
An Ocean View - a discovery
Just another sunny day in Rose Heart School of Knowledge a 17 year old named Arriadnee a tall girl with deep almond brown eyes with long dark brown curly hair was going through her normal routine of fetching her books from her locker for her next class history with miss manner, now miss manner was a quiet sort of soul she always had a gentle smile when she greeted you as you entered her class she was small in height with light brown hair scooped up into a neat bun the first thing you would notice about her was her emerald-green eyes they always had a kind of sparkle in them. She was one of my favorite teachers.
Arriadnee was making her way towards history and she ended up bumping in to Tuluria her best friend. Tuluria was out going and spontaneous girl who passive voice with beauty everyone always wanted her to be their friend but she was never into the popularity contests people tried to put her in. “oh hi Arriadnee what’s your next class I’ve just come from science so lame” Tuluria said “history I can’t wait I love miss manners class she so nice and she actually helps you when you get stuck” said Arriadnee “ Yeh I no what you mean most of the teachers here just say work it out yourself I’m in history as well I’ll meet you there I’ve just realized I left my history book in my locker” replied Tuluria “OK” Arriadnee shouted back and she went on to class.
When Arriadnee arrived at history as she excepted miss manner gave her a sweet inviting smile and Arriadnee made her way to her seat got her books out a waited for class to begin.Tuluria jus arrived before miss manner went to close the door which was lucky because miss manner was kind yet firm and would not take no misbehavior in her class. “Right class I would like to do something different today. I want you all to find out your history of your family trees. Find out were your family come from, what they worked as etc a 20 000 word essay. This will go towards your exam papers and counts for 50% of your grade in history you have 4 weeks to gather information on your school holidays. If you have any problems let me no I’ll be glad to help” said Miss Manner. The class started to note all the things miss manner said would help with the project. Soon it was the end of the day and it was time to go home.
Arriadnee and Tuluria made their way towards the school gates talking about how they were both going to their project and how are they going to manage to fit it all into 20, 000 words. They walked toward their school bus stop waited for the number 5 bus. As they waited the usual crowd started to gather round Tuluria so Arriadnee slipped of to the side and was wrapped in her own thoughts of her family she didn’t no much about them. She lived with her mum called Annaleese who was tall with long light brown straight hair and almond brown eyes just like Arriadnee’s her dad died when she was 13 and she didn’t no much about his family ever really she never thought to ask.
The bus soon arrived and then they all piled on, Arriadnee saw that Tuluria was still in conversation with a group of devoted fans Arriadnee liked to call them. So Arriadnee was lost in thought about her family and wondering what she would find out. The bus came to several stops and the bus started to clear gradually until there were only Arriadnee and the driver left. Arriadnee lived far away near the coast of the island san el toreros. The island was quite big for a small island it was sunny most days but for some weird reason Arriadnee noticed stormy weather when she was stressed or really upset. But as she got older she just forgot about it because it felt normal to her. So the bus came to a Holt at her stop and she got of the bus to start a slow walk up the beach to were her house was.
“Hello mum are you ready for the latest at school” shouted Arriadnee to her mother. As she always told her mum everything because there was only Arriadnee and her mum left since she didn’t know her grandparents. They had passed away before she was born and after her father died she grew so close to her mum they shared everything together to help each other through the days. She went into the living room and saw her mother sitting there with a magazine in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.” What’s up love tell me what you’ve been up to today” Annaleese said behind the magazine. “Well miss manner our history teacher set us a project to do an essay which is 50% our grade and it’s on our family tree” replied Arriadnee at that moment Annaleese dropped the cup of tea all down herself. It caught Arriadnee by surprise “what’s wrong mum” said Arriadnee. “I think I have a lot of information you need to know and a lot you have to find out yourself on your 18th birthday. First of all you need to know that Georgio is not your real father. I was pregnant when I met him I was young and it wasn’t the right thing to do being with child with out marriage. But I knew him growing up and we did grow to love each other and it was the best thing at that time but he was not the love of my life and he would never be that does not mean I didn’t love and care about him deeply” answered Annaleese “so who is my real father then mum?” demanded Arriadnee.
“Well his name is Odyssey and I met him when I was 18, me and some friends were partying on a beach in south san el toreros. And everyone had finished up and gone home and I just wanted to stay and watch the waves in the moon light. It felt so calming, a guy that was at the party came over I hadn’t noticed him till then. When he came over he told me his name he called himself (Dessy) for short. I suppose he thought it was cool which I thought it did. He had a look about him gentle yet strong sensitive yet masculine, we decided to meet every night. Then we promised to be together know matter what but it never ended up like that because your father was no average boy. The day I fell pregnant he said he had to leave that if he set eyes on our child something bad would happen to him. So we decided to meet one last time on the beach were we first meet and when it was time to leave. dessy went towards the ocean I was nervous but he told me to trust him as he went in to the water he started to glow bright, white light was all around him and the suddenly he jumped in the air and were they was legs was now a silver fin. I couldn’t believe my eyes I ran in the sea after him he then said that he would come back to us when you turn 18 because that’s when his kind become adults some report your going to have” Annaleese sighed to her daughter Arriadnee didn’t know what to say so much information in such a short time here’s her thinking she’s got a bank robber or a murderer in her family tree no she has merpeople.
Arriadnee excused herself from the living room and went up stairs to her bedroom to get changed. she then texted her friend Tuluria to come and meet her by melody bay, Five minutes away from Arriadnee’s house and ten minutes from Tuluria’s house. She let her mum know where she was going and set off up the beach, it was early evening and the sun was slowly drifting into the distant horizon Arriadnee stopped to take it all in she loved how the sun meet the water like a leaf falling on to a pond and the gentle waves were more like ripples it was so poetic it brought a slight tear to her eye. When she was near the sea she always felt whole and when she was away from it she long to be near it again. Arriadnee made frequent visits to melody bay she loved to sing there it made her heart fill with warmth as she did. And the waves sounded like an echo back to her she’d sit there for hours writing or singing it was the one thing she liked to do by herself because people would act weird when she sung in public.
She sang on stage in her drama class once and all the pupils started to pair up and dance like they were slow dancing at a party and when she stopped no one knew what had happened only Arriadnee and her best friend Tuluria she shared all her secrets with Tuluria she had known her all her life and she felt like she was the only one in and out of school who understood her besides her mum of course. She sat there and hummed to herself while she waited to tell her friend the latest on her weird far from normal life. she was only there a few minutes and Tuluria came up the bay she had a grace about her like nothing would phase her in life Arriadnee always admired Tuluria for that. “Why did you want to meet so soon after we just seen each other at school?” Tuluria questioned. “well its about are school family tree project I’ve found out some interesting facts I fought you would love to hear but if you don’t want to we could do it another time Arriadnee sarcastically replied. “Go on then let me have it” Tuluria giggled. “ok then well I got home and told my mum about the school project and she spilt her cup of tea all down her and she seemed shocked at the news I just gave her she then sat me down and told me that Georgio is not my father a guy called Odyssey is and get this he’s not just any guy he’s a merman. And he’s not even seen me and my mum said that we would both meet him again for the first time for me on my 18th birthday” Arriadnee explained “ But that’s tomorrow oh my goodness” a shocked Tuluria replied. “I know I’m pretty nervous I don’t know what I’m going to say to him, what questions to ask I’m so confused.” Said Arriadnee “well I think you will be ok I reckon the questions will come to you, when you see him don’t worry too much you don’t want a storm on you birthday now do you?” said Tuluria. “Yeh your right do you mind singing with me for a bit?” asked Arriadnee. Yeh of course you know you’re the only person id sing with in the world plus I need to release a bit of stress myself” Tuluria said with a smile.
For some reason Tuluria was the only person that didn’t go in to dance mode when she sang, it was weird like she was immune to it. After a couple of hours singing, chatting and singing some more Arriadnee decided they should go back home and they would meet up again at her house on her birthday. So they said there goodbyes and went on their way and promised to see each other on Arriadnee’s birthday to support her. Arriadnee took a slow walk home and glanced at the ocean before she made her way up the path to her front door. Her mum was waiting for her in the living room right where she left her. Wondering what to say next she went and sat on the sofa and waited for her mum to bring up the subject they were avoiding until at last Annaleese broke the silence between them “how are you feeling Arriadnee it was a bit short notice me telling you about your real father and your birthday being tomorrow it doesn’t leave you much time to gather your questions for Dessy” said Annaleese “I mean what do I say I’m nervous and excited and sad that I didn’t have him in my life ,I do have a few questions for you though mum like why haven’t you told me about him? And why I don’t have a tail fin? And when will my father come on my birthday? Does he even know if he had a daughter or a son?”Arriadnee eagerly said.
“ The answer to your first question is I didn’t want to bring it up I thought that if I did it would have hurt Georgio’s feelings and I gave up believing Odyssey would come back I was scared most of all that you would hate me for keeping such a thing from you” “I don’t hate you” interrupted Arriadnee. “well I know that now” Annaleese said “I really don’t know why you don’t have a tail fin and I don’t know when your father will be coming but I do know that he knows he has a daughter and he also knows your name” Annaleese answered. “And how does he know my name then mum” said Arriadnee. You know your close friend Tuluria well her mum fell pregnant the same time I did but what I didn’t no was that she had met a guy at the same party she didn’t let me no about it until she fell pregnant and didn’t no what to do about it. Well she finally told me that the father of her unborn child was also a merman but she was too afraid to say anything incase people thought she was crazy. With Tuluria’s mum her parents sent her away to have the baby so no one apart from me n her parents knew she was pregnant. And her lover said the same thing to her what your father said to me that he will return on her 18th birthday but Tuluria’s mum has left letters in a bottle and through them in to the ocean for almost 18 years so both your father and Tuluria’s father would know what to except.” Said Annaleese “So does Tuluria even no and her birthday is on the same day as mine and is that why we are all so close because of the connection we have with our fathers as merpeople” said Arriadnee. “well I think I’m gonna go to bed mum we will talk more in the morning if we have time before my father turns up night mum love you” sighed Arriadnee “ok love sleep well” said Annaleese.
Arriadnee went up stairs done her night wash, teeth and p.j’z routine and climbed into bed wondering about Tuluria and her birthday and will her father like her even though she hasn’t meet him if anything she was wondering what is going to happen to them both and her father's presence have her harnessing new powers like her moods with the whether her singing and what it does to people her mind was so full of question that she went over them that much it was like counting sheep and Arriadnee fell asleep.
The next morning Arriadnee totally forgot it was her birthday until she heard her phone go off it was a text of Tuluria saying happy birthday and she’s coming round with her present for her and to prepare for the latest news of which Arriadnee already new about her father. But she wouldn’t let Tuluria know that, Arriadnee got up washed and dressed and went downstairs straight into the living room to find the sofa full of presents her mum had got her it was like she bought one every month. “ Thanks mum I cant believe you went all out this year all this for me thank you, thank you, thank you oh mum did I say thank you?” expressed a happy excited Arriadnee. . “We it is your 18th its special isn’t it I’m just glad you no everything now iv hated keeping you in the dark about your father, are you nervous about seeing him I am anyway its been eighteen years last time we were together I was eighteen and pregnant not much about 3 months when is Tuluria coming round?” questioned Annaleese. “She’s on her way now mum, I’m so excited I wonder if he’ll like me?” said Arriadnee of course he will he loves you just as much as I do it pained him to leave us both believe me” said Annaleese. Just as Annaleese finished her convocation with her daughter the door knocked. It was Tuluria she had a bag full of presents for Arriadnee they shared conversations about there presents and then sat down for dinner it was coming to nine o’ clock it became very quite. Annaleese went over to the front door and the girls followed stood on the beach and waited till the moon was at its highest then the sea became restless and two bright lights began to form and two beings began to rise from the alluring lights. They started to walk over it was like the both were gliding but they had a slight air about them.
Odyssey was the first to speak “would everyone like to go inside so we came warm up?” And Happy Birthday to you both said Siren. “Thank you” the girls said in unison and they all walked in. the fire was still lit it was a chilly evening but very calm like an untouched pond. They all sat in the living room Annaleese offered some birthday cake and a cup of tea. The room was silent while every one was tucking in to the cake. Once everyone had finished Annaleese cleared everything away and sat down on the sofa next to Arriadnee and she was looking at Odyssey she could see how much more handsome he has become his hair was dark and curly short but looked like not a curl came out of place. His face had a smooth masculine jaw line his eyes were as deep as the ocean herself. He was looking at Annaleese scanning her with his eyes and a grin appeared on his face and Annaleese began to blush it’s like they new what each other was thinking the room went silent and Odyssey began to speak again. “How have use been? I’ve been longing for this day since I last saw you and I suppose you both have a lot of questions you want answering and I’ll be glad to answer to the best of my ability, but before I let you speak I must say this Arriadnee you are the most beautiful young lady I have ever seen and I’m honored to be your father and I cant wait for us to spend some time to get to know each other”. Annaleese answered first “thank you first of all for sticking to your word in returning on Arriadnee’s 18th birthday. I just want to know what going to happen to her now she is 18? Also will you be staying long because I would love for use both to stay for a while its been so long since I last saw you dessy. “Yes of coarse we will be staying for a month if that’s ok with all you girls Arriadnee and Tuluria need to know a few things and it might take some getting used to, they need to know they are very special and that they are the only ones in our kingdom under the ocean that will be half mermaid half human and they also need to know what ability’s they have received both of them will have different ability’s because siren and I are also different. For example I have the gift of sight and song and my emotion controls the ocean and whether, and siren can camouflage and has agility and also has excellent hearing so the both of you together could do and be anything you want but it must be together because that’s when you are strongest until the queen of the ocean blesses you both you wont be strong independently. First thing in the morning we will start training and first step is swimming nice and easy also I’m sure you both are curious to what your tail fins are going to look like” explained odyssey
“ Well you are both welcome to stay as long as possible but its getting late now and I’m sure the girl will need there rest before there first day of training tomorrow” said Annaleese “ok mum only one thing I want to ask father is will he sing with me tomorrow” pleaded Arriadnee of coarse I will said dessy and with that the girls went to bed and went straight to sleep excited for the adventure the both of them are going to make and they are both glad they have each other.
Chapter 5
the next day the sun began to appear on the horizon and Annaleese was shouting the girls down for there breakfast the girls got dressed and was down stairs shortly after “were is father has he left already” sighed Arriadnee “of coarse he hasn’t left he’s staying in a cove just of the beach with siren he will be here to collect you both when the sun is at its highest point don’t worry he isn’t going no were he’s with us for good now of which I ‘m so happy about it are you both looking forward to training today finish up soon so you can help me with a few chores before you go please” replied Annaleese and Arriadnee did as she was asked and helped out at noon came a knock on the door it as odyssey and siren they both called the girls to follow them to the cove they were staying in there was less people likely to see them training there. As they got to the cove odyssey stopped at a bunch of rocks and took two items from under them and handed one to siren he then turned around and gave Arriadnee a necklace and so did siren to Tuluria they were beautiful shell like but more shiny and more bold in colour odyssey said they change colour with there mood as well so Arriadnee though that it would go with every item of clothing she owned. Odyssey then instructed the girls to jump in the ocean at the same time as they did the ocean began to light up and froth like a Jacuzzi, and as they approached the surface you saw a flash of colour. Arriadnee’s tail came out of the water with a flash of green and blue and Tuluria’s tail was the colours purple and blue siren said that every mermaid and merman has blue in there tailfin they got the hang of swimming in the cove in a hour and siren and odyssey agreed it was time for them to go out in to the open ocean test them against the current and waves they were swimming for two hours until odyssey called them back because it Was time for dinner.

The days event was so exhilarating they couldn’t stop talking about it over there meal Annaleese was so proud of Arriadnee and told her the first chance she could. After dinner they went back and carried on swimming until the sun left the horizon for the moon to take its place. Siren agreed it was enough training for one day and they decided to have supper by a fire on the beach this was the chance Arriadnee could ask her father to sing with her they all enjoyed singing and telling tales until the moon was at the highest point and Annaleese said it was time for bed they needed there rest for tomorrows training régime as the girl went up to bed the lay there and began the conversation they have before they went to sleep “I love my tail I didn’t think we would pick up swimming with a tailfin as easily as we did and don’t you think father and siren have beautiful singing voices” said Arriadnee yes indeed I cant wait to find out what training were are to do tomorrow replied Tuluria.
The next day they both woke up in wonderful moods the sun was shining they went down stairs Arriadnee’s mum was in the kitchen cooking breakfast her favorite bacon sandwich and the one thing she noticed most of all was that her mum was singing meaning she was in a nice mood Arriadnee and Tuluria sat at the table and tucked in to there breakfast. “Both of your father’s told me to tell you both to meet them at melody bay after breakfast for your next lesson” said Annaleese as soon as the heard that they finished the breakfast and made there way to the bay as they arrived they noticed there fathers were in the water Dessy looked up and called them in the water. So they both dived in the water and there tails appeared and they waited for there next instruction. “What I want you to do to day is learn how to control water with your power” advised “Siren what we have a power to control water” said Tuluria yes of coarse you do the only thing is that we don’t know what power you both have” replied Dessy “ok Arriadnee you can be first” at that Arriadnee was ready as ever to see what her power was. Right what you need to do is relax and take a deep breath feel the water around you and will it to do what you want use you hand to signal the water were you want it to go” as Dessy said that Arriadnee wave her hand at the same time as the waves of the sea and it began to rise out of the water a glowed a blue beam of water rose out of the sea and started to wave in time with the waves it was so beautiful. “Wow did you see what I just did it was awesome” said Arriadnee now it was Tuluria’s turn and she did the same as Arriadnee relaxed and just waved in time with the waves and she started to move her hands and the water in began to rise but this time the water turned in to ice a tall blue icicle it was amazing so now they both new the power the practiced till dusk went home and went to bed eager to start training for the next day wondering what amazing thing they can do or if they have more then one power.
The next morning Dessy decided to spend sometime with Annaleese and Arriadnee took Tuluria to melody bay to practice there powers. They ended up forming a see through fountain it was amazing the water glistened in the sun as the water spurted to the very top of the cave. Arriadnee began to sing as she started the melody the water fountain she formed changed shape in to music notes and they would turn to droplets as she went on to the next note ,Tuluria started joining in and the water changed form again but this time the notes turned in to dancers and filled the cave roof. They sang till the sun set and then headed back home to tell there father’s what they achieved today. Both of there father’s were impressed and sent them straight to bed because they were going on a trip tomorrow.

The next morning Arriadnee was so excited to go on the trip her father told her it was a surprise and they will be away for the weekend. Arriadnee and Tuluria wondered if they needed to pack anything but siren answered her thoughts “you don’t need anything but yourselves where we are going!” “Why is that uncle siren?” said Arriadnee her father answered and said we are to take you two to visit your grandmother she has been waiting along time to meet you both plus you also will be meeting your suitors”. “They have been with you all your lives in your school and your dreams” “you mean we are to be married to these suitors and we don’t know them but they know us”.” yes that is all true but they weren’t allowed to talk to you both and they have different land names but are known as Ocean an Lantic you may have known them as Olly and Luke they are the same age as you both have you heard of them?” “Yes we do there in our history class they never say much to anyone” replied Tuluria. They all made there way to ocean as they did there tails formed they started on there way to deep. Odyssey said they would do abit of site seeing first they visited the sunken ship of black beard the pirate then they swam to the lagoon de la ruble. It’s was all different kinds of blues and greens and full of marine fish it was glorious the Arriadnee and Tuluria loved playing with the fish blowing bubbles and chasing them around until there fathers said it was time to go they seemed like they were swimming for hours then there was a bright light ahead they were slowly approaching the palace.
As they approached the gates there fathers told them to wait till they could not see them. So they did they made there way down along path which was covered in shells and pearls. They seemed to glisten in the rays of the sun. At the entrance there was a welcoming from all the merpeople they were shown to there seats a great concert was held in there honor the music was enchanting and after it was a music festival they had little market stalls with trinkets and sea wave charms after they were shown to there room and a merman came to the door and handed them a scroll that said they would be a dinner were they will be meeting there grandmother and then there suitors, they made there way to the grand hall and there was the queen. she had a long silver and blue tail and curly brown hair and deep amber eyes she looked so elegant and demur. she was kind yet quick tempered and the most powerful creature in the ocean she has all the powers including freezing and heat and water she has speed and control of water forms shapes and she can also create visions “Both of you are beautiful and i am glad to all you my granddaughters you both are apart of a legacy were you both rule the sea and land you unite them together and with your suitors you both will live happy lives” expressed the queen. “And here they are ocean and lantica” said the queen. Ocean had a light lavender tail green eyes and hair that changes colour with his moods. His powers entail of heating water and also freezing water. And lantica has dark gold tail blue eyes and his power is causing whirlpools and tidal waves. He is the fastest swimmer in the the seas and oceans. They both bowed so in unison and held there hands out Ocean said to Arriadnee “would you mind if we go to my living quarters” Arriadnee said nothing just nodded yes. So she left the throne room and Tuluria and lantica to acquaint them selves. Ocean led the way to his living room and made them some drinks Arriadnee began with her first question “how come you never spoke to me until now and what do you think of me?”. Well it was forbidden to ever speak to you both I have been watching you from afar and I must say you are a enchanting creature. You have such poetry in everything you do I have been yearning for this moment all my life. Forgive me for saying this but I would happily live forever by your side. Rule land and oceans with you I hope you don’t be offended in what I’m saying. I ask only one thing from you would you sing for me when I ask you to anytime day or night? Arriadnee was in ore of what he was saying and asking she replied to him yes I will sing for you , thank you for the compliments.


Texte: Giselle Thompson
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.10.2011

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