
Redress & Parapet

Redress & Parapet



Jesse Omoregie


















Redress & Parapet




This book is especially dedicated to my dad, Christian Omoregie Iyamu, who retired as an educationalist in 1986 and passed away in June 2015. When I was growing up, my dad helped me all the way through my journey and development in research and writing, my interests in philosophy, psychology, as well as mathematics. He had a big library at home where the genres of books ranged from philosophy to mathematics, spirituality, health and wellbeing, conspiracy theories, mythology, fiction, and more.

When my siblings and I were idle, my dad would give us labour tasks and he would say “If you don’t want labour, then go and read.” We had to read books for us to avoid labouring. At that point in time, I thought my dad’s regime was too hard, but he always came back to explain to us that “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” I grew up following that regime and soon I started to enjoy reading increasingly.

At an early age of about eight or nine I began to make use of my father’s library where I picked up special interests in psychology, philosophy, poetry, Greek mythology, and mathematics. My dad did not restrict my access to his library, and he was proud that I made use of it. I owe a special thanks to my dad, and may his soul rest in perfect peace.

From the Author



This book is a collection of poems which focus on the plight of the oppressed and their hope for solace and relief. The author attempts to bring to life situations of the time and season as well as events occurring around the world in style through his poetry.

From time unto time, era to era, the poor and the vulnerable have always been marginalized and oppressed, but the strength of the oppressors and the wicked will surely be weaken soon and there will someday be a redress of the dastardly and then the parapet shall be formed to shield the weak, the innocent and the poorly from the iron handedness of the oppressors.






All images used in this book is sourced to google images

and images used are for illustrative purposes only.

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Tears in the wind


Far across the land,

Beyond the cold walls of old,

Where mountains reach the clouds

And the valleys cut the land;

There is fire as air to breath

And smoke as water to drink.


There are dusts as food to eat,

And cry, shouts, and screams as music to hear.

There are swords, knives, pain, and blood

As movies to watch,

With fear and impediments as thoughts to think.

Oh! My heart danced to the rhythm of its beat;

Had I the Heavens,

Had I the strength that cuts across the universe?

My flesh burnt at its highest degree;

That the heat stultified my clothes.



Oh water, water!

Then I reached my hands for water,

Behold my hands caught smoke.

Uhm! I gasped to catch some breath

And there came fire to breathe.

When I had a winkle and twinkle,

The sea of my eyes overflew its bank,

Which stirred my strength to dwindle.

With tears running down my knees,

My mind burnt to wrinkle.

Then came the wind from the cave,

Which swiped my tears,

Then wrapped them in itself

And blew across the mountains.




Author’s Note

This represents a sad circumstance which was washed


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Jesse Omoregie
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-9882-0

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is especially dedicated to my dad Christian Omoregie Iyamu who This book is especially dedicated to my dad, Christian Omoregie Iyamu, who retired as an educationalist in 1986 and passed away in June 2015. When I was growing up, my dad helped me all the way through my journey and development in research and writing, my interests in philosophy, psychology, as well as mathematics. He had a big library at home where the genres of books ranged from philosophy to mathematics, spirituality, health and well-being, conspiracy theories, mythology, fiction, and more.

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