

“GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Doctor Sara Ophelia yelled.
Three doctors ran down the hallway with a young boy on a stretcher, an ambulance had just picked him up from a car crash. A garbage truck had run a red light and nailed a family in a mini-van. The boy was the only one who survived, and if they didn’t him to an operating room and clear this shrapnel from his spine none of this family would survive. They pulled into the room, tore off his shirt, and started the removal.
“The patient is stable” Doctor Lucas said with a relief.
“He was lucky to survive with just a spinal injury,” Doctor Ophelia commented.
“If he approves, I’d like to try the stem cell treatment on this injury,” Doctor Lucas replied.
“If you do, who will pay for it?” Doctor Blake replied, “He has no family anymore,”
“I don’t know, but I feel as though I can’t leave him like this,” Doctor Lucas answered.
“We’d better leave until he recovers,” Doctor Ophelia said.
With that the three doctors left. Over the next few weeks the patient stayed the same. When the time came for the surgery it was the same three Doctors. As they prepped for the surgery going over the steps carefully piece by piece, they began to talk about what they should do if the surgery didn’t work.
“I for one think this boy should be given another chance, so no matter what happens I will keep trying,” Blake said aloud.
“I agree,” Lucas commented.
With that said, the surgery commenced. Blake got the stem cells ready. Lucas locked the operating room doors. Then the work began, they slowly cut open his back, they located the broken nerves, and spinal cord. Then they got the stem cells, these particular stem cells had been taken from a raven. They had tested them on a monkey and the monkey had healed, the final test was this boy. They injected the stem cells, and then put a small plastic dome around the boy. In one hour they would return and check their work.
As the three Lucas, Sarah, and Blake entered the room, they saw the plastic dome on the floor. All the tubes and wires that had been plugged into the boy were on the ground. They boy was sitting up straight on the operating table, he was even smiling.
“How is this possible?” Blake asked.
“It’s possible the stem cells healed his spinal cords and his back,” Lucas suggested.
“Um, can anyone tell me where I am?” the boys asked in a confused tone.
“Oh, right,” Blake laughed, “Um, see, you were in a car accident”
“A trash truck ran into your families mini-van,” Lucas continued, “You were the only one who survived, and just barely to,”
“We brought you to the hospital and prepped you for a stem cell implant,” Sarah said next, “You’re back shouldn’t have closed up on its own, and you shouldn’t even be conscious yet,”
“Well I am, and I’m gonna guess that’s a good thing,” the boy said, “But where are my manners, I’m Adam,”
“I’m Blake, this is Lucas, and Sarah,” Blake said in response.
“Adam, what’s behind your back?” Sarah asked.
Adam turned around to look and as he turned around the doctors saw what had happened in the surgery. Sprouted from his back, was a pair of giant black bird wings.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2012

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