

((Lana’s View)) Chapter 1 >>

“Do you think we should call Judy-Jennifer-stick-up-her-ass or not?” I said while poking at the leftover lemon from my now empty shot glass.

“Lana!” Julie-Anne loudly whispered angrily, “Don’t call her that!” She looked around and whispered quietly “she’ll hear you with her supersonic eagle ears” she broke into a giggle God I love her so much I couldn’t help and started to chuckle a bit myself before we were abruptly interrupted by the bar tender “Y’all want another round?” He had a seriously cringey ‘southern’ accent, it was obviously fake. Julie stared at him blankly and then started clapping like a dumb cheerleader

“Oh, my god, that was amazing speak again, I think I love southern accents” she can’t be serious I knew she was a lightweight but one shot and her braincells seemed to have got the fuck out of there. For the brunette, she sure is blonde on the inside…

The Bar tender chuckled “Oh no, Honey, it was a joke because I could hear your Australian accents from across the bar so I decided to mess with you,” he paused and took in the fact that she was still clapping like an idiot, I quickly shot out my hand and pushed her hands to her sides and gave her a ‘don’t make yourself look like such an idiot’ look that made her pull a face like scolded puppy.

“Sorry about that, yeah about the rounds - I’ll have one more and” I shot Julie a look “She’ll have the lightest thing you’ve got.” He grinned at Julie and nodded as he went to get our drinks.

“Unfair” Julie huffed and crossed her arms “Why can’t I- “

“Not happening” I interrupted her “You’re already drunker than you should be, which means only one more drink for us” I pulled out my phone and Looked for Judy Jennifer’s number, “I’ll quickly call the Tour/Eagle woman Judy and tell her we’ll just stay in this bar & hotel place for the night and be back late tomorrow morning” I told her as I got up to go to the bathroom for a hopefully quieter area for a phone call other than the busy late night street and bustling bar. I pushed at the door and made quick eye contact with a tall guy in the corner. I shuddered. His eyes were dark brown but they had an icy feeling to them that creeped me out. I pushed at the door quicker and got into the room faster than I thought was possible, my heart beating and adrenaline pumping through my veins as I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror looking deep into the fear in my eyes. “Hello?!” an all too familiar annoyingly loud voice came from the phone in my hand, I quickly pulled it up to my ear and cleared my throat “Hi Judy, just calling to tell you that Julie and I are going to spend the night at a hotel near us so we won’t be back till’ around 10 or 11 am tomorrow okay?” I didn’t wait for her protest, and hung up in her mid-sentence of refusal, I wasn’t in the mood for an argument.

I gave myself a quick look over, smoothed my tight crop over my light blue skinny jeans, set my foot into my thick wooden healed ankle boots more comfortably, pulled my shoulders back and mustered my spirit to leave and have a bit of fun with my brunette best friend on our trip to America from Australia. I grabbed at the handle and strode out confidently, but I felt the icy feeling again, he was staring at me again, I pretended to ignore it and sat back down next to Julie, the bartender must have just gotten our drinks because he only just left our side of the bar and went to another customer on the other side, but turned around swiftly to wink at Julie – wait what? Julie turned slightly red in the cheeks and put her hand to the side of her face and whispered to me “I think he’s pretty cute” she giggled like a little girl

“You’re kidding, right?” She just looked at me like I wasn’t speaking English, I sighed and called the bartender back over “Hey, how much is it for a night in the upstairs hotel” I even sounded tired now.

“normally $75 but” He gave a quick glance at Julie-Anne “But for you m’lady, I’ll make it $40” he winked and grinned at her, but I was too tired for this bullshit and Julie was too drunk for me to not keep an eye on her since she’d drunk both mine and her own drinks. I cleared my throat loudly and interrupted their little scene “So,” I said pulling out my wallet and grabbing $40, he took a second to register as I put the $40 in his hand forcefully and then he turned around and opened a small locked cabinet and pulled out a key.  “Uhm, there’s only one room left and it’s a double bedder but I could go and get you a- “He started but I cut him off

“No need, thank you and goodnight” I said as I snatched the key out of his hand grabbed my slouched friend and put her arm around my neck and began towards the stairs. I realised then that the once loud and bustling bar was now completely empty – almost completely empty – I felt the cold icy stare again and I felt my knuckles go white and I gripped my friend and the key tighter, I heard the bartender tell him to leave as its closing time, he was replied with a deep grunt and the feeling left as the man left the bar and the bartender locked the door behind him and started to close the shutters as I realised Julie-Anne’s legs were practically limp and she was out cold now “lightweight” I mumbled as I put her into a piggy-back position on my back and started up the stairs.




We reached room 6 and entered the room, it was nice for a bar motel type place, but it smelt like cigarettes and alcohol galore, but it was simple and small consisting of a chair in the corner a random sink in the other corner and a fat bed in the centre of the room. I closed the door with my leg, dropped the key on the side of the sink and Julie on the bed. I sighed and went to close the one window in the room with its dust old curtain, but as I reached to pull the old curtain across the window a person flew past it in black clothing, like the bartender was wearing wow, imagining flying people, I really need a good night’s sleep I thought to myself as I continued to close the curtain. I turned to go tuck myself and Julie-Anne in bed but she was up and at the door giggling like a maniac

“Julie, come on, we need to go to bed” I walked slowly towards her, knowing all too well that after she drinks she randomly passes out then comes back up all hyper. She just giggled harder and swung the door open violently and launched out the room. I started to run after her, pissed off and tired were not a great mixture for me so I was so not in the mood to chase after Julie but she tends to get into big shit in these moments. I saw her leave through a door on my left, a fire door. Shitshitfuckshit please dear god do not set off an alarm I grimaced and raced to the door to grab her but she was halfway down the fire stairs. But The only alarm was the one going off in my head. I started skipping multiple stairs at a time trying to catch up to Julie but she was already halfway out the door, I leaped past the last few steps which hurt my ankle like shit but that didn’t stop me as I continued to sprint after Julie why is she so god damned fast “Julie! Stop!” I called after her but it didn’t phase her at all as she ran straight for the woods “oh come on…” I mumbled to myself and cursed as I forced my body to try and run faster as we entered the woods and the night seemed to only get darker making it harder to see and I lost track of Julie oh shiiit I stopped in my tracks, this is not good I listened for her footsteps but everything was silent, until I heard her blood-curdling scream, the alarms in my head began louder and I followed the direction of where her scream came from, wait, what am I doing I don’t have any weapons or anything I realised as I walked in on the small open area where Julie-Anne stood shaking in fear and bear-like creature hovering over her holy fuck that’s one big bear, I ran for Julie, my plan being to grab her and run like the wind, it was a shitty plan but it’s not like I had a choice if I was to get us both out of here alive. I’d barely started running but the creature’s eyes were already on me, I shuddered oh shit I recognised the cold icy stare, there’s no fucking way, I didn’t care what happened, I was almost at Julie and that’s all that mattered to me right now.

Chapter 2 >>


Just before I reached Julie the creature reached its front leg out and swiped Julie a good 15 metres at an incredible speed and her body went limp as she slammed into a tree and I heard a sickening snap oh hell to the fucking no my blood pumped harder with more adrenaline as anger took over my actions and I headed straight for the creature with my fists ready my punches might not hurt it but I sure as hell will try I clenched my teeth as my left hand scratched at its eye and my right hand landed a hefty right hook on the side of its face that surely would hurt the bastard. But it just looked like I’d pissed it off. Fuck. I cursed under my breath and it seemed to quiver its muscles as if to prepare them. Today is not the fucking day I get torn to pieces by this piece of shit. I sent my right leg into its bottom jaw and I heard two different snaps, one from what I realised was my already injured ankle and the other from the beast. Too angry to feel the pain I got ready to give it another hit before I saw something in the corner of my eye move, I turned my head to see somebody picking up Julie’s limp body from under the tree “DON’T YOU TOUCH HER YOU BAST-“ My mistake was turning away from the creature, and I paid for that mistake as I felt its massive body ram into mine. I didn’t feel it though, I knew it would hurt but I couldn’t feel it why can’t I feel it? I was so confused and so tired and I felt my body backing out of consciousness as I stared up at the beautiful full moon and the hundreds of stars, stars that started spinning and then it all went dark.


Chapter 3 >>


Ugh… finally… rest… What a weird dream, Following Julie-Anne through some woods, flying bartenders and giant creatures that looked like they were on steroids with a scary ass glare. It felt so god damn real but the realest part was that icy glare, I remember that glare, and it terrified me so much I guess dreamed about the creature with it. Yeah, I though one creep ass dream I went to turn my body to my side but I couldn’t move. I opened my eyes ready to scream seeing some form of pure concrete room, and I was in the centre on some type of surgery bed with giant leather straps holding down my body. Oh     my     god ohmygod ohmygod before I had a meltdown I heard a metal door get creaked open, I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to still be out cold since it’s the obvious only way to survive is to play dead or was that just for that one person who lives in a horror movie... “She has a broken ankle and by the looks of it” a finger brushed the bottom of my ribcage Ouch, that hurt like a bitch I wanted to grimace but if I moved whoever the hell had me captive would probably kill me “Maybe a fractured rib as well, but that seems to have gone down a lot since she was first brought in” the voice was a female voice, sweet sounding but if she held me captive as well as whoever she was talking to then there was nothing actually sweet to her.

“Okay thanks Miranda” a deep male voice spoke, and it almost reminded me of someone but I couldn’t quit put my finger on it. ‘Miranda’s soft touch then grabbed at my ankle ouch the sore one and started yanking violently at the strap that constricted it, I held my breath as she undid it and started undoing my hands leaving three straps on my body; one across my stomach which was the thickest, my left good leg and the one around my neck which was the tightest of all the straps. ‘Miranda’ then reached for my neck strap and tried to loosen it up, but accidentally tightened and she cursed under her breath and tried again which hurt like hell and caused me to curse too “Bitch!” I choked out – which was a mistake – Miranda screamed and tripped backwards in fear and the man was quickly up in my face, he reached out to embrace my face and the familiarity still confused me but the son of a bitch didn’t realise I know had a free hand and leg on his side, I gathered as much strength as possible and kicked him in the nuts as hard as possible. The shock and pain in “man’s soft spot” made him double over and groan – oh my fucking god – that same groan, from the creep who watched her the whole night at the bar, I looked into his eyes and saw the same dark brown eyes that gave me the realistic creepy dream. The man dropped to his knees and I used all my strength to wiggle out of the loosened leftover belts, I felt my leg and stomach pop out and then I pulled my neck through the last belt, Miranda still screaming and the creep on the ground holding his crotch for dear life then sprinted through the thick metal door but paused once I was out, realising that the door was like a safe I quickly spun around and slammed it shut and spun the safe wheel to lock it. That’ll give those bastards what they deserve for trying to kidnap Lana fuckin’ Faye I proudly turned around and began sprinting again down the long, small, dark hallway.

Chapter 4 >>


“Oh, my god” I gasped, “Who the actual fuck has a hallway this god damned long” it must have been a good 15 minutes of straight dark hallway, and running through that at full speed was one of the most tiring things possible. I stopped and leaned against the cold wall to take a quick break, but the moment my back touched the cooling stone I heard a bang and clash, like somebody breaking down a safe door that came from the direction I’d been running from oh I am so fucked I thought as I lifted my body off the nice cold wall and began running faster as adrenaline pumped faster with my will to survive becoming an objective. I heard footsteps far behind me, only making me run faster to the point where I felt I barely touched the ground as I ran. The wall suddenly was turning from a black stone to a warm pink and I saw light – actual light – peeking through the end of the long hallway. Relief ran through my body as I leaped into the warm salmon-coloured room, but, it looked like a normal living room what the fuck, these people must be seriously sick in the head. I looked around and realised the room was full of people, all staring at me, some on the couch, some on the table playing what seemed to be cards okay this day just seems to keep getting more and more fucking confusing I realised these people must be with my captors as the few from the couch started coming at me oh fuck my fight or flight instincts kicked in and as always, they chose fight and then flight. I steadied my body up as the 5 or so people came at me, I gave them a quick analysis, 3 females from the right to the left and two males on the left all with a similar build and similar kill look on their faces. I couldn’t find any mercy in their eyes so I decided the same was with me as I grabbed the lamp to my left and yanked it out of the cord and came at the girl in the middle who seemed the strongest and bashed at her skull, breaking the lamp light but not her head I then jarred the stick leftover of a lamp into her shoulder and it stuck there with a sickening sound keep it together I thought as I almost vomited on the woman as well. I was yanked by the shirt upwards and into the air by a big male and I felt myself smash into a plaster wall and break through it, I got up immediately not ready to face the pain and immediately faced the bastard who threw me and grabbed the TV that was now next to me that they were watching when I came in and pegged it at the bastard’s face. While the TV distracted him I then grabbed the table that was once holding the TV up and snapped the leg off of it and came at him. Deciding I probably wasn’t strong enough to try and bash his head in since his skull looked thick enough that a hippo couldn’t bite through it and went back to the easy way and aimed for his nuts with the wooden leg and then quickly sticking the leg into the second male who was trying to sneak up on me from the side leaving two females still intact. The women looked horrified and angry but quickly got over their shock and both came at me at the same time, they were holding hands whilst running, so they probably thought they could hang coat me, I laughed, “Hah! Not today bitches!” I screamed at them and launched my leg into the left woman’s stomach, my foot going deep into her soft insides and my right fist launched into the right woman’s throat. Oh, my god, I just took down 5 people! Horrified and proud I stupidly yelled “Who’s next you Sons of bitches!” Grinning maniacally, I continued to ramble “You messed with the WRONG fucking girl!” I quickly shut my mouth realising that there was another 12 or so people now preparing to attack me.

“Oh, fuck me” I mumbled as they started to come at me, lifting themselves from the seats. Me and my god damn big mouth. I saw a window and a door ahead, behind the people coming at me, Okay, brain I thought to myself We’ve fought, now it’s time to flight, right? I saw in the window the bartender from last night, he was mouthing for me to run and he’ll help me escape ah what the hell, I thought I got nothing to lose, he’s my only chance I quickly analysed my situation and started running full speed at the couth to my right, reaching it I launched myself with all my strength over the top of the wave of angry people who would probably have beat my ass to a pulp, I made eye contact with one of the guys as they watched in what seemed like slow motion, I winked at him then grinned and poked my tongue out but another mistake I’d made in the past 24 hours is completely forgotten to plan my landing and before I knew it I made a quick somersault on a hard wood floor and burst through the front door, I heard multiple curses, coming from both the people inside and the bartender from last night as I barrelled through the door. I quickly got up and brushed myself off. The bartender laughed. “that’s quite the entrance girly” he said smirking, I gave him a grin back

“Actually, I believe it’s ‘quite an exit’” I said matter-of-factly. “So, can we leave?”

“Sure thing, but” he ripped off the balcony post holy fuck he’s strong I knew my mouth was gaping open but the dude just fucking ripped a balcony post out of the building porch “Duck for me please sweetie” I ducked as he swung the post with force into the door making it almost impossible for my attackers to get outside as it shattered the front wall door and window all in half. “One favour” he said closing my agape mouth and motioning to follow him as he began to run, I ran with him but I had so many questions in my head “How?” was all I managed to get out as we ran through the woods of course, how cliché, a creepy old house filled with murderous freaks in the middle of the woods. “all I ask of you is that you understand you are safe with me now, and I will answer all of your questions when we get back to my place okay?” I was still left speechless, I mean, the dude just practically smashed a house with one fucking hand but I managed to nod.

Great, more running.

Chapter 5 >>


“Can I just ask one question” I said breaking the silence, puffing from running for like half an hour through the woods with the bartender.

“Uhm, sure ask away” he said how the hell was he not puffed yet he must be in Hella shape.

“What’s your name?” I asked. If I wasn’t able to inquire about the weird shit, I might as well know my saviour’s name.

“Kade” he said “Kade Samuels”

“Right” I said, “Well you can call me Lana” “Lana Faye” I mocked.

We reached the end of the endless seeming woods and the sun was blazing bright as we steadied to a walk onto the path, oh the sweet, sweet relief of walking on a cement pathway, running in a forest for a good hour ruins you I guess, well maybe just me considering Kade looked completely fine while I was a puffing mess.

Kade smiled “Okay ‘Lana’ I presume you think we’re going to the bar, right?” I felt my eyebrows furrow together “Where else would we go?” a look of offense took to his face for a second and then he settled back to his normal calm face “You do know I don’t live in the bar right? I have a home” he said. “Oops yeah sorry, I have a bit of a big mouth, if you saw what was going on in that house it gets me places” I said apologetically. not good places.

He sighed “So, Lana, you’re missing your friend, yes?” oh my god, I’d almost forgotten about Julie-Anne. “Oh, god yeah, how’s she doing, she’s still in the room sleeping at the bar right” I stopped for a brief second to smell the glorious smell coming from a café and then continued walking alongside Kade looked at me confused and his forehead crumpled in confusion “No, remember I took her last night” fuck, Now I’m confused “I’m sorry, I don’t remember you coming into the room to get her” Kade stopped and turned to look at me “What are you talking about? You guys were barely in the room for five minutes before you came to the woods and you fought the alpha” he stared into my eyes “Oh my god” he said in shock “You’re-“ he choked up on his words “Okay we need to go faster” he spoke in an alarmed voice which turned my curiosity into fear, what the fuck is he going on about?! Am I high or some shit, did I get roofied last night or something? My mind racing and the alarms in my head were going off as I stood in the middle of the walkway like a dumbass and Kade was now on the phone to someone speaking seriously. Kade quickly finished off the call and stood beside me silently facing the end of the street where a slick black car turned around the corner and headed straight for us, it stopped right in front of us and the tinted window on rolled down to reveal a ravishing 30 or so old man with a clean shave and a fancy suit. Still completely gobsmacked I said nothing as Kade motioned me to get in the back of the Mercedes Benz with him. The car started to drive off and you could cut the silence with a knife. As I was left alone with my mind I realised that I’d probably seriously injured the people who’d tried to attack me. No doubt the chick who got the lamp stuck into her shoulder would probably be permanently injured and I’d seen people get throat punched before in movies and immediately die but that was also a movie but still. Arguing over this isn’t going to get you anywhere My conscious spoke up finally and I realised it was right. If I was going to be free and safe I needed to ask Mr Kade Samuels some questions and he was going to answer no matter what rules he tries to play on me. I sat silently trying to map out my questions but was rudely interrupted as the car stopped and the door was flung open by the driver. I gave him a small thank you and he just nodded and fake smiled with a blank emotion in his eyes. Okayyy then. I lifted myself out of the comfortable leather seat and felt the door close swiftly behind me and the driver get back in the car to drive away.

“So-“ I started

“No” Kade said as he appeared out of nowhere right next to me.

“Shit!” I screamed “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” as I calmed myself down he just shrugged his shoulders and turned around to start walking in the opposite direction. I quickly turned around to walk after him. Where were we? I thought as I took in my surroundings. It was more woods. Great. I think I might be permanently have a hate for woods and forests now.

“Where are we going now?” I asked

“To my house.” Did he have to speak so god damn blankly?

“In the middle of the woods?”

He didn’t reply. But I continued asking anyway.

“Who was that guy in the fancy suit?”

No reply. Again. This just agitated me more. Two can play at that game.

I stopped abruptly. “Where’s Julie? You said you took her, tell me what you’ve done with her or I won’t go any further on this crazy ass ‘adventure’ of yours” he stopped and turned his head over his shoulder. “If you don’t go any further, that’s fine by me, you can die at the hands of Mason and his crew, I believe they’ll be especially upset that you lodged different parts of their furniture into their bodies.” He continued walking. oh, come on, he was really stepping over my line now and I was getting pissed. If he’s my only chance I think I’m going to die a lot earlier than expected I sighed and followed him. I started to worry as I remembered what he said earlier, the things he said reminded me of the super realistic creepy dream I had. It had felt so real. I realised he was still wearing his bar-wear; a black suit with a tiny little white label saying, “Samuel’s Bar” and had an image of a glass of crimson red wine in a wine glass tilted slightly to the side like it was about to spill. His clothes matched the person I imagined flying and taking Julie’s crumpled body in my dream. I shook my head there’s no way in hell it was real, only chuck Norris can fight a bear first of all and I sure as hell am not Chuck Norris. I decided to take my mind off all the madness going on and remembered that I’d promised Judy Jennifer to come back to our original hotel around 10 or 11 am, shit, she’s going to kill me. I was so not ready to be almost killed Again. I whipped out my phone from my back pocket of my now-dirty and slightly ripped skinny jeans and dialled Judy’s number, which had called me 12 times without me realising even though it was only 4 minutes after 11am. Crazy bitch. She picked up almost immediately. “Where the hell are you two?!” her voice squeaked as she shrieked through the phone making my ears feel like they were bleeding. “Uhm, Me and Julie are-“ I looked at Kade who was a good 20 or so metres ahead of me. “We’re staying at a friend’s place, we’ll be here for a while so don’t expect us to be back for maybe a couple of days” She seemed to have calmed down by now.

“Okay, tell me the address” She said calmly. Uhm, shit.

“Sorry got to go!” I said quickly and hung up as quick as possible. Kade was now about 30 metres ahead of me but he had stopped and was just standing there, in the middle of two giant oak trees.

“You didn’t tell me you had your phone on you” he said in a terrifyingly calm and aggressive tone. He turned around. He’s so far away, how the hell did he even hear me on the phone.

“I, um, didn’t think to tell you” I said with a weary voice as he quickly paced over to my frozen still body. He gave off the most dangerous vibe now that he wanted to. What have I got myself into...

He reached me quicker than should have been possible and grabbed my phone out of my hand, dropped it on the ground, stamped his foot on it, grabbed the shattered pieces of my once-upon-a-time Nokia and threw them, scattering the pieces over the trees and forest floor. “Hey! What the hell was that for! I’m not some fugitive!” though I felt like one.

“Mason for some reason wanted you badly, little wolf, so if I were you do not take any more chances. He and his crew know how to find something they want.” He still had part of the venomous tone but seemed to have calmed down a sense more. Out of all the weird things he called me, little wolf is by far the weirdest. I just shook off the weird name and continued my questioning.

“So, Mason is the name of the creep who stalked me in your bar and eventually somehow had me end up in his place with his ‘crew’” I said confused and trying to piece together everything.

“Yes, but he wasn’t in my bar last night” Kade looked at me like I was crazy.

“No, He was, I remember him exactly, He was there in the corner and kept watching me after I came out of the bathroom and you told him to leave when you closed up.” Still confused. The pieces seemed to fall apart, nothing made sense enough for it to be fit together.

“I only saw an old ma-“ Realisation and anger crossed his face suddenly and he closed his mouth hard. Gritting his teeth, he was beginning to give off the dangerous vibe again and I think I might shit my pants if he aimed it at me again.

“Hey, um, Kade, can we just hurry up and get to wherever the hell we’re going, I remember a doctor-woman saying I had a broken ankle and a possible fractured rib which apparently were both swollen so...” I looked down to see the damage my ankle supposedly had.

“What do you mean, you’ve healed already” He spoke calmly like it was natural to suddenly not have a broken ankle. What the fuck? Those things are supposed to take months to heal.

I felt dizzy, there was way too much craziness going on for my dumbass mind to take in. I saw the trees and Kade spin around and my vision went black as the last thing I felt was my body thud to the ground.

Chapter 6 >>


“She’s waking up” A seriously high-pitched feminine-like voice said. Oh god, not again. The last time I’d woken up to a woman’s voice I was kidnapped and strapped down to some stone surgery table in a solid concrete room like fucking Frankenstein. My eyes flew open and I lifted my top half of my body too fast to see what was going on only to get my forehead smashed into something metal,

“OUCH! MOTHERFUCKER” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I landed back onto the thin mattress I must have been laying down on. My eyes closed and my hand rubbing my forehead I smelt a familiar smell that sent my body into a calm motion. Julie was somewhere close, she smelt kinda like brown sugar to me for some unknown reason but it was sweet and reassuring. I opened my eyes to find her but I was met with a pair of beady hazel eyes staring right back at me. The person screamed in a high-pitched voice – wait what the fuck? It was a guy!? He was kinda bulk which just made me more confused. “You’re a guy?!” I yelled, which earned me a slap from somebody on my leg that hurt more than it should have “OUCH! What the hell?!” I looked at my attacker, this time a woman in a lab coat “Don’t you dare talk to my man like that you stupid bitch!” oh my god her voice was seriously deep and manly. What the hell was going on? The hit to my head had given me a headache even though I already had one from passing out on the forest floor most likely on a tree root because that was my kind of luck. I ignored the crazy people in lab coats and turned my head to the right where I saw another bed with a sheet over it and the shape of a body poking through the sheet.

 I froze.

That was where Julie’s smell was coming from.

Chapter 7 >>


I grabbed the neck of the coat of the still shrieking idiot in a tight grip “What the fuck have you done with her” the venom in my voice scared me, but not as much as it scared the guy who’s neck I held.

“She’s-“ he started to choke out but the door was flung open and I saw Kade walk in immediately dropping the dude in the coat as his girlfriend caught him and I turned my attention to Kade. “You said you had her, what have you done you son of a bitch!” I yelled at him angrily. The lab coat freaks gasped. I can only hope that that wasn’t her under the sheet, but I know it is her… I felt a tear prepare to be cried out but I shut out my emotion and just aimed my anger at Kade, wondering if this was his plan all along. Sick fuck. what is wrong with the people here!?. I launched myself off the mattress to realise there was a needle sticking in my arm, like it was some sort of blood test. I ripped the thing out of my arm and threw it across the room. This didn’t phase Kade at all. Which agitated me more. “Come with me” He said blankly and started walking towards the door, I prepared to refuse but the people in lab coats each grabbed one of my arms and began to drag me out of the room, normally I would have refused and fought, but the grief that I knew it was Julie-Anne dead cold on that bed had over taken my body and I felt hopeless. She’s gone. Julie-Anne Baker. The one person I had left and that I cared about, my best friend, of all people. Julie had helped me through so much, through my emotional breakdowns and let me move in with her in her apartment in Brisbane. The light brown haired and slightly freckled girl with beautiful green eyes and the best personality. Flashbacks of our times together sent waves of emotion through me and I remembered this one time where we- “Ow! What the hell!” I yelled as somebody had slapped me across the face and woken me from my daydreaming. It was the woman in the lab coat again. Damn, what was her problem and why was she so addicted to slapping me? She and her boyfriend dropped me onto a crazily expensive feeling couch, of which an exact replica was opposite where Kade was sitting down. The lab coats left the room and there was 3 people left in the small space; Kade, Myself and another good-looking middle-aged man in a fancy suit standing next to Kade’s couch like some kind of Body Guard. What the hell is going on, and who the hell is that fancy ass guard-dude who looked like his name was randy. “Hello Lana” supposedly Randy said, “My Name’s Randy and I’m here to help explain to you what the hell is going on” he continued with a smile, a real one finally somebody with a genuine nice look to them. The relief of a person that wouldn’t just look at me blankly was great. Wait, holy shit I got his name right?! I’m a genius! “Not exactly” he said laughing as if he heard what I was thinking. “I am.” Wow, he’s good at guessing what I’m thinking.

“You can stop messing with me” I cut the humour short. I wasn’t in the mood, especially after seeing my best friends dead body. Well not technically seeing it.

“Oh,” Randy looked surprised at Kade “You haven’t even told her about the other girl yet?”

Kade shot him daggers that would have made me shit my pants if they were aimed at me, but Randy seemed unphased. Despite the last few hours I’d experienced, I felt rather calm now, like my head could get ripped off and I couldn’t care less. “What about what other girl” I asked, crossing my legs and sinking into the fancy couch. “Your friend, she isn’t dead.” Randy said to me blankly. But I saw…

“Yes, you did see her under the sheet like in those movies where you see the dead people in” Randy continued. “But she’s not dead.”

 “Well, not technically anyway.” He mumbled

“What the fuck are you saying, Is she in a coma or something?” I was happy that Julie hadn’t left me yet but the way he was talking about this creeped me out, I didn’t show that to them, showing weakness could mean death for me. and the now-alive Julie. Randy nodded “That’s actually kind of right, she’s currently in a state of change, her body was broken and destroyed when she was thrown into that tree and if it wasn’t for Prince Kade here she would be dead.”

“Wait what” I said, He was saying what happened to her in my dream and the fact than he kept giving almost perfect responses to my thoughts was starting to creep me out.

Randy started laughing, his laugh sounded like thunder it was so deep and loud and it made me jump slightly. “Sorry if I make you feel that way but” He settled down on the couch opposite me next to Kade “My reason is because I can hear your thoughts” He waited for my reaction, but I had none, I was freaking out deep on the inside but the overwhelming calmness from before had taken most of the fear away. Don’t freak out my inner voice spoke up again Just listen, there’s more to what he is saying, you must listen. I obeyed the voice and sat up more confidently, “So, my dead best friend who I saw not breathing is still alive thanks to you people who for some reason most of the people I’ve seen here have looked at me like they hate me and you both of you have given off the creepy vibe that my freakish dream I had last night was real” I sighed from speaking so many words with little breath “And you just called Kade here a prince and looking around at all this expensive I’m starting to think it wasn’t a figure of speech” they both looked at me, then each other, then back at me. “Yeah, you got most of it” Randy said. “But,” Kade said as he scanned me like I was an artefact “The most interesting thing here is you.” What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

“I’m sorry, what? You’re telling me, the guy who ripped a giant metal pole from a house and is some kind of Prince, that I am the most interesting thing.” Was he nuts? Was I going nuts?

“Well, Yes” Kade said “I am saying that.” ‘Because you walked into my bar and I knew you were a wolf, but there’s something else to you, I need to know what you are before-“ I interrupted him

“excuse me” I said completely confused “what the fuck do you mean by a wolf” I started to freak out, this time I let them see it. “I mean a shapeshifter that shifts into a wolf” He said blankly.

“Werewolves, basically” Randy piped in.

“I’m sorry but, I need to leave, with my friend. I didn’t know I was with a bunch of completely insane bartender and a guy who claims he can read minds” I went push myself off out of the couch and get ready to run for it but was stopped as Kade suddenly appeared right in front of me, holding my arms down so I couldn’t move I’d forgotten he was super fuckin strong. “Get off me!” I yelled

He just stared deep into my eyes, holy shit, I’d never realised how mesmerising his eyes were. They were a chocolate brown, like his hair, but they also had little green speckles in them. They seemed to glow as he stared into my eyes, making me feel powerless against him. “You’re going to take us seriously little wolf, and we’re going to find out what you are whether you tell us or not.” He was dangerous, and beautiful up close. “Fine” I said, completely disagreeing with my words my gut was telling me to say. He let me go and sat back down next to Randy who looked kind of sad for some reason, like he felt bad for me. “Rule 1 – You don’t leave this room until I tell you to” Kade started to list off. I felt like I wanted to listen to him, like I was under some spell, I would normally have started to rebel against his ‘rules’ but since he was obviously faster and stronger than me it was best to sit and listen. “Rule 2 – You understand that we will be taking care of you and Julie-Anne Baker from now on. Rule 3 – You will stay in the room I will allocate to you and understand that I have assigned Randy to take care of you and guard you. And Rule 4 – Do not try to run away, you must understand that after your little rendezvous of fighting Mason, the alpha in his full form on a full moon and then later beating up his Elite 5 would have made him mad enough to do anything to see your head on a spike”

“Wait,” I said still confused “You’re telling me the dream was real?”

“It wasn’t a dream” Randy said, “Your mind put it into that form so that you could try and make sense of it all and continue on living a basic human life, when in reality it seems you don’t even understand what you are makes it harder for us to understand”  “and yeah, it’s hard for you to realise that the world of supernatural beings is real, it’s hard to explain but you’re going to have to accept this fact or you won’t live for very long.”

I wanted to scream, that stuff was always a fear of mine as a kid, it kept me up at night and then throughout teenagehood I got over the fear knowing that it was all fake. I guess I was wrong. Why am I so calm about this though? Of course, I was freaking out slightly but I also still felt so calm with all of this and I had no idea why.

“You’re calm because a part of you already knows this.” Randy set a pillow behind his back “ “and If I knew anything, I would guess that it was your wolf, so tell me Lana, through your life, have you ever felt a voice in your head that doesn’t really sound like yours?” was he talking about my inner voice, could that really be…

“I mean yeah, but I just thought it was my conscience…” there was so many times it got me both in trouble and out of trouble. It usually was either being wise and giving me advice, or made me feel like I had massive anger issues.

“Well then,” Randy kicked his feet up on the side of the couch “That ticks off one box, but if none of us other vamps could sense your wolfiness, then why can Prince Kade, and why do you not know that you are one” First werewolves, now vampires? I wonder if Leprechauns are real...

“She’s dormant” a female voice said as I felt another presence in the room. She walked around and stood to the side of the couch that Kade and Randy sat on. “Her wolf I mean.”

 She had a beautiful figure and had a feel about her that reminded me of a unicorn, magical and beautiful. “Hello Lana, it’s nice to meet you, my name’s Olivia” She gave me a quick wave with her hand but didn’t dare to come shake it. She seems to fear you, play that to your advantage. The inner voice- I mean my ‘wolf’ said. “Hi” I said giving her an awkward finger wave back. “What do you mean by dormant?” I asked her.

“Well, it appears that somebody – somebody quite powerful – has put some form of spell I’ve never seen before, and it appears to have your wolf in a dormant spell – a very powerful spell – that to any normal wolf, should completely hide any wolf factors to you.” Her voice was soothing and slightly distracting, but I payed attention to what she was saying. Kade cleared his throat, “Lana, Olivia is a witch-vamp, I called her to see if there was anything magic-related to explain your situation. By the sounds of it I was right.” A witch, Cross vampire, how the hell did I miss all this insanity in my 21 years of life.

“I have a few questions for you, Lana,” Olivia said, breaking Kade off. “Go ahead” I mumbled.

“Have you ever experienced a burst of violent anger coming along with your wolf. After somebody may have attacked you or disrespected a loved one?”

“Actually yeah, a fair few times. That kind of happened when I was captured and fighting of the 5 douchebags who tried to attack me” I remembered the night, and all the damage I caused. I never thought I could possibly do any of that stuff.

“Well, that says a lot about how powerful you would be if she – your wolf – was given full freedom. The witch who made that spell must have been one of the most powerful witches alive, and even through her spell, your wolf still breaks through and speaks to you constantly?” She shivered with excitement and fear. “Did you ever notice your parents as different to humans? You obviously weren’t just bitten into your wolf curse, you must have been born with it, and with parents that were very powerful” my heart stopped as quick flashes of my parents crossed my mind.

“Um, I never really knew my dad, and my mum passed away when I was young so I don’t think there’s anything I could really say, All I really knew about them was that my Dad was a horrible person and mum being the angel in my life” I felt myself well up on the inside and I pushed the feeling away. Now was not the time to breakdown over things that happened long ago. The room had gone scarily quiet and I realised that Olivia, Kade and Randy were all looking at me astonished like they’d just seen a ghost drink their wine cabinet dry. “That’s not possible…” Kade and Olivia both said. Randy hopped over and sat next to me, grabbing my hand and looking in my eyes, “Lana, you need to let me into your memories.” His voice dropped to a fearful tone. “How the hell do I do that?” I said, shaking as I now feared there was something wrong with me.

“Close your eyes and picture a gallery of photos” He said. I closed my eyes and did as he said. “Now imagine they’re in a locked room, you must go up to the locked door and take the lock off” I imagined walking up to the door and taking off the lock. I walked into the room and saw Randy was in the room with me. I felt like I was in the room now, not just imagining it. “Lana, this might hurt a little bit but you’re going to have to keep the door open okay?” I didn’t question his order as I walked back toward the door and held it open as he grabbed one of the photos of the wall and a sharp pain jabbed me in the head, I went to put my hand on my head but it wouldn’t move, I opened my eyes to see my hand welded into the door. What the fuck?!. I heard Randy curse under his breath as he moved from one photo to the next in an inhuman speed. His cursing got louder as he shouted at me “Open this memory! We don’t have time to mess around Lana!” I was confused and in pain from the now hundreds of needle like pains in my head “I’m not doing anything!” I yelled back as I saw him in the corner of my eye with a heavy duty safe. “Lana, we don’t have time!” He yelled, a voice came from my body, but it wasn’t me talking “NO!” It yelled. I woke up out of the space in my head and felt Randy’s body thump into my lap. I screamed, preparing for the needle pains I had felt earlier but they didn’t come. What had I done? I began to shake Randy’s body and thankfully he opened his eyes. “What happened” an alarmed Kade said to me. Olivia was still there too, but she was silent and looked horrified. “I don’t know.” Randy said as he rubbed his head and lifted himself out of my lap, Olivia’s voice croaked “Holy crap, that’s insane” she mumbled as all eyes turned on her, “The spell, there’s more than one” she looked at me with intrigue “You are something so much more than what I thought” she turned to Randy “What did you see?” she snapped at him.

“Her memories, they gave me the exact thing I was looking for, except for, I couldn’t find her being cursed by any witch. There was a safe, it contained what I think was that exact moment, but it wouldn’t open. I told her to open it but something came from inside her and kicked me out”

He looked terrified, but so did everybody else.

“Okay, can you guys just tell me what the hell is going on before I freak out?!” I was so scared.

“You were right in a sense,” Randy turned to me but kept his distance “Your mother, I knew you meant it figuratively but she was, a fallen angel.” He swallowed quickly and turned to Kade and Olivia “And the father he is-“ he realised I was listening too, then jumped over to Kade and Olivia and whispered something to them that made their already pale knuckles go paler and eyes go wide.

“Oh my god, just tell me already!” I was frustrated, Olivia snapped her neck to my direction “DO you have any tattoos you don’t remember ever getting, or a gift from someone that you have with you all the time?” She tried to calm herself down realising she was only making me feel worse.

“Uhm,” I remembered the red twine ankle bracelet that hid in my left boot, but decided to not tell them about it. But I did have tattoos on my back I never remembered getting but seemed to always have. “yeah, I have a couple of tattoos like that, I’d always had them but never remembered having them.” I stood up and turned around to lift my shirt but Olivia beat me too it lifted it swiftly and running her hands over my spine and finding the two weird small circled tattoos. I remember Julie telling me one had a fire in it and it had a ‘x’ cross over it while the other had a bunch of clouds and a sun that only had one line through it. “Kade, Randy, leave now” The venom in her voice obviously worked because they both left quickly.

Oh god. What now…

Chapter 8 >> Olivia’s View


There’s only one way to find out what these curse marks are.

And that’s to remove them.

I walked over to the fireplace and grabbed the fire pike and put it in the fire, waited until the hook went red in heat then walked back to the wolf girl. She turned and saw me and look terrified,

“What the hell do you think you’re going to do with that?!” she said as she started to back away,

“Stop moving!” I snapped, “I know what I’m doing, so let me do it” not really, I thought as she turned back around hesitantly and pulled her shirt back up. I raised the pike and aimed to slash down through both emblemed curses. I quickly whispered a protection spell and slashed down. Wolf girl screamed in pain and the emblems turned to dust and fell on the ground. She fell to her knees and crawled into a ball on the ground, the deep slash down her spine suddenly closed together What the…? Even I can’t heal that quickly… I watched as her veins then pumped out towards her skin and the veins turned blacker than night. We were right. She is the impossible. She is not just a wolf, she contains the blood of an angel and a demon. The most impossible and thought powerful mixture. I grinned. I understood why Mason and his crew would have wanted her, if he mated to her, they could be more powerful than my brother Kade and I combined.

 She will be useful.

Chapter 9 >> Julie-Anne’s View


I woke up to the sound of her scream.

She never screamed, unless things were serious. “Lana?!” I yelled, I opened my eyes and went to take a quick breath. But it didn’t work. I wasn’t breathing. What the heck?  I started to freak out and my arms started flying in different directions and a sheet caught them up. I immediately jumped off of the thin bed I was on. Wait, what? I looked around but I wasn’t in any hotel room like Lana had said we would be after a ‘fun’ night. I was in some old crappy hospital room type place. My eyes locked on the door and I headed straight for it, I reached out for the door handle and turned it – but the handle snapped right off. I didn’t have time for this, I needed to get to Lana before anything bad happened. I rolled my shoulder and rammed it into the door like I’d seen in action movies. Surprisingly, it worked, the door slammed down onto the ground and I saw about 100 metres ahead in a rugged hallway there was a door, it had two men guarding it, they had now noticed me  I guess busting down a door is a bit surprising… without a thought I started sprinting down the hallway, I had been a runner in high school and made 100 metres in about 5 seconds so it was easy, it felt like I’d done it in 1 second. I face the men and knew that Lana was behind the door they were protecting, they had a look of astonishment on their face. I felt like I was running out of time. I prepared my shoulder again and charged for the door, the guy on the left moved out of the way but the one on the right stayed put That’s a mistake I busted through him, pushing him to the floor and continued smashing through the door. I stopped, scanned the room and found a woman standing over my best friend holding a fire stake and my best friend curled on the floor in pain. I took one second to take it in and then charged at the woman, I felt a jolt and felt something slide down from my teeth. I felt more powerful than ever, I charged at her faster and saw out of the corner of my eye her dodge last minute as I didn’t stop and ran straight into the wall of bookcases behind her. Damnit that hurt.

Chapter 10 >> Lana’s View


I felt her presence, Julie was here, I shed a tear, she’s alive. I felt her bust through the door and run towards Olivia. Oh crap, don’t tell me she’s going to- I heard Olivia change step and a big thud, I looked up to see Julie hanging with her head stuck in the wall and her body trying to push her out.

“Julie?” I said, I heard a mumbled reply through the wall. “What the hell are you doing?” more mumbling came from the wall. Surprisingly despite the fact that i had just been slashed open a moment ago, I felt absolutely fine. I raced to Julie and analysed the situation, deciding that I would punch through the plaster and rip a bigger whole so she could get her head out without ripping it off like the way she was trying. I hit through the wall, grabbed at the plaster and tugged hard at it, ripping a bigger hole around Julie’s head. She got her head out of the and immediately turned around to hug me but I stopped her as I looked at her face for injuries I screamed and slapped her in fear. What the fuck did I just see?! It was Julie but… It wasn’t Julie, I mean it was her but, she had giant fangs hanging over her two canine teeth and her normally emerald green eyes glowing greener than ever. “Ouch! What the heck Lana!” She yelled as she rubbed her face and got back up. Suddenly I felt male hands throw me back, as I landed on the spine of the couch I felt my back crack and the couch crumple. Who the fuck? I opened my eyes and felt my back snap back into place. What the fuck? I saw Kade as the culprit for throwing me, he was now standing dangerously close to Julie, the both of them with the fangs over their canines and eyes glowing, as they just stared at each other. I felt Randy pull me up and turning me around. “Come on, We need to leave them alone.” He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of the room “Hell no!” I said to him “What have you guys done to her?!” Julie’s attention snapped from Kade to me, she ran over to me with inhuman speed and the giant fangs descended into her gums “Julie?! What the fuck?!” she looked paler than usual, don’t tell me… I turned and ripped my hand out of Randy’s “Did you fuckers turn her into one of you!?” I screamed at him, furious. He just looked down, “She was going to die if we didn’t do anything, and the Prince had taken a liking to her so-“ he mumbled “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, How dare you do that to her! She probably can’t take being a vampire like you fuckwits!” I screamed at him, turning around to Julie realising she wouldn’t understand any of this. She stared at me with big wide eyes and tears welling up in them. I hugged her hard and she went limp, oh shit what now I laid her down on the broken in half couch and sat with her head in my lap. I was so done with all of this supernatural shit. Julie’s eyes opened up again, but this time they had a wild look in them. She clicked her head to the side where my hand lay open and suddenly bit into my wrist. I screamed. I wasn’t the only one screaming though, I heard Kade yelling “NO!” and him being dragged out of the room, his voice fading away. Randy patted me on the back “Stop screaming, you’ll freak her out.”

I laughed like a maniac “I’ll freak her out? She’s literally biting into my wrist and drinking my blood I think I’m a bit more freaked out than she is!” I yelled at him.

“She’s in her first hunger, she had to bite into whatever was near her, and since she was sired by Prince Kade and they had a romantic connection, her first feed was supposed to be with him to start a mating ritual” he informed me. the what ritual?!

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I said

“They seem to be true mates, of course that’s never happened between a human and a vampire, he’s our Prince so we’re fine with him courting her.”

courting her?!” I yelled “I promised her ages ago to take care of her, likely story your little Prince is going to take her away from me or marry her. Especially without my permission. You idiots already turned her into an immortal blood-sucker without my permission there’s no way in hell you’re going to convince me to just let her go with you just because you said they’re “true mates”

“Fuck off with your bullshit” I added.

“I guess that means you would like me to take you to your room now?” he said, realising how furious I was. I had a motherly feeling for you Julie, I kept her out of trouble and because she was an orphan she accepted it. I felt Julie latch off of my wrist and I quickly grabbed my handkerchief out of my front pocket and wrapped it around my punctured wrist so I wouldn’t lose any more blood.

Chapter 11 >> Lana’s View

Finally, a good night’s sleep… I rolled to my side, the sheets felt like satin and it was the most comfortable bed I’d slept in my whole life. I remembered the crazy events of the last 48 hours. The waves of emotions. It all happened so quickly, and I felt like everything I once knew had been a lie, my parents especially. I stretched out and quietly crept to not wake up my vamp-friend up. I walked around the corner hoping for a bathroom- but was met by a chair in front of the only exit door with Randy asleep in it. Fuck. Wait, do vampires even go to the bathroom? From the myths I’d heard they didn’t but I hoped they at least had one here. My thoughts broke as I saw Randy now wide awake staring right at me. He laughed. “I’ll show you to the bathroom” he whispered, moving the chair from the door and opening it for me, motioning for me to go through. I hesitantly walked through and he closed the door, nodded to a man that was standing outside the door and ushered me to follow him down a flight of stairs I never remembered being outside the door last night. They were made out of some dark wood and had a fancy red and gold carpet going down through the middle, I felt privileged just using them. “And we don’t” Randy said randomly.

“don’t what?” I asked

“We don’t use the bathroom, that’s one of the few myths that are right.”

“Oh,” I said, surprised “Um, Is it okay if I ask what is right in the myths about you guys?”

“sure,” He said, amused at my interest “The sunlight one is kinda right, some vamps can’t go in but the ones who were sired by one of the royal family, aka Prince Kade and Princess Olivia as well as their father the King”

“Wait, Kade and Olivia are brother and sister?” I said astonished that I never realised.

“Yes, they are siblings, their mother was a witch and their father was the first vamp. Their mother cursed him with what she thought would give him and her family immortality but it turned him into a vamp, long story short the mother died and the father turned his kids so they could stay together for eternity. But after a certain amount of generations for vampires creates the inability to tolerate sunlight. So basically, there’s another myth explained.”

Wow, that sounds complicated as all hell. I decided it was better to just not ask any more questions in fear I might have to sit down and listen to some long ass stories whilst busting to go to the bathroom. I liked Randy, but it seems he was one of those people who could go on forever about things. We passed a group of 7 or more vamps, all of which seemed to be having a great time – up until they saw me – then they all went quiet and stared at me like I had ruined their life. What was with every vamp being so angry at me? “Vamps and wolfs have been fighting for years, they normally don’t get along. And if they hadn’t heard the rumours of you, you most likely would have been ripped apart.” Randy said quietly.

“Wow, Okay thanks. That explains one thing then” I mumbled.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and I was gobsmacked, a giant beautiful living room with beautiful and expensive looking furniture, a giant TV that took up ¼ of the back wall. It had a vintage elegance to it that only made it feel even more beautiful. Randy clicked his fingers in front of my face, completely ruining the moment. “Hey hot stuff, you good?” did he just call me hot stuff? Turned my head to find it wasn’t Randy talking, but a blonde, mid-20’s looking body with a medium build and a face like the men you see in male modelling ads. He gave me eye contact and grinned,

“You like what you see girlie?” Annnd…. There it is, every hot guy I meet always has to be such a douchebag.

“No, I prefer when people have a personality rather than a dick-brain” I walked away from him towards the right down a small corridor where I could smell Randy had gone.

 Well, there’s another question answered; werewolf super smell is ticked. Now that I knew about my ‘wolf’ and accepted that nothing would ever be normal about me I felt happier for some reason, and it felt like I was stronger since getting sliced by the princess of vampires.

I turned one more corner to see Randy speaking to Kade.

“Hey, guys, can I have a quick word?” I broke their conversation which clearly ticked them off.

“Just a minute, Lana, The bathroom is the first door down the left corridor-“ Randy was broken off by Kade shooting him daggers and walking towards me with inhuman speed well, more like vamp speed. “No, no no no it’s okay, I’d love to talk to you Lana, my friend” Note to self; Kade is a bad liar

“Can I call you my friend? We’re practically very good friends right?” He asked as he grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand out of his grip “Yeah, no, 1 – you’re a horrible liar, 2 – it’s extremely obvious that you are warming up to me purely so that you can gain my friends hand in some weird ass vampire marriage bullshit” I said with a serious tone. “I may be blonde but despite stereotypes I am a hell of a lot harder to convince.”

Kade smoothed over his suit, which looked highly expensive compared to his crappy bar get-up I’d seen him in before. “Fine,” He said with hurt in his voice “Two can play the stubborn game y’know” and with that he walked off with a strut around the corner I had just been down. I would never imagine a vampire prince acting like such a princess. I turned to Randy, “Righto then…” I said,

“Do you want me to take you to the bathroom now?” Randy said softly, obviously vampires didn’t take well to me back chatting their prince.

“No, I lost the need, I feel like one vamp is going to be in there waiting for me like a creep” I said, a shiver going down my spine. Randy looked at me confused. “One hit on me after you left” I explained. He nodded “Okay, where do you want to be then?” he asked

“I think I might need a little fresh air and sun.” I sighed

“It’s night” He said looking at me like I was a total dumbass, “You slept all day, why else do you think you’ve seen so many vamps up and about” and another myth proved correct; vamps sleep all day and are active at night. “Huh, Okay then, let’s just go back to the room” I said turning around the corner, he caught up quickly as I walked toward the staircase I saw Mr Fuckboi still standing at the bottom of the stairs, he saw me and gave me a wink to which I fake gagged at him back. I got to the stairs and felt him watch me as I went up the stairs, I turned my head just before my sight was going to lose him and saw him bite his lip. I walked up quicker, realising that despite his fuckboy methods I liked the attention. I heard Randy start at the stairs and the guy who I temporarily named Derek tell Randy he was a lucky man. Randy raced up the stairs to reach me as I waited at the top.

“So Jay was the one who hit on you” He said,

“How did you guess” I said sarcastically

“He called me a lucky man for being your guard. He also whispered to me that I was lucky I could be in the room when you got changed” he chuckled.

“What?!” I said in shock, “How come I didn’t hear that part?” wait, “You’re not allowed in the room when I am getting changed” I said completely alarmed.

“I have to be, Princes orders, but I will turn around if you need.” He said calmly as we began to walk back to the room. “and for the why didn’t you hear it part, Olivia told us your wolf is still under the dormant spell. She’s trying to figure out right now how a witch could do the spell without having an object or tattoo on you to hold the spell”

I froze up. Remembering that I never told them about the ankle bracelet I had, It had been a gift from my mother when I was younger and she and her friend who had made it told me I should never take it off. Oh shit. I hadn’t thought about it until now that that could be the ‘curse object’ or whatever they called it.

Randy reached out to open the door when I grabbed his hand and stopped him. “Hey, Um, Randy I need to tell you something”

“Go ahead” He said,

“I might have maybe just lied a tiny little bit about the tattoos being the only possible curse thingy”

“You mean you have another one?”

“Yeah, an ankle bracelet, my mum gave it to me when I was younger and her friend that had made it had told me to never take it off but it never occurred to me to tell you”

That was another lie, it had occurred to me but I didn’t want them to take it off, it was the only thing I really had left of my mother and I didn’t think I was ready to let go of it.

“We must tell Olivia this” Randy said, obviously annoyed I had lied to him and his little mind-reading skills couldn’t pick it up.

“Wait” I said, my brain scrambling for reasons that could procrastinate and give me more time “Could I maybe get changed first, I think my clothes are a bit ruined after fighting off multiple people and passing out more than once in the past 2 days.” I said, looking at my practically completely ruined skinny jeans and crop top, as well as my boots that were still covered in mud and leaves from running through woods. Randy nodded and I opened the door to go back in my room only to get surprised by a half-naked Kade and a half-naked Julie going at it in the bed I so comfortably once slept in. “Holy fuckin Christ” I said slamming the door shut. “I think I need to bleach my eyeballs” I said in disgust. “What happened” Randy asked,

“They were fucking” I wanted to vomit.

“Oh Okay, I thought you saw something bad” he said calmly

“I did see something bad I just saw my best friend topless and ready to go at it with your prince!” I whispered loudly at him. He just laughed.

“Lana, vampires are quite openly sexual” he said amused at my disgust. “This sort of stuff is quite normal”

I gagged, “Okay, y’know what, let’s just go see Olivia now” I said spinning in the opposite direction as I heard moaning through the doors. “I don’t think I want to sleep in there ever again”

“That’s okay, sweet cheeks” I felt a slap on my ass as Randy’s voice was replaced with the sexy voice from earlier. “You can stay in my room, with me” Oh, you have got to be kidding me, this guy again?

I spun around to find exactly who I thought it was,

“Jay, how not lovely it is to see you again” I said with toned voice. I saw Randy over his shoulder, silently laughing his ass off. That just made me more pissed. “You just slapped my ass, didn’t you?” I asked Jay in my most playful voice possible, I am so gonna make him pay, “Hell yeah I did, who could resist, did you like it?” he said smirking. I saw Randy mouth something like “We only had one guest room, he might be your only chance” You’ve got to be kidding me. Fine.
“Hey Jay, did you know that your name is my middle name?” I said with the playful voice. I was going to have to play along with this crap I if I wanted to sleep in a bed tonight. Jays eyes seemed to light up as his mind believed that I was actually flirting with him. “And, I will need a place to sleep, so I accept your offer” I winked at him and started to walk off and felt Randy jog up next to me, still obviously amused by the whole conversation as he smiled like an idiot.

“Fuck off” I snapped at Randy, which made him burst out in laughter.

“Where are we going to find Olivia exactly?” I asked, attempting to change the subject.

“Literally just down this hallway, she should just be in her room.”

“Randy, do you have any idea what would happen if I took it off?” I mumbled

“To be honest, We have no clue, like I said before there’s always been a sort of feud and hatred between wolfs and vamps so we don’t know very much.” He sighed.

“Great,” I said sarcastically.

We reached a door with a golden handle and a gold sign saying “VIP”. Randy knocked and called Olivia’s name. “Come in” Olivia’s voice said through the door. Randy opened the door and ushered me in, as I walked in Olivia patted the spot beside her on her bed.

“No thanks, I’ll stand” I said politely,

“Your loss” she said. “What’s going on?”

“Uhm, I got one little secret I kind’ve kept from you earlier.” I rolled my jean leg from my ankle revealing the bracelet.

“You kept this from me because…?” she said through gritted teeth.

“I didn’t really think of it in the moment” I explained.

“Right” she said obviously not believing my bullshit. “You understand I’m going to have to take it off, is that okay?” No…

“Yes” I said, going completely against my heart.

She dug into one of her drawers and pulled out a pair of shearing scissors with carved emblems in them “This should hopefully do it” she said to herself as she bent down with the giant shears and braced herself to cut the bracelet off. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine good things, but it didn’t work. I felt a snap from around my leg, and then blacked out.

Chapter 12 >> Randy’s view


The band snapped and then so did Lana, she dropped to the floor screaming as the sickening sound of bones crunching came from her insides. I rushed to Olivia to pull her back as was my job, but she slapped me away and continued to watch on with intrigue as Lana’s body grew hairy and changed to dog-like shape. What was once a beautiful woman I was laughing with minutes ago was now a giant wolf – wild with the look in its eyes that longed to kill – I was 100s of years old but never had I ever seen a were actually turn into its wolf form. It’s attention snapped to the window behind Olivia and I saw Olivia drop to her knees in fear as the wolf dashed towards her, leaping over hear body and straight out the window smashing the glass. I cursed under my breath remembering that this was 4 story high mansion, and there was no way she was going to land safely and uninjured a raced to the window with my super speed and saw her land on all 4 and run straight towards the woods. This was not good a grabbed my mobile out of my pocket and texted the guard chat group “Emergency, the were has changed to wolf form and is running out into the south side of the woods, detain her but do not attempt to injure her or attack as she will fight back.”

“and she will win” I added for good measure.

“I’ve got to chase after her with the guards, stay here and stay safe okay Olivia?” I said before closing the door and racing down the steps and hallways to the main entrance where I met the main guards.

“Everyone understands what we must do?” I asked them

They nodded and spoke in unison “Find the girl in wolf form who was heading south and detain her in a peaceful manner”

“Good, Let’s get moving.”

Chapter 13 >> Lana’s Wolf View


Danger. Everywhere. Have to keep running. I howled.

Let my enemies come to me, I will finish them off easily!

The excitement for a kill rushed adrenaline through me. I stopped suddenly as I heard footsteps and yelling behind me, I turned around ready to face the enemies to see they had me surrounded.

Like that could stop me.  I growled to warn them and they all took one step back.

They had backed down, but I wanted to fight. I growled louder as I imagined picking them off one by one. A clanking sound came from behind me as I felt a sudden weight of chains on my body.

I turned to fight my attacker and found the man with the heavy-duty chains in his hands that led to my body. I let out one final growl as I ran for him but more chains landed and wrapped my body up from the opposite direction. I went to turn around to face my second attacker only to be hit by more and more chains until all my attackers had a lead of chains on me. the weight of the chains took its toll and was weighing me down to heavy steps. No! this is not how it is supposed to happen! I threw my head back and howled one last long howl before I dropped to the ground in defeat, vowing that in this life or the next I would avenge this defeat, and make it my only one. My vision blurred as I blacked out.

Chapter 14 >> Randy’s View

We stopped heaving and tugging immediately, as the beast dropped down and howled, its howl slowly turning into a human-like scream as it’s body shrank and it’s bones snapped back into the shape of a woman. God that sounded painful. I grimaced as the last crack of bones finshed

She lay there, completely naked and completely unconscious.

“Take the chains off!” I ordered. The men hesitated but shortly started undoing their chains from on top of her body. I took off my jacket and quickly covered her in it, knowing full well she wouldn’t accept being taken through the mansion full of people completely exposed.

“We go back and do not speak of what has happened, am I clear?” I yelled. All the guards nodded, but were all shocked at seeing her change and her strength. The chains were binded by a spell that Olivia had put on them long ago that, after one chain layer, took even full blown alphas down. But with Lana, it took all 10 men and all 10 chains to take her down. What were we getting ourselves into? I thought as we walked silently back towards the mansion. I put my fingers to her forehead, remembering that her body still pumped blood unlike us, and that she could get sick in the cold night. She was colder than my fingers were, which shocked me considering blood hadn’t pumped through them in 100s of years. “We must get back quicker” I ordered, and started running in super speed.  If she died out here I will have failed my job and my prince, and would probably be sentenced to eternal prisoning for such a failure. Despite her being a wolf, I’d begun to like Lana. She was different to Mason and his pack, that was for sure.

Chapter 15 >> Jay’s View


The rumour that she had changed had spread like wildfire as most of the vamps had woken up for the night, that excited me. Her words still going through my head made me feel queasy about the thought of having her in my bed, and the things we would do- the door flung open and Randy, Prince Kade’s most trusted guard and friend, walked in – Ignoring all the gasps and the crowd – and headed straight for me, with her in his arms. If I had blood to pump it would pumping with fury. I want her in my arms I thought as I realised she was wearing nothing but Randy’s coat. Damnit, that was my dream idea I got more furious by the second. He stopped in front of me and cleared his throat.

“Jay” He said, his voice kind of croaked, which was weird. “Take us to your room, I understand you offered her temporary accommodation earlier”

“Yeah,” I said, standing taller so we were eye to eye “But just her”

He huffed a small laugh “Whatever you want, but I have to change her, and you must not touch her unless she is awake and has allowed you too, Understand?” I winced, he gets to change her… I tried to hide my sadness by turning to walk to my room, I was on the bottom floor and that was where we were so it was a quick trip. I opened the door and Randy walked in, carefully placing her limp body onto my bed he then turned to me “As I change her, it would be a good idea for you to find a heat pack and an ice pack, she has a temperature from being exposed to the cold outside” I nodded and left, imagining taking her clothes off myself. Eventually I thought to myself. I’ll get there eventually.

Chapter 16 >> Randy’s View

I knew her enough by now to know that she would hate to wake up in Jay’s bed, with one of his shirts on that only just covered her ass, so adding a pair of boxers should do it I thought, sifting through his clothes eventually coming to find a pair of seemably gender neutral silk boxers, aka one without a bulge spot because that’s probably just awkward for a girl. I pulled back the sheets and placed her in them, wrapping as much as possible to create heat to warm her back up. I sighed and sat on the end of the bed at her feet. Jay burst through the door with heated blankets, “There’s no ice packs or heat packs” he said loudly, slamming the door. Idiot.

“Shut up” I whispered angrily, “She needs to rest, not hear you slamming doors and yelling like a maniac.” I snapped at him.

“Right,” he said lowering his voice “Sorry” he whispered to her unconscious body. “Why do you care?” he then asked me after a long pause. I took the question in. Realising it was best not to tell a rookie like him that I felt for a wolf. That would only cause trouble for both Lana and myself.

“it’s my job” I lied.

“Okay” he said, obviously falling for my lie. “Well, you can leave now” he said as he placed the blankets on top of Lana’s body.

“I’m her guard, I won’t be going anywhere” I told him. He laughed. How dare he laugh at me.

“I talked to the Prince, he told me you should stand outside the door.” He said, clearly happy with the thought of being alone with her. Pervert. Despite being my good friend, sometimes the Prince made horrible decisions – and this was one of them.

“Fine” I said lifting myself off the bed to face him “Just remember I am only obeying the Prince’s orders, not yours, Rookie” I said, shooting him eye daggers and walking to the door. “If you try anything, I will know and you will be sorry” I heard him gulp before I left the room. As I shut the door carefully I grabbed the chair that was in the hallway and dragged it up to the door. This was going to be a long night.

Chapter 17 >> Julie-Anne’s View


“Oh my god” I puffed that was the best sex I’d ever had.

“Same for me, baby” Kade said, true god, his voice was so sexy.

“Yours is to me as well” he said again. Wait, is he reading my thoughts, how the heck?

“it’s love,” he explained “We’re connected so deep that we also connect through thoughts”

“How is that possible” I said, confused that I’d never heard of this before.

“Have you noticed you’re not breathing” He said calmly. I thought I was just having a weird hyperventilation.

“Yeah, but I was just imagining it”

“No, you weren’t, you’re dead” WHAT?! Ohmygod ohmygod

“Don’t freak out, it’s okay,” he grabbed my hand which immediately calmed me down “I’ve got a lot to tell you, and I need you to not freak out and just listen to me okay, hon?” I loved it when he called me hon. “Okay” I said, agreeing with every word that came out of his mouth. I never knew love could come this quick.

“But the first thing I have to say is that you and your friend, your lives have changed, a lot.”

 I just nodded. “How come?” I asked.

“You’ve heard of Buffy the vampire slayer show, right?” he asked,

“Heck yeah I have, I love that show” I exclaimed excited at the mention of it, but confused on how a show based on fantasy things like the supernatural could have anything to do with Lana and myself.

“Well, from now on, you probably won’t like Buffy very much” he said softly,

“What do you mean?” I was so confused, I was pretty sure no matter what I would still love Buffy.

“Damnit,” his frustration made him exclaim, “You’re a vampire” he said blankly. What the heck?!

I heard someone screaming, but it wasn’t Kade, I realised it was me, with my mouth wide open giving Kade a shock as he covered his ears.

I heard a voice in my head that sounded like Kade’s this was going to be a long night. I heard it sigh.

Chapter 18 >> Lana’s View


I mumbled my tired happiness, satin sheets again, these vamps had great choice in fabric. I turned to my side, grabbing more of the warm sheets with me.  I stretched my right hand out, but it met a hard cold surface, what the fuck? “Good morning, sexy” you’ve got to be kidding me. I opened my eyes to see the messy blonde haired Jay staring deeply, not at my eyes, but at my boobs. My hand flew immediately to cover my boobs as I realised I was wearing a man’s shirt, that smelt exactly like Jay. “Why the fuck am I in your shirt with no other clothes?!” I asked completely alarmed by the thought that I had done the dirty with the dirtiest man. He smirked “You don’t remember?” oh fuck, please dear god don’t let it be true “You changed into your little wolf last night, and apparently caused quite the ruckus, and then-“ his smirk faded and a look of anger and jealousy replaced it, “and then Randy brought you back and you were naked, well other than his coat covering your beautiful-“ he started off “Okay that’s enough”  I wasn’t going to listen to him talking about what he imagined was hidden under my clothes. Note to self: next time Randy is seen, slap the bitch for letting me be in Jay’s bed with Jay, and then hug him for covering my privates from the pervert.

“Speaking of Randy, where is he?” I looked at the corner of the room where Randy was normally sitting down at in the old room.

“Outside” he pointed towards the door, thank god, he didn’t completely abandon me with this idiot.

My stomach rumbled suddenly, reminding me I hadn’t eaten in literal days. Apparently, Jay noticed this too. “Oh yeah, I forgot you guys eat food.” He said in a dull tone. “do you want me to get you something?” he asked, huh, I guess he can be slightly gentlemanly “Yeah, anything that’ll fill me up will be good if it isn’t any trouble” I said holding my hand to my stomach to stop it from grumbling out loud again. He smirked “Oh it’s always trouble with you darlin’, which makes you even hotter” and there it is again, goodbye Gentleman Jay. I sighed and motioned him to leave. I heard the door shut and a short-mumbled conversation outside the room and the door knob turned. A human shaped blur shot at me faster than life and I felt cold arms wrap around my body and squeeze me, hard, “Ouch, Stop! You’ll squeeze my guts out!” I yelled at Julie as she added to the hug by wrapping her legs around my waist as well, “Probably literally too” I added to myself.

I pulled myself out of bed as Julie still clung to me, not even budging a little bit as I stretched out and stood straight. “Are you done yet?” I asked her, “Nope” she mumbled into my – well, jays – shirt. I heard her sniffle and realised she was crying. God damnit, I was always such an awkward and uncomfortable person when other people were sad and especially Julie because she would just keep on going for hours on end and I would have no clue what to do to make her feel better. I patted her on the head awkwardly. She lifted her head to reveal blood streaming from her eyes and all down the shirt “Sweet baby Jesus what the fuck?!” I yelled as she let go of my body and dropped to the ground and stood up. “Oops” she said wiping the blood on her shirt, “I forgot we cry blood”

“Is that seriously a vamp thing?” I asked Randy who was standing at the open door

“Yeah” he said

“Then you guys better prepare for bloody rivers, you chose a girl who has endless tears” I joked,

I heard a few gasps from outside the door, “Oh my god” “how disrespectful” “How dare she speak to the Prince’s mate like that!” the girly shrieks peeked my interest and walked to the door, still hearing the chattering I peered my head over the corner of the doorframe and three teenage looking girls screamed at my appearance. “It’s the beast!” they screamed, “Run for your life, or the dog will get you!” Ouch, those are some new names I thought as I watched them scream as they ran down the hallway like headless chickens. I turned back to the room with my eyebrow raised, and closed the door. “what was that all about I ask Randy and Julie.

“Like I said before,” Randy said “Vamps and wolves have never gotten along” he sighed.

“The whole mansion has heard and spread rumours about you” he sat down on the bed, “And they sort of split into three groups of beliefs; One bunch who want to test your strength and kill you,” how lovely I thought sarcastically “another group believing that you should never have been brought in here, mainly consisting of the women jealous of you because most of the males apparently like the strong, hot new gal” he joked “and the group like what you just saw, completely terrified of you”

“Fabulous” I said sarcastically,

“But all of them agree on one thing,” he continued “That you’re way too disrespectful to the Prince, our people, including me would normally be trialled for a jailed eternity for talking to him the way you do.”

“Seriously?” I exclaimed, “Whatever” I was over all this bullshit. I never have obeyed orders and rules before and I still hadn’t changed my mind on that. They do not control me my inner voice said angrily. Oh shit, I’d forgotten about you I told my wolf. I am you, I’m just free now, it’s exactly what you were thinking anyway She was right, that is what I was thinking.

“He seems fine with it,” I said, “I was brought here and I’m being kept here. Likely story I’m happy about it.” I tried to explain, but it didn’t sound as convincing as it did in my head. Oh well.

“Anyway,” Julie said, breaking the awkward silence “You’re my best friend, and since I can now do those sorts of things, I’ll rip off the head of anyone who tries to mess with you” Jesus, that’s a bit violent. I thought, not if we get there first my wolf said calmly, can we just be calm for a second? I asked my wolf. She fell silent.

The door burst open and a shirtless Jay walked in heaving a cart of food.

“Why the hell are you shirtless” I asked him as he came to a stop and shut the door with his foot,

“Why shouldn’t I when I’m with you” he smirked and winked “Oh,” he said as he saw Randy and Julie “We have company” he said sadly. “Oh, that’s okay we can leave you two alone” Randy piped up in a humoured voice as he ushered Julie out of the room. I gritted my teeth. That bastard. The door closed quickly and the sound of their footsteps faded.

“Tell me the real reason you don’t have a shirt on” I hadn’t bought his bullshit,

“fine, it caught fire when I lit the candles” He admitted as he dimmed the lights. Oh, dear god.

The tray of food was lit up with candles, one half containing a plate of bacon, eggs and toast alongside with some fancy bottled water and the other half with literally a bag of blood.

“Yuck” I gagged

“What’s wrong?” Jay asked concerned,

Everything I thought “Is that,” I pointed at the bag, “Blood?”

“Yes, it’s the only thing we vamps can have” he looked me up and down, “Speaking of blood what happened there” he said looking and the blood stream on my shoulder. Damn, Julie can make such a mess. “Julie was happy to see me I guess, she cried a bit”

“Do you want another shirt” he asked, but then smirked “Or you could just take it off and leave at that.” I sighed, almost believing he was a nice person for a second again.

“Shirt” I said simply.

“Okay,” he sighed “Your loss” not really I thought as he went to his draws and pulled out a tight black t-shirt you’ve got to be kidding me. I grabbed the shirt anyway, turned around to face the wall and unbuttoned the larger shirt I already had on, I let it drop to the floor and quickly shoved my head through the t-shirt and pulled it down my top half of my body – it just barely fitting my boobs – I realised it was a really thin fabric and you could see somethings that would normally be covered my a bra. God damnit I cursed under my breath. I saw Randy’s jacket on the floor next to me, Thank god I quickly grabbed it and put it on to cover myself and turned back around to realise Jay had been literally staring and watching the whole time. I was done with this bullshit. I grabbed his bag of blood and walked dangerously close to him. It was time for payback. I shoved the bag on his chest and gave him my sexiest smirk, “Let’s play a game” I said softly into his ear. This excited him, obviously, as I felt a bulge grow and press into my body. “S-Sure” he stuttered. I pushed him to the back of the door, “Stand outside for a second and I’ll tell you what we’re playing” I said, winking at him as he did as I said and stood outside the open door. “What’s the game called?” he said smiling widely. “It’s called,” I bit my lip, “You’re not getting in my pants” my tone turned venomous as I slammed the door in his face and locked it. That’s what he gets for being such a perv. Seemably proud of myself I walked back over to the lovely tray of food I had in front of me and dug in to the meal. Happily thinking about the embarrassment he’ll get, walking around with a boner and shut out of his own room.

Chapter 19 >> Lana’s View


I hugged myself with Randy’s jacket, it smelt like a bakery; pastry and sweet bread – which was what Randy smelled like too. He was the nicest person here, and the only one who seemed to actually like me as well, he helped me feel welcome and safe even though I’d barely known him for a week but I felt like he was a trusted friend I’d known forever. I sighed loudly.

“I feel the same way,”

“Holy shit!” I jumped up from the bed and hit my head on the bedhead “Ouch! That hurt like a bitch” I mumbled rubbing my forehead. I heard Randy laugh and I opened my eyes “How did you get in I locked the door” I said as the pain on my forehead went away.

“I have a master key that opens every door in the mansion” he said, lifting up a chain necklace and dangling the key connected to it.

“Hey, Randy, is it bad if we become friends or something? Why do I feel like it’s wrong” I asked

“Nothing like this has ever happened before, You’re not just a wolf in a house of vamps, you’re also best friends with one vampire that is the Prince’s mate-“ he paused for a second “and friends with the top guard of vampires as well. We’re lucky it’s not like the 1900’s where any vamp or wolf who befriended each other would either be trialled for treason by their own species or by the council. Nowadays it’s just still not really accepted but it isn’t illegal or anything”

“Wait, hold up, did you say council?” don’t tell me there’s some kinda council that controls the vampires and wolves.

“yes, I did, We didn’t mention that to you before because, well, you’re not registered to their files obviously, and also because if they found out about you, they’d probably lock you away or turn you into their personal war weapon. I feel like I’m telling you too much. The Prince and Olivia told me I shouldn’t because it would probably freak you out but I think it’s best you know”

I laid back down onto the sheets, taking in all the information. Holy shit, I really am a fugitive I thought as I realised the danger I was really in. Suddenly the sound of guns shook the room and screams erupted from outside. Randy and I raced towards the door, Randy running ahead to go to the entrance area as I was just behind him. Finally, a fight my wolf growled. I smelt fresh blood and turned the corner to see the situation. Oh my god. There were people in white suits running around, about 20 or so of them, each holding different bloodied weapons like chainsaws, guns and machetes. I lost sight of Randy in the madness and saw a woman in a bloodied white suit pin Jay up to the wall a few metres in front of me. “Where’s your prince, pretty boy” she spat at him, I felt my body shiver and rage fill my veins as she raised her machete, aiming to cut his head off. I ran at her and slammed into her body, landing on the ground and pegging both her arms down, I saw my arms as they held her down, my veins were pure black. Well that’s new I thought as my wolf screamed to rip her arms off. Not yet, I told her, I need answers first. “Who are you?!” I yelled over the top of the madness.

“Hunters you dumb bitch-“ she saw my veins and screamed “What the hell are you?!” that was all I needed to hear from her I thought as I let my wolf have her fun and tore the arms off the woman in white’s body.  I got up, her blood dripping from my hands. I looked at my hands, realising what I’d done, I felt more powerful than ever. I heard Jay yelling and turned to find another maniac in white with a chainsaw come at me yelling “DIE YOU HORRID CREATURE” but he stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened as he saw my veins on my arms. I ran at him and he screamed dropping his chainsaw ready to run, but I caught him at a speed faster than I thought was possible grabbing him at the neck and pegging him against the wall, his dead comrades blood wiped on his neck he tried to scream but I squeezed and his neck broke and his body went limp. I dropped his body and turned ready for another opponent. Realising the room had gone silent, there was bodies scattered all over the room, some where the white-suited ‘hunters’ and others must have been vamps.

I searched the room for Randy, if those white bastards had killed him I swear to go- I felt his hand on my shoulder and quickly turned around and hugged him, not caring if anyone saw. “I’m glad you’re okay” I told him

“And me too you, I hope you remember that if you think out loud I can hear you, glad to know that you would hunt anybody who killed me down and then find their family” I went red, I was that morbid of a person and would think that normally, but now that my wolf was free, I would probably actually do it now that I thought about it.

“They-“ a shook Jay was stuttering, breaking our conversation “They asked for the Prince” he gulped.

Randy spun around, I heard him curse under his breath. “Lana” he said “Come with me if you care about your friend’s life” he ordered. I nodded my acceptance, knowing he was talking about Julie-Anne. We ran up the stairs, headed for the third floor, where the guest room was – and where Julie-Anne and Kade were last –.

Chapter 20 >> Kade’s View


I pressed my back further, squishing my mate between my body and the wall. I hissed at the white-hunter. He stepped closer, his eyes filled with lunacy and his gun raised. I could smell the wooden bullet from here, it was made of exactly what I had feared. “how did you find the tree?” I asked him, he just tilted his head to the side and smiled broadly, “You little blood-suckers are very bad at hiding things you know. It’s very easy to find a tree that has lived longer than humanity. Especially when we have their precious Princess on our side.” At the mention of herself, Olivia walked around corner.

“Hello dear brother” she said calmly as she strutted to stand to the side of the hunter, “How are you and your whore doing?” she spat sarcastically.

“Don’t” I hissed “You don’t have any clue what you’ve done”

“Oh, honey,” she said sweetly, “I know exactly what I’m doing, and exactly what I want” she pointed at my chest with finger guns “I want the girl, I’m giving you 48 hours to bring the wolf to the Elders tree or otherwise,” she flicked her fingers and I felt Julie disappear from behind me and appear in handcuffs on her knees in front of Olivia. I cursed under my breath and moved to start running towards her, but the white hunter prepping his finger on the trigger of the gun froze me.

“Tsk tsk tsk” Olivia said, waving her finger at me, “Now now brother, do you really want to do that” she smiled at me and for once, I saw the same lunacy in her eyes as the hunters.

“As I was saying before” she continued “Meet us at the Elders tree, with the wolf, and I’ll give you your precious girlfriend back” Olivia began to play with Julie’s chestnut hair, then violently tugging at it. The hunter pulled the trigger and the shot landed in my arm. Anger rippled through me as Olivia and the hunter disappeared into thin air, with Julie. I clutched my arm. “NO!” I screamed.

Chapter 21 >> Lana’s View


I turned the knob, but it didn’t move and instead burned my hand what the hell? I shook my hand and it healed. “Magic?” Randy mumble, confused. He rammed his shoulder into the door and the same thing happened, he was reflected and burnt. “Somebody cursed the door” He explained.

I looked at the wall. But they didn’t curse the wall I thought loud enough for Randy to hear as I slammed my body through the wall. “Julie?!” I screamed, waiting for her reply. But nothing. Randy hopped through the hole I created in the wall to go help Kade, who was on the ground grabbing at his bleeding shoulder. “I thought bullets weren’t supposed to hurt you guys?!” I yelled over his screaming, confused. “They’re not” Randy said alarmed. Kade stopped screaming, he turned to Randy, who was holding him up against the wall. “They took her” a bloody tear rolled down his face, “It was Olivia” He started balling his eyes out, the blood going everywhere from his wound and his tears. Wait what, Olivia? I went to try and comfort Kade, trying to understand his rambling. He saw me and looked me in the eyes with pure hate “It’s because of you!” He said grabbing at my neck. I pulled back horrified. “Olivia wanted you! She took my love to trade you for her!” He screamed at me. Oh hell no, that bitch- my thought interrupted by my wolf’s I’m going to rip her head off, string by string, vein by vein. For once, I agreed with her violence, no one was going to take my best friend and think they could get away with it. “What the hell did they shoot you with?!” I heard Randy ask him, “They know where the Elders tree is, the hunters know, Olivia is leading them, she told them, Why would she do this?!” Kade was obviously distraught. I had the sudden urge to go to him. I squatted back to his level as he screamed at me to go away, blaming me, I ignored him and reached into the hole in his shoulder. I pulled a wooden bullet out of his wound and more blood poured out of it. I pocketed the bullet and ran my hand over the wound with my eyes closed. I felt something in my body pour into him. I had no idea what I was doing, but it apparently made Kade feel better, as he’d stopped screaming. I opened my eyes back and pulled my hand back, and for a brief moment a white glowing hand print was over the hole, but it faded quickly and so did the wound.

“What in the hell was that?” I heard Randy exclaim,

“I don’t know” I said, confused on what I had just done.

“I think it, whatever you just did, healed him” he said astonished, “Which shouldn’t be possible, because that’s Elders wood, it’s supposed to poison and kill vampires.” he grabbed at my hand and examined it for a second. A small moan came from Kade as his hand felt for his injury, failing to find it he looked up at me confused. Randy grabbed Kade and lifted him up onto his feet. “In 48 hours” he mumbled as he stumbled, “She gave me 48 hours to take the wolf to the Elders tree, or she’ll kill my love.”

I froze.

The word ‘kill’ echoed through my mind, activating something deep inside me. my body snapped and cracked and I felt myself changing form, it didn’t hurt this time though. It felt natural.

Chapter 22 >> Randy’s view

You’ve got to be kidding me, I watched as Lana changed into wolf form, this time she wasn’t screaming or in pain, and she didn’t have the wild feel that she had before. Realising that she might be in a normal state in her mind this time, I tried connecting a mind channel through to her so I could speak with her. It clicked in and I felt her normal presence, Are you alright? I asked her through the channel. Yeah, she said but how the hell are you doing this? She asked

mind-readers can connect telepathically through brain channels, that’s how I’m talking with you right now, I figured it’s the only way I can talk since you can’t really speak English when you’re a wolf I informed her,

 No shit Sherlock she said sarcastically. “I need to take you” Kade mumbled pointing at Lana’s wolf form “I need to take you to get her back” he swayed forward trying to reach her but I pulled him back into my grip and put his shoulder around my arm. He started crying again. “Pull yourself together man!” I yelled at him, God forgive me, I would be killed for speaking to him like this but he was acting like such a child. “the both of you need to work this out together, you need to work out a plan on how to get Julie-Anne back and have Olivia pay for what she’s done, her betrayal should not be taken so lightly as in a deal. Understand?” I said as they both stared at me, “am I the only one in this room with sense?” I sighed, a voice boomed through my head, I have sense. Sense that I’m going to rip that woman’s throat out it said. no guess needed, that must be Lana’s wolf talking. We’ll discuss that later, but I need you to cooperate, we’re going to need you I told it, Fine, it faded out and I heard Lana once again, what did she say? She asked

nothing, don’t worry about that, for now I need you to go downstairs and see if you can do what you did to Kade to the injured vamps downstairs while I talk to Kade and find out what just happened. The wolf nodded and jogged off and out of the room.

I placed Kade up against the wall as his mind seemed to be gathering itself back up again, I was intrigued by the whole fiesta that had just happened “Why would Olivia do something like this?”

Kade stared into my eyes, his filled with hatred at the mention of his sisters name “Does it matter? Nothing matters to me…” They flared up with something more than just hatred, determination “Except for getting my love back and my sisters head on a spike!”

“and no doubt, Prince, we will not prevail on either of those goals but,” I sighed “There is no succeed in giving Olivia what she wants, plus” I remembered what one of the white hunters had said before I killed him “We will need the wolf on our side, Olivia doesn’t just know where the tree is, she has one of the Demons Trials spell books” Kade’s eyes widened for a moment, but his responsibility clearly kicked in as he nodded and took in the information, “So, what’s our next move commander?”

“I have a plan, but, the wolf will not like it…”

Chapter 23 >> Julie's view

You’ve got to be kidding me, I watched as Lana changed into wolf form, this time she wasn’t screaming or in pain, and she didn’t have the wild feel that she had before. Realising that she might be in a normal state in her mind this time, I tried connecting a mind channel through to her so I could speak with her. It clicked in and I felt her normal presence, Are you alright? I asked her through the channel. Yeah, she said but how the hell are you doing this? She asked

mind-readers can connect telepathically through brain channels, that’s how I’m talking with you right now, I figured it’s the only way I can talk since you can’t really speak English when you’re a wolf I informed her,

 No shit Sherlock she said sarcastically. “I need to take you” Kade mumbled pointing at Lana’s wolf form “I need to take you to get her back” he swayed forward trying to reach her but I pulled him back into my grip and put his shoulder around my arm. He started crying again. “Pull yourself together man!” I yelled at him, God forgive me, I would be killed for speaking to him like this but he was acting like such a child. “the both of you need to work this out together, you need to work out a plan on how to get Julie-Anne back and have Olivia pay for what she’s done, her betrayal should not be taken so lightly as in a deal. Understand?” I said as they both stared at me, “am I the only one in this room with sense?” I sighed, a voice boomed through my head, I have sense. Sense that I’m going to rip that woman’s throat out it said. no guess needed, that must be Lana’s wolf talking. We’ll discuss that later, but I need you to cooperate, we’re going to need you I told it, Fine, it faded out and I heard Lana once again, what did she say? She asked

nothing, don’t worry about that, for now I need you to go downstairs and see if you can do what you did to Kade to the injured vamps downstairs while I talk to Kade and find out what just happened. The wolf nodded and jogged off and out of the room.

I placed Kade up against the wall as his mind seemed to be gathering itself back up again, I was intrigued by the whole fiesta that had just happened “Why would Olivia do something like this?”

Kade stared into my eyes, his filled with hatred at the mention of his sisters name “Does it matter? Nothing matters to me…” They flared up with something more than just hatred, determination “Except for getting my love back and my sisters head on a spike!”

“and no doubt, Prince, we will not prevail on either of those goals but,” I sighed “There is no succeed in giving Olivia what she wants, plus” I remembered what one of the white hunters had said before I killed him “We will need the wolf on our side, Olivia doesn’t just know where the tree is, she has one of the Demons Trials spell books” Kade’s eyes widened for a moment, but his responsibility clearly kicked in as he nodded and took in the information, “So, what’s our next move commander?”

“I have a plan, but, the wolf will not like it…”

Chapter 24 >> Lana's view


Randy walked in the room and the line of vamps waiting for my help turned to hear what he had to say. They were waiting for me to heal them, but after Kade, I had no idea how to bring the feeling back, maybe it was because my mind was only one thing – Julie-Anne – and what that sick son of a bitch Olivia was doing to her, I felt like I could hear her screaming for help. She was so innocent, there was no way I was going to let Olivia take that from her, there was no way I was going to let somebody make her suffer… like I had. I bit my cheek to stop myself from showing too much emotion, and distract myself from the flashbacks that were just waiting to rain down on me. Randy’s voice booming broke my train of thought “Ladies and Gentlemen,” there was something different about him now, he was avoiding looking my way, which made me curious. “We must get over this small ambush” the vamps, despite many seeming to be immobilised, began to cheer. “We are at the beginning of a great battle, and we will need your help” this time he searched around the room riling the vamps up until his eyes finally met mine, and instead of the warm feeling I got from them earlier, now they were just filled with a cold, blocked off kind of feeling. “Not just with the White huntsmen, but also with the former princess and believed to be trusted Olivia” the cheering piped down as they digested the information. “Olivia not only gave them permission to enter and kill us, but she took the newly found lover and mate of your beloved Prince Kade and wants an exchange”

Realisation of what the vamps would do if he announced that I was the exchange, they would surely pick me up for offering quicker than I could create a plan to escape and get Julie at the same time. And just as I feared, he began talking again “But, we shall not give her what she wants, and her betrayal shall be met with justice – we have called for extra arms from the council – and with that we will trick the witch Olivia and make her fear for her life!” I wiped the sweat of my brow as they continued their cheering yelling things like “She must die in vain!” and “Make the betrayer pay with her life on a burning stick!” the relief washed over me that I was not the one they were chanting to die, but the amount of ferocity in their determination to kill her helped me make a serious mental note to never betray these guys. Unless it was worth it. An idea struck me as I realised that Randy’s sudden coldness could mean he planned against me. The Prince suddenly was at the bottom of the stairs with Randy now, smiling, with the same cold, blocked off, look in his eyes. My insides rumbled and flipped as my wolf processed the situation as well. ‘They are most definitely planning something more than what we know of’  she grumbled. But she was right, it was what my instincts were saying as well. Two can play at that game I thought as ideas formed together as a plan. I raised myself up onto my legs and walked confidently towards Randy, but he was apparently wasn’t done speaking just yet, this time his smile more happy than before “And at the retrieval of his majesties mate, the mating ceremony and marriage shall begin” I stopped in my tracks, Oh helllll no, not happening as if planning against me wasn’t enough, they were going to just simply marry Julie to their Prince Idiot?! I had promised Julie after helping her out a toxic relationship that no one, no matter who they were, was going to marry her without my permission. Being orphaned by her parents after she moved out I guess I had taken on the role of parenting her. I walked faster now, showing my anger clearly. I grabbed at the collar of Kade and dragged him against his will around the corner for some privacy. I slammed him against the wall but his face was still hard to read. Who cares how he feels. My wolf grumbled as I struggled to keep her anger down and focus on my own as I saw the veins in my hand that help him against the wall flash black for a moment.

“What in the hell makes you think you have permission to say or do that to Julie! I made a promise, after her parents abandoned her” I took a deep breath, “That no one will ever harm her with me around, or do anything to her – especially something like sudden marriage – without my permission. You sir Prince of Blood-drinking beings, have not even asked or even remotely earned approval of me.” I pressed my face deeper into his “In fact, I had begun to trust you with her, but the moment I did, look where she is now – probably screaming in pain – because you couldn’t protect her from your own fucking sister!” pain flashed in his eyes as I dropped him and turned to leave, only stopping to say one last thing “I will be coming with you, but clearly, I will be the one who can save Julie-Anne, as I always have – successfully – and you have failed.” I left him around the corner, most likely stunned but who the hell cares, I knew that I should have never trusted him. “I’m coming for you Julie, don’t worry” I whispered, wishing she could hear me and feel safer.

“Wolf.” Randy’s voice greeted me coldly, I tried to copy his coldness, but I couldn’t help the fact that his possible betrayal hurt me slightly as I’d begun to care for him. That’s what you get you know I thought as I remembered the pain of all the other people I had done the same for, and had all planned against me as well. You were to never trust anybody, it’s your fault that you thought they could be any different, I couldn’t help but think about how foolish I had been.

“Vampire.” I replied coldly,

“You are aware of what will happen according to the plan?”

“You’ll have to elaborate more thoroughly Commander Randy”

“You will be in shackles and the Prince and I shall lead you to Olivia, the Immortal Court’s soldiers will be cloaked with magic the Court will no doubt supply. As we begin to hand you over, your shackles will be undone and attack must begin, as Olivia will surely have a few of her hunters hanging around we cannot actually risk the lives of these vamps as they are too young and stupid to fight full on.” It was too simple, they were most likely not going to break their magical shackles, it would be the easiest way.

“Fine, but did Olivia mention exactly what she was going to do with me?” lying like this made me feel sick but it was what had to be done.

“No. But it shouldn’t be a problem, we should win, with the Court on our side of course”

A flash came from outside, and I prepared myself for the worst.

“Speaking of,” Randy said as he speeded to the door to greet the guests dressed in black casual clothes.

They stepped into the light, and as I measured them up my breath slowed drastically as I met eyes with what appeared to be the leader. We both stared at each other until the moment was broken off by Randy’s yelling. I Quickly walked over the blood puddles and bodies to meet up alongside Randy.

“Wolves! The Court should have never insulted his majesty by sending wolves as his backup, we cannot trust you.” Randy’s outrage brought a halt to all chatter in the room, but the beautiful man who led the small group simply held out a finger and shushed him. That guy had some serious guts, this made me guess how powerful the Immortal Court must be, but then again, they controlled all of the supernatural beings from what I’d heard. “If you won’t trust us we shall leave and send no replacements, you take what the court gives and speak of no more or less” I was shocked by his voice, it was so… my thoughts wandered as I took him in fully up close. His hair was almost jet black, with a few streaks of light brown that struck my interest, it was sat upon his head with a small amount of grease holding it in place. My eyes started to move down ignoring the exchange going on between him and Randy, I focused on his eyes – they were a light purple colour that was so beautiful it reminded me of expensive jewels that were worth way more than my life – and his jawline, oh god his jawline, it was sharp enough, you could cut diamonds on it. His limps plump and teasing as he talked and his neck muscles tense as he ground his teeth while he thought. Suddenly as I was about to get to some of the best parts his eyes turned to meet mine “And who would this be?” oh shit, he was talking to me I bounced my eyes back to his and off of his amazingly obvious abs and biceps. “Lana” I offered before Randy could. That traitor would not be allowed to say my name again. He gave me the same slow treatment of wandering thoughts and eyes. Randy began to speak to me, I turned my head to him.
“Wolf, the only way I can trust these other wolves, is if you give your thoughts.” Randy said, well… my thoughts, I wouldn’t mind doing more than just trusting him, I’ll trust his hands and… I broke myself off, realising I was being stupid and selfish eyeing off this guy while my friend could be in pain. ‘Trust them, they are what we have and we must take what we can get” Randy nodded and walked off to go find Kade. Who I believe was still around the corner after my talking to. Woops. Lost in my thoughts I didn’t realise the beautiful hunk still standing right in front of me, staring. “Um… Can I help you?” I obviously broke his train of thought as his eyes met back at mine, “Yes, actually. Is there anywhere private? I must understand why a wolf is amongst vampires.” He spoke softly, as if to not have anyone else listen but me.

“I. Uhm. Sure, follow me” the only place I knew was Jay’s bedroom, that was hopefully not blood-ridden or completely destroyed on this level. I started to go off to the second corner. I felt him almost right behind me, I began to take in his scent. It was like nothing I’d ever smelled before, like a fresh bakery in the morning but with extra sweetness to it. Before I realised I’d been walking so fast I was at Jay’s bedroom door I grabbed at the handle but it wouldn’t move. “shit” I whispered to myself, cursing my stupidity as I’d forgotten about how the door was still locked from when I locked Jay out.

“Problem” the deep voice made me jump as I’d forgotten he was right behind me.

“It’s locked, I’ll try to find a key or something...” I was about to start walking off to find a key when a strong hand landed softly on my shoulder and turned me around, holy god, he was centimetres from my face and his amethyst eyes met mine. “No need” He whispered as he maintained eye contact with me and kicked the door down with ease, it snapped in half. That. Was. Awesome. He gestured for me to go in first and I did without complaint. “You know, without the door there’s not a whole lot of privacy, but oh well “I said, as I tried to maintain focus on his eyes and nowhere else. “that’s fine”

I sat down on the silk bed, and he swiftly followed. “What did you want to-“

“Talk about? Many things” he finished my sentence as if he could read my mind, but surely he couldn’t otherwise he would’ve heard a few things he didn’t need to.

“Lana, what are you doing in the Prince of Vampires kingdom lair?” he asked,

“Hold up” I stopped his questioning, there was no way I was going to answer him without answers of my own. “Before you ask me anything. I need to know your name first” I said smoothly as I relaxed my body, not allowing him to seem any more powerful over me than he must already feel.

He laughed. And it was beautiful. “Fine, I’m Ace” He held out his hand, I hesitantly put out mine.

“Lana, as you know already” I retreated my hand in fear that it would go elsewhere.

“So Lana, once again, Why are you here?” the real question was what could I and couldn’t I say to this guy, if he worked for the supernatural government thingy, then it probably isn’t smart to tell him everything.

“It’s hard to explain.” I couldn’t figure out how I could tell him anything without giving away more than I should, I started to feel anxious but suddenly there was a knock at the door, well, used to be a door. Jay stood, arms crossed and clear jealousy on his face. You’ve got to be kidding me. “The Prince and his Commander would like to see you.” He squinted his eyes and they began to glow green. “Immediately” the tense air was broken up by Ace’s beautiful laughter, he was clearly amused by the vamp despite his attempt.

“Sure thing” Ace then walked out of the room, bumping shoulders with Jay clearly pissing him off even more as his eyes became a furious green. I couldn’t help but watch Ace on his way out, hate to have him go but love to watch him leave. I’d never thought an ass could be so good on a man but I was apparently wrong. As the last trace of him left my eyes were met with Jay’s flaming green ones as he used his vamp speed to appear right in front of me. “What in the hell was that” he said furiously, grinding his teeth as he waited for an answer.

“What? Do you think you own me or something?” I laughed at his jealousy. For a second it looked like he was even going to say yes. Hah! No one controls me honey.

“Do you know what they’re going to talk about?” I asked him, changing the subject before he attempted something stupid.

“The plan. Most likely. And about you.” His eyes started to change back to normal as he decided it was a good time to take in my body. “Would you like another shirt?” he grinned as reality hit me that the shirt was practically ripped. The only piece, thankfully, intact being the part covering my boobs.

I cursed once again at my stupidity. “Yes, please. Also, I did kind of save your life back there so could you do me a massive favour?” Jay was already handing me another black fitted tee. “Whatever you need”
“I need a bra” his eyes seemed to sparkle, and his thoughts obviously elsewhere imagining something sick. “Now.” I stopped his little daydream and he nodded and ran off like a man on a mission. I realised I hadn’t even told him my size, but it was probably for the best considering the amount of time the idiot spent staring at them. I sighed as I turned around so that anyone passing through the empty hole of a doorway wouldn’t see anything special. I turned back around to see Ace back in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. “I thought you were talking with the ‘Prince and his Commander’” I said, trying to hide my shock and embarrassment as I wondered how long he’d been there.

“Already finished that. We are waiting on you, we leave soon.” He spoke bluntly

“No more questions for me anymore?” I was slightly disappointed,

“I’ve had them answered by the vamps.”

“How much do you know?” my curiosity over took me, I wanted to know just how much they’d explained of me.

“They said you were special, but wouldn’t say much of how. They also explained the plan to me, but” He came and sat back next to me. “You must understand that they want to betray you”

“Yeah, I already figured. But you telling me this, I can’t figure out”

“Because I want to help you, and in exchange, you help me.” this could be my way out of this.

“I accept, but, what exactly am I helping you with?”

“I’m looking for a man. An alpha. Possibly the same one who attempted kidnapping of a special girl, who in turn, destroyed his elite team without her wolf.” Shit, shit, shit, shit,shit. Alarms were going off in my head.

“I wouldn’t know what you’re talking abo-“ He started laughing, I was such a bad liar.

“I forgot to mention. Her name is Lana” Ace suddenly became very serious “And I’m sure she’s right in front of me. With a craving of freedom.”

It was like he had read my mind, all I’d wanted was for people to stop trying to control me. and this was my ticket. Ace was my ticket. I spat on my hand and handed it out for him to shake, he looked confused.

“We’ll make it a deal. The Good Ol’ way” I said staring deeply into his eyes. He took a moment but soon joined me by spitting in his hand and shaking it.

“Now, get ready, and follow my lead before you know who’s, otherwise my plan won’t work” he assured,

“On a few certain conditions” I said, surprising him that I wouldn’t just follow his lead. “You have no control over me or my actions. If I do something out of your ‘plan’ it is for the better, and if you want it to ‘work’ you must improvise. It’s not that hard” he took in and digested my conditions.

“Fine.” He grumbled, obviously displeased that I didn’t just follow him like his 5 little pack members outside. Someone cleared their throat, if it wasn’t obvious before Jay peaked his head in the room, his eyes green once again.

“You really need to learn some self-control, vamp” Ace said venomously at Jay. The tension and testosterone in the room amped up. “You should go hang with your fellow dogs” within moments Ace was at Jay’s throat. Oh shit, what have I done.

“Enough, Jay I need my… uh, gift. And Ace, I’ll be ready to leave in a minute. Both of you can leave the room now, I need some privacy for a moment.” They both looked at me slightly apologetically then darted back with hatred towards each other. Ace dropped Jay, smoothed his leather jacket over, winked at me and left. He winked at me. I felt heat in my cheeks. Jay shot darts at me but said nothing, dropping a small bag on the bedside table and slowly went to walk out.

“Thank you, Jay” I felt bad for the guy, despite how much of an idiot he was. He stopped for a moment, grumbled something and put his head back down and left. I grabbed the bag and quickly but the bra on from under my shirt. It was a nice blue sports bra but it was slightly smaller than my bras. Slightly uncomfortable but made my boobs look pretty good so I guess it was worth it. I gotta hand it to Jay, he did good for a possible dumbass.

Prepare for the worst my wolf reminded me, we’re about to go to battle, focus on the prize. She was right, I had to remember Julie. The only reason I was going with these guys in the first place.

As I walked out to find Ace’s pack and The Prince along with Randy and a couple of the uninjured guards, I prayed for Julie to hear me. I’m coming for you Julie, just wait. I promise it’ll all be fine, I wont let anyone hurt you.

Chapter 25 >> Lana's view - At the Elders tree


It was time. The tree was visible now, the heavy chains around my hand and feet made it hard to move, but my determination was heavier. The clanking they made as I moved, Randy on one side of me and The Prince on the other, along with the five guards surrounding us in a circle. Ace’s pack was far behind, covered in some misty stuff they sprayed themselves in that would help cover them.

My head was down, all I could see was the dirt under my feet. But I could smell my surroundings instead of seeing them. I could smell Julie, and blood, and I hoped they weren’t coming out of the same body. I smelt Olivia, and an unknown scent. That was most likely a white-suited huntsman.

We reached to a spot and the smells became stronger as we stopped. I felt shuffling of feet, and a soft hand grabbed at my jaw and lifted my head. I met eyes with Olivia, and I’d never felt the urge to rip someone’s throat out so bad. I couldn’t help it, I growled as my wolf pushed me too, she wouldn’t stand down to this bitch. Shut up. For Julie. I begged my wolf to listen. I was willing for the plan to fail, now that I’d had the time to think. I was willing to have Olivia do whatever she wanted to me for Julie’s freedom, there was nothing she could do to me that was worse than I’d already been through. She could whip me, chain me, starve me. It’s all been done before. The memories and flashbacks tired me, I didn’t want to go back to that, but if it meant Julie would never have to go through it – then it was worth it – she spat in my face and I forced myself to stand there. She started laughing and turned to the Prince. “Dear brother, how long I’ve waited for you.” She then grabbed at the Prince’s shirt and pulled him close to her and I realised her real motive. She disgusted me past all points. She wanted him to love her, that’s why she treated Julie like this. I felt so disgusted, if I wasn’t hard stomached, I would have probably thrown up. The Prince apparently had the same thoughts.

“You disgust me” He said, this made her mad,

“You’re mine! She’s nothing but a whore”

“I have brought what you wanted. We trade. Now.” He ordered

She began laughing maniacally, she reached her wretched hand out behind her and gestured someone to come. And they did, a white huntsman came from behind the might tree, holding Julie-Anne. With a gun to her head. This time I really couldn’t help it. I growled loud this time.

“If, you have decided to ruin our exchange. My friend here will happily pull the trigger”

The huntsman smiled wickedly.

“Randy” Prince Kade ushered Randy to do the exchange. I prepared myself for the betrayal. But what I wasn’t prepared for was the hesitation Randy had. He stood still, hand on a chain lead connected to my shackles. Kade tried again.

“Randy!” he yelled.

“Yes, Prince.” Randy then began to move. Towards the lunatic and Julie.

“I hereby exchange the wolf” Randy began, “For the life of Julie-Anne”

As Randy handed my chain lead over to the huntsman, and grabbed Julie’s cloth shackles. I could feel how scared she was. Say your goodbyes I thought.

“I love you.” I whispered to her quietly as we passed, her eyes darting to me finally understanding what was going on. She started yelling into the cloth that was tied around her mouth. I heard Randy tell her to not fight fate as he rushed her back over to the other vamp guards. I couldn’t see Ace’s pack or Ace anywhere. I guess I was right. it was a trap. They had to make sure I wouldn’t fight back.

The huntsman yanked at my chains making me go further from the group. Further from Julie. I prayed that the Prince would now keep her safe.

“You’re all such dumb bitches” the huntsman whispered into my ear. “You’ll have fun with Mayson and his crew, I promise you that much sweetie” he spat at me.

“This won’t be our last little encounter,” Olivia yelled for the group to hear, “I promise we’ll take good care of your little wolfie” I watched Julie leave, safely. Relief covered me, and calmed me. Knowing she would be safe from now on. Suddenly from behind the tree, a familiar group came out from hiding. One I guessed from the beginning of the exchange were here.

It was my kidnapper. Mayson. The huntsman yanked my chains downwards, “Sit down and beg for your life, Doggie”

He was clearly insane. Mayson stood before me with his five friends I’d once upon a time beat up.

I bent my knees down but kept my head high. This pissed Olivia and the huntsman off. Good.

“I said, beg! You dumb dog” I smiled at his stupidity, this was what had gotten my child-hood torturers killed,

“Oh, sweetie,” I laughed at him, “I do not beg, and you will not break me”

The huntsman used the butt of his rifle, trying to use it to push me down, but I would never back down to such disgusting and sick-minded people. Never. Again. The magic chains had worked on me once, but the mistake made was that once you try something on me once. It’s the last time that will work.

“A+ for effort, but you people are nothing compared to the monsters I’ve faced.” I snapped my chains like they were string on my body and stood up knocking the huntsman to the ground.

But Mayson wasn’t fazed. He was smiling. Like he was proud of what I’d done.

“That’s my girl, rise up” he started to clap. There was clearly something messed up in that head of his, no one could call me their girl. Or order me around.

“I am not your girl, and unless your little friends want a round 2, I suggest you let me walk away freely.” I ordered. I heard a thump on the ground, and Olivia mumbling.

“This isn’t possible, those chains were bound by powerful magic…” She mumbled, stunned and shocked, her fault, her payment I turned around as my wolf willed to take over, but that wasn’t going to happen, I felt more powerful than ever. I was going to rip her throat out with my bare hands. She was frightened, and started trying to crawl away from me but it just made me stalk towards her faster. She deserved it, for the fear she had cause Julie, and for thinking she could control me. “I am no one’s puppet, you will pay for what you did to my friend, and what you thought you could do to me” I caught up to her and stomped on her foot, hearing the crack satisfied the need to break her bones. But not enough. She needed to feel more pain. I lifted my foot and prepared for a strike at her face but a burning force at my neck stopped me in my tracks. My hand grabbed at my neck, remembering the exact feeling. I laughed.

“A rope?” This Mayson humoured me, “You think a rope can hold me back?!” I turned my back to laugh at their face, but it was them who were laughing at me, a red-headed female holding a giant needle centimetres from my neck surprised me. Should not have left your back to them my wolf scolded me for my stupidity.

“No.” She smiled, “But this will” she thrust the needle into my neck and my world went black.


Chapter 26 >> Ace's view


It had worked, Mayson still didn’t suspect a thing, but I felt bad for Lana, I planned as usual to not care for her life at all. But she’d surprised me, and that could be a problem. I had to keep that to my own thoughts though, if my pack found out they would all vote to help her. I didn’t have time for that. Yes, you do. Improvise remember? My wolf reminded me, the same as he had been for the past hour, seeing Lana drop to the ground and Mayson’s crew pick her up like a rag doll. I signalled the pack to follow Mayson and his crew. Olivia was passed out in terror, I didn’t blame her, Lana’s battle mode was terrifying. And the Huntsman was too. I signalled Peter, my top fighter to kill the huntsman. We could kill him, but if the Immortal Court found out we’d kill the royal we’d be dead meat. My stomach felt low, remembering how I’d lied to Lana, saying we were sent by the Immortal Court. But truth was, the Immortal Court probably weren’t going to help them anyway. At least not as fast as we had. If they did, I guess The Prince of Vampires would be quite unhappy to see them when he got back. I eased my shoulders. I heard the simple slice, and Peter was back within seconds giving me the thumbs up. I ushered the pack to continue. We were to follow Mayson’s crew back to their hideout as planned. And then Mayson will pay for what he did to my mother. Improvise. The word repeating in my head, in Lana’s voice. Why couldn’t I shake her from my mind. As I tried to focus on the mission I realised that Mayson’s crew were now in wolf form, they were changing, painfully. I heard them whimper and their bones snap. Thank god that we don’t struggle with that much shifting pain. I thought as I almost felt bad for them for a moment. But I kept a straight face – remembering the horrible night that Mayson ruined my life with – as my pack changed and we ran behind them.

Chapter 27 >> Kade’s view

Having her in my arms once again was amazing, like no other, she was warm. It was an apparent side effect to being near your true mate, and I didn’t mind it one bit. She reminded me of when I was alive, the feeling of warmth helping me make my decision – I had misunderstood the wolf – she had taken care of Julie, clearly better than I had in the past few days and despite our differences and aggression towards each other, I silently thanked her. She had not only willingly gone along with our betrayal, but she had opened my eyes on how stupid I had been earlier. In memory of her loyalty and bravery, I promised that for the eternity Julie and I shall live, I will never let anyone hurt her or take her from me ever again. Still fast asleep in my arms she shifted slightly as I held on to make sure not to drop her or make her feel to trapped by my arms. Thank you. I thought to her as I looked up at the half moon in the sky, hoping that somehow the wolf would forgive me. I didn’t want to imagine what Olivia would do to her, considering the rage Olivia seemed to have that also fuelled her insanity that she would only be cruel with no mercy. I’d seen something in her eyes as the exchange went on however, she didn’t regret her decisions, and she had known all along about our real plan. But she’d been so calm about it all, like there was a familiarity, like she had experienced something like it before or possibly worse. Julie shifted again, rubbing her face deeper into my shirt – that was still stained from the bloody tears she bled for her happiness to be safe but also her sadness that her friend would be gone. It had worn her out, and now as I carried her in the moonlight, I understood the wolfs feeling that she needed to protect her so forcefully. I could see the House nearing, relief washing me over, I was ready to let this whole hell of a day to be over, and to put Julie to bed, she could only be so much more tired than I am. The youngster Jay stood at the doorway, obvious worry across his face.

“What now?!” I told him, letting him know how aggravated I was, not wanting any more trouble to appear at my door,

“The Immortal Court’s group weren’t who you thought they were. They lied.” He said bluntly, with a bow as an apology for my aggravation. A group of professional looking people, well-groomed, stood out from behind him.

“I’m Agent Beldern and this is my crew, we were sent to help with a small feud between Vampire royalty” the man bowed,

“Vampire Prince Kade,” I offered as a greeting, “But you are too late, the battle never happened, instead an exchange that you are not to worry about. Small fry. Thank you for your interest agents, but you may leave now, as you can see we need some time to heal and rebuild. Alone, and un-interrupted.” The Agents made a pathway as I walked through them and made my way straight for my room. I heard Randy telling every vamp to rest, except for those who were healthy, who were to guard. And to prepare for rebuilding if you can.

Julie stiffened as I reached our door, and I realised she had awoken. “You can go back to sleep Julie, it’s all okay now, I’ve got you now.” I reassured her, but it wasn’t enough, she began to cry again. I just wish it was my name she was crying for. But it wasn’t. She was crying for Lana.

Chapter 27 >> Kade's view

Having her in my arms once again was amazing, like no other, she was warm. It was an apparent side effect to being near your true mate, and I didn’t mind it one bit. She reminded me of when I was alive, the feeling of warmth helping me make my decision – I had misunderstood the wolf – she had taken care of Julie, clearly better than I had in the past few days and despite our differences and aggression towards each other, I silently thanked her. She had not only willingly gone along with our betrayal, but she had opened my eyes on how stupid I had been earlier. In memory of her loyalty and bravery, I promised that for the eternity Julie and I shall live, I will never let anyone hurt her or take her from me ever again. Still fast asleep in my arms she shifted slightly as I held on to make sure not to drop her or make her feel to trapped by my arms. Thank you. I thought to her as I looked up at the half moon in the sky, hoping that somehow the wolf would forgive me. I didn’t want to imagine what Olivia would do to her, considering the rage Olivia seemed to have that also fuelled her insanity that she would only be cruel with no mercy. I’d seen something in her eyes as the exchange went on however, she didn’t regret her decisions, and she had known all along about our real plan. But she’d been so calm about it all, like there was a familiarity, like she had experienced something like it before or possibly worse. Julie shifted again, rubbing her face deeper into my shirt – that was still stained from the bloody tears she bled for her happiness to be safe but also her sadness that her friend would be gone. It had worn her out, and now as I carried her in the moonlight, I understood the wolfs feeling that she needed to protect her so forcefully. I could see the House nearing, relief washing me over, I was ready to let this whole hell of a day to be over, and to put Julie to bed, she could only be so much more tired than I am. The youngster Jay stood at the doorway, obvious worry across his face.

“What now?!” I told him, letting him know how aggravated I was, not wanting any more trouble to appear at my door,

“The Immortal Court’s group weren’t who you thought they were. They lied.” He said bluntly, with a bow as an apology for my aggravation. A group of professional looking people, well-groomed, stood out from behind him.

“I’m Agent Beldern and this is my crew, we were sent to help with a small feud between Vampire royalty” the man bowed,

“Vampire Prince Kade,” I offered as a greeting, “But you are too late, the battle never happened, instead an exchange that you are not to worry about. Small fry. Thank you for your interest agents, but you may leave now, as you can see we need some time to heal and rebuild. Alone, and un-interrupted.” The Agents made a pathway as I walked through them and made my way straight for my room. I heard Randy telling every vamp to rest, except for those who were healthy, who were to guard. And to prepare for rebuilding if you can.

Julie stiffened as I reached our door, and I realised she had awoken. “You can go back to sleep Julie, it’s all okay now, I’ve got you now.” I reassured her, but it wasn’t enough, she began to cry again. I just wish it was my name she was crying for. But it wasn’t. She was crying for Lana.

Chapter 28 >> Lana's view


I felt my body waking from deep slumber, feeling pissed off. As the night rushed back to me and I got reminded of my body being tied to the same old concrete slab. “Shit” I cursed to myself, I had made so many dumb choices, trusting too many people even though trusting people has always been my mistake. I guess I’ll never be trusting anyone ever again. But then I realised, if I ever get the chance to trust someone, I could be killed at any given moment. Escape wasn’t the top on my list, I didn’t want to risk them using Julie as my lure again. Something grabbed my hand, shocking me, I turned my head to find nothing there. There was no one or thing in the room except for my lovely concrete table and leather ties, and an IV bag attached to my arm. But it wasn’t IV, it smelled like the same liquid the red-head had stabbed with earlier. As if an answer to my confusion, the feeling happened again but this time along with a voice. “I’m here. Don’t give up” it was familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on who it was, considering I was abandoned and betrayed by everyone I couldn’t understand why anyone would even come back for me. “It’s me, Ace, they’ve got you hooked to this liquid, from what I’ve heard it’s some kind of powerful tranquilizer, but I don’t have much time. Listen carefully,” the cord that was inserted into me pumping the tranquilizer was ripped out and the bag sliced. I felt the leather ties being undone by multiple invisible hands.

“Why?” was all I could say, I was just so confused and dulled. What did they put in me? elephant tranquilizer?!

“Because,” Ace sighed “I had to Improvise” I could hear the grin in his voice, it was contagious. I smiled as I felt the last belt untie.

“Ace?” I said as a realisation occurred to me, “I don’t think I can move”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it” a strong hand slipped under my limp back and lumped me up. “Peter, the covering spells, how long until they wear off?” suddenly another voice came from my left,

“About 2-3 minutes at least, so with all due respect, we need to move it” the male voice said urgently.

Ace held my limp body up straight, realising how embarrassing this was I started to go red faced.

“I am so sorry you have to do this, I swear to god it’s Elephant tranquilizer or some shit because man I feel like a rag doll.” I sighed, but this humoured him. And there His beautiful laugh was again.

“It’s fine, you were pretty strong out there by the way. It’s amazing how you were willing to spend endless years of cruelty for your friend’s safety.” His amazement clear, oh my god, he called me amazing I felt small flutters in my heart.

“I do try” I laughed, “But I think I’m started to get some feeling back in my body.” He began to drop me but I was obviously wrong as my legs flopped, my body was about to hit the floor but an arm wrapped around my waist and yanked me back up just in time, “Oops, guess I was wrong” I shrugged it off but once again I had amused Ace.

“You sure know how to lighten the mood don’t you?” he rhetorically laughed, but my drugged up my mind took control,

“I can lighten up a few other things as well” fuckity fuck fuck, had I really just said that out loud? Luckily all it did was make Ace and a few other invisible voice laugh hard. “It’s the drugs” I blamed, in an attempt to recover for my stupidity. This time I felt real heat, it flushed from my toes to the top of my head. I reached my hand out, and it willed, as I stretched my fingers out.

“Does that mean I can drop you and you want land on your ass now?” Ace snickered,

“You can drop me now I’ll be fine” I said, ignoring his remark. “I know how to get out of here, and that’s number one on my list right now.”

“That’s not part of our deal” Ace reminded me,

“Well shit, please, enlighten me on what crap I have to do now?” I was agitated by the thought of doing anything more than curling up somewhere warm and sleeping.

“We spat and shook hands on it remember? I help you, you help destroy someone we both want revenge on. Mayson” a pain in his voice made me wonder for once why he wanted revenge on the man. Though I didn’t question it, Mayson was a sick-minded jerk. Seeing him dead wouldn’t bother me.

“Oh, yeah, that, well let’s get this over and done with” I began walking towards the iron door

“It’s locked” he said as I tried to turn the knob and failed.

“I realise that” I retorted as I sized up the door, if I couldn’t do it the easy way…

“Sir, she might blow our cover with what I think she’s planning.”

“And ‘She’ has ears y’know” I flicked my foot back and forth preparing it,

I wheeled it back with might and kicked at it as hard as I could. BANG the door dramatically smashed into pieces and made the loudest noises possible. I cursed as I realised the sound travelled downthe hallway.

“Okay so we may have lost the element of surprise there,” I admitted.

“But that’s okay, improvising is my thing, I do my thing you do yours it’ll go fine.”

“You lead the way then, Lana, we’ll stay quiet, we still have our element of surprise”

“Sure” my improvised plan began, as I manifested my wolf to transform. Once I got my footing down I began to sprint as fast as possible. I could barely see the change of colour in the walls as I ran this time, damn this would’ve been hella useful the first time I tried to escape this bastard. I started to see the light and still in running motion, changed backed to my good ol’ two legged self.

“COME GET ME YOU DIRTY BASTARDS!” I screamed, as I turned the corner to find their living room repaired like nothing had happened, and once again, I’d disturbed a lovely game of cards. But this time, there was more of them.

“Shit. I didn’t realise you guys could multiply as fast as garbage rats” I laughed at my own joke, but was the only one laughing.

“Okay, who’s first? Ready for a round 2 you puny little-“ shit, I stopped my boasting, as Mayson walked in the room, looking more pissed than a groom on his wedding night finding his wife with his best mate in the alleyway. “Good morning, my glorious girl, I knew that room wouldn’t hold you long” He chuckled. But his chuckle was annoying. It made me want to rip his vocal chords out so I never had to hear his voice again. If I could choose anyone of these meat bags as a punching bag, it was him. The bastard had kidnapped me twice and I was going to make sure there was never going to be a third whether I died or not. “Oh the plans I have for you” His voice changed darker, if not something slightly fearful. But fear was never something I would let take me. “And I for you, let’s just hope hell has a nice fiery torch saved for your head because I will be glad to make it yours.” I stared at him with hatred,

“You’re powerful, You’ll make my children great” he stared intently at me, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

“What in fuck’s name make’s you think I’ll… Yuck don’t get me started. You’re a dirtbag that will die for his idiocy. If you’re dumb enough to think you’ll be the first to chain me down and attempt to shred me apart piece by piece, then you’re clearly mistaken and a mistake like that will make you pay just like the firsts did. Painfully.” I ground my teeth together hoping Ace was ready to play his wild card soon, because I was not in shape to take down all of these guys. There had to be about 40-50, and with tranquilizer still in my veins I knew I wasn’t at my full throttle of power.

“Give me a minute to convince you then. If you don’t fall for things twice? Then answer me this. Why are you here still, under my command. Unable to escape.” A sinister grin grew on his face, but once again, his own words chocked him. I grabbed the rope coming from behind me and the neck of the woman holding the needle full of tranquilizer. I pulled the rope and spun the man at the hold of it into my place as the woman thrust the needle down and into her pack mate. Realisation of her mistake shocked her and I used her shock to get a full blow at her stomach with my foot. She flew just like the iron door and smashed through the wall and into another one behind it and another behind that one. I saw the ling of the inside of the walls were also iron. “Impressive. But you’re still in my lair. My den. You’re mine” Mayson’s last words were enough. I didn’t care if I was fully healed from the drugs they were pumping into me or not. This jerk was going down. I growled and prepared to launch myself at him when a hand grabbed at my shoulder. Ready to fight I went to grab it but my attacker faded into view out of thin air. “Ace” I said, relieved I didn’t thrust him into a wall. Or walls. “Glad you could finally come” He didn’t answer me instead, his eyes burned with hatred. At Mayson.

You.” Mayson said grudgingly.

“Me.” Ace retorted. “I’m back. As I promised. And this will be the end of you, you sick old man.”

“Your mother wouldn’t like the way you’re talking to me Ace” Mayson played,

“My mother, wants me to avenge her. And that is what I will do.” Ace suddenly charged at him and before I could blink they were rolling on the floor and Ace’s pack were trying to fend off the 40 or so of Mayson’s crew. Surely Ace had thought this through, how could 4 people take down 40? Even being werewolves it seemed impossible. Then go help already! My wolf yelled at me, causing a minor headache. I ran to help out the unfair 4-40 fight, considering Mayson was clearly Ace’s fight. I ripped past his crew and tore into Mayson’s crew. I didn’t want a long fight. I wanted this to be over and done with. Tearing limbs and flesh I ripped through what used to be a crowd. I stopped to take in my damage, and a sickness rose to my throat, but I swallowed it. As I stood in the centre of a loiter of bodies and limbs and pools of blood I realised what I’d done was something I could not take back, I hadn’t just thrown them into one wall and let them live like before, I had killed them. Most of them anyway. Another 10 backed against the wall looked horrified at their pack mates body parts loitered everywhere. Their eyes filled with terror finally met mine and I felt sorry for them. But Ace’s pack obviously did not feel the same as they immediately ripped into the leftover 10. As they finished up I walked over to them, my hands dripping blood. “Thanks for the help. I’m Peter” one of the guys offered his bloody hand, I lifted mine but realised I was still holding onto a hand. Shocked, I dropped the hand at my feet and felt the sickness rise back up in my throat again. Peter still held out his hand, wait for mine. “Lana, as you know” I shook my hand with his, realising I needed to act like I’d seen it all before to fit in with these guys. I heard a large snarl and turned around, to find Ace, still in human form, holding down a giant wolf. It looked like a beast straight from hell, with scrapes and scars and missing chunks of flesh covering its body. I couldn’t believe my eyes, Ace wasn’t even in his wolf form yet and could hold down the beast that was Mayson.

“You made her suffer, you made me suffer. And you will only receive suffering as well.” Ace was… was he crying? That’s one hell of a way to confuse your opponent. I thought as the exchange of growling grew louder. “You were always a stupid boy. And you still are” the wolf growled in a half-human half-wolf grumble. “I knew you must have been a bastard, that you weren’t mine. You were too trusting, too giving. Your mother was nothing but a whore that belonged in the trash!” It grumbled. Ouch that one clearly was the last straw for Ace. He changed into a wolf of similar size, massive and rippled with muscle, but his fur and skin were clean of any scars. The fur was black with light brown strands throughout it. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Peter asked as he watched the snarling and fighting going on between the two wolves. I was worried something would go wrong. Alarms going off in my head must have been obvious as Peter dropped a comforting hand on my arm, “Ace is strong, no need to worry. The fates have chosen the good over the evil.” I was wordless. The beasts rolled around and snarled but neither made a proper move that would land a good hit on the other. Until finally Ace swiped unexpectedly at Mayson’s neck and a sickening sound as his throat was torn out. Ace’s wolf form them lurched upwards, and without warning howled long and loud and clear. Suddenly Peter and the rest of Ace’s pack were in wolf form and howling along with him. I guess it was their way of a victory cry, I was still obviously getting used to this new life. Suddenly none of what was going around me mattered, the realisation that I was free hit me like a bus. I ran out the door immediately, and stood on the porch. I tried to find scents, anything that would lead me to Julie-Anne, I had to let her know I was okay. My hip was nudged by something silky soft and I looked to see the wolf staring straight back at me. despite being almost as tall as me, I felt calm, I wasn’t scared of it. Right before my eyes it started to shift again back into the man I knew as Ace.

“Congrats, on your successful revenge and all” I looked out at the woods ahead of me, not making eye contact with Ace, “And thank you for coming back for me” I turned to meet his amethyst eyes and looked deep into them “No one’s… ever really done that for me” he was so close to me, and I felt the same pull as I did earlier in the night. What was it with this guy that I couldn’t get over? “But our deal is done, I must head back to Julie and the Prince, it’s the only place I have to reside.”

“Don’t.” His voice shook me, “You can stay with me, Vampires will only willingly trade you off again or worse,” he grabbed my wrist “Kill you” he lifted it up to his nose. What the hell?... “I’m getting your scent, I advise you do the same, in case you change your mind.” His eyes filled with regret, but I was glad he wasn’t forcing me to go with him. I was done with people forcing me.

“See you ‘round” I waved to him as I walked off on my trail to find Julie.

“You don’t even know where you’re going, do you?” I turned to see him grinning, it was lop-sided, one corner raised. I just needed to get away from him, he made me feel something I’d never felt before.

“You don’t happen have any directions, do you?” I asked, hoping he had some kind of handy map.

“Peter does, but it just so happens that he can only show us the way.” I cursed under my breath, of course that’s what peter did.

“Fine, lead me back.” I ordered,

But Ace just leaned casually on the porch wall, and yawned. The nerve of him…

“I don’t know about that, considering the bloodied clothes you’re in, we’d have to take the longer route, to make sure to not draw any attention.” He grinned his lopsided grin even harder, god damnit, he was wrapping me around his finger. And I was fine with it. But he was not going to win so easily, I stormed back up the porch cursing and muttering that he won’t win me that easily.

“We’re ready to go, I’ve called the Court and let them know we’ve destroyed Mayson’s clan and that this town is now our land. They will come in about an hour to recover and clean up. We should get going now” Peter and the other 4 appeared in the door way.

“Okay, we leave now, Lana will be joining us. We shall accompany her back to the Royal Vampires lair”

Ace said calmly, I growled, he was so damned happy about this. “We take the route with our camp to clean up, right?” Peter asked. Ace nodded his approval. Suddenly Ace was moving towards me, not letting him try to lead me, I walked quicker, spinning on my feet head back down the porch stairs and into the woods. I turned around, happy about my small win, only to be met with Ace’s buff chest. My stomach fluttered once again. “Do you know what personal space is?” I asked him sarcastically as I took a step back pretending I didn’t take in his sweet scent as long as possible. Peter appeared beside him. “I must lead the way” he said as he calmly headed towards the woods. This was going to be one hell of a walk. I began after him and found that Ace was still right behind me, could he stop getting so damned close? Or I might jump the guy for Christ’s sake. He was just so hot I couldn’t help it, even thought I’d just watch him rip out the throat of a guy planning to have kids with me against my will.

My clear discomfort relaxed as I felt him take a few steps away from me, thank the lord, but suddenly he was at my side now. I kept my head straight forward, but out of the side of my eyes I took him in, he was taller than me, and still tan with the black and light brown hair along with the amethyst eyes, that looked rather pleased with themselves. That’s it. I needed to knock this guy down a notch, no matter how many times he tricks me into letting him into my personal bubble. Later. My wolf told me,

He is the alpha, if you send any hits toward him his pack will never forgive you. Especially since they know you’re powerful they are especially on edge. She was right, I needed to watch my actions, because they surely were.

Chapter 29 >> Lana's view - Ace's pack campsite


We had finally reached near the campsite, I was near passing out. The events of the past 24 hour, no, the past week, had tired me out. I’d gotten used to Ace beside me now, having his sweet scent right beside me had become almost calming. Even as I slowed pace or fastened, he followed. Why someone would go through that much trouble to agitate me was like trying to put a puzzle together with all the wrong pieces. Ahead of us there was an indent inside a giant rock, under it were three tents. Camouflaged into the rock were also some duffle bags.

“Our normal camp setup, Daniel with Lachlan, Peter with Ezekiel, and me in my tent.” Ace spoke to the group, “With Lana” he added. Oh no. not happening

“You don’t have a spare tent or anything?” I asked, furious that one more point to our little feud game went to Ace.

“Unfortunately not, you were never part of the plan.” His grin beaming at me with self-accomplish.

“I’ll sleep outside, thanks for the offer” I teased, I was not going to let him win this one without a fight.

“I’m hurt” he acted surprised at my remark and held a hand to his heart like it hurt.

Good, I thought as I stared at him.

“But of course, the temperature drops during this time of night, you wouldn’t want to freeze to death after all of your hard work for freedom?” he sarcastically convinced me,

“Fine, I’ll sleep in your tent, but if you cross a line-“

“You’ll let me know” he finished my sentence. That was so annoying. But also, hot.

He gestured a curtsy and hand towards the farthest most solitary tent out of the three. I hesitantly made my way to the tent making sure to ‘accidentally’ step on his foot as I went along. I felt Ace following me again, did nobody teach this man about personal space?! I unzipped the tent to find a single large sleeping bag. I turned to Ace.

“There’s only one sleeping bag.” I stated.

“You are correct” he bluntly replied, “I don’t see the problem”

“The problem is how the hell are we both supposed to fit?” I felt stupid, of course there was only one sleeping bag, and of course he knew this as he’d decided I was going to sleep in his tent.

“It’s an extra-large, and stretchy material I’ll sure you fit right in.” he ushered me in,

I hesitantly dropped myself into the tent and attempted to size my body up to how much space I may need. Which was instantly destroyed as Ace struggled to fit his muscly figure into the tent and dropped gracefully on his side next to me – still grinning his lop-sided grin. I was both flustered and agitated, he managed to make me walk with him literally right next to me, and then convinced me to sleep in the same tent as me. He’d done something many males had failed, I had to give him that. A hand reached into the ten holding one of the duffel bags. “Your bag, ‘Ace’” Peter’s voice snickered behind the cover of the tent’s flap. Were his pack members not allowed to call him by his first name? Ace looked strained, like he wanted to say something, but he saw me watching him and brushed it off, grabbing the bag and zipping the zip up. The tent was quite tall, which is good considering Ace was suddenly reaching his arms up and taking his shirt off. My cheeks heated up,

“What the hell! You can’t just take your shirt off like that without warning me!?” I yelled at him, which earned me some snickers from the other tents.

“Why not? Does my body trouble you?” he seemed confused, which just angered me more. He needed to stop bushing my buttons.

“No. Just… Give me warning next time, Okay?” I had to calm down, if I was going to sleep the night peacefully I had to make peace with him.

“Sure, well I guess I should tell you then that my pants are going down as we speak.” I didn’t dare look, despite how much I wanted to. I turned my head and faced the tent’s side. I sighed, he wasn’t making this any easier for me. I remembered my Ron de vue from earlier and that I too, needed to change clothes, as I was covered in dried blood.

“Hey, um… you wouldn’t happen to have anything in there that might fit me would you?” I asked,

“Oh, yeah.” He sounded surprised I’d asked.

“What did you expect me to sleep in?!” Once again he expected me to just go along with whatever.

“Honestly, I just thought you’d sleep naked.” He sounded sad, like he missed out on an opportunity. An opportunity to see me in the nude that is…

“Are you dull?!” I yelled at him, once again I heard the snickers from the other tents. “You can all shut it too!” I was going to let them have it too. The snickering stopped and silence filled the air.

“Here, it might be a bit big, it’s one of my shirts, sorry about this” I grabbed the shirt from behind me, giving him no sympathy despite his apology. It was not that easy to be forgiven by me.

“Thank you.” I gave him at least that. I took of the blood-ridden shirt that once was owned to Jay and slipped on Ace’s shirt. It smelt like him, I took in the scent silently, it comforted me. I slipped off my pants from under the oversized shirt and remembered that I wasn’t wearing any underpants.

“shit” I quietly cursed as I grabbed the dirty clothes and spun back around to face Ace.

“what?” he whispered,

“Nothing. Where do I put these?” I held up the dirty clothes.

“Just chuck them outside, we’ll deal with them in the morning”

I unzipped the ten and shot out the clothes, quickly withdrawing my hand as the cold drifted into the tent from the unzipped hole. I zipped it back up, Goosebumps forming on my skin.

Ace started to get into the sleeping bag, opening a hole just big enough for me to fit in. I looked at him, then the sleeping bag, then back at him. I sighed as I gave up and gave in to the cold. I slid into the sleeping bag, making sure my bottom half was covered the whole time, the jerk did not need to know I was going commando. Just as Ace had said before, I just fit. As we both were laying on our backs it was still quite tight and uncomfortable. “I don’t think this is working” I finally admitted after the long silence,

“Well,” He whispered “There is another way we can fit more comfortably.”

Desperate to get movement for my legs and arms I agreed, “Fine, let’s do that then” what I hadn’t realised I’d agreed to soon crept up on me. Ace’s body moved to a side position, then he grabbed my waist and twisted me to face the same way and before I knew it, his arms were around me.

We were spooning. Seriously. Ace was cutting short of his straws. He nuzzled his nose up to my ear,

“And just so you know,” he whispered, “I already know you’re not wearing any underpants”

Alarms going off in my head as I planned what I would say next, but I had nothing.

“And it’s absolutely fine with me” He finished as he settled his head into my hair.

Silently screaming on the inside, I had no idea what to do. I was in a tent made for one person. In a sleeping bag, spooning commando with an Alpha as he falls asleep, breathing on my neck. Despite the half of me that was going off in alarms, there was another half of me that enjoyed the encounter, a lot. His scent covered me, instead of Jay’s old scent with his shirt, I now reeked of Ace. And I liked it. I liked the feeling of his warm arms wrapped around me and his breath on my neck. I was just so tired and stressed and had my guard up so high. Relax, for now, there is nothing you can fear for now. You may lower our guard. My wolf had been right about everything so far, what was wrong with trusting her again. I felt my heavy eyelids drop as my breathing pattern synced with Ace’s. I felt peaceful and safe, for the first time in a very long time.

Chapter 30 >> Kade's view


We had finally reached near the campsite, I was near passing out. The events of the past 24 hour, no, the past week, had tired me out. I’d gotten used to Ace beside me now, having his sweet scent right beside me had become almost calming. Even as I slowed pace or fastened, he followed. Why someone would go through that much trouble to agitate me was like trying to put a puzzle together with all the wrong pieces. Ahead of us there was an indent inside a giant rock, under it were three tents. Camouflaged into the rock were also some duffle bags.

“Our normal camp setup, Daniel with Lachlan, Peter with Ezekiel, and me in my tent.” Ace spoke to the group, “With Lana” he added. Oh no. not happening

“You don’t have a spare tent or anything?” I asked, furious that one more point to our little feud game went to Ace.

“Unfortunately not, you were never part of the plan.” His grin beaming at me with self-accomplish.

“I’ll sleep outside, thanks for the offer” I teased, I was not going to let him win this one without a fight.

“I’m hurt” he acted surprised at my remark and held a hand to his heart like it hurt.

Good, I thought as I stared at him.

“But of course, the temperature drops during this time of night, you wouldn’t want to freeze to death after all of your hard work for freedom?” he sarcastically convinced me,

“Fine, I’ll sleep in your tent, but if you cross a line-“

“You’ll let me know” he finished my sentence. That was so annoying. But also, hot.

He gestured a curtsy and hand towards the farthest most solitary tent out of the three. I hesitantly made my way to the tent making sure to ‘accidentally’ step on his foot as I went along. I felt Ace following me again, did nobody teach this man about personal space?! I unzipped the tent to find a single large sleeping bag. I turned to Ace.

“There’s only one sleeping bag.” I stated.

“You are correct” he bluntly replied, “I don’t see the problem”

“The problem is how the hell are we both supposed to fit?” I felt stupid, of course there was only one sleeping bag, and of course he knew this as he’d decided I was going to sleep in his tent.

“It’s an extra-large, and stretchy material I’ll sure you fit right in.” he ushered me in,

I hesitantly dropped myself into the tent and attempted to size my body up to how much space I may need. Which was instantly destroyed as Ace struggled to fit his muscly figure into the tent and dropped gracefully on his side next to me – still grinning his lop-sided grin. I was both flustered and agitated, he managed to make me walk with him literally right next to me, and then convinced me to sleep in the same tent as me. He’d done something many males had failed, I had to give him that. A hand reached into the ten holding one of the duffel bags. “Your bag, ‘Ace’” Peter’s voice snickered behind the cover of the tent’s flap. Were his pack members not allowed to call him by his first name? Ace looked strained, like he wanted to say something, but he saw me watching him and brushed it off, grabbing the bag and zipping the zip up. The tent was quite tall, which is good considering Ace was suddenly reaching his arms up and taking his shirt off. My cheeks heated up,

“What the hell! You can’t just take your shirt off like that without warning me!?” I yelled at him, which earned me some snickers from the other tents.

“Why not? Does my body trouble you?” he seemed confused, which just angered me more. He needed to stop bushing my buttons.

“No. Just… Give me warning next time, Okay?” I had to calm down, if I was going to sleep the night peacefully I had to make peace with him.

“Sure, well I guess I should tell you then that my pants are going down as we speak.” I didn’t dare look, despite how much I wanted to. I turned my head and faced the tent’s side. I sighed, he wasn’t making this any easier for me. I remembered my Ron de vue from earlier and that I too, needed to change clothes, as I was covered in dried blood.

“Hey, um… you wouldn’t happen to have anything in there that might fit me would you?” I asked,

“Oh, yeah.” He sounded surprised I’d asked.

“What did you expect me to sleep in?!” Once again he expected me to just go along with whatever.

“Honestly, I just thought you’d sleep naked.” He sounded sad, like he missed out on an opportunity. An opportunity to see me in the nude that is…

“Are you dull?!” I yelled at him, once again I heard the snickers from the other tents. “You can all shut it too!” I was going to let them have it too. The snickering stopped and silence filled the air.

“Here, it might be a bit big, it’s one of my shirts, sorry about this” I grabbed the shirt from behind me, giving him no sympathy despite his apology. It was not that easy to be forgiven by me.

“Thank you.” I gave him at least that. I took of the blood-ridden shirt that once was owned to Jay and slipped on Ace’s shirt. It smelt like him, I took in the scent silently, it comforted me. I slipped off my pants from under the oversized shirt and remembered that I wasn’t wearing any underpants.

“shit” I quietly cursed as I grabbed the dirty clothes and spun back around to face Ace.

“what?” he whispered,

“Nothing. Where do I put these?” I held up the dirty clothes.

“Just chuck them outside, we’ll deal with them in the morning”

I unzipped the ten and shot out the clothes, quickly withdrawing my hand as the cold drifted into the tent from the unzipped hole. I zipped it back up, Goosebumps forming on my skin.

Ace started to get into the sleeping bag, opening a hole just big enough for me to fit in. I looked at him, then the sleeping bag, then back at him. I sighed as I gave up and gave in to the cold. I slid into the sleeping bag, making sure my bottom half was covered the whole time, the jerk did not need to know I was going commando. Just as Ace had said before, I just fit. As we both were laying on our backs it was still quite tight and uncomfortable. “I don’t think this is working” I finally admitted after the long silence,

“Well,” He whispered “There is another way we can fit more comfortably.”

Desperate to get movement for my legs and arms I agreed, “Fine, let’s do that then” what I hadn’t realised I’d agreed to soon crept up on me. Ace’s body moved to a side position, then he grabbed my waist and twisted me to face the same way and before I knew it, his arms were around me.

We were spooning. Seriously. Ace was cutting short of his straws. He nuzzled his nose up to my ear,

“And just so you know,” he whispered, “I already know you’re not wearing any underpants”

Alarms going off in my head as I planned what I would say next, but I had nothing.

“And it’s absolutely fine with me” He finished as he settled his head into my hair.

Silently screaming on the inside, I had no idea what to do. I was in a tent made for one person. In a sleeping bag, spooning commando with an Alpha as he falls asleep, breathing on my neck. Despite the half of me that was going off in alarms, there was another half of me that enjoyed the encounter, a lot. His scent covered me, instead of Jay’s old scent with his shirt, I now reeked of Ace. And I liked it. I liked the feeling of his warm arms wrapped around me and his breath on my neck. I was just so tired and stressed and had my guard up so high. Relax, for now, there is nothing you can fear for now. You may lower our guard. My wolf had been right about everything so far, what was wrong with trusting her again. I felt my heavy eyelids drop as my breathing pattern synced with Ace’s. I felt peaceful and safe, for the first time in a very long time.

Chapter 31 >> Lana's view


The sun appearing through the tent woke me gently. I stretched my hands out and yawned, that was one of the best sleeps I’ve ever had, I thought as I felt the serenity of the warm sun. When my lovely wake up was ruined by something hard sticking into my back. What the… and then I remembered the warm arms around my waist and who they led to. Are you shitting me? I knew exactly what was going on right now, talk about morning wood… I had to get out now, before I did something a small part of me would regret, but another wouldn’t. I turned my body around slowly to be met with amethyst eyes staring deeply into mine. I screamed,

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I yelled as I scrambled out of the sleeping bag, “Were you just lying there, watching?” I began to unzip the tent ready to exit as fast as possible, what an absolute weirdo. I felt claustrophobic as he lifted his own body out of the sleep bag dragged me back down to lay on top of the sleeping bag. “That’s not the way you should say good morning to somebody who’s trying to help you, you know.”  He said grinning, lopsided.

“Yeah well, there’s a part of you wanting a little more help than I’m willing to give right now.” I pointed at his shorts with the bulge. Oh man, stay focused, stay focused, I willed myself to stay still.

“And Why is your shirt off?” I added quickly noticing his godly ripped body. It was taking almost all my strength to hold off my instincts.

“I got hot.” He shrugged, got is a bit of an overkill, more like you always were, just with a shirt on.

“Out.” I pointed to the door.  “I need to change, and this time you’re not staying in here. Tricks like that do not work on me twice.” He looked upset at my order, staring into my eyes like a sad puppy, he then finally moved out of the tent.

“Hey, uh, Lana?” I heard Peter’s voice outside, finally someone other than Ace and his smug face. Hah, that rhymed. At least my bad humour was still intact.

“Yes, Peter?” I mocked his uncertainty, and heard someone laugh.

“Considering we don’t have any uh… female clothes with us, I hope you don’t mind but I took your dirty ones down to the river and tried to wash out as much blood as possible. Would you like them?” he asked warily, I got out of the tent to face him as he handed them to me.

“Yes, thank you so much.” I grabbed them out of his hand with a smile, “Finally, a gentleman” I could feel Ace’s sudden eyes on me from behind me, only widening my smile more. I turned to meet his eye daggers that he was shooting at Peter, clearly jealous. I cleared my throat and stood in his way, knocking him out of his little attempt at burning the guy with his eyes. I studied my surroundings, this time in daylight, there was the giant rock and its little indent we had slept in. To have any kind of peace when changing, I realised I’d have to go onto the other side of the rock. I started my way around bumping Ace’s bare shoulder as I went. “No one wins that easily, buddy” I whispered on my way past.

When I couldn’t see the camp or the guys, I dropped my guard. Putting the pants on first under the giant shirt, as they would be my only bottom half coverage. Then ripping off Ace’s shirt of as fast as possible before I decided to keep it on me forever. Once I was done I smoothed Jay’s old shirt over my boobs and was happy with the outcome of my look. Despite my fashion statement being one of the last things someone should worry about in the current situation, it didn’t hurt to look good.

I walked back around with my hand following the smooth rock. But I stopped just before I appeared on the other side, hearing a whispered conversation that I most likely wasn’t supposed to hear. I toned in to hear better.

“She is. It’s the only explanation.” I heard Ace sigh,

“And this appeared with a flash at your tent this morning, I think it was addressed to her by you know who.” Peter whispered as he handed some kind of paper by the sound of its crumple. Ace cursed.

“I don’t know if you realise it yet, Ace, but if we do take her back there’s no doubt she’ll know everything and will most likely stay there.” What in the hell are they talking about? The ‘she’ they talked of had to be me, unless any of their pack mates had a magical overnight gender swap. I needed to see this paper, whatever it was, it was important enough for them to want to keep it from me.

I stalked around the corner pretending I’d just finished getting changed, “What’s up boys?” I asked casually, My eyes stuck immediately to the paper in Ace’s hands. Before I could even ask what it was he shoved it down his pants in an attempt to hide it and deter me. Too bad I’d spent part of my free years in a share house with 5 guys – a move like that wouldn’t faze me – he was grinning as if he’d won, but boy was he wrong.

I started stalk towards him, making the deepest eye connection possible, letting my determination show as I reached centimetres from him.

“Nice try” I gave him as I smiled and continued staring into his shocked eyes, you messed with the wrong girl. Keeping the eye focus on his amethyst eyes, I shoved my hand straight down the front of his pants and ripped out the paper. He was shocked, and speechless, Well-deserved. I thought as I un-crumpled it and stared at the poster before me.

Now I was the speechless one. My smile drooped down into a frown, and rage started to take over. But then I remembered what happened when I got this mad, something I wanted to hide from Ace. My black veins. I felt them thumping to emerge, but I couldn’t let them, I didn’t want Ace to look at me like everyone who had seen them had. Like I was a monster.

“Tell me everything.” I angrily ordered, staring back at Ace, this time with hatred. “Now!” I growled, “No more lying to me, no more secrets, who are you and why do you think you could hide this from me?” I was enraged and I was focusing it all on him. I was becoming attached to the idiot, I realised it now. I’d trusted him. And like every god damn time, I put my trust in the wrong people.

“It’s hard to explain” Ace began trying to make eye contact, but I wouldn’t let him. I wouldn’t look into the eyes of the deceiver, ever again.

“Does it look like I care how bloody hard it is for you to explain? I need answers now, and then I need instructions, real instructions, back to the Prince’s house because clearly I can’t trust you people!” I could feel Ace’s pain from here. But I still didn’t dare look at him.

“Before I tell you anything, we must discuss a different matter. Come with me” he started to go back around to where I’d gotten changed. He had the nerve to order me around like that. I’d never met somebody who could frustrate me so easily and so much. I hastily followed and joined him.

“I need you to tell me what this feels like to you” he said, quickly wrapping his arm around my waist from behind me and pressing his body into mine. Was this some kind of joke? What is with this guy?

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Are you even taking me serious right now? I’ll tell you how I feel,” I growled as he wrapped his arm tighter, “I feel like I could rip your head off right now and be done with this madness. I need to leave now, I am not your prisoner, this was not part of our deal!”
“I am taking you serious, Lana! Tell me how you feel, please” His breath down my neck, a feeling I used to enjoy, but now I was just more alarmed by how much control he thought he had. I’d done this before, I could take him down right now. I grabbed his arm and twisted it with all my might and thrusted him onto the ground, dirt and debris flying from his surprise.

“You messed with the wrong girl mate.” I said, seeping venom into my voice.

“No,” he said quietly, “I messed with the right one. Lana, I’ll let you go, but promise me one thing.”  He sighed and took a deep breath. “Promise me you won’t forget me.” I stopped applying pressure to keep him on the ground. The sincerity in his voice told me he wasn’t lying about letting me go, but his request was something I didn’t understand. “if you go north, you should be on the right track, you’ll find you know the way if you know your friend well enough.” he said, defeated, lying on the ground.

I said nothing. I had nothing to say to him. He agitated me, pulled my strings, lied to me and tried to control me, all whilst I thought I could trust him. That was it for me. I left him on the ground, and began walking where my instincts told me to. I wasn’t going to listen or trust his directions. The only person I would trust, was me.

Chapter 32 >> Ace's view


The sun appearing through the tent woke me gently. I stretched my hands out and yawned, that was one of the best sleeps I’ve ever had, I thought as I felt the serenity of the warm sun. When my lovely wake up was ruined by something hard sticking into my back. What the… and then I remembered the warm arms around my waist and who they led to. Are you shitting me? I knew exactly what was going on right now, talk about morning wood… I had to get out now, before I did something a small part of me would regret, but another wouldn’t. I turned my body around slowly to be met with amethyst eyes staring deeply into mine. I screamed,

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I yelled as I scrambled out of the sleeping bag, “Were you just lying there, watching?” I began to unzip the tent ready to exit as fast as possible, what an absolute weirdo. I felt claustrophobic as he lifted his own body out of the sleep bag dragged me back down to lay on top of the sleeping bag. “That’s not the way you should say good morning to somebody who’s trying to help you, you know.”  He said grinning, lopsided.

“Yeah well, there’s a part of you wanting a little more help than I’m willing to give right now.” I pointed at his shorts with the bulge. Oh man, stay focused, stay focused, I willed myself to stay still.

“And Why is your shirt off?” I added quickly noticing his godly ripped body. It was taking almost all my strength to hold off my instincts.

“I got hot.” He shrugged, got is a bit of an overkill, more like you always were, just with a shirt on.

“Out.” I pointed to the door.  “I need to change, and this time you’re not staying in here. Tricks like that do not work on me twice.” He looked upset at my order, staring into my eyes like a sad puppy, he then finally moved out of the tent.

“Hey, uh, Lana?” I heard Peter’s voice outside, finally someone other than Ace and his smug face. Hah, that rhymed. At least my bad humour was still intact.

“Yes, Peter?” I mocked his uncertainty, and heard someone laugh.

“Considering we don’t have any uh… female clothes with us, I hope you don’t mind but I took your dirty ones down to the river and tried to wash out as much blood as possible. Would you like them?” he asked warily, I got out of the tent to face him as he handed them to me.

“Yes, thank you so much.” I grabbed them out of his hand with a smile, “Finally, a gentleman” I could feel Ace’s sudden eyes on me from behind me, only widening my smile more. I turned to meet his eye daggers that he was shooting at Peter, clearly jealous. I cleared my throat and stood in his way, knocking him out of his little attempt at burning the guy with his eyes. I studied my surroundings, this time in daylight, there was the giant rock and its little indent we had slept in. To have any kind of peace when changing, I realised I’d have to go onto the other side of the rock. I started my way around bumping Ace’s bare shoulder as I went. “No one wins that easily, buddy” I whispered on my way past.

When I couldn’t see the camp or the guys, I dropped my guard. Putting the pants on first under the giant shirt, as they would be my only bottom half coverage. Then ripping off Ace’s shirt of as fast as possible before I decided to keep it on me forever. Once I was done I smoothed Jay’s old shirt over my boobs and was happy with the outcome of my look. Despite my fashion statement being one of the last things someone should worry about in the current situation, it didn’t hurt to look good.

I walked back around with my hand following the smooth rock. But I stopped just before I appeared on the other side, hearing a whispered conversation that I most likely wasn’t supposed to hear. I toned in to hear better.

“She is. It’s the only explanation.” I heard Ace sigh,

“And this appeared with a flash at your tent this morning, I think it was addressed to her by you know who.” Peter whispered as he handed some kind of paper by the sound of its crumple. Ace cursed.

“I don’t know if you realise it yet, Ace, but if we do take her back there’s no doubt she’ll know everything and will most likely stay there.” What in the hell are they talking about? The ‘she’ they talked of had to be me, unless any of their pack mates had a magical overnight gender swap. I needed to see this paper, whatever it was, it was important enough for them to want to keep it from me.

I stalked around the corner pretending I’d just finished getting changed, “What’s up boys?” I asked casually, My eyes stuck immediately to the paper in Ace’s hands. Before I could even ask what it was he shoved it down his pants in an attempt to hide it and deter me. Too bad I’d spent part of my free years in a share house with 5 guys – a move like that wouldn’t faze me – he was grinning as if he’d won, but boy was he wrong.

I started stalk towards him, making the deepest eye connection possible, letting my determination show as I reached centimetres from him.

“Nice try” I gave him as I smiled and continued staring into his shocked eyes, you messed with the wrong girl. Keeping the eye focus on his amethyst eyes, I shoved my hand straight down the front of his pants and ripped out the paper. He was shocked, and speechless, Well-deserved. I thought as I un-crumpled it and stared at the poster before me.

Now I was the speechless one. My smile drooped down into a frown, and rage started to take over. But then I remembered what happened when I got this mad, something I wanted to hide from Ace. My black veins. I felt them thumping to emerge, but I couldn’t let them, I didn’t want Ace to look at me like everyone who had seen them had. Like I was a monster.

“Tell me everything.” I angrily ordered, staring back at Ace, this time with hatred. “Now!” I growled, “No more lying to me, no more secrets, who are you and why do you think you could hide this from me?” I was enraged and I was focusing it all on him. I was becoming attached to the idiot, I realised it now. I’d trusted him. And like every god damn time, I put my trust in the wrong people.

“It’s hard to explain” Ace began trying to make eye contact, but I wouldn’t let him. I wouldn’t look into the eyes of the deceiver, ever again.

“Does it look like I care how bloody hard it is for you to explain? I need answers now, and then I need instructions, real instructions, back to the Prince’s house because clearly I can’t trust you people!” I could feel Ace’s pain from here. But I still didn’t dare look at him.

“Before I tell you anything, we must discuss a different matter. Come with me” he started to go back around to where I’d gotten changed. He had the nerve to order me around like that. I’d never met somebody who could frustrate me so easily and so much. I hastily followed and joined him.

“I need you to tell me what this feels like to you” he said, quickly wrapping his arm around my waist from behind me and pressing his body into mine. Was this some kind of joke? What is with this guy?

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Are you even taking me serious right now? I’ll tell you how I feel,” I growled as he wrapped his arm tighter, “I feel like I could rip your head off right now and be done with this madness. I need to leave now, I am not your prisoner, this was not part of our deal!”
“I am taking you serious, Lana! Tell me how you feel, please” His breath down my neck, a feeling I used to enjoy, but now I was just more alarmed by how much control he thought he had. I’d done this before, I could take him down right now. I grabbed his arm and twisted it with all my might and thrusted him onto the ground, dirt and debris flying from his surprise.

“You messed with the wrong girl mate.” I said, seeping venom into my voice.

“No,” he said quietly, “I messed with the right one. Lana, I’ll let you go, but promise me one thing.”  He sighed and took a deep breath. “Promise me you won’t forget me.” I stopped applying pressure to keep him on the ground. The sincerity in his voice told me he wasn’t lying about letting me go, but his request was something I didn’t understand. “if you go north, you should be on the right track, you’ll find you know the way if you know your friend well enough.” he said, defeated, lying on the ground.

I said nothing. I had nothing to say to him. He agitated me, pulled my strings, lied to me and tried to control me, all whilst I thought I could trust him. That was it for me. I left him on the ground, and began walking where my instincts told me to. I wasn’t going to listen or trust his directions. The only person I would trust, was me.

Chapter 33 >> Randy's view


I didn’t know how everybody could so easily ignore the past events of this week. But I guess the wedding of their Prince and the appearance of their beloved King must have brainwashed them all. It infuriated me that they all still trusted me, especially the Prince, after I told him of his Father’s unfair punishment he still did not seem to care. Kade walked up to me, Julie hanging at his arm.

“I want to thank you again, Commander Randy. For bringing my Julie back” he said, clearly drunk on love.

“No need” I lied, “I can only thank you,” and speak of the devil, “and the King for your kindness” the big fat traitor stumbled in.

“So you should be, Commander, you are lucky for the title my son has given you.” He grumbled, I hid my anger. If I ever got have the chance to leave that man in a ditch I would, I would leave him there forever. My train of thought was interrupted, as the grand ballroom was ripped from my interest and I stared out at the open stained glad windows. I faintly smelt blood, familiar blood. Blood of the wolf pack who lives on the other side of the woods. If the King so much as smelt his blood as well, there was no doubt the alpha Mayson and his pack would die. I turned to Kade, “I’m just going out for a quick patrol, I’ll be back in a second. Just wanting to check.” He nodded approval and I headed for the door quickly. The breeze welcomed me as I continued walking towards the scent, I breached the entrance to the woods that surrounded the mansion, and stopped. If I could breathe, I would breathless right now. I stared at the wolf in front of me, but it was not Mayson or his pack. It was Lana, her scent had been covered in the blood-stained clothes she wore. The blood of Mayson and his pack.

“How did you…?” I was speechless, she had escaped whatever Olivia had planned. And not only escaped but, for some reason, murdered the whole of Mayson’s pack.

“It’s a long story” she huffed, “Mayson, the alpha and his little shit storm crew paid Olivia for me. He wanted to have some kind of ‘successful’ babies with me. But it’s okay because they’re dead.” She panted, there was no way she could have walked all the way from Mayson’s den to here. Could she?

She lent on a tree, panting faster, “What’s not okay, is your Prince thinking he has my blessing” She yelled. And it echoed. Loud enough for everyone inside the house to hear. Oh no.

“You have to get out of here, Now! If you want to live” I ushered her, but she didn’t move, instead her eyes filled with a burning hatred. Her veins turning black. I knew I stood no chance.

“You left me to die. You have no right to order me around, no one does.” She growled.

“I understand your mistrust, but please, I can’t see you die at the hands of- “

“Me!” a familiar voice broke me off, and my hope faded. He was here already.

“I don’t care who you are, buddy, no one-“ she growled, this wasn’t going to end well.

“I am the King of Vampires, wolf, and the only thing wrong here is you, living.” I could hear the rage in his voice, and knew exactly what was going to happen now. I couldn’t stop him. He was going to go green in his eyes, and snap her in half.

“And I’m the Queen of I’m gonna kick your ass” she retorted heading towards him with new energy, her black veins reappearing, at least that’ll give her some time, he surely couldn’t be expecting that.

“You’re a monster!” He yelled, surprised. But not for long “That’ll make it even better to have your head on a plaque.”

She leaped onto him and they were scrambling on the ground, snarls and hisses filled the air.

Kade and Julie raced out and were met with the fight. Julie’s eyes immediately filling up with blood, not again, but instead of dropping onto the ground and becoming a mess, she screamed and stamped her foot. “STOP!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. And suddenly the two stopped. Lana pulled herself up first, her arm completely snapped and hanging loose, and then the King, limping up with the help of a tree, his leg in the same position – snapped in half and daggling loosely. The King would heal in about an hour, being 100’s of years old did that to a vampire. But Lana was a different story, it would probably take her days. My eyes widened as I was proved wrong, Lana grabbed her loosed arm and snapped it straight with a devilish smile on her face. It had only been 4 or 5 days, how the hell could her healing be better than the King of vampires within a week?!

“I’m calling the Immortal Court, and you, creature, will be sent to hell where you belong.” The King stuttered as he limped over to Julie and Kade. Lana was metres away from them, as they faced each other a dead silence made me fear what might happen next.

“Lanny!” Julie yelled as she ran over to Lana, much to the astonishment of the Prince and the King.

“JULIE GET BACK!” The King and Prince yelled in sync,

“No!” She retorted as Lana opened her arms like a waiting mother and Julie crashed into her, smashing them both to the ground and tearing Julie’s lovely red gown.

“I missed you so much Lanny, I thought you were dead!” Julie said between huffs.

“I missed you too darl, but I’m not welcome here. I’m here to say goodbye.” Lana said quietly,

“But you just got here” Julie whimpered

“I also just got told my head will be on a plaque by your father in law”

“What is this madness?” The King cleared the moment, filling it back up with his stupid rage.

“Hey, Douchebag named Kade” Lana yelled as she pulled herself up and offered her hand to Julie, picking her up as well. “Take care of her,” She said, with a weak smile.

“No! wait!” Julie disagreed and hit Lana, as she picked her up and began to walk towards Kade.

Kade stepped forward, to the King’s belief. “Always. Thank you, wolf. For all you did” now I too, was astonished, the ignorant Prince, had thanked the wolf he blamed for his miserable week.

Lana said nothing as she handed Julie over to Kade. Immediately turning her back, most likely on her way out. The king had other ideas, “Where do you think you’re going? You clearly belong to no pack. Rogue wolves are not allowed to live as is the law of the Immortal Court” he beamed, but Lana turned around beaming herself.

“Well, you did call me a monster,” she took more steps backwards whilst still facing the King. “So, I guess that means I don’t fit that law, now do I?” She mocked his stupidity. She was witty and brave. It was admirable. She ran off, her laugh fading as she disappeared into the woods. Stay safe, Lana. I prayed for her. But it wasn’t her who needed to be prayed for anymore, I realised the danger I was in for not warning the King or helping him, and telling Lana to run as he was right behind me. His eyes still a flaring green, he seemed to be directing his rage at me now. I sighed, I was just glad to see her a last time, free. I prepared for my punishment, closing my eyes as I hoped the best for the wolf.

“Father, do you forget where you are?” my eyes flew open as Kade’s voice directed venom at the King.

“What are you talking about, boy?” The King broke off his gaze and met eyes with Kade,

“This is my estate, and after Olivia’s betrayal I am the last of your pure kin. I control the punishments here, and I say we leave the wolf.” He glanced my direction with sorrow, “And my 2nd in command had nothing to do with this either” He left without waiting for a reply and called as he walked “The ceremony is now over, so your welcome has been overstayed. I suggest you leave without a grudge. Thank you for coming.” I decided to not stay, as no one knew how the King would react to this, so I decided to quickly follow after Kade.

Chapter 34 >> Lana's view

As I ran, I couldn’t help but smile, Julie could be happy now. She didn’t have to worry if I was dead or not. I heard a rustling from behind a lining of trees and stopped in my tracks. Someone has followed. My wolf confirmed my thoughts.

“Come out, coward!” I yelled at my stalker, as a well-polished foot stuck out from behind the trees, and the scent hit me, faltering my good mood. “Jay,” I said bluntly as he uncovered himself and a small duffle bag. “I didn’t mean to frighten you” he said, grinning like an idiot,

“You didn’t, I was ready to rip your throat out, but I’ll gladly give you a minute considering how much you’re risking right now out here” Clearly, that statement made him happy, god know why though – I’d just told the kid I was going to rip his throat out but as usual he barely listened.

“Your clothes aren’t clean of the blood, I could scent it from inside. So I quickly packed you a bag, if you want it” He chucked the bag towards me,

“Thanks” I gave him the thanking he needed and grabbed the bag. “but like I said before, you’ll get yourself killed for being out here too long, I’m half sure your King is on my trail.”

“But,” he stopped me in my tracks, “what about a kiss goodbye?” same old idiot,

“I’m good” I shifted to my wolf form, grabbing the bag straps with my mouth and racing off before he could say anything in reply. You’re alive because of him. My wolf spoke, Jay? I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around, I saved that idiot. I retorted, making her growl instead, Ace. I swallowed hard, at the mention of his name again. I’d been trying to forget about him, but had struggled. What has he got to do with anything? I asked her, but she didn’t reply. At least I was the only person who was going to agitate myself now. I came to a small ditch and decided to stop, as where I was heading, I probably needed to change out of the clothes if they still smelt of blood. I changed back to two legs, and swiftly swapped my clothes around, leaving the dirty ones in the ditch. I grabbed the duffel bag and headed off to my right, where I was almost certain I smelt far off pancakes and civilization. Deciding it was best to save my energy and walk the rest of the way, I used my time to plan what my next move was. I needed somewhere partially safe to sleep, there was surely a hotel in town. But I had no cash. Scratch plan 1 then. I thought, as I listed out my possibilities, I realised there wasn’t many. I was down to just a few, one being sleeping on a park bench – not the most comfortable I would’ve every felt but also not the most uncomfortable – and, dreadfully, attempting to find Judie-Jennifer who most likely put a police report out for our disappearances or drank away our tour money happily at the thought of me and Julie gone. “I guess that leaves me and a park bench” I mumbled to myself as I started to see a clearing. I sighed relief as proper sunlight hit my face, but clearly the two middle-aged women having a chat noticed me, I guess who wouldn’t notice a strange 20 something year old coming out of the woods with a duffel bag that could possibly be full of weapons. The woods are dangerous. I smiled at them after the long silence between us, “It’s a lovely day to camp out in the woods, isn’t it?” I said, quickly turning towards the street on my left. That was awkward. Even though I was metres behind me, I guess the werewolf hearing was quite good, as I could hear them whispering about me. “Let’s get out of here, that was weird” and “She could be one of those dangerous woods people I heard about”. As I turned to go up the street I looked for any kind of place I could settle as my little homeless spot, or where I could see how much of a mess I looked like. I was right about one, there was a gigantic glass screen accompanying a coffee shops emblem. I stopped across the street from it and assessed how insane I might look. “not too bad” I whispered to myself as I checked out my situation. My hair looked a tiny bit greasy but was holding up pretty well, just looking like it’d been a few days since I washed it, not a week, of bloody murder. My face seemed, as usual, blue-eyed and clear, and the clothes Jay had given me thankfully were just normal enough for me to fit in like a casual citizen.

Just as I’d finished checking myself out, a young fine looking brown haired guy walked out, clearly seeing me just casually assessing myself in the glass. “shit” I cursed as I looked away and attempted to fast walk my way out of another awkward situation. But the guy had a different idea.

“Hey!” He yelled from across the street, not even looking to see if there was any cars coming his way before he decided to jog across the road. Fortunate for him, one was.

“Oh my god, lookout!” I yelled at him as he realised the van coming straight at him.

He dodged the van just in time by jumping out of its way and landing on the pathway with a hard thump. Ouch, that looked like it hurt. I dropped my bag and ran over to the guy, feeling guilty for being the reason he almost got hit by a car.

“Are you okay? That looked like it hurt” I asked, as I flipped his body over carefully attempting not to hurt him more than he could already be.

“It’s nothing” he shrugged it off like nothing, getting up on his own feet. Okay then, just casually have a brace with death.

“Okay, Mr Invincible.” I laughed, but my laugh turned more nervous as I realised. Look who’s talking, you’re a werewolf, with more than the average wolf’s abilities. I reminded myself of how I was supposed to be acting casual and not causing scenes. Scenes like making a guy almost get hit by a car.

“Last time I checked,” he said tilting his head, confused as he reassessed me “Rogue’s were an immediate death penalty” I froze, taking in his greyish eyes. He was an Alpha. And he knew I belonged to no one.

“Last time I checked,” I put my guard up immediately, “My last kill was only a few hours ago, I wouldn’t mind adding an Alpha to that list” I attempted my most vicious look. But it wasn’t enough, he began to laugh at my attempt to scare him off.

“This town is a free place, unless you’ve got anywhere you can hide” he paused, sudden seriousness covering his humour “It’s about to be a battle field, Alpha’s everywhere, don’t think they’ll all be as kind as me.” he dug deep into his jean pocket and pulled out a stone. “Break the rock if you need help, or leave it here, if you don’t want me to help you.” He looked generally concerned, which was weird.

“Okay,” I said, confused about his kindness, and grabbing the rock, “Is this some kind of magic rock or something” I stared at it. It just looked like a rock, I was half sure this guy was pulling my leg. But I shoved it into my own jean pocket, but it didn’t really fit. Damn, women’s clothes and not having big pockets is so damned annoying. The guy was clearly amused, once again, by my stupid comments.

“By the way, I’m known as Jackal,” He held out his hand, “But you can call me Jack.” He tilted his head again, “And you are?” shit, I gotta leave now. Sweating under the pressure of my next move, I quickly spurt out my reply. “Just leaving. Sorry, got to go” I said leaving him with his hand still awaiting to be shaken. I wasn’t trusting anymore Alpha’s. or Anybody for that matter. If I caught myself up with another Alpha, I’d break the magic rock and leave ‘Jackal’ and that Alpha to fight. That would up my chances of survival by one Alpha attack. I bolted around the next corner, onto a street full of pubs. One of which I remembered clearly. Kade’s bar and hotel. But I wasn’t taking any chances, trusting only myself meant trusting only myself. There was a small alleyway between two of the bars, and I decided a dark corner was just what I needed to hide in. I crossed the empty street quickly and headed straight into the alley. Normally I would have been wary of my safety in an alleyway between to pubs, but considering what I knew I was capable of now, I wasn’t worried at all. I took in what Jackal had said earlier, and realisation dawned me as I finally understood what he had said. The town was free real estate for any pack to take, and the ‘battle’ of Alpha’s, was going to be any nearby Alphas looking to take it. I knew I needed to leave the town soon. But I felt like there was something needing me to stay. I needed to trust my instincts, deciding that I would stay for just another week.

One, hardy ass week.

Chapter 35 >> Ace's view


“What do you mean you lost her scent?” Peter asked, confused at my mistake.

“She met up with an Alpha” I said, smelling his presence. “His scent overpowered hers, and now I can’t tell which one is her.” There were two pathways of his scent, one had to be hers as this where hers had stopped.

“Ace, you know what this means, don’t you?” Peter spoke my mind, “The battle’s soon to begin. Alpha’s are already here and settled. The girl will be fine, she won a fight with the Vampire King for Christ’s sake! We need to prepare for what they may bring if you truly do want this town to belong to you.” He was right. I didn’t like the idea of leaving her alone, but we had no choice anymore. I couldn’t protect her if I was dead.

“Fine, first we check-“ My focus stopped as I picked up the same Alpha’s scent from across the street, he was with another 10 or so wolves. They must be his pack. They were laughing, at god knows what, but the laughter ended abruptly as the Alpha spotted and scented me, realisation crossing his face that I was on his case. The long stare between us ended swiftly, as he pulled out a faint glowing object from his pocket. A look of warning passed his face. He lifted his eyes back up to me and mouthed “Another time” and suddenly he and his pack were off. I stood back up from the concrete I was kneeling on watching as they turned the corner, I caught a glance of the back of the Alpha’s leather jacket. It read “Jackal, The Man, The Wolf, The Legend.” I scoffed at the guts he had to have that embroidered onto his jacket.

“I wouldn’t laugh,” Peter warned me, “If I remember correctly, Jackal is the wolf that destroyed over 15 Alpha’s out in the west. If he liked the fighting and loyalty of one of the Alpha’s own pack, he would spare their life if they decided to join him. If not. you get the point.”

“Nothing we can’t handle” I replied, confident in my pack. I wanted to follow and get back on their track when I scented another Alpha. “You’ve got to be kidding me. A fight is already about to happen” Ezekiel said, exhausted by the thought of battling.

Chapter 36 >> Lana's view


“I’ll ask again, girl, what Alpha do you belong to?” the Alpha spat on my face, He is way too close for my liking I thought, imagining ripping the guy to pieces but also remembering the possible consequences, I would cause a scene that would end up bad for me. a giant repulsing scare slashed across his face didn’t make being so close any better.

“I’ll say it again, you pirate-looking fucker, nobody” I spat back at the ugly bastard.

“You lie!” he said, pummelling the brick behind me with a powerful right hook. Not as powerful as mine. I thought about how I could get out of this and the perfect plan from before struck me. Magic Stone, smash on ground, Jackal comes to fight ugly dude whilst I run for the hills and hope they kill each other and up my survival chances. I smiled,

“Fine, you want to know so badly?” I wagered, “Then I’ll show you” I pushed him off me, stunning him with my strength, giving me just enough time to pull out the rock as he came at me whilst his pack watched on. I smashed the rock in between his eyes, hoping that Jackal wasn’t pulling my leg on the whole magical rock thing. His pack started to laugh, as I opened my eyes to find the blaring red eyes of the Alpha. Shit, look what you’ve done now you dumbass I scolded myself. Backing up towards the brick wall, he smiled wickedly at me, the scar tissue stretching on his face.

“I hereby declare,” A voice cleared from behind the pirate-pack, shocking them all. “The battle to begin” the pack began to part way for someone walking through, and for a quick second, I hoped it was Ace. I shook my head as Jackal appeared, beaming a smile so bright you’d think this was a toothpaste commercial. He tugged on his leather jacket and continued to walk towards the ugly bastard that had cornered me.

“Well, well, well” Jackal’s eyes flashed red for a second. “If isn’t Bucky the pirate himself”

“Jackal.” The scarred guy didn’t share the same happiness that Jackal did, “You’ll pay for what you did to me. No one, crosses Harold, the Alpha of the North and gets away with it.”  He sounded menacing, but I couldn’t help it. “Harold?!” I laughed hard, cramping up my stomach from the menacing ‘Harold’ who clearly was displeased by my laughing. I heard Jackal let out a small laugh but then I stopped myself as I saw the two Alpha’s at each other’s necks. Staring deeply with burning red eyes.

I froze as I realised my plan wouldn’t work, remembering the fact that I was cornered with no way out without causing a scene. A scene that was already about to happen between two Alphas.

“I didn’t know you wanted another beauty mark” Jackal snarled, only making hah, Harold, angrier.

Harold started the fight, leaping into a fighting stance and whipping out a knife from his boot.

As they scrambled on the ground, their packs began fighting too. It was just one big battle, and I was trapped in the middle of it. Jackle was the one who’d given Harold the giant scar across his face. I was speechless, as the guy who’d come off as so gentle earlier threw hit after hit, smashing Harold’s face in. I looked around and saw how quick the fight had ended, Jackal’s pack, despite there being half of the amount there was of Harold’s men, had come out on top with little marks. After a solid minute of Jackal still pounding the now limp body of Harold, I’d had enough.

“Stop.” I told Jackal as I paced towards him, “Hey, Jackal, I’m pretty sure you’ve smashed him far into the afterlife.” He still ignored me, “He’s dead, give it a break” I pulled him off and pushed him against the wall, but he slid down it, weak and white-faced. It was then I saw the ragged knife, slashed right through his leather jacket and deep into his arm.

“Oh god, are you okay?” I bent down realising my saviour flashing in and out of consciousness.

“He broke the code, the knife, it’s poisoned, don’t touch it” He moaned.

“Lucky you, I don’t listen to orders” I said, ripping the knife out of his shoulder. He bit his lip, in an attempt to hide the pain. I turned to his pack that I knew were watching carefully,

“I suggest you turn around, and by suggest, I mean do” I told them, as they hesitated but did as I said.

“What are you doing…” Jackal faded out, I needed to do this. The glowey thing I did to Kade, and I needed it to happen now. “Please work” I begged to myself as I closed my eyes and tried to feel the soothing heat of it. I felt nothing. I took a deep breath, try again my wolf ordered. I relaxed my shoulders, and took deep breaths. I felt a warmth light up in my veins, my eyes flying open as I saw a light fly through my arm and into Jackal’s poisoned wound that I held. I dropped on my butt as a hand print branded his wound, the cut closing up as it sizzled under the handprint. Wait, why was I doing this again? I questioned my own actions remembering my pact to not trust or care for anyone but myself. Damnit. Jackal’s eyes flew open, confusion filled them.

“What did you just do?” His hand reached to look for his wound, only to find smooth unscarred skin.

“I’m not entirely sure” I said, speaking the truth because truthfully, I still had no clue myself.

“Whatever you did, it worked” he searched my eyes for answers, concluding I really didn’t know. “Thank you.”

I pushed myself up from the ground, lending a hand to Jackal. He grabbed my hand but went gentle on me.

“No, thank you. I honestly thought your little rock thing was a massive joke, and that I’d just smashed a rock on that pirate’s ugly mug for no reason.”

“I did promise you it would work. Did you not trust me?” he laughed, but I didn’t, the word trust still confused me. I didn’t know whether I should risk trusting him, but he had just saved me a lot of trouble, and I had just saved his life. The chances that I would be betrayed were low.

“Not at the time” I smiled.

“So, you wouldn’t mind joining me for another battle?”

“Sure,” I agreed, what have I got to lose. “Have you seen another Alpha already?”

“Yes, Actually. I’d been warned about him, he was apparently the one who killed the last Alpha in the area. A guy name Ace”

My smile dropped. He must have followed me in town.

“What’s wrong?” Jackle broke my thoughts,

“Nothing. But before we break into another one, don’t you think you should make sure there’s no others around?” I needed to stall as much as possible,

“I like the way you think.” He rubbed his jaw, turning to his pack “Prepare to scout the area” he ordered them.

I had believed Jackal was my ticket out of this place, but Ace had ruined my plan. Yet again.

I cannot believe he did it again. I was so mad at the thought of it all. Including the thought of him shirtless, which I realised I really wasn’t mad about. What is wrong with me…

Chapter 37 >> Jackal's view


I ordered my last wolf to search the back of town, turning to find the girl still staring at me, confused.

“What’s up?” I asked, concerned for her sudden mood change after I mentioned the Alpha Ace. She must know him. My wolf declared, she could be a spy. There was no way somebody who saved my life, twice, was spying for my death. You’re wrong. Plus, that would be breaking the code. She may be new at this, somehow, but she obviously wasn’t looking for trouble. But not looking for trouble when one of the most powerful den spots was available, and mid-battle wasn’t the smartest move one could make.

“Can I ask you something?” She said warily,

“Sure, shoot it at me” I smiled, trying to make her feel better and trust me more.

“You mentioned something about that Alpha breaking a code” Her eyes searching me for answers,

“The code of territorial battle,” I stated “It’s a code that was enforced by the Immortal Court to make sure that battles of territory, such as the one we are in right now, are fair. It includes the banning of weapons, wolfbane poisons and other things that could give one Alpha a larger chance of success. The Alpha from before used both a weapon and wolfbane poison, therefore breaking the code.”

“So, what happens when it’s broken?”

“The rules alter,” I said, as I looked out across the street, seeing a wolf of mine give me the thumbs up to let me know that the town was clear. Apart from the obvious. Ace. “My men have just told me it’s clear, which means these new rules are now set.” A small fear tumbled deep inside me, not knowing the strength of this Alpha, but it was sure that he too, noticed we were the two left.

“New rules?” she broke my thoughts,

“Yes, the last battle is soon to begin, the new rules are set that the last two Alpha’s standing were to settle a place where the battle begins and when it does. Most naturally, midnight in the woods seems best in this territory. That way no humans get hurt or involved accidentally.” I put a hand on her shoulder, realising what I had to do, now that I knew more of what she was.

“We need to make an alliance, you and I. Unless you have a way of getting out of here safely before then.” She looked confused by my request, taking in what it might mean, her wolf will understand. I assured myself as she found the answer she was looking for.

“Before I agree, what would this ‘alliance’ expect of me” She knew so little, it was humorous, even in such a dark situation. I felt the smile creep back onto my face.

“That I have your back, and you have mine. Other than that, you have your own freedom” She smiled back this time, the mention of freedom made her eyes dance. So that’s what she wants most. I was beginning to understand her more by the minute. But I had to be serious about this, I knew that her inner self could burst at any minute, and when it did, I needed her on my side. She could be even more powerful than myself, when her Alpha emerges. My thoughts one again interrupted by a warm surprise, she wrapped her arms around me.

“I don’t normally do this sort of thing, but thank you” she whispered into my shirt. Stunned, I realised I was still just standing there like an idiot while she hugged me. No one, had ever dared to do such a thing before. Everyone feared me, Jackal. But she didn’t.

“You certainly are one fearless woman.” I whisper back, as she pulled away from me.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she crossed her arms, Damn, she changed her mind so quick.

“It’s just,” I found myself partially speechless. “No one’s ever dared come that close to me, without fear.” Who was this chick? Seriously.

“I don’t see the problem with that,” she uncrossed her arms, relief flooded me as I thanked myself for not saying the wrong thing. My pack had regathered behind me, most having looks of complete and utter shock. Of course, they’d seen that. Hiding my embarrassment as I felt my ego drop slightly, my reputation most likely affected by that. I gave them a look that told them to say nothing, and they snapped out of it, fearing the worst. I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket, along with a pen.

“What have you got in there?! It’s like you’ve got a whole cupboard full of random stuff in your pockets!” I heard the woman laugh from behind me, once again, earning the shock of my pack, that someone would dare talk to me like that.

“I wish, that would be very helpful.” I mumbled back as I scribbled symbols on the paper, and handing it to a man of my pack. “Find the Alpha Ace, and hand him the note, it speaks of where and when we shall battle.” I ordered, as he nodded and raced off, down into the street.

I stared out into the little town’s horizon, the day was ending, and we only had a few hours until-

A giant grumble startled me, I turned around to find it coming from the girl.

“How long has it been since you’ve eaten?!” I asked, surprised at such a loud noise coming from the stomach of hers. She looked surprised herself,

“I don’t know, 4 or 5 days now or so.” She said calmly, hand on her belly in an attempt to stop any future grumbles.

“Well, we do have a few hours, and that café surely have some kind of dinner menu, it did say open 24/7.” I pointed back to the street we’d come from.

“I don’t have any money though…” She said quietly, clearly embarrassed.

“I don’t see the problem with that.” I mocked her earlier statement, placing a hand on her back gently, to usher her towards the café & restaurant before her stomach grumbled and it woke up Thor from the sky above. She began walking with me and I dropped my hand, considering she’d began to walk with her own free will.

Chapter 38 >> Lana's view


For a man named after a witty trickster of animals, Jackal was seriously kind hearted. But the looks he gave his pack and his enemies suggested otherwise. What a score, I thought as I imagined getting the hell out of this cursed town, leaving Royal vampires and Alpha werewolves and all other supernatural crap behind. I was going to settle in the ‘land of freedom’, get a job, get a house and wish everything away. That sounds great, do you want a unicorn too? My wolf mocked at my dream. Considering the bullshit going on, why not, I’m sure the ‘Immortal Court’ will surely have some in stock. I thought she was supposed to be a part of me, so why didn’t she want the same freedom.

“One extra rare large steak?” A waitress asked, clearly eyeing off Jackal.

“To the lady, please” Jackal said, nodding his head at me. The waitress clearly confused on where the hell I would put a large steak, but I had a pretty clear idea where it would go as she placed down the most attractive meat I’d seen in my life. The literal Hemsworth of meats. I licked my lips, ready to dive in, when I heard jackal clear his throat.

“I’m off to the men’s room, be back in a second.” He said, standing up from the booth and heading off, leaving me awkwardly sitting alone. But not as awkward as Jackal’s pack, that sat outside, like dogs waiting for their master.  I took this as my moment to abandon my manners as I shoved as much of the steak as I could down within seconds, hoping to dear god no one was watching. Keep your guard up. My wolf warned me, as I finished the juicy steak. I got up, heading for the women’s bathroom to make sure my meal hadn’t decided to make a small home on my face. I pushed the door open, finding a girl, probably in her teens, talking to herself in the mirror. She spotted me, her eyes widening. As I was about to apologize for walking in on her little self-pep talk she sprinted past me and out the door.

That was a bit weird. I thought as I walked to the mirror, spotting a small chunk of meat at the corner of my mouth and wiping it off with the paper towel I pulled from the rack. I fixed my hair up by flipping it and practicing a quick smile, then heading out. I gave myself a quick whiff, as the girl had done before running past me. Hm, nope, no B.O. I confirmed, still confused why the girl had seemed horrified by me. My thoughts cleared as I accidentally bumped into something stiff, I rubbed my head. Did I seriously just run into a wall. I scolded myself, as I looked up and realised it was no wall. But Jackal.

“Jesus Christ! I thought I ran into a wall, you’re so hard!” I covered my laugh as I realised what I’d just said, but Jackal  didn’t cover his dirty smile as he shared the same dirty though as I did. That’s one way to make it awkward, congrats, dumbass.

“I didn’t mean it to-“

“It’s fine,” he interrupted me before I could say anything more stupid, “I found it funny,” he beamed.

Phew. Situation: avoided.

“But in seriousness,” his face straightened, “Did you happen to see a girl run out?” Did he see her too?

“Yeah, actually I did, she was talking to herself in the mirror when I came in and she freaked when she saw me and ran” I explained, still confused as hell.

“Damn” he whispered angrily, putting a hand to rub his forehead like he was thinking hard. “I knew she was here.”


“My younger sister, she didn’t want me to leave here, she thought I would die but I wouldn’t let her come with me. it was too dangerous. Why did she have to come?” he grabbed a $50 note out of his pocket, slamming it on the table and walked out the door. I quickly followed. As the bell rang on the door as he slammed it open, his pack all quickly stood up, scrambling like their life depended on it as even I could feel the rage in the air he was emitting.

“Kara has followed us.” He informed them, “Find her.” He ordered, “Now!” Shit, this was serious, I’m glad he wasn’t directing that at me. I’m sure I would probably shit my pants.

“Yes, sir” they said in unison as they split up and ran like men on a mission. Which is what they are, considering the aggressive order Jackal had given them. I had to get Jackal to release some steam before he made a scene.

“Jackal,” I said quietly, but he ignored me, I knew he’d heard me though. “Jackal!” I yelled, still being ignored. Ugh, fine I’ll play your game. “Jack!” He finally turned around to face me, but the rage I expected him to have, wasn’t there. Instead, he was worried, his eyes glossy.

“Oh,” I had no idea what to say, I was never really good at helping people out emotionally. To be honest, when people cried, it normally angered me slightly.

“Help me” was all he managed to get out.

“Sure, Okay,” My brain scrambled for what to say. I had nothing. He just stood there, sad eyes staring down at me, like I knew what to do. “Um, if she’s your sister, you know her scent, right?”

“Yes,” his eyes wandered to the night sky, “but she must’ve taken one of my scent coverers.”

“Okay then, scratch that plan.” I whispered to myself. Whatever a scent coverer is, it was annoying. His eyes began to gloss up even more. Oh god, was he going to cry? Shit, what do I do, what do I do?!

“Hey, look at me, Jack” his sad look pierced me once again, “It’ll be fine. I’m sure your packs got this, stop worrying. She’ll be found soon, don’t let this wash you over. You have to battle when that moon hits above us, you can’t let this get to you.” I tried to talk him out of it, and his eyes changed back to normal, his stance straightening back up. You beauty, I congratulated myself. But then dread overtook it, Jack will need all the talk you can give him if he wants to live. Memories of Ace and his packs strength flickered through my mind as I dreaded my ticket to freedom’s battle outcome.

“You’re right” I could see the strength I’d rendered inside of him,

“You’re damn right I’m right” I pushed him further.

A growl escaped my lips, as a familiar smell turned the corner. A devious smile across his lips. He hasn’t seen you yet, hide! My wolf ordered and I followed. I hid behind the small corner the café luckily had.

“Peter.” I growled.

“Jackal, Alpha that mastered the west. We believe we have something you want” He snickered.

“Kara…” Jack whispered under his breath.

“That’s right. now that the new rules have settled in, we just can’t wait. As you know, at this point, we are allowed to take things as a prize and give things as a prize for whichever side shall win. In exchange for your precious girl. You are to give what we know you have. A girl for a girl. Give us the wolf name Lana and you get your sister unharmed, without a fight.” Peter declared venomously. Jackal growled, loud, it raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

“I know no such wolf” he declared, “So your exchange is made of false accusations” Shit, this was not going to go well. I swallowed hard as I gathered my courage, and strode out from behind the corner, putting a hand on Jack’s shoulder, to let him know I had control of this.

“I believe that would be me.” I said calmly, facing Peter. “But I’ve been in one too many trade’s lately, we’ll have to gladly decline.” Jack tensed, clearly his worry for his sister back. “Tell Ace,” I started before Peter turned to leave furiously, “He’s a douchebag and a creep and I hope he’s ready for a hell of a fight.” I turned from Jack to Peter, “And that if he hurts Jackal’s sister, then I promise to personally shove my foot up his ass” I added. Peter ran off to deliver my message, furious at my choice of side. But there was no way I was going to let Ace think he could possibly trade me like a prize.

“What makes you think they won’t hurt her” Jack said, turning to me.

“I know Ace, after what I said, he wouldn’t dare lay a finger on your sister. I promise.” I was confident he wasn’t going to go against my message.

“I want to ask how. But you talked of being traded before, was it he who did so?”

“No, but he watched. He did nothing to help, despite promising to do so.”

“So, you are looking forward to revenge? I hope you know that I am the one that is supposed to defeat him, it’s part of the rule of being the last two full Alpha’s”

“I’m fine with that, just as long as you let him live” I needed him alive, to suffer for the rest of his love for betraying me. You’re lying to yourself, my wolf accused, you couldn’t bear to see his dead body. Shut up. I knew exactly what I was doing.

“What god would that do exactly?” Jack lifted his brow,

“It would make him live with what he did. And with his defeat of course”

“I like your way of thinking.” He smiled cunningly. Know that’s a good reason for them to call him Jackal. “We have under an hour to gather the pack back together and get to the old Alpha’s den.”

“Wait what?!” Mayson’s old den.

“Is there a problem? Because my pack has already begun heading there.”

“Do we have to inside?” my stomach twisted, as I remembered the blood pool and amount of littered body parts I’d left there. Along with the girl I’d thrown through 4 reinforced iron walls.

“No. Why?”

“Let’s just say I may or may not have helped the defeat of the old Alpha’s pack” I blurted out, I didn’t want to hold anything like this back from Jack, since he’d trusted me so much.

“But you side with me now? You will abide by our Alliance, right?”

“Of course.” I said, confidently “I don’t fail the people I am loyal to.”

“Good. Then Let’s get moving, it’s not far from here”

I looked behind Jackal, at the woods entrance, and swallowed hard. I was getting lured straight back into the mess I had only just got out of. Jack and I began moving, fast walking towards the nightmare that surely laid ahead. This was not going to be fun.

Chapter 39 >> Jack's view


“We’re close, be prepared.” one of my men informed me from behind me. I was glad we’d met up with them early, we had to be prepared for the battle together.

“Prepared for what? The Ace I know isn’t smart enough to pull together an ambush” The woman I allied along with laughed. But what if the Alpha she knew is different now. My wolf warned me, speaking my mind. As she chuckled, I heard the pang of a bow string as a thin object flew past her. My reflexes jumped, catching the arrow before it flung past me. I turned to see a drop of blood drop  onto her shoe, and watched as her hand flew to her nose that had a small scrape at the tip of it.

“You were wrong, by the looks of it” I dropped the arrow and stalked towards the direction of its travel. The messenger for Ace from earlier stepped out from the tree he’d hidden behind.

“That shot was meant for you,” He snarled. I snarled back.

“Run back to your Alpha, tell him we begin, Now!” I ordered, still trying to have a shred of decency for the code that they seemed to have abandoned by using a weapon. The man stood there and looked me straight in the eyes.

“He already knows,” a creepy grin crossed his face, “It’s already begun.” I heard yelling from my men and snarls from an unknown source. I turned around to see 2 wolves already fighting my men, some attempting to fight back with their bare hands, shielding those who were shifting. The training I had given them had clearly worn off. But where was the girl. My wolf reminded me. I searched the battle, but she wasn’t there. A growl from behind me made me spin on my heels. Ready to attack if I needed to. I smelled the Alpha before I saw him. He was in wolf form already. Two can play that game. I whistled, and took a step back as 2 of my best fighters appeared to guard me as I shifted.

Chapter 40 >> Lana’s view

Stop cowering and get in there, my wolf begged for me to appear from behind the tree I hid behind. There were two different fights going on, the pack fight and the Alpha fight. I had no idea what to do. I was so confident in kicking Ace’s ass but the moment he showed up, I ran. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I didn’t want him to hurt Jackle. The only way to stop it, was to stop it myself. I stepped out from behind the tree, and began to walk towards the Alpha fight. Go for the head of the problem. I opened my mouth, ready to distract them. “Hey! Mutts!” that was not my voice. I closed my mouth and hid back behind my tree. Coward. My wolf grumbled, depressed from not being given a chance to battle.

The battle had stopped. Whoever it was that said that, had pissed off two whole packs of wolves. Unlucky move. I scanned the small open field that was the battle field, but other than the wolves, there was no one else here. Then I realised where the wolves were looking. Up. I traced their gaze, as I realised what was going on, my memory took me back to the night all this madness began.

A flying person. No wings. Just, hovering.

I felt queasy, as the moonlight shone onto the face of someone I had literally just said I’d leave far behind. The prince. More reason to keep my ass hidden. He surely had thought I’d left town long ago now, I decided it was better he thought that way.

“You are dull enough to think you will be the only ones to live in a place like this?” Kade laughed, “You are fighting for a useless battle. No one will truly win.” He barked, his aggressive tone echoing as wolves began to shift back to human form.

“Prince of Vampires,” Jackal bowed, as he steadied his footing from his shift. “I had not heard that you resided here. Accept my dearest apologies,” I heard Ace scoff,

“Posh bastard,” Ace laughed at Jackal’s apologies to Kade.

“Shut your trap, wolf!” Kade snapped, as he flew, no, literally stepped his way down from his floating position above the trees. “You are at no position to scoff, I know who you are truly know. So, my choice is not in your favour.” Ace gulped. Jackal stood back up from his bow, masking his accomplishment to gain favouring with a professional blank expression. I guess Kade is a special person. But then again, that’s quite obvious, since the guy is literally a Prince. But I didn’t really treat him like it. Woops.

“Prince, if you wouldn’t mind elaborating what your choice of favouring would mean exactly?” Jackal’s question read my mind. What in the hell did Kade mean.

“The choice of who shares the territory of this town.  As known by its ancient name, Therelia.”

This is a joke. They’re acting like this place is worth their lives, like ‘Therelia’ was something special. There’s nothing special about this hell hole minus the fact that there’s a vampire pub owned by a vampire prince who lived in a vampire mansion in the woods. This was like some kind of story you’d say to a kid to make sure they didn’t go near something or place.

“I’ve been informed of 3 present Alpha’s in town, so instead of settling this with” Kade paused, with a look of disgust, “brutality… I’ve decided I shall split the territory into quarters. 1 quarter containing my residence, that you shall not enter without warning. And the other 3 to be set as one per Alpha. This will be a game of wits. The winner takes 3 out of the 4 quarters. I am being extremely generous, do not make any mistake to destroy this generosity.” He pulled out a massive roll of paper from the insides of his suit pants, ripping it into three parts, dropping them at the feet of Jackal and Ace and a third one at the tree I hid behind. He grinned my way before stepping back up and into the night sky.





He must have known I was there the whole time. That dramatic son of a bitch. As I stared at the sky angrily, a throat cleared behind me. How did someone get behind me? I turned slowly.

“Will you ever leave me be, or are you just obsessed with being around me?” a familiar lop-sided grin felt like a slap to my face as it greeted me. This guy seriously needs to be taught a lesson. That lesson should not include his shirt. Fuck. No. don’t think about that!

“Ace, don’t be a hypocrite. You’re a creep.” I press myself against the tree, making as much space as possible between us. “I see you still have no clue what personal space means, I would love to teach you. My way.” I said sarcastically.

“We’ve got better things to do,” Jackal’s voice came from behind the tree, I spun around the tree quickly to stand next to Jackal and get more space between myself and Ace before my two-faced temptations won me over. Ace clearly disagreed, taking a step ahead and leaning on the tree, with a face of new anger I hadn’t seen on him. Was he…. Jealous of Jackal? Hah! He seriously is!

“Going green, Ace?” I sneered, pushing his obvious temptations to continue his fight.

“Don’t tempt the boy, trouble is not to be caused if we want to win.” Jackal put a hand on my shoulder as I had done earlier. The word boy being used to describe Ace suggested otherwise.

“We?” Ace laughed, ignoring our jabs at his ego. “She’s not stupid enough to be with you at her own free will. Hand her over, and no trouble will be cause.” He stood back up on his own two feet, a murderous look on his, hot, face. Damnit, stop thinking like that.

“I say we,” Jack began to smile, “Because that is the correct word to use, considering our alliance. That we made. At our own free will.” Ace’s face flew with shock,

“That’s not possible she’s not….”

“I’m not what? Ace? Not strong enough?! I’ll have you know that earlier today I fought with the King of Vampires. And won.” I finished his sentence, boasting about the fight that was technically a tie. But I surely would’ve won anyway. I congratulated myself, earning more eye-widening from Ace.

Ace turned to Jackal, “I would’ve noticed. It’s not possible” but Jackal just smiled even wider,

“Then I guess you’re not very observant, especially of the moon stance tonight” Jackal sneered, suddenly turning me around and pushing me into the bright moonlight that had just before coated Kade.

“What was that for?!” I yelled, but the words came out as a whisper. I looked towards the moon, a red cloud beginning to cover it and change the colour of its light. I lifted my hand and it was red. Not just red. It was glowing. Different to the glow I left on Kade and Jack’s wounds that made me feel weirdly calm. It was a bright, angry red. I looked back at Jack and Ace, Jack was smiling proudly, but Ace was yelling something I couldn’t hear even thought he was just a couple of metres away from me.

I couldn’t hear him over someone growling. Where was that growling coming from? It was deafening.

But then I realised.

I was the one growling.

Chapter 40 >> Lana's view


“We’re close, be prepared.” one of my men informed me from behind me. I was glad we’d met up with them early, we had to be prepared for the battle together.

“Prepared for what? The Ace I know isn’t smart enough to pull together an ambush” The woman I allied along with laughed. But what if the Alpha she knew is different now. My wolf warned me, speaking my mind. As she chuckled, I heard the pang of a bow string as a thin object flew past her. My reflexes jumped, catching the arrow before it flung past me. I turned to see a drop of blood drop  onto her shoe, and watched as her hand flew to her nose that had a small scrape at the tip of it.

“You were wrong, by the looks of it” I dropped the arrow and stalked towards the direction of its travel. The messenger for Ace from earlier stepped out from the tree he’d hidden behind.

“That shot was meant for you,” He snarled. I snarled back.

“Run back to your Alpha, tell him we begin, Now!” I ordered, still trying to have a shred of decency for the code that they seemed to have abandoned by using a weapon. The man stood there and looked me straight in the eyes.

“He already knows,” a creepy grin crossed his face, “It’s already begun.” I heard yelling from my men and snarls from an unknown source. I turned around to see 2 wolves already fighting my men, some attempting to fight back with their bare hands, shielding those who were shifting. The training I had given them had clearly worn off. But where was the girl. My wolf reminded me. I searched the battle, but she wasn’t there. A growl from behind me made me spin on my heels. Ready to attack if I needed to. I smelled the Alpha before I saw him. He was in wolf form already. Two can play that game. I whistled, and took a step back as 2 of my best fighters appeared to guard me as I shifted.

Chapter 40 >> Lana’s view

Stop cowering and get in there, my wolf begged for me to appear from behind the tree I hid behind. There were two different fights going on, the pack fight and the Alpha fight. I had no idea what to do. I was so confident in kicking Ace’s ass but the moment he showed up, I ran. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I didn’t want him to hurt Jackle. The only way to stop it, was to stop it myself. I stepped out from behind the tree, and began to walk towards the Alpha fight. Go for the head of the problem. I opened my mouth, ready to distract them. “Hey! Mutts!” that was not my voice. I closed my mouth and hid back behind my tree. Coward. My wolf grumbled, depressed from not being given a chance to battle.

The battle had stopped. Whoever it was that said that, had pissed off two whole packs of wolves. Unlucky move. I scanned the small open field that was the battle field, but other than the wolves, there was no one else here. Then I realised where the wolves were looking. Up. I traced their gaze, as I realised what was going on, my memory took me back to the night all this madness began.

A flying person. No wings. Just, hovering.

I felt queasy, as the moonlight shone onto the face of someone I had literally just said I’d leave far behind. The prince. More reason to keep my ass hidden. He surely had thought I’d left town long ago now, I decided it was better he thought that way.

“You are dull enough to think you will be the only ones to live in a place like this?” Kade laughed, “You are fighting for a useless battle. No one will truly win.” He barked, his aggressive tone echoing as wolves began to shift back to human form.

“Prince of Vampires,” Jackal bowed, as he steadied his footing from his shift. “I had not heard that you resided here. Accept my dearest apologies,” I heard Ace scoff,

“Posh bastard,” Ace laughed at Jackal’s apologies to Kade.

“Shut your trap, wolf!” Kade snapped, as he flew, no, literally stepped his way down from his floating position above the trees. “You are at no position to scoff, I know who you are truly know. So, my choice is not in your favour.” Ace gulped. Jackal stood back up from his bow, masking his accomplishment to gain favouring with a professional blank expression. I guess Kade is a special person. But then again, that’s quite obvious, since the guy is literally a Prince. But I didn’t really treat him like it. Woops.

“Prince, if you wouldn’t mind elaborating what your choice of favouring would mean exactly?” Jackal’s question read my mind. What in the hell did Kade mean.

“The choice of who shares the territory of this town.  As known by its ancient name, Therelia.”

This is a joke. They’re acting like this place is worth their lives, like ‘Therelia’ was something special. There’s nothing special about this hell hole minus the fact that there’s a vampire pub owned by a vampire prince who lived in a vampire mansion in the woods. This was like some kind of story you’d say to a kid to make sure they didn’t go near something or place.

“I’ve been informed of 3 present Alpha’s in town, so instead of settling this with” Kade paused, with a look of disgust, “brutality… I’ve decided I shall split the territory into quarters. 1 quarter containing my residence, that you shall not enter without warning. And the other 3 to be set as one per Alpha. This will be a game of wits. The winner takes 3 out of the 4 quarters. I am being extremely generous, do not make any mistake to destroy this generosity.” He pulled out a massive roll of paper from the insides of his suit pants, ripping it into three parts, dropping them at the feet of Jackal and Ace and a third one at the tree I hid behind. He grinned my way before stepping back up and into the night sky.





He must have known I was there the whole time. That dramatic son of a bitch. As I stared at the sky angrily, a throat cleared behind me. How did someone get behind me? I turned slowly.

“Will you ever leave me be, or are you just obsessed with being around me?” a familiar lop-sided grin felt like a slap to my face as it greeted me. This guy seriously needs to be taught a lesson. That lesson should not include his shirt. Fuck. No. don’t think about that!

“Ace, don’t be a hypocrite. You’re a creep.” I press myself against the tree, making as much space as possible between us. “I see you still have no clue what personal space means, I would love to teach you. My way.” I said sarcastically.

“We’ve got better things to do,” Jackal’s voice came from behind the tree, I spun around the tree quickly to stand next to Jackal and get more space between myself and Ace before my two-faced temptations won me over. Ace clearly disagreed, taking a step ahead and leaning on the tree, with a face of new anger I hadn’t seen on him. Was he…. Jealous of Jackal? Hah! He seriously is!

“Going green, Ace?” I sneered, pushing his obvious temptations to continue his fight.

“Don’t tempt the boy, trouble is not to be caused if we want to win.” Jackal put a hand on my shoulder as I had done earlier. The word boy being used to describe Ace suggested otherwise.

“We?” Ace laughed, ignoring our jabs at his ego. “She’s not stupid enough to be with you at her own free will. Hand her over, and no trouble will be cause.” He stood back up on his own two feet, a murderous look on his, hot, face. Damnit, stop thinking like that.

“I say we,” Jack began to smile, “Because that is the correct word to use, considering our alliance. That we made. At our own free will.” Ace’s face flew with shock,

“That’s not possible she’s not….”

“I’m not what? Ace? Not strong enough?! I’ll have you know that earlier today I fought with the King of Vampires. And won.” I finished his sentence, boasting about the fight that was technically a tie. But I surely would’ve won anyway. I congratulated myself, earning more eye-widening from Ace.

Ace turned to Jackal, “I would’ve noticed. It’s not possible” but Jackal just smiled even wider,

“Then I guess you’re not very observant, especially of the moon stance tonight” Jackal sneered, suddenly turning me around and pushing me into the bright moonlight that had just before coated Kade.

“What was that for?!” I yelled, but the words came out as a whisper. I looked towards the moon, a red cloud beginning to cover it and change the colour of its light. I lifted my hand and it was red. Not just red. It was glowing. Different to the glow I left on Kade and Jack’s wounds that made me feel weirdly calm. It was a bright, angry red. I looked back at Jack and Ace, Jack was smiling proudly, but Ace was yelling something I couldn’t hear even thought he was just a couple of metres away from me.

I couldn’t hear him over someone growling. Where was that growling coming from? It was deafening.

But then I realised.

I was the one growling.

Chapter 41 >> Jack's view


“You don’t understand what you’ve done!” The Alpha Ace furiously yelled at me,

“I understand clearly what I’ve done, and so do you. It’s natural, don’t get so worked up” I said calmly, not making eye contact with him.

“No, you don’t, this will alert the Immortal Court. This can’t be happening, she’s not ready! Lana!” He yelled, running at the blood-red whirlwind that Lana was centred in. I quickly grabbed hold of the back of his shirt, holding him back.

“Are you stupid?! If you’re that worried you wouldn’t dare interrupt the Alpha transformation, she’ll die if you do. The moon doesn’t choose anyone who isn’t ready. And the Immortal Court will just add her to the list, she’s not a fugitive, they won’t come after her.” I informed him, but he turned and whacked my hand from his collar.

“You don’t understand what she can do, or what they’ll do to have her under their control. Don’t touch me again unless you plan on finishing our fight!” He stormed off,

What was that supposed to mean? I tried to put together the pieces of his rant, but it didn’t make any sense. My thoughts were broking by a blood-curdling howl. I smiled at the wolf that stared back at me from the now cleared red steam. She was finished.

“Welcome to our world,” I said, as it glared deep into my eyes. It’s own glowing a fierce red that I all but recognized. “New Alpha Lana.” I pulled the map from under my foot, patting my own that I had in my belt to make sure it was still there. I reached my hand out to the glorious beast, offering the map.

It slowly stalked up to me, eyes still glaring deeply into mine. Make the wrong move, I dare you. Its eyes spoke.

“I know I ally with your human counterpart,” I focused on staring back at it, not backing down but not making any readable move. “But does your loyalty lie with me as well?”

It nodded, snapping its jaws around the map I held not seconds ago. “Good, then it is settled.”

“If you head East, you will know your own territory. I hope to see you soon.” I turned, not expecting a reply for obvious reasons. Your level of trust is high in her, that is rare.  My wolf reminded me of the odd sensation of trust I put into the wolf they call Lana. I’m well aware. I reply, with nothing else to say. I heard the shuffle of feet as my pack followed behind. As well as an extra pair of feet hitting the ground. I smiled before turning around, looking down to find the familiar face staring back at me.

“I thought for a second there you’d failed to get away from them, Kara” I welcomed my sister back,

“Oh please, they’re all about brute strength, I swear there’s not a brain cell up in their heads.” She fired back, back to our casual bickering and jeering that we valued as much as normal families enjoyed compliments and kisses goodnight from the ones they loved.

“I was starting to think the exact same thing, sister. Some interesting events have happened during your absence, I’ll tell you along the way.”

Chapter 42 >> Kade's view


“You understand the task ahead?” I asked, pacing in front of the 2 women and a girl that stood in front of me.

“Yes, Beloved Prince” they answered in unison,

“You understand that you must monitor, and report back to me, on the movements of these wolves?”

“Yes, Beloved Prince”

“That you are to attempt to befriend them and gain their trust?” I stopped, “But to stay out of their way, and not attempt to control them – as that will risk your life – and I will not grieve you for your mistakes?”

“We understand, Beloved Prince.”

“Repeat your introduction, one final time” I ordered, stopping to face them.

First, a female, with silver hair cut into a bob, and features reminding you of an eagle with a lengthy nose and thin lips and eyes a deep brown, stepped forward warily. “I am Rowena, a vamp of vampire Prince Kade Samuels, sent to help guide you, Werewolf Alpha named Jackal, to succeed in keeping the territory you have earned.” She smiled, but it never reached her eyes. “Perfect, next” I ordered, as the next vampire stalked up, her stilettos making her sound more important than I knew she was. Her pale skin complimenting the yellow beady eyes, and perfect complexion, red lipstick daring you to kiss her. She was perfect for the job I had set her, the Alpha I was to send her to, was to do more than befriend her, as I knew his secrets would never spill through a simple friendship and that he needed something more to trust her. But something fake. It had to be sexual, she had to look her best and she did.

“I am Yulanda, a vamp of vampire Prince Kade Samuels, sent to help guide you, Werewolf Alpha named Ace, to succeed in keeping the territory you have earned.” She practiced her up and down search, delivering a flirty wink and smile before her face returned to blankness and she stepped back into line. “You fit this position well, Yulanda. Next,” I congratulated her performance. Next a much shorter, younger girl stood up to me, confidently. “Hi, I’m Remy, a fairy sent by Prince Kade Samuels, to you, the wolf named Lana, to help you succeed in keeping your own place and control.” She stepped down, but her smile, unlike the others, was true, as was her excitement for the task. I couldn’t help but smile at her cute little introduction and happiness. “You’re dangerously ready for the task ahead, Remy.” “Remember the stakes if you fail ladies.” Randy said from the door of the room, with another figure next to him. Jay, the youngster who’d been begging for Remy’s position for hours on end from the moment I announced its trials.

“I’ve told you more than once, Jay,” I sighed, remembering the word no I had said way too many times for me to count.

“Prince, I promise you, she already trusts me, she won’t trust something like that.” He gestures at Remy, the fairy only replying by sticking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry. Dangerously adorable. Was all she could remind me of, as her small little button nose twitched, flipping Jay off his own feet and slam dunking him into the polished wood floor.

“Careful Remy, I don’t want my floors ruined” I kindly said, interrupting her anger burst.

“My apologies, Prince.” She said, her child-like voice accompanying an apologetic bow could only make one feel like they wanted to just cuddle her for eternity. Fairies. I scoffed in my thoughts.

“Be on your way, ladies.” I ordered, waving my hand in the air as the vamps used their inhuman speed to enter out the door, and the fairy vanishing into thin air.

“I don’t want to hear any more complaints about my choices from you,” I turned to Jay and Randy, “Or you” I pointed my last words at Randy, surprising him.

“I’m not complaining at all” Randy grinned as Jay rubbed his head in clear pain. His whole demeanour suggested he’d seen or known something more about the youngster that made him deserve the pounding. I wanted to question it, but I didn’t have the time.

“I’ll make sure everything stays in place for your return from your honeymoon, Your Highness” Randy said, dragging the slumped boy along with him as he left the room.

Julie mustn’t be told the wolf is in town. It’ll ruin the week I have planned. I smiled at my thoughts, reminding myself of the things I would give Julie, the scenery I would share with her. I just had to make sure she wouldn’t be able to read my lies if she ever mentioned her. Easy.

Chapter 43 >> Lana's view


I woke myself with a moan. Stretching out my hand and going to grab a handful of sheets. I was poorly mistaken. Opening my eyes to see my hand full of leaves and dirt I had just grabbed from the woods floor I laid on. My back cracked as I sat up, dropping the leaves and finding many more attached to the once-clean clothes, now covered in dirt. Brushing off as much as I could, I felt something inside my sleeve. I stood up on my still asleep legs, wobbling slightly but holding onto the tree I’d slept under. Curiosity grabbing hold of me, I shook the object out of my sleeve. Oh yeah, that. I thought, as I remembered the familiar map and confusing scene that happened to be the night before. Keep your guard up, you never know when you’re not alone. Protect the map. My wolf instructed me, pulling my senses back up to their heightened stances. I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched, quickly grabbing my map, and silently walking forward. Let’s see… I opened the map just enough so that I could see it fully, memorising it as much as possible. ‘Therelia’ the old scroll was named, of course, the random ‘ancient’ bullshit Kade was talking about last night. A small red glowing dot attracted my attention, in the middle of what looked like a delicately drawn forest. It was labelled, ‘Beholder’. As I continued to walk, the dot moved. “What the?” I whispered to myself, confused at what the hell had just happened. Wait, someone once told me about a fairy-tale of something like this. Jye, I thought sincerely realising I’d forgotten all about him and the other guys. A tear edged its way into my eyes but I swallowed it away, remembering my promise to them. Jye… Hue… Franky… Lan… Mongo…

“If you ever feel alone,” Mongo’s voice shook my head in memory,

“Or that you need a good friend to trust,” Lan’s voice joined Mongo’s

“Or someone to beat up anybody who’s pissed you off,” Franky’s thundering voice joined the parade,

“Someone to call when you need help, or are lost, promise us you’ll call.” Hue’s concerned voice, shaking my nerves as it too joined from my memories,

“People to call your brothers, your family, we’ll be waiting for you to call.” Jye’s loving voice finished off the memory, as the tear I’d pushed back, flooded down my cheek without my permission. I wiped it away, knowing I should show such weakness, even if I was just the only one here. But I don’t feel like I am.

Shaking my head, I remembered the all too well story Jye would tell. It was a story of supernatural’s, ones I thought once never existed, and their adventures around a different planet. He said they travelled using maps with glowing red dots, that would show their holder where they were on the map. It was just a story, I thought as I willed myself to move again, tracking my steps.

Two steps forward. The dot moved the slightest bit forward.

Two steps back. It settled back into its old position.

Four steps left. It swiftly doubled its previous lengths to the left.

It’s not just a story, I crumpled my brow, realising I shouldn’t think any of our old fairy-tales were just stories. This could be extremely useful, and since I’m it’s… beholder, it could definitely take me where I needed to go. Where I needed to be right now. I traced my finger past the lining of the woods that I must be in on the map, and finding another beautifully delicate tracing of the town. But surprisingly enough, it detailed down to specifics of different houses, restaurants, all things I’d seen recently. Despite the fact that it seemed ancient, the map revealed the modern-day town of Therelia. Who am I kidding, none of this is even surprising anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if big foot was standing next to me giving me an invitation to a tea party for fucks sake. I rolled the map up, remembering the directions I needed to go, and shoving it back up my long sleeve. I normally hated long sleeves, but, it’s not like I had a choice. I’d stupidly left my duffel bag all the way back at the battle between Jackal and Harold. Smart move, Lana, smart move. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but a promise is a promise, and I never break my promises. As I walked, I was reminded of one more promise I hadn’t broken. “Promise me you won’t forget me,” his voice broke every chain of thought I had every time those words thundered my mind. I never understood what he meant, that day, and I didn’t want to. Something deep inside me told me that if I did understand, I wouldn’t hold back something from him. What that something was, I had no clue. But I had a clue of what I was doing now. I needed to go in town, and do what I spent my free years as an older teen doing. Steal. I did it to survive then, and I guess, it’d be the same now. I needed money, a phone and clothes. And if I was lucky a tent or something like a mattress because I was not sleeping on the ground again, that’d earned me a small back ache I didn’t want again, even though I healed quickly it was still just as annoying as when they occurred for days when I used to sleep on the streets.

The woods began to clear up, as I realised I’d been thinking so hard about the past and things people had said that I’d lost track on how fast the time had gone by, and that I was already on the verge of Therelia. I wish Judy Jennifer had told me the modern name of this place, I thought, knowing for sure people knew it by a much different, more normal name. Daylight shone on my face, forcing me to use a hand to cover my eyes, shielding them from the brightness like the trees had done moments before.

“From memory… there should be one right around here…” I mumbled to myself, stalking the street.

“Looking for something?” a child’s voice appeared behind me, Ew, children. I chose to ignore the kid, there was no way I was looking it in the eye, children were evil in my eyes, not just evil but every time I looked them in the eyes they would burst into tears. I felt a small tug at the back of my shirt, stopping me in my tracks. The snotball had touched me. The snotball. Touched me.

“What do you want, kid? I’ve got to do something important.” I snapped, not even turning to the little beast. Something like steal from your parents.

“Hi, I’m Re- “

“I don’t care who you are. Run off to your mummy and daddy already, before a big bad wolf snaps you up and eats you.” I taunted, continuing to walk on, taking advantage of the fact that the kid had dropped my shirt. A big bad wolf like me, who is hungry after all. Just not for snotballs.  Not daring to look back, mainly because I’d probably see a kid dropped on their ass crying their demonic little soul out.

Hope and excitement drilled themselves through my face as I couldn’t help but smile, my memory didn’t fail me, as I was met with the rusty old payphone barely running on the corner of the street between the café I met Jack and the street of bars. Sliding my feet along and into the payphone my waves of nervousness and excitement crashed against each other. Breaking into payphones was easy for me, I’d done it before without money. Surely, I can still do it, even if it had been a fair few years since. I tested the strength of my nails, making sure they were still as strong as they used to be. Or even stronger, from the events that had gone on since then. They didn’t snap as I pressed them against the metal, forcing another smile. “Still got it.” I whispered to myself proudly, as I dug my right-hand nails into the dents of the key lock that held the sheet of metal between me and a bunch of coins.

Now I just needed to remember the right twisting motions. Lefty Lucy, right Tighty. The lock made a satisfying click as it bounced off the metal door, landing in my waiting left hand as my right pried the miniature safe open. There had to be at least $60 worth of $1 and $2 dollar coins. I tucked a bunch into the pockets of my jeans and grabbed one last one before reversing my previous actions and putting the lock back on like nothing happened. Righty tighty, lefty Lucy. It made a pop as it locked back into place. I quickly popped the last dollar coin I took into the tin coin insert making the phone buttons digits come alive with electricity. I quickly snatched it out of its rusty hold and dialled in the familiar number. It rung one time, two times, three, four, fi-

“Hello?” A familiar grumbly voice

“Franky! How are you going brother?” I leaned, twirling the coil the phone had holding between it and the metal payphone stand.

“Is this who I think it is?” Franky said, excitement lacing his booming deep voice.

“Is that our snow white on the phone?” I heard Lan in the background,

“I told you she’d need us,” Mongo’s over-confident voice piped up,

“She made a promise, she never breaks a promise, remember? Don’t be such a dumbass Mongo.” I heard Hue snap back at Mongo’s egotistical comment.

So, the old gang are still together. I couldn’t help myself, I laughed, and hard.

“I missed you numbskulls so much,” I laughed, but seriousness washed over as I realised there was one voice missing. “I can’t hear Jye. Is he there?” Sudden silence. I checked to make sure the payphone was still working, but it wasn’t the phone that caused the silence. “Guys?” I asked the silence, worried about what it meant.

“He’s out on an errand, boy gets busy after a few years without you y’know” Franky replied wearily, something’s wrong.

“Don’t lie to a liar, Franky. Where’s Jye.” I meant it to be a question, but it came out more like an order, only leaving me and the still silence once again.

“We’ll tell you where he is, but first just give me a few more seconds…” Lan’s voice interrupted the stillness. “Okay, now that we know your location,” that smart bastard, Lan still hasn’t changed.

“Tell me what’s going on, I don’t like being in the dark you know that Lan.” I tried to sound kind, knowing that the aggressiveness I held in my sentence before was too much. Too much for people I cared about and trusted.

“It’s best we chat in private, I’m picking up the vibe that there’s someone else on the line.”

So Lan felt it too, the feeling I couldn’t shake since the time I woke up in the forest. Like someone else was there.

Before anything else could be said, the line cut off. From what I remember, last place they were was back in Australia, but considering Lan tracking the call, I had a feeling they wouldn’t be far away. A few days at most. The first time I’d seen those guys, I was about 18, they took me in despite the fact that I was a thief. A nobody. A low-life child that deserved nothing.

The last time I’d seen them, I was verging on 22 and had been offered a new place to stay. With a girl named Julie-Anne Baker. Hell it seemed so long ago that we were normal people, living normal lives. It lasted so short. It’s been 2 years since then, I needed to make myself understand that no matter what, I could never go back to that. Despite how much I wanted to.

“Who was that?” a child-like voice asked from behind me, again. I grumbled a curse under my breath, turning to be met with a child. An adorable child. Weirdly adorable child. There was something even more wrong with this kid than the average miniature demon.

“The Bogey-man, he’s on his way to come kill you before the big bad wolf can.” I said, moving off, pushing the child out of my way as I headed around the corner to the street full of bars. I needed a drink. And to think I thought I could stop drinking on my tour a la americano, hah well I guess that road closed off the moment I met a flying vampire and an Alpha on a full moon.

“Where are you goin? Not anywhere without me, I hope.” I heard the voice and small feet patter along behind me.

“A place for adults,” I said, “Especially without you, and without your hope. Scat, before I call the bogey-man to come get you even quicker.” I made a flick of my hand, venom in my voice. The patter disappeared and I dared to look back this time. There was nothing there, no child, nothing on the pathway other than the payphone and myself. Though the sudden disappearance worried me into thinking I was going slightly insane, I pushed the feeling away, crossing the empty road and into the first bar on the street, that just screamed cheap drinks. And considering the few dollars I had, it practically beckoned me. pushing the door open I was met with an Irish dancing songs ending, coming from the jukebox in the corner, the bell rang above me as I took a step into the stinking place. It smelt like cigarettes and testosterone. I found the bar stools filled with men, as they man-spread, covering as many seats as possible. The long silence of the jukebox changing songs and the lingering eyes reminded me of my old stealing teen days. Drunks like these were always the easiest to trick. Except for ones with amethyst eyes.

“Bloody hell,” I cursed under my breath, avoiding eye contact with him, walking straight at the bartender cleaning a table.

“May I help you miss? I believe the tea parties happen on the other side of town.” He snickered,

“Yes you can help me, you sexist pig, I need a table for six.” I replied, still avoiding eye contact from the pair of eyes that haunted and blessed my dreams.

“Ouch, fiery gal, are you? Table for six’ll come right up, if you got the payment that is.” He stood from wiping the table meeting eye to eye with me, he may have been taller but he was wary of my anger. Good,

“I do, have a payment that is,” a smile crept up on my face that deterred him, “My payment will be shoving my foot so far up your tiny nuts they’ll come out your mouth. Now if you wouldn’t mind, I prefer the dark corner of this musty old pub, if you could set it up there while I go run some… errands”

I left his mouth open and his eyes full of shock, knowing full well that my spacing between the word errand made him understand I wasn’t some pushover. And that if I wanted, I would hurt him.

“Toodles, ladies” I waved my hand in the air like a posh lady, off to my tea party, ya dick.

I turned suddenly as I quickly left the pub, turning the corner into the little alleyway that Jack’s first battle here had been. It was clean, well it was shitty alleyway so it wasn’t actually clean, but it was clean of the blood and bodies that once lie in the dark strip. I whipped out the map from my sleeve, glad it was still there, and I wasn’t actually crazy. Unfolding it, I saw the glowing red dot, now in between two familiar dark buildings. I sighed, the stress of whether I’d just pulled the boys into my mess weighing down on my decision to call them. Do not worry about them, they know what they signed up for. My wolf spoke, for the first time in what seemed like forever. That was enough to de-stress me for the moment. I rolled the map back up, sliding it back into my sleeve that seemed to be its new home. Flipping my hair around as I walked out of the alleyway and back into the now busy street. That’s strange, I thought as I tried to fight my way back through the crowd on the small pathway, I swear this place was like a ghost town just seconds ago. I needed to wake myself up more, I was clearly not taking everything completely in. I felt the shudder, of the same feeling I’d had all morning. Someone’s watching. And it didn’t mean the obvious crowd. Someone else, Something else.

I decided to ignore it for the moment, to focus on other things, like who was wearing the easiest steal.

I tapped a man with a Rolex on the shoulder, pulling him from the sides.

“I’m so sorry, I seem to have forgotten my watch today and need to get to work soon. Could you tell me the time I have a meeting I have to go to and-“ I pretended to be in a stressful situation, the man nodding his understanding, I’d hit the right target. Rich office worker. Nice.

“I completely understand, office life am I right?” He scoffed, looking at his watch, “It’s 11:57am, hope you’re not late” He said, his voice understanding to a woman of a fake life. I pretended a smile of thankfulness.

“Thank you so much, I must get going thought, you know how the bosses are about being on time,” I took a step towards him, giving him a friendly pat on the chest, “Thanks so much buddy” I smiled as I walked away, his money clip in my hand. The rich are always more blind. I smiled at my success, the guy just casually turned his way back into the crowd, not a care in the world. What an idiot. I snapped off the engraved clip, as it made it too obvious to other people if I walked around with a rich man’s engraved money clip. dropping it on the ground and stuffing the wad of cash into my bra, I remembered the small cheap all-in-one store that sat sadly behind the café a street down. I saw compartments selling all kinds of things, from cheap clothes to camping supplies. Basically all I needed.

As I made my way through the street, I tuned into the casual conversations of the towns people.

“Lovely day isn’t it?”

“Absolutely beautiful.”

“Oh, hey Margaret – from across the street!”

I felt a tinge from under my sleeve, surprising me, I realised it came from the map. What now? I was standing outside the café, not exactly the safest place to open my map but I had to know what had just happened. Flipping it open I saw a small burning happening over in the woods where I’d once been on the map, the flame then burned out leaving a detailed cottage shaped spot. Is it telling me a house just… appeared? Worried about my sanity, I rolled the map up , placing it gently back into my sleeve and pacing faster past the Café’s beautiful exterior and into the cheapo store. Taking a step in, with the creaking door welcoming me along with the smell of cheap plastic and fragrances you’d smell in a retirement home.

“Can I help you with anything today?” A cheerful clerk said, rushing from behind her counter, clearly, I was the only customer here right now. Good,

“Actually yes, I’m going on a trip with the family, and we’ll be camping out in a woods similar to this one. Do you have a little camping pack or something that I could buy? Along with some clothes, I seem to have switched bags with someone else on my trip here. You know how family trips are right?” I asked, she was clearly the family person. Nodding and smiling with the same understanding innocence as the man before. Nailed it once again.

“Yes, I know, they can be such a pain sometimes” she laughed as she walked off, still talking as she walked into the camping section I’d eyed off earlier. “We actually have something that matches exactly what you’re looking for, and I know how hard some of the pressure family can bring, so I’ll give you a discount if you want.” She said, clearly thinking back to some kind of memories that I pretend to share with her.

“Oh, you’re a blessing, I’ve had such a bad day with the mixed baggage and all, thank you so much you’re an absolute darl” I said, as she handed me an army green duffel bag.

“Well I hope your day gets better, the clothing section is just to your left if you want to pick out a few ensembles, they can be discounted too” She clearly felt bad for me, poor small-minded girl. I felt bad for her.

“Thank you so much, you really are amazing” I said, returning her sincere smile, As she dumped the bag and scanned it on her little cashier machine. I strummed my fingers through the sale section, knowing I needed to save my money, my words had been chosen carefully and rewarded me with discounts but even still, going for sale stock couldn’t hurt. Grabbing a few dark denim jeans and casual short sleeves, as well as things I’d missed for a while, decent underwear, not the thong Jay had provided or the commando situation. Fulfilling my current satisfaction, I headed over with my new clothes, along with a pair of laced thick army boots that would surely do better than the poor joggers that barely held together on my feet. Placing them atop the counter, I landed one more sad smile, earning as many more brownie points as possible with the girl as she scanned my items one by one. My eyes darted to a pack of mints on show at the counter, I quickly took a pack, stuffing them into my shoe, pretending to tie my shoe lace. I got back up as she packed my last item into a plastic bag and placing it next to the duffel bag on the counter.

“That’ll be $57 with the added discounts,” She shot her hand out, obviously practiced multiple times, I whipped a $50 note out of my bra and 7 of the $1 coins from the payphone, noting the leftover $130 for later instances. She gave me one last smile as I grabbed my bags and strutted out,

“Have a nice day,” she called out as I pushed open the door,

“You too,” I yelled back, already crossing the street in an even faster pace. I needed to get back to the bar, it seemed to be the place I was going to meet the boys in. Surely, it’s the first place they would go anyway. Cheap bars were like their second home. I just hoped the amethyst-eyes douchebag was ready to leave before the gang came, they would surely see my discomfort and then I didn’t want to imagine what would happen next. I realised how fast I must have been going, as the same bell from earlier rang as I pushed open the crappy bar door. “You again,” I heard the bartender mumbled from behind his bar,

“Me again,” I grumbled back, “My table?”

“Over in the corner as you asked” he said, clearly disgruntled at the thought of his manhood coming through his throat. I cursed realising as I strutted over to the corner, sitting at the end of the table that backed the wall, so I could see everything in the bar without everything in the bar seeing me, that those same amethyst eyes were still there, more drunk then before but still there, staring at me.

I plopped the duffel bag and plastic shopping bag under my chair protectively, grabbing a grey cap to cover my eyes for extra protection over eye contact, of which I hadn’t paid for. Along with some sunnies, a hair brush and the mints amongst the stuff I didn’t pay for. A small hint of guilt stung at me from inside but I ignored it, realising that the feeling I was being watched, not by Ace, but from this morning, had disappeared. I took it as a moment to relax, tipping the hat to avoid all possible eye contact and closing my eyes for brief, short relaxing moments. I opened my eyes one more time to see the bottom half of a male, a stumbling male, realising the moment was better now than later I ripped off my cap to meet the full body of a completely and shamefully drunk Ace.

“What do you want? You’re drunk, don’t waste my time” I snapped, but he was un-fazed,

“You’ve got 5 chairs the that beckon to me and my friends, the exact amount, I’m sure your girlfriends who are probably coming to meet you won’t mind” he held a hand hovering above the chair, but he noticed the same thing I did, 5 individual bell rings from the front. A giant smile crept across my face,

“Ya heard that Franky? I think you’d make a lovely girlfriend of mine don’t you think so?” I could hear his thunking steps as the tank of a man appeared at the other end of my table, arms crossed, pissed, but ready to joke.

“I feel I might be missing some of the feminine structure” he said, flinching his large biceps to prove his point. I couldn’t help but smile even wider, I swear my lips would break. As 3 more figures appeared behind him, all sharing the same dangerous grin.

“I dunno,” I said, making an obvious fake chin rub as if I was actually thinking about this, “This fella here obviously disagrees” The devious grins seemed to drop of the gangs faces, as they looked towards Ace, who now stumbled even more than before. I guess when he was drunk he dropped the strong-man act.

“I feel slightly unwelcome, boss I think we should leave.” Peter, in the same drunk state as his Alpha didn’t wait for Ace’s quarrel, as he and the 3 others turned to stumble out. The bell ringing as they exited. He leaned into my ear,

“You haven’t forgotten your promise, you’re not very good at hiding it.” You could hear the smirk in his voice, but this time, I felt it more like a challenge. He’s daring me to follow the other half of me that wanted him. Not happening. I felt his body get thrown onto the wall behind me, as I digested his sentence.

“I think you better follow your little friends and make way, bud” I heard Franky’s deep voice threaten at Ace, but I kept my head staring straight ahead. I heard Ace chuckle. At this state, he’s probably fight Franky without a thought. Even though Franky was a much bigger than him.

“Let him go, Franky, the guy’s drunk.” I said coldly, pretending I knew nothing of the man named Ace.

I heard him drop to his feet and slowly follow the track of his pack. Gladly, he didn’t cause a scene.

I stood up and pressed myself into the waiting thick body of Franky, slapping his back hard as we let go of our embrace, “How are you goin, Frank?” I asked, but not waiting for an answer I turned to the other 3 waiting for their turn, the slim but smart Lan. I had to thank him, he was the one who found where I was in the first place. I turned to him giving him a peck on the forehead, as he was shorter and less of a tank so it was easier. I then turned to Mongo, he was tapping his foot,

“You’ve never been the patient one, Mongo, I guess things don’t change.” I grinned as I slapped into an amazing handshake we’d made up years ago.

Then finally I turned to Hue, with his average build and large scar that I knew drew from his heart to his hip peeking through the low-cut t-shirt he wore, Jye’s swords at his belt. Before I could question he grabbed me, holding me in a deep embrace and settling his head next to mine. “This is from me and Jye” he said sadly,

“Speaking of the devil.” I pulled away and went to sit back in my chair as the boys took their own seats, all but one empty chair. “Give me the story, now, why couldn’t you have just told me. even if there was someone else on the line, surely he’s not in that big of trouble-” my rant was cut off by the looks they were giving me,

“In a way,” Lan started,

“He technically is,” Hue finished,

“Just think of it as a little trip, you know Jye, he’ll be back in no time” Franky added wearily.

“Does he even know where to go?” I asked, scared he’ll get lost even if he finished his… ‘Trip’

“Yeah, of course, we wouldn’t let him be in the dark” Lan stated,

“You would probably kill us if we did” Mongo piped in,

“True.” I confirmed, if they ever decided to leave any one of the brothers in the dark I would definitely make them regret it. But they never would. Not just for fear of what I might do. They just wouldn’t. the brothers were loyal, to each other and to me, neither of which would betray the other. Ever. They were the exact kind of people I’d needed right now.

“Ay, Bartender, chuck a few over ‘ere, I need some booze!” Mongo said, still egotistical as normal.

I chuckled, but my worry for Jye and why the brothers wouldn’t tell me where he is growing by the minute. Hue rose his hand, stopping the bartender in his tracks,

“Mongo, are you forgetting all about how to actually celebrate a coming together such as this?” He said, waving his finger like he was telling off a naught child.

“Something better than booze,” Franky chuckled,

“Better than booze, thought impossible,” Mongo continued,

“The 5 deadly sins, the brotherhood and all other names,” Lan joined,

“We get it, we make the special shots to make everybody happy, it’s a reunion not a movie you dramatic little bitches” I stopped their little scene, breaking it off. I didn’t have much patience at the moment, Jye’s missing presence was making me uncomfortable by the minute, as well as Ace’s challenging words. And the fact that I hadn’t seen Jackal since he pushed me into that red tornado thing. As well as, me avoiding the realisation that I was different than before, more so, powerful. I felt more connected to my wolf than ever, and I know she felt it too. Instead of acting like two separate beings, I felt we were one – and I loved that feeling of having her not just by my side.

Hue stood up, sliding the chair along the stone floor.  “fine, Miss Impatient, I’ll serve the drinks up,” He took a glance at the bartender, “You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed your bar for a sec, I’ll pay you for it don’t worry” the bartender eyed him for a moment, but nodded, turning to clean up after the mess Ace and his pack had left. And the random appearing house that literally burned its way onto my map.

Hue got to work behind the bar, filling five shot glass with random beverages, fulfilling the excitement of the 3 boys left at the table with me. With Hue and Jye gone, Franky, Mongo and Lan were always easy to squeeze information out of, for me at least. I shifted my position, taking my feet up onto the table and staring directly into Mongo’s eyes.

“I don’t- “he started, fear in his eyes as he knew exactly what was about to happen.

“Yes you do, Mongo you know exactly what’s going on. Don’t lie to a liar.” I blocked him off,

“Go easy on us, Snow, if it was right for us to tell you where he is, we would have already.” Lan tried to help him out,

“I’m not your little Snow White anymore, brothers, I won’t stand for this, you even take the drink of the brothers whilst one is missing? You’re all acting strange.” I barked at them, once again more aggressive than I wanted, earning some sad looks from the burly men.

“But-“Franky started,

“No. No more buts. You’re not welcome if you’re going to act like this, might as well go jump on those cycles of yours and drive over this middle of nowhere town’s bloody horizon.” I sighed, “I love you guys, but I can’t be treated like this, I’m not your little underling to hide under your wing.”

Lan, Mongo and Franky all paused, looking at each other for some kind of acceptance before they spoke.

“We’ve noticed.” Lan said matter of factly,

“You’re much stronger than before,” Franky said proudly,

“And smarter,” Mongo admitted,

“But you still called, you’re not the only one with some questions that need answers, Katalana” Hue stomped over breaking the conversation with his seriousness. He’d used my birthname like an insult, knowing full well I hated him using it. I may have loved these boys like they were my own brothers, but even they weren’t allowed to say it. Let alone know it. I sat silently, trying to figure out the plan he was manifesting.

“You called us,” Hue continued, placing the drinks down, “We won’t be going anywhere” one by one, including one in front of me that was meant for Jye. It was a blood-red, reminding me of the night before, and the colour I’d seen in the Alpha’s eyes. What would soon be in my eyes if I didn’t control myself, I reminded myself. Jye was the head of the group, he was a combination of all the boys, and more deadly, like the rest of them, when they were all together. That’s where people began to call them things like the 5 deadly sins. It was a title, earned by their fearsome motives. And all who knew of them not to mess with their sister, their sixths sense, as they called me. But that was long ago. It’d been years since anyone recognised me.

“If you’ve forgotten, I will remind you of our stubbornness, sis.”

“Fine, stay, but promise me, no more scenes like the one you pulled just before. I want you to be here in silence. There’s people in this town I want you to stay away from, is that clear?” I said, defeated. Only by them, would I ever be defeated in an argument. Only by my brothers, not by blood but by heart. As Hue settled himself down, Jye’s swords clanking at the metal chair’s touch, I stared down at the red shot glass in front of me. “Bottoms up,” Hue said, as each of the boys grabbed their drinks and skulled their mystery shots down. Hue’s being a thick golden mixture, Mongo’s a green thin and chunky liquid, Franky’s a dirt brown muddy looking thing and Lan’s a daring purple with small green speckles floating throughout it. As the drinks disappeared, I knew what I had to, I wasn’t going to drink for Jye, like he was a fallen soldier. I picked the drink up, as their eyes pierced the drink in my hand, and smashed it down onto the silver table, feeling the shards of glass cut at my skin. I forced myself to not heal immediately, it would bring too much suspicion. I lifted my hand, my bloody mixing with the red drink that spilt over the table along with glass shards.

I stared the boys down, giving them a nod and grabbing my stuff from under the chair.

“I’ve got places to be and things to do. Remember your promise, brothers. You make a scene and you leave.” I said, walking off leaving the payment of the drinks and damages to them. The bell rang over my head as I finally let some of my tanked up rage out, letting a single vein on my forehead blacken for a short and brief moment. I sighed heavily, but my sigh ended quickly as a pair of stern hands gripped around my mouth and dragged me into the alleyway. But I didn’t fight it. Whoever wanted a piece of me could get it, because I honestly felt pretty worn down and hopeless right now.

“New Alpha, do not fight.” The hands loosened, spinning me around to meet eye to eye with a man in a suit with a grey scarf hiding his features. His suit looked expensive, and his shoes well-polished.

“Wasn’t planning on it, who are you?” I questioned the stranger who made me feel oddly calm.

“A messenger from the Immortal Court, we were notified by the moon that you had been chosen to become an Alpha,” He informed, speaking like I understood. The moon? These guys talk with the moon? What joke has my life really come to?

“Sure okay, well Mr messenger, what are you doing here exactly?”

“I need to ask you just a few short questions, if you wouldn’t mind answering?” His face was blank, he knew how to hide his secrets. That made me uncomfortable.

“As long as they’re short” I said, but what I meant was as long as I didn’t have to uncover things I didn’t want to. I crossed my arms and put up my own kind of blank mask and unreadable eyes, the least thing I needed was the Immortal Court on my ass.

“Good, we begin,” He said, “1st of all, do you currently own any territory?”

“Yes,” I said remembering the presence of the map.

“2nd, do you have a current pack?”

“Working on it.” I replied dryly. Not really, I don’t want to trust anybody.

“3rd, Do you currently alliance with any other Alpha?”

“Yes. But you said these would be short, meaning I don’t have to elaborate who.” I said, playing my own game of wits.

“That is true. 4th, Could you please hand me over your birth records and any other records that tell the Court who you are.” That one wasn’t a question, my wolf said, realising at the same pace as me, He’d just ordered to know what I was. Where I’ve lived. And who my parents are. Were.

“That’s not a question, I refuse to be ordered around when I was promised only short questions. Good day, say hi to your Immortal Court for me.” I said turning around and heading my way out of the alleyway before either of us could say anything more. This court, I thought to myself, something tells me I shouldn’t mess with them. I shuddered at the thought of the guy turning back up here, loaded with weapons and an army. Don’t exaggerate, I thought to myself, realising I was attempting to fear them. But that wouldn’t happen. Yes, we are to fear nothing, but be wary of the things you say and do, they will be watching. My wolf told me, and I got the strange feeling she got more out of that guy than I did.

I was walking past the café, flashbacks of my short time with Jack sorting themselves out in my vision. My bleeding hand had healed, only leaving a bloody mark in my palm that hid by closing my hand into a fist as I walked. I felt the feeling again, Suddenly and larger than before. Alarm bells went off in my head as I tried to focus on the feeling as I walked. I came strongly from behind me, but I didn’t smell anybody’s presence behind me. which only helped me understand more about it, it wasn’t a someone, it was definitely not human. And it had been following me since this morning, only leaving when my brothers had come to town, and now that they had ran off somewhere else in town, it was back. But I felt something different than last time, the creature from before was lighter, more sincere and definitely not as strong in presence – It was stronger, more obviously there, bigger. That alarmed me more than the feeling that I was just imagining things like before, there was something there and I had no idea what it was or what it wanted, just that it was there, and it wanted me to know that. My pace fastened as I re-entered the woods, following the track I’d memorised back to the spot I’d woken up in. the spot where a house had burned its way onto my map. As I walked past the third lining of trees, the feeling of being watched, dropped immediately. Which made me glad, I didn’t want that feeling in my territory. Knowing I was alone for the moment, I whipped my map out from my long sleeve, realising I’ll need to find a new home for the map as I’d only been able to find short sleeve shirts that fit me. the red dot on the verge of the forest, I wasn’t far from my destination. I had to find out what this appearing house crap was all about. I walked faster, the beholder’s dot sliding slowly in small bursts towards the singed-on drawing. In one week, my whole miserable life had twisted and turned, boiled and shredded apart so that I could never go back to the short happiness I felt when with my brothers and Julie. It wasn’t what the average person would call normal, but it made me feel normal and happier than I’d ever been. But with my luck, it was gone and never to return. I felt my eyes gloss up slightly, but because I was finally alone I let the tears roll. They slid down my face, drowning me in heavy-hearted feelings. I faced the forest floor in shame, I shouldn’t be crying like a child because I wasn’t getting what I wanted. I wiped my tears away, realising I needed to put my guard up as I neared the place. I needed to prepare for the worst, because houses do not just appear out of nowhere.

I lifted my head to the sound of a hammer banging on something. What the?

“Do you like it? I got it made for you, especially.” A small child-like voice pitched in from my side. I jumped at the sight, the kid from earlier had just appeared at my side,

“What the hell? What are you doing here? What are you?” I yelled, surprised.

“You don’t like what I made for you?” The child’s lip stuck out in the most adorable and sad way, nice try, but no kid gets sympathy from me like that, brat,

“There’s no way in hell you built a house, a kid, in the middle of a forest, alone, made a house-“I started to yell at the kid for being so stupid, but I couldn’t stop my awe at the building in front of me.

It was like the map had shown, a cottage-like place, freshly painted grey and white colours danced on its features. A small garden bed spread across the front had planted flowers, greens, herbs and even small fruit trees I’d seen on cheap gardening shows. Butterflies fluttered through the flowers, pollenating and taking rest stops at each one. The door shared a darker shade of grey with an emblem on its front. An emblem I knew all too well. The one tattooed on my back, covering multiple scars from my past. The one of my brothers. It was accented with dark colours, showing 5 dragons, each with the different colours and features that my brothers held, like the bulk on Franky and Mongo with their mud-brown and green colours and the witty Lan with his Purple with the occasional green speck, Hue with his yellow and gold scales and the last dragon, that stood on top of the circle the dragons created, with his blazing blood-red. His tail drooping through the circle turning into a platform for their addition to their emblem. A wolf, of no colour other than dark grey. That one was meant to represent me and my lone, free spirit, but as I took the emblem in, I realised the secret I held behind it. I really was the wolf now. I’d become what my tattoo and dearly held brothers’ emblem had ironically premonitioned.

 All I’d seen was the front of this house, but I was already amazed, who ever had really built it, knew way too much then what I wanted them too.

“I did do it! I did it all!” The child stamped her feet and sat on the ground arms crossed, is this kid seriously having tantrum right now?

“Sure you did, then tell me, what do you know of that emblem.” I said, pointing to it on the door.

“It’s that of the gang with no name, but they are called many things, from the 5 Deadly Sins to The Brotherhood,” The kid smiled, “I found out about them after you called them. I don’t know your relationship with them, but I know I’ll find out.” This little brat thinks she can just storm in and bluff like this? Many knew of the boys and their gang, she was nothing special, probably just heard about them from her parents that most likely feared them.

“Look, kid, I don’t want to break your heart. But I do, everyone knows of the Brothers and the danger they bring, if you tell me where the person who actually built this is, I’ll let you live, because brats like you get on my nerves and that is exactly what you’re doing.” I leaned down to peer down on the little demon,

“You don’t know what damage you’ve done today, wolf” She said, peering back up at me confidently, “I’ll tell the person who build this to come meet you. But understand that you’ve brought consequences with what you’ve done here.”

Who did this kid think she was? And how the hell did she know I was a wolf.

I furrowed my brows, standing back up to my full height as the child did the same, though she was only merely higher than my knee cap. And disappeared into nothingness.

“What in the hell?!” I dropped my bags and fell on my ass as the shock of the disappearance stunned me. What was that demon child?

“What happened are you okay?” A familiar voice worried, following a helping hand holding out to help me up, I gratefully grabbed it and raised myself back up to Jack’s perfect smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just… a little stunned. It’s been a weird week.” I admitted,

“It gets weirder.” He said, staring out at the woods behind me.

“You tell me, turn around.” I said, pointing at the house that the child said was mine. Well, it’s in my territory, so it’s definitely mine. Jack smile continue, as he stared down the house amazed, until his eyes met with the emblem on the door and it faded, fear striking his face harder than when Ace had his sister.

“What’s that look for?” I asked him,

“That symbol. I’ve seen it before.” His face grew grim, “But it’s different o the version I know of. There’s a wolf at the bottom.” His brows furrowed, digesting the symbol in front of him,

“So you know the brothers?” I questioned, not knowing whether I should tell him I was a part of them. That I was the wolf.

“I know the story that comes with an emblem of 5 young boys. But that’s all it is. A story, one that’s been told for hundreds of years.”

Wait, hundreds of years?

“Jye always loved stories, it would make sense if he…” I talked to myself but was cut off,

“Based the Brotherhood on a story. Yes, it does, doesn’t it?” Hue’s voice broke me off, I spun on my heels,

“Did you follow me? How did you get here?” I questioned him, but he was more focused on the radiant anger coming from Jack next to me. I nudged him, as an okay for the 4 guests that stood in front of me.

“Who are you, and why do you think you could base yourselves amongst such heroes?” Jack said angrily,

“I could ask who you are as well, and why you think you can stand so close to our sister” Hue’s hand drifted to Jye’s swords that were still attached to his belt. I waved off the aggressiveness between the boys.

“He’s a friend,” I said to Hue, then turning to Jack, “They’re my brothers, and whatever that story of ‘heroes’ goes, they’re certainly my heroes. If you have a problem Jack I suggest you head back to where you came from.”

“No problem,” He grumbled, it clearly wasn’t what he wanted to say but it was enough for me at the moment.

“Wow, I didn’t know you were that obsessed with us,” Mongo’s ego clearly being fuelled by the emblem on the door.

“I didn’t do that.”  I said, immediately regretting saying that, because how am I supposed to say, ‘a child that can disappear in thin air claims she helped make it’.

“I’ll be back later, when we can be alone, I need to talk to you in private.” Jack whispered low enough for just me to hear before nodding a goodbye and leaving off into the woods. As he disappeared into the darkness of the woods, the boys walked up to the porch stairs of the house, Lan and Mongo sitting down and Franky and Hue stay standing, taking in the garden.

“Is it just me, or doses that one seems a little off,” Hue said breaking his view from the house to have eye contact with me.

“It’s just you, Hue, he’s a trustworthy person I promise.” I said warily, pretending it wasn’t my first time walking up the porch. My hand hovered from above the silver handle, it gleamed at my touch. As if this couldn’t get weirder. I hear the sound of a lock unlocking as I pushed open the door.

“Stay outside for a moment I just got to set some things up before you come inside.” I said, hoping my uncertainty didn’t show in my voice. The boys nodded, each distracting themselves with something different about the house. I dumped my bags at the door, shutting it behind me quickly. I stared at the back of it, that didn’t share the same emblem. I took in the open area that lay ahead of me. it was clean, beautiful and my style. Whoever did this, knew me way too well. I started to think maybe the boys had somehow conjured it, being the ones who knew me so well. The kitchen began to my left, with decent cooking supplies and fitting grey stone counters. A half wall and wooden table split between the kitchen and a large living area. It had 2 couches that looked more comfortable than anything I’d ever seen and a TV that looked like you could actually see the shows it had on its screen when it was on. It was more than I’d ever had before, and it was all mine. I couldn’t see the full room, so I reached my hand up and down the wall looking for a light switch, finding what I was looking for I pushed the switch down. What I hadn’t seen earlier, was the chair in the corner and the open window next to it, with its secure screen broken. And a body sat comfortably in the seat.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” I whispered angrily stalking over to the amethyst-eyed beauty that sat in my chair. In my house.

“I couldn’t handle it anymore,” He said standing up, but giving me space. That’s a first. “And I know you couldn’t either.”

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean, Ace?” I asked angrily, but I knew exactly what he meant.

“I could hear your thoughts of me from miles away, you can’t lie to me Lana I see right through you.”

“How egotistical of you, you think I’m thinking of you every moment don’t you?” what a dick.

“Maybe not every moment,” He smirked coming closer, “But I know what I want, and I know what you want.”

 Suddenly, before I could react he grabbed at my hips, dragging them closer to his own with his hand around my waist and is amethyst eyes sparkling with something unfamiliar. My traitor body didn’t resist, instead it pushed me further, pressing my body into his and pushing him back into the chair. I would never say it, it would give him an upper hand, but he was right and I know it. something took over my conscience as I waited for his response. His lop-sided smirk returned, and I realised what was hidden in his eyes. It was Lust.

“That’s what I’m talking about” he said, his eyes flaring red for a moment as he jumped back up, his lips leering, hovering over mine. He was waiting for me to respond. I did. I pressed my lips hard into his, clashing into his soft lips. I’d never felt better. It turned into a more violently clashing of tongues as we explored each other, his arms gripping into my hips, pulling me into his grip, I did the same with my hands around his neck. I was tongue-tied by my own actions, but I didn’t want to stop. He spun us around, as we continued our make out endeavour, pressing my back into the wall gently. But I wanted more. His hands cupped my ass as he read exactly what I was going to do, my legs jumped up, wrapping around his waist as he pushed me harder into the wall. Pressing our bodies closer, begging to get closer. My back slammed against the wall, but it wasn’t the pain that woke me away from Ace. “My brothers are outside” I whispered my realisation,

“I’ll happily meet them,” He said kissing my neck,

“You already have, and considering you came in my house-”

“Not yet I haven’t” He said pulling his face away from my neck so I could see the lustful smirk I’d earned for my stupid word mix-up.

“They’ll kill you, for breaking in and touching me.” I gasped,

“I want to do much more than just touch you, I guess I’ll just have to die then. But it was worth it.” His smirk lingered on to a full-on smile, but it stayed the same, just shining more. The thought agitated me, along with his over-confidence.

“Then do it, you’ve been getting on my nerves anyway” I said angrily,

“I like it when you’re mad at me,” He said, giving a final squeeze of my ass before letting me slide back onto the wall on my own feet. I growled, maybe from my anger, maybe from the fact that my lust was left un-achieved of its goal.

“Either hide, or leave. Either way, don’t make it obvious.” I said, walking off to my door attempting to flare down my red cheeks.

My hand hovered over the handle, letting it glow and unlock, I took one final glance back at the chair, hoping to take in his ripped muscles under his tee one more time, but he was gone. Sighing, I ripped open the door,

“Come inside, she’s all done.” I said, hiding as much of my disappointment as possible. They all got on the move, passing through the door one by one,

“You look flushed? You feelin’ okay?” Lan asked as he passed,

“Yeah, just a bit hot in here that’s all” it was real hot a moment ago.

“Surely ripping open your secure screen wasn’t necessary to cool the place down,” Hue said, eyeing the broken screen and open window.

“What’s with the dent next to it?” Franky asked,

“Shit,” I cursed aloud, making all the boys turn to look at me confused, “Just, ah, you know how construction is, always a few mistakes and dents here and there.” I lied, scratching the side of my neck to hide the bruise I felt forming. Mother of god that’s a hickie forming. I held my hand steady over the spot, wondering why it wouldn’t heal. The boys all took a seat among the two couches, making themselves comfortable.

“Where’s that door lead?” Mongo pointed to another grey door on the side of the TV, I hadn’t noticed.

“See for yourself,” I said, pretending I knew what hid behind that door. Hopefully not Ace, I thought as I raced to get to the door before Mongo could, peeking through the door to make sure the coast was clear before swinging it open for Mongo to see as well. It was just a hallway, still matching the grey and white theme. It had 8 doors in total and what looked like a cupboard that went into the wall.

“What’s in there?” Mongo asked, walking to reach the handle of the cupboard. The scent hit me. Ace was hiding in there. Panic mode, alert, alert.

“Uhm, just some stuff. It’s just a cupboard, some towels, all the basic boring stuff” I said, but his hand still reached for the handle. “And the stuff a girl needs, tampons pads, all that,” I said quickly, stopping him in his tracks and embarrassing him.

“And all these other doors?”

“Find out yourself.” I said, turning back out, knowing full well everyone heard that, and that they’d stay away, like fearful little boys. It was always the best excuse to keep them away. I went to grab my bags I’d left at the door, but Hue must’ve realised that, as he shot up grabbing them and turning my way, Lan and Franky hot on his heels.

“Thanks,” I said as he handed me my bag.

“How boring,” Mongo said, as he’d clearly finished his little adventure. “It’s just mainly bedrooms and bathrooms along with each bedroom. Except for the last one, it’s locked” he admitted, his boredom growing.

“What’s in that last room, what did the people here call you again? Lana.” Hue stabbed,

“Just more storage, for the stuff that matters.” I lied, fearing what was behind the door.

“I get the vibe you’re lying to me, sis” Hue pried on,

“Fine, you want to see? Let’s open it then.” I rushed to the door, so that if the door unlocked the same as the front door, they wouldn’t see the glow. Just as I thought the door unclicked and glowed just like before.

“How’d you open it? It was locked just a sec ago I swear!” mongo said surprised,

“You probably just turned it the wrong way, Mongo, it’s not the first time.” I said, as I pushed open the door. A cold wind drifted through, giving me Goosebumps and almost pushing my collar I’d used temporarily to cover my hickey. I pulled the collar back up straight and thumbed around for a light, unable to find one I stumbled a step into the cold darkness, and a light flicked on in my presence. Awesome! Was all I could think as I took in the room before me, not only did it have a light that turned on when you entered the room, but it was a garage. Not just a garage. My dream of a garage. In the centre amongst the casual tools, paints and other things, was a beautiful 4 door khaki green beauty of a four wheel drive. It was dangerous and beautiful, I’d seen them in some TV shows and even got to imagine being the lucky person driving them along the roads. But in all its glory, I knew questions would come at me like fire. The boys would definitely be confused on how I got a nice place, with the car of my dreams. They would have questions I couldn’t answer. Uh oh.

“I’m glad to see you so happy, sis, and that you’ve achieved all this. But we’ve got to get going, Jye, is back in one of our old places, we need to go…” he paused, looking at the swords on his belt. “give him his swords. You know how odd he can be without his two favourite swords.”

Bad lie. My thoughts rumbled, as I remembered telling them earlier not to lie to a liar.

“He’s either hurt, or found out something vital, I get it. Didn’t I tell you not to lie to a liar? Just…” Now it was my turn to pause, as I stared them all in the eye. “Make sure that he gets better, then tell the bastard to come see me, Okay?” I knew I wasn’t asking them to promise me, because honestly, they couldn’t promise anything. You could see the uncertainty in their eyes as they left, with a dainty smile attempting to comfort me.

I closed the door, feeling it lock under my touch. There was one thing for sure, I was alone. When we passed the cupboard, Ace’s scent was gone. The moment I needed somebody, no one was here. I slumped myself into the couch, the lingering scents of my brothers, and Ace, fading from the room as the sky began to darken. I slowly pushed myself up and off the comfortable couch, deciding to go and see if there was any water pressure, since there was clearly electricity. I walked over to the kitchen sink, knocking the dial into hot and watching as steamy water flooded through. Well, Mongo said that there was a bunch of bedrooms with bathrooms. A hot shower is something I could definitely use right now. Pacing myself, I walked through the corridor, looking into each of the beautiful and neat bedrooms, deciding the first one as the one I’ll reside in. I chucked my bags beside the bed, searching through the camping bag for a towel, there surely had to be a towel in this thing.

“Yes…” I said to myself, pulling out a blue cheap smelling towel. The smell of cheap stuff never worried me, it was what I practically lived on. I strutted in, sliding open the sliding door to find the most luxe bathroom I’d ever seen.

“Holy fucking shit,” I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. It had grey and white tiles, the colours winding together but never mixing, and a shower the size of my old bedroom. It had a square shower-head that promised an amazing shower and don’t get me started on the vanity sink, even the bloody toilet looked good. I stripped down quickly, curiosity getting the better of me as I quickly stepped in and reaching for the handle. I pulled, twisted until I felt the right temperature. The water jetting lightly on my skin, but easing the deep tightness in my muscles. Dipping my hair and rinsing it out as much as possible before I leant onto the wall, closing my eyes, just letting the feeling of the water jetting onto me. I felt like an hour had passed, but I didn’t want to move, it just felt so nice, relaxing like this – with no worries.

Ding. Dong.

The dreaded noise rung out, breaking my no worried feeling. As I quickly stopped the shower, grabbing my towel and whipping it around my body to cover vitals. I quickly patted the dampness of my feet on the bedroom carpet as I fast-walked to the door.

Ding. Dong.

There it went again, I quickened my pace reaching the door and unlocking it. My eyes stared straight ahead at the woods in the dark. There was no one there. That’s not creepy at all… I thought bracing my hand to close the door again, but something tapping my foot stopped me in my tracks. I looked down to find a pair of brown eyes staring back at me, it’s tail tapped and it’s mouth opened, it’s tongue hanging out.

“A dog?” I questioned myself, peering down at the animal as it only seemed to get happier at the sight of me within each passing second. Bending down, I reached for a letter that stuck out of its leather collar. “To Katalana” it read. Infuriated by the use of my birth name, I ripped open the old tattered letter.

“Dear Katalana, I know this may surprise you, but do not act negatively. His name is Callin. Treat him with love and respect, and he’ll give you the same. He is smart enough to know exactly what he is doing and why, do not misunderstand his actions. Promise me, you’ll take care of him. And he will do the same. – Love, Mum.”

That’s…. impossible. I watched my mother die, I watched the plug get pulled. There’s no way. Even out of all this recent madness, there’s no way a ghost can send a dog and a letter. I ripped the letter to pieces, scooping it up and chucking it in the bin next to my stone counter. None of that made sense, it wasn’t even sincere, it was just straight-forward. Despite my anger, I felt something soft and comforting push its way into my hand. I looked down to see the dog, it’s brown eyes huge and sad. I forgot all about the things I’d read about them, that they could sense emotion and know when people needed comforting. Maybe it was a legacy, something she set up? That was the only explanation I had. That my mother had set this up before she died on that musty hospital bed. But why a dog? Out of all things – a living creature somehow found its way to this house, that surely isn’t registered for an address considering it being a few hours old and in the middle of the woods.

“So, Callin… How did you get here?” I asked the dog, bending to pat him. Obviously, Callin didn’t reply but instead wagged his tail at my change in mood, his tongue sticking back out as he barked at me happily and trotted back out my door. Take care of him, those words repeated in my head as I realised the dog had literally just ran out in the dark, in the woods, and I was in a towel.

“Wait, Callin! Bad boy, come here!” I yelled wailing after the dog like an idiot. As I was about to race down the porch stairs, I got a bark from behind me. turning to see Callin right back where I’d found him, in front of my door, but with a medium sized wooden pallet-like crate next to him. The crate was spray painted with the word ‘Callin’. How original. So mother didn’t just send me a dog.

Considering I had no idea whether I had a crowbar in my, amazing, garage, I decided it was better to pry the thing open with my bare hands. It wasn’t like I was too weak to do something like that anymore. I walked up to the crate, sticking my fingers into the small opening it seemed to have and slowly prying it open. As I slowly heard the crackling of the wood, it opened, the opening landing onto the ground revealing an inbuilt pillow-bed in the crate, with a couple of toys, a large bag of dog food and two bowls with the words Callin engraved on them.

“You’re one set dog, huh, Callin?” I said, eyeing off the dog’s stuff. Realising I now had to get this inside. “Now I got to just put this thing inside.” I mumbled to myself. I closed it back up, thinking that would make it easier if the stuff didn’t fall out of it. I eyed of Callin himself for a second now, he was quite the large dog, maybe a greyhound mixed with something musclier, I couldn’t really tell, I wasn’t much of a dog person, they apparently cost too much money. His head was kind of thick, but his eyes were promising, loving and loyal. I heard a rustling from the trees in the darkness, my guard immediately rising up, my face slapping with seriousness. Someone’s here. Callin’s tail was straight up, his loving eyes had turned stone cold, even slightly terrifying. His manner suggested that maybe at some point someone taught him to be a guard dog, or hunting dog. Either way, he knew his stances.

“Need some help with that, Lana?” I heard Jack’s voice from the darkness, his smile brighter than he was in the reflection of my inside lights.

“Actually, yeah that would be great” I said, relieved I didn’t have to fight in a towel.

“Oh,” he said eyeing my towel, “Didn’t realise you were in your towel, sorry” he moved his focus onto Callin. “Or that you had a dog?” the look of surprise on his face was priceless.

“Yeah, new addition. Anyway, if you wouldn’t mind?” I pointed to the crate. Jack immediately got to work, lifting the crate with ease as his biceps and neck muscles tensed and flexed as he walked it inside, placing it in my lounge-room.

“Nice place, how’d you happen to have this in your territory?” He asked, as I shut my door, feeling the glowing lock under my fingertips.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I said, sitting down on my couch and motioning Jack to do the same.

“What I don’t believe,” he said, eyeing off Callin, who sat at my feet casually eyeing Jack off as well, “is that you have a dog” he repeated his words from earlier.

“What’s so wrong with that? He’s a gift, I’m supposed to take care of him”

“But, Lana, you don’t understand,” He said, warily sitting at the lounge opposite me. “Dogs normally go either ballistic or plain terrified by wolves, let alone Alpha’s” he waved his hand to make sure the dog was real. “This one isn’t even phased by you, let alone me.”

“I don’t know about that, you seemed to put Callin into a bit of an aggressive state than what I saw just before. But he certainly isn’t going ballistic,” I looked into Callin’s eyes, they still had that cold-look to them, but they changed back to the loving, loyal eyes from before as we made eye-contact. “and definitely not terrified of you.” I added.

“Anyway, I didn’t come to talk to you about dogs for an hour.” He sighed, “Have you seen anything or anybody weird. Someone acting odd, introducing themselves to you, claiming to be sent by anybody special?” he asked, confusion flashing his face, and even a small amount of fear as he kept tabs on Callin.

“Not really, but there was-“

“JAACKAAAL, HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME!” A woman’s aggravated shriek came from outside my broken window, her body crawling through it easily. She stood, arms crossed, staring at Jack with the most hatred I’d seen in a while. Callin stood at my feet, his large body basically blocking Jack’s view of me as he began to growl, hackles at the back of his neck raised.

“A dog? Hah, like that’ll phase me! Jackal you cannot lie to me like that, we’re supposed to be friend! You did not go to the grocery store, instead you went into another Alpha’s territory and are sitting her with a woman in her towel!” She continued to screech, and it began to get really annoying, but her screeching turned to screaming of terror, as I realised Callin had moved from my feet, instead leaping at the bird-looking woman with short silver hair with his teeth bared and a murderous glare.

“Callin! No! Get back here!” I yelled at the dog, pointing a finger at the ground next to me as he turned his head from the girl he had pinned on the ground. Grudgingly, he trotted back to me, that loving look he gave me washing calm over me. “I’m so sorry about that, you said you were a friend of Jackal’s?” I said, lending a hand to the woman on the ground.

“I am Rowena, of-“

“I’ve heard it too many times, Rowena, stop introducing yourself the same god damned way and be normal.” Jack snapped, that’s a first, I’ve never heard Jack use that kind of tone before. This chick had to be extremely annoying to piss off Jack, the guy had so much patience.

“Fine, Alpha Jackal, how do you want me to introduce myself? I’m only doing what is ordered of me it’s not a sin!”

“Okay, look, stop yelling in my house. I don’t really care who you are Rowena, just shut your trap and go busy yourself with something, I’m supposed to be having a conversation here.” I said, shutting her down for calling me ‘a woman in a towel’ like Jackal had snuck out of her grip to get with me. She bowed, walking casually back to the window and jumping out. I need to get that fixed.

“What the hell was that?” I asked Jack, as I sat back down, Callin deciding to jump up onto the couch along with me instead of at my feet this time. He was warm, I snuggled slightly up to him, as he put his large head on my thigh. Jack still watched his every movement, more so now since he pulled that little lightning fast stunt on Rowena.

“That’s what I was talking about, a strange acting person, introducing themselves like this is 1700’s and saying they’re some kind of guide for your ‘success’ and your friend.”

“I can’t say I haven’t had that specifically, but there was this kid that kept kind of appearing, trying to introduce herself, but I cut her off – considering the fact that I hate kids – and walked off. By the end of the day this place appeared on my map and the kid was there acting all proud saying she helped built it. That’s what I meant by you wouldn’t believe me.” I explained,

“That’s interesting, the most my guide, Rowena, has done is annoy me past the point of gentlemen-like replies to her annoying shrieks.” He 


“I don’t think the kid was any ‘guide’ of mine. Though she pulled some creepy moves, like having a tantrum when I didn’t believe her, saying I had no idea what I’d done by telling her to go away and disappearing. And I don’t mean like leaving casually, I mean literal thin-air magician trick kind of disappearing.” I said, earning a peak through the window by Rowena, who was clearly listening in.

“Wait, you told her to go? Oh no… poor Remy.” She said, shaking her head. Her little appearance earning a growl for Callin. “Eep!” She squealed, popping down from my window again, in fear of Callin tearing her to pieces. I put a hand on Callin’s back, stopping his growling in its tracks.

“What do you mean ‘poor’? The brat was creeping me out?! Of course I told her to go.” I said, trying to reason my actions, even though I thought they didn’t need reasoning.

“I mean ‘poor’” Rowena said from the darkness of the outside, “Because you really don’t know what you’d done telling her to leave, failing this mission,” I heard her gulp, “Failing the mission is dealt with by a sentence of death or eternal imprisonment.”

“What? Why would a kid sign up to such a thing?” I said, horrified at the thought

“She wasn’t really a kid, Remy was a fae that had lived just as long as the Prince of Vampires himself, hundreds of years.” She replied,

“Wait, Kade was the one who set you guys this ‘mission’?” I asked, horrified at the thought of Kade chopping the head off of the kid all because I told her to go away.

“That’s a name only his beloved is allowed to call him. I’ll let you slide with a warning, but I promise you my Prince would have no such sympathy for a wolf such as yourself”

“So you’re a vampire.” I said, pretending I hadn’t saved their little bitch of a Prince’s life, and his ‘beloved’s’ multiple times.

“you couldn’t tell?” she said, surprised,

“No, I just didn’t want to.” I said calmly, I heard an aggravated mini groan come from the girl as she whooped herself back in the room from my window. “Could you shut that, I don’t need any more people coming through there.” I said, she immediately closed it after stepping both her feet on the dark grey carpet.

“Anymore?” Jack asked, freezing me up as I planned my lie.

“My brothers broke through it, blundering idiots” I laughed cautiously, tensing Callin up. I guess the dog can tell my lies as well.

“Right,” he said, believing my lie, probably imagining up the large body of Franky ripping it open.

“Anything else you wanted to discuss other than the fact that you now have her at your every move?” I asked Jack, avoiding the annoyed mini grunt Rowena made.

“Actually I did have something in mind, when the battle finished and I pushed you into your chosen moonlight, the Alpha, Ace, began yelling at me. The selection was normal, I had no idea what he was going off on me about, he seemed seriously worried about the Immortal Court getting notified of you. And about you in general. You acted weird when I was going to ask you days ago.” He said, but not asking the question he knew I already realised he wanted to ask. What happened between you two, what are you to each other. Something flashed in his eyes, a small glint, he pushed it away but I saw it before he did. Jealousy. Oh my god. Jackal was jealous of Ace, and he didn’t even know that the dent on the wall next to him was from me and Ace…

“It’s complicated, but I’ll try” I sighed, “basically, the dude turned up one day when I was about to be traded for K- uh, someone’s benefit, couldn’t really remember why. He promised to get me out of the trade, to not let anything happen to me, but instead I was left waiting, as the trade finished and the people who held me captive then drugged me. Basically, He’d betrayed my trust, and a few other minor things he kept from me fuelled the anger I had. Why he was worried, I don’t really know, maybe he wanted me to be used for the thing I did to you in the alleyway. Like I said, don’t really know.” I said, lying as confidently as I could. I know it was wrong to lie, but I didn’t need Jack to hate me right now because of his jealousy, or his little secretary to know anything.

“I’m sorry that people did that to you.” He said, his eyes sorry for something he didn’t even do, he grabbed my hand, avoiding eye contact with Callin.

“Don’t be, it wasn’t your fault” I said, “Plus, those captors were nothing, I’ve felt real cruelty, torture, they were infants in the act compared to what I’ve felt.” I smiled weakly, trying to make him feel better, to get him to change the subject.

“If I can’t be sorry for you, then let me promise you, that as long as your alliance and friendship stays with me. That will never happen again.” His eyes bore into mine.

“This would be a seriously touching moment,” I said humorously, “If I wasn’t in nothing but a towel, but thank you either way.” I got up, Callin following my movements, “I’ll just go get dressed real quick, and we can continue this conversation- “

Ding. Dong.

“Ugh, again, seriously?!” I whispered angrily to myself,

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll get it for you, you go ahead and get some clothes on.” Jack said, jumping up from his seat, leaving an imprint of his back muscles on the couch.

“Thanks so much,” I said, as I continued my way to my bedroom.

Chapter 44 >> Ace's view


I sighed as I realised I would spent another night, missing the warm body I had for just one night in my tent with me. One night, too short. But my thoughts were interrupted before I walked into my tent,

“Alpha Ace,” A sexy voice lingered in my ear, making me spin around ready to fight.

“No need for violence, Alpha. I’m here to help you.” A woman with golden eyes and raven-black hair raised her arms in defeat. A vampire. I realised the scent of her was that of a vamp.

“I’m supposed to trust a vampire? You walked into my territory, I decide whether violence is needed.” I growled, “You have a minute to explain yourself,” I took her in, and she took me in. She had a perfect complexion, not a fault on the pretty little face of hers, and her body was seriously hot, matched with some tight ass clothes and stilettos and tempting red lipstick, I could feel the pulse of my pack heighten as I felt them watching her as well. But my pulse stayed the same. I was not easy anymore. There was only one woman who could make me be easy like that now.

“I am Yulanda, a vamp of Vampire Prince Kade Samuels, sent to help guide you, Alpha Ace, to succeed in keeping the you’ve earned.” She said, her voice deepening in a harder attempt to seduce me, as she gave me one more long look up and down, satisfied with what she saw, she gave me a flirty wink and grin. It enchanted me. Something’s wrong. My wolf warned me, but I blocked his advice out. Within the second, she seemed hotter – and more tempting.

“I’m meant to be your friend,” she said, closing the space between us, “But I’m thinking I want much more from you.”

“Me too.” My voice had spoken, but my heart hadn’t. My insides were silently screaming, but my body couldn’t hold back from her. My lips betrayed me as we kissed, and the alarms going off in my insides were dulled out by the over-powering feeling of Yulanda.

Chapter 45 >> Lana's view


As I slid the single pair of soft pants and singlet I’d gotten from the cheap store on quickly, I heard the door unlatch, and Jack greet whoever was at the door. Stumbling my foot into the hole of the pants, satisfied, I quickly walked out.

“That’s interesting. You’re not a woman.” A cheerful female voice said, earning a laugh from Jack.
“You’re quite observant,” he said sarcastically,

“Oh dear, I haven’t gone to the wrong place, have I? Does a ‘Lana’ live here by chance?” she said,

“Yeah, that’d be me,” I said, turning the corner, haring Callin’s paws tap on the wood floor that broke between the carpeted lounge and the kitchen. “Who are you?” I asked, stopping beside Jack, crossing my arms. I wasn’t exactly in the mood for anymore unexpected visitors, I already have the responsibility of a dog and a possibly dead hundreds of years old ‘fae’, whatever that is, on my shoulders.

“I’m Kiera,” she put her hand out to me, “It’s nice to meet you Lana, may I come in?” I eyed the girl, she had to be around my age, but she was so much more full of life, and happy, Ew, positive people.

“Sure. You too,” I said, leaving her expected hand shake hovering. Sadness crossed her face, she dropped her hand and walked in, holding a few grocery bags. Now she had my interest.

“So, Kierra, what do you want,” I said, starting off nice but ending my sentence venomously.

“Well, I’m here to guide you, of course. Though I wasn’t informed you had a doggy!” She said excitedly, catching glimpse of Callin next to me. the dog was more than half my size but she bent down like he was a puppy either way. “I love doggies,” She said, reaching her hand out earning a deep growl from Callin. I was beginning to like this dog a lot. I laughed,

“This doggy doesn’t exactly love you back,” I said, as she shrunk back.

“That’s okay, I’m not here to befriend doggies.” She let her eyes finish the last sentence,

“So you’re the replacement of Remy…” Rowena’s voice crept up from behind Jack, clearly giving him discomfort as his face shrivelled at her presence. “Have fun with that, Fairy, you’ve signed up for a death wish.”

“And you’ve over-stayed your welcome.” I jabbed back at the vamp, “Jack, was nice seeing you and all, but let’s talk again when you haven’t got an annoying little bitch of an attachment to your body.”

Jack nodded, clearly understanding. I silently wished him luck because I sure as hell would not survive with someone like Rowena following me around.

“Vamps, am I right?” Kierra laughed, dropping the bags she carried on my counter.

“Wait, you’re not a vamp?” I said, surprised. What kind of creature had Kade sent me now?

“No, of course not. I’m glad I’m not. I’m the same as your old guide, a fae.” She said matter-of-factly.

Rowena had called her a fairy, fairy, fae, fairy, fae.

“Oh my god you’re a fairy?!” the realisation shocked and embarrassed me as it’d taken me so long to figure it out.

“That’s another name for us, yes. But I think you’ll be more surprised by how much I know about you, and the food I got, I got told that your fridge was empty – such a tragedy.” She shook her head.

“the house, Did you…?”

“Yes, Remy and I created it based off your dreams. You like it right?”

“Yes, I like it, but no fairy-tale I’d heard of told me fairies could make your dream house and disappear into thin air.”

“It’s fine if it doesn’t make sense to you right now, you’re still new to all this stuff. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you all you need to know.” She said pulling out some choc chip ice cream from her bags, and grabbing two spoons to accompany the two punts of ice cream. “With the help of Ben & Jerries of course.”

It was my favourite ice cream that I only ever really tasted a few times, because that was how little my money count was that I couldn’t even buy decent ice cream.

I was beginning to like this chick, she knew the way through me. Scrutinizing bitches, making my dreams become life and bringing my favourite ice cream to eat as she talked me through this crazy new world? Hell yes.

Chapter 46 >> Lana's view, the morning after Kierra and Callin's arrivals.


“Mm…Pancakes…” I mumbled, waking to the wonderful smell. Realising my arms were around a large muscled body, Shit… Who the hell is that? My eyes flew open finding the culprit in my embrace.

“Callin… You scared me, boy” I laughed as the dog stretched his paws out onto the bed and cracked his back. I did the same, stretching my arms out from underneath his body, and flipping one foot out after another out of the comfortable bed. It was something like cotton, not silk like in the vampire Prince’s place, but it was good either way.

“Morning, you got guests, be quick and shower. Do you like syrup on your pancakes by the way?” Kierra’s sincere voice asked me from the doorway,

“Pile the shit on, I’ll be out soon. Who is it?” I asked, roaming through my shopping bag for some clothes. She closed the door without answering me. That’s not odd at all, oh well. Grabbing a fresh pair of skinny jeans and grey t-shirt, I reminded myself of where I’d put my map last night, grabbing it from underneath my pillow of my messed-up bed and putting it under the mattress – mentally noting I’d put it there as a safer place to hide it.

“Stay,” I ordered to Callin, as I closed my eyes, the dog just peered at me like I’d said non-sense. “Please?” I added, sliding the door into place. I didn’t want to see how he greeted whoever was out there, especially after his reaction to Rowena, despite being an annoying little bitch, I can’t take care of a dog if that dog gets put down for being aggressive. And no doubt, Rowena would do that – tip the council of a massive, aggressive dog that’s probably unregistered as well.

After stripping down, I turned on the jet stream shower once again. Quickly washing down what I needed to, and holding my hair up so it wouldn’t get wet. A knock coming from my bedroom door surprised me, I slammed the shower knob off, wrapping my towel around me and almost tripping on Callin as he laid at my bathroom door. “Damnit dog, I need space to walk you big goof!” I cursed quietly at him, as he slowly moved out of the way.

“That’s one way to say good morning,” I heard jack’s muffled laughter,

“I was talking to the- Whatever, just come in you’ve seen me in my towel before,” I said, admitting defeat. The knob turned, but just as the door began to open, Callin grabbed my towel with his jaws, ripping it off my body and racing out past Jack. “You little shit!” I yelled, quickly using my hands to cover myself. Barely.

“Was he carrying a towe-“Jack started, meeting eyes with me, “Oh god, sorry,” he said, embarrassment covering his face as he closed the door and faced it.

“It’s fine, just give me a second.” I said, backing away and grabbing the clothes I’d set out on my bed.

Chapter 47 >> Jackal's view

It was taking all my strength not to turn around, my body knowing full well that there was a much better scene than the wood panelling of a door to see.

“You can turn around now,” She informed me, and I spun around a lot more forcefully than I wanted.

“Sorry, again, about that.” I said, awkwardly rubbing my neck trying to pry my eyes from my imagination,

“It’s that bloody dog’s fault, not yours don’t apologize,” She said, gritting her teeth, “Thanks for the reminder, if you could please move from the door I think he needs a bit of a talking to.” Her Australian accent thick in her anger, she made her way towards me.

“Wait, I came in here to talk,” I said, putting my hand up to stop her in her tracks, she was so close to me.

“Oh yeah, you said you wanted to talk privately last night?”

“Yeah,” I said quietly, not knowing what to say now that the time came.

“Jackal, hurry up!” a muffled yell came through the door, I sighed, letting my actions speak for themselves, I grabbed Lana, surprising her and staring her deep in the eyes,

“I have no idea why,” I said, pushing my lips closer to hers, “But since I first saw you, I’ve felt this… pull, something like that, pulling me to you. I have no idea how to explain it.” I said, enclosing the small space between our lips, finally kissing her as I’d wanted to for days. She kissed back, the moment seeming to click together, feeling like this had just meant to be.

“JACKAL!!” Rowena’s annoyingly claspy voice rung out, no longer muffled, because she’d yelled so loud. Lana pulled away, and so did I. I grunted angrily, whipping the door out, anger pulsing through me from the woman interrupting something that I felt was well overdue and way too short of a moment.

“What?!” I yelled back, mocking her tone.

“You ignored me! You can’t ignore me if we’re going to be-“

“Friends, yes, for the 100th time you’ve told me this, Rowena, I heard you for Christ’s sake.” I said, wavering through the hallway, to find Rowena waiting leaning on the couch but not daring to sit on it. Smart move, Rowena, I get the feeling you wouldn’t be welcome to sit there.

“Rowena, you don’t need to be so loud,” Kierra tried to soothe her.

“Kierra, don’t put it so kindly,” Lana said from behind me, “Just tell the bitch to shut her trap or else I’ve got a hungry mutt who wouldn’t mind a bony pick such as herself” She instructed calmly, pretending Rowena wasn’t there, making her have another mini stomp tantrum. The ‘mutt’ Lana spoke of decidedly trotted over, her navy-blue towel still in its panting mouth.

“Speaking of that hungry mutt,” I said seating myself back onto the couch and making more eye contact with Lana, “He seemed a bit hungry for towels, maybe you should feed him”

The dog wagged its tail, dropping the towel and giving me some kind of happy-go lucky look. He trotted over to the crate in the corner of the room and effortlessly grabbed the heavy bag of dog food like it was as light as a feather and placed it next to his crate, then grabbing his two bowls and placing them in front of the bag. So it’s smart, and strong.

“Fine,’ Lana said, more to the dog than to me.

“You sure he doesn’t want some pancakes?” Kierra asked kindly from the kitchen,

“I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what dogs shouldn’t eat, Kierra.” Lana said, ripping open the sealable zip and pouring dog food into one bowl, then bending over to grab the other to fill it with water. As I realised Rowena saw me staring at Lana s she bent over in her skinny jeans, I quickly re-focused my attentions to Kierra,

“So, Kierra, how are those pancakes going?” I said, hoping Rowena didn’t think too hard about my glances at Lana.

“Just fine, Would you like syrup Jackal?” She asked, clearly too dull to notice what Rowena had. That I was faking a conversation.

“Why not,” I said, grinning, “I don’t mind a sweet touch in the morning,” I felt Lana’s blue eyes on me, after she clearly got my hint at the moment just before.

“And you, Rowena?” Kierra asked kindly, earning a hiss from Rowena, “Oh right, Vampire, blood, got it.” She said embarrassed that she’d forgotten that the vamp could only drink blood.

A knock on the door silenced the room,

‘Who could that be?” Kierra asked, going for the door, but Lana beat her, her eyes gleaming. Who was she happy to see, is a better question. Lana peered through the small window, but when she turned back around, her hope had drained. “You get it Kierra” she said, through biting teeth as her disappointment seemed to crush her. Willing myself to say seated, even though all I wanted to do was comfort her. Callin stopping halfway through his meal to follow at Lana’s feet, pushing his head under her free hand, whilst her other she held above her heart as if she was trying to pace it back down from her sudden excitement. Or the hurt.

“This is un-crossable territory for you, Alpha, state your business,” Kierra said, her professional side clearly acting as a replacement for the kind, dull and sweet girl from before. She held the door open just enough for her body to stand in the way, but I could smell who it was, and it was clear he was here with someone else as well. Lana’s anger spread onto me, as we both realised it was Ace at the door. My eyes reddening at the remembrance of Lana telling me the betrayal Ace put her through.

I stood up, growling, and I wasn’t the only one. Callin growled as well. Smart dog. But instead of stalking towards the door like I was, the dog went and sprawled himself out onto the chair in the corner, the sunlight coming through the window next him revealing lighter glints of his brown fur, and brightening his brown eyes. He stopped growling, but there was a coldness to his eyes that suggested something I couldn’t read. What’s he up to?

Chapter 48 >> Lana's view


My heart throbbed at multiple things at once, it hurt, past the point of healing. One being the fact that I’d hoped it was a loving pair of reddish-brown eyes at the door, with two swords at his belt and a smile that stilled the world. But it wasn’t, and that was heartache #2, Ace – but no just Ace. Ace with a seriously hot chick, staring at each other deeply like they were infatuated with each other. And confusing heartache #3, Jackal confessing something I didn’t know if I wanted to confess back, but after the two I’d just saw together, I didn’t want to think about confessing anything to anyone anymore. I wasn’t listening to the things being said, I just went over to the bin, grabbing the handful of paper I’d shredded last night, I stuffed the pieces into my pockets, walking over to sit on the arm of the chair that Callin splayed across, just a few hours before there was someone else there. And at that time I was happy to see them, for some crazy ass reason. Now, all I wanted was revenge, all I could see was red. I kept the red barrier up, knowing full well that if it went down it would be replaced by useless tears. I was not going to let myself be thought of as weak like that. It was only a few minutes, I shouldn’t be stupid enough to be heartbroken over him and a hot girl. Straighten yourself back up, you sexy beast, show him what he won’t ever get a chance to have. I pep talked myself up.

“There’s a dog in my seat,” I heard Ace’s voice, earning a growl from Callin that vibrated the chair.

“You cannot walk into my house and claim a seat, or treat my dog with that tone. Unless you want me to switch your dick and your brain back around for you, because you’ve clearly mixed them up,” I spat venomously, letting my eyes pierce him with an icy hatred,

“Now, Now, new Alpha, there’s no need to be so aggressive. Ace and I are here to ask of something important of you and Alpha Jackal.” The woman in stilettos pushed past Kierra, making Kierra lose her footing and have to hold herself up by grabbing the window sill.

“Well, I’m sorry for the aggressive tone,” I said sarcastically, “But I don’t remember clarifying letting a stripper and a betrayer was allowed in my house, let alone my territory. Or to push people over like you’re worth more than a pile of trash.”

“Alpha Lana, Acey wants to apologize for what he’s done, don’t you Acey?” she called him some kind of cute nickname. This bitch needs to get out of my house before I rip her pale skin off her meat.

“I-“Something flashed in Ace’s eyes, resistance maybe? “I do,”

“Sorry but that’s not how it works with me. The only apology I accept is your head on a pike,” I paused, “And your little stripper girlfriend’s too.” I added venomously,

“We’re here to make an Alliance, Alpha, don’t make me do something I don’t want to,” She hissed back, Oh, it is on!

“And what do you possibly think you could do? Bitch?” I asked, lifting myself, Callin hot on my heels.

“I don’t want to have to call my Prince, that of the vampires, and have your territory, and life, taken from you by him. Do not under-estimate me.”

“Hah!” I laughed hard at her claim, “Oh, sweetie, you seriously don’t understand who I am do you? Or what I’ve done. You talk so highly of your Prince, but guess what? I Beat his daddy in a matter of seconds. You’ve got nothing on me!” I pressed the space between us, she was taller with her stilettos, but her confidence was fake. Mine is not. “Now get out, before I do something I do want to do to you.”

She hissed, taking a step back as I could see fear through her confident little mask she’d put up.

“And I’m sick of you vamps under-estimating me as well, I think it’s time I show you the kind of fae I really am” Kierra said stepping up to my side. She flicked her fingers and dark shining speckles flew out form her finger tips, sending Ace and the chick literally flying through the air through the door, I didn’t even see them land as the door slammed shut.

“Whatever the hell you just did,” I said, completely in awe, “Was fucking awesome, Kierra”

“I told you last night that there were different types of fae, but everyone mistakes us as push-overs like the ones you see in children’s books. I’m a fae that holds dark magic, that’s the black stuff that I flicked at them. But don’t worry they won’t be coming back soon, my magic leaves a warning that’ll make them think twice before entering your territory again. I’ll make sure to report to the Vampire Prince that Yulanda stepped out of line, so don’t worry about anything that she said. Who wants pancakes? I’m starving.”

I felt a comforting nudge on my hip, looking down to find Callin’s big brown eyes staring back at me,

“I still haven’t forgotten about your little towel-stealing act.” I reminded him, making him trot off carelessly. Damn dog, how dare he just walk out when I was about to tell him off. I thought, ready to chase after him when a small piece of the letter in my pocket falling out reminded me of some specific words. Treat him with love and respect… he is smart enough to know exactly what he is doing, don’t misunderstand his actions. Well then what was he trying to accomplish by making me reveal 90% of my bare ass body to Jack?

“Fine, you get out of this one.” I whispered to him, as Kierra ushered me to the wooden table where she’d already ordered Jackal and Rowena to sit down. I sat down, and Kierra quickly placed plates in front of everybody, except Rowena.

“I’m sorry for my mistake earlier,” Kierra said, whipping a bag of red substance out of thin air.

“How did you-?”

“Us fae know the favourites of whoever they are with. Even if it’s a vampire with a preference on blood type.” She smiled, making something I hadn’t seen in Rowena yet, Sincerity and happiness. Rowena’s eyes gave her all the thanks Kierra wanted, as I tore my eyes away from the two and instead make some sweet eye googling at the syrup covered pancakes in front of me.

“Dig in, ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be back with you in a minute.” Kierra said, leaving the room. I was going to ask why she didn’t have some, but I remembered her telling me last night that they didn’t need to feed on human food, but instead they fed on pollen that nature gave them. I didn’t argue against the order, picking up my knife and fork and beginning to eat the pancakes. As I ate piece by piece, I began to wonder about Jye. And the boys. And why Kierra painted our emblem onto the door. And why Jack reacted like that to it, and whether if he’d seen my back when my towel was stolen and how he would react to it being tattooed on my back. But I would never let him see my back. He may have earned my trust, and maybe even friendship and confessed something that could mean more than just friendship, but along with everyone else in my life other than the boys and the tattoo artist who had done it – he would never see my back, my scars or the tattoo that beared on my back. And then realisation hit me hard.

Ace had seen my back. The night I got changed and he had peeked, but I didn’t even think of it at the time, that explains the sympathy he’d given me. The feeling he had that he needed to protect me and be with me. I finished my plate off, racing to the sink to clean up as quick as possible before Jack could read any more emotion off my face. The last thing I needed was to let him realise that there was something I was going to keep from him forever.

“Where are you going?” I heard him ask from behind me, holding his own plate to wash.

“I’m just feeling a bit worn out, so many visitors and such can wear a girl out you know.” I avoided eye contact, fast walking back to my room, Callin following my movements once again. I closed the door a lot louder than I’d wished, knowing it would make Jack think he’d done something wrong.

“Shit, why do I have to be so confusing,” I asked myself, flopping onto my messy bed, Callin jumping up along with me and lying down to stare me straight in the eyes. I reached my hand out, smoothing my hand over his thick head. His fur was seriously soft. “Callin is such a mouthful,” I said quietly to the dog, “I think I’ll just call you Cal from now on,” his tail wagged in approval to the nickname.

I pulled the pieces of the letter out of my pocket, my eyes verging on the edge of tears. Suddenly Cal’s tongue wiped up all the shredded pieces and in one horrifying gulp, I watched my mother’s letter go down the drain. Or down the dog.

“Cal?! What was that for?” I said, worried It would do something to his digestive system, he just stared deeply into my eyes as a reply, the words repeating in my head. He knows what he’s doing, the words echoed, as I tried to puzzle together what eating shredded paper is supposed to do good for.

You need to get over the confusion and accept the things that have happened, my wolf cleared my clouded brain. I was surprised, she hadn’t said a word for so long. A soft knock landed on my door, following a regret-filled voice.

“Can I come in?” Jack’s voice said softly, “You don’t have to say anything if you want me to leave.”

Silence filled me for a longer than needed moment,

“Come in,” I finally said, feeling guilty for making him feel like he’d done something wrong. The door slowly opened, and closed softly, as Jack’s eyes avoided mine. He felt bad for something he hadn’t done.

“I think I finally understand what happened between you and Ace, the thing you wouldn’t tell me,” he paused, “You had a fling, and he hurt you, and after what just happened before, turning up with another girl and seeing you get all defensive over it, I finally understood.”

I didn’t say a word. I’d under-estimated how smart he really was,

“But he’s betrayed you, and hurt you in more ways than once,” Sudden anger tinted in his soft voice, “And I know this is seriously something I shouldn’t say since I barely know you,” He paused, his eyes finally meeting with mine, “But I can love you better than he can, when you feel like you just want to shrivel up in a ball and cry, when you feel angered to the point where you want revenge more than anything, I want to be there for you. And I want you to be there for me too.”

How could he possibly know so much? The guy had barely known me for a few days and he’d already guessed what years with others hadn’t.

“There’s things I can never tell you, and other things that will show themselves that have made every person who believed that they could do what you’re asking cower and run, you don’t want to get yourself involved with me- “I choked on my words,

“I do, Lana, and I want to know everything about you, whether you tell me or not, I’m not going to back away – I promised you that and I plan on keeping that promise.”

Cal leaped from beside me on the bed to stand next to Jack, eyeing me the exact same way. Cal is on his side.

I was so confused, lost in my own mess, and Jack had noticed. He’d noticed the hurt I felt, the pain of my past, and he probably noticed my confusion right now. I still had no idea what to say to him, there was just so much going on and I felt so suddenly tired. He dropped onto the bed beside me, sighing like a huge weight had been lifted from his chest. My tiredness grew, breaking me in and out of consciousness and before I knew it, I fell into a deep sleep next to a warm body.

Chapter 49 >> Kierra's view


I knew she felt overwhelmed right now, that much was true, but she’d blocked me up now. There was no way I could get into her mind or report back anything other than Yulanda being out of place.

“I suggest you go back to his territory, Rowena, they’ll be a while I sense.” I said, trying to compromise her from staring down the hallway.

“And I should listen to you because why exactly?” She shot back, staring at me,

“Because I’d much rather let you walk out on your own then have me force you to go the same way I did to the other Alpha and his guide. Don’t go out of line like she did, vampire.”

She grunted, knowing full well I was not joking around. She moved out the door with her vamp speed and I felt her presence leave the territory in the minute. I sighed, Teraliah had told me this wouldn’t be easy, but I had to get used to the mass lies I would have to tell the Prince of Vampires. I’d known all along Remy would be sentenced and fail, but he was quite sure she would succeed, and that he would have a hand over Katalana. I’d promised her mother no such thing. Failure was not an option, and Callin only promised the same. It was funny, that Jackal had noticed that of the name of the dog matching that of a story about a powerful demigod. But unlike his reaction to the emblem of the Dragon brothers, he chose to stay quiet. It was a smart move, and he was a smart boy, which was probably why Callin had seemed to push them closer together.

I decided I needed to take a visit to the Prince’s estate, I never trusted the electronics such as mobile phones, I felt there was something about them that was too vulnerable for important information to be given by them. Quickly writing a note saying I was going for a stroll in town just in case Katalana woke up. Her mother told me a few things of her, but whether she would worry if I was gone was not one of those few. I sighed as I closed the door softly behind me, willing my wings to flutter me to my destination. I felt them break through my shirt, and begin to flap. I’ll protect her with my life as promised, Teraliah.

Chapter 50 >> Lana's view


I watched on, staring at the magnificence that floated above me, 5 beautiful dragons of different colours and sizes. They flew around, spitting fire and flapping their magnificent wings as they danced in the sky. They landed gracefully among the green grass I stood on, the glorious red dragon stepping up to me, it’s hot breath making my hair fly in the wind of its breathes. “It is time Katalana,” It said,

“Time for what?” I asked, steadying my feet so I didn’t fly away like my hair did.

“Time to wake up,” It spun into darkness, the dream disappearing.

“No! Don’t go!” I yelled my eyes still wielded shut as I tried to imagine the dream back up, this was the closest I’d gotten yet to getting the dragon to speak to me. I’d had the dream so many times but had never got this close.

“It’s okay, shhh… It’s fine, I’m right here Lana.” I heard Jack’s voice soften as he held my head on his chest, cradling me with one arm.

“Jack?” I asked as I opened my eyes to find my head facing down his body. I lifted my head, to face him.


“You… stayed with me?” I asked, confused to why he comforted me and stayed.

“Of course I did-“

Ding. Dong.

I’m going to rip that doorbell out of the wall I swear, I thought as I quickly rushed off the bed almost tripping over Callin once again, “Damnit Cal what now?” he stood in between me and the door, a serious look on his face. Are you sure you can handle another visitor? It seemed to say across his face.

“Cal, please move. I’ll be fine” I whispered to the dog, he shifted after a long pause and I ripped open the door, storming down the hall.

Ding. Dong.

“Coming!” I yelled to whoever was at the door, wondering where Kierra was, I passed the kitchen bench, but stopped. Well there’s my answer. A note lay on the counter,

“Dear Lana, I’ll be gone for a few hours, just going for a stroll downtown, be back soon. – Kierra” it read.

Ding. Dong.

“I said I’m bloody coming!” I dropped the note in the trash and grabbed at the door, ripping it open aggressively, “Who do you think you are? Could you not have some patience for Christ’s sa-“ I stopped in my tracks. “Jye!” I yelled, crashing into the guy almost making him loose his footing as I hugged him hard.

“Hey kiddo,” he grunted as I squeezed the air out of him, but I felt something else squeeze out. Blood. I smelt the metallic scent of blood as it dripped out of a bandage wrapped around his chest.

“Oh god, sorry,” I said, pulling away.

“It’s nothing, you know no one could hurt this hot stuff,” He said confidently, pulling a weak smile and a thumbs up. “Can I come in?”

“Do you even have to ask?” I joked, opening the door for him and closing it after we both entered through.

“Didn’t know you had company, Kat” Jye whispered in my ear as he got shot darts from Jack who stood at the entrance, arms crossed,

“Who is this?” he said, jealousy flashing his eyes, “Kat?”

Oh shit. How am I going to explain that Lana isn’t my real name?

“It’s just a nickname,” I wavered, “This is my oldest of brothers, Jye.” I introduced, “Jye, Jack. Jack, Jye.” I tried to introduce the two but it wasn’t working, they were watching each other like hawks.

“Call me Jackal.” Jack said, reaching a wary hand out to shake.

“Jye’s fine,” Jye replied, reaching a much more confident hand out and shaking his hand with a death grip. I was not in the mood for a fight in my house, all I could do was hope Jye was in a good mood.

I peered at the two as they sat across each other.

“Weapons to me, now.” I ordered,

“What?” They said in unison,

“Give me your weapons,” I repeated, walking up to Jye’s swords that he had sat up next to him.

“Why?” He said, grabbing his swords before I could.

“You bloody know why Jye, I’m not stupid,” I snatched them out of his hands, he gave me a look like a child that had their favourite toy taken away. But that favourite toy was capable of spilling blood all over my carpet. I walked over to Jack,

“I don’t have any,” He said calmly, but I could see straight through his lie. I just stared at him until he realised I knew he had one. He reached into his leather jacket, pulling out a dagger.

“Thank you,” I said sarcastically, snatching it out of his hands and placing the weapons on my kitchen counter. A pitter patter of claws on wood came from down my hallway,

“There you are Cal, was wondering where’d you gone to boy,” I said, patting him and rough playing with him as he playfully growled back.

“You’ve got a dog? The boys didn’t tell me that.” Jye said surprisingly, as Cal stopped playing and put a cold face on. “Callin,” Jye whispered quietly, I barely heard it.

“That’s his name, got a problem Jye?” I said, asking as his eyes widened and the dog followed my steps as I walked over to the sink pretending to do something useful.

“Not at all,” he replied, “So are you guys just fucking or in a relationship?” I dropped the plate I held onto the ground,

“Jye!” I yelled angrily at him for asking a question that was so personal.

“Neither.” I heard Jack reply, “Not yet, at least” I heard Jye stand up and leap at Jack, I was quick to pull him back down to his seat before any damage could be done. Yes, Jack was an Alpha werewolf but Jye, his anger, and his swords were a combination that I believed could kill anything, supernatural or not.

“This, is why I took your weapons, try again and be nice to each other this time, or your both out of my house!” I held Jye’s collar like he was a dog, and Callin stood, hackles raised, at Jack. “Good boy, Cal” I praised the dog for getting at my plan, I’d need two of myself to hold them both down, so he’d saved me some trouble.

“If that’s what you want then fine,” Jye said, getting up and walking towards the door. He reached for the door handle but winced, his hand drawing back to his bandaged wound.

“Not happening, you’re hurt. There’s no way you can ride out like that. You’re staying until you’ve healed.” I ushered him to sit back down, he was in no condition to drive, or protect himself in a town like this. A town full of people who would gladly smell out his blood as a treat, or his head a prize. “You wouldn’t ruin such a strong reputation by showing someone got a hit on the great Swordsman, would you?” I smiled, and he returned it at the mention of he and his brother’s reputation.

“Of course not,” He said, his smile fading as he looked across to Jack, “But when the reason I shot is sitting in front of me, my reputation is the least of my worries.” Grim filled the air, Jack was the reason Jye got hit? Not just hit, but shot?!

“How could I be blamed for your injury, I’ve never met you before” Jack grumbled.

“Because, on my way to visit my dear sister, just out of town, a lovely bunch of hooligans strapped to some might guns stopped me in my tracks – asking if I knew a man named Jackal, and where he may be. When I told them I had no idea who that was, one took aim at my chest.” He pointed to the bloodied bandaging across his chest. “The question is, why were they looking for you?”

“The real question is how you’re alive, you said they all had guns, how did you escape?” Jack inquired, ignoring his question.

“Boy, you really haven’t heard of me, have you?” Jye grinned, “A real swordsman wouldn’t let a few bullets and threats get through him.” Jack looked up at me, confused.

“He sliced them to pieces,” I admitted, I had to admit, despite being smart earlier, Jack didn’t see the strength Jye carried with him despite being human.

Chapter 51 >> Kierra's view


“What do you mean he’s gone on a vacation?! You can’t start something like this and then just leave it to go on a vacation!” I yelled at Commander Randy.

“You can if you’re a newly-mated Prince. He left me in control, and to be honest, fairy, I already know why you’re here. You’re too late, Yulanda told me the truth already. And there’s nothing you can do about it, I’m not afraid of a tiny little helpless fairy like yourselves, your species is a disgrace.”

OH he did not just say that. Stupid vamps thinking they own everything,

“You should be, don’t make a mistake, vamp” I said, the blackness coming out of my fingertips making him jump in surprise,

“No,” he said in disbelief, “Your kind went extinct!”

“Clearly, we haven’t.” I stated, “And if you don’t mind, Yulanda lies. You’ll believe me when I say she was completely out of line, not only misunderstanding me like you have so naively, but walking into enemy territory, she and her Alpha are lucky that Lana and I did not finish them in a matter of seconds for their foolishness.”

“And I’m to believe you? Instead of a loyal follower and underling of our Prince?” He said, trying to hide his fear.

“Because she’s not loyal. If you know anything of my kind that is true, it’s that we can know a lot about one person by just a few minutes with them in the same room. Keep an eye out, and remember this. Anyone who acts as she does, is not to be trusted. I know of your war against the fallen Princess, she’s angered at the failure of her plan, don’t think for a single second that everyone you believe can be trusted, isn’t capable of betrayal.” And with that, I decided it was time to leave. Teleporting from thin air, I left the fool, appearing outside the house. Callin waiting at the door ready to greet me, underneath the dragon brothers’ emblem.

“Callin,” I nodded, and he huffed back.

“Have I missed anything?”

Grave fear crossed his face, I fear a dragon is soon to fall, and another awaits inside, injured – but nothing serious to his injury..

“What? The fates had never decided such things, how is that possible?”

Someone has played with their balance, most likely offering a trade to the only one who could do such a thing. The demon Ferralah. I fear someone has made an alliance with him, offering his freedom back on this earth.

I broke off his telekinesis, I had heard enough. I stormed up the porch, tracing a hand along the emblem. The red dragon began to bleed through small hole in its chest, and the green one began to slowly burn at its tail. This was bad. That only meant that his time was ticking, and there was nothing we could do about it. I was angered, someone playing with the fates like this, they clearly didn’t understand the damage this could cause. They don’t care about the damage they’d cause. Black sparkled at my fingertips as I sharply whipped my hand from the slowly burning dragon, hearing the scream of a familiar voice from inside.

Chapter 51 >> Lana's view


Screams of pain erupted from me, as I felt a burning tear through my back slowly becoming larger by the second. I dropped to the ground in a thump, feeling Jye and Jack at each side of me and another familiar female voice yelling. Kierra. But it didn’t matter, I didn’t understand any words over the pain, I felt Jack’s hands began to slide my shirt up to check the pain where he knew came from my back. I death gripped his hand. No! He cannot see my back! I tried to speak words, but my screams had shut off and so had my vocal chords. I felt Jye drop down and heard a faint pitch of his own screaming in pain, but it faded out along with the piercing high-pitch noise that made my ears leak blood. My eyes began to drift upwards as everything began to fade out and the last thing I heard was Jack’s worried voice,

“Hey, No! Lana, Stay with me!”

It’s too late… my last thought drifted through my mouth as a whisper before all I could see, hear and feel was darkness.

A light appeared far away, a body drifting from out of it, smiling.

“Avenge,” It chanted, “Rise up to the darkness,”

The body appeared, lightened up to features I remember dearly. “Mongo?”

He smiled in reply, but continued chanting the same words over and over. He began to fade out, drifting back into the light he came from, his last words haunting me. Love you, sis.

“Wait, Mongo! Don’t go!” I screamed, banging around at whatever was holding me down. I was back into the nothingness, in the darkness, all alone. I felt tears flow down my face, but I felt my face wasn’t with me in the darkness. “Don’t leave me alone…”

Chapter 52 >> Jack's view


“Get him outside, Now! If you don’t want to burn to death Jackal!” The fair Kierra ordered me,

“Why would I burn to death- “a flame lit on Jye’s hand and his wound began to bleed magma.

“NOW!” She ordered, and this time I didn’t hesitate, I grabbed at the man’s arm’s dragging his body out the door quickly and dropping it next to a tree, I stood back as his whole entire body began to burn, the tree joining in. His hand reaching for something despite his unconsciousness. Callin came tumbling quicker than should be possible, carrying the two sheathed swords in his mouth and pushing them into the haunted burning arm he held out for them.

“What is going on? Kierra, is this some kind of joke-”

“I’ll tell you what’s going on. Call me Kira.” She re-introduced herself,

Chapter 53 >> Ace's view - 5 days later


I hated this constant feeling I had. I love Yulanda. But I don’t! My mind mixed with thoughts, some feeling out of place – and the worst part was that I felt like there was something I was missing. Something I needed to protect, to get to. And it wasn’t a something. It was a someone

“You’ve become so aggravated lately,” Yulanda strolled up to me, passing the casual passer-by’s “I like it,” she pressed her lips against mine, and an invisible force pushed me to kiss back as she went further. Come closer. Get away from me!

“The bar is booked for us, ready to go.” Peter’s voice broke it up. How dare he. Peter, help!

“Good, we must be on our best behaviour for our visitors. They are great allies.” She said, immediately walking off. My body was once again un-willingly pulled to follow her. As we entered the bar, a familiar scent of smoke, and bell ring above my head over-took me with the feeling I hated so much. Whoever I missed. I needed. Something happened here, either way, we were here – both of us.

“Ah, my dearest Yulanda. I am proud of your winnings, an Alpha and his pack!” a brown-haired sickly familiar woman stood up gracefully, leaving her male friend whose face was hidden at the bar stools.

“Princess Olivia, always a pleasure. I see Ferra is already here?” She bowed, but as Yulanda came back up from her bow she was slapped hard across the face.

“Stupid girl, you must call him by his full name, you are no friend of his.” Olivia’s eyes pierced through her.

“I am sorry, demon king Ferralah.”

Demon king? Ferralah?

“I see you used my potions correctly, at least you could do something right.” Olivia said, strutting over and brushing my jaw like you would to a pet. She grinned. “You’re a good doggy,” she laughed.

“A fake love potion can do so well, what with alpha’s and their packs being connected in the brain chemistry, I didn’t even need more than one.” Yulanda smiled, but Olivia waved her off, clearly done with the conversation.

“I had no doubt the potion would work, by now, he’s already deeply trapped in his own mind, unable to do anything unless it is something you want. And if the wretched bastard loved anyone, they’ve been long forgotten, there’s no way anyone could fight for their love through something as powerful as my personal love potion. He won’t even remember anything, not even be able to think about them even if their souls were mated. That’s why it’s part of the perfect for my plan for my brother.”

“Yes. Princess.”

Olivia cackled, but by the time she was done, the shadowed figure had moved from his seat and was standing across from me, on the side of Olivia.

“Yes, yes, your plan. But remember I will help you with nothing unless my plan is finished. Get me to the bitch daughter, I must kill her for my true freedom. The only thing that can harm me, must be destroyed.” His voice grumbled deeply, it was terrifying.

“It will be done, Demon King Ferralah, do not hesitate. We’re already in the right town.” Olivia spoke, but I didn’t take the information in, I was too busy staring at the man, he was in the light, but his features were still dark in horror. My instincts screamed to run, to say something to someone important about this man. But I was clouded, and now I knew why. I’d been bewitched. But something wasn’t right about it, Olivia had said I wouldn’t be able to think or remember anything about somebody it made me forget – but here I was, standing in a bar puzzled in my thought of somebody I remembered here and in my tent. Not just that. I loved them.

“I think your boy toy needs a topping up, Yulanda, his thoughts seem to be wandering.” Olivia sneered at me, and Yulanda whipped out a shiny red lipstick. Whacking it onto her lips and coming for me again like she had so many times. No! Not again! I have to get out of here, please, body, just move! My fingers began to tingle, my calves, and eventually my whole body. Yes! Now run!

My body was in pain, it was sudden and jolting, but I didn’t dare stop or look back as I flew out the door racing as fast as I could. I knew where to go, but I didn’t know why but it was urgent. Urgent enough to run through the pain that quickly ran through me harder by the second. It had to be some kind of effect for victims, if they were ever to break through it. Through the last street. Into the woods. Head slightly south. Keep going this way. My mind ordered me through, step by step by a memory I couldn’t bring back myself. A house appeared in the middle of all the trees and muddy ground, it was neutral, familiar, and I felt strongly about it. Strongly about what? I continued up to the house, almost tripping on my pain-number feet as I sprinted up the steps of the porch and banging my fist on the door. I immediately withdrew my hand, and a burn reared itself on my knuckle. I looked up to see a weird emblem I could’ve sworn I’d seen before. Where I’d placed my hand, there was still burning ash on one of the beautiful dragons that flew on the emblem. The door swung open to another familiar face.

“Do you have a death wish Alpha?” The fairy groaned, and a large dog appeared at her side. I knew them.

“I know you. Help me, please, I’ve been poisoned, potioned whatever you’re supposed to call a witch tricking you I don’t know just help me please,”

“Why should I help you- “The dog tore at her baggy pants,

“Please, miss, I need to find someone, and I know they’re in this house. I need to warn them.” I begged, doing what I’d never thought I’d ever do. I got on my knees, defeat pouring over me.

“Who’s at the door, Ki? And where’s Jackal- “another female walked into the room from behind the girl she called Ki. She was beautiful, with ocean blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that hung just above her elbows as it freely blew in the small breeze coming through the door. But she was not amazed to see me, instead, her eyes began to flash red. An Alpha. But it was her, I knew it, but what did I do to make her angry?

“It’s you, you. You I need to warn you, there’s a man in town he- “I tried to speak, but I had nothing, no idea how I could say what I needed to say or why I needed to.

“Well, this is a plot twist.” an evil laugh behind me interrupted my thoughts. Yulanda. The fairy in front of me dropped to her knees, the dog following with her as they both passed out cold. What was that?!

I spun around, ready to defend with my life. They may have taken my memories, my thoughts, but I will fight to the death for her. Even if I have no idea who she is now, it didn’t matter. I growled, deep and heavy.

“Yulanda, you dare to use witch’s trickery on me! Never again, I will rip your throat out you disgusting little-“ she broke my words, kissing me. She’d used her vamp speed to zoom up to me from the woods lining.

Chapter 54 >> Lana's view


I struggled at the chains, but I was too weak. They were made of something I couldn’t interpret but the feeling was strangely familiar.

“Hello, Lana. It’s funny that out of all the people Ace ran for,” The vampire Yulanda sat in a chair, the only piece of furniture in the stone room, “It was you, and not just that, he broke through Olivia’s spell. There was something strong between you two. Which will make this all the more fun for me,”

Ace walked through, chains on his feet clanking as he shuffled over to me, holding an axe. His eyes were on the floor but his body showed the shame and hatred that mixed inside of him.

“What in the hell are you planning, bitch?” I questioned her motives,

“What do you think? Two lovers distraught, as one murders the other. That’ll be a memory to over-power all of his memories don’t you think?” she laughed,

“Hold up, Lovers? Ha-ha, don’t be so dull, he means nothing to me. You two are the lovers, I wouldn’t mind switching positions with you because you’re clearly confused.” I eyed the old lumberjack axe. “And you think that could kill me, I don’t think you know what I’ve become?”

“After putting on those chains, you’re back to the nothing you were before you changed. Olivia’s smart you know, but she doesn’t realise that I’ve taken the chains made from a replica of the bracelet that held your abilities once before. You were supposed to be killed by your daddy dearest, but I began to love this man. Stronger than you two ever would have! So I’m seeing personally to your death.” Jealous flushed her,

“Oh, honey,” I said, putting on my calm face as Ace’s shuffle stopped in front of me and began to lift his axe. “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you,” I lasted myself one more smile, before I felt the axe come down swiftly.


I opened my eyes, realising I had closed them. The axe hovered centimetres from my hairline, giving me goose bumps. Yulanda lifted from her chair, surprised and angry her plan hadn’t worked. I began to laugh.

“Ace! What are you doing? Kill her!” She ordered frustratingly, making me hold back my snicker.

The axe began to lift, I felt it.

“N…o.” he mumbled, as the axe began to lift faster. “I. Will. Never.”

“Wha, wha, what are you doing? Ace, stop it!” Yulanda began to back away as he stalked towards her, axe raised, and each step and word looking more painful than the last.

I used the distraction to tug at the final knot in my ‘cuffs’. I was never useless before I became a wolf, and god knows what else, you dumb bitch. It snapped free, and I rose myself back up, feeling power drain slowly back into my body. I heard the screams of Yulanda in the dark corner, but that didn’t stop me. But what Ace’d done and said did. He was under some powerful trance… but, he broke through it. He wouldn’t kill me, even if he had no choice. Even if he would die. Jackal’s words from before flashed into my mind.

“I’m not meant for you, I’m sorry. I have to leave. I’m sorry I failed my promise, I can’t love you better than him.” Jackal’s sorry words had pierced through me. 

Ki had said that it wasn’t Jackal’s name I’d cried when I awoke. Surely, they didn’t mean…

My grief for Mongo slided to the back of my head as I realised the pain he’d gone through for me. he’d watched as I got angry over him and Yulanda, and there was nothing he could do about it. I wanted to sprint out the wooden door, but I couldn’t move. He appeared through the shadows, a hint of blood staining his once glorified t-shirt. A bunch of emotion crossing his face.

“I remember,” He whispered, coming closer to me, “Lana, you’re Lana,” He paused, pain crossing his face. “I’m sorry, I hurt you, please forgive me.” He got to his knees. An Alpha, got to his knees begging for forgiveness.

“it… it’s not your fault, get back up,” I pulled him back up, he needed to gain his old confidence back if I was going to forgive him. And if we were going to escape, because no doubt there was somebody waiting on the other side of the door. I smiled weakly in an attempt to comfort him, “Don’t get so knocked down by everybody. We need to get out, and you can’t be falling at your knees if we’re going to do this. Together,” I turned to the door, “You kicked down a door for me once, let’s get even,” I swung my foot a little bit backwards, and thrust it through, splinting the wood and smashing the door to pieces as if it were nothing. It was nothing compared to Mayson’s iron door.

I knew Ace was following me, I felt his heaved breath behind me, but this time I liked the feeling. It was nice, not feeling so alone – for the first time in at least a week.

“I missed our little adventures,” I heard him groan through his pain,

“There’s the man I knew,” I said accomplishing the task of rebuilding him back up.

“I don’t mean to doubt you at all, but you know what you’re up against right?”

“Yulanda mentioned ‘daddy dearest’. I’m guessing my father wants a piece of this, whoever he is.”

“Not who-ever. What-ever. They called him Demon King Ferralah.”

“Cute,” I said, to his surprise, “I used to call my father a demon long before I knew that shit was possible. Out of all people, I’m not surprised the dick-head got a title for himself.”

“The guy radiates power, Lana, he’s not as easy as the King of Vampires for you. Demons are severely powerful, and that’s just talking about the average demon.”

“I don’t care, Ace, I either kill him or I die, either way I accomplished something. 1 – I avenge my mother, 2 – I get to join Mongo up in, well let’s be honest we’re not going to heaven.”

“I won’t let you die,”

“You made that pretty clear before,” I paused, “Thank you, by the way. You saved my life. Again.”

“You’ve saved mine in more ways than I think you’ll ever know.”

Ace’s serious statement shocked me, but not as much as what I saw around the corner. Another stone room with barely any light in it. But it wasn’t the room that took my surprise, but the bitch Olivia and a man next to her.

“Hey! Shadow-looking bastard! Get your ass over here so I can kick it all ready,” I yelled, stancing myself up and earning a dirty look form both of them, “Sorry, I guess I should call it your Highness’s hiney, “And your welcome for some ass-kicking as well Olivia, if your feelin’ kinky-“

“Enough!” The man’s voice boomed, showing the power that, as Ace had said, literally vibed form the guy.

“Your tough talk is nothing, Lana, you’re in the presence of the Demon King Ferralah, your fear will overcome you, -“

“What fear? Hah, just hurry up and let’s get this bull shit over with, I’m sick of looking at your ugly mugs.” I laughed, but there was poison in it. I heard Ace shift into his wolf form behind me, ready to fight. I knew I should probably do the same, but I was going to see my father’s blood on my hands no matter what lengths I had to push to see it. “Mum’ll be proud,” I whispered to myself.

“She was a low-life nothing, those who are fallen from the heavens should be killed on sight, not let roam around and have children. She deserved what I did.” He grumbled, stalking towards me,
“She was everything! If you’re suggesting she was an angel I’m not surprised, but she deserved nothing from you, and I will make sure her death is not in vain!” I yelled as I leaped at him, our bodies sprawling onto the ground in a brawl.

“You are a stupid child,” He began to laugh, as I left him on the ground with his face mashed up from my punches. He lifted himself back up for a round 2, but instead of baring his fists, he turned into a midnight-coloured shadow of a man. It was like a thick-coat of darkness, but a small gleam made me realise it was more like a shield. Two can play that game.

“Must run in the family,” I shot back, bringing forth the black veins and the power they brought with them. They pulsed and I saw my hands in front of me pulse the darkness through me. Bring it on. I didn’t have time to think about how I really had just done that, considering it’d only happened normally after I got angry – or lost control.

“Enough, Ferralah this isn’t the time!” Olivia’s voice broke off the anger between myself and… it. I took a quick glance at her, but kept my focus on the shadow before me. In this musty dark room, he would normally be hard to see, but my past had taught me against fear of many things, the dark had practically become my friend – and I found it easy to see things in it. Olivia was standing, cornered by a snarling wolf. Ace. But she had a hand up at the wolf, he was frozen in motion, but I felt that didn’t matter at all – because the moment he got free there was no doubt revenge would make him see red. Her other hand glowing a strange green as she held it close to her chest, concentrating. Enough. Finish this. Now. My wolf growled at me. I realised I didn’t care about whatever kind of magic shit she was pulling, or demons possibly being real – I’d wanted revenge on the jerk that was my father for so long, he’d tricked my mother, making her think he was a good person and then once they were married, he showed his true colours. Beating, drinking, cursing, the guy was one of the worst human beings I’d known – and now I knew that he wasn’t even human, it would only make my revenge easier. He was a literal demon. Pure evil. And he was going down.

Chapter 55 >> Kierra's view


Get. Up. My thoughts broke me from what felt like a coma. I had heard what had happened while I was in it, but it was now I could break from it. I opened my eyes quickly, flushing my magic through my body. But it was weak.

“How did a vampire get a hold of Jang Stone?” I asked, pulling myself up and finding Callin and Jye waiting for me on the wooden porch.

“I have no idea, but that wasn’t the only thing she got a hold of. She’s got a mate, not one you’ll like.” Jye spoke up, his hand strayed to his wrapped bandage for his shot wound. “She had to be linked to the guys who shot me, they used their bullets with the Jang stone. Explains why it hasn’t healed by now.” He looked to Callin, “And Callin had another premonition, the vampire is dead and we need to get going, right now. A warehouse next to the old laboratory, which is probably where they got their ingredients. She needs us.” He stood up, ripping his bandages off. There was no way a powerful warrior like himself would walk around with a bandaging around his shoulder. She needs us. I got to my legs, my magic already rendering back into its old levels. Jang stone was powerful, but old school. Those like Callin and Jay have had the same stone used on them for centuries – they had to have woken up in about half the time I did – and probably were already back to full strength.

“Is it a good idea for you to come?” I said, following the two who leapt over porch fence with such grace. Jye had not long ago been in a much deeper coma, but it was brought by the grief of his brother’s death. And the burning from his tattoo as one of the dragon’s fell. He was in danger of blowing back up into flames uncontrollably, if he did so in public, it would take a lot out of me to mind wipe that many citizens. But the main focus on hand was that Katalana needed us, and I was more worried about that than anything else. She’d had a fever along with the coma for the days she was out, and even though she’d been awake when the alpha had come to the house – there was no way that was going to last long. She needed my comfort, and my medical help. Jackal had helped, every time he was in the room she seemed slightly more contempt. But before she woke, she’d said something. Something that made him decide to leave, not just the room, the Alpha Jackal dropped out of the competition, he left town – saying there wasn’t anything worth staying for anymore for him.

As I wavered through the woods, I thought about the funny coincidence I was in. I was stumbling through the woods of a small-American town with dark secrets, a fallen god and one of the last-standing dragon-brothers. I thwacked bugs off my arms, and tried to remember the old tale of the dragon brothers, considering I was in one of their presences.

In an orphanage, there were five lonely orphans. They were outcast from the rest of the kids by a difference. They all had powers, that eventually brought them together during their years as they grew up. The boys contained different traits, that was for sure, but they all shared a few things in common that strengthened their brother-hood. The boys grew up, leaving the orphanage together when the oldest turned 18 and took custody of the younger boys, but they were still brothers. One day, out in a country full of dirt and dust, they were roaming a field, glorying over their freedom and puffing their coloured fire from their fingers at each other playfully. Then suddenly one boy stopped, and the others soon followed, they were stanced in a full circle and one by one, they grew larger, shaping into that of a beautiful dragon of different sizes and shapes, but the most difference was their colours. The first boy became a beautiful red, the others following along with shining colours of purple, brown, green and yellow. But they were not alone in this field, a coven of evil witches saw the boys and their transformation – and envied their beauty and power. The witches came together, creating a curse to prevent the boys from becoming such beauties ever again. They cursed all of the dragon brothers to be tied into their human forms for eternity, so that they could never feel the glory and beauty of becoming their dragon forms ever again.

A tear formed in my eye that I hadn’t realised had been there, as it dropped I began to see the clearing from the woods. Jye had been the first brother. He had the pain of eternity without his true glorious form, and his past had become a fairy-tale for children of the supernatural community. But the tear receded as I remembered the part that wasn’t told to children. He had got his revenge.

The dragon brothers got their revenge, Kierra, my grandmother’s shaky voice rung in my head.

Have you ever wondered why there are so few witches in our world? It’s because of the brothers.

They tracked down the coven after they learned to the full extent what they could do, and they destroyed the largest and most powerful coven of all time. Every single witch in the whole coven was destroyed, painful deaths they endured for their envious and evil actions. But this of course rid the brothers of their innocence, and so they decided out of their honesty and good-heartedness that they would not make the witches reverse the spell. Your mother had told you to not idolise them, that they were deadly warriors never to be crossed with, but you should. I remembered her patting a hand on my head, watching the life drain from her eyes, make them your idols, and cross their path, don’t let anyone bring down your beliefs, your dreams. The tear that had receded was now back, and with vengeance. I laced my own fingers together, whispering under my breath. “Thank you, Nana.” I said, so quietly I felt like the wind had carried it away. Hopefully up to the heavens where Nana smiled. My feet swerved on the pavement as we began to enter the part of the town that was forbidden for entry. Well, to anyone but us. Human rules don’t exactly apply to a god, a fairy-tale and one of the last dark fairies. We passed many houses, all boarded up with wooden panels and warning signs. They passed it off as some kind of gas, or mite or something like that, but I knew the truth. The laboratory was testing on supernatural they’d found, they were just children, but the tests became too much for the kids, and one of the children found a way to escape, but he didn’t get far. The whole neighbourhood was smoked out by a strange power that the child had mutated from their tests, killing all the scientists and smoking out the whole part of town. Rumor had been that the child survived, but that the Immortal Court had quickly snatched him up and cleaned up the scene as bets as they could. No doubt, the child had escaped, only to be trapped and tested on by the Immortal Court. The sound of metal being ripped open ripped my attention from the lonely boarded up houses and to the warehouse to my right. Jye was ripping it open with his bare hands. I quickly paced up the cracked concrete, almost tripping over a bunch of weeds that had grown through the cracks. I hopped through the hole to find a wolf standing over her body. He growled, and I realised he was the Alpha from earlier, but he was in full wolf-form, fuller meaning he was out of control and all he had was the mind of his wolf in consciousness. I heard Callin growl back, he was standing in between Jye and I. Obviously, the wolf was supposed to bow down, Callin was a fallen god, but he fell in along with the families of those of wolfs and dogs – and their shifter counter parts. My eyes drifted back to the wolf, but he stood solid still, making me gasp aloud and my hand fly to my mouth from surprise. The wolf growled again but this time, it was more than the one of warning from earlier, it was a threat.

“You’ve got some gut, mutt. I admire that, but you don’t know what you’re doing mate, she won’t be harmed.” Jye attempted to reason with the wolf, and its death stare lingered onto Jye, but a rebelling wolf is still an ant to Jye, he didn’t flinch as it gave him a threat, clearly not taking in any word he said.

It stopped growling suddenly, like something had clicked in its head. And it moved to the side, heading into the darker side of the musty room. I took the moment to race to Lana’s side, my knees scraped against the rough concrete floor and I knew the skin had broken as I landed hard but that didn’t matter. I used one hand to push her onto her back from the curled position she had been in, and the other hand went straight to forehead. I whipped my hand away. It was burning hot, hotter than it had been before, and before, it had taken her 5 days before she could wake up. I swallowed hard knowing this would take a lot longer, and I noted as Jye picked her up into his arms that his skin was partially flaming. I quickly grabbed her from his grip.

“Are you insane? She’s got a fever! You really think that someone with the temperature of a literal fire is going to help?” I scolded him like a child, earning me a look from both Jye and Callin, reminding e that I’m small fry compared to them. “I know what I’m doing, unlike you, so unless you want to make things worse, stop treating me like I’m scum and let me do my job.” They both seemed to grumble, of course Callin’s seeming more like a growl. He was probably never going to get over the feeling of being a god, even if he was a fallen one at that.

“He’s a demon king, fairy.” A voice came from the shadows as the same wolf, but in human form appeared, holding a note. “And he left a note,” He held out to me, even though we were metres apart. My hands were full, of a girl I needed to get to bed and to begin healing soon. She wasn’t like Jye, she handled grief differently, as did everyone. She took it hard, because the brothers were not a fairy-tale to her. They were the only people she ever really attached to. And the unexpected death of one, of an immortal, was something even I couldn’t wrap my head around. Jye, being the strong-minded warrior he is probably was only awake for the sole purpose to protect her, and find who killed his brother and how. The how was really twisting me. after the long silence, Jye walked up to the alpha and grabbed the note.

“What does it say?” Jye asked, not folding the note but instead putting into his pocket.

“I haven’t read it. If you didn’t notice I wasn’t exactly myself…” he pondered off,

“Thank you,” Jye said, his voice calm and brave, “I don’t know why you did it, but you should know, you’ve earned my respect.” This would be an honour to anyone who heard those words from the first dragon brother but the wolf crinkled his brows and his eyes shot to Katalana in my arms.

“I don’t care who’s respect I earn, unless it’s hers. My memories are only still coming together, but I know the house and where it is and how to get in. Whoever you are,” he paused, “I’m coming with you.”

“You want to tag along? You know that we are up against a demon king and you attempt to force your way into the battle for memories you don’t even have right now?” I finally piped into the conversation, the man could not be serious, I swear I knew everything about Lana but as my eyes peered down at the girl in my arms, I realised I must not have known everything.

The wolf only nodded his response, but after a day like this, I wasn’t willing to chat any longer. If the wolf wouldn’t tear her into pieces when he was out of control, then he was somebody we must keep close.

Chapter 56 >> Ace's view (Back at Lana's house)

I’d seen a demon king, so why did I find it so hard to believe what I was seeing right now. I stood leaning on the door of what must be her room, two chairs at the side of the king bed – containing not just a fairy, but a fairy using dark magic to heal. Dark fairies had supposedly died out after the war between the Immortal Court and the first level of Hell. The Immortal Court brought the whole supernatural kingdom with them in the war, some few centuries ago, way past the 24 years I’d lived. Not just a dark fairy in the room, but realisation followed disbelief that a cursed fairy-tale and what had to be the god of wolves and dogs – both the god and the member of the brother-hood being known fierce warriors. As a kid, I used to idolise these kinds of people. But now, I learned that attempting to be like anybody else was stupid. After Mayson killed my mother, I realised a lot about myself, including the fact that the only person I should want to be is myself. And all I wanted to be was the man known for Mayson’s death. And I am. But the last step to my plan was foiled by the beautiful dirty blonde girl who was in that bed, in a fever-induced coma. The last step where I was to feel finally like I’d accomplished and gained everything I could from life. That I could just settle down alone in the depths, but now. Now she was all my mind was on. Lana. This woman had successfully made me want something I’d never wanted so badly out of anyone else, I wanted to make her happy, to make her smile, laugh – to love her.

“Her body has adapted to the fever, even though it came down harder this time, it seems to have already found a way to twist out of it.” The fairy said quietly, looking out the dark window at the peaceful night outside, “She should be up and running by morning, the coma shouldn’t come back after that.” I smiled, remembering her saying something as I gained another memory. Nothing works on her twice. I faced the floor with my grin, the side of my face that held the grin twitched and drowned out quickly as I felt eyes on me.

“I’ll take shift to watch her,” I quickly swiped at the opportunity, there was no way I was going to lay back and relax with her in this state, even if she didn’t threaten me for seeing her in a weak state.

“Callin and I will watch outside,” Jye, the brother, spoke up. I still struggled with the thought of being so casually in the same room as a warrior and fallen god. “You should get some rest, Kierra, you know sis will be fine, I’ll need you rested and well as I need to call my brothers come morning.”

“No need to call them, Jye, they’re already on their way, but you boys are causing a scene. You’re too much. The note and the Alpha speak the truth, we have time.” She shot back, “You need to get out of town, soon.” Her words seemed to hurt him for a moment, and then he flashed back into the calm sort of personality he rides out.

“Fine, but I’m going to say goodbye first, I don’t want her to feel abandoned-“ Jye was broke off by the deep growl of Callin.

“I believe that means you’ve got to get out. Before morning.” I timed in, standing up preparing myself for the stares that came my way, “What? If that is Callin, in front of me, then judgement upon his opinion can be the difference between life and death. And from what I’ve heard these past few days, you brothers aren’t fully Immortal.” My words clearly shocking them,

“You catch on quicker than I find comfortable, Alpha,” Was all Jye said before lifting himself out of the chair and leaving. As he passed me, the lingering smell of ash burned my nostrils, as I realised a few small flames burned on his bare shoulders, exposed by the singlet he wore. I saw just before he turned out the door that the two swords in his belt had flames leaping out of their covers. So it was true, he really was attached to the blades. I was glad I kept my tongue sharp, if I said anything wrong and lost their trust, I would be sliced and burned within seconds.

Chapter 57 >> Kade's view



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.07.2017

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Constantly trying to update, But I'm also pretty lazy so don't bet on it :P. Let me know if you liked what you read down in the comments. - Ash Faith

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