
The Aftermath

its a cold day today, im running i can barely catch my breath, im going home only this time im not going to come back this is my last time im going to see my house " i cant stay here"

i open my door i go into my room i get all my clothes ,and other things that i will need. i go to the kitchen get water bottles when suddenly i hear a knock
" its the police caleb open the door or well break it down" i ignore the officer's word's when i see a shadow in the window "there surrounding me "

i run to the garage door and run as quite as i can i stop " dont move caleb or we will have to shoot".i stop waiting to see what there next move is trying to find out his weakness. i start running he starts shooting me running shots being fired hope fully none of them collide. i run over to the neighbor's yard when i stop i see more officer's running in my direction " im cornered "

they start surrounding me " it's over i lost"

i start crying tears of anger run down my face when i notice the ground begin to shake " its me doing it "

i then realize that this power is controlled by my emotions " hey what are you doing caleb stop or i will have to order my men to shoot" in a flash the ground begins to shake more " FIRE!" i hear shots being fired, fired at me " is this how im going to die ...... NO"

i stop the bullets its unreal but my emotions take over " you dare try to shoot me" i say with anger i reverse the bullets to point at them when out of no where a helicopter comes out its a news chopper i get more mad " YOU WANT A SHOW HERE'S YOUR SHOW " i let the bullets go i see officer after officer fall " nows my chance to run"

i run to the streets " there is a park near by "

i run when i see a police car behind me , its not stopping, its actually speeding up i run to the side walk and inside a backyard " i know a short cut" i keep running i see it the park " am i free" i feel a pain in my arm i stop i look down " ive been shot"

i see three policemen behind me with two dogs i try to put the pain aside and i keep going " let the dogs go" in a matter of seconds i hear barking then i look and i see two dogs behind me closing in on me, i trip on a loose twig i turn around i see one dog on top of me i fight it off but the second dog had me by my right leg its teeth deep into my leg blood going every where i stop and try to use my powers control them i get mad in a flash the dog fly's off of me and hits the ground hard i try to stand i can barely move my right leg blood is dripping " you got to keep going "

i start walking when " caleb its over you have a broken leg you cant walk anymore " i start trying to walk i fall the pain is to much " its over im a failure"

i begin to crawl trying so hard to keep going " you cant give up .... just keep going" i get up i refuse to give up on myself. i start running avoiding the pain " MEN after him he is a loose weapon " i start running my face being scratched my branches my dripping blood leaving a trail right to me " SHIT" i stop a dead end a waterfall i cant run i stop i look behind me five police officers holding there guns at me " STOP YOUR COMING WITH US " i see the news chopper right on top of me i start getting angry. the ground starts shaking i look at the the chopper wanting it to go down when we hear something suddenly i see smoke coming from the back of it its going down . smoke every where fire spreading all through the forest " nows my chance" i use the rest of my strength to jump " WHAT THE HELL SHOOT MEN" bullets going towards me i black out " this is how i die?"


Where It All Began

to think this all started because my anger took over . when i was little i wasnt a average child i knew i had powers but my dad always said that i was just imagining , i could move things with my mind i always wanted to fly but i couldn't ever perfect it. when i got angry things would shake and i would be the cause of it my dad always said it was a earthquake. i never knew my mother she was always kept from me. i still want to find her i always told myself " maybe she can help me or she knows something ".

during chemistry i was in a bad mood when javier lerma walks by me and shoves me" what the hell man" he turns back and looks at me " what was that faggot" i tried to ignore him but when he destroyed my project and got bleach all over me i lost it. i blacked out but when i woke up i saw the chemistry room destroyed , i saw everyone crawling screaming i run out of there as fast as i can but when a police officer shows up i pretended like i was a victim until a javier screamed out he did this " son your going to have to come with me" he grabbed me and i threw him to the wall and i ran out of that school.

" am i dead ?"

i can barely move but i am loosing air and fast "ahhhhhh" i come out gasping for air i wipe my face i see the cops watching me " KEEP SHOOTING HE HAS TO BE TERMINATED " i start swimming looking for land but it's hard my leg still hurting my arm stil in pain im swimming like a dog until i hear " retreat" are they leaving me at last or leaving me for DEAD all i know is i need to find the nearest hospital and fast. I get out of the water only to find myself into a dark forest. I start wondering my body feels numb I can't see my own hands "I've lost all hope"

I feel like there someone circling me I hear a noise GRRRRR!!!!!!!!! I turn around and see a wolf in its attacking position "bring it on BITCH" I pick up a rock he jumps on me I smash it's head with the rock it retreats I keep wondering searching I see road " finally" I wait for someone to drive by , a few minutes later see a jeep coming I wave yelling "help me .....please" they keep driving I stop the jeep with my mind the guy steps out "what the hell did you do " I raise my hand he starts rising "hey man I'm sorry" I don't listen once again I wasn't in control "please let me go I'll do anything " I snap his neck he falls to the ground no movement just a corpse I don't hesitate I walk to the jeep and drive away " what the hell am I turning into all I know is I don't have to hide anymore I am free


A New Beginning

Driving in the darkness is like me wandering my mind I don't know what is right and what is wrong all i know is i dont have to be afraid " i cant change myself" im tired of trying to hide who i am WHAT

i am i keep driving i see lights , im in the city i try to find a motel , i find one , its dirty , and looks like no one ever checks in this place. i look around the car looking for money " i dont need money" i stop looking i walk to a empty room and crush the door knob and kick the door open " i lay down and close my eyes " this is a new beginning A NEW ME"

when i open my eyes i try to walk i can barely walk , i leave the room and walk to the jeep " i need to go to the hospital" i start driving looking for the nearest hospital. When i finally find one i park i step out and i fall " my leg it's broken" i scream " HELP ME PLEASE" no one answers or tries to help. I start crawling when i reach the entrance i cant do it " HELP ME PLEASE I NEED MEDICAL HELP" i see no one . i close my eyes " why wont anyone help me?"

i fall back asleep. i open my eyes i find myself in my room its night time " im home" i jump out of bed i open the door " dad " i run to his room when i hear the windows break i see police lights " were coming in " BOOOMMM!!!! i see lights being pointed at me , i can barely see BAM i hit the ground " caleb nicasio you are under arrest for the murder of 4 people" they lift me up i see my dad looking at me " dad please help me " he turns his back on me " DAD DONT LEAVE ME " tears start dripping from my face to the floor " dont go"

i get pushed back to the ground " you freak" me turning i see my friends looking down at me " no one likes you" i see jessica, stephanie, jorge,and nellie . jessica gets closer " i HATE you , what kind of a person would love you " she says with hatred , stephanie walks up , looking down at me " you monster you killed my bestfriend" she spits in my face. i wipe the spit and my tear i try to get up , i get smacked down by jorge " i am disgraced to call you my friend" he grabs me and throws me to the wall grabs my face SMASH my face collides with a mirror, i look at the shattered mirror i see myself in many pieces " im broken"

blood coming from my face , nellie starts walking to me and says something that brings me back to reality " YOU DID THIS TO ME" " she died because of me a innocent friend"


" kid are you alright" i open my eyes i see a man , JUST one man try and help me " hey your going to be alright , whats your name" my throat dry i reply to his question " caleb , my name is caleb" he lifts me off the ground and walks me through the entrance " nurse i need a doctor , this boy he is hurt badly" she gets off the phone and yells out ' doctor we need help" i turn to him and ask him " why are you here" he looks back at me and says my wife is having our baby" i smile and close my eyes. i open them a few minutes later and see a empty hospital room with a nurse standing checking my blood pressure " easy kid you were in pretty bad shape" she says smiling " am i going to be okay " i say worried she looks at me " yeah you been here for 3 days already , the doctor removed the bullet it your arm and stitched up your leg" the door opens " hey there kiddo" "dad?"

its the doctor " how are you doing today" i get up " im fine just a little fuzzy" "well your going to be fine just take it easy no running for about a week or 2 " the nurse turns on the tv " hi im kathy and this is channel 5 : police are still looking for the whereabouts of a teenager who is highly dangerous here is a photo of him right now" i grab the remote just after they see my face on the television " nurse call security" the doctor says with shock on his face. The nurse runs out yelling " SECURITY CALL 911 " i get up the doctor grabs me " your not going anywhere" i yell " get off me" i grab his neck and i throw him to the floor " if you dont want to die then dont get in my way" i open the door i look to my left and see the nurse with security " there he is " i start running looking for a exit . the men start chasing me i see the stairs i try to open the door " its locked"

i turn around and see two men with tasers " look kid just dont move" they move closer " dont tell me what to do" i get mad the ground begins to shake, cracks go through the floor BAAMMM the floor crumbles i fall when i get up i see dust every where people screaming , trying to get up " no not again"

when i turn around i see the man who helped me , not moving " he's dead"

i run out. i stop i see police cars every where " shoot him " bullets fly everywhere i stop them and drop them to the ground " LEAVE ME ALONE" i use my mind i use all my force i lift the police cars as high as i can " men back up" i drop them right on top of them " RUN" they try to run but there too late . A big explosion from the cars, smoke every where i start walking i notice something i see someone staring at me . I start to run torwards the jeep " i cant find it , i hear more police cars coming i take a random car , SMASH the window shatters i open the door i use my mind to try and start the car, " why cant i start it " i try harder. Suddenly it start s up and i drive off. " im a monster" me driving i notice a car that has been following me " who is this person" i stop the car and get in front of the car, before i yell something i get thrown to the back of my car, i smash my face with the car window. someone steps out of the car, they start coming closer to me " how did you do that" i say shocked " honey you didnt think you were the only who had powers" i look up " its a girl"

she pulls me from the back and pulls a knife " your coming with me" she tells me " what if i dont want to come" i say " i dont think im giving you a choice"

Shattered Pieces

my life is so broken now all i can do is pick up the SHATTERED PIECES but what happens when i put them back in place , all that happens is they fall down and brake into more pieces " where are we going" i tell this mysterious women " shut up dont worry" we keep driving. The lights begin to fade " can i at least know your name" she looks at me " jenn my name is jenn" she says " oh well my name is " "caleb i know" she says before i finish speaking . she stops the car " well here we are" i look around its a dark forest in the middle of no where " where is here" i say " dont worry your going to be fine im here to help you" i look at her .
We walk for alomst a hour until we stop at a in front of a cabin in the woods " so is this the part where you kill me" me laughing " listen kid like i said we are not going to kill you" " we who is we" before i finish talking the door opens " you took to long" a teenager steps out he looks 17 black hair, blue eyes " traffic was a bitch " jenn says with attitude " so can you guys tell me who you are" they both look at me " we are like you, we are powerful" i start smiling " im not alone anymore"

"we saw you on the news and we had to meet you , you are very strong " me looking at the floor " so you dont think im a monster " i say with shame running through my mind " no we brought you here because we want to help you "jenn says smiling " listen kid we need as many more of us " " im sorry but what is your name" i say offended " im cameron weisman" he says coming closer " caleb im only trying to help you". i stop and think " you are a loose weapon, you need help these people will help you , and you can control your powers no more blood shed"

i look at them " lets do it".

we go inside the house " go get some rest , your going to need it tomorrow" jenn says going up stairs . " here take this room its cozy" cameron says going into the room next door i lay down and close my eyes " its time for me to control my powers". i feel my body light like a feather i open my eyes i notice im floating " what the hell " i fall , when i turn around and look and see cameron lowering his hand " why did you do that" i say angry " i just showed you , you dont need to be mad to use your powers" i didnt even notice that " so when do we start training" i ask " NOW" he throws his hand towards me i fly through the window i stand up " this should be fun" i say. He jumps through the window " alright were gonna start with telekinesis " he lifts his hand i look behind me and see a tree shaking when it starts lifting up " you better move" he says " holy shit its coming right at me " i move it misses me by about a foot " now you try, but dont use anger" i get up , i try to lift it. But it wont lift " i cant do it " i say " try to concentrate focus on lifting it " cameron says to me " here goes nothing i guess" i lift my hand . I see the tree shaking " good caleb now keep focusing" i focus more when suddenly it fly's up in the air and out of sight " holy shit" cameron says . " that was good caleb now were going to do something you probably never did" i look at him " what is it" he starts smiling " taking electricity and using it as a weapon"

we go inside , cameron turns on all the lights in the living room " alright now how this works is you get mad , put all that power in your hands watch and learn" he stops talking he starts getting mad but the ground dosent start shaking the lights get brighter when they bursts , electricity coming through that is going to his hand and he shoots his hands at me light goes from his hand to my body .I fall to the ground, cant move " what the hell" i say my nerves are going crazy " heres a tip your powers will stop working if you get hit with the right amount of energy" i try to move my hand but my foot moves instead " dont worry it will come back in a minute " i can do it right now " i get up " what the hell, how ..... how did you do that" he says confused and impressed "i figured out how my nerves worked its easy " he stops listening and goes up stairs " hey were are you going " i go after him " im in here" cameron says i go in this room with papers on the walls and writing s everywhere " what room is this" i ask " my study room" he says looking through papers " so are we still going to train " " no get out" he throws me outwith his hand i get up and go for the door, he slams it " hey whats your problem" no response , i go down stairs i look at a light bulb and focus all my anger to my hand in a sudden all the lights burst and all that power goes to my hand " what the heck" am i stronger than cameron and jenn " is this why they need me " i shoot the power at the wall , it breaks a hole through it. " caleb are you okay" jenn comes through the front door " i was practicing a move" she sets down food in the kitchen table " listen i know this is hard to process in , its scary poeple trying to capture no one understanding what you are " i look at her " i am trying to adapt , but its hard i miss my family " " your mom and dad i know how you feel " she says to me " my dad , i didnt never knew my mom " i look up at her , she is thinking about something " is something wrong . She goes up stairs and goes into cameron's study room , locking the door behind her " that was weird " it seems like there is something there both not telling me " i need to find out what is going on here "

The Truth

Secrets are common , some good , some bad but what happens when the truth is revealed to you

i cant shake this feeling " jenn and cameron know something about me that i dont know " i go up stairs and knock on cameron's door " hey open the dam door" no one answers me " i have no patience " i stop and break open the door " there's no one in here " what the hell " i start lurking around his desk " there's nothing here but news paper s and notes " wait what is this " i pick up a file of me " why does he have this of me " i look around its my birth certificate , photos , and ...... a picture of a women " is this my mom " i tell myself " what the hell are you doing in here " i turn around and see cameron looking mad " why do you have a file of me " he picks me up " you need to be taught a lesson in personal privacy" he throws me out the window i fall on the floor hard " you better start running " he says climbing out the window " bring it on BITCH " i lift my hand he lifts up " please your too weak" he pushes me , i fly and hit a tree " dam this is gonna be hard" i start getting angry i run towards him , he runs towards me " STOP IT " jenn stops us " cameron stop getting mad " she says tired " no jenn he wont be able to handle it " cameron says " if you dont then i will " jenn says walking towards us " tell me what , what is going on here " i says confused " fine but you wont believe us ' cameron says wiping dirt off his pants " me and jenn are brother and sister" he says getting near jenn " okay so what does that have to do with me " i tell them confused " its should be important to you because your our baby brother " jenn says walking to me " im your ..... brother ?" i say confused " was my mom like me , and did she have kids with someone else "

" wait so let me get this straight you guys are my brother and sister " i start backing up " yes and we need your help , our mom is in danger " jenn says " your mom she left me and my dad alone " i go running back into the house " caleb wait " jenn says running after me . I go back into the house only to get my things " caleb stop " jenn says closing the door " im leaving i got to leave i cant stay here im going to go back home " she stops me " caleb you are home" i push her away " no your not my family " i start walking to the door when i get hit my something that shocks my nerve system " cameron why did you do that" he puts his hand down " what we need him we cant just let him walk out that door " . I open my eyes and see myself tied up " really the whole good cop bad cop routine to try to make me stay " cameron walks to me and he punches me in the nose " arghhh i think you broke it" he steps back " thats not the only thing that im gonna break if you dont help us " jenn walks in " cameron stop , she comes and unbinds me " were not gonna force you to stay " she goes and gets me a towel to wipe my of my blood " listen caleb i know its hard for you to understand but there is a war going on right now , and we need you to help us get our mom back before they kill her" he stops pretending to be the bad guy " he looks like he is desperate for my help "

i get up " look i want to help , but i cant stay here " i start walking torwards the front door " bye caleb i guess well see you around i guess" jenn says giving me a towel " ill come back " i tell her opening the door.

When we see lights outside and men with guns " caleb get inside now " jenn says closing the door " cameron we need to leave now " cameron comes running out the door " how did they find us " he starts heading for the back door , when a swarm of men come through the back " dont move there is no point in fighting us " i stop and look at there lights i think of a plan " guys get down now " i get mad when there all the lights burst and i use the energy to blast a exit " now guys run " we all start running " we have to stick together " jenn says , we keep running its dark and cold " men capture them " they start running torwards us when we here a scream "arghhh " its cameron " we have one of them " CAMERON " jenn says going torwards them " NO JENN " i yell grabbing her " well get him back " when i hear a noise behind us " dont move " jenn grabs him and throws him as far as she can " wait jenn look , who is that " we look and see a man with dark gray hair and green eyes " hey there cameron we ve been waiting to meet you " cameron looks up " you , your doing this " the man starts laughing " take him in , well gets the other two later" he says walking away " men retreat " they all start falling back " do you know them jenn " i ask her "no ..... " she gets interrupted " burn the place down " we hear noises and in a few seconds we see the house on fire " NOOO!!!! jenn starts going torwards the house " no jenn dont " she goes inside , and runs upstairs . i go inside and run to cameron's study room " shit what do i get " i just get his trash can and throw out all his garbage on the floor and fill it with all these papers and files when i see the roof collapsing " jenn where are you " i look around and find her unconscious with a burning log on top of her " jenn get up " i move the log and grab her " get up" i turn around and see a ball of fire about to hit us when i close my eyes and wished i was out side i feel time stopped and i feel my skin cold i open my eyes " im outside " i look around and see the house burning down " how did i do that " i put jenn down and watch the house burn down " what are we going to do now "

Running Out Of Time

" what happens when you only have a few seconds to decide what your going to do "

" jenn wake up " i try waking her up , when i hear " ughh where am i " i look and see the guy that jenn threw " hey you dont move" i grab his gun " hey man whats going on " he says " look dont move " i tell him pointing his gun at him . he starts running i shoot his gun aiming it at his leg " arghhh what the fuc " i stop him pointing the gun at his head " listen your going to come with me " i turn around "caleb where are we " its jenn getting up " jenn go get the car we need to find a place to sleep for the night " i tell her picking up the guy off the floor " ill go get it " she says running " your going to start talking here and now" i throw him on the floor " who are you" he starts laughing " your not going to kill me " i shoot his other leg " try me " i tell him " so like i said who the fuck are you " " im working for a group called the imperfects " he says looking in pain " imperfects what kind of a stupid name is that " i tell him " its a organization that finds freaks like you and kills them " i smack him with his gun knocking him unconscious " what the hell , i need more than a name " i start looking through his clothes , when i find a cards " the imperfects"

i see the address " its in new york " i see lights flashing at me " caleb get in " i grab the man by his feet and drag him in the trunk " we will need him " i tell her " we need to get cameron back " when she said his name i remembered the files, i run back and get the trash can " i got some of his notes and files from his study thing " jenn looks interested " alright let's go before they come back.

We go to a motel and crash there " hey so who is the leader of this group " i ask the man " im not going to talk " he says to me " caleb let me try ive been working on something " jenn says " so where are they keeping my mon and cameron " jenn says serious " listen bitch why dont you just shut up " she moves her hand to his face " hey what are you doing " he says to jenn she touches him and mumbles some thing " so your going to answer my question " she tells him "no" she slowly starts turning her hand into a fist " what are you " " arghhhh' i look at the man he is bleeding from his mouth and gasping for air " please stop arghhh" he starts bleeding more " hey what are you doing to him " i ask jenn " look we need answers and WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME " she starts crying " we have to save cameron I have to save cameron " she says " okay ill tell you everything , i am steve and i work with the imperfects our base is in new york city , and we capture and kill anything that isnt human , our boss's name is sidious he is like your kind he wants to steal the mutants powers as his own " " wait did you just say mutants " i tell him " yeah like the x men " steve says " okay i know there is a secret way to get it in .... so were going to need your card to get through " jenn says " here take it , so can i leave " steve tells us " um no were going to have to erase your memory " jenn says to him " caleb im going to need you to leave " she locks the door . A few minutes later she opens the door " so we need to go to new york" .

" what happens when isnt on our side and every minute can change my life , am i finally going to have a family in the end of all this , i need to find my mother maybe she can tell me what i TRULY AM "


" my life was never perfect there was so much was kept from me "

weve been driving for 4 days " jenn what are we going to do when we get there " i ask her " i dont know , we have been training non stop and we havent even made a plan " i stop the car " hey caleb what the hell " jenn yells at me "listen ill fight tooth and nail to save our brother and mom but we cant go charging in like a couple of idiot " i tell her " you said brother and mom " she says smiling at me " im serious what are we going to do " i tell her " dont worry i have a plan " . we stop at a motel and spend the night " i got it " i wake up with a perfect plan " we can use a disguise , and we could use steve's card to get inside and find our brother and mother" i tell jenn when she is rubbing her eyes " that could work i was just going to blow up the place and go all super woman on there asses but that is a good plan " when we arrive at new york we leave our car hidden " its better to go on foot " we start looking around but " there are so many building and people " jenn says looking around " hey isnt that it " i point to a building " imperfects were we can help you in anyway "

when we start walking to it we notice " we dont have our disguises on " jenn says " so i guess we have to go buy some " we go looking around trying to change our appearance when we finish , i have blonde hair and harry potter glasses and a suite , jenn is a red head with librarian glasses and a suite dress " ready jenn " i tell her " she looks at me " never been ready before " .

when we go inside it looks like a normal office people doing there own thing , no weirdos trying to capture mutants " ill go first alright " i tell her as she sits and pretends to be calling someone . i start walking toward a employee's only door when i use steve's card to get in i drop it after i get in . a minute later jenn gets up and walks towards the door , she picks up the card and come in " alright we stick together no spliting up " we tell each other . we start walking around and it seems normal " maybe this isnt the place " i tell her " shut up for a minute " she starts walking toward a sign on the wall in the room across from the one were in " whats wrong " i tell her " iv seen this sign before , in one of cameron's files " jenn starts looking around moving things " hey help me move this desk " she says trying to move it , i go try and pick it up " it wont move " we look down at it " is it screwed on the floor " i say to her " i think this is like a place where they enter the base " she says trying to make me understand it " well look for a button " i tell her moving things , we throws everything off the desk until we notice a book that wont move " here it is " she says looking at me " are you ready " i tell her . She pulls the book and the floor moves " what the fuck "

we fall into darkness " take my hand " i tell jenn i try to stop the falling with my mind put i cant use my powers " hang on " jenn says we fall into a cave " ughhh are you alright" i ask her " no i just fell like 100 feet in the air" she says getting up . Its dark and quite " cant see anything " i tell her " here let me bring some light " in a flash she brings light from her hands and shoots it up in the air " how did you do that there isnt any power down here " i look at her " ive been storing energy for about a month " she says smiling " jenn look " we turn around and see lights coming at us " freeze , dont move " we see men coming at us " jenn run we cant get caught " we start running its dark jenn running as fast as she can " CALEB " i look ahead and see a man , he grabs my neck and drops me to the ground so hard it breaks the ground " hey there caleb" this man says to me , but his voice it sounds familiar " jenn shine the light over here " i tell her . suddenly a burst of light shows who this man is " cameron ? " i see he is the one who grabbed me " CAMERON STOP " jenn says running towards him . He looks at jenn and picks her up " your the weakest one in our group " he says sudeenly he throws her , she hits her head on a rock and stops moving " NOOOOO!!!!" cameron picks me up " yes" he throws me head first and i black out " where am i "

i open my eyes and see jenn chained up " jenn wake up " i look down and see my self chained " dam it " i look around and see a women chained up " caleb?" she says looking up at me " mom ?"

All Falls Down

"my past will finally be revealed to me , but what happens when i cant ACCEPT THE TRUTH "

i cant speak im frozen with so many thoughts running through my head " caleb say something " she says to me " mommy " i say tears coming down my face " caleb sweetie its going to be okay " she gets stopped when the door opens up " hello hows everyone 's morning " its sidious he is mocking us " fuck you " i yell at him " caleb is it " he says coming closer " LET US GO " i yell at him " how about i cut you to shred's " he says grabbing my face " give it your best shot " i tell him " men let him go " sidious says backing up " im going to teach him a lesson " they let me go . i run to him head first " your mine " i tell him " please your to weak " he says punching me in the face and grabs me by the head " let him go " my mom yells at them " men shut her up " the men start going to my mom , hitting her with their guns " STOP IT" i scream at them to stop " hey what the hell" , the ground begins to shake " your mine " i scream at him my veins pop out and my pupil's go white " what the hell are you " sidious says backing up " im the thing thats going to kill you " i say running towards him " not so fast , he grabs my mother and puts her in front of him " let her go " i tell him " CALEB " i turn around BAM!!!!! i get hit with electricity , i fall to the ground sidious starts laughing " FANTASTIC" he says walking towards my unconscious body " caleb get up " jenn says trying to break free " hey shut up " a guard smacks her in the face with his gun " cameron you have to snap out of this " i start to get up " he isnt home at the moment see i have a chip in the back of his head and with a remote that i keep safe he is doing whatever i tell him " he says grabbing my leg " maybe ill put a chip in your brain " he thows me to the wall " no way in hell " i say , i start looking at the lights on the wall " hey sidious thank you he looks at me "what the hell are you talking about" he says , i get mad and burst the light and steal its energy , i aim it at camerons head " for this" i say throwing all the power at cameron . " caleb no" jenn says trying to break free it hits him , he falls to the ground " cameron get up" i tell him i start getting up , he isnt moving " cameron get up" all i see is smoke coming from his head " cameron ? " i start running to his body " get up please " he doesn't move , i stop trying to help him " did i kill him "

" look what you did you monster , its freaks like you that need to be put down " sidious says pulling out a sword " and you my friend do need to be put down " he vanishes , i look around waiting for him to come and show him self . " were are you " i say yelling " here" i hear a whisper behind , i feel something penetrate my skin " ughhh......" i start bleeding " your finished " he says sticking the sword in deeper " leave my son alone" my mom says breaking free " jenn look out" she throws lightning at jenn's chains . I start to put pressure on the cut " im not going to die here"

The End ?

is this were it all ends the bad guy winning and the happy ending turns out to be a complete a lie . " caleb get up " i see my mom trying to pick me up " im fine " i say getting up " mom look out " i push her out of the way , i get shocked in my chest " dam it " sidious says " hey fuck face " i look up " cameron"

he grabs sidious from the hand , and vanishes " caleb come here " my mom says getting closer " let me see your wound " she touches my wound and suddenly a green light comes from her hand and i can feel the pain start to fade " mom you almost done " jenn says punching the guard and knocking him unconscious " alright caleb you feel better " she says getting up " mom ....... thank you " i tell her getting up . " were did cameron go " jenn says coming close to me " i dont know " i tell her " we need to leave now " we start running to the door " it wont open " i say pounding on the door , we turn around and see cameron " are you alright sweetie " mom says coming closer to him " mom ............. im ..... sorry" he says falling down with a sword stuck to his back " CAMERON" jenn screams running towards his body " JENN BEHIND YOU " my mom runs to her , but its to late " arghhhh" jenn screams blood spills evrywhere " MOM NOOOOO !!!!!" i run to her , she got stabbed in the chest by sidious trying to save jenn " this is what happens when you try to be a hero" he throws my mom's lifeless corpse to the ground " jenn get over here" i say running to her , jenn starts running to me but before we meet " hey why in such a rush " sidious grabs jenn by the head " let me go " she touches his chest and uses all her power and shocks him " leave .... me .....ALONE" they both fly away from each other " i got you " i say running to catch jenn from falling , but before i could i see cameron trying to get up " caleb come here quick " i stopped and let her fall .

I run to cameron " cameron dont move were going to get you help " i say putting pressure on his wound " dont worry about me caleb ill be fine , just beat the shit out of him for me " he says with tears of anger coming from his face " i will i promise " i get up and look around for sidious " WHERE ARE YOU " i yell looking for him " caleb dont be the hero " i here his voice echoing from the room " pussy come out and face me " i hear a crackle from behind me . i turn around and see him standing there " your gonna pay for what youve done" I Say running towards him . He uses his power and grabs me " your finished " he throws me but before he does i slip loose from his grip , i keep my balance i use my force and kick him right in the face and grab him " no you are " i close my eyes and think of new york . All of a sudden i feel wind hitting the back of my head i open my eyes " what the hell did you do " sidious says falling " exposing us " i say grabbing him , i take the light posts electricity and use it but i punch sidious with electricity going through my fists he gets thrown to a building and breaks through a wall " this is a perfect time to start flying "

me falling i try and get mad but it isnt working and then it hits me something cameron said to me " try to focus on what you want" instead of getting mad i imagine that im floating " ARGHHHHH" people screaming as i fall on top of them " i didnt hit the floor "

i look around and see that im flying " fucking awesome " i see in the corner of my eye a car" what the hell" i see car coming towards me , i cant avoid it i get hit and smash into a building " this is going to be fun " sidious says jumping near to where i am . I remove the car and lift it , but before i could throw it i get kicked back into a building " how do i beat him "

i get up and start running i turn around and see a wall being kicked down i see dust every where " picture your with jenn and cameron " i close my eyes and in a flash i open my eyes and see a fist coming at me " YOU FOOL " sidious says punching me and he picks me up and keeps punching me until he grabs me by the back " i can snap you like a twig " he says stepping on my back " ARGHH" i scream with the pain . He then steps on my head " your just a weak idiot thinking that your gong to win " he jumps and steps on my back so hard he breaks the floor . We fall and i start to crawl " i need help"

" where do you think your going " sidious says picking me up , he begins to run towards a window . He throws me out of the window and i see glass and lights from the cars " i lost" i hit the floor so hard i cant get up " just stay down kid " he says climbing down , i start to limp and then fly " thats it " i look up and see a shadow , " cameron??"

i see a man flying towards sidious " who the hell " i say looking at him " a friend " he runs towards the enemy " you really think you can beat me" sidious says " im not going to beat you , IM GOING TO KILL YOU " the mysterious person says lifting his hand , cars begin to rise from the ground . " holy shit " i say looking amazed " you cant kill me your .... your a hero " sidious says looking worried " who said i was a hero " the man says throwing the cars at sidious " what the " he stops and tries to avoid the cars but there are to many he gets hit , a big boom and the sound of bricks hitting the floor " is he dead " i ask the man . " no" he says flying towards the destroyed building " come out " he yells " you think that can kill me " sidious says getting up " no but this can " the man says grabbing all the power frrom new york and taking it " its so dark"

i cant see anything but the light from the mans hand " that power is so strong " i say backing up " no you wouldnt " sidious says backing up " I WOULDNT? " the man throws all the power towards the sidious " NO YOU CANT DO THIS " BOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! " what the fuck " i scream being blown away " look out" i fly to the man and move him from the crumbling building , it starts to fall down " ARRRGGGGHHH" people's screams .

I see helicopter lights pointing down at us " everyone remain calm " i hear a mans voice coming from the helicopter " are you alright " i say looking at the man " you dont have to worry " he says looking at me " hey i need to know who you are and why did you help me " i ask him waiting for a response " i cant tell you , its complicated " he says looking up " please i at least need to know your name" i tell the man " my name is caleb " he come closer to me " my name is " he stops me " caleb your name is caleb to" he says looking at me " how did you know my name ............. okay wait who are you " i say backing up " IM ....... YOU " the man says coming closer to me

" my life keeps getting more and more complicated , all i know is that this story isnt over . My life is more tangled than it has ever been , what is going to happen now "


Identity Crisis

" Who am i ?"



Texte: jonathan lerma
Bildmaterialien: jonathan lerma
Lektorat: jonathan lerma
Übersetzung: jonathan lerma
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

to my favorite song in the world (:

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