonies are wonderful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:129

1991 I (GOD) am grasping your right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41.13

1992 Jesus has gone there ahead of us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 6:20

1993 Light of the Glorious Gospel. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 4 4

1994 Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of Glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 2 1

1995 Lord of Lords. 1 Tim. 6 15; -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 16

1996 Lord of the Harvest. Mt. 9 38. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4 35

1997 Lover of Righteousness. Heb. 1 9. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33 5

1998 Maker of the Path in the Sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43 16

1999 Mind of the Lord. Lev. 24 12. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 2 16

2000 My soul is after thee, O God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 42:1-11

2001 Oh, how great is Your goodness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31:19

2002 One who fights for His people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 17 15

2003 Our LORD understands everything. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:5

2004 Possessor of Heaven and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 142 5

2005 Praise of the Saints. Ps. 148 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19

2006 Ransom for All. I Tim. 2 16. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 2 24

2007 Redeemer and Forgiver. Col. 1 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1 7

2008 Refiner and Purifier. Mal. 3 3. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 3 1

2009 Right Hand of My Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 47 10

2010 Ruler of the Twenty Four Elders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4 4

2011 Save me in your steadfast love!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31:16

2012 Saving Strength of His Anointed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 28 8

2013 Servant of the Father. Mt. 12 18. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8

2014 Servant of the Lord. Ish. 42 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 2 7

2015 Shepherd of Tender Compassion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 11

2016 Shepherd of the Flock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 40 11.

2017 Son of the Freewoman. Gal. 4 30. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 5 9

2018 Speak of all His wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Chron 16:9

2019 My Strength and Song. Exod. 15 2. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 118 14

2020 The God of Jacob is our fortress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 46:7

2021 The just for the unjust. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 3:18-22

2022 The LORD is in whom, I will trust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

2023 The Lord lifts up the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:6

2024 The LORD rules the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 97:9

2025 The LORD standeth up to plead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 3.13

2026 The Lord will open the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det 28.12

2027 The LORD, victorious in battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24:8

2028 The power of the Holy Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 15:13

2029 White Linen of the Saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 8, 14

2030 Who was, and is, and is to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4:8

2031 Aionios Theos - God of the Ages. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 16 26

2032 Altogether Lovely. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5:16

2033 Angel of His Presence. Ish. 63 9. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 13

2034 Christ the Son of God. Acts 9 20. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 4 11

2035 Deliverer of my Soul. Ps. 86 13. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 10 4

2036 Desire of the Prophets and Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 10 24

2037 El HaGadol - The Great God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10 17

2038 Elohay Elohim - God of Gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 10 17

2039 Fountain of Living Waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 2 13; 7 13

2040 God is Greater than Jonah. Mt. 12 41. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 11 31

2041 Guarantor of our Security. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 5 29; 10 28

2042 Guarantor of the New Covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 8 10-13

2043 He claimed to be the Messiahs. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:25-26

2044 He created the earth and all that is on it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2045 He has turned back your enemy’s. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep. 3.15

2046 He hold up my goings in thy paths. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 17:5

2047 He is the forgiveness of sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1:13-14

2048 He maketh intercession for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2:13-18

2049 He maketh lightnings with rain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:13

2050 He raises the poor from the dust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 113:7

2051 He shall reign for ever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 11:15

2052 He that works miracles among you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal. 3 5

2053 He will not call back his words. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 31:2

2054 Helper of the Helpless. Ps. 10 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 5 18

2055 His praise endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111:10

2056 His ways are higher than your ways. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 55.9

2057 His words are true and faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:5

2058 Justifier of the Seed of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45 25

2059 Lamb Without Spot and Blemish. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 1 18

2060 Light of the Gentiles. Ish. 42 6. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 39

2061 Light of the Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42 6

2062 Lord of a New Covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 31 31.

2063 Male and female created he (GOD) them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:27

2064 Master of the Sea. Ps. 94 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 8 26-28

2065 Mighty Hand of God. Ex. 3 19. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 5 6

2066 Minister of the True Tabernacle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 8 12

2067 O LORD of hosts, God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 37:16

2068 Overcomer of the Principalities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 16

2069 Paul preached boldly in His name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 9:29

2070 Prince of the Kings of the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 5

2071 Reconciler of Enemies. Rom. 5 9. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal. 1 20

2072 Revealer of Counsels of the Heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 4

2073 Salvation of All Nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 33 2.

2074 Shadow of Thy Wings. Ps. 63 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 23 3

2075 Silent and Meek Lamb. Ish. 53 7. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 8 32

2076 Sing to the LORD, all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:1

2077 Sprinkler of Nations and Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 52 15

2078 The First and the Last. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 44 6, 48 12

2079 The Lord bestows favor and honor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84:11

2080 The LORD God is a sun and shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

2081 The LORD of hosts shall reign. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 24.23

2082 The LORD of hosts with thunder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 29.6

2083 The LORD spake again unto Ahaz. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 7.10

2084 The LORD will reign forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:10

2085 The Lord, the God of armies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jeremiah 5:14

2086 The Word is part of the Trinity. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn 5:7

2087 Then said I, Here am I; send me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.8

2088 There is no God else beside me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 45:21

2089 Triumphant Overcomer (GOD). Jn. 16 33. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 2 1

2090 Voice of the Lord God. Gen. 3 8. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29 4

2091 Water of Life. Jn. 4 11; 6 36. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 22 17

2092 We are promised the Holy Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 11:13

2093 Wounded One for Transgressors. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 12

2094 Accepted in Him (Lord). -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1:6

2095 All shall confess that He is Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Php. 2:11

2096 Author and Finisher of our faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 12 1-2

2097 Author of Peace with God. Rom. 5 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn.14 27

2098 Brightness of His Glory. Heb. 1 3. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 17 5

2099 Christ, the Son of the Living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mat 16:16

2100 Conqueror through Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:37

2101 Creator Hebrew. Ish. 40 28; -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 3

2102 Despised of the People. Ps. 22 6. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60 14

2103 El Yisrael - The God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68 35

2104 Father Almighty creator of heaven and earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2105 For nothing is impossible with God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 1.37

2106 For our God is a consuming fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4:8-11

2107 Friend of Publican and Sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11 19

2108 Give thanks unto the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chronicles 16:8

2109 Giver of the Good spirit. Neh. 9 20. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 16

2110 Glory of the Gentiles. Ish. 66 12. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 32

2111 God will provide Himself a Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 22:7-8

2112 He called you by our gospel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thes 2:14-15

2113 He calls; He's faithful to do it. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Th. 5:24

2114 He casts the wicked to the ground. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:6

2115 He had the power to raise again. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:17

2116 He heals those who need healing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 9:11

2117 He heard the groans of prisoners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 102:20

2118 He honors the humble with victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:4

2119 He is its (church) foundation. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 3:11

2120 He is the savior of the church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 5:23

2121 He sent his word and healed them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107.20

2122 He was crushed for our iniquities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53.5

2123 His name shall be called Counselor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2124 His name shall be called Wonderful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2125 Holy Name of our Lord. Ps. 33 31. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 2 11

2126 I am making a way in the desert. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.18

2127 I give thanks unto thee, O Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18.49

2128 Jesus Christ by the will of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:1-29

2129 Jesus claims to be the Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 4:25-26

2130 Keeper of the Covenant and Mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 32

2131 King of Kings and Lord of Lords. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 16

2132 Lamb to the Slaughter. Ish. 53 7. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 8 32

2133 Leave your troubles with the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

2134 Lord God Almighty was with him. -- LORD I Praise Thee II sam 5.10

2135 Lord will keep you from all harm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121.7

2136 Lord will watch over your coming. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121.8

2137 Master of the House. Mt. 10 25. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 13 35

2138 Merciful and Faithful High Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 2 7

2139 None of God's promises ever fail. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jos 23:14

2140 Paul ready to die for His name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ac 21:13

2141 Purify us from all unrighteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn. 1:9

2142 Qodesh `Elyown - Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 24 16

2143 Shaddai or Shadday - Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 6 2-3

2144 Smitten Shepherd. Zech. 13 7. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 26 31

2145 Stone of Israel - ‘Even Yisrael. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 49 24

2146 Strength to the Needy. Ish. 25 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11 30

2147 Surely I am coming quickly. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:20

2148 That he (GOD) may set him with princes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 113:8

2149 The firstborn among many brothers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 8:29

2150 The Just died for the unjust. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Peter 3:18

2151 The Lord opens the eyes of the blinds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps.146:8

2152 The Root and Offspring of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:16

2153 Triumphant Christ. II Cor. 2 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 2 15

2154 Upholder of All Things. Col. 1 17. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1 3

2155 Victorious Lord Jesus. Ps. 98 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 12 20

2156 Voice of the Almighty. Ezek. 10 5. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1 1

2157 Your healing will quickly appear. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58.8

2158 Your love O Lord will support me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 94.18

2159 Abolisher of the Enemy. Eph. 2 15. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 20

2160 Apart from you (GOD) I have no good thing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 16:2

2161 Appointer of Seasons. Ps. 104 19. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 14

2162 Assurance of our Hearts. Jn. 14 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 3 19

2163 Beginning and Ending. Ish. 43 3-7. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 8

2164 Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 16:31

2165 El-berith - God of the Covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judges 9:46

2166 First Fruits of them that Slept. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 15 20

2167 For I am merciful declares the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 3.12

2168 For I am the LORD, who heals you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:26

2169 For the LORD loves what is right. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

2170 From His mouth comes understanding. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 2.6

2171 God always keeps his promises. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:19-20

2172 God created man in his [own] image. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:27

2173 God settles the solitary in a home. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:6

2174 God who feels indignation every day. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 7:11

2175 Gracious and Full of Compassion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111 1

2176 He must be the foundation stone. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor. 3:11

2177 He who is perfect in knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37 16-17

2178 He will give you another counselor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh. 14.16

2179 High Priest of our Profession. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 3 1; 6 20

2180 His grace is sufficient for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 12:9

2181 Is anything too hard for the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 18.14

2182 Let heaven and earth praise Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69:34

2183 Lord has taken away your punishment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3.15

2184 Lord will not reject his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Sam 12.22

2185 Magnify Him with thanksgiving. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69:30

2186 Paul proved He is the very Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 9:22

2187 Pay your vows unto the most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50.14

2188 Preacher of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 40 9. Mk. 6 12

2189 Quickening Spirit. I Cor. 14 45. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 5 25-28

2190 Refuge Ma’on - Fortress, Shelter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 90 1

2191 Rewarder of Servants and Prophets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 11 18

2192 Talk of all His wondrous works. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 105: 1-2

2193 The grace of the God was upon Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2.40

2194 The Lord God is a sun and shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84:11

2195 The Lord My Helper and Deliverer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 40 17

2196 The LORD will give grace and glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

2197 The LORD will have mercy on Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14.1

2198 The Lord will surely comfort Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 51.3

2199 The LORD, the Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 10.21

2200 The marriage supper of the Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:7-9

2201 The well Beloved of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 12 6. Ps. 71 3

2202 This name is used of Christ as God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 1

2203 Thy Kindness & Marvelous Comfort. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 26 3

2204 Tsur Yisrael - Rock of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam. 23 3

2205 Very Beautiful King. Ish. 33 17. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21-22

2206 With God all things are possible. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 19.26

2207 Witness to the People. Ish. 55 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 26 55

2208 Wounded One in House of Friends. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech. 13 6

2209 You are exalted far above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 97:9

2210 You lead the descendants of Joseph. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 80:1

2211 A high priest became us, who is holy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 7:26

2212 All the earth sings praises to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:4

2213 Author and Perfecter of our Faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 12 2

2214 Beginning of Wisdom. Ps. 111 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 8 23

2215 Comfort of the Mourners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 61 12. Jn. 11 45

2216 Create in me a clean heart, O God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 51:10

2217 El De'ot - The God Of Knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam. 2 3

2218 El HaNe'eman - The Faithful God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut.. 7 9

2219 Elohay Mauzi - God of My Strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 43 2

2220 Ever living Intercessor. Ish. 53 12. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 25

2221 Fulfillment lawgiver from Judah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 49:9-10

2222 Give thanks to him; bless his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100:4

2223 God is the creator of the universe. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1:1

2224 God with whom is no variableness. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 1:17

2225 He leads the humble in what is right. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:9

2226 He makes known to them his covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

2227 He maketh my feet like hinds' feet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hab. 3.19

2228 He shall rule with a rod of iron. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:11-15

2229 He will joy over thee with singing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

2230 He will lead us in all time to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 48:14

2231 He will make all your plans succeed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 20.4

2232 He will rejoice over thee with joy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

2233 Head of the Church. Eph. 4:14-16, -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 2:16-19

2234 His sayings are Faithful and True. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:6

2235 His truth endures to all generations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100

2236 Horn of My Salvation. Ps. 18 2. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Sam. 22 23

2237 I am God, and there is none like me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 46.9

2238 Kokhav miya’akov - Star from Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 24:17

2239 Let them give glory to the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42:12.

2240 May he give you desire of your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 20.4

2241 Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 21 11

2242 Rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 29.19

2243 Salvation of the Daughters of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6 17

2244 Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 8.13

2245 Seed of Woman Prophecy. Gen. 3 14-15. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal. 4 4

2246 Shadow of a Great Rock. Ish. 32 2. LORD I Praise Thee Exo. 33 22

2247 Spirit of wisdom and understanding. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1 17

2248 Stiller of the Raging Sea. Mt. 8 26. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89 9

2249 The foundation stone of the church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:20

2250 The fruit of the womb is his reward. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 127:3

2251 The Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145 5

2252 The God of Jacob is our stronghold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:10

2253 The living bread which came down from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 9:15

2254 The LORD cometh out of his place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26.21

2255 The LORD is beautiful and glorious. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4.2

2256 The LORD is pleased with his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:4

2257 The LORD is the horn of my salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:2

2258 The LORD will enter into judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 3.14

2259 The promise fulfilled in Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ac 2:29-31

2260 The Son of the Lord God. Ps. 2 12. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov. 30 4

2261 The will of God in Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thes. 5:18

2262 There is none as holy as the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 2:2

2263 Those of the truth hear His voice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 18:37

2264 Thou hast the words of eternal life!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 6:68

2265 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

2266 With his stripes we are healed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53:1-12

2267 YHVH O'saynu - The LORD our Maker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95 6

2268 YHVH Shalom - The LORD of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 6 24

2269 You are like Apple Tree. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 2 3

2270 You are pure to those who are pure. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:26

2271 A man who conquered death. Ish 9:6 -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 20:18-19

2272 Cluster of the Camp hire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1 14

2273 Come boldly to the throne of grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 4:16

2274 Creator of the Winds. Proverbs 30 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4 13

2275 Declaring your splendor all day long. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71:8

2276 Does not abandon his faithful people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

2277 Elah Yerush'lem - God of Jerusalem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 7 19

2278 Elohay Mikarov - God Who is Near. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23 23

2279 God himself that formed the earth and made it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2280 God is a very present help in trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 46:1

2281 God is the husband of His creation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 54:5

2282 God praised in heaven as the Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:8

2283 God that made the world and all things therein. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2284 God will Send the rain on your land. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det 28.12

2285 Great and Terrible God. Ps. 99 3. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Thess. 1 8

2286 Great will be your children’s Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 54.13

2287 Greater and more Perfect Tabernacle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9 11

2288 He came to bear witness of the truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 18:37

2289 He gives Christians peace now. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14:27; 16:33

2290 He is a flower in this world of sin. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:28-29

2291 He is the only true God. Mt. 23 9; -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 3 30

2292 He is unique (GOD). 1 Tim. 1 17; Jn. 17 3; -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 15 4

2293 He said unto the sea, Peace, be still. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 4:39

2294 He will be our guide even unto death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 48:14

2295 He will come back as God Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:11-16

2296 He will keep me safe in His dwelling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 27.5

2297 He will never let the righteous fall. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

2298 Head of All Principality and Powers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 2 10

2299 His commandments are not grievous. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 John 5:3

2300 His power, that is at work within us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 3.20

2301 His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 4:19

2302 His train filled the temple in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.1

2303 I (God) desire mercy, not sacrifice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 9:13

2304 I am the Lord they will be my people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 24.6

2305 I dwell in the high and holy place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 57.15

2306 I will make crooked things straight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:16

2307 Jehovah-Rohi - The Lord Our Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23:1

2308 Jesus said, I and my Father are one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 10:30

2309 Keeper of the Keys of Hell and Death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3 7

2310 Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pt 3 17-18

2311 Lord of the Scriptures. Jn. 5 39-40. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 24 27

2312 Mightier than the Noise of any Waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 93 4

2313 No end to His Kingdom (everlasting). -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:32-33

2314 O LORD, how manifold are thy works!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:24

2315 Praise the LORD, call upon his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 12.4

2316 Prophet of His Brethren. Deut. 18 19. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 1 10

2317 Propitiation of our Faith. Eph. 2 8. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 3 25

2318 Redeeming Angel - Hamelekh Hagoel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 48 16

2319 That he might bring us to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 3:18-22

2320 The LORD also shall roar out of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:16

2321 The LORD rideth upon a swift cloud. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 19.1

2322 The LORD sitteth upon the flood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2323 The name of the LORD God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 24.15

2324 Tremble before Him, all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:9

2325 True God and Eternal Life. Jn. 17 3. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 5 2

2326 Tsemach Adonai - Branch of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 4 2

2327 Who has dealt wondrously with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 2:26.

2328 Who will have all men to be saved. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim. 2 4

2329 Yahweh-shalom - Yahweh is peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 6:22-24

2330 You defend us when we are on trial. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 109:31

2331 Beauty of Holiness. II Chron. 20 21. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 33 17

2332 Breast Plate of our Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 13 14

2333 Brightness of Thy Rising. Ish. 60 3. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21 23

2334 But you are enthroned as the Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:3

2335 Commander of the armies of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam. 1 3

2336 Creator of Principalities and Powers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 16

2337 Creator of Visible & Invisible things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 16

2338 EL-ELYON - Sovereign Over All. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 14:17-20

2339 Elohay Tehilati - God of My Praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 109 1

2340 Friend of tax collectors and sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 11:19

2341 Glory of Gods Majesty. Ish. 61 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 3; 8 1

2342 Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thes 2:14-15

2343 God be gracious to us and bless us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 67:1-3

2344 God who gave his back to the smiters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 50.6

2345 He has promised deliverance from fear. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:4

2346 He hath set the world in their heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eccl 3:11

2347 He is to be feared above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:4

2348 He that maketh the morning darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos. 4.13

2349 He who blots out your transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.25

2350 He will keep us as an apple of his eye. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 17.8

2351 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 17:14

2352 High priest of good things to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9 11

2353 I [am] the first, and I [am] the last. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:6

2354 If I go up to heavens, you are there. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 139.7

2355 Jehovah-Rapha - The God who Heals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:26

2356 Jehovah-Shalom - The LORD of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 6:24

2357 Jesus Christ lives within believers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 2:20

2358 Light of the Glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee IICor4 46.Jn 17 5

2359 Lord is with me like a mighty warrior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 20.11

2360 LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26.4

2361 Lord was with Joseph and he prospered. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 39.2

2362 LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 26.12

2363 New Beginning, He (GOD) makes all things new. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:5

2364 The head of the body, the church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:18, 24

2365 The LORD hath called me from the womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49.1

2366 The LORD rules over the deep waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2367 The LORD your God has blessed you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 12:5-7

2368 The Lord, King of Israel, is with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3.15

2369 The north and the south thou hast created them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2370 The Secret of the Lord. Ps. 25 14. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 13 18

2371 The whole earth is full of his glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.3

2372 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:105

2373 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pr. 3.5

2374 We have access into the grace of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5:2

2375 Who trust in the Lord will prosper. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 28.25

2376 Worship the LORD in the holy mount. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 27.13

2377 YHVH Nissi - The LORD My Banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 17 15

2378 You make an agreement with all of us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

2379 Your righteousness will go before us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58.8

2380 Adam, The Last or The Second Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 15 45

2381 Advocate (Mediator and High Priest). -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn. 2:1

2382 But my God shall supply all your need. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 4:19

2383 Creator of the New Heavens and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66 22

2384 Elohay Selichot - God of Forgiveness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9 17

2385 Elohay YIsh.i - God of My Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18 46

2386 First that should rise from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 26:23

2387 God says my salvation shall not tarry. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 46.13

2388 Great and awesome name; Holy is He (GOD). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99:3

2389 He destroys the children of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

2390 He hath made the earth by his power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:12

2391 He listened to her and opened her womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 30.22

2392 He preached deliverance to the captives. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:18

2393 He removed our transgressions from us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103:12

2394 He turned us from darkness to light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 60:19-20

2395 He was pierced for our transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53.5

2396 He will save his people from their sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:31

2397 His name shall be called The mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2398 Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.3

2399 Hope of His People Israel. Joel 3 16. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 1 23

2400 I [am] the LORD which exercise judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 9:24

2401 I will do whatever you ask in my name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh. 14.13

2402 I will remember the deeds of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 77:11

2403 JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH - the Lord of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6:1-3

2404 Jehovah-shammah - The Lord is There. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 48 35

2405 Jesus began to preach, saying, Repent. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 4:17

2406 Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Hos. 11 10. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 5 5

2407 Lord of Heaven and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 28 18

2408 Lord of the Second Advent. Heb. 9 28. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 2 15

2409 Make your face shine on your servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31:16

2410 May you be richly rewarded by the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ruth 2.12

2411 Messenger of the Covenant. Mal. 3 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 21 12

2412 My portion in the land of the living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 142 5

2413 The LORD is there - Jehovah-Shammah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezek. 48 35

2414 The Lord upholds all who are falling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:14

2415 The multitudes of heaven worship you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:1-11

2416 The way, the truth, and the life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14 5-6

2417 Therefore He can help when tempted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:17-18

2418 Thou [art] the God, [even] thou alone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 37:16

2419 Trampler of the Young Lion and Dragon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91 13

2420 True and Faithful Witness. Jer. 42 5. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 3 14

2421 We have an advocate with the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 2:1-29

2422 We will sing and praise Your power. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 21:13

2423 Who comforts us in all our troubles. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:3-4

2424 Worship the LORD in holy array. . -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 16:29

2425 Yahweh is My Banner [Yahweh-nissi]. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 17:16

2426 Awesome in praises, working wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15:11

2427 Bless the LORD your God forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 9:5

2428 But I (GOD) say to you Love your enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 5:43-48

2429 Chiefest among Ten Thousand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5 10

2430 Declare His (GOD) praise in the coastlands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 42:12

2431 El Yeshuati - The God of my Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 12 2

2432 Elohiym or Elohim or Aleim - Strong One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 1

2433 For the LORD God [is] a sun and shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

2434 For thou wilt save the afflicted people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:27

2435 He is the only God worthy of our worship. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:4

2436 He leads out the prisoners to prosperity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:6

2437 He never lets honest people be defeated. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

2438 He said to them, Go into all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 16:15

2439 He will never leave you nor forsake you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det. 31.8

2440 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21:4

2441 Him that maketh the day dark with night. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

2442 I (God) go to prepare a place for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:2-3

2443 I will be his God and he shall be My son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:7

2444 I will make darkness light before them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:16

2445 I will praise the LORD while I live. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:1-2

2446 I will sing praises to Your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:50

2447 I, your God, will show my power to save. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

2448 If God is with us who can be against us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8.31

2449 It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2450 Jesus has always been, from everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 5:2

2451 Let them praise His name with dancing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:3

2452 Let your requests be made known to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 4:6

2453 Redemption (PAID) by his own blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 9:12

2454 Restores them from their bed of illness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 41:3

2455 Righteous and Very Faithful Testimony. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119 138

2456 Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:32

2457 The author and perfecter of salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:10

2458 The Father seeketh such to worship him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:23

2459 The God who shows me loving-kindness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 59:17

2460 The holiest by the blood of Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 10:19-20

2461 The LORD my Shepherd - YHWH-Ro'i. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 1

2462 The Lord sits enthroned over the flood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2463 The LORD will be the hope of his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:16

2464 The sky above proclaims his handiwork. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 63:3-4

2465 The time of His arrival was prophesied. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:25

2466 This Man was our substitute sacrifice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 10:12

2467 Thou hast made man a little lower than the angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2468 Victorious King and Lord. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 19 18

2469 We're espoused (engaged) to Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 11:2

2470 Whose throne is above the stars of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14.13

2471 You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2472 All the earth sing praises to your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:4

2473 All the others fear and greatly honor you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89:7

2474 Beloved, White and Rudy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5 10

2475 Christ the First Fruits. I Cor. 15 23. -- LORD I Praise Thee Matt. 27 5

2476 Completely good to those who are perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2477 Elohay Kedem - God of the Beginning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut. 33 27

2478 Elohim - God (plural) as in the Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1:1

2479 Establisher of the Ends of the Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 30 4

2480 Every tithe it is holy to the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 27:30

2481 For his steadfast love endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 136:26

2482 For You, Lord, have made me glad through Your work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2483 Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33:1-3

2484 Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty. Ps. 145 5. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 1 3

2485 God who gave the limits for water in river and sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2486 He commanded us to preach to the people. LORD I Praise Thee Acts 10:42

2487 He commands all his angels to worship him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 1:6

2488 He delivered us from the wrath to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Th. 1:10

2489 He gives victory to those who are humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:4

2490 He has the power to give us eternal life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:28

2491 He lifteth the needy out of the dunghill. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 113:7

2492 He rises up the needy out of affliction. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107:41

2493 He who has eyes like a flame of fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 14-15

2494 He will beautify the meek with salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:4

2495 He will exult over you with loud singing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zh. 3:17

2496 He will joy over thee with singing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

2497 He won't ever desert his faithful people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:28

2498 Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 5:13

2499 LORD, who is worthy to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:3

2500 Must believe He is God or will go to hell. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 8:24

2501 Neither [is there] any rock like our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 2:2

2502 No broken bones, Jesus fulfilled this word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 19:33-36

2503 Revealer of the Hidden Mystery. Rev. 1 1. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 27

2504 Soldiers fell back when He said I am he. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 18:5-8

2505 The kingdom of God and his righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 6:33

2506 The LORD blesses his people with peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 86:9-10

2507 The Lord detests all the proud in heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 16.5

2508 The LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 26:4

2509 The Lord knows the days of the blameless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:18

2510 The Lord our God, the Lord is one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 12:28-30

2511 The LORD our Peace - YHWH-Shalom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 6 24

2512 The LORD will discover their secret parts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 3.17

2513 The Rock upon which the church is built. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 16:18

2514 Then came Jesus and stood in the midst. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 20:19-23

2515 Thou art the Christ; Jesus the Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 16:16

2516 Well of the living one who sees me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 16:13-14

2517 Who hath bound the waters in a garment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prbs 30:4

2518 You teach sinners, how to follow your path. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:8

2519 You, who fear the LORD, praise Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:22-23

2520 All your sons will be taught by the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 54.13

2521 Are you sustained by Him (He strengthens). -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 4:13

2522 By Your blood you ransomed people for God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:9

2523 Clouds and darkness [are] round about him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 97:2

2524 Complete my joy by being of the same mind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph. 2:2

2525 El Gibhor - The Strong and Mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Malachi 2:10

2526 El HaShamayim - The God of The Heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 136 26

2527 He commanded and they were created. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 148:1-5

2528 He does not treat us as our sins deserve. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103.10

2529 He is transcendent. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 17 24

2530 He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:9

2531 Him that is able to keep you from falling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jude 24

2532 Him that change shadow of death into the morning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

2533 I have plans for you, declares the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 29:11

2534 I myself will be a wall of fire around it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zch. 2.5

2535 Jehovah-Gmolah - The God of Recompense. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 51:6

2536 Lord has never forsaken those who seek him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9.10

2537 Lord will make streams in the wasteland. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.18

2538 O Lord and they shall glorify Your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 86:9

2539 O LORD, the earth is full of thy riches. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:24

2540 Priest Forever of Melchishdek. Ps. 110 4. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7 11

2541 Redeemer of the First Testament. Heb. 9 15. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 14 9

2542 The glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thes 2:14-15

2543 The government shall be upon his (GOD) shoulder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2544 The LORD is greater than all other gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 18.11

2545 The Lord is your shade on your right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121:5

2546 The Lord sits enthroned as king forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:10

2547 The LORD utters his voice from Jerusalem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:16

2548 The LORD, The God of hosts, is his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos. 4.13

2549 The name of the Lord is a strong tower. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro. 18.10

2550 Through Him we have access to the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:18

2551 Washed us from our sins in His own blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:5

2552 Who crowns you with love and compassion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103.4

2553 Who hath gathered the wind in his fists. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pb 30:4

2554 Who is this glorious king? He is our LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24:8

2555 Whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 5:30

2556 You will be like a well-watered garden. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58.11

2557 A light to bring Revolution to the Gentiles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 2 32

2558 By Your will they existed and were created. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:11

2559 Every tongue shall give PRAISE to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 14:11

2560 For His loving-kindness is everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 106:1

2561 For the Father seeketh such to worship him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:23

2562 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 16:10

2563 Giver of Secrets and Treasures of Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 45 3,9

2564 God is almighty and every man is a sinner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 25:1-6

2565 God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 47:8

2566 God’s loving care, provision, discipline. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 7 11

2567 He broke down the wall between us and God. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Tim 2:5

2568 He delivers us from the power of darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:13

2569 He has engraved us on His palms of His hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 49.15

2570 He hath established earth; he created it not in vain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2571 He is more glorious than all the false gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 97:9

2572 He is the Lily in our valleys. Lean on Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23:4

2573 He who gives you ability to produce wealth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det. 8.18

2574 Him that calleth for the waters of the sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

2575 His blessing will be on your food and water. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 23.25

2576 His faithfulness to all generations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100:1-5

2577 I the LORD is thy Savior and thy Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60.16

2578 I will give thanks to You forever. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 30:11-12

2579 I will pass through thee, saith the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5.17

2580 I will take away sickness from among you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 23:25

2581 In him we have redemption through his blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1:7

2582 Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord Our Banner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 17:15-16

2583 Jesus Christ’s proclamation of Jubilee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:17-21

2584 Judgment seat of Christ (after Rapture). -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 5:10

2585 Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95:6

2586 Lord that dwellest between the cherubim’s. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 37:16

2587 Lord will keep you free from every disease. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det 7.15

2588 My father's God and I will extol Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Exod. 15:2

2589 Praise Him at the seat of the elders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107:32

2590 Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 11 6

2591 The King of Israel is just when He returns. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec 9:9

2592 The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9:9

2593 The LORD knoweth the days of the upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 37:18

2594 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 9:9

2595 The Lord protects him and keeps him alive. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 41:2

2596 Therefore he instructs sinners in the way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:8

2597 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:11

2598 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive honor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:11

2599 Uncorrupted and Glorified One. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2 30

2600 Whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ecl 3:14

2601 Who makes grass to grow on the mountains. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147

2602 Your loving-kindness is better than life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 63:3

2603 Babe and Child of Promise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 7 14; 9 6

2604 Be thankful unto him, [and] bless his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100:4

2605 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 17:7

2606 Christ brings the kingdom after a battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech. 14:1

2607 Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2:20

2608 Christ was an earthly descendent of Judah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7:14

2609 For the sake of your name lead and guide me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31:3

2610 For thy pleasure they are and were created. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9:6

2611 God who gave Solomon very great insight. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Kings 4.29

2612 He bought all saved people with His blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 20:28

2613 He counsels us to buy His gold (true wisdom). -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:18

2614 He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 13:8

2615 He who is, and who was, and who is to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 1 4

2616 He will rescue us from your hand, O king. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:21-24

2617 His name shall be called The Prince of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2618 His thoughts are higher than your thoughts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 55.9

2619 I (God) dwell in the high and holy [place]. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 57:15

2620 I will pour out my spirit on your offspring. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 44.3

2621 Jehovah God is our Light and our Protector. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

2622 Kurios theos pantokrator - Lord God Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 4 8

2623 Let my soul live that it may praise You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:175

2624 Let us thank God for his priceless gift. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor. 9.15

2625 Lords light will break forth like the dawn. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58.8

2626 Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53 3

2627 O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107:1

2628 O LORD, in wisdom hast thou made them all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:24

2629 O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:3

2630 Praise Him for the help of His presence. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 42:5

2631 Receiving Him necessary for eternal life. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn 5:11-12

2632 Shaphat / Shofet - The Lord judges. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judge. Ps. 50 6

2633 So I will sing praise to Your name forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 61:8.

2634 The LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 2.11

2635 The LORD God, abundant in goodness and truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

2636 The LORD is our protector and glorious king. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84:11

2637 The LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 12.2

2638 The LORD raiseth them that are bowed down. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:8

2639 The LORD strength of the children of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:16

2640 The Lord was pleased to make you his own. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Sam 12.22

2641 The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 41:1

2642 The voice of the LORD echoes over the oceans. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:3

2643 The voice of the LORD is heard on the seas. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:3

2644 The word of our God will stand forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:8

2645 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:11

2646 Tsur Yeshuato - Rock of His Salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 32 15

2647 Vail to the New and Living Way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 10 20

2648 With the pure thou wilt show thyself pure. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2649 Worship the Father in spirit and in truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:23

2650 YHVH Yireh - The LORD Who Sees/provides. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 22 14

2651 All that is within me; bless His holy name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103:1

2652 Bless the LORD, O my soul praise the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 104:35

2653 But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:26

2654 Father sent Him to preach the truth to us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 17:18

2655 God as our merciful and faithful high priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 2:17

2656 God has promised victory over temptations. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 10:13

2657 God never takes back or changes His promises. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 89:34

2658 God rules the nations from his sacred throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 47:8

2659 God says Let me make a permanent deal for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 55.3

2660 Govt. was on His shoulder that will not end. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6-7

2661 He shall defeat the beast and his followers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 17:14

2662 He was dead already, they break not his legs. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 19:33

2663 He was torn us to pieces but he will heal us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hosea 6.1

2664 Him also to revive the spirit of the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 57:15

2665 I will give You thanks in the great assembly. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 35:18

2666 I will praise the name of God with song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69:30

2667 I will praise You among a mighty throng. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 35:18

2668 I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9:1

2669 I will proclaim Your Name to my brethren. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 2:12

2670 In the midst of many I will praise Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 109:30.

2671 Jesus Christ is the husband of His creation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21:9

2672 Jesus Christ, same yesterday, today, forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:8

2673 Jesus Christ’s spiritual anointing from God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 10:38

2674 Jesus has promised that He will come again. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:2-3

2675 Jesus took upon Himself the seed of Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 2:16

2676 O Lord let your face shine upon your servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 31.16

2677 Our God, we thank you for being so near to us!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 75:1

2678 People near to Him. Praise the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 148:13-14

2679 Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33:2-3

2680 Praises to the LORD for his great victory!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15.1

2681 The Christ, the One the Jews had waited for. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:41

2682 The LORD is great and is to be highly praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:4

2683 The LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:6

2684 The LORD shall be thine everlasting light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 60.20

2685 Whereunto He called you by our gospel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thes 2:14-15

2686 Whosoever believeth in him should not perish. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3:16

2687 `Illay `Illay `elahh - The Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 5 18, 21

2688 Christ and His church (man and his wife). -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 5:23-32

2689 Giving thanks to God and the Father by him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 3.17

2690 God has poured out his love into our hearts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 5:5

2691 God has promised His people eternal life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:27,28

2692 God has promised salvation for our children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 49:25

2693 God that delight not in the blood of bullocks. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 1.11

2694 God will give every one according to his ways. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:19

2695 He gives a helping hand to everyone who falls. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:8

2696 He is the life, get Him and never die. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 11:25-26

2697 He shall stand at the right hand of the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 109:31

2698 If you love me, you will keep my commandments. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14:15

2699 Listen to our prayer and let your light shine. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 80:1

2700 My mouth offers praises with joyful lips. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 63:5.

2701 Power was coming from Him and healing them all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 6.19

2702 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

2703 Shepherd cares for the sheep of his pasture. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23 1

2704 Sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:1.

2705 Sing praises to the LORD, who dwells in Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9:11

2706 Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 3:16

2707 We were darkness, now we are light by Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ep 5:8

2708 Who satisfies your years with good things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103:2-5

2709 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 21:9

2710 El Berith Hebrew -The God Who Opens our eyes. . -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 16:13

2711 For His loving-kindness is great toward us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps.117:1-2

2712 God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:4

2713 God, who loved me and gave himself for me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Galatians 2:20

2714 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 48:1

2715 He also is to be feared above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron. 16:25

2716 He clave the rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2717 He shall bring all things to your remembrance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:26

2718 He shall judge quick and dead at His appearing. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Ti 4:1

2719 He who will save His people from their sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 1:21

2720 He will never permit the righteous to be moved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 55:22

2721 Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 2:13

2722 His name shall be called The everlasting Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2723 I [am] the LORD which exercise loving-kindness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 9:24

2724 I will be their God for they will return to me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 24.6

2725 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 1:5

2726 Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3:1-36

2727 Our GOD is a Consuming fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 12 29

2728 Kingdom was at hand when He came the first time. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 3:2

2729 Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 1.9

2730 May the Lord repay you for what you have done. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ruth 2.12

2731 Our LORD, I know that you defend the homeless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 140:12

2732 Priest for ever after order of Melchisedec. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7:21-27

2733 Spirit of Christ - pneuma christos. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 8 9

2734 The LORD God is famous for his wonderful deeds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111:4

2735 The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14.5

2736 The victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 15:57

2737 Thou hast made man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2738 Thou hast crowned man with glory and honor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2739 We're made just through Him at salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 3:24-26

2740 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5:8

2741 Who greatly delights in His commandments. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 112:1

2742 With thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phi 4.6

2743 Blessing, be to our God forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:12

2744 Christ's discourse on the good shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 10:1-5

2745 Elah Sh'maya V'Arah - God of Heaven and Earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 5 11

2746 Elohim Kedoshim - Holy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 19 2

2747 Give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 97:12

2748 Glory; be to our God forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:12

2749 God can help in the midst of our storms. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107:28-30

2750 God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thes 1:1-12

2751 God will also command the clouds that they rain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 5.6

2752 God will do a new thing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.18

2753 He bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:13

2754 He gave the right to become the children of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh. 1.12

2755 He hath established the world by his wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:12

2756 He is able to humble those who walk in pride. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 4:37

2757 He treadeth upon the high places of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos. 4.13

2758 Hupsistos Hupsistos Theos - The Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mark 5:7

2759 I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 63 1

2760 I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9:2

2761 I will sing praises to You before the gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 138:1

2762 Jehovah-Tsidkenu - The LORD our Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23:6

2763 Lamb Slain Before the Foundation of the World. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 13 8

2764 The God we serve is able to save us from it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:21-24

2765 The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 13:5,6

2766 The LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 5.16

2767 The LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14.3

2768 Therefore we can come boldly to the throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 4:14-16

2769 They were all amazed at the might power of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 9:43

2770 The LORD makes his face shines upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 6:25

2771 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prbs 30:4

2772 Yahweh our saving justice - Yahweh-tsidkenu. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 23:5-6

2773 YHVH Tzidkaynu - The LORD Our Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 33 16

2774 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Tim 3:16

2775 Bring an offering, and worship the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chrnls 16:29

2776 Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 2:21

2777 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee James 4:8

2778 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 3:18-22

2779 For you, O Lord, are most high over all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 97:9

2780 He [is] a buckler to all those that trust in him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:30

2781 He became a man that He might be our substitute. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:14-18

2782 He has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hos 6.1

2783 He makes even his enemies leave at peace with him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 16.7

2784 He will conceal me under the cover of his tent. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 27:4-5

2785 He will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 27.5

2786 He will lift up an ensign to the nations from far. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 5.26

2787 His words shall not pass away, and they are true. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 24:35

2788 Honor, be to our God forever and ever.' Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:12

2789 I am with you always, to the end of the age. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 28:19-20

2790 I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23:5-6

2791 I will declare your power to the next generation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71.18

2792 I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 5:25-32

2793 Jehovah-Maccaddeshem - The Lord thy Sanctifier. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 31:13

2794 Must believe on Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 4:11-12

2795 Salvation only in Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 4:11-12

2796 Let us worship and bow down before Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95:6

2797 Jesus Possesses Authority Over All. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 10:36

2798 LORD, you are the friend of your worshippers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

2799 The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58:8

2800 The high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 57:15

2801 The Holy One of Israel who makes her beautiful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 55.5

2802 The Lord will open the storehouse of His bounty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Det 28.12

2803 Who hath established all the ends of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prbs 30:4

2804 Whose name is the LORD, and exult before Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:4

2805 Wisdom, be to our God forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:12

2806 You are my God. Show me what you want me to do. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 143:10

2807 Your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 11:25

2808 “Lord of All”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 10:36

2809 Avi-’ad - Everlasting Father; Father of Eternity. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 8:6

2810 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Ti 1:15

2811 Christ will raise all believers at the last day. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6:39-40

2812 God has promised protection from harm and danger. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 91:4-6

2813 God who sits upon the mount of the congregation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14.13

2814 God, the Lamb, will become the light in eternity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:23

2815 He hath made every [thing] beautiful in his time. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eccl 3:11

2816 He that declareth unto man what is his thought. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos. 4.13

2817 He will not repay us according to our iniquities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103.10

2818 He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 58.11

2819 Humble yourself therefore under God's mighty hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pet 5.6

2820 I am the LORD; and beside me there is no Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43.11

2821 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 16:19

2822 I will sing praises to You among the nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 108:3

2823 In your hands are strength and power to exalt. -- LORD I Praise Thee I cor. 29.12

2824 Just God and a Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 45:21

2825 Let the afflicted and needy praise Your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 74:21

2826 Lord dwelleth not in temples made with hands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 17:24-26

2827 Reconciler of Things Earthly and Heavenly Things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col. 1 20

2828 The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24:1

2829 The glory of the LORD fills the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 14:19-21

2830 The LORD is great and deserves our greatest praise!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:4

2831 Thou that liftest me up from the gates of death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 9 13

2832 Who has delivered your enemies into your hand!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 14:14

2833 With the forward thou wilt show thyself forward. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2834 Elyown Elyown - Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 14 18-20

2835 Every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph. 2:9-11

2836 For he stands at the right hand of the needy one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 109:31

2837 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9.6

2838 For You have made known to us the king's matter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 2:23

2839 God doeth [it], that [men] should fear before him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ecl 3:14

2840 God promises our sins will be far removed from us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:12

2841 God says, In My Father’s house are many mansions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:2-3

2842 He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111:4

2843 He has promised an end to death, sorrow, and pain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:4

2844 He will bring peace to the earth with His kingdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 11:1-9

2845 Him also [that is] of a contrite and humble spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 57:15

2846 Him also to revive the heart of the contrite ones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 57:15

2847 I will restore you to health and heal your wounds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 30.17

2848 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 150:1-6

2849 People yet to be created may praise the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 102:18

2850 Sacrificed him-self for the forgiveness of our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 2:17

2851 See what kind of love the Father has given to us. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn. 3:1

2852 Statement of His Deity, Jehovah likened to the sun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84:11

2853 The LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53.6

2854 The Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 9:6-8

2855 To all generations we will tell of Your praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 79:13

2856 We're told to abide under His shadow. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 91:1

2857 With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2858 You sit on your throne above the winged creatures. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 80:1

2859 As master, He gave us an example of servant hood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 13:13-14

2860 God gave the best He had by giving us His only Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:32

2861 He said to her, Daughter, your faith has healed you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk. 5:34

2862 He was in the fiery furnace with the Hebrew children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 3:25

2863 High priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 110 4

2864 His faithfulness continues through all generations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 29:13

2865 I (God) will come again and receive you to Myself. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:2-3

2866 I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 47.17

2867 I am the LORD your God, and I cure your diseases. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15:26

2868 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 4:13

2869 Jesus said to Jairus, Don't be afraid; just believe. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 8:50

2870 Jesus was smitten and life flows from Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:5

2871 Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 19:2

2872 Nothing in all creation is hidden from the Gods sight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 4.13

2873 The LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 6.1

2874 The LORD thy God in the midst of thee [is] mighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

2875 The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53.5

2876 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

2877 Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 10:17

2878 Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 75:1

2879 By one Spirit are we all baptized into one body. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 12:13

2880 He that treadeth upon the high places of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4:13

2881 He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 8:5-17

2882 His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 12:1-2

2883 I will heal their waywardness and love them freely. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hosea 14:4

2884 Jesus stood in the midst, and saith unto them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 20:19-23

2885 Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 8:8

2886 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:31

2887 Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37:14

2888 Stone of stumbling/rock of offence to unbelievers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 9:32-33

2889 Tempest of Hail and Destroying Storm. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Thess. 1 8

2890 That he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 15:1-58

2891 I am the Lord your God and there is none else. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 2:27

2892 The LORD will restore him from his bed of illness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 41:2-3

2893 The LORD, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 41.14

2894 The rose in the desert, as Christ gives new life. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor 5:17

2895 The way of holiness, the unclean cannot pass over it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Is 35:8

2896 Whoever does not love Me does not keep my words. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 14:21-24

2897 With an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2898 You are the most fearsome of all who live in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89:7

2899 You will be like a spring whose water never fails. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 58.11

2900 But He will arise against the house of the evildoers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 31:2

2901 Do not I (God) fill heaven and earth? Saith the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 23:24

2902 For that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 75.1

2903 God hath shined in our hearts with His light. -- LORD I Praise Thee II Cor. 4:6

2904 God who did not hide his face from shame and spitting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 50.6

2905 God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 1:2

2906 He has made provision for our salvation by His grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:8.

2907 He sent the disciples with the authority of this name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 14:14

2908 His praise in the congregation of the godly ones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:1.

2909 I (God) will love him, and will manifest myself to him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:21

2910 Lift up a song for Him who rides through the deserts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68:4.

2911 Many will see and fear and will trust in the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 40:3

2912 Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:38

2913 One generation shall praise Your works to another. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:1-4

2914 The fame of your goodness spreads across the country. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:7

2915 The LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 30.0

2916 The power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 5:17

2917 To God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:20

2918 All flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:21

2919 All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

2920 God said to Noah and his sons: I am giving you my blessing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 9:8

2921 He hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:12

2922 His kingdom endures from generation to generation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan. 4:34

2923 If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 8:31-32

2924 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:9

2925 Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95:1.

2926 Minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 8 2

2927 Praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 42:11.

2928 Sing Praises to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 105: 1-2

2929 That I may proclaim and tell of all Your wondrous works. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 26:7

2930 The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 25:14

2931 The glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 35.2

2932 The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66.1

2933 The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:29

2934 The LORD does not let us forget his wonderful actions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111:4

2935 The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 50.4

2936 The LORD Yahweh raah is my shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 23:1

2937 The smiting stone cut out without hands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:34

2938 Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 8:49-56

2939 Who (GOD) is holy harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 7:26

2940 Bless our God, O peoples, and sound His praise abroad. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:8

2941 Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Pet 5.7

2942 For I (GOD) have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 9:13

2943 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 5:31

2944 God greatly to be feared in the council of the holy ones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89:7

2945 He broke down the wall of the law through His blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 2:12-18

2946 His children will not be overtaken with temptation. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 10:13

2947 I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1-21

2948 I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:4

2949 Jesus was the Only Begotten Son He came into the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Jn 4:9

2950 Let all the people say, Amen. Praise the LORD!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 106:47-48

2951 Let them sing praises to Him with timbrel and lyre. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 149:3

2952 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95:2

2953 O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 30.12

2954 The LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 49.5

2955 These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:16

2956 Will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 7:17.

2957 Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 15:3,4.

2958 Death came by one man, and so did the gift by grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:15, 18

2959 For the glory of the LORD filled the house of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 5:13-14

2960 His strength and His wondrous works that He has done. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 78:4

2961 I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam. 22:4

2962 I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 104:33

2963 In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 56:4

2964 Jesus both from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 28:23

2965 Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 95:1-6

2966 Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex. 15:20-21

2967 Spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1:3.

2968 Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 53:1-12

2969 Who has done these great and awesome things for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:21

2970 All the families of the nations will worship before You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:27

2971 I (GOD) said to you, ‘You must be born again. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3:7

2972 God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 73:25-26

2973 He said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 14:24

2974 Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 6:11

2975 Lord will watch over your going both now and forevermore. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 121.8

2976 O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 30:2

2977 O servants of the LORD, praises the name of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 113:1

2978 The LORD Most High is fearsome, the ruler of all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 47:2

2979 Upon a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 144:9.

2980 Was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 4:15

2981 You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 25:1

2982 You His godly ones and give thanks to His holy name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 30:4

2983 Be ye followers of Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 11:1-2

2984 Blessed be the LORD from Zion, who dwells in Jerusalem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 135:21

2985 Blessed is the King who comes in the Name of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 19:37-38

2986 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 5:3

2987 God who gave his cheeks to them that plucked off his hair. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 50.6

2988 He who walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 2 1

2989 He who works all things after the counsel of his own will. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph. 1 11

2990 I am the LORD which exercises righteousness, in the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 9:24

2991 I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 146:1-2

2992 Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 13:15

2993 May the Lord make you increase both you and your children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 115.14

2994 O LORD, you are faithful to those who are faithful to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 18:25

2995 Power and might, be to our God forever and ever.' Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:12

2996 Proclaim, give praise and say, 'O LORD, save Your people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 31:7

2997 Prophesied at His birth that He would light the Gentiles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 2:28-32

2998 Rabbi, thou art the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:49

2999 The LORD God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2:7

3000 Those that walked in darkness have seen a great light!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 9:2

3001 Thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 11:17

3002 When He comes back, His name will be the Word of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:11-13

3003 Whoever offers the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

3004 Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the holy ones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 89:5

3005 All the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:20

3006 Ha'Elohiym - God as the Creator and Judge of the universe. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:1-2:4

3007 He causeth the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:13

3008 He is enthroned above the cherubim, let the earth shake. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 99:1

3009 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107:19-21

3010 Live in my presence, be perfect, make you very numerous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 17:2-3

3011 My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71:22-23

3012 Praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69:34

3013 Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 147:12

3014 Shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66.23

3015 The everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28

3016 The power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 1:16

3017 Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dn 3:16-18

3018 All the earth will worship You, and will sing praises to You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 66:4

3019 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 16:31

3020 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 103:2

3021 Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:5-6

3022 He drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 8:16

3023 His loving-kindness is everlasting to all generations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100:1-5

3024 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, O most high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 92:1

3025 No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 84:11

3026 Righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 97:2

3027 That he was buried, that he was raised on the third day. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 15:1-4

3028 Thy God whom thou Servest continually, He will deliver thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 6:16

3029 Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 2:11

3030 As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:30

3031 Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:29

3032 Except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh in vain. --LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 127:1-2

3033 For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 10:13

3034 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy spirit and Power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 10.38

3035 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1:1

3036 This Jesus hath God raised up. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:32.

3037 By fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 66.16

3038 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 3:16

3039 I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 140:12

3040 I will give thanks to Your name; for You have worked wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 25:1

3041 The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

3042 Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 30:11

3043 Through him continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 13:15

3044 Being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Peter 3:18

3045 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100:4

3046 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2:5

3047 For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:20

3048 I will sing of loving-kindness and justice, to You, O LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 101:1

3049 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5

3050 O Lord, open my lips that my mouth may declare Your praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 51:15

3051 The LORD utters his voice the heavens and the earth shall shake. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:16

3052 Father who knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:8

3053 For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 3:26

3054 God does not hold back anything that is for your good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

3055 Let my lips, Utter praise, for You teach me Your statutes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:171

3056 Praise the LORD from the earth, Sea monsters and all deeps. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 148:7

3057 Save me Lord and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 17:14

3058 The glorious LORD God thunders above the roar of the raging sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 29:3

3059 God who gave Solomon a breadth of understanding as measureless. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Kings 4.29

3060 His mercy is everlasting; and his truth endures to all generations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100 :5

3061 O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 117:1-2

3062 They that worship Him must worship him in spirit and in truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:24

3063 Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 15:9-17

3064 For He is good, for His loving-kindness is upon Israel forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ez 3:11

3065 God’s love has been poured into our hearts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5:2-5

3066 He was made like His brethren. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 2:14-18

3067 He will again have compassion on us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:19

3068 Him that poureth waters of the sea out upon the face of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

3069 Sing unto him with the Psaltery. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33:2-3

3070 Truly He is good, truly His loving-kindness is everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 7:3

3071 Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 62:1-12

3072 Will he not do it? Has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num. 23:19

3073 Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 127:1-6

3074 His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 98:1

3075 Man to whom Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 7:1-28

3076 I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 16:18

3077 I will declare it forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 75:9

3078 I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71:14

3079 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb. 5:7

3080 Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 1.18

3081 O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 96:1-9

3082 Praise and glory and honor at the Revolution of Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Peter 1:7

3083 Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 111:1

3084 The Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my (Christ) name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:26

3085 To him that orders his way aright will I show the salvation of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

3086 Worship him who made ...the sea and the springs of water. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

3087 O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:3

3088 For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a skillful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 47:6

3089 I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the God’s throne. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 20:11-15

3090 I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 69:30

3091 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his wonderful deeds for men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 107:19-21

3092 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 34:1-3

3093 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 100:2

3094 Sing praises to the LORD with ... the sound of melody. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 98:4-5

3095 That ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet. 2:9

3096 The righteous sing joyfully to the Lord and the just praise him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 33:1

3097 The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chrncls 16:9

3098 ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 14:11

3099 The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 52:10

3100 Touched the edge of His cloak. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 8:43-48

3101 He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.-LORD I Praise Thee Lk 18:27

3102 Let us go into His dwelling place; let us worship at His footstool. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 132:7

3103 O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 57:7

3104 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 63:4

3105 My mouth is filled with Your praise and with Your glory all day long. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 71:8

3106 The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding …in Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil. 4:4-7

3107 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn. 4:24

3108 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thes 5:18

3109 LORD, I will sing, I will sing praise to the LORD, the God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 5:3

3110 For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 59:16

3111 God may perhaps grant them repentance. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Tm 2:24-26

3112 It is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chrnl 16:23-31

3113 Wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:22

3114 Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 106:1-2

3115 David and all Israel played before God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 13:8

3116 His faithful love endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 136:1

3117 The love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom. 8:37-39

3118 Seven times a day I praise You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 119:164

3119 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.-LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 29:12

3120 The heavenly host bows down before You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh. 9:5-6

3121 He who orders his way aright to him I will demonstrate the salvation of God.-LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 50:23

3122 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues.-LORD I Praise Thee Mt. 9:35

3123 My tongue shall declare Your righteousness and Your praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 35:28

3124 Our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chron 29:13

3125 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18-19

3126 For He has delivered the soul of the needy one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer. 20:13

3127 Light came into the world (Jesus Christ). -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 3:19-21

3128 The people whom I formed for Myself Will declare My praise says the Lord. -LORD I Praise Thee Ish. 43:21.

3129 Those who seek Him will praise the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 22:25-26

3130 Though he slays me, I will hope in him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 13:15

3131 Who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. – “” Mlch 4:2

3132 He that believeth on me(GOD) hath everlasting life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 6:47-50

3133 From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the LORD is to be praised. – “” Ps. 113:3.

3134 Justified by his grace we might become heirs. -- LORD I Praise Thee Titus 3:7

3135 Your praise to the ends of the earth; Your right hand is full of righteousness. – “” Ps. 48:10.

3136 All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name. “” Ps. 66:4

3137 Pray without ceasing...for this is the will of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Thes. 5.16-18

3138 My heart is steadfast, O God… I will sing praises, even with my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 108:1

3139 It is good to give thanks to the LORD and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High. “” Ps. 92:1

3140 The only true God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 17:3

3141 He was buried, and that he rose again the third day. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 15:3,4

3142 God my Maker, who gives songs in the night. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 35.10

3143 Avi Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 68 5

3144 Beginning - -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21 6

3145 One generation shall praise Your works to another. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 145:1-4

3146 The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:14

3147 The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1.35

3148 First Fruits. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor. 15 23

3149 Green Tree. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk. 23 11

3150 Guide. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 48 14

3151 King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps. 24:7-10

3152 Life of Man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen. 1 26

3153 Wonderful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg. 13 18

3154 Minister of the Sanctuary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb. 8 12

3155 Only guides the saved. -- LORD I Praise Thee I Cor 2:14

3156 Temple. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev. 21:22

3157 Jesus the prophet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 21:11

3158 God gives any man possessions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eccl 5:19

3159 He is Christ the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 2:11

3160 A life-giving spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Corth 15:45

3161 Him who lives for ever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 10:6

3162 The God of Jeshurun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 33:26

3163 God comes in awesome majesty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37:22

3164 Power of God, whose majesty is over Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:34

3165 The strength of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 5:4

3166 The Son is the radiance of God's glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3167 The breath of God in my nostrils. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 27:3

3168 The glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 7:55

3169 Jesus standing at the right hand of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 7:55

3170 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 10:38

3171 The Lord of both the dead and the living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 14:9

3172 Lord, Son of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mtt 20:30

3173 Wonderful Counselor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

3174 Everlasting Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

3175 The Lord God, "who is and who was. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:8

3176 To him who is thirsty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:6

3177 The Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 78:41

3178 The Holy One of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 29:23

3179 The faithful Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hos 11:12

3180 The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:35

3181 Jesus is Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 12:3

3182 God, the judge of all men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:23

3183 The LORD will lay bare his holy arm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 52:10

3184 Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:1

3185 The LORD who rescues Israel lives. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 14:39

3186 God heard the boy crying. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 21:17

3187 He is a holy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 24:19

3188 God opened up the hollow place in Lehi. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jud 15:19

3189 The living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 17:26

3190 The name of the LORD Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 6:2

3191 For God, his way is perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:31

3192 The LORD he is God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kings 18:39

3193 The LORD who brought them out of Egypt. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 7:22

3194 God is with us; he is our leader. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 13:12

3195 God has given us rest on every side. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 14:7

3196 The battle is not yours, but God's. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 20:15

3197 The LORD your God is gracious and compassionate. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 30:9

3198 The LORD, the God of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chron 36:23

3199 The LORD is the everlasting God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28

3200 He who created the heavens and stretched them out. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:5

3201 He who fashioned and made the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 45:18

3202 He did not create earth to be empty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 45:18

3203 I am the LORD, and there is no other. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 45:18

3204 The LORD Almighty is his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:5

3205 He is called the God of all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:5

3206 When he is angry, the earth trembles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:10

3207 The LORD is a God of retribution. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 51:56

3208 God in heaven who reveals mysteries. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:28

3209 The spirit of the holy gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:8

3210 The Most High God is sovereign. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 5:21

3211 He is the living God and he endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 6:26

3212 God is righteous in everything he does. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:14

3213 He who turns dawn to darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4:13

3214 He will take great delight in you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

3215 He will quiet you with his love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

3216 He will rejoice over you with singing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

3217 God clothes the grass of the field. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:30

3218 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 12:27

3219 God knows your hearts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 16:15

3220 The name of God's one and only Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 3:18

3221 God is glorified in him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 13:31

3222 Jesus is the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 9:20

3223 The God of Jews. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 3:29

3224 The God of Gentiles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 3:29

3225 The God who gives life to the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 4:17

3226 The radiance of God's glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3227 O Sovereign LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 9:26

3228 The LORD is slow to anger. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nah 1:3

3229 The LORD is great in power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nah 1:3

3230 The LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nah 1:3

3231 His way is in the whirlwind and the storm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nah 1:3

3232 Clouds are the dust of his feet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nah 1:3

3233 My God, my Holy One. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hab 1:12

3234 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 10:38

3235 God will wipe away every tear. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:17

3236 The four living creatures fell down and worshiped God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:4

3237 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hab 3:19

3238 He enables me to go on the heights. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hab 3:19

3239 The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Tim 4:17

3240 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 4:13

3241 The Lord has forgiven you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 3:13

3242 He was in the beginning with God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:1-51

3243 All things were made through him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:1-51

3244 In him was life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:1-51

3245 Your God my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rt 1:16

3246 The Word was God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:1

3247 The sight of God our Savior. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2:1-15

3248 The man Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2:1-15

3249 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image". -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:26

3250 The Lord commanded. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 21:1-45

3251 The good shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:11

3252 God said, “Let there be light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:1-31

3253 God saw that the light was good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:1-31

3254 God separated the light from the darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:1-31

3255 God called the light "Day". -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:1-31

3256 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pr 3:5

3257 The Lord has spoken. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 1:1-31

3258 The Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 1:1-31

3259 God made them male and female. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 10:6-9

3260 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pt 3:9

3261 God made a promise to Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 6:13

3262 He had no one greater, by whom to swear. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 6:13

3263 God is faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 10:13

3264 He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 10:13

3265 Christ Jesus our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 6:23

3266 Amen to God for his glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:20

3267 He is faithful and just to forgive us. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 1:9

3268 He who promised is faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 10:23

3269 Christ was raised from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 6:4

3270 God so loved the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 3:16

3271 Whoever believes in him should not perish. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 3.16

3272 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:6

3273 No one comes to the Father except through me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:6

3274 The God of peace himself sanctify you completely. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thes 5:23

3275 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1.3

3276 The Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 3.36

3277 The Son of the Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1.32

3278 God shows his love for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5.8

3279 A teacher come from God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 3.1-8

3280 One God and Father of all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 4.4-6

3281 Who is over all and through all and in all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 4:4-6

3282 The Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 2:28

3283 The resurrection of Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 pt 3.21

3284 God has made him both Lord and Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:36

3285 No one comes to the Father except through me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:6

3286 The power of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 1:18

3287 He is the Christ of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 23:33-43

3288 Christ the power of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 1:23-24

3289 Christ the wisdom of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 1:23-24

3290 Holy, the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:35

3291 Christ Jesus is the one who died. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 8:34

3292 The right hand of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:33

3293 God has highly exalted him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 2:5-11

3294 The Son of God in power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 1:4

3295 Angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 3:22

3296 Who sat down at the right hand of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 16:19

3297 This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 1:11

3298 Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 12:2

3299 Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 2:9-11

3300 God has highly exalted him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 2:6-11

3301 Jesus Christ the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 2:1

3302 The glory of God the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ph 2:10-11

3303 The one who also ascended far above all the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 4:10

3304 Christ died for our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 15:3-4

3305 The Son of Man standing at the right hand of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 7:56

3306 I am ascending to my Father and your Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 20.17

3307 Great high priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 4:14

3308 Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:13

3309 He was in the form of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 2:6

3310 Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 26.64

3311 Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 26.64

3312 Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:21-28

3313 All to the glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 10:31

3314 The radiance of the glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 1:3

3315 The whole earth be filled with his glory!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 72:19

3316 The glory of the Lord has risen upon you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 60:1

3317 I am the Lord; that is my name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:8

3318 The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 40:34-35

3319 The glory of the Lord as the waters covers the sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hab 2:14

3320 The glory of God the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 2:11

3321 Christ in you, the hope of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:27

3322 The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 58:8

3323 The mountains melt like wax before the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 97:1-9

3324 The voice of the Lord your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

3325 God has highly exalted him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 2:9

3326 The King of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:7-8

3327 The Lord went before them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 13.21

3328 The King of ages, immortal, invisible. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:17

3329 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 10:38

3330 The Lord, who created the heavens and stretched them out. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:5

3331 Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chr 16:28-29

3332 The Lord our God, the Lord is one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 6:4

3333 God, the firstborn of all creation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:15

3334 From everlasting to everlasting you are God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 90:2

3335 The heavens declare the glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:1

3336 Wrath of God is revealed from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:18

3337 The Lord looks down from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 14:1-4

3338 I laid the foundation of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 38:4

3339 The eternal God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 33:27

3340 God rested from all his work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2:1-25

3341 Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 19:1-42

3342 You shall love the Lord your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 6:5

3343 Great is the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 28:18-20

3344 The Son of God in power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 1:1-32

3345 Our God is a consuming fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:28-29

3346 His lovingkindness is everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chrnls 16:34

3347 I will sacrifice to You With the voice of thanksgiving. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jonah 2:9

3348 For everything created by God is good. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 4:4-5

3349 God who calls us by name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 45:4

3350 God who calls into existence the things that do not exist. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 4:17

3351 God who never lies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 6:18

3352 Truly You are God who hides Yourself. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 45:15

3353 God who has made His light shine upon us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 118:27

3354 God who shines forth out of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 50:2

3355 God who speaks in His Holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 60:6

3356 God who reigns for ever to all generations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 146:10

3357 God who is good to those who are pure in heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 73:1

3358 You are a God of hand and not a god afar off. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 73:1

3359 God who is enthroned for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:19

3360 Lord of Lords. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 17:14

3361 Lord God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 23:17

3362 Lord of Hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 46:7

3363 Lord of peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 The 3:16

3364 Lord of Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:47

3365 Lord our Counsellor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 9:6

3366 The Lord who heals us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

3367 Lord Most high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 47:2

3368 Lord our Holy one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 43:15

3369 Lord who sanctifies us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 20:8

3370 Righteous Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:5

3371 Lord our righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 23:6

3372 Lord our everlasting light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 60:19

3373 Lord God of all flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:27

3374 Lord God of Hebrews. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 9:1

3375 Lord who helps us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 44:2

3376 The Lord who judges me. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 4:4

3377 Lord our God who goes before us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 1:30

3378 Lord the Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2Cor 3:17

3379 One Lord, Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 8:6

3380 Great is the Lord and Greatly to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 48:1

3381 Lord You are Good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 135:3

3382 Unchanging Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 3:6

3383 The Lord is upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:15

3384 O Lord God of truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:5

3385 Mighty Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 89:8

3386 Lord God of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 24:7

3387 Lord of heaven and earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 10:21

3388 Lord of the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zach 4:14

3389 Lord of the both the dead and the living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 14:9

3390 Lord Your dominion is an everlasting dominion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:34

3391 Lord the King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 98:6

3392 Lord Your kingdom is from generation to generation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:34

3393 King of kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:16

3394 King of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:7

3395 Great king. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 48:2

3396 King of saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 15:3

3397 King of Salem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:2

3398 King of righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:2

3399 Spotless King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:2

3400 King eternal. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 1:17

3401 King Immortal. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 1:17

3402 King invisible. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 1:17

3403 King of the Jews. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 27:11

3404 King of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:49

3405 King of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 41:21

3406 King Jeshurun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 33:5

3407 The King upon the holy hill of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 2:6

3408 The Lord of Kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:47

3409 The One gives victory to the kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 144:10

3410 Ruler of the kings of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:5

3411 Prince of princess. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 8:25

3412 King of all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 47:7

3413 The Lord is terrible to kings of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 76:12

3414 King of peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:2

3415 Our peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 5:5

3416 He who breaks the spirit of the rulers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 76:12

3417 He who brings the princes of nothing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 40:23

3418 King forever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 10:16

3419 My King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:3

3420 King of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:37

3421 Your dominion shall be from sea to sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 9:10

3422 There will be no end to Your kingdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:33

3423 Your dominion shall be from the river to the ends of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 9:10

3424 The Holy one who inhabits eternity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 57:15

3425 The Lord who says “I am Holy”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 19:2

3426 The Holy one in our midst. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hos 11:9

3427 Glorious in holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:11

3428 Holy Child. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 4:30

3429 Lord Jehovah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 6:3

3430 Jehovah Jireh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 22:14

3431 Jehovah Shalom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jud 6:24

3432 Jehovah Shammah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze 48:35

3433 Jehovah Nissi. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 17:15

3434 Jehovah Heleyon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7:17

3435 Jehovah Rohi. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:1

3436 Jehovah Tsidkenu. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:3

3437 Jehovah Tsebahoth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 48:2

3438 Jehovah Mekaddishkem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 20:8

3439 Jehovah Ropheca. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

3440 Jehovah Hoseenu. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 95:6

3441 Jehovah Eloheenu. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 99:5

3442 Jehovah Eloheka. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 20:2

3443 Jehovah Elohay. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 14:5

3444 Elohim. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:1

3445 Elshaddai. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 17:1

3446 For Your name “JESUS”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:21

3447 For Your name “IMMANUEL”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 1:23

3448 For Your name “THE WORD OF GOD”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:13

3449 For Your name which is exalted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 12:4

3450 Your name is pleasant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 135:3

3451 Your name is ointment poured forth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1:3

3452 Holy and terrible is Your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 111:9

3453 Your name is great in might O Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:6

3454 For Your glorious name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 72:19

3455 For Your great name’s sake. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Sam 12:22

3456 Your name is above every name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 2:9

3457 Blessed be Your glorious name which is exalted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 9:5

3458 Your name is near to us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 75:1

3459 Your name O Lord is a strong tower. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 18:10

3460 The Holy Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 1:8

3461 Spirit of truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 14:17

3462 Spirit of grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec 12:10

3463 Spirit of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Pet 4:14

3464 Spirit of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:2

3465 Spirit of our father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 10:20

3466 Spirit of Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Pet 1:11

3467 Spirit of understanding. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 11:2

3468 The life giving Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor 15:45

3469 The generous Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 51:12

3470 Spirit of wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 11:12

3471 Spirit of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2Cor 3:17

3472 Spirit of the Lord God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 61:1

3473 The eternal Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 9:14

3474 The Holy Spirit, the power of the Most high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:35

3475 Spirit of might. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 11:2

3476 Spirit of holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:4

3477 Spirit of the Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 4:6

3478 Spirit of adoption. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:15

3479 For Your good Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 143:10

3480 The Counsellor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:26

3481 Spirit of supplication. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec 12:10

3482 The Spirit who dwells in us and yearns jealously. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 4:5

3483 The Spirit who intercedes for us with groaning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:26

3484 The Spirit who helps in our weakness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:26

3485 Hovering Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 1:2

3486 Spirit of counsel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 11:2

3487 Spirit of prophecy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:10

3488 Spirit of judgement. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 4:4

3489 Spirit of burning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 4:4

3490 The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 59:19

3491 The Beginning and the End. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:8

3492 The Beginning of the creation of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:14

3493 The First and the Last. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 2:8

3494 He who says “I am with the last”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 41:4

3495 The Lord who is and who was. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 11:17

3496 The Lord says “I am who I am”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3:14

3497 The Lord who is to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 11:17

3498 God who is Love. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Jn 4:8

3499 The one who is exalted above the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:26

3500 God who is exalted by His power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:22

3501 The head of all principality and power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Colo 2:10

3502 O Lord, You are exalted as head over all. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Chro 29:11

3503 God who is highly exalted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 47:9

3504 Great and mighty in power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:5

3505 Fairest Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:2

3506 Most Upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 26:7

3507 Sun of Righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:2

3508 Righteous and Upright God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:4

3509 Who increases the harvest of our righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2Cor 9:10

3510 He who loves righteousness and justice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:5

3511 The Lord who speaks righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 45:9

3512 The Lord who declares things that are right. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 45:9

3513 He who brings His judgement to light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:5

3514 He who guards the paths of justice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 2:8

3515 The Lord who will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all nations. – “” Isa 61:11

3516 Our Law giver. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 33:22

3517 How un-searchable are Your judgements, O Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 11:33

3518 You are faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor 1:9

3519 Who is like You, O Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:11

3520 Holy and blameless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:26

3521 You are undefiled. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:26

3522 A very present help. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 46:1

3523 Horn of my salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:2

3524 Pioneer of our salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:10

3525 Anchor of the soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:10

3526 The one my soul loves. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 3:1

3527 The Bridegroom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 9:15

3528 Rock of ages. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 9:15

3529 Lily of the valleys. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 2:1

3530 Rose of Sharon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 2:1

3531 Cluster of henna blossoms. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1:14

3532 A bundle of myrrh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1:13

3533 You are altogether lovely. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5:16

3534 The chiefest among the ten thousand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5:10

3535 Your speech is most sweet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5:16

3536 My beloved is white and ruddy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5:10

3537 The bright and morning start. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:16

3538 Apple tree among the trees of the wood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 2:3

3539 You are like a gazelle of a young stag. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 2:9

3540 You are loved by virgins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1:3

3541 You are loved by the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1:4

3542 Beloved Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 3:17

3543 Loving Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Colo 1:13

3544 Son of the Most High God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 5:7

3545 Christ, the Son of the Blessed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 14:61

3546 Son of man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 21:36

3547 Son who has been made perfect forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:28

3548 He who is called Son of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 20:30

3549 God who never fails in His promises. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 20:30

3550 Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:8

3551 Perfect in Love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:8

3552 Father in heaven You are perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 5:48

3553 He who is perfect in knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 37:16

3554 Light of the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 12:46

3555 The true light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:9

3556 The light that enlightens everyman. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:9

3557 Light to the nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 49:6

3558 The faithful witness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:5

3559 The Lamb that had been slain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:6

3560 Lamb of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:36

3561 The one Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze37:24

3562 Great Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:20

3563 Good Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 10:11

3564 He who had laid down His life for the sheep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 10:11

3565 Chief Shepherd. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet 5:4

3566 Shepherd and Guardian. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Pet 2:25

3567 You were wounded for our transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:5

3568 You were bruised for our iniquities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:5

3569 You bore the sin of many. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:12

3570 You took our infirmities and bore our sickness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:17

3571 You bore our grief and carried our sorrows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:4

3572 You shed Your blood for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Colo 1:20

3573 The chastisement for our peace was upon You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:5

3574 He who tasted death for everyone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:9

3575 You were mocked for our sake. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 22:7

3576 You were scorned by men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 22:6

3577 You were despised by the people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 22:6

3578 You were numbered with transgressors. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:12

3579 He who made intercession for the transgressors. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:12

3580 For Your stripes that heal us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 53:5

3581 Resurrected Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 24:6

3582 The resurrection and the life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 11:25

3583 God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 5:5

3584 The First Born. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:6

3585 The First Fruit. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor 15:20

3586 Conqueror of death. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor15:55

3587 Conqueror of hell. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor 15:55

3588 The one who has the keys of death and hell. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:18

3589 He that has the key of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:7

3590 He that shuts that no man opens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:7

3591 He that opens that no man shuts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:7

3592 Bread from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 6:50

3593 Bread of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 6:48

3594 River of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 6:48

3595 The fountain of living water. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 17:13

3596 Author of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 3:15

3597 Out life and length of our life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 30:20

3598 Word of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn 1:1

3599 Light of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 8:12

3600 Who proclaimed the light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 26:23

3601 Rock of our salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:15

3602 Everlasting rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 26:4

3603 Spiritual rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor 10:4

3604 The rock who begot me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:18

3605 The strength of my heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 73:26

3606 Rock of my strong hold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 17:10

3607 Rock of my refuge and my inhabitation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:13

3608 My Redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:14

3609 My Helper. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:6

3610 My Hope. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 39:7

3611 My Husbandman. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 54:5

3612 My Creator. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 54:5

3613 My Friend. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 5:16

3614 My Beloved, the pleasant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 1:16

3615 You are my praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 10:21

3616 My salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 27:1

3617 The strength of my salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 140:7

3618 My strength and my song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

3619 The strength of my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 27:1

3620 My light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 27:1

3621 My Holy one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Haba 1:12

3622 My covert. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 32:2

3623 My glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 3:3

3624 My goodness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 144:2

3625 My hiding place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:11

3626 My high tower. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 144:2

3627 You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 16:5

3628 You maintain my lot. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 16:5

3629 My portion in the land of the living. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 142:5

3630 Guide of my youth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 3:4

3631 My Master. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 11:28

3632 My beloved is mine. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 6:3

3633 The one who cares about me. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet 5:7

3634 My witness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 16:19

3635 Who goes over before me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 9:3

3636 My Judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9:15

3637 Judge of all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 18:25

3638 Christ the righteous advocate. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Jn 2:1

3639 Christ who strengthens me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:13

3640 Jesus of Nazareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 1:24

3641 Christ our intercessor. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn 2:1

3642 Wonderful God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 9:6

3643 He who alone does great wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 136:4

3644 He who calls us “My Friends”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 12:4

3645 Friend of sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 7:34

3646 He who separate from sinners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:26

3647 Who justifies the ungodly. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 4:5

3648 The opened fountain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 13:1

3649 For the blood without blemish. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet 1:19

3650 For Your spotless blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet 1:19

3651 For the precious blood of Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pet 1:19

3652 For the blood of sprinkling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:24

3653 For Your blood speaks better things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:24

3654 For the blood of new covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 11:25

3655 For the blood of the everlasting covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:20

3656 Gift of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 4:10

3657 Christ our Passover. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor 5:7

3658 You offered Yourself without spot. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 9:14

3659 You have become a surety of better covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:22

3660 Messiah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:41

3661 Forerunner. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 6:20

3662 Our Guide. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 48:14

3663 Rabbi, Rabboni. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:49

3664 The stem of Jesse. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 11:1

3665 The root of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:5

3666 The Branch. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 6:12

3667 He who is called David the King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 30:9

3668 He who is called David the servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze 37:24

3669 Lord You are worthy to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:3

3670 Lord You are pleased in our praises. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:3

3671 Lord who inhabits the praises of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 22:3

3672 He who dwells between Cherubim’s. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 57:16

3673 The one who dwells in unapproachable light. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 6:16

3674 The one who dwells in Jerusalem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps135:21

3675 He who dwells in Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:21

3676 Lord, You are gifted to dwell among men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:18

3677 You dwell with the one who has a contrite and humble spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 57:15

3678 He who dwells between the shoulders of His beloved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 33:12

3679 He who is seated at the circle of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 40:22

3680 He who sits enthroned over the flood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:10

3681 He who sits in the heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 2:4

3682 The Lord who is in His temple. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 11:4

3683 The Lord who is upon many waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:3

3684 He who is seated at the right hand of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:20

3685 He who treads the high places of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amo 4:13

3686 He who walks in the midst if the seven lamp stands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 2:1

3687 He who holds the seven stars in His right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 2:1

3688 With the merciful, You will show Yourself merciful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:25

3689 With the blameless man, You will show Yourself blameless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:25

3690 With the pure, You will show Yourself pure. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:26

3691 With the devious, You will Yourself shrewd. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:26

3692 Our Lord and Teacher. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 13:14

3693 Teacher from God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 3:2

3694 Chief Apostle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 3:1

3695 Chief Prophet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 4:19

3696 Great Physician. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 4:19

3697 Great High Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 4:14

3698 High Priest forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 6:20

3699 A merciful and faithful High Priest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 2:17

3700 High Priest without sin. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 4:15

3701 A High Priest who can sympathize with our weakness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 4:15

3702 High Priest of the good things to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 9:11

3703 He who has unchangeable priesthood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:24

3704 You are a Priest forever according to the order if Melchizedek. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 7:17

3705 Creator of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 43:15

3706 Shepherd of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 80:1

3707 Ruler of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 2:6

3708 The strength of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 15:29

3709 Hope of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 14:8

3710 Rock of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 23:3

3711 The consolation of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 2:25

3712 The light of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 10:17

3713 The dew unto Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hos 14:5

3714 The glory of your people Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 2:32

3715 The Lord who sanctifies Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze 37:28

3716 Judge of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mica 5:1

3717 The Mighty one of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 1:24

3718 God the fear of Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 31:42

3719 The Mighty one of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 60:16

3720 The portion of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 10:16

3721 He who loved Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 9:13

3722 He who had accepted Job. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:9

3723 The Lord who restored Job’s losses. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:10

3724 The Lord who gave Job twice as much as he had before. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:10

3725 The Lord who blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:12

3726 You are wonderful in counsel and You are excellent in guidance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:29

3727 You are great in counsel and mighty in work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:19

3728 The hills from where my help comes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:1

3729 The one who makes crooked places straight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 42:16

3730 The only begotten of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 1:14

3731 The Angel of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 14:19

3732 The Messenger of covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 3:1

3733 Servant chosen by the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt12:18

3734 Commander of the army of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 5:14

3735 Our Captain. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor13:12

3736 Our Protector. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor13:12

3737 Our Mediator. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2:5

3738 Our Brother. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 3:35

3739 Our rising Sun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:79

3740 Our Holy sanctuary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 8:14

3741 Worthy of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:12

3742 Crown of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:5

3743 Diadem of beauty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:5

3744 A Child and Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 9:6

3745 Gracious and full of compassion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 111:4

3746 The desire of every nation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hag 2:7

3747 O God, to you belong all nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 82:8

3748 The Most High who divided their inheritance of the nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:8

3749 Heir of all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:2

3750 He who upholds all things by the word of His power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3751 He who bore us on eagle’s wings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 19:4

3752 He who keeps me as an apple of an eye. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 17:8

3753 Your right hand shall hold me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:10

3754 You are my shade at my right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:5

3755 The Blessed and only potentate. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 6:15

3756 One who is immortal. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 6:16

3757 The unseen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Tim 6:16

3758 The Brightness of His glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3759 The last Adam. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1Cor15:45

3760 Father, the vine dresser. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:1

3761 The true vine. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:1

3762 The sower of good seeds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 13:37

3763 He who prunes the branch to bear more fruits. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 15:2

3764 Author and Finisher of our faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:1

3765 The Breaker. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mica 2:13

3766 The Lord who fights for me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 14:14

3767 Consuming fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:29

3768 You are like refiner’s fire and like fuller’s soap. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mala 3:2

3769 The great and awesome God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 7:21

3770 You are awesome in Your doing toward sons of men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:5

3771 The shield of my help. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 33:29

3772 Heavenly Bread. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 6:32

3773 The Potter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 18:6

3774 God with no partiality. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 2:11

3775 A tried, precious cornerstone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:16

3776 A sure foundation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 28:16

3777 You are anointed with oil of gladness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:9

3778 The Ancient days. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 7:9

3779 Lord, who is slow to anger. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nah 1:13

3780 The express image of God’s person. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

3781 Your are of purer eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Haba 1:13

3782 Head of the body of Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:18

3783 The Lord who nourishes and cherishes the Church. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:29

3784 Lion of the tribe of Judah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:5

3785 Man of war. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:3

3786 Mighty in battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:8

3787 Mighty in strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9:4

3788 The one who crushed satan’s head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 3:15

3789 Christ the victor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 16:33

3790 The Lord who has triumphed gloriously. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:1

3791 God who always lead us on triumph in Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 2:14

3792 The great King above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 95:3

3793 Lord, You are greater than all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 18:11

3794 Lord, You are exalted far above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 97:9

3795 You are to be feared above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 96:4

3796 Lord, You are above all gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 153:5

3797 You are greatly to be praised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:3

3798 The Lord who bestows His riches upon all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 10:12

3799 Who gives us power to get wealth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 8:18

3800 Both riches and honor come of You. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chro 29:12

3801 You don’t despise Your own that are in bonds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 69:33

3802 He who hears the groaning of the prisoners. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:20

3803 He who brings out those who are bound to be prosperity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:6

3804 He who sets free those appointed to death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:20

3805 The Lord who upholds all those who fall. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:14

3806 The Lord who raises up all those who are bowed down. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:14

3807 He who heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:3

3808 He who raises the poor out of the dust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 113:7

3809 Lord You are a refuge for the oppressed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9:9

3810 Lord You have heard the desire of the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 10:17

3811 He who hears the cry of the afflicted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 34:28

3812 Lord who maintains the cause of the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 140:12

3813 Lord who delivers the poor from him that is too strong for him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:10

3814 Lord who delivers the poor and the needy from him who spoils him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:10

3815 Him and sustain him on his sick bed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 41:1-3

3816 Lord You will save the humble people and You will bring down haughty looks. – “” Ps 18:27

3817 The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:6

3818 There is none like You O Lord to help both the mighty and the weak. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2Cor 14:11

3819 Lord You will place the poor in the safety. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 12:5

3820 You do not regard the rich more than the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 34:19

3821 You have been strength to poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3822 You have been strength to the needy in his distress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3823 A refuge from the storm. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3824 A shade from the heat. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 25:4

3825 Lord, You set the poor on high far from affliction. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:41

3826 Lord You have delivered the life of the needy from the hand of the evil doers. – “” Jer 20:13

3827 Lord You makes the families of the poor like a flock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:41

3828 Lord, You stand at the right hand of the poor to save him. LORD I Praise Thee Ps 109:31

3829 Lord, who lifts the needy out of the dust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 113:7

3830 Lord, You make the poor to sit with the princess of his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 113:8

3831 Lord, You maintain the justice for the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 140:12

3832 Father of the fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:5

3833 Defender of widows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:5

3834 Helper of the fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 10:14

3835 Lord, You will regard the prayer of the destitute. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:17

3836 He who upholds the widows and the fatherless. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 146:9

3837 The Lord watches over the strangers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 146:9

3838 He who loves the stranger giving him food and clothing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 10:18

3839 God who gives the desolate, a home to dwell. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:6

3840 God You provide from Your goodness for the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:10

3841 The Lord who has compassion on His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 135:14

3842 The Lord who delights in the welfare of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:27

3843 Lord who confirms the words of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 44:26

3844 Lord who performs the counsel of His messengers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 44:26

3845 Lord who redeems of the soul of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:4

3846 Lord who will avenge the blood of His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:43

3847 The Lord who makes His face shines upon His servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:16

3848 The steps of a good man are ordered by You O Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:23

3849 Lord, You uphold him with Your right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:24

3850 God who saves the upright in heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7:10

3851 The Lord who weighs the heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 21:2

3852 God who tests the heart and mind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7:9

3853 God who tests the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 11:5

3854 God who is with the generations of the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 14:5

3855 The Lord hears and delivers the righteous out of their troubles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:17

3856 Lord You deliver him out of them all. … -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:19

3857 The Lord guards all the bones of the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:20

3858 The righteous will not be forsaken nor will his descendants beg for bread. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:25

3859 Lord, with favour, You will surround the righteous as with a shield. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 5:12

3860 The Lord who upholds the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:17

3861 The Lord shall help the righteous and deliver them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:40

3862 You shall never permit the righteous to be moved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 55:22

3863 The Lord who makes the righteous to flourish like the palm tree. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:12

3864 The Lord who loves the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 146:8

3865 Lord You are with the good. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chro 19:11

3866 The Lord who knows the days of the upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:18

3867 For those walk upright, the Lord does good thing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

3868 The Lord who lifts the humble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:6

3869 The one who beautifies the humble with salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 149:4

3870 To the humble, Lord You teach Your way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 25:8

3871 He who teaches sinners in the way. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 25:8

3872 To them who fear O Lord You will show Your covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 25:14

3873 The faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations. – “” Deu 7:9

3874 Lord You will never forsake Your saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:28

3875 He who preserves the way of His saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 2:8

3876 He who guards the feet of His saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 2:9

3877 God who is greatly to be feared in the assembly of saints. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 89:7

3878 He who is held in reverence by all those around Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 89:7

3879 The Lord who is praised by Cherubim’s and Seraphim’s. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 6:2

3880 The one who lifts up my hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 3:3

3881 My horn, You have exalted like a wild ox. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:10

3882 He who sets me on high places. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:33

3883 The Lord who sustains me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 3:5

3884 O Lord, You alone make me dwell in safety. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 4:8

3885 Lord, You were and You are my support. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:18

3886 You will light my lamp and will enlighten my darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:28

3887 You have opened my ears. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:6

3888 Lord, You have heard the voice of my supplication. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 28:6

3889 Lord, You have heard the voice of my weeping. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 6:8

3890 Lord, you have put my tears into Your bottle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 56:8

3891 Lord, You have delivered my feet from falling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 116:8

3892 Lord, You have set my feet upon a rock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:2

3893 Lord, You shall pluck my feet out of the net. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 25:15

3894 You will keep my feet from being caught. -- LORD I Praise Thee Pro 3:26

3895 You make my feet like the feet of the deer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:33

3896 You have enlarged my path under me that my feet did not slip. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:36

3897 God who makes my way perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:32

3898 He who owns all my ways. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dani 5:23

3899 Lord, You have not given me into the hands of the enemy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:8

3900 Lord, You have also brought me out into broad place. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:19

3901 When I called in my distress Lord You answered me and set me in a wide place. – “” Ps 118:5

3902 You have delivered me out of all trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 54:7

3903 You save me from violence. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2Sam22:3

3904 You shall deliver me in six troubles, yes; in seven no evil shall touch me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 5:19

3905 You will bring me into the strong city. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 60:9

3906 He who teaches my hands to make war. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:34

3907 He who trains my hands for war and my finger for battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 144:1

3908 Taking us by our arms, You taught us to walk. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hos 11:3

3909 He who delivers His servant from the deadly sword. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 144:10

3910 He who redeems us from the power of sword in war. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 5:20

3911 Lord You have covered my head in the day of battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 140:7

3912 You have redeemed my soul in peace from the battle which was against me. – “” Ps 55:18

3913 You have subdued under me those who rose against me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:39

3914 Lord You have heard the reproach of my enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:61

3915 Lord You have heard the lips of my enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:62

3916 O Lord, You have seen how I am wronged. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:59

3917 God who arms me with strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:32

3918 Lord, You have commanded Your strength to me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:28

3919 You have loved me with an everlasting love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:3

3920 Though I have not known You, You have named me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 45:4

3921 Your greatness has made me great. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:35

3922 You have made me the head of the nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:43

3923 God who subdues the people under me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:47

3924 You will subdue the nations under our feet. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 47:3

3925 He who delivers me from the striving of the people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:43

3926 You shall keep me secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:20

3927 God who avenges me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:47

3928 The Lord who says “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 12:19

3929 You will repay my enemies for their evil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 54:5

3930 Lord, You will not be slack with him who hates You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 7:10

3931 God, You shall let me see my desire on my enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:10

3932 Lord, Through Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:98

3933 He who cast out many nations great and mightier than me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 7

3934 The Lord who has driven out from before us great and strong nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 23:9

3935 Lord, You made me trust when I was upon my mother’s breast. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 22:9

3936 You make me lie down in green pastures and You lead me beside the still waters. – “” Ps 23:2

3937 You restore my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:3

3938 You lead me in the path of righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:3

3939 You(God) are with me. …-- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:4

3940 He who turns the shadow of death into morning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 5:8

3941 He who brings the shadow of death into light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 12:22

3942 Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:4

3943 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:5

3944 You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:5

3945 Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:6

3946 Lord Your kindness is before my eyes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 26:3

3947 My heart trusted in You and I am helped. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 28:7

3948 My times are in Your hands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:15

3949 You(God) shall hide me in Your pavilion in the secret place of Your tabernacle.—“” Ps 27:5

3950 You shall hide me in the secret place of Your presence from the plots on men. – “” Ps 31:20

3951 Lord You have healed me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 30:2

3952 You have kept me alive. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 30:3

3953 When my father and mother forsake me, then Lord You will take care of me. – “” Ps 27:10

3954 Lord, You shall strengthen my heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 27:14

3955 You will keep me safe from all the evil thoughts of men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 27:14

3956 Lord You have lifted me up. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 30:1

3957 You have brought me out of the miry clay. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:2

3958 You have lifted me out of the horrible pit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:2

3959 You who lift me up from the gates of death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9:13

3960 In famine, You shall redeem me from death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 5:20

3961 You have brought my soul up from the grave. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 30:3

3962 You have delivered my soul from the depths of sheol. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 86:13

3963 You have delivered my soul from death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 116:8

3964 Lord, You made me bold with strength in my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:3

3965 You have pleaded the case of my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:58

3966 You have redeemed my soul in peace from the battle which was against me. – “” Ps 55:18

3967 Lord You have redeemed my soul from every distress. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg 1:29

3968 You have granted me life and favour and Your care has preserved my spirit. – “” Job 10:12

3969 Your care preserves my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 10:12

3970 Your care preserves my body. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 10:12

3971 Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 6:4

3972 He sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 5:45

3973 Lord You does not impute the iniquity of mine. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:2

3974 You forgave the iniquity of my sin. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:5

3975 You have cast all my sins behind Your back. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 38:17

3976 He who said, I have removed your iniquity from you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 3:4

3977 You have forgiven all my iniquities and healed my diseases. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:3

3978 You have redeemed my life from destruction. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:4

3979 You have crowned me with loving kindness and tender mercies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:4

3980 You have anointed me with fresh oil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:10

3981 Lord, You satisfy my mouth with good things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:5

3982 You have put a new song in my mouth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:3

3983 You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:7

3984 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 30:11

3985 You have put off my sack cloth and clothed me with gladness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 30:11

3986 Lord, You drew us with gentle cords with bands of love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hos 11:4

3987 I am poor and needy, yet my Lord things upon me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 40:17

3988 God who receives me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 49:15

3989 God who sustains me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 55:22

3990 God who had fed me all my lifelong to this day. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 48:22

3991 I know God, You are for me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 56:9

3992 You are with me as a mighty awesome one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 20:11

3993 Lord, You came down for me against the mighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Judg 5:13

3994 Lord, You have delivered me from all fears. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:4

3995 You shall give me the desires of my heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:4

3996 Your left hand is under my head and Your right hand embraces me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 2:6

3997 Your right hand is full of righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 48:10

3998 He who justifies me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 50:8

3999 Lord, You shall bring forth my righteousness as the light and my justice as the noon day. – “” Ps 37:6

4000 You, O God have heard my vows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 61:5

4001 God who has not turned away my prayer and Your mercy from me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:20

4002 Merciful God, You shall come to meet me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:10

4003 You have formed my inward parts and covered me in my mother’s womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:13

4004 I am fearfully and wonderfully made. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:14

4005 My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:15

4006 Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:16

4007 By You my Lord, I have been upheld from my birth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:6

4008 You are the one who took me out of my mother’s womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:6

4009 He who separated me from my mother’s womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 1:15

4010 O’ Lord, You have taught me from my Youth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:17

4011 You are the Lord my God, who teaches me to profit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 48:17

4012 He who leads me by the way I should go. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 48:17

4013 You are my hope and trust from my youth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:5

4014 You have numbered my wanderings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 56:8

4015 You shall increase my greatness and comfort me on every side. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 71:21

4016 He who awakens me morning by morning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 50:4

4017 He who makes me differ from another. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 4:7

4018 You will guide me with Your counsel and afterward receive me to glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 73:24

4019 You will not allow my foot to be moved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:3

4020 He who keeps me will not slumber. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:3

4021 The sun shall not strike me by day nor the moon by the night. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:6

4022 The Lord shall preserve me from all evil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:7

4023 The Lord shall preserve my going out and coming in. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:8

4024 Lord, You have acquainted with all my ways. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:3

4025 Lord, who goes before me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 9:3

4026 He who rides the heavens to help. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 33:26

4027 O Lord, You have searched me and known me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:1

4028 You know my sitting down and rising up. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:2

4029 You understand my thought a far off. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:2

4030 The Lord shall preserve my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:7

4031 Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord You knows it altogether. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:4

4032 The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 50:4

4033 You comprehend my path and my lying down. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:3

4034 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:7

4035 When my spirit was over whelmed within me then You know my path. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 142:3

4036 You have hedged me behind and before and laid hand upon me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:5

4037 As a man chastens his son, so the Lord my God chastens me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 8:5

4038 Lord, You have chastened me severely, but have not given me over to death. – “” Ps 118:18

4039 Lord You have not given us, as a prey to the enemy’s teeth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 124:6

4040 In the day when I cried out, You answered me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:3

4041 You drew near on the day I called on You, and said, “Do not fear”. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:57

4042 How precious are Your thoughts to me O God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:17

4043 You have strengthened the bars of my gate and blessed my children within me. – “” Ps 147:13

4044 You make peace in my borders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:14

4045 He who walks in the midst of my camp, to deliver me and give my enemies over to me—“” Deu 23:14

4046 You would feed me with finest wheat and with honey from the rock You would satisfy me.… Ps 81:16

4047 You give us our heart’s desire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 21:2

4048 Lord who has remembered us in our lowly state. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 136:23

4049 Lord, You have been mindful of us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 115:12

4050 You have made us walk upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 26:13

4051 He who pursues us, and pass safely by the way we have not gone with our feet. – “” Isa 41:3

4052 You have made us exceedingly glad with Your presence. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 21:6

4053 You give us drink from the river of Your pleasures. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:8

4054 You send from heavens Your mercy and truth and save me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 57:3

4055 He who shall tread our enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 108:13

4056 You have saved us from our enemies and have put to shame those who hated us. – “” Ps 44:7

4057 You, O God! have proved us, You have refined us as silver is refined. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:10

4058 You have broken the bands of our yoke. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lev 26:13

4059 You will bless those who fear You Lord, both small and great. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 115:13

4060 He who blesses the house of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 115:12

4061 He who blessed the house of Aaron. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 115:12

4062 We are blessed of the Lord who made heaven and earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 115:15

4063 Lord, You give increase more and more to us and to our children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 115:14

4064 The children of Your servants shall dwell secure. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:28

4065 Their descendants will be established before You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 102:28

4066 The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:17

4067 Great is Your mercy toward those who fear You Lord. …-- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:11

4068 Lord, You pity those who fear You, as the father pities his children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:13

4069 You have not dealt with us according to our sins nor You have punished us according to our iniquities.Ps 103:10

4070 As far as the east is from the west, so You have removed our transgressions from us—“” Ps 103:12

4071 Lord, You have done all our works in us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 26:12

4072 Lord, You give strength and power to Your people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:35

4073 Lord, You will bless Your people with peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:11

4074 The Lord who binds up the bruise of His people and heals the stroke of their wound. “” Isa 30:26

4075 You take pleasure in Your people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 149:4

4076 You have exalted the horn of Your people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 148:14

4077 He who visits His flock and makes them as His royal horse in the battle. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 10:3

4078 You led Your people like a flock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 77:20

4079 The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:4

4080 The voice of the Lord breaks the Cedars. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:5

4081 The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:7

4082 The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:8

4083 The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:9

4084 For Your saving arm and for Your right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 44:3

4085 For the eyes of the Lord that run to and fro throughout the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 16:9

4086 For the light of Your countenance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 44:3

4087 Lord, You are more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 76:4

4088 The Lord who fills the heaven and earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 23:24

4089 He who fills all in all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:23

4090 He who satiate the weary soul and replenish every sorrowful soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:25

4091 The saving refuge of His anointed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 28:8

4092 Who exalt the horn of His anointed. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 2:10

4093 The Lord who preserves the faithful and fully replays the proud. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:23

4094 He who fashions the hearts individually and consider all their works. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:15

4095 He who forms the spirit of man within him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 12:1

4096 He who declares to man what his thought is. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4:13

4097 Lord, You render to each one according to his work. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 62:12

4098 The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them. – “” Ps 34:7

4099 Lord, You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 61:5

4100 Lord, You are near to those who have a broken heart and save those who have a contrite spirit. Ps 34:18

4101 If I trust in the Lord, the Lord shall bring it to pass. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:5

4102 God has spoken that power belongs to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 62:11

4103 O! You who hear the prayer, to You all flesh will come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:2

4104 There is nothing too hard for You, O my Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 32:27

4105 You have made everything beautiful in its time. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ecc 3:11

4106 With God nothing will be impossible. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 1:37

4107 Abba, Father all things are possible for You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 14:36

4108 When You spoke it was done and when You commanded it stood fast. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:9

4109 Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to You, O! God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 14:11

4110 The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:13

4111 The earth is full of Your possessions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:24

4112 Lord, You knew the face of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:30

4113 Lord, You visit the earth and water it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:9

4114 You greatly enrich it through the river of God full of water. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:9

4115 You bless its growth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:10

4116 The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:5

4117 He who has set all the borders of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 74:17

4118 The Creator of the ends of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 40:28

4119 He who builds His layers in the sky. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 9:6

4120 He who established the world firmly. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chr 16:30

4121 For the years of the right hand of the Most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 77:10

4122 The number of Your years cannot be discovered. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:26

4123 You crown the year with Your goodness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:11

4124 Your paths drip with fatness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:11

4125 With You is the fountain of life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:9

4126 Your judgments are a great deep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:6

4127 Your thoughts are very deep. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:5

4128 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 11:33

4129 Your greatness is un-searchable. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:3

4130 You do great things past finding and wonders without numbers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9:10

4131 He who breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry and sets others in their place.—“” Job 34:24

4132 The LORD is the everlasting God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 40:28

4133 Your paths are past finding out. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 11:33

4134 Oh Lord, how great are Your works. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:5

4135 Your work is perfect and all Your ways are justice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:4

4136 Your righteousness is like the great mountains. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:6

4137 Your glory is above the earth and heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 148:13

4138 Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:5

4139 For Your mercy, O Lord which is in the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:5

4140 Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:5

4141 The children of men take refuge under the shadow of Your wings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:7

4142 For the chariots of God that are twenty thousand even thousands of thousands. – “” Ps 68:17

4143 He who makes the clouds His chariot and rides on wings of wind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:3

4144 He who rides on the clouds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:4

4145 Lord, You have stretched out the heavens like a curtain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:2

4146 He who counts the number of the stars and calls them all by name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:4

4147 He who seals off the stars. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 9:7

4148 The Lord who knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pet 2:9

4149 He who knows to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment. – “” 2 Pet 2:9

4150 God who is greater than our heart, and knows all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn 3:20

4151 Lord, You are greater than Jonah. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 12:41

4152 You are greater than Solomon. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 12:42

4153 You are greater than all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 10:29

4154 You are greater than the temple. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 12:6

4155 The Lord is great in Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 99:2

4156 He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn 4:4

4157 Your understanding is infinite. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 147:5

4158 Great is Your goodness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 9:17

4159 Great is Your beauty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 9:17

4160 Great is Your faithfulness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:23

4161 Your mercies are very great. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chr 21:13

4162 Great is the glory of my Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:5

4163 Your mercy toward me is great. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 86:13

4164 Lord, You command Your loving kindness in the day time. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 42:8

4165 Your loving kindness is better than life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 63:3

4166 The Lord who gives grace and glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 84:11

4167 How precious is Your loving kindness. God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 36:7

4168 Your mercy endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 106:1

4169 It is Your mercies that we are not consumed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:22

4170 Your mercies are new every morning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:23

4171 The Lord who crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:2

4172 For Your compassions that fail not. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:22

4173 For all Your benefits. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:2

4174 Lord, You are clothed with honour and majesty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1

4175 You are girded with strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 93:1

4176 You cover Yourself with light as with garments. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:2

4177 He who put on righteousness as a breast plate. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 59:17

4178 He who put on a helmet of salvation on His head. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 59:17

4179 He who put on the garments of vengeance for clothing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 59:17

4180 He who is glad with zeal as a cloak. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 59:17

4181 He who has the sharp two-edged sword. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 2:12

4182 He who makes His angels, Spirits. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:4

4183 Lord, You satisfy the longing soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:9

4184 You fill the hungry soul with goodness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:9

4185 He who sends His word and heals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:20

4186 For Your word which gives me comfort in my afflictions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:50

4187 For the wondrous things from Your Law. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:18

4188 Lord, You have caused me to hope upon Your Word. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:49

4189 For Your Word which gives me life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:50

4190 You have dealt well with Your servants. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:65

4191 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:105

4192 Your words give light and understanding to the simple. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:130

4193 For Your words which is very pure and tried. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:140

4194 Your word was to me joy and rejoicing of my heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 15:16

4195 Your words do good to him who walks uprightly. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 2:7

4196 Your words are faithful and worthy of all acceptance. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 4:9

4197 O! God, Your word is living and powerful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 4:12

4198 Your word is like a fire and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 23:29

4199 He who makes His words fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 5:14

4200 The word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4

4201 Your commandment is exceedingly broad. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:96

4202 Lord, You did, and You will do awesome deeds to us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:5

4203 Lord, in righteousness You will answer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 65:5

4204 Lord, Your anger is but for a moment, but Your favour is for a life time. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 30:5

4205 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger forever.. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:9

4206 There is forgiveness with You. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 130:4

4207 With You is abundant redemption. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 130:7

4208 For the help of Your countenance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 42:5

4209 The Lord who made the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 96:5

4210 He who made the worlds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:2

4211 He who made the sea into dry land. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 14:21

4212 You broke open the fountain and the flood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 74:15

4213 You dried up mighty rivers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 74:15

4214 In the day time, You let Your people with the cloud and all the night with a light of fire. … Ps 78:14

4215 He who split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 78:15

4216 The waters of Marah were made sweet by You O! Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:25

4217 He who sent the bread of the angels as food In abundance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 78:25

4218 He who broke the wall of Jericho. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 6:20

4219 He who opened the mouth of the donkey to speak. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 22:28

4220 You made the Sun stand still over Gibeon and Moon in the valley of Aijalon. – “” Josh 10:12

4221 He who makes the morning darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Amos 4:13

4222 He who turns the rivers into a wilderness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:33

4223 He who turns the water into dry ground. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:33

4224 You turn the wilderness into pools of water. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:35

4225 Lord, You turn the rock into a pool of water. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 114:8

4226 You turn the dry land into water springs. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:35

4227 He who brings the time of birth and he who causes delivery. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 66:9

4228 The Lord who rebuilt the ruined places. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze 36:36

4229 Lord, You will seek what was lost. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze 34:16

4230 You bring back what was driven away. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze 34:16

4231 You will bind up the broken. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eze 34:16

4232 You are a hiding place from the wind and a cover from the tempest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 32:2

4233 You will make darkness light before them and crooked place straight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 42:16

4234 Loving Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn 3:1

4235 Everlasting Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isaiah 9:6

4236 Heavenly Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 5:48

4237 Father of Spirits. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:9

4238 Father of lights. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 1:17

4239 Father of Mercies. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:3

4240 Father of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:17

4241 Father who created me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:6

4242 Father who made me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:6

4243 Father who established me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deu 32:6

4244 My Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:18

4245 One Father of all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 2:10

4246 Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. – LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:3

4247 Righteous Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 17:25

4248 Father who is in secret. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:6

4249 Father of the righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 13:43

4250 Father of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:9

4251 Living Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 6:57

4252 Father who is going to give the Kingdom with good pleasure. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 12:32

4253 The Most high God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:2

4254 Great God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 95:3

4255 God of gods. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 136:2

4256 Living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 3:15

4257 Loving God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jn 4:8

4258 God of Love and peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:3

4259 Eternal God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Due 33:27

4260 God of all comforts. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:3

4261 God of patience and consolation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 15:5

4262 God of glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Act 7:2

4263 God of my mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:17

4264 God who called me by His glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 1:15

4265 God of Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3:15

4266 God of Isaac. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3:15

4267 God of Jacob. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 3:15

4268 God of Jeshurun. -- LORD I Praise Thee Due 33:26

4269 God of Elijah. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Kg 2:14

4270 God of David. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 38:5

4271 God of Daniel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 6:26

4272 God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed Nego. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 3:28

4273 God the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 1:4

4274 God of our fathers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 7:27

4275 My father’s God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

4276 God of the valleys. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg20:28

4277 God of the hills. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg 20:28

4278 God of the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 54:5

4279 God who is overall, the eternally blessed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 9:5

4280 God of all kingdoms of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 37:16

4281 God of heaven and earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ezra 5:11

4282 You are God in heaven and in earth beneath. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 2:11

4283 God who rules in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:13

4284 God of wonders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15 :11

4285 Mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 9:6

4286 All mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 17:1

4287 God who rules the raging of the sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 89:9

4288 True God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thes 1:9

4289 The only true God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jn 17:3

4290 One God the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 8:6

4291 The only wise God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:17

4292 God of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:17

4293 Holy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Sam 6:2

4294 God of truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Isa 65:16

4295 God of promises. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg 8:56

4296 God of hope. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:4

4297 God who keeps His covenant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 15:13

4298 Merciful God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Due 4:31

4299 God who is rich in mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:4

4300 God of righteous. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 4:1

4301 God of vengeance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 94:1

4302 God of truth and without iniquity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Due 32:4

4303 God of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 89:8

4304 My God… My God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 27:46

4305 God who begot me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Due 32:18

4306 God who sees me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 16:13

4307 God who appears unto His people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 12:7

4308 God of the spirits of all flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 16:22

4309 God who is blessed forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 11:31

4310 God who lives forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Due 32:40

4311 God who reigns forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:18

4312 The only wise God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:17

4313 God Revealer of secrets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:47

4314 My God and King. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 145:1

4315 Great God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 77:13

4316 God of riches. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:19

4317 God who supplies every need. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:19

4318 God who gives the increase. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 3:7

4319 God who gives us victory. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor15:57

4320 God of peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thes 5:23

4321 God who is angry with the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7:11

4322 Jealous God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 20:5

4323 God who forgives us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 99:8

4324 Wonder working God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 77:4

4325 God who makes all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ecc 11:5

4326 God of my salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:5

4327 God our saviour. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 2:3

4328 God who is the health of my countenance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 42:1

4329 God of my exceeding joy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 43:4

4330 Blessed God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:11

4331 Trust in the LORD with all your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4332 The name of the LORD is a strong tower. -- LORD I Praise Thee Proverbs 18:10

4333 He Who hath ascended into the hill of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:3-4

4334 He that hath clean hands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:3-4

4335 He that hath a pure heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:3-4

4336 Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:3-4

4337 He Who hath not sworn deceitfully. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 24:3-4

4338 He preserveth not the life of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:6

4339 But He giveth right to the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:6

4340 For thou hast delivered my soul from death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 56:13

4341 Thou deliver my feet from falling. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 56:13

4342 The lovingkindness of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:43

4343 Whos Blessings are upon the head of the just. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 10:6

4344 Whos violence covereth the mouth of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 10:6

4345 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:25

4346 The LORD is good unto the soul that seeketh him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:25

4347 God who knows my heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:23-24

4348 God who knows my thoughts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:23-24

4349 God who see if there be any wicked way in me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:23-24

4350 God who can lead me in the way everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:23-24

4351 Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:24

4352 He will have compassion upon us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:19

4353 He will subdue our iniquities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:19

4354 Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:19

4355 O LORD, thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:58

4356 Thou hast redeemed my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:58

4357 O LORD, deliver my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 6:4

4358 O LORD, save me for thy mercies’ sake. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 6:4

4359 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:20

4360 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away his mercy from me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:20

4361 Our God, we thank thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:13

4362 Praise thy glorious name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:13

4363 O LORD; and thy law is my delight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:174

4364 For the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 116:7

4365 Many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zech 2:11

4366 God is my strength and power. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:33

4367 He maketh my way perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:33

4368 Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 15:16

4369 I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 15:16

4370 My God hath sent his angel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 6:22-23

4371 God hath shut the lions’ mouths. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 6:22-23

4372 The heavens declare the glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:1

4373 The firmament sheweth his handywork. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:1

4374 Thou art all fair, my love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 4:7

4375 There is no spot in thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Song 4:7

4376 Help me, O LORD my God: O save me according to thy mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 109:26-27

4377 Remember me, O LORD, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people. – “” Ps 106:4-5

4378 Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4379 Thou art very great. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4380 Thou art clothed with honour and majesty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4381 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4382 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4383 Who maketh the clouds his chariot. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4384 Who maketh his angels spirits. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4385 His ministers a flaming fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 104:1-5

4386 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. – “” Ps 104:1-5

4387 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:7

4388 He shall preserve thy soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:7

4389 He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:3

4390 Thou wilt revive me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:7

4391 Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:7

4392 Thy right hand shall save me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:7

4393 The word of the LORD came to Solomon. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg 6 11-13

4394 I (God) will dwell among the children of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg 6 11-13

4395 God will not forsake my people Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kg 6 11-13

4396 The LORD dwelleth in Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:21

4397 With the merciful thou wilt show thyself merciful. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:26

4398 With the upright man thou wilt show thyself upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:26

4399 I(God) have loved thee with an everlasting love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:3

4400 God with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:3

4401 Thou wilt hear me, O God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 17:6

4402 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:135

4403 The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:21

4404 Both riches and honor come of thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4405 Thou reignest over all. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4406 In thine hand is power and might. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4407 In thine hand it is to make great. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4408 In thine hand it is to give strength unto all. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4409 Who is a God like unto thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4410 God that pardoneth iniquity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4411 God that passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4412 He retaineth not his anger for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4413 He delighteth in mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4414 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:9-10

4415 The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:9-10

4416 The judgments of the LORD are More to be desired are they than gold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:9-10

4417 The judgments of the LORD are more than much fine gold. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:9-10

4418 The judgments of the LORD are sweeter also than honey. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:9-10

4419 Thou lovest righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:7

4420 Lord who hatest wickedness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:7

4421 God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:7

4422 He will bring me forth to the light. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:9

4423 I shall behold his righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:9

4424 Thy salvation, O God, set me up on high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 69:29

4425 The grace of God that bringeth salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4426 The great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4427 Who gave himself for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4428 He might redeem us from all iniquity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4429 Lord makes you to increase. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Th 3:12

4430 Lord make you abound in love one toward another. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Th 3:12

4431 Lord make you abound in love one toward all men. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Th 3:12

4432 By him were all things created that are in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4433 By him were all things created that are in earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4434 By him were all things created that are visible. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4435 By him were all things created that are invisible. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4436 By him were all things created that are thrones. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4437 By him were all things created that are dominions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4438 By him were all things created that are principalities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4439 By him were all things created that are powers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4440 He is before all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:16-17

4441 Jesus is the Christ is born of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 5:1

4442 The Lord is very pitiful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 5:11

4443 The Lord is of tender mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 5:11

4444 He told me all that ever I did. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 4:39

4445 He put forth his hand, and touched him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 5:12-13

4446 By THY grace are ye saved through faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:8-9

4447 I came down from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 6:37-40

4448 Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:5-10,13

4449 Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:5-10,13

4450 Jesus heard it, he marvelled. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 8:5-10,13

4451 He lifted up his eyes on his disciples. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 6:20-23

4452 He said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 6:20-23

4453 He said, Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 6:20-23

4454 He said, Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 6:20-23

4455 He that calleth you, who also will do it. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 5:24-28

4456 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 5:24-28

4457 The word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1:22-23

4458 Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4459 Jesus went about all Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4460 Jesus who was healing all manner of sickness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4461 Jesus who was healing all all manner of disease among the people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4462 His fame went throughout all Syria. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4463 He healed them all sick people that were taken unto Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4464 He healed them all sick people with divers’ diseases. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4465 He healed them all sick people torments. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4466 He healed them all those which were possessed with devils. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4467 He healed them all those which were lunatick. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4468 He healed them all those that had the palsy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:23-24

4469 He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:27

4470 Whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:27

4471 He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:17-18

4472 One man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4473 By one man’s offence death reigned by one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4474 One, Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4475 Rabboni - Master. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 20:12-17

4476 My Father and your Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 20:12-17

4477 My God and your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 20:12-17

4478 He that built all things is God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 3:4

4479 He received from God the Father honour and glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pt 1:17-18

4480 A voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pt 1:17-18

4481 He saith unto him, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:51

4482 Ye shall see the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. – “” Jh 1:51

4483 But He giveth right to the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:6

4484 The lovingkindness of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:43

4485 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:25

4486 The LORD is good unto the soul that seeketh him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:25

4487 Search me, O God, and know my heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:23-24

4488 Try me, O God and know my thoughts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:23-24

4489 Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:24

4490 He will turn again; he will have compassion upon us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:19

4491 He will subdue our iniquities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:19

4492 Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:19

4493 O LORD, thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:58

4494 Thou hast redeemed my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:58

4495 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me. – “” Ps 66:20

4496 Our God, we thank thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:13

4497 Praise Thy glorious name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:13

4498 I have longed for thy salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:174

4499 O LORD; and thy law is my delight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:174

4500 The LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 116:7

4501 God is my strength and power. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:33

4502 He maketh my way perfect. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:33

4503 Thy name, O LORD God of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 15:16

4504 The heavens declare the glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:1

4505 The firmament sheweth his handywork. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:1

4506 Help me, O LORD my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 109:26-27

4507 O save me according to thy mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 109:26-27

4508 Remember me, O LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 106:4-5

4509 The favour that thou bearest unto thy people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 106:4-5

4510 O visit me with thy salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 106:4-5

4511 Blessed be the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 28:6

4512 He hath heard the voice of my supplications. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 28:6

4513 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:7

4514 He shall preserve thy soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 121:7

4515 He restoreth my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 23:3

4516 Thou wilt revive me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:7

4517 Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:7

4518 Thy right hand shall save me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:7

4519 I will dwell among the children of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kings 6 11-13

4520 God will not forsake my people Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Kings 6 11-13

4521 I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:21

4522 The LORD dwelleth in Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joel 3:21

4523 The most High. -- LORD I Praise Thee Daniel 7:18

4524 The LORD hath appeared of old unto me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:3

4525 I have loved thee with an everlasting love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:3

4526 Therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 31:3

4527 Thou hast beset me behind and before. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:5

4528 Laid thine hand upon me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:5

4529 I have called upon thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 17:6

4530 Thou wilt hear me, O God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 17:6

4531 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:135

4532 Teach me thy statutes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:135

4533 The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:21

4534 According to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:21

4535 Both riches and honor come of thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4536 Thou reignest over all. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4537 In thine hand is power and might. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4538 In thine hand it is to make great. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4539 Thou give strength unto all. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:12

4540 Who is a God like unto thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4541 That pardoneth iniquity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4542 God that passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4543 He retaineth not his anger for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4544 He delighteth in mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18

4545 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:9-10

4546 The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 19:9-10

4547 Thou lovest righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:7

4548 Thou Hatest wickedness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:7

4549 God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 45:7

4550 Thy salvation, O God, set me up on high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 69:29

4551 The grace of God that bringeth salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4552 The glorious appearing of the great God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4553 Our Saviour Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4554 Who gave himself for us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4555 He might redeem us from all iniquity. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 2:11-15

4556 The Lord makes you to increase and abound in love. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 3:12

4557 The Lord is very pitiful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 5:11

4558 The Lord is of tender mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 5:11

4559 Faithful is he that calleth you. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 5:24-28

4560 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 5:24-28

4561 The grace of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4562 The gift by grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4563 One man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4564 One man’s offence death reigned by one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4565 Righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 5:13-17

4566 He that built all things is God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 3:4

4567 He received from God the Father honour and glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pt 1:17-18

4568 With him is wisdom and strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 12:13

4569 He hath counsel and understanding. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 12:13

4570 Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1:1:12-16

4571 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 18:1

4572 The Lord is the stronghold of my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 27:1

4573 He who walked with the wise grows wise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prb 13:20

4574 When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 43:2

4575 The LORD will work out His plans for my life. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:8

4576 The LORD your God is with you wherever you go. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 1:9

4577 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 136:1

4578 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:14

4579 Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 139:14

4580 He will deliver you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 20:22

4581 Give yourselves completely to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 4:7

4582 I will never leave you nor forsake you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:5

4583 The Lord gives strength to his people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:11

4584 The Lord blesses his people with peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:11

4585 God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:34

4586 Trust God from the bottom of your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prb 3:5-6

4587 He's the one who will keep you on track. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prb 3:5-6

4588 May the Lord bless you and protect you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 6:24-26

4589 May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 6:24-26

4590 May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 6:24-26

4591 Do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 3:17

4592 Giving thanks to God the Father through him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 3:17

4593 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 5:7

4594 My hope is in Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 62:5

4595 Commit your way to the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:5

4596 Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:5

4597 The peace of God will guard your hearts and minds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:6-7

4598 Delight yourself in the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:4

4599 He will give you the desires of your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:4

4600 God's will for you in Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 5:15-18

4601 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thess 3:6

4602 Without holiness no one will see the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:14

4603 Eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 6:23

4604 Christ God forgave you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 4:32

4605 Him who gives me strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:13

4606 God did not appoint us to suffer wrath. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 5:8-11

4607 Salvation through out Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Thess 5:8-11

4608 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. … 1 Th 5:8-11

4609 God is the only lawmaker and judge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jm 4:12

4610 God is faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 10:13

4611 He will not let you be tempted. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 10:13

4612 He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 10:13

4613 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 2:18

4614 He is able to help those who are being tempted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Hb 2:18

4615 Jesus Christ is revealed. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 1:13-16

4616 Trust God from the bottom of your heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4617 God's voice in everything you do. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4618 God's voice is everywhere you go. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4619 He's the one who will keep you on track. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4620 God forgave all our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 2:13-14

4621 He canceled the record of the charges against us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 2:13-14

4622 God took away the charges against us by nailing it to the cross. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 2:13-14

4623 The LORD is good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nahum 1:7

4624 He cares for those who trust in Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Nahum 1:7

4625 That Jesus our Master has embraced us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:38-39

4626 The LORD is always with me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 16:8-9

4627 He is right beside me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 16:8-9

4628 The word of the LORD is right and true. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4

4629 He is faithful in all He does. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4

4630 Christ loved us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:2

4631 His love was not cautious but extravagant. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:2

4632 He didn't love in order to get something from us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 5:2

4633 Trust in the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4634 Acknowledge Him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4635 He will make your paths straight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prov 3:5-6

4636 In Christ that we find out who we are. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:11

4637 In Christ that we find out what we are living for. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:11

4638 God has given us the task. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 5:19-20

4639 God raised us up with Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:6

4640 Who seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:6

4641 Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 15:3-4

4642 He was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures. – “” 1 Cor 15:3-4

4643 The LORD will take delights in you with gladness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

4644 With His love, He will calm all your fears. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zep 3:17

4645 He preserveth not the life of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:6

4646 We are conquerors through him who loved us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:37-39

4647 The love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:37-39

4648 Give thanks to the God of heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 136:26

4649 His steadfast love endures forever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 136:26

4650 The LORD your God who goes with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 31:6

4651 He will not leave you or forsake you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 31:6

4652 The LORD your God is with you wherever you go. -- LORD I Praise Thee Joshua 1:7-9

4653 The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chr 16:9

4654 To give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Chr 16:9

4655 I will never leave you nor forsake you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:5-6

4656 The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:5-6

4657 Christ who strengthens me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:13

4658 I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 29:11

4659 We know that for those who love God all things work together for good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:28

4660 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:28-29

4661 No one will snatch them out of my hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:28-29

4662 My Father, who has given them to me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:28-29

4663 My Father, who is greater than all. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:28-29

4664 The Father’s hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 10:28-29

4665 All that the Father gives me will come to me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 6:37

4666 Whoever comes to me I will never cast out. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 6:37

4667 Call upon me in the day of trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 50:15

4668 I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 50:15

4669 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 61:1

4670 The LORD hath anointed me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 61:1

4671 He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 61:1

4672 The Son therefore shall make you free. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 8:36

4673 The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:1-2

4674 God is faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cori 10:13

4675 Jesus rebuked the devil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 17:18-21

4676 Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 17:18-21

4677 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4678 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4679 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4680 He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4681 He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4682 He hath sent me to preach deliverance to the captives. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4683 He hath sent me to recovering of sight to the blind. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4684 He hath sent me to set at liberty them that are bruised. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 4:14-18

4685 The power of his Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 12:10-11

4686 The blood of the Lamb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 12:10-11

4687 The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9:9-10

4688 A refuge in times of trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9:9-10

4689 They that know thy name will put their trust in thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9:9-10

4690 For thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 9:9-10

4691 The LORD heareth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:17

4692 The LORD delivereth them out of all their troubles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 34:17

4693 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:13-16

4694 He saved them out of their distresses. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:13-16

4695 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:13-16

4696 That man would praise the LORD for his goodness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:13-16

4697 His wonderful works to the children of men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:13-16

4698 He hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 107:13-16

4699 Fear thou not; for I am with thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4700 Be not dismayed; for I am thy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4701 I will strengthen thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4702 Yea, I will help thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4703 I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4704 My kindness shall not depart from thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:10

4705 Neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:10

4706 Saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:10

4707 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:19-25

4708 His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:19-25

4709 Great is thy faithfulness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:19-25

4710 The LORD is my portion, saith my soul. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:19-25

4711 Therefore will I hope in him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lam 3:19-25

4712 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. – “” Lam 3:19-25

4713 Peace from God our Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:2-4

4714 The Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:2-4

4715 The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:2-4

4716 The Father of mercies. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:2-4

4717 The God of all comfort. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:2-4

4718 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:2-4

4719 The LORD thy God giveth thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 20:12

4720 The mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:17

4721 His righteousness unto children's children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:17

4722 I will pour water upon him that is thirsty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:3

4723 I will pour Floods upon the dry ground. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:3

4724 I will pour my spirit upon thy seed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:3

4725 My blessing upon thine offspring. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:3

4726 Thus saith the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 49:25

4727 I will contend with him that contendeth with thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 49:25

4728 I will save thy children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 49:25

4729 He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 4:6

4730 He shall turn the heart of the children to their fathers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 4:6

4731 The LORD shall fight for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 14:14

4732 The LORD, he it is that doth go before thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 31:8

4733 He will be with thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 31:8

4734 He will not fail thee, neither forsakes thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 31:8

4735 The LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Josh 1:9

4736 I will call upon the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:3

4737 Who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 18:3

4738 The LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:13

4739 I will help thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:13

4740 Peace I leave with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:27

4741 My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:27

4742 I will pour out my spirit unto you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 1:23

4743 I will make known my words unto you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 1:23

4744 Heavenly Father gives the Holy Spirit to them that ask him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 11:9-13

4745 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:13-16

4746 The Father may be glorified in the Son. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:13-16

4747 Ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:13-16

4748 If ye love me, keep my commandments. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:13-16

4749 I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:13-16

4750 He may abide with you for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 14:13-16

4751 The Holy Ghost is come upon you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 1:8

4752 God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:17-18

4753 I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:17-18

4754 He would grant you, according to the riches of his glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 3:16-19

4755 To be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 3:16-19

4756 Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 3:16-19

4757 The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 3:16-19

4758 The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 28:12

4759 I will open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 3:10

4760 Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:31-33

4761 My God shall supply all your need. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:19

4762 His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:19

4763 Behold, I am with thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 28:15

4764 I will keep thee in all places whither thou goest. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 28:15

4765 I will bring thee again into this land. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 28:15

4766 I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 28:15

4767 He teaches in the way that he shall choose. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 25:12

4768 I will instruct thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:8

4769 I will teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:8

4770 I will guide thee with mine eye. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 32:8

4771 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Probs 3:5-6

4772 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. -- LORD I Praise Thee Probs 3:5-6

4773 The LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 58:10-11

4774 Before they call, I will answer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 65:24

4775 While they are yet speaking, I will hear. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 65:24

4776 Call unto me, and I will answer thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 33:3

4777 I will shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 33:3

4778 He will guide you into all truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 16:13

4779 He shall not speak of himself. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 16:13

4780 He will shew you things to come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 16:13

4781 The voice of the LORD thy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

4782 Wilts do that which is right in his sight. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

4783 Wilt give ear to his commandments. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

4784 Keep all his statutes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

4785 I am the LORD that healeth thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:26

4786 Fear the LORD, and depart from evil. -- LORD I Praise Thee Probs 3:7-8

4787 The LORD shall renew their strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:31

4788 He is despised and rejected of men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4789 A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4790 We hid as it were our faces from him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4791 He was despised, and we esteemed him not. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4792 Surely he hath borne our griefs. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4793 Surely he hath carried our sorrows. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4794 Yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4795 He was wounded for our transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4796 He was bruised for our iniquities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4797 The chastisement of our peace was upon him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4798 With his stripes we are healed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 53:3-5

4799 I will restore health unto thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 30:17

4800 I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 30:17

4801 The Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mal 4:2

4802 The LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2:18

4803 I will make him an help meet for him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 2:18

4804 Delight thyself also in the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:4

4805 He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 37:4

4806 God setteth the solitary in families. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 68:6

4807 Favour of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Provbs 18:22

4808 The LORD of hosts is his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:5

4809 Thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:5

4810 The God of the whole earth shall he be called. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:5

4811 I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 29:11

4812 The confidence that we have in him. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 5:14

4813 If we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 5:14

4814 Return unto me; for I have redeemed thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:22

4815 I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 15:21

4816 I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 15:21

4817 Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 6:23

4818 The love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:38-39

4819 God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 10:9-10

4820 The praise of the glory of his grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:6-7

4821 He hath made us accepted in the beloved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:6-7

4822 In whom we have redemption through his blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:6-7

4823 The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:6-7

4824 He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:5

4825 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 1:9

4826 He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 1:9

4827 I will confess his name before my Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:5

4828 I will confess his name before his angels. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:5

4829 I stand at the door, and knock. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:20

4830 He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 5:45

4831 I will come in to him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:20

4832 I will sup with him, and he with me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 3:20

4833 He giveth power to the faint. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:29

4834 To them that have no might he increaseth strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:29

4835 Their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 54:17

4836 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 4:13

4837 Abram believed the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 15:6-10

4838 Abram credited it to him as righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 15:6-10

4839 I am the LORD, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 15:6-10

4840 O Sovereign LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 15:6-10

4841 Abraham: He believed God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 3:6-9

4842 God would justify the Gentiles by faith. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 3:6-9

4843 God announced the gospel in advance to Abraham. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 3:6-9

4844 Whoever acknowledges me before men. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 12:8-10

4845 The Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 12:8-10

4846 He who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God. – “” Lk 12:8-10

4847 Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 12:8-10

4848 But anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 12:8-10

4849 Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:37-43

4850 They still would not believe in him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:37-43

4851 Lord, who has believed our message. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:37-43

4852 The arm of the Lord been revealed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:37-43

4853 He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:37-43

4854 I would heal them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:37-43

4855 He saw Jesus' glory and spoke about him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 12:37-43

4856 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:18-20

4857 God is plain to them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:18-20

4858 Because God has made it plain to them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:18-20

4859 God's invisible qualities. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:18-20

4860 His eternal power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:18-20

4861 His divine nature has been clearly seen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:18-20

4862 The word of the LORD is right and true. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4-6

4863 He is faithful in all he does. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4-6

4864 The LORD loves righteousness and justice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4-6

4865 The earth is full of his unfailing love. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4-6

4866 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:4-6

4867 The Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 4:1-5

4868 The Lord will wash away the filth of the women of Zion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 4:1-5

4869 He will cleanse the bloodstains from Jerusalem. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 4:1-5

4870 A spirit of judgment and a spirit of fire. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 4:1-5

4871 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 11:1-5

4872 Tell them that this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 11:1-5

4873 I will be your God. Then I will fulfill the oath I swore to your forefathers. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 11:1-5

4874 You have tasted that the Lord is good. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 2:1-5

4875 The living Stone, rejected by men but chosen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 2:1-5

4876 God through Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 2:1-5

4877 The LORD to Zerubbabel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec 4:6-7

4878 Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec 4:6-7

4879 Says the LORD Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec 4:6-7

4880 God bless it! God bless it!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Zec 4:6-7

4881 The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 1:25-26

4882 The weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 1:25-26

4883 Joy of the LORD is your strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Neh 8:10

4884 The strength God provides. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 4:11-12

4885 So that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 4:11-12

4886 To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 4:11-12

4887 Look to the LORD and his strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chr 16:11

4888 Seek his face always. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chr 16:11

4889 The LORD is my strength and my song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

4890 He has become my salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

4891 He is my God, and I will praise him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

4892 My father's God and I will exalt him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

4893 So do not fear, for I am with you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4894 For I am your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4895 I will strengthen you and help you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4896 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 41:10

4897 This is what the LORD says. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 17:5

4898 The LORD is the everlasting God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4899 The Creator of the ends of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4900 He will not grow tired or weary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4901 His understanding no one can fathom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4902 He gives strength to the weary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4903 He increases the power of the weak. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4904 He help even youths grow tired and weary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4905 He will make young men stumble and fall. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4906 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4907 Those who hope in the LORD They will soar on wings like eagles. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4908 Those who hope in the LORD they will run and not grow weary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4909 Those who hope in the LORD they will walk and not be faint. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:28-31

4910 Heavenly Father will also forgive you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:14-15

4911 If we confess our sins, he is faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 1:9

4912 I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 43:25-26

4913 For my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 43:25-26

4914 Repent, then, and turn to God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 3:19

4915 Times of refreshing may come from the Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 3:19

4916 Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 1:18

4917 In him we have redemption through his blood. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:7

4918 In him we have the forgiveness of sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:7

4919 The riches of God's grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:7

4920 He says, Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 10:17

4921 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 9:9

4922 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:13-14

4923 For he has rescued us and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. – “ Col 1:13-14

4924 In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 1:13-14

4925 He removed our transgressions from us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 103:12

4926 In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 14:19-21

4927 The LORD replied, "I have forgiven them, as you asked. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 14:19-21

4928 The glory of the LORD fills the whole earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Num 14:19-21

4929 Who is a God like you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18-19

4930 Who pardons sin and forgives the transgression. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18-19

4931 You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18-19

4932 You will again have compassion on us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18-19

4933 You will tread our sins underfoot. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18-19

4934 You will hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mic 7:18-19

4935 Our Father in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4936 Hallowed be your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4937 Your kingdom come. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4938 Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4939 Give us today our daily bread. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4940 Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4941 Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4942 Heavenly Father will also forgive you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4943 If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 6:9-15

4944 Your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 11:25

4945 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. … Mt 26:28

4946 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 8:1

4947 You have set your glory above the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 8:1

4948 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:2

4949 Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 29:2

4950 Oh come, let us worship and bow down. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 95:6

4951 Let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 95:6

4952 Exalt the LORD our God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 99:5

4953 Worship at his footstool! Holy is he!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 99:5

4954 Those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 4:21-24

4955 The LORD your God will choose. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 12:5-7

4956 To put his name and make his habitation there. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 12:5-7

4957 You shall eat before the LORD your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 12:5-7

4958 The LORD your God has blessed you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 12:5-7

4959 Therefore God has highly exalted him [Jesus]. -- LORD I Praise Thee Philp 2:9-11

4960 Bestowed on him the name that is above every name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Philp 2:9-11

4961 The name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. … Philp 2:9-11

4962 Every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. -- LORD I Praise Thee Philp 2:9-11

4963 Jesus Christ is Lord, the glory of God the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Philp 2:9-11

4964 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jam 4:8

4965 Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:9

4966 For you were slain. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:9

4967 By your blood you ransomed people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:9

4968 Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:11

4969 For you created all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:11

4970 By your will all things are existed and were created. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 4:11

4971 The LORD would speak with Moses. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 33:9-10

4972 Enter his gates with thanksgiving. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 100:4

4973 His courts with praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 100:4

4974 Give thanks to him; bless his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 100:4

4975 The mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 12:1-2

4976 I live by faith in the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 2:20

4977 Who loved me and gave himself for me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gal 2:20

4978 Jesus offered up prayers and supplications. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 5:7

4979 Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, to him who was able to save him from death. … Heb 5:7

4980 He was heard because of his reverence. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 5:7

4981 Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:20-21

4982 But I will sing of your strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:16

4983 I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:16

4984 For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 59:16

4985 The heavens declare the glory of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 63:3-4

4986 The sky above proclaims his handiwork. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 63:3-4

4987 The earth worships you and sings praises to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:4

4988 They sing praises to your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:4

4989 Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4990 Praise him in his mighty heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4991 Praise him for his mighty deeds. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4992 Praise him according to his excellent greatness!. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4993 Praise him with trumpet sound. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4994 Praise him with lute and harp. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4995 Praise him with tambourine and dance. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4996 Praise him with strings and pipe. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4997 Praise him with sounding cymbals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4998 Praise him with loud clashing cymbals. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

4999 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 150

5000 The LORD is my strength and song. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

5001 He is become my salvation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

5002 He is my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

5003 I will prepare him an habitation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

5004 My father's God and I will exalt him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:2

5005 He is your praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:21

5006 He is your God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Deut 10:21

5007 That has done for you these great and terrible things, which your eyes have seen. … Deut 10:21

5008 O you kings; give ear, O you princes; I, even I, will sing to the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jud 5:3

5009 I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jud 5:3

5010 Therefore I will give thanks to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:50

5011 O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises to your name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Sam 22:50

5012 Now therefore, our God, we thank you, and praise your glorious name. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Chroni 29:13

5013 I will give you thanks in the great congregation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:18

5014 I will praise you among much people. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 35:18

5015 My tongue shall speak of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long. – “ Ps 35:28

5016 On the harp will I praise you, O God my God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 43:4

5017 It is good thing to give thanks uto the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:1

5018 To sing praises unto THY name, O MOST HIGH. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 92:1

5019 Be thankful to him, and bless his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 100:4

5020 I will sing of mercy and judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 101:1

5021 To you, O LORD, will I sing. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 101:1

5022 I will praise you with my whole heart. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:1

5023 Before the gods will I sing praise to you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 138:1

5024 Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 17:14

5025 Save me, and I shall be saved: for you are my praise. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jer 17:14

5026 I thank you, and praise you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:23

5027 O you God of my fathers, who have given me wisdom and might. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:23

5028 Have made known to me now what we desired of you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:23

5029 For you have now made known to us the king's matter. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:23

5030 I praised and honored him that lives for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:34

5031 Whose dominion is an everlasting dominion. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:34

5032 His kingdom is from generation to generation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 4:34

5033 He received the sign of circumcision. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 4:11

5034 A seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised. – “ Rom 4:11

5035 He might be the father of all them that believes. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 4:11

5036 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:3

5037 Who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 1:3

5038 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:15

5039 The fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:15

5040 You should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness. – “ 1 Pt 2:9

5041 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 5:12

5042 Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be to our God for ever and ever. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:12

5043 He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 16:7

5044 The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 3:19

5045 The LORD by understanding hath he established the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Prob 3:19

5046 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:90

5047 Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 119:90

5048 For his merciful kindness is great toward us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 117:2

5049 The truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 117:2

5050 He ruleth by his power for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:7

5051 His eyes behold the nations. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 66:7

5052 He loveth righteousness and judgment. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:5

5053 The earth is full of the goodness of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 33:5

5054 Into thine hand I commit my spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:5

5055 Thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 31:5

5056 For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 11:7

5057 His countenance doth behold the upright. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 11:7

5058 For the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 7:9

5059 I know that thou canst do every [thing]. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 42:2

5060 Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:5

5061 He is mighty in strength and wisdom. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 36:5

5062 With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 12:16

5063 Thou hast granted me life and favour. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 10:12

5064 Thy visitation hath preserved my spirit. -- LORD I Praise Thee Job 10:12

5065 For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:24

5066 The LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 34:14

5067 The thick darkness where God was. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 20:21

5068 Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which thou hast redeemed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:13

5069 Thou hast guided them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 15:13

5070 The LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 13:21

5071 I am the LORD in the midst of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ex 8:22

5072 Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. -- LORD I Praise Thee Gen 6:8

5073 God and his Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:6

5074 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:6

5075 Come boldly unto the throne of grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 4:16

5076 According to his mercy he saved us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Tit 3:5

5077 Who only hath immortality. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 6:16

5078 Dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 6:16

5079 Whom no man hath seen, nor can see. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 6:16

5080 To whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 6:16

5081 The King eternal. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:17

5082 The immortal. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:17

5083 The invisible. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:17

5084 The only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 1:17

5085 Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, have given us everlasting consolation. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thess 2:16

5086 God hath given us good hope through grace. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Thess 2:16

5087 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 3:21

5088 Through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Eph 2:18

5089 But to us there is one God. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 8:6

5090 The Father, of whom are all things, and we in him. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 8:6

5091 One Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Cor 8:6

5092 Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 1:7

5093 For in him we live, and move, and have our being. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 17:28

5094 God in heaven that revealeth secrets. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:28

5095 God shall make known what shall be in the latter days. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:28

5096 God shall make known Thy dream. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:28

5097 God shall make known the visions of thy head upon thy bed. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:28

5098 Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:20

5099 For wisdom and might are his. -- LORD I Praise Thee Dan 2:20

5100 O LORD, art our father, our redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 63:16

5101 Thy name is from everlasting. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 63:16

5102 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 48:13

5103 My right hand hath spanned the heavens. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 48:13

5104 When I(GOD) call unto them, they (Heaven and Earth) stand up together. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 48:13

5105 Came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 20:19-23

5106 No man hath seen God at any time. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:18

5107 The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. – “ Jh 1:18

5108 All things were made by him; -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:3

5109 Without him was not any thing made that was made. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 1:3

5110 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:10

5111 Him only shalt thou serve. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 4:10

5112 The LORD the King of Israel. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:6

5113 His redeemer the LORD of hosts. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:6

5114 I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:6

5115 Whose name alone is JEHOVAH. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 83:18

5116 The most high over all the earth. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ps 83:18

5117 Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 22:12-13

5118 I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 20:12

5119 Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God. – “ Rev 19:1

5120 He is Lord of lords, and King of kings. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 17:14

5121 They that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 17:14

5122 Fear God, and give glory to him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 14:7

5123 Worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. … Rev 14:7

5124 The Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 7:9

5125 The Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 1:8

5126 The anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Jh 2:27

5127 The righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pt 1:1

5128 Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 4:5-6

5129 Christ also hath once suffered for sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 3:18-20

5130 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Pt 2:24

5131 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 13:8

5132 The living God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 12:22

5133 All the angels of God worship him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:6

5134 Who being the brightness of his glory. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

5135 The express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power. … Heb 1:3

5136 He had by himself purged our sins. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

5137 Sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 1:3

5138 The Spirit of Jesus Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Phil 1:19

5139 He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 5:21

5140 All the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Cor 1:20

5141 The Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:11

5142 He that raised up Christ from the dead. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rom 8:11

5143 Great things he must suffer for my name's sake. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 9:16

5144 Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. -- LORD I Praise Thee Acts 2:21

5145 All men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. -- LORD I Praise Thee Jh 5:23

5146 He took bread, and gave thanks, and brakes it, and gave unto them. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 22:19

5147 This is my body which is given for you. -- LORD I Praise Thee Lk 22:19

5148 He said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mk 14:36

5149 When they saw him, they worshipped him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 28:17

5150 They came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 28:9

5151 Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 14:33

5152 Thou art the Son of God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Mt 14:33

5153 Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:24

5154 He that formed thee from the womb. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:24

5155 I am the LORD that maketh all things. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:24

5156 That stretcheth forth the heavens alone. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:24

5157 That spreadeth abroad the earth by myself. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 44:24

5158 I am the LORD: that is my name. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:8

5159 My glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 42:8

5160 Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

5161 The government shall be upon his shoulder. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

5162 His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, and The mighty God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

5163 The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 9:6

5164 God is not a man, that he should lie. -- LORD I Praise Thee Numb 23:19

5165 Heaven: the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:23

5166 The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:22

5167 God himself shall be with them, and be their God. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 21:3

5168 God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rev 19:4

5169 God commendeth his love toward us. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 5:8

5170 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise. -- LORD I Praise Thee 2 Pt 3:9

5171 The LORD shall renew their strength. -- LORD I Praise Thee Ish 40:31

5172 He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; -- LORD I Praise Thee Heb 5:9

5173 The redemption that is in Christ Jesus. -- LORD I Praise Thee Rm 3:24

5174 The mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ. -- LORD I Praise Thee Col 2:2

5175 The living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy. -- LORD I Praise Thee 1 Tim 6:17






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G Jacob George, S/O Rev G Dayanand

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Thank You

May God Bless You


By GJ George


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.08.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

My intention of writing this book is only to Praise GOD and give thanks to Him, who is Almighty and all powerful. I personal have received many blessings by Praising GOD. I spoke to many persons who have been blessed when they Praised GOD. Our God will do great things for You. "Be joyful always;pray continually;give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you"! I Thessalonians 5:16-18

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