

It wasn't as if Casper was going to turn Mafia away. Casper never turned anyone away, not a human or a horse. Mafia was a lively, athletic young stallion with plenty of potential. He was perfect. Just what the farm needed. A little bit of action so to say. Mafia arrived just after midday in the back of an old rusty trailor. The four-by-four that had driven him here was splattered with mud and dented by hoof-prints. Casper watched from the kitchen window as the vehicals pulled into the parking space.

"Who is it hunny?" purred Clair as she came over to the sink with the dirty dishes from lunch. Sophie looked up brightly at the sound of visitors.

"Oh friends!" cried Sophie delighted as she went running from the room, her golden locks bouncing up and down as she ran down the hallway towards the door.

"Soph! No!" Casper yelled dropping the plate back into the dirty soap water and running out after his five year old daughter. Sophie was slipping her small feet into her wellie-boots when Casper got to her. "Sophie..." but he was smiling at her and they both laughed. Casper scooped up his daughter who clung tightly to him, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Dadda! Hosse!" Sophie wiggled against her fathers hip as they approached the stranger. The trialor was rocking violently, as if the creature inside was putting up a fight.

"Yes Sophie." Casper agreed, setting her down on the gravel beside him. She was away in a second, running towards the strange old trailor to look at the horse. Casper walked slowly behind, eyeing the trailor and old man beside.

"Casper Bonito-" Casper offered his hand out and introduced himself, the stranger smiled and lifted up his hand to stop Casper.

"I know who you are. That's why I came to you. It's been said you're the horse man. The horse whisperer

. I've brought you a riddle in a box, yours free of charge." The old man gave a wonky smile, several of his teeth were missing. Casper looked un-certain.

"I don't take in un-wanted animals" He managed at last, gritting his teeth as Sophie gave a small scream of amazement at the horse inside. "Sorry."

"No no. You don't understand me Casper. I can't have the horse, if you don't take it then..." He let the sentance drift off. Casper gulped, he knew what the man was getting at but it didn't please him. At last Casper gave in and nodded for the trailor to be opened. Sophie moved around to help them when the old man stopped her.

"Not for you little lass. He's a big boy." Sophie stared at him confussed, she loved horses, she would never hurt them. "You need to be quick and strong like your father" and he gestured for Casper to move around and help him.

The horse was very big. And black. He looked royal and majestic, he snorted loudly and nuzzled Clair who had come out to see the new horse. It was getting late, Sophie and Casper had spen the afternoon sorting out a stall for Mafia to live in. And now they were grooming him. Or trying to. Mafia brought his long powerful leg smashing down onto Clair's foot. She yelled in suprise and pain, dragging her new boots out from under Mafia's foot, wincing, and rubbing it better. Sophie, suprised to hear her mum screaming, began to pull faces and hugged her mum. Mafia leaned forwards eagerly and sunk his teeth into the soft flesh of Sophie's arm. Sophie screamed loudly, Casper patted Mafia's bottom and put his fingers into the corner of the naughty horses mouth forcing it open. Mafia let go, and Sophie went running for the house, Clair following quickly behind.

"Hold on sweetie! Go to the bathroom! We'll get ice on it don't worry" and the pair were gone into the house. Casper eyed up the stallion warily. Mafia whinnied loudly.

"You were given the right name alright..." Casper frowned darkly at the smurking stag before picking up a body-brush. The stallion leaned around, and bit hard into Casper's bottom. Casper let go of the brush and yelled in agony. Mafia let go, and laughed...


Texte: (c) Gorecki 2010 The names in this book are the original, any attempt to recreat or publisise without the authors permission will result in presicution.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.05.2010

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For Mafia, You nasty black stag.

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