

"MOM, SLOW DOWN! WE'RE GOING TOO FAST!" I screamed but my mother didn't slow. It's as if she was possessed.

"Mom! Please, listen to me! Slow down, we're gonna crash!" I cried out, but still got no answer. Her eyes were trained on the road, and what was ahead of us.

We went past a sign that showed a cliff was ahead.


"MOM, MOM STOP! YOU'RE GONNA DRIVE OFF THE CLIFF!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, followed by wheels leaving the road and into midair. The car tumbled down the cliff, glass breaking, blood everywhere. My eyes closed tightly, not wanting to see anymore....

The car went to a full stop, and we were at the bottom of the cliff.


"MOM? MOM WAKE UP!" I shook my mom, who was covered in blood right next to me.

"Mom! We have to make it! We need to go home and take care of Skylar and dad! Don't leave me, please!" Tears began streaming down my face, gathering on the top of my moms blood-covered forehead. I laid my head on hers, and cried myself to sleep, hoping to join her whereever she went....

Chapter 1~ Kill me first

((A/N)- Italics = Wolf... Bold = Replies to wolf... Underlined = Mind link)


"Juliet! Get your ass down here before I beat your ass!" My father yelled. My wolf whimpered as if we weren't used to this.. I charged downstairs and stood before my father.

"Care to explain why nothing was done when I got home this morning?!" He yelled in my face.

"I-I.." I tried to say, but was cut off by a burning sensation on my cheek... He slapped me. My eyes began to tear..

"I don't want your pathetic excuses! Go get ready for school, and help Skylar too! After school you are to come home and do EVERYTHING! You are not allowed to join the pack run. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He screeched in my ear, nearly making my hearing go out for a bit.

"Yes sir." I turned around and walked upstairs to Skylar's room.




"Watch where the fuck you're going, slut." The queen bee, Amanda, sneered. 'Oh how much I love her calling us a slut when it's the other way around.' My wolf growled. This only started because I bumped into her...

"S-Sorry." I whispered, knowing she heard me.. Up from behind her, Kyle White, the school player and the best football player at the school, walked up. He hugged her from behind and then looked at me.

"Leave her the fuck alone, if you touch her again I will hurt you." Kyle growled at me, not looking into my eyes. He's also a werewolf.. and if you're thinking, Amanda isn't. Which leaves it at; He doesn't have his mate yet.. I think.

"I-I-I didn't mean to. It w-was an a-accident. It won't h-happen again. I swear!" I whispered with tears going down my face. Amanda laughed, "Awh, look at her, shes crying." She laughed even more.

"Good, now shoo you worthless whore." He said with a straight face. That was all I needed to get up and run to the girls bathroom, but before I made it I was pushed into the nob of the door. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't show weakness, not while I'm hurting as much as I am right now.

Why wouldn't he look me in the eyes? Did he know something that I didn't? All these questions ran through my head while I stood looking at myself through the mirror. I only stood in front of it to see how bad of a bruise I got from the door nob. I raised my shirt and saw a huge bruise, about the size of tennis ball and appearing to get bigger, on my side. I attemted to touch it, but when I did, a scream busted through my lips. My legs gave up on me, and I fell, falling to the ground...




I woke up to the sound of beeping. My eyes wouldn't open, so I didn't know where I was.

'Don't worry, you're in the hospital.' My wolf told me.

'How'd I get here?' I asked, but ended up being ignored.

'Open your eyes.'  And I did, but ended up regretting it. Kyle White was in the seat next to me, starring at his shoes.

"What are you doing here?" I tried to say, but it ended up as a whisper due to my dry throat.

"Be happy I was near the bathroom at the time to hear you fall." He said.

"You hate my guts, why would you even help me?" I whimpered.

"I never said I hated you!" He growled.

"Then why are you always so rude to me?! It's like you don't want me happy, it proves you hate me!" I yelled.

"Don't think that proves anything, 'cause it doesn't!" He replied and finally looked into my eyes.


'Mate' My wolf whispered in my head. No.. this can't be...


"How long have you known?!" I whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what the heck I'm talking about! How. long. have. you. known. we. were. mates?" I whimpered.

His eyes grew wide, and he hesitated before answering. "Since sophomore year..." He whispered under his breath.

"And all this time you've been such a dick to me.. Is this your way of saying you're rejecting me?"

He gulped before finally saying "Yes.."

"I should've known. Get out!" I yelled.

"I can't.. You have nowhere to go once you're discharged from here." He growled.

"I sure the fuck do." I growled back.

"Says who? You've been in the hospital, we've all seen your bruises underneath the makeup you're wearing, we all know who gave you them, you won't be seeing him again!" He growled.

"W-what do you mean? H-hes g-gone?" I whispered.

"Yes. And you have no reason to go back to your house, so you're coming with me."

"No. I'm. Not."

"So you're gonna be a rogue with the rest of the people in your old pack, while being chased by others? How stupid are you?!"

"STUPID ENOUGH TO KNOW I CAN'T LEAVE MY SISTER WITHOUT ME!" I screamed, tears flooded my face.

"If you would listen to me, I'm taking you and your sister! For once let me finish!" He said and walked towards the door. He opened it and walked out, while Skylar came running through.

"JUJU! I missed you so much." She said and jumped on the bed and laid next to me, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck.

"I missed you too. Has anyone told you where we're going?" I asked her.

"Yes. The guy that opened the door told me. Are we really leaving?" She asked.

"Mhm. But hopefully it's only temporary."

"Why?" She put her head on my chest.

"Because... Don't worry about it. You tired?" I yawned. She nodded.

"Sleep. We'll hopefully be out of here tomorrow, then you can sleep in my room next to me like we did when we were little. Want to do that again?" I started tickling her.

"Y-yes" She said inbetween giggles.

"Alright, go to sleep. I love you."

"I love you too Juju." She whispered, and I kissed her forehead. Five minutes later, I had a sleeping Skylar next to me. I closed my eyes, but all too soon the door opened to reveal Kyle.

"What do you want now?" I growled.

"Be nice, I got you water." He said.

"T-thanks." I said softly and took the cup. I loved the way the water made my throat feel.

"When am I being discharged?" The words seemed to escape my mouth without permission.

"Tomorrow morning. I also have rules to go over tomorrow."

"What rules?"

"Rules as in you're not allowed to speak about you living with me to ANYBODY, you're not allowed to talk to me at school, you are not allowed to leave the house without someone with you. Oh and, you're not allowed to shift unless you have one of the mated pack males with you. Understand? I have more, but I think I should let you rest."

"So you help me, but then expect me to follow stupid ass rules? I'd rather be a lone rogue female then be stuck with you and those rules!" I yelled.

"You're staying with me." He growled. "Even if that means you're not allowed to leave the house."

"Fine." I growled in response.

"Good, rest, you'll have a big day tomorrow..." I didn't respond, I just lied there, closing my eyes.



"Up, we have 15 minutes 'til we leave." I heard someone say.

"Ughhh" I groaned.

"Get your lazy ass up and get ready!" The voice said, which turned out to be Kyle.

"Where's Skylar?"

"My house, we're the next load."

"Fine, get out so I can get dressed." I mumbled into the hospital pillow, which actually was comfortable.

"You have 5 minutes." He said and walked out, leaving me to get dressed and clean up before leaving....



"This is your room. Kyle's room is down the hall on the right." A guy named Ian told me. He was like Kyle, a player who doesn't care about anyone other than himself. But I wouldn't wanna piss him off, If I did, the worst thing that could happen is I can be kicked out of the pack, which I wouldn't mind happening.

"And I need to know his room is down the hall because....?" I murmered, hoping he didn't hear me.

"Because I don't think anyone else in this pack would give a fuck about you except for him and your sister. I don't even know why he brought you here to begin with..." He said and turned around, walking down the hall towards the stairs.

"He's right... Nobody gives a fuck about me... I'm just an pathetic loser who doesn't know anything.." I whispered to myself and walked into 'my' room. To the right of the door, there were 2 dressers, a huge mirror, and a small closet for bathroom items. To the left there were nightstands, a huge walk in closet for my clothes, a small stand for my beauty products (As if I have any..), a door that leads to a balcony that goes overtop of a backyard garden, and a door that leads to the bathroom. And right in front of me was a queen sized bed with a red canopy draped over it. I knew his family was rich, but I didn't expect him to be THIS rich.

"Your sisters room will be downstairs in the hallway near the kitchen, first room." Kyle said through the doorway and started to turn around, "By the way, the full moon is tonight. You are to be outside at 7pm when the sun starts going down. We change around 7:03pm, and end the run at 6am."

"I'm not joining in, so don't worry about me." I said and went towards the window near the bed.

"It wasn't a choice, I expect to see you at 7pm." That was the last thing he said before leaving the room..

'You're going, you haven't shifted in a while, you need this.' My wolf whispered.

'I know, I am going.' After saying that, my wolf went quiet.

All the boxes were stacked next to my bed, biggest to smallest. I had my big black bags on the two dressers near the smaller closet. I took my bags that held my clothes and walked towards the bigger closet. The closet had a little storage area for extra boxes, a place for bed sheets, a hanging area, cabinets, drawers, and multiple shelves that held shoes. The thing is, a few of these areas were already filled with clothes...

I grabbed a blue pair of shorts which were on a shelf and checked the size. They were my exact size. How the heck did he know my size? I shrugged to myself and put my clothes up.

When I was finished doing that, It was around 6:30pm. Which gives me 30 minutes to unpack a few more boxes. I decided to unpack the box which had all the things that were my mothers... This held all of her jewelry, pictures, everything that meant so much to her. Now they all meant the world to me...

Tears started forming in my eyes, I desperately tried keeping them from pouring out, bit they betrayed me and ran down my face. My mother left me with Skylar and my father to take care of, now I only have Skylar left. I would do anything to keep her alive, even if that means I die in the process...

Once I finally stopped crying, I put my things away. I finished and got a pair of baggy sweat pants and a mens t-shirt out of my duffle bag and put them on. The clock read '6:50pm', which meant it's almost time. Well, it won't hurt get there early. My feet were falling asleep slowly, so when I got up from the bed, it looked like I had a problem with my leg. My wolf quietly laughed at me in my head, and I giggled a bit. Once I was finally able to get my feet working again, I walked to the door and opened it quietly, making sure no one would yell at me if I opened it loudly. I made my way to the stairs and to the kitchen trying to find the hallway my sister's room was in. There were so many hallways it wasn't funny. On the left side of the kitchen, there was a smaller hallway which had a door that was a light pink. I assumed it was my sisters, so I knocked and sure enough Skylar opened the door.

"It's almost time, wanna walk with me to the yard?" I whispered to her.

"Yeah!" She said and grabbed my hand. I turned and closed the door before walking towards a glass sliding door which lead to the garden that was underneath my balcony. It was beautiful. There were tons of wood benches that were polished and had flower carvings on them, there were white, red, and pink roses scattered everywhere.

"Look Juju!" Skylar tugged on my shirt and pointed towards a pond that had rose-carved fountain. The pond had colorful Japanese Koi everywhere. This is like... heaven. I turned my head and looked at the wall-mounted clock which said '6:59pm'.

"Almost ti-" I was cut off as tons of people poured out of the wooded area behind the house. Kyle's father walked out from behind me and stood in front of everyone.

"Hello everyone. Tonight the run will be from 7:03pm-6am. Groups are to be 2 females with 3 males. If there are children participating, which there are, there are to be 2 females, 1 child, and 4 males. Any extra males are to be in groups of 5. Any extra children are to be put with the extra males. If any of these are to be broken, you will have consequences AFTER the run." I heard Kyle's father, the Alpha, say.

"You have 2 minutes to find your group, the last minute will be our shifting." He said and walked off.

"Juju, am I staying with you?" Skylar said with a worried look on her face.

"Mhm, but we have to find our group. Come on." I said and grabbed her hand.

"Hm. You don't need to go far, you're in my group. Me, you, Ian, and Skylar." Kyle said from behind me.

"If you didn't hear, 2 females with 3 males, or 2 females, 1 child, and 4 males." I repeated the words Kyle's father said when announcing the groups.

"I have an exception due to being the future Alpha." He smirked.

"Either way, I'm not grouping with you." I hissed.

"Awh, too bad." He whispered.

"Times up. Shift." The Alpha finally announced. Everyone, including me, shifted into their wolf. Mates shared the same markings and colors, so nobody's markings and colors were the same unless you were mates. Due to Kyle being future Alpha, my coat is pure white. His is pitch black. Our coats are different because only Alpha Males can have all black fur, and only Alpha Females can have all white fur. The only thing that changed our coats were our ear marks. The top of his left ear was white, while the top of my left ear was black. This shows we're mates.

'Come, lets go.' Kyle said to me, Ian, and Skylar through our group mind link.

'Where exactly are we going?' I asked while trotting over to Ian with Skylar by my side.

'Does it matter?' Kyle responded.

'You guys are always mean to each other, stop it.' Skylar whimpered.

'No we're not Sky, we're playing around. Alright?' I said and nuzzled her neck with my snout.

'Sure, 'Playing around'.' Ian muttered.

'Ugh. Come on.' Kyle growled.

'Fine' Me and Ian said in unison.

'Come on Sky.' I yelled to Skylar.

We starting running in the direction that would take you to the streams. Every now and then I would have to slow so Skylar can catch up. We ran for what felt like forever until we reached a huge tree which was surrounded by large pine trees. I watched as Kyle and Ian pulled branches away with their jaw, one by one.

When they were finished, the moved back to reveal a pond as blue as the daylight sky. It was clear, you were able to see the bottom.

All my past memories came from this.. I miss the times with my mother, when my father was actually loveable. Oh how I wish I could have those days back... But they're all just a dream now, never to be real again.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.03.2015

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