
chapter 1 *Still under construction*



“Please… No!“ I begged, and I begged, but it was as if he couldn’t hear me… as if I were invisible. The man hovered over me with one hand balled into a fist and the other tensely gripping a knife. I simply cried unable to meet my captors eyes I tried to think of something.. Anything just not this. He circled me as if he were a lion and I his prey. Tears streamed down my face endlessly I felt as if I would soon drown in them, but as this point I didn’t care. If only I had listened to my sister.. Maybe she would still be alive. I should’ve just been a good girl and went back to the ship like everyone else. I should’ve just went to the lame party like all the other kids. I wish I could see my dad, now I may never see him again. I tried to think of a happier time. His blade slowly drug across my arm and I panicked at the sight of crimson running down my arm. I slowly began to drift into a dark black and before I knew it I wasn’t there… no longer inside of myself…


    We swam. That was the last happy memory that I had… that was before I got myself into this mess. I dove into the cool salt water and swam for what seemed like miles when I came up I turned towards the edge of the pool to see my sister perched on the edge smiling at me. I paddled over to her and pulled myself onto the edge. I looked at her and smiled.

“what?” she asked
“We’re on a freaking boat!” I yelled at her and laughed
“Oh yeah right. I cant believe it! This is going to be the best summer ever”
“and lucky ole’ me gets to spend it all with you!” I looked at her one last time before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the pool with me barely avoiding a man swimming with his daughter floating closely behind him in a duck floaty.

“That was not funny!” she yelled after she  finally came up for air.
“Was too!” I yelled back
She scorned at me “ooooh I’m so gonna get you”
“Gotta catch me first” I yelled before jumping out of the pool and bolting for my towel.

    As I ran for our room I could hear her attempting to pull herself out of the pool. I got to the door that divided the pool deck from the stairs, and slung it open quickly I knew she would be close behind me soon so I quickly walked down them. As I reached the bottom step I turned to see if she was close and seen no one. I turned around just in time to see the collision that was soon to happen I had no time to stop and ran right into him. Though his  tall brick-like structure didn’t budge, I fell straight to my butt I quickly got up and began apologizing. I looked up to see one of the most attractive guys I had ever met in my life. He had black hair cropped close to his head his skin had a perfect tan and a nose that sloped to a point at the end. His lips were pulled back into a smile that exposed his beautiful snow white teeth and his hazel eyes had a sparkle in them that brightened with every chuckle that escaped his mouth. “It’s ok” he replied in a deep voice that pulled me in and wrapped itself around me.
    When I finally came to the realization that I had been staring at the beautiful man that before I quickly bent and grabbed my towel which I used to hide my face. I quickly began to walk away but he followed closely behind. I got on the elevator and he trailed behind I pressed my floor number and turned to ask what floor he was going to, but before words could escape my mouth he said four. I turned and realized that was also my floor. After that there was an awkward silence. I thought about starting a conversation with him but couldn’t find the words.
“so what’s your name?” he finally asked
“Monica” I replied softly
“Monica, that’s a nice name where are you from Monica?”
“Oh really? Where in Florida? Miami? Tampa?”
 “ no actually Pensacola”
“Pensacola? Where’s that at?”
“I knew that you would ask that,” I chuckled “nobody ever know where it is. So where are you from mystery person?”
“well my name is David and I’m from Honolulu, Hawaii.” that explains the perfect tan.
“Hawaii that cool! Wish I lived somewhere cool” as I finished my sentence the elevator stopped on our floor and we both got out and began walking  I noticed that I was close to my room and there weren’t many past mine but he was still behind me. My heart jumped at the thought of his room being close to mine.
    When I stopped at my room he stopped behind me and I wondered if he was maybe across the hall for me. I reached for my room key that was tucked away in my bathing suit and found that it wasn’t there I had a short panic attack as I patted myself down for the key “shit…”  I turned quickly and there David still stood chuckling.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I lost my key somewhere!”
“You mean this key?” he reached into his pocket and pulled out two keycards one mine and the other his.
“Oh my Gosh where’d you get it?” I nearly yelled in relief.
“ when you ran into me you dropped it that’s why I kind of followed you to you room. At least my room is close.”
“thank you so much!”
“it’s no problem” he turned to leave
“hey! Wait!”
He turned “yes?”
I’ll see you again soon right? It’s kind of hard to make friends on a cruise where the only person you know is you sister and father.”
“of course I will maybe tonight at the party.”
“ok,” I replied with a huge smile on my face “I’ll see you then.” I put the key into the door and pushed it open I jumped onto my bed and replayed the encounter I had just had in my head. that’s when I realized that my sister had been chasing me and she hadn’t run into me yet. I jumped into the shower and washed off the salt water from the pool, why do the have a salt water pool on a ship in the middle of ocean, I asked myself as I lathered shampoo into my hair… that’s just so odd. I decided that after I was done showering I’d go look for my sister then we’d both explore the ship together. I was also silently hoping I’d run into David again.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2013

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To one of the greatest guys I've ever met, James, you will be dearly missed.

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