
The Crime Scene

It was a chilly day. I was at the river in front of my house. I sat down on a mix of grass and sticks, there was only a road that separated the river, and my house. I looked at the road and saw a black truck drive by. After a few minutes the same truck drove threw, but this time it stopped. I saw a guy get out he had a black t-shirt on with many dirt stains on it and a ripped jacket that looked to be way to small for him. He also wore dark blue jeans but the suspicious thing was he carried a huge bag.

I watched as he walked down to the other side of the river. I walked further down the river. Only to see him follow me, my pace quickened and the mans did too. As i ran i got tired and slowed down he caught up and grabbed me by my waist. I let out a high pitched scream but he threw me up onto his shoulder. Then shoved me into his bag, I could barley breath. He closed the bag and carried me back up to the truck, I screamed again. My parents ran out to see the guy throw me in the truck and drive off.

I woke up to a strange room it was pitch black, and with what I could see it looked to be that their was no windows. I tried to stretch my arm but it wouldn't move, it was tied and so were my legs so I squirmed to feel cotton. Great i'm still in the bag, I thought. I felt the top it was secured and I pushed against the top with what strength I still had. I couldn't get it open as I squirmed I saw a light I wiggled towards it. It was a little hole I squeezed and got my head out of the bag. I saw a big space I was right it was a room, but all that was in their was me in the bag.

I heard the door open and saw the man step in. He saw my head sticking out grabbed the bag and threw it against the wall. I couldn't help but scream, " No one is leaving especially you " he yelled. After a few seconds I could feel the wet, ugly tears run down my face. As the tears streamed down my face I felt them hit my shirt and stain it. I felt as if i had no hope of getting out of here , i felt a sharp pain in my back. The guy walked out and slammed the door, once again I was by myself with only my mind to talk with.

That very night I was chilled to the bone, I had to cry myself to sleep just so i would sleep. I never felt so lonely, so abandoned, I had missed my parents my brother and sister so much. I would wake up every hour screaming my heart out, I kept hoping it was a dream well actually - a nightmare -. I hoped it wasn't even a thought. But I knew it was real and it was my very own nightmare to live by myself.

" Why are you doing this to me? " I flinched when i felt his rough boot slam into my side. Something was different I wasn't in the bag, but my arms and legs were still tied. " Shut up peasant I'll need you at a time and not a second later. " He screamed. " What do you need me for?" I asked. " A plan " he answered!

Later he grabbed me and threw me in the back of his truck " Wait who are you? " I had all the sudden thought of " Let's just say your new friend " He said and by his grin I could tell that meant no good!

He drove down the long road , we must have been driving for at least 2 hour or at least it felt like it. His phone rang , he picked it up I couldn't hear the guy on the other side but I listened closely to ,my new friend - next enemy - " Yes, I have the girl! " He hollered. A short pause came then, " We're heading over be there in a hour. " He replied


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.10.2011

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