

Trek of a Tail






Yenikudus, The Holy City, begins its descent.

The Mount of Olives breaks in anticipation. The tectonic plates underground begin moving and collide, crashing together, pulling apart, and sideswiping each other. Across the globe, mountain ranges shudder and disintegrate. Rock layers force aside in all directions. Plates break free noisily, chaotically, as if in anger, but in fact, their crashing bespeaks a joyous song of welcome.

Ocean floors lift up, seas and oceans rise, and then fall, only to be swallowed by the land. As the seas are covered, the Mount of Olives transforms into vast plains that will soon be seeded and blossom according to the Word.

Elohim Abah sits upon His throne high above this phenomenon, observing it, quill in hand, His Book of Creation lying on a grand table before Him.

He is in a seemingly empty room in a universe beyond the sky, Heaven. An amazing emerald rainbow arches behind the throne. In front, there are seven pure gold lampstands surrounding the grand table. Olive trees sit symmetrically at each end of the Wondermirror on the wall. The mirror has cracks which allows anyone a glimpse of what lies beyond what they see. A big glass window facing a beautiful crystal river down the horizon allows Him to see everything and beyond.

He stretches His invisible hand, and opens the sacred sketchpad bookmarked to the current moment. He briefly glances the page, and then flips the pages backward, millions of years to another universe stretching parallel to Heaven. A whim, perhaps. A fleeting diversion, maybe.

Prabumi. His first Act of Creation in the ongoing, wondrous process that follows, even now still stirs his sense of pride and accomplishment. He smiles. He has done well.

Breathing the marvellous blend of nitrogen and oxygen, His creature, the Unifaun, was a superior species with large brains relative to their body size, enabling them to experience emotions, rationalise and process complex complications. Because of the intricate and advanced structure of the physiology of their mind, they had been able to reach a level of wisdom beyond the average intelligence. They were given maximum freedom of choice and independence, without interference from their Creator, who deliberately let them find their own way and, in so doing, perfect themselves.

On this page about the universe Prabumi, a Unifaun ducked his head towards the others, showing off his horns proudly, three-finger hands holding tools lifted in proclaiming success while two legs with furry hooved feet walked towards a massive construction site on the rocky hills. Their physical ability, flawless build and majestic tail created a stunning and theatrical image that was enhanced by the vibrant colourful fabrics they wore.

Abah flips to the next page.

Angels created in Heaven, His home-universe, sat together making music. Michael, the oldest, was sitting beside the bright and shining Day Star, Cherub Heylel, who held a golden tambourine in his right hand. Gabriel and Raphael stood in the background. This page held tribute to one tranquil evening after Heylel had lead worship with his grand orchestra. Abah was especially fond of His archangels. What a beautiful memory.

The next page depicts His most valuable creation, the fruit of His abundant love, the result of collaboration of Elohim, a team of three, Elohim Abah, Ben Elohim Yeshua, and Elohim Ruach. The first Human, a mankind, a creature that reflects Elohim’s own image and likeness. A creature for whom He had provided Earth, a lushy green planet in the third and last universe paralleled with Heaven and Prabumi. The planet had separated lands and seas, whose animal species wandered freely on the carpet of living green grass and foliage. The page, with a beautifully crafted garden is the most colourful of all.

The following page shows the rebelled angels lead by Heylel, fuelled by pride and jealousy, clamouring outside Heaven’s gates right after the revolt. A strong special relationship formed between the archangels, until the creation of mankind. Heylel, the most brightest and beautiful archangel, became proud of himself, demanded to be worshipped and questioned Elohim’s command that all angels to serve before man, which would seemingly make Elohim love mankind even more than angels. Heylel retreated to Michael for support, but Michael who always obeyed Elohim would not listen. Heylel, outraged and convincing enough to persuade one third of all angels to support him, rebelled against Elohim.

Abbah’s chest contracts, and the inner-ends of His eyebrows rises. The rebel angels’ envy was out of proportion. Mankind, though was specially crafted in Elohim image, wouldn’t win more love than the angels. No! Everybody would have their own roles, specific roles that would benefit one another. He lowers His head into His hands, eyes closed, shoulders shaking as He fought back the grief. Then, as His nostrils flares with each breath, He grinds His teeth, ball hHis right hand into a fist, clenches it and bangs the table. A thunder-like sound rattles to all corners of Heaven, and the other two universes.

After a moment of silence, Abah takes a deep breath. Slowly He turns to the next page. This spread shows a tree in a beautifully crafted garden, the Eeden. Heylel deceived mankind on Earth into sin, instituting death to exist in their life and taking away the eternity Elohim had planted in their hearts. Since then, mankind had rested laboured under the heavy curses of sin, and the long dark night of Earth’s history had begun. Abah sighs. He gazes away from the book and rests His back against the great throne.

After a long pause, Abah looks back at the Book of Creation. He, skips some pages, some thousand years, and arrives at a page time whenre mankind was enslaved by the grip of sin, bigotry, killing, lust, prostitution, squander, drug abuse, avarice. Fallen angels roamed the Earth among the damned. Abah shakes his head, disturbed by what He sees, emits an exhalation, and impatiently flips several pages forward.

Page thirty pictures Ben Elohim Yeshua, the visible version of Him. Abah smiles. He stands up from His seat, stretches His body and walks toward the window. Yeshua appears to be in the cracks of the wonder mirror as He passed by the olive three. He stops at the drinking station, pours water to a cup, and drinks slowly.

Ben Elohim Yeshua is His representative, only because no one can see and be near Abah. They are both equal in every way, and always act together. Yeshua specialises in working with and amongst the people. He has crafted Yenikudus to perfection for His beloved children, and for Himself. Yeshua will dwell with and among them.

Abah walks back to the Book of Creation on His table. The cracks on the Wondermirror witnesses His swift movement. His pace is somewhat fast but not hurried.

On the opened page, Yeshua, the annointed Saviour hovered Earth in the sky. Without landing, He fetched all the righteous souls, the livings and the dead, raising them up to Heaven to live with Him there for a thousand years. They were His children who had been perseverantce, obeyed His commandments, and remained faithful to Him.

On the ground, the living wicked were put to death, joining the wicked dead who had slept knowing nothing in the grave. The earth became desolate and depressing as Ruach, the divine spirit withdrew. Flowers died; leaves and trees lost their foliage. The earth became nothing but a scorched wasteland. And the fallen angels, the kings of the Earth were left bound on the planet with no one to deceive. A page of victory, indeed.

Abah turns the page further. After the thousand years, the deceased wicked were had been resurrected to alive. They had emerged from the grave, stood, and walked on the gloomy Earth. In the background, Yenikudus out of heaven began its descent out of heaven. The fallen angels who were let looseroaming the Earth deceived the wicked into joining forces to attacking the hovering city. However ,when their attacks intensified, a great blue fire shooting from heaven destroyed the wicked and the fallen angels in one terrible blaze. The Fires that burn everywhere makes thise page as the most spine-chilling of all. Heylel, the leader of the fallen angels, was crushed on the head by fiery rocks, burned and destroyed. Upon that his death, the Earth was burned and destroyed completely; a silent dusty void and remained in its place.

Abah flips to the page before the bookmarked page He left aside.only dust left.

As the City descending half way down, the void planet was rebuilding. Seeds of renewal sprouted in between the dust as Elohim Ruach invisibly hovered over the surface, first the blade emerging first, then the ears, then and finally the full head of grain in the ears. Flowers bloom. Lush trees that bore grains, and those that bore fruits were shooting upany kinds of them,. Lakes and rivers filled with crystal water, fine pebbles and various kinds of beautiful living creatures. Sky decorated with bright cloud and rainbows.

The ethereal shadow Ruach, who is omnipresent, has done a very good job. It is Abah’s another ‘Helper’ who is equal in every way with Him and Yeshua. They never act separately, though only Ruach specialises in the inner and tugs on human’s heart and mind.

Abah’s eyes sparks between widened lids as He looks at everything on the page. He is very pleased with what He sees.

Abah flips to the bookmarked page; the page He has just added some details on. It is Yenikudus, the Holy City hovering close to the newly rebuilt Earth. He stops at that page. He wants to witness the impact of His scribing on that page, live. Leaving the page open, with sparks in His eyes, He gazes through the big glass window to catch sight of the Holy City.

Yenikudus prepares for landing. It gets slower and slightly turns to position itself. A little earthquake-like seismic wave shakes the ground when its shadows, forming on the ground, shifts the vast plains apart. The ground break apart the same pace as the landing. The blocks of rock underground moves and collides, rock layers force upwards lifting the ground.

The great city is perfectly square. It is surrounded by the Wonderwall, beautiful walls made from fine stones, a transparent variety of crypto crystalline quartz. Its radiance and beauty are beyond description. The walls are 65 meters in height had 12 foundations, each of them garnished with different kinds of precious stone with various colours of red, blue, white, green, and golden-yellow. There are 12 gates, three on each wall side, glittering made of pearl. The Wonderwall had a slit on each side which allow anyone glimpse of what lies inside.

Streets in the city are shimmering, made out of pure gold, amongst the throng. It is a huge crowd. It was written in the book that there was supposed to be more than 144,000 people, but it is clearly an uncountable crowd of men and women, and a lot of boys and girls. They are solemnly silent; everyone is astonished, amazed with what they see.

Amongst the crowd, Abah spots four-year-old Tommy and his twin sister, Tarni. They look at each other’s face and start to mumble full of excitement.

“Did you see that?”

They communicate intimately with each other, though not with many words, “wow” was all they can muster.

Tommy is holding his newest invention, an Egg Drop Protector he had exclaimed. He had demonstrated that it worked well with boiled eggs, “the skin of a boiled egg can break too,” he justified innocently. Well, fair enough Tommy, not a bad thinking and creativity for a four-year old.

It was in another kitchen soup day. There were gawking sheer number of poor people stuffed into the basement under a church hall. Some were lying on the floor, trying to sleep. Some were sitting in groups, talking in low voices. Some were eating at communal tables and others in their folding chairs. Every square inch along the walls was covered with people sitting with their backs to the hot water pipes in attempt to gather warmth. Small children cried, some played, their mothers tried to keep them close together. Volunteers passed out blankets and walked among the throng, handing out fruits.

The night before had been a big snow, a cold minus twenty degrees snap outside.

A young mother sat sleeping with her head propped on a pillow and the baby tucked under her arm. A little girl was motionless under the blanket. But the boy was awake.

He was small and scrawny.

"What's your name?" a volunteer with a cookie jar whispered to the little boy.

"Tommy," he said, slowly and plainly.

"How old are you?"

He held up three fingers, then raised one more finger.


He nodded, and extended his hand for another cookie. The volunteer cheerfully gave him.

"Where do you stay?" he whispered.

"In a car," Tommy whispered back. "You got more apple juice?"

"Yep. I’ll get it for you," he said, and walked to the kitchen.

The shelter was always available for the homeless. But, they liked to roam around. They had routines, things to do, friends on the streets, favourite places. They would go to their parks and alleys and dug out from the snow. Sure enough, about noon, they left the shelter.

Three days later, there was a car parked on the street, its bald tires stuck in the frozen slush. The car's exhaust pipe was buried in a pile of snow. Inside was a young mother, her baby, and two toddlers, Tarni and Tommy. They were all dead from suffocation; the family lived in the car, and was trying to stay warm.

The ground shifting vigorously as the city touches the ground. The crowd begins chanting and cheering. Abah takes a last look at the cheerful children and grins at their innocent reactions.

Abah was especially fond of these children. They had been resurrected from dead. They had inhabited heaven with Him for a thousand years, during which their ages were frozen. Everyone’s age were frozen during the millennium. Now they were going to return to Earth, their origin universe. There they will resume their growing until the prime age, about 33 years of metabolic age, forever and be immortal. The children had seen many wonderful and beautiful things during the millennium, but surely wouldn’t top the amazing experience of being in the descending great City.

In the west part of the crowd, Isaac Naiman with his mouth opens, gazing at the mindboggling event. Isaac used to be a ruthless criminal, the brain of many crime operations.

Isaac was supposed to meet other gang members at a loading dock of Eastfield mall at precisely 1pm. They planned to rob a business man with a possession of two million dollars in cash for a business transaction that would take place in Holiday Inn, downtown in Leicester. For unknown reason he was there 11am. Disoriented, he was heavily intoxicated with a lethal drug known as ‘Bomber’.

It wasn’t wise to hang around a busy area with arms, so Isaac went to a quiet spot in the Botanical Garden where he had a good view of their meeting place. He put his head down to rest as the marching band kept on beating in his head. The headache was getting unbearable; he soon fell into a deep sleep.

He was woken up by noises from a group of people who gathered around him. “Where the hell they come from?” he mumbled as he tried to ajar his eyes. For a moment he couldn’t remember where he was. He quickly made sure that he had hidden his arms and could not be seen when a voice announcing, “Everybody rise up to your feet. It’s time for the word of God.” It was a gospel meeting in the park, something normal for churches to worship within nature in spring. Everybody stood up, and he too. He heard a beautiful prayer with words that touched his heart. Something about humility, loving one another, and everlasting life. He wanted to stay to listen for more but he had something to do. He checked his watch on his wrist, “Damn!” It was thirty minutes past one. “How long I’ve slept?”

He left quietly but swiftly and ran to the meeting place. He knew the other gang members wouldn’t be in the toilet anymore but he checked it anyway. Sure enough, they weren’t there so he proceeded to the destined Holiday Inn.

There were police cars with their red and blue chasers attracting a crowd, two ambulances, and a commotion of movements at the front of the hotel. Paramedics scrambled into the hotel, sirens kept on crying, and cops streamed in and out the doorway. The fear hit hard, Isaac stayed as far as possible from the scene.

The next day, the front page of the morning paper printed “Gang war, three killed”. Those who were the members of his gang. He would had been killed too. He felt that the gospel meeting in the Botanical garden had saved his life.

Yet, he continued committing crime after crime. Until two years later he found himself in prison. He was sentenced for life for drug possession and capital murder.

In prison, he exercised in the gym to stay fit and read books in the library. He read many books, and one night he read the Bible.

He found the Bible was full of mysteries. It was badly written as it could easily be misinterpreted, but actually treasurable and constantly provided astonishing revelations, if read carefully.

The reading became more and more fascinating in the New Testament, where the Saviour who had been prophesied constantly in the Old Testament, finally arrived. He wondered why people at that time, despite waiting for the Saviour didn’t recognise when he came. The people in the book misinterpreted the word ‘Saviour’ as a worldly strong king that capable to beat Roman Empire, freed them from any suppression and made them to rule the world. But the New Testament showed him that the ‘Saviour’ here referred to spiritual saviour instead.

One afternoon he envisioned Yeshua when he was in the shared bathroom. Though very brief, he was quite sure about it. He saw Him with the tip of his eyes, before disappeared at his first blink. Whatever it was, he repented, took Yeshua as his personal saviour, and shared God’s good news with fellow inmates. They initially thought it was just monkey mouth but eventually many credited the good news he shared and converted.

He learned to meditate, pray for others, forgive his enemy as, “how could God forgive you if you don’t,” as he said over and over again to the remaining piece of smashed mirror on the wall. But most of all pray for himself, “God I don’t like me like this, help me to change,” as he pleaded. These all transformed him to a different man. He realised that his anger was actually expression of his fear and he was able to convert the negative energy of anger to his benefit. Still hot tempered at times, he could feel the blood boiling through his veins up to his neck, the butterfly was in the stomach, but never frantic anymore, and he could handle his resentment very well.

A year later, he had got baptised, continued to dig the Bible deep and actually started preaching in prison. The hot-headed bug had become a brother, the fellow inmate respectfully said.

Tragically, he died in a car crash during the inmate transfer at 45 years old. Nevertheless he had a chance to be a better man and he did.

He had woken up from dead to a noise, and trumpet sound from the surface. He was underground buried for many years. And as his body was miraculously reshaping, a divine force squeezed him up through dirt around him until a bright light from a fine day showered him and blinded his eyes for a second. Further, above the ground, his body continued lifted up to the sky, hovering on air as other people around him came to life resurrecting from death. As he flew higher, a shout from an angel hovering by the clouds where a crowd had gathered, was heard.

He joined the crowd in the clouds. In the air he met the most precious person he ever wanted to meet, Lord Yeshua. The scripture was fulfilled on that day for the first resurrection, where the dead in Christ came to life and the rapture, where they were caught up together with the living in the clouds to meet the Lord. Little did he knew that he would be one of them. Sharing the Bible had been just his voluntary duty but he always regarded himself as a sinner and never expected that he would be saved.

Minutes ago, he had witnessed the miraculous re-creation of the new earth, and now was experiencing this phenomenal occasion, beholding the descendent of the Holy City to the newly rebuilt Earth. Abah especially fond of this gentleman.

Minutes later while the hovering gigantic city slowly fills the parting ground, Abah becomes remarkably excited when He sees Charmeine, the angel of harmony, standing most graciously to behold the green Emerald foundation at one of the south gates. ‘Zebulun’ reads the sign.

At the touchdown, as the joyous song of welcome reaches its highest decibel, a bright light touches everyone in the crowd. At that moment, their memories are erased, all sadness wiped away. In the new Earth, there will be no more sorrow, no grief or pain, no more death, as the old things has disappeared. People will live forever, unless they choose not to.

As the bright light evades and the sound fades, a loud voice is heard, “Citizens of hope and glory, it's now the time of your life. The Almighty will dwell with you.”

At the deliverance of those words, Charmeine shoots to the air, the Great City is settled. The ground becomes still. Although the ground is greatly shifted, nothing is apparently replaced, and everything is obviously intact.

A small black cloud appears in a distance. As it draws nearer, it slowly became lighter, then turns fine, and splendid, till it transforms to a great white cloud. A most lovely song is heard when a rainbow appears over the cloud. Angels, hundreds or even thousands of seraphs and cherubs, emerge from the multihued, singing the lovely song. Ben Elohim Yeshua, the Almighty, gloriously appears out of the cloud. A striking crown rests on His head, and the blazing pillars on His feet bestowing light while shielding His people. He browses His children through and through with warm stare and smile in his eyes. No matter how much distance stand between them, every eye in the crowd meets His gaze. Isaac waves at Him and He winks in return.  


Then the angels cease to sing. Silence is the only sound before Elohim Yeshua bespeaks, "Joy will fill every heart.” And the angels strike a higher note and sang again, while the clouds draw still nearer the new Earth.


Lastly, Yeshua alights from the cloud, surrounded and welcomed by the joyful crowd, angels are all about.


Abah smiles as He spots Tommy and other children playing by the River of Life. The water, as clear as crystal, flows from the throne of God. On one side of the river is a trunk of a large tree, on the other side of the river lies another. The trunks are of pure, transparent gold. For a second, it looks like two trees but they actually are united at the top as one. It is the Tree of Life, rooted on the either side of the river. Their branches bows to the spot where the crowd stands. They are bearing twelve different crops of fruit, and they look like swirls of gold and silver.


Some people in the crowd go under the tree and sit relax on the green lushy grass to look at the glory of their new city. All kinds of flowers bloom all around them. They pluck lilies which re-grow when thrown to the ground. "They will never wilt," someone shouts joyfully. Nearby there is a field of tall grass, most glorious to behold; it breathes an emerald green and has a reflection of silver and gold, as it waves proudly to the glory of Elohim.


Then the crowd enter a park full of all kinds of animals -- the lion, the lamb, the leopard, and the wolf, all together in peace and perfect harmony. As the crowd pass through the midst of them, they follow peacefully after. Abah’s smile widens, then He laughs in joy. They, the Creator and the beloved created beings are united just as they had firstly intended in the garden of Eden.


Some people in the crowd, whilst shouting and offering praises, walk out through the pearly gates and enter a wood. Mount Zion stands just before them, and surrounding are seven other hills, on which roses and lilies grew. There are all kinds of trees around; pine, box, fir, oil, myrtle, pomegranate at the foot of the hills. The fig tree bows down with the weight of its timely figs. The wood outside the Wonderwall is all over glorious.

Abah gazes down at the book. This page is perfect; all details are acted. His will is done, the planet Earth before Him is just as His kingdom in Heaven. Exactly as it was originally intended in the first place. 

And, they live forever after.

There are some more pages, of the future, remaining in the book but He stops at this page, pulls the bookmark and inserts it thoughtfully onto the parallel universe Prabumi where His majestic creatures Unifaun lives. Smiles contently, He closes the book and leaves the room.




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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.03.2018

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This is the 1st chapter of an epic journey of a unifaun to a parallel universe, where he lands in the new Earth. The world where, contrary to his, there's no pain and no sorrow. The story will arouse your mind, to think #outsidethebox. #workinprogress #scienceFiction #supernatural #BookOfRevelation #wormhole #parallelUniverse #newEarth

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