
Monday September 17, 2012

Group Chat
Mei Lin,Aria,Ginger

Mei Lin- hey guys! I got an ipod for my birthday!

Aria- omg that's awesome! happy birthday! when is ur party?

Mei Lin- um i dont no yet... by the way, wat does omg mean?

Ginger- oh my gosh

Mei Lin- wat?!

Aria- *facepalm* omg= oh my gosh

Mei Lin- Ohhhh!

Ginger- haha happy birthday linny!

Mei Lin- thaanks... so wats up?

Ginger- seat teseting for orchestra tomorrow... so nervous!

Aria- yea... hasnt liza been rlly nice to u this year?

Ginger- yup, its weird but she'll probably hate me tommorow. she wud KILL for first chair!

Mei Lin- talk about moody

Ginger- ehh watevs, im just glad ive been in the top 3 seats for 3 years... i mean Liza and Grayson have both been taking lessons since they were 6!

Aria- u r an amazing violinist so u will do great!

Mei Lin- that reminds me; i have gymnastics tommorow and my mom is off from work so she will be watching me AND I HAVNT PRFECTED MY BACKFLIP!!!

Ginger- ugh that sucks :(

Aria- u will rock! calm down!

Mei Lin- srry i pressed the caps locks

Ginger- lol its ok. well i gtg to modern class.. c u guys later :)

Aria- biiii

Mei Lin- hey Aria wat does lol and gtg mean?

Aria- remind me to tell u tommorow in school all of the texting "lingo" ok? i have to go eat dinner

Mei Lin- o ok! c ya


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2012

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