
Tips before reading-

Bold italic words Is when someones wolf is talking.

Italiced words is when someone is talking to their wolf.

~*~ is changing characters.

* Is mindlink.

Jazz   is the name of Ava's wolf

Nathan   is the name of Johnathan's wolf


Shadow Pack (SP)

Members- Kyle, Jason, Melody, Mike, Jasper, Lily, Quentor, August, Fiona, Johnathan, Dekota, Liam, Emma, Sophia, Abigail, Maddie, Alice

State Alpha Male- Jason

State Alpha Female- August

Male Alpha- Jasper

Female Alpha- Sophia

Beta- Liam



Jason - August

Dekota - Alice

Quentor - Lily

Liam- Emma

Jasper - Sophia


Wolf forms-

Kyle- Black with brown patches

Jason- Eggshell white with red tint

Melody- Pure white with black patches

Mike- Brown and black

Jasper- Red-brown

Lily- Brown and bright red

Quentor- Black with red

August- Brown and white

Fiona- White and black

Johnathan- Midnight black with white underbelly

Dekota- White with brown underbelly

Liam- White with black patches

Emma- Black with brown underbelly

Sophia- White with black ears

Abigail- Red with brown tint

Maddie- Red with black tint

Alice- Black with brown and red tint

Ava- Black with white patches near tail

Moonlight Pack (MLP)


Members- Jacob, Olivia, Isabella, William, Daniel, Elizabeth, Alec, Addision, Wendy, Lexii, Jackson

Male Alpha- Jacob

Female Alpha- Elizabeth

Beta- William



Jacob - Elizabeth

Olivia - Daniel

Alec - Lexii

William - Isabella


 Wolf Forms-

Jacob- White with black underbelly

Elizabeth- Redish Brown

Olivia- Black with brown tint

Isabella- Brown with red tint

William- Brown

Daniel- Black with red tint

Alec- Blackish Blue

Addision- Eggshell white

Wendy- White

Lexii- Red with black tint

Jackson- Black with red and brown tint

Flaywor Street

'Keep walking, don't turn around.' Jazz, my wolf, stopped me every time I tried to turn around. It felt as if she kept a secret away from me, but how can my wolf keep secrets from me if we share a mind? How strange.

I'm pretty sure everything about me is strange. Considering I don't socialize much; I sit at home studying and reading. My house isn't exactly close to the city, we're in more of a...... quiet, no-neighbor area. This wasn't my choice to come here, my mom made me move in with my cousin Darek two weeks ago, so I'm still settling in. Moving here wasn't easy, and I don't know anyone here. I'll be starting my Senior year in North Atlanta High School tomorrow, I'm still unsure if I should go..




"Ava, get up. It's Monday, get ready for school." Darek said.

"Bleh, can't I sleep for a year?" I groaned and rolled onto my stomach.

"No Ava, get your sleepy butt up and get ready!" He screeched.


I turned my head to my left and looked at the clock. 4:10am. God I hate High School...

My arm hurt from lying on it all night, so when I tried to sit up I kept falling. Stupid arm. Once I was finally able to sit up, I reached over and opened my dresser and slowly got up. I grabbed a Pink V-neck T-shirt, a pink sports bra, White skinny jeans, and blue socks. I quickly put them on and desperately searched for my brown boots. Where could they be? I hate life..


"Ava, you ready?" Darek yelled from the bottom of the stairs.


"Kay, get the car ready, I'll be out in a minute." He said.


I opened the garage door and opened the car door. Does he ever lock them?


'You woke me up.' Jazz complained.

Well sorry! It's not my fault I can't change while being near Darek, I doubt he even knows werewolves exist! Talking to your wolf is like talking to yourself... It bugs me.


Darek came walking out 3 minutes later. He tried to talk to me, but instead I turned the music up louder. How rude am I? We got to the school about five minutes later. I waved bye and carried my stuff to the office. Bleh.. I hate having to be new and get assigned a locker.


"283 Senior hall P3" The lady said.


I grabbed the paper she held and walked out.


"Heyyy." I heard someone yell.

"Uhm.. W-who are y-you talking to?" I said quietly, not trying to look up.

"You of course. You're new, right?"

"Y-yes. I'm Ava, you?"

"Johnathan. Oh, and can I talk to ya for a second?"

"Ur.. Sure? I have to get to class, though." He grabbed my schedule and looked at it.

"We have all classes together except for 1st period." He smiled and handed my paper back. He grabbed my hand and we walked over to a bench outside.

"Werewolf, huh?" He smirked, I still looked down.

"How can you tell?" I raised my left brow and looked up just to get locked in his eyes. Wow..

"I'm pretty sure only other immortals can tell.." He laughed.

"Oh.. r-right.. So what exactly are you?"

"Werewolf. Member of Shadow pack. Also, keep your voice low, there are humans listening."

"You said Alpha? Of a pack? I-I've been looking for a p-pack since I came here, any c-chance you can accept another member?" I asked softly.

"Uhm... Yea. Sure. We should get to class now." He said and walked away right as the bell rung.


'Do we have a pack?' Jazz was thirsty for an answer in which she got a yes to.


--- End of school ---


"Ava! Wait!" I heard someone yell, I turn around to see Johnathan.

"Oh hey." My hands were holding my books tight.

"Wanna come over? You're part of the pack, so you HAVE TO meet the rest." He said with a deep but hot tone.

"Sure." I smiled and pushed my backpack more onto my shoulder.


We rode in silence....


 The car stopped at a huge 4 story house. Please tell me this isn't the pack house... Oh my..


"We're here. This is where mostly everyone in the pack, except you, live. We have another pack house South of us, but is currently empty." He smirked as he noticed my expression.

"Wait... Because I'm part of the pack, do I have to live here?" My expression went from 'wow' to 'oh no'.

"Nooooo, It would be your choice. But it is better to live near the pack."

"Ok good." A sigh of relief came out. Whew.

"Wanna come in?"

I nodded. Right before he opened the door, a guy came and stood right there.

"And who is this?" He growled at Johnathan.

"Jasper.... This is Ava, shes new." Johnathan said.

"Oh.. Ok.. Hi Ava." His defensive face was now covered with a smile.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Is she a rouge?" Jasper asked Johnathan.

"Well, I'm allowing her into the pack. Does that answer your question?" He replied.

"Yea, I guess..." Jasper mumbled.


Johnathan held the door as a I walked in. Wow! Was all I could say. The place was perfect!


"Hi, Ava right?" A blonde haired girl asked.

"Yup, what about you?" I asked.

"I'm Sophia. And I guess you've already met my mate." She laughed.

"Who exactly is that?"

"Jasper, Duh. Who else?"

"Oh." I giggled.

"What? Did you think Johnathan was my mate?"

"Mhm." I looked down.

"Noooo, he's still in search of his mate. Only a couple of us have mates." She laughed.


"I know right, I might go take a shower now. Talk to you soon?"

"Sure." I smiled.



"Is it bad for me to... Like a person I just met?" I asked Jason, my father or aka. State Alpha.

"Well... It's still unknown if that 'person' might be your mate or not. Who might this person be?" Jason asked.

"Urm.. Ava." I said quietly, afraid to even say it.

"New girl?"


"Well... In about a day, we could find out for sure. Full moon comes out." My dad said.

I got up and walked up stairs.


"Ava?" I yelled.

"In here." She said, I walked into the small library that we owned.

"Follow me." I grabbed her hand.


When I grabbed her hand it sent tingles through my body. My wolf howled.


"Where exactly are we going?" She asked, confused.

"The river next to Flaywor Street." I replied.

"I've never seen that river. I rarely leave the house." She looked straight into my eyes and immediately looked away.


"Well, my cousin Darek forbids me to leave the house without a proper reason." 

"You live with him?"

"Yea, my mother and father made me move in with him. My mom and dad are having problems with shifters, along with territory attacks from other packs, so they thought I should settle down and finish my Senior year here." She stated with a small frown.

"They didn't know your Cousins house was on another packs territory, did they??"

"No, if they knew, I wouldn't be here. They didn't help me move, Only Darek and his friends."

"So what'll happen when you finish school? Do you go back with them?"

"Yea. I don't know any reason I would stay here. I only need a pack for this year so I know I'm half safe."

"Hm. So who's your original pack?" My eyebrow raised.

"Moonlight Pack." She responded and looked down.

"I've heard of them. Up north, right?"

"Mhm. My mom and dad are the Alpha's of that pack. Once they are removed from duty, I'm the next Female Alpha."

"I turned down being the Alpha. Was too much for me a few years ago. I gave my position to Jasper. He was the only one who knew a lot about being an Alpha. But he's only taking over until I can get my mate to agree with being my Alpha Female." I said with a smug smile as we walked over to the river bank.

"You turned it down?"

"Mhm. Plus, I didn't have a mate at the time. And in order to be an Alpha, you need a mate."


"I also need to talk to you tomorrow."

"Why can't you tell me right now?" She giggled.

"I need to talk with people first." I replied.

"Alright. I need to get home anyway. Can you take me home?" She asked.

"Mhm. Lets get going then."


"I'll text you tomorrow, bye." I said as she walked to the front door of her house.

"Bye!" She yelled back.


-Next day-



"Hey Ava." I said, walking out of 1st period.

"Oh, Hi Johnathan." She smiled at me and we started walking to 2nd period, which we had Algebra 2.

"Still coming over later?"

"I don't know yet, I still have to ask Darek."

"Oh, Alright. After school want me to drive you?"

"Sure." She smiled at me.

"Now lets get to class before we're late." I laughed.





The bell rung and everyone left the school through the tunnel or front doors. I waited for Johnathan near the front doors. I took that moment to text Darek.


Me- Darek, Is it fine if I hang out with my friend for a bit?

Darek- Sure. Be back by 10pm or you'll be grounded when you get home.

Me- I'll talk note of that. Love you, xx

Darek- Love ya too xx


"Hey, ready to go to your house to ask?" Johnathan said as he walked toward me.

"About that, I already asked. He said sure, but I have to be back by 10pm." I said with a smile to the point my small dimples were showing.

"Alright. Lets go to the park for a bit so we can talk." He smiled at me.


We drove in silence. When we got there, he got out along with me.


"Ava, what I need to say to you might mean a lot." He looked me in the eyes, I turned and walked toward the park bench.



"And that is?" I asked looking at my hands.

"You-You're my mate." He blurted out. My eyes widened.


'Mate' Jazz exclaimed in my head.

My mouth opened to say something but no words came out.


"No comment?" He chuckled.

"Nope." I said, laughing in my head.

"Well... You have 2 days to decide whether you're gonna stay and be the Alpha Female for this pack, or leave and be the Alpha Female of your parents pack...." His voice trailed off.

"If you decide to be the Alpha for this pack, you won't be allowed to visit your other pack with the exception of your parents.. We have barrior rules which will change ONLY to allow your parents in. The thing is, you can't step foot in their territory." He said.

"And this is why I've tried to avoid finding my mate..." I narrowed my eyes and had a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth.

"You wouldn't have been about to avoid me for long." He smirked.

"Don't flirt with me." I giggled.

"You were the one who started it."

"Shut up." I slapped his arm and got up.

"I want ice-cream!" I screamed like a little kid. He just sat there and laughed. "That's not funny." I made a pouty face.

"It is. Trust me. Anyway, I don't know of any ice-cream place around here. I think I might have some at the house, want to go there?" He asked.

"Sure, what time is it?" He took out his phone and checked.


"Alright. Lets get going before it starts to rain."


We walked to the car, got seated, and left the parking lot.


"Can I turn the radio on?" I said feeling stupid for asking that type of question.

"Sure. Button to the right is volume, top left is station."

I pressed the button on the top left and turned the station to 105.1. Though I'm 17, I hate Rock, Metal, Screamo, things like that.

Who I am by Natasha Bedingfield came on and I sung to it.


"If I could reach, the top of the world, be all I am it's so beautiful." My voice hit every pitch perfectly. I never really sung around anyone before, this would be the first time. I sung through 4 songs before we got to his house.

"Has anyone ever told you you have an amazing voice?" He said.

"Not exactly, I don't usually sing in front of people." I said between a small laugh.

"Well, maybe you should try taking a singing class. There's one not far from the school. They're having auditions this Saturday, maybe I could drive you." He suggested.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.01.2015

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