

It was late into night. The darkness was intensified by the rain, which was pouring heavily onto the ground. Thunder shackled the surroundings and the dogs in the further neighbourhood started to howl. The sky was embellished by lightning bolts, the stream of accumulated water was going down the path. The area was lightened only by weak street lamp - except the constant flash of lightnings - but was bickering, turning on and off. The wind carried all the dirt and trash around, making the empty plastic bags swirl in small whirlwinds.

Two silhouettes of men emerged from the darkness, both hardly breathing, clearly in the middle of a fight. They were in the centre of sloped street, restricted by both sides of it by tall, stone fence. One of the men hid in the shadow, while taking a shallow breaths. Second’s man face was lightened by the sudden lightning bolt, showing that it was all covered in blood mixed with dirt.

He was tired of running away, so he just went onto his knees and smiled, showing his bloody teeth. ‘Take it… I don’t want to remember…’, he quietly whispered, stretching his arms to the sides, yet the words got to the man in the shadow, making him more angry, than he already was. He wiped his lips, spitted rest the saliva to the ground and moved towards kneeling man.

His shoulders were sunk down and he moved as he was staggering, but he got to his opponent. He started to laugh, as his shoulders moved and he kicked the second man, which wasn’t resisting. Soon he hit the ground with his face, unconscious. The kicker aimed his last strike and hardly hit the stomach of the laying man.

When he made sure, that the other will not wake up anytime sooner, he turned around on his heel and proceeded to slowly go up the hill, disappearing in the rain and the dark.

The beaten up face of the victim stayed on the road. The blood was flowing down from his nostrils, he was scowling. The wet hair glued to his face and he had trouble with breathing. After uncertain amount of time his face lightened up red and blue, when the help appeared.

Chapter 1

The man felt dizzy and heard ringing in his ears. He opened his eyes slowly and noticed that outside is already bright and clear, but then he realised that he didn’t even know what to expect. He was looking out the big window at the birds flying up high on blue sky, laying still in some bed, he didn’t recognize.

He started to move his head around, causing it pain, then he moved his hand to his face and noticed some things attached to it: injected PVC connected to the IV. He turned his head onto his right, where he saw a hospital curtain, separating him from the rest of the words. He tried to remember why he got himself in such a situation, but it causes nothing more than harder headache.

He decided to speak, but his throat was completely dry. He gave a try to clear his throat, but he failed. Then he attempted to lift up and lean on his forearms, but they were weak so he hit bed again, finally making some noise. He heard a voice, coming from the side.

‘Oh, honey, I think someone moved there.’ It was an elderly voice.

‘We should not care.’ The female, younger, answered. The man struggling to get anyone attention squinted his eyes for this response. He moved his head to look at that side, from which he heard the conversation. Under the curtain some feet can be seen, but that’s all.

‘They moved him here 2 days ago and he didn’t move. Maybe he woke up. Go for someone.’ The male voice insisted. The patient smiled, thanking for this man. But on the other hand: did this person just said 2 days ago? For how long was he laying there?

The woman sighed, but didn’t say anything, instead she stood up and apparently walked out, as the steps were becoming faint and the door being shut could be heard.

The man looked in front of him, waiting for the help to come. There was a wall and on it he noticed the calendar. He couldn’t see clearly, but he saw number pointing that it was September, probably beginning, because the pointer was in the first row. Should it frighten him? He… didn’t know, he did feel as it was something weird.

Suddenly a female voice could be heard again, as the room door opened. He caught only part of the sentence said earlier, but rest was understandable.

‘…ry, but dad heard something coming from the patient beside, and he wanted to check if everything is alright…’ She said.

A new, kind of nasal, male voice answered harshly. ‘Then you could’ve called for the nurse.’

‘Yes, yes…’ She answered awkwardly.

The curtain suddenly opened up. The doctor in his white gown stood at the end of the bed looking at his patient. The lady, in her forties gasped as she saw him. She sat on her father’s bed, lurking at the mysterious neighbour. She didn’t she him earlier, because usually his bed was all hidden behind the curtains. The doctor shoved her to the side and put back the screening.

But the lady noticed: the young man lying on the bed had features of someone, who could easily drag one’s attention. His hair, now long enough to shoulder length and messy, were naturally dark and slightly curly, so few strands was hitting his face. His jaw, more oval in shape, was covered with stubble, as well as a few bruises and small cuts that contrasted with his fair complexion. Beside those features his skin was clear and healthy. He looked no older, than 20 years old. His eyes were sharp, upturned and black as a coal. He didn’t have any dark circles nor his eyes were swollen. They fit in the face pretty well, even though they weren’t big. His nose was more of a round, but not disturbing enough to destroy the proportions of his beauty. His lips were rather thin, but the cupid's bow had a firm line, highlighting his upper lip over the lower one.

The doctor noticed that patient had his eyes open, so he stopped looking so grumpy. ‘So you actually woke up.’ He said it more to himself. Then he raised his voice. ‘Hello, my name is Park Seung Min, and this is °°° Hospital. If you can hear me, nod.’

The patient wanted even to speak, but nothing came out from his mouth, so he just nodded as he was ordered to.

‘Ok, nice to see that you’re so eager to say something, but you’ve been intubated when you came here and you’ve been laying for a while. Don’t worry, I’m going to call a nurse, she’s going to give you some water to start your voice engine, heh.’ Doctor wanted to sound funny, but rather his joke wasn’t making anyone laugh.

The man wasn’t sure if he heard good. He has been intubated? Why? What is wrong with him?

Doctor said his joke, smirked by himself and approached the head of the bed to press the button to call the nurse. ‘Okay, she’s coming. Before that, tell me, do you know why you’re here? Again nod or shake.’

The man tried to remember anything, but after a moment he shook his head to the sides. This move caused a new wave of ringing pain inside the head, so he scowled. Really, his head was hazy and heavy, he tried to think about some explanation, but nothing came to his mind.

‘Do you have someone that we can call to come?’ The handsome man contradicted. ‘Hmm, that’s no good. But don’t worry and don’t move too much. You had a concussion.’

Soon, the nurse walks into the room. She’s small, but she has some kind of fierce glance. She has her hair tied in a bun and wore nice, claret nurse suit. Her lips were naturally smiling, even though she looked tired. She was blushing and breathing heavily. The call made her run from the other room.

The doctor looked at her from her head to toes. ‘Oh, it’s your duty today, Aeri? Never mind. Run standard tests for him, pressure, maybe morphology. But firstly give him some water and ask some questions, because he says he don’t know, why he’s here, no family members, ok? Call me, when you’re done.’ He patted her shoulder and left the room. ‘What’s for today’s lunch…’ Could be still heard, when he was leaving.

He passed to the nurse the patient’s card. She looked at it and for a second she tightened her lips in anger. Then she took a deep breath and professional smile came back to her kind face.

She turned to the patient. ‘Hi, my name is Kim Ae Ri. Give me a second, I’m going to get some tools.’ And she disappeared for a minute and came back with a trolley. On top of it was water jug, from which she poured the liquid to the cup with a straw. She served it to the man.

‘Here. First, take a sip.’

He took the sip and felt as it was slightly burning his throat. Second and following were better, felling much better.

‘Isn’t it nicer now? First sip hurts, but you didn’t speak for a while so it probably was completely dry. Okay?’

The man grunted. ‘Yeah…’ He said hoarsely, but was glad that he was in ability to talk again. His voice was deep.

‘Much better.’ She pulled out a pen from her pocket and started prepared herself to write down some information. She also noted which tests they have to carry on him.

‘Before we will move you to perform the examination, we have to have a little talk, okay?’ She clearly overused one word. It made the man chuckle, which in his current situation looked more like a stroke. ‘Something is wrong?

He focused. ‘Don’t be… so… okay… about everything…’

‘As for someone whose voice was shut down for few days you certainly are talkative, aren’t you?’ She smirked, noticing that he wasn’t rude. ‘But ok-, I mean, alright, I will try my best to avoid saying that word. Tell me what do you fell right now? Try to only answer yes, no or crisply.’ And she looks at him, waiting for the response.

‘… Yes’ The man answered, nodded and was nodding, when she listed things like nausea, dizziness or pain. He was weak and he finally could notice what actually was wrong with him.

‘So, the doctor said you don’t remember why you’re here. In the patient’s card we have written Hong Gil Dong, because we couldn’t find your true identity.’ The man looked away, feeling slightly worse. His name was lost in his mind.

The nurse continued. ‘You’ve been found unconscious in the middle of the street, at midnight. Probably beaten up. You had troubles with breathing and you’ve been insentient for over a week, firstly on intense unit care, then for 2 days here. You said you don’t have family, so…’

Gil dong raised his head. Something came up to his mind. ‘I didn’t say I don’t have family… I just don’t know...’

Aeri started to suspect something. ‘You don’t know if you have family? Wait, do you even remember your name?’

The man tried really hard and went silent for minutes, but nothing was ringing in his head. His breathing speeded as well his heart rate, which was seen on the monitor.

‘No…’ He whispered.

Nurse looked at the screen. ‘Calm down. Breath in and out like that.’ She showed him. When he was following the pattern on his own, she asked a new question. ‘Can you tell me what year it is?’

He pointed at the calendar behind her. ‘It says 2020.’

She followed the finger and realised that she asked a stupid thing. She needed help. ‘Right… I will be right back. I’m going to call for the doctor again.’

She walked out, leaving Gil Dong alone. The curious neighbour peeked out from the side.

‘Boy, you really don’t remember? Poor you!’ She wanted to start a conversation, but she didn’t hear an answer, because soon the doors were open and three people walk in: the nurse, doctor Park Seung Min and another one, taller and slimmer than the one, which welcomed the man with amnesia back to this world.

The tall doctor was silent, listening to the nagging of the other one. He listened as Park Seung Min was in the middle of his eating and he should respect that. Finally the new doctor cuts the talk, having enough of it.

‘Mr. Park Seung Min.’ He said it with his teeth clenched, trying not to lose his temper. ’If you saw some symptoms of something wrong going on, you should’ve stay here and conduct the necessary examinations, not leave it to the nurse!’ He pointed at Aeri.

But the first doctor took it clearly as a lack of respect. ‘Hey, I’ve heard that you are good, but as a junior employee, you should respect your elder!’ Then he turned to the nurse and said to her quietly. ‘Why did you have to run onto him?’

New doctor also heard that, so he just scolded his friend with his eyes. Then they finally approached the patient’s bed. Kim Aeri hung her head low, definitely hurt and scared, because doctor Park Seung Min likes to baste on those, who angered him.

‘Hello, my name is Ahn Chang-Woo. I’m the neurologist here in the hospital. You’ve said you don’t remember your name?’ His voice was much more nice.

The man has no longer energy to talk, so he just nodded.

Doctor continued. ‘Neither why you’re here or whom we can call?’ The man also agreed. ‘Ok… We will first give you some CT, you’ve had the concussion. It just might be temporary, so don’t worry. Do you know maybe if you’ve been treated in hospital earlier? Maybe with that we will find some info on you…’

The patient shook his head. ‘I don’t know…’ he thought, unable to speak.

Ahn Chang-Woo saw that man was struggling. ‘Hey, I know it’s hard, but just answer those questions and that’s all. Who’s the president right now?’

Hong Gil Dong scowled and furrowed his brows. ‘Moon Jae… In…?’

‘Can you tell me the names of three kingdoms of Korea?’

‘Silla, Goguryeo… and… Baekje…’ He answered faintly.

‘Well, at least you remember something.’ He turned to the nurse. ‘Take him for the scan, call me later, when it’s ready. And, sir, please observe him.’ He said looking at his co-worker.

The patient closed his eyes and drifted away, tired of the constant pain in his head. Later, when he was resting, more people came into room and they took him out of the room. He thought, when he was laying on the moving bed, that he could hear the two doctors arguing in the corridor, but he wasn’t sure.

Chapter 2

Gil Dong looked at the same calendar he noticed the first day he woke up. He couldn’t believe that already moth and a half has passed. He was still in the hospital, but feeling much better. He was waiting for the nurse to come. She usually showed up at this time to take his pressure. He liked when she showed up, because she liked to joke with her. She was nice and kind, not pitying him for his lost identity.

Behind the door, still on corridor Aeri and doctor Ahn Chang-Woo were standing. He caught her, when she wanted to walk into the room. He looked into the window on the door, seeing as Gil Dong was smiling at the elder man neighbouring him. The man has changed, as the previous one, which noticed that the man woke up, was discharged. They were talking – mainly the neighbour, clearly telling some story to the young man, but the other was patiently listening. Doctor moved to the side and after some hesitation he started talking to the nurse.

‘It’s been more than a month and I have no idea what’s wrong with him. I’ve done many tests and honestly, if the concussion could be at fault for his memory loss, he would’ve start to remember something.’ He told her calmly and she sighed in response.

‘Like I’ve talked with him, you know? I’m just curious, because it’s weird. He knows a lot.’ He emphasized these words. ‘I can assume, that he was maybe in some history major or something like that, recently he helped me to fill the hardcore level crossword.’ He chuckled and nurse gave him a weird look. ‘Don’t judge, I like to solve them.’

‘That’s so old-fashioned…’ She said harshly.

‘Yeah, but by the way. He knew the name of one of the generals, like I think I never heard of him. And with given date he gave me name of one battles, and he even said how many men where there, and he started talking about it… like oh my god, literately - he can solve some math, he talked in Japanese, Chinese and English. He knows how to read most of the hanja signs, he knows a lot! Except what he’s been doing 3 months ago and basically who is he. Like, like he didn’t forget what happed in the world, but if something happened around him – a black hole.’ Doctor has said his diagnosis.

Aeri bit her lip. ‘So what now?’

Doctor Ahn shrugged his shoulders. ‘You’ve talked with the police?’

‘Oh, yeah, the detective called me in the morning. They still are looking through the missing cases, but nothing - as for now - matches with him. They checked his fingertips etc., but he just don’t exist in the system. Nothing.’

‘Social service?’

‘They said they could send him to some assistance centre, for those who struggle in life, but this idea just scares me. He’s not a drunkard or junkie, he just doesn’t remember.’

Doctor breathed heavily. ‘He’s completely healthy now…’

‘But he’s got nothing… not even a name…’ Aeri was feeling sad for him. She liked to chit-chat with him, he seemed to be very engaging person.

‘So he’ll have to start a new life with new identity. Well, as far I know there are a lot of people that would want to be in his place. Tell him that, as comforting information. Because we have to tell him also, that we’ll discharge him in next week.’ He started to walk away, but he stopped and turned around to say something more to the shocked nurse. ‘Oh, tell him also, that he should take surname Jo… or Do! Because you know – in American shows… unknown people… John Doe…’ As he saw again the weird look on nurse’s face, finally walked away, shouting into the air. ‘Never mind!’

Aeri bit her lip, as it was her habit and kind of stress relief. She spoke to herself. ‘And of course I have to do that…’

She sighed and cleared the mind to enter the room with a smile. Even though she tried to hide her anger, the man immediately looked at her, because he sensed something. She was avoiding his eyes, as she was approaching his bed.

He was in much better condition, after all of this time. Hair, washed and tied in bun showing his face, without the bruises. With dishevelled hair he already was enrapturing everyone with his handsomeness and right now it was even better. His beauty was not typical, but it was compelling.

Earlier he was smiling at the man beside him, but as soon as he saw her attitude, his smile faded. Finally she stood in front of him, she took a deep breath and wanted to say something but he interrupted her.

‘You’re discharging me?’

He guessed correctly, so she just put an apologetic face and spoke after a moment of silence. ‘Yes...’


‘Next week.’

He became quiet. This place somehow became his home. How it will feel like to leave it? He didn’t want to do that.

‘But Gildong-a…’ Aeri wanted to appease him, yet he became slightly irritated.

‘I told you that I don’t like this name. Also I think I’m older than you.’

‘You think?’ She looked at him suspiciously. ‘But do you know, when you’ve been born?’

He didn’t know how to answer, because there was no such an information in his head. She slid the curtain, as it could’ve stopped the neighbour from eavesdropping. ‘Hey, listen… I really don’t know what could’ve been the reason for your hiding, but if police don’t have you on wanted list, than whatever you’ve done…’

He raised his hand, halting her from continuing. ‘I know what all of you think, that I’m faking it. Fine, great. I will go out of the hospital straight to my home from which I’ve been running. You know, I’m a heir of really rich family and they don’t want me to pursuit my dreams of charity.’

She felt guilty again, from pushing him into uncomfortable area.

‘That was a joke, if you didn’t catch. I don’t know who I am. This is the truth. I also I know that I don’t like the name Gil Dong.’ He firmly said.

‘As for that… I’ve talked with doctor Ahn and he suggested surname Jo or Do… as John Doe, or something like that, as he said it…’

‘You see? He’s the only one that takes it seriously.’ He made a break for a second. Then he continued with more collected voice. ‘What should I do after I’m discharged?’

‘Well…’ She bit her lips and pouted.

He rested his head on the pillow behind. ‘Great, just great.’

‘There is still a week, we’ll figure out something. It’s just the fact, that you’re healthy right now, so you should really start new life…’

He didn’t look at her. ‘Ok. Still, thank you. For at least trying…’

‘Everything will be alright.’ She smiled and walked out. She didn’t know, that the man is escorting her out with his eyes.

‘You are left stranded, aren’t you?’ The man from the bed beside grabbed the curtain and peaked at the young patient.

‘Thank you, grandpa. You’re genuinely helpful.’

The old geezer just laughed.

Chapter 3

Gil Dong and Aeri both sat in car parked on a parking lot in front of the hospital. The nurse was behind the driving wheel and he sat on the passenger seat. Kim Ae Ri was in casual clothes, light ones, with pink jacket resting on her shoulders, while the man finally was out of hospital pyjamas and he was wearing black T-shirt and track trousers, with slippers on his feet.

Nurse was staring blankly ahead and Gil Dong fixated his eyes on her. Finally the silence is broken by him.

‘So that’s your plan? To abduct me?’

Aeri didn’t look at him, just sniffled. ‘If you don’t like it, then go back to your family.’

He grabbed his chest and pretended to be shocked. ‘Touché!’ Right after he stopped joking and looked at her seriously. ‘But you really meant it, when you said that I can live with you?’

She closed her eyes. ‘Yeah…’ Then she quickly turned her head to him. ‘Of course until you’ll start new life, etc… It’s just… I looked into that and you know – it won’t be so easy to begin… and you need some place, you’ve just been discharged…’ She wanted to justify what she was doing, not to him, but to herself. She really gone crazy.

‘So you’ll let a man you don’t know into your house?’ He smirked.

She showed first finger. ‘Police knows about it.’ She stretched second. ‘And I have a taser under a pillow.’

‘Oh… harsh. So that’s why you also took a day off? To have an eye on me?’

‘Don’t make me change my mind.’ She took the fingers and showed at her eyes, then at him. ‘I’m observing you. Now, we’ll go first to try to register you as a decent human being.’

‘And after that can we go shopping? Like I feel that this style is not for me…’ He looked down and pulled out the insides of the pockets of his pants. He also bended and picked the slipper, trying to proof her something.

‘But do you have money?’

‘Oh…’ He smiled and looked friendly at her.

She smiled back mockingly. ‘Yeah, as I thought so. Let’s go, before I will kick you out from the car.’ She started the engine and drove away.


The car stopped in front of the photography studio. Aeri and the young man came out of the white vehicle. The nurse leaded the way to the shop, but she halted as she noticed that her new friend wasn’t going after her, but instead he looked dumbly on the signboard.

‘What?’ She put her hands on her hips.

‘What do you meant, saying that you’ll make me a decent human being?’

She put her palms together and started to rub it, laughing creepily. But in return Gil Dong only looked at her. ‘And what you think? To have some documents you need a photo.’

‘But in those clothes?!’ He tried to put the pockets, he pulled out earlier, back.

‘To that photo you could’ve come in briefs, wouldn’t make a difference.’ He shockingly covered his crotch. ‘Oh come on, the photographer will borrow you some blazer and that’s all we need. Just torso, above the belt…’

He slowly approached her, but still his face was showing some kind of funny disgust. ‘You’re so blunt!’

She clapped few times, trying to hurry him up. ‘We don’t have whole time of the world!’ And they walked into the shop.


Later, they found themselves in a hall filled with people waiting for they turn. Outside it was already afternoon and when they left when it was morning. They were sitting in front of the desk, where to officials were trying to analyse the papers filled out by the man. He stood up and, with his hands crossed on his torso, started to walk in circles, while Kim Ae Ri observed the civil servants hands closely. Gil Dong stopped again and was thumping his leg, biting inside of the mouth. He was visibly nervous and angry.

One of the civil servants grunted. ‘Sir, this thing with legs isn’t helpful.’

‘Just as your presence here. How many of your colleagues have to come yet, until you’ll be finished?’ He said bitterly. Aeri just sighed. Maybe it was a bad idea overall.


The second man wanted to save his friend. ‘Sir, your case is not common, it has to be examined separately and really closely. So, you claim you don’t remember your name?’

Young man has thrown his head to the back and looked at the ceiling. ‘There it starts again!’

The office worker raised his hands. ‘Please, don’t shout. On the discharge paper from the hospital there is written name Hong Gil Dong, right?’

This time Aeri spoke quietly, she was already tired of all this waiting. ‘That’s a name given to the people that have amnesia.’ She explained.

Even though they were sitting there for a long time, the man looked at her like he saw her for the first time. ‘Ok. You’re his relative?’

Gil dong in frustration caught his hair. ‘Yeah! I have amnesia, don’t know who I am, but I brought my sister!’

Aeri sighed. ‘I’m just a nurse working at hospital where he was treated… sir, I’ve already said it today, I think, 7 times, really…’

Civil worker pushed some keys and looked at the computer screen. ‘But we can’t just randomly make a person in the system, everything has to be checked correctly, this kind of situation is rare. So, Mr. Hong, the police didn’t help you?’

Man in black lost his temper and cussed. ‘Oh for fucks sake! I have enough of this bullshit! And that’s not my name!’ He punched a stall separating the desks of the workers, creating a hole, and he angrily leaved the civil bureau.

The nurse stood up to go after him, but stopped and looked at the civil workers. ‘Sir, I understand that it’s not common, but he lost his everything and additional difficulties are worsening his state. He just got discharged… here are all the papers: hospital, police, forms and photos.’ She pointed everything, what was on the desk. ‘Also my contact info. Take it to higher officials and give him some hope.’

The man which was providing service first smiled coldly and spoke. ‘Ma’am, we’ll do what we can.’

‘How long can it take? Until he’ll be accepted as citizen?’

‘Up till month, I think. This will have to take court route, since it’s unprecedented. Then still he’ll have to show again for more formalities.’

‘You have my number, call me anytime. And can you make it quicker?’ She tired to smile to persuade the men, but they ignored it, instead one of them looked at the hole created by Gil Dong.

‘As my colleague has said, we’ll do what we can. Take this form, it also has to be filled.’ He passed her another application document.

Aeri finally went out of the building and headed towards parking lot with a sheet of paper in her hands. She spotted her car and just as she got closer, she finally noticed her friend crouching down near the passengers doors. He was sniffling and she realised that with evening the cold wind came, but he had nothing on him but t-shirt. She hid the blank into her bag and she took off her jacket. She put in on his shoulders, but it was barely covering him. He was tall and muscular, while she was maybe half of his size.

He chuckled. ‘Really, all black and pink cardigan? You clearly aren’t into fashion.’ Ae Ri smirked, but she didn’t answer. ‘I’m just frustrated. I know, that I’m joking sometimes, but I thought about this scenario, you know? That I will be discharged, then I will file for some documents, at least get an ID. Find job, move forward at least tiny bit and then slowly investigate who am I. And not forgetting about repaying you for your kindness…’

‘You don’t have to…’

‘I have, I think that’s an evidence of decency. But how I can do anything, if – for them – I don’t exist? Like what with job? To find job I need an account in bank, phone number, ID… I don’t have any of them and without identity I can’t start some of them… to have where to live, I have to have money… if I want to eat, I need money… if I don’t want to wear one outfit for whole of my life, I… need money… and money comes from work. Dumb circle it is, isn’t it? Do they think that for the waiting I will just disappear and appear again when it’s suitable for them? Did they exchange their brain for the job?’ He looked at the girl, the single tear was running on his cheek and he was grabbing the jacket tightly.

She didn’t know how to answer, so she was quiet for a while. She decided to let him calm down, so she just patted his arms. ‘Come on now, it’s getting cold…’ He was sitting like that for some time, so she had to help him stand up.

He wanted to change the subject, to make it less awkward. ‘Yeah, you see, already my eyes went teary from whole this wind.’ He wiped this single tear off and again sniffled. They got in the car and Aeri started the engine, so the hot air soon was warming them. ‘Ah, much better’ He put his frozen palms near the vent.

She put her seat belts and as the car started moving, she scratched her head. ‘Hey, about that joking, it’s a good strategy, it’ll help.’

He looked at her, not understanding what she meant. ‘With what?’

She bit her lip. ‘They said it will take a month…’

He opened his jaw and rolled down the window. When passed by the main entrance of the building, he pulled out his hand and showed them middle finger. ‘Fuuuuuuck youuuuu!’ He shouted from the top of his lungs.

Chapter 4

In the late evening they were in the nurse’s apartment. The block of flats, where it was situated was old and not well-maintained, but the small unit itself was cosy. It had one separate room, Aeri’s bedroom and one big living room with the small kitchen. On the front of the doors to her room there was tiny bathroom. Its interior was not modern decorated and equipped but Aeri made sure it was clean and well lighted.

The apartment was arranged in the square shape, with the corridors and living room making big cross. As they walked in, Gil Dong noticed that: first entrance, with some storage units on both sides, on the left couch with small TV in front of it, further the sliding window for a small balcony and on the right table with three chairs, further cabinets, sink, small kitchen stove and a fridge. In front to the entrance there was a dead end, with two doors on both sides.

‘Sorry, it’s not any kind of villa.’ Aeri said, when they arrived, but he assured her, that everything was better than hospital bed.

Later Gil Dong asked if he could take a shower and she agreed. While he was in the bathroom, she heard a doorbell. Aeri went to open it, leaving the kitchen stove on with some dishes being cooked. As she opened it, the boxes attacked her. She screamed as she tried to avoid the falling items and, because of the sudden moves, she fell on the floor. Around her there was a puddle of clothes.

The voice, which she recognised, talks form above. It was her friend, Min Ji Soo. ‘You were supposed to catch it!’ She took a sock from Aeri’s head. The nurse looked at her meaningfully, but Ji Soo ignored her. ‘Move!’ She waves her hands at her sitting friend and tries to pick the clothes which were still outside. When she threw them in, she walked inside and tried to help Aeri to stand up.

The girl tried to analyse what just happened to her right now. ‘Why you didn’t call? You were supposed to! I would go out and help you, but now it’s a mess!’

Ji Soo waved her hand nonchalantly, while taking of her coat. ‘Yeah, yeah, sorry. My son was playing games on it and I forgot to take it.’ She looked toward the bathroom door, since she heard running water. ‘He’s bathing?’

‘Yeah.’ Aeri knew that her friend is going to complain about it again, so wanted to change the subject. She looked at the clothes pilling up around her. ‘But what with all of that?’ She pointed at the blouses and pants, at least she thought that it was it.

‘Well, you asked if my dear husband had some old clothes, so I looked and I found it.’ She smiled and she moved toward the kitchen. She grabbed the spoon, tasted what Ae Ri was cooking and started seasoning it. ‘Still, your taste buds are bland…’

Aeri ignored the remark about cooking. ‘Isn’t it like a half of his wardrobe?! And some of the pieces are completely new!’

‘Well, he gained almost ten kilograms in two months, so he can’t fit them anymore. Thankfully his tall, because otherwise it wouldn’t be fitting Gil Dong. What he’s been eating that he grow up so well?’ She wondered.

The nurse started to pick up the fallen clothes. ‘If he would know, he would tell…’

Ji Soo put the spoon aside. ‘Yeah, like hell I believe that story.’ She sat on one of the chairs, and gave a look toward her friend. Aeri shook her head, trying to ignore Ji Soo. ‘Oh, come on, Aeri, you really bought it, this amnesia thing? Look at him! Certainly hiding something! One look and I can tell that. Still going to let him live here?’

This subject was unavoidable, so the girl took a deep breath and tried to explain the situation again to her dearest friend. ‘Stop overreacting, in first place. Second: he’s been checked by the police and been in hospital for a long time, somehow I’ve got to know him a little bit and I sense he’s not a bad person. And third, I still have the taser you gave me for birthday.’

Ji Soo put her hands up. ‘I know, I know, but don’t tell later, that I didn’t warn you. You cannot forbid me from worrying about you. You have to call me in the morning, first thing you wake up! Every minute of delay will make me so stressed. Oh, about calling…’ She took her bag, which she put on table. She pulled out some item - smartphone, but older generation. ‘I found my older sons old cell phone. Give it to Gil Dong.’

Right, when she said the name, bathroom door opened, and the man came out. His hair was still wet, falling on his handsome face. He had some muscles, which were visible, because he only had a towel wrapped around his waist.

‘This name summons me! And I hate it!’ He said, as Ji Soo was looking at him with her mouth open.

She looked over his body, from his head to toes and swallowed saliva. ‘If you hate it so much, then how we should call you?’

‘Ha! You see, I thought about it! Wait a minute…’ He ran back to the bathroom and he closed the door.

Ji Soo turned her head to Aeri and whispered. ‘I see, why you want him…’ She lifted her eyebrows.

‘Oh come on, that’s called a harassment…’ The nurse rolled one’s eyes.

He came out of the bathroom again, this time in full clothing – the black shirt and trousers he wore earlier. He held a towel and was drying his hair with it. As he walked out, he noticed the clothes on the floor and points at them. ‘What’s that?’

Aeri answered, while handling him already folded clothes. ‘Your new clothes, Ji Soo has brought them.’

‘My hubby got fat, they should fit you.’ She said with resentment in her voice.

‘Oh…’ He put them away onto the shelf Aeri told him he could use. ‘Thank you.’ He nodded towards Min Ji Soo and made her flustered.

‘No problem…’ She cleared her throat and remembered something. ‘But about this name? What would you like to be called?’

‘Right!’ He stopped being so humble and hurriedly grabbed a kitchen chair to sit on it. ‘So, like doctor Ahn Chang-Woo suggested, I would like to have surname Jo or Do. And… And! The old patient next to me on the ward, you know which…’ He looked at Aeri, she was still picking up the clothes. ‘This, I think second one. Never mind!’ He shook his head. ‘So he told me, that his granddaughter has a boyfriend. He knows it, because he saw him on the phone of hers! Really handsome! He said we look alike. So I asked him, if he knows this person’s name. And he proudly said, that he asked about it, and it’s…’ He emphasised every syllable. ‘Park Bo Gum. So I thought about Jo Bo Gum or Do Bo…’ He had to stop as he saw that Aeri and Ji Soo are looking at each other weirdly. ‘What?’

The girls started to laugh so hard, that the nurse threw around already folded clothes and Ji Soo was falling off of the chair.

‘Hey, ladies, stop, what it is!’

Aeri stopped first and she wiped the tears. ‘We shouldn’t laugh at the sick person…’ But she looked at her friend again and they started a new wave of laughter. After a while they finally stopped. ‘Okay, sorry about it...’ She said breathing heavily.

Gil Dong was sitting, pouting his lips and had his arms folded on his chest. ‘So will you tell me, what wrong with that?’

‘So you don’t know who Park Bo Gum is?’ Ji Soo said with a smirk on her face.

‘The patient’s granddaughter boyfriend?’ Young man said naively.

‘No, silly, he’s a famous actor. Poor grandpa was deceived and took a fool with him.’ Aeri finally saved him from this horror.

‘Oh…’ Gil Dong hung his head low.

The nurse was folding the clothes again, when an idea stroke her. ‘Oh my God, what if…’ She picked up her head. ‘Chang-Woo said that he doesn’t remember anything related to his person…’ She pointed at the man. He lifted one eyebrow up. ‘So maybe he doesn’t remember, but he’s connected to the Park Bo Gum, so he doesn’t remember him! And Park Bo Gum can’t look for him, because it would stir the media up…’

‘Like who is he for him? They don’t look similar…’ Ji Soo gave her friend a warning, since she already knew what Aeri had on her mind.

‘Lover…’ She looked away in a dreamy way away.

Ji Soo found a sock laying near her leg and she threw it at Aeri. ‘Someone’s watching too many dramas! Look!’ She faced shocked Gil Dong. ‘Nod if you know them, shake if you don’t: Lee Minho. Hyun Bin. Lee Dong Wook. Park Seo Jun.’ Every time she said someone’s name, he shook his head. ‘See? You think that he slept with half of the Korean movie industry?’ He changed his expression from shocked to utterly disgusted look, while Aeri put her shoulders down, pouted and whispered quiet ‘yeah’. Ji Soo continued. ‘Didn’t Chang-Woo also assumed that he probably have been studying history? Or something related? You think, if a person is so addicted to the past, he gets what’s happening around?’

Aeri was upset. ‘Yeah… You don’t even let me dream…’

‘Excuse me, I’m here!’ Gil Dong waved his hands, but he was ignored.

Ji Soo suddenly opened her eyes wide and put finger up. ‘It have me an idea! Like, if he’s a student, than maybe someone will recognize him! Give me your phone!’ She stretched an open palm towards Aeri.

‘What? Oh, okay, wait.’ The nurse was sitting the whole time, so she stood up from the ground. ‘Ouch, sat to long…’ She limped towards coffee table, where her phone was, unlocked it, and handed it to Ji Soo.

When her friend received the phone she bolted up as soon she saw what hour it was. ‘Oh my God, it’s so late! Honey’s going to kill me!’ She handed the phone back to Aeri and hurriedly went to the main door. ‘Eat the food on the stove, but you have to heat it up again!’ She put the coat on and pressed the door handle. ‘Bye, my love, call me in the morning!’ She walked out.

Speedily went after Ji Soo, picking her head through the door. ‘Wait, what about your idea?!’

Ji Soo shouted back. ‘Oh, forgot! Take a photo of him and put on some forum for students, maybe someone’s going to recognize him!’ And she ran away.

‘Oh! Good, bye, love you!’ But her friend was already gone. She shut the door and looked at the young man. ‘That was hectic, wasn’t it?’

He was pouting. ‘But really Bo Gum is a no-no?’


After Ji Soo left they finally ate the dinner. They sat facing each other, so Aeri could look at him closely. Gil Dong put down the bowl from which he was eating. ‘Thank you for the food.’

She was picking on food. Her friend’s cooking skill was amazing, but the nurse rather didn’t have any appetite. ‘You should thank Ji Soo, without her it wouldn’t be eatable.’

Gil Dong smirked. ‘I think I would eat everything, even cat or dog food.’

Aeri looked at him, without smiling. She was worried. ‘Are you okay?’

‘What did I tell you about this ‘okay’ thing?’ He grinned, but it went away quickly. He knew what she meant. ‘I’m not sure. Today’s was so exhausting…’

The nurse stood up from the table and picked the dishes. ‘We have to fill that paper, that civil workers gave us.’

‘One more?’

‘Yeah and I will drop it on tomorrow on my way to work.’ She was turned back to him, putting dishes in sink.

‘And what I can do tomorrow?’

She put the sponge away and took off the gloves, taking deep breath. ‘I asked Ji Soo about something. She has some connections, maybe someone will give you job, without all those paperwork, etc…’

‘But still it’s a maybe, right…’ He sighed.

She finally turned to him. ‘And as we’ll wait, to know, if it worked, I will give you some money. Travel around the town, perhaps you’ll remember something.’ She blew some of the hair out of the sight and she put the dishes away for drying. ‘Wait, I’ll bring that paper.’

She went to her bedroom and brought it. She sat in front of him again and she started reading what this paper is about. He was lurking and peeking.

‘So, mainly, it’s kind of form, where you fill data about yourself. Like name, birthday, birth place, family…’ She noticed that he started to sulk again. ‘But don’t worry! We can fill them with ‘unknown’. The most important is giving you a name! So, Do or Jo?’

‘I would like Jo…’ He was drawing something with his finger on the table.

‘Okay, so Jo.’ She wrote that down on blank paper. ‘What would go well with that… Jo… Jo… Young Cheol? Bong Yeon? Dae Hyoung? Chang Min? What you think about them?’ She also brought some notebook and was writing the ideas down.

He wasn’t satisfied with the propositions. ‘Hmmm…. Do you have more?’

‘Wait…’ She took her phone and searched for more. ‘So… Hajun. Hwan Jun. Young Sik. Young Saeng...’ With every name he was softly repeating them with his new surname.

‘Jo Young Saeng…’ He lifted his head. ‘Kind of like it! ‘Eternal life’… Like from now – I will live…’ His eyes brightened and he smiled. ‘…forever!’

She was thrilled to see him smile like that. ‘Let’s go with it!’ She crossed out all names listed earlier and circled the chosen name. She extended her hand. ‘So, it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Jo Young Saeng.’

‘It’s a real pleasure.’ He grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

After a moment of holding she finally took her palm out, slightly embarrassed with such a skinship. She put a strand of her hair behind her ear. ‘Next thing we certainly need is a birthday...’

Young Saeng tapped finger on his chin. ‘Do you remember when I came to the hospital?’

‘Yeah, the end of August. You want this as your birthday? You don’t even remember what happened to you and you didn’t regain consciousness for more than a week… Maybe the day you woke up?’

‘No, this day is fine. You see, do adults recall when they were just a new-born?’

‘Obviously not.’

‘Yeah, still that time is important for bonding with them… They need that time…’ He looked deep into Aeri’s eyes.

She just shook her head and yawned. ‘I don’t get you, neither your way of thinking…’

He sighed. ‘Whatever. Make it as you want. If that’s the day, when I lost memory, then certainly I was reborn that day.’

‘With that I can agree.’ She filled this blank spot and looked at the rest ‘Okay, I think we’re done.’

‘But it’s still almost empty?’

‘Yeah, but rest are info, that can be left with ‘unknown’. And by the way I’m really tired, so lest call it a day.’ She stood up, folded the paper and went into her room.

‘One more question: where do I sleep?’

Aeri was a person which was terse when tired. She pointed at the sofa, much smaller than Young Saeng. ‘Couch.’ Then she moved her hand at the cupboard with small pillow on it and some blanket. ‘Sheets.’

‘You surely are very generous person.’ He said bitterly.

‘Goodnight!’ She closed door to her bedroom and put the lights out.

Young Saeng blindly went towards the couch, hitting the table on the way. Then he sat down and tried to make his eyes get used to the dark. The street lantern was shining outside, so soon everything became clear. He rested his head on the backrest and he whispered. ‘…Goodnight, Kim Aeri.’

Chapter 5 - past

Year 1592, winter

The horses could’ve been heard from afar for a long time until the first horseman arrived at the court. He bowed to the men and women of servanthood, which were gathered in the middle of the yard. The steam was coming from their mouths, as the heavy snow was falling. They’ve been waiting for a while now, since they expected their lord to come earlier, but the blizzard was the cause of delay. However, they still had to wait and be prepared – they served General Shim Dae Song, the King’s favourite.

The General was a tough man. He served the country for most of his life. He came from the capital, were he learned from the best the art of warfare to master it and passed the government military examination. He was ambitious and hated failure. Everything in his life had to go as he planned, so even the attendants couldn’t lack.

He announced his arrival three days ago and from now on everyone had to prepare the house for his liking. Even though he was the noble intendant of this land, as he obtained is as a gift more than 20 years ago, he barely was visiting his property here. It was a hard task to do, regarding, that his last battle as an active participant was merely few years ago and he still didn’t retire.

Nevertheless the village was blooming pretty well. Before it got into his hand it was just a rural area, but after the transfer he has send many of his battle mates and soldiers here to recover from their trauma. Even though the times were not rough, they would always have someone to fight with, even within themselves. Therefore the town flourished.

Right after the first newcomer arrived, the rest of the suite showed up. The general was leading, on his black as night horse. He was wearing suit of armour, with snow pilling up on his helmet. As the horse stopped in front of the bowing people, the pile of snow fell down right in front of general’s face. However he did not flinch, nor blinked. He jumped off of his mount and started to approach one of the people in the crowd, the only that looked at him, not at the ground.

Even though the General was around 50, he did not look his age. He had a sharp face, little scary, with penetrative look. A new wound was decorating his forehead, in addition to many scars on his visage. He had a beard, which was rather thin as stubble, but it was adding a charm into him. He was a fine man, with appropriate height and posture. He was wielding a long sword, tied to his waist. He moved and stopped in front of the man, which was rather the opposite of him. Said man was smaller, rounder and had a soft, friendly face, but his eyes were of miscreant and always restless.

‘My Lord, you’ve finally arrived, it’s a pleasure to welcome you.’ The round man, finally bowing, said.

‘Choi Jeong Ho, my finest subordinate, tell me quickly, how is my son?’ General did not spare time on formalities.

‘Let the main court lady answer you, sir, on this question.’ He turned back to the lady behind him.

She took few steps forward and with her head down, she started talking. ‘Everything is being prepared for tonight’s feast my lord.’

‘But I asked how was he.’ He had a cold tone, sending shivers down the maids spine.

‘Oh, sir, pardon me. He’s eating well and he’s really observative, sir.’

‘That’s good.’

‘It’s his second birthday?’ Choi Jeong Ho asked with nostalgy in his voice.

Shim Dae Song touched is beard. Yes, indeed, his son was already a two years old. He transported him here to rise him and give him a military training by himself, as he had to trust in the capital’s teachers anymore, but it seemed that war is going to complicate that plan for now.

‘That’s mainly why I’m here. Everyone, go take care of your tasks.’ Raising his hand, he dismissed the court. Servants took care of his horse and luggage. Someone wanted to take his sword, but he gave them a flinty look. They run away.

He moved with his subordinate under the roof, because the snowfall was still there. ‘I’ll be gone after 3 days.’ The General spoke.

‘Why is that, my Lord?’ Choi asked with curiosity.

‘Have you not heard the news?’

‘Of course I’ve heard, my lord.’

‘That’s what I’ve liked in you. Always ready to deceive everyone.’ He patted subordinate shoulder. ‘Japan is forcing in. I moved my son here just in time, but had to abandon him so quickly. But I think of it as a training. He should not be attached to me, nor anyone, only to himself. I found it a good opportunity that’s his mother died. It’s even easier this way. And here I have a request for you. Don’t try to befriend him. I might be far away for a longer time, but don’t get close to him.’

‘Yes, sir, whatever you want.’ Choi Jeong Ho humbly bowed. Then, from the silence of the falling snow a cry of a new-born baby could be heard. The subordinate panicked and wanted to quickly pardon himself and run away, but was stopped by the general.

‘Does it come from your household? Another child?’ Shim Dae Song asked, with smirk.

‘No sir…’ The round man stuttered. ‘It’s just a servants son.’

‘Then why are you so stressed? Just punish them after you’ll be back from disturbing the silence. I’m sure that your daughter and older son are already asleep. Didn’t you also once said that you want to have order in your yard and you let this happen?’

‘There were some certain circumstances…’

‘Hahaha!’ The generals laugh was hearty. ‘I’ve always thought your playing around is going to pay off someday!’ Suddenly he widened his eyes. ‘I’ve got an idea! Tell me, how old is this child?’

‘4 months old, sir. But what is your idea? I really can’t get rid of it…’

‘No. You say he’s only a servants child and we’ll stay with that. Forget the request I’ve asked you earlier.’


‘Let them grow together, the child and my Woong Tae, but never forgetting about the gap between them, of course. Once I’ve been asked, when I was getting my study, if I would sacrifice my honour to save a friend. The answer should be obvious. I’m sure the time, where he’ll have to choose between those options will come. It will be better if he’ll have someone to sacrifice.’ The general explained.

‘Your ideas are always perfect, my lord.’ Subordinate smiled.

‘Also do you remember about the promise regarding your daughter?’

‘Of course. I think it’s good that’s she’s of the same age as your son.’

‘That’s perfect. Now go, take care of the things there. I’ll go inside and welcome my offspring. I have good gift prepared for him tomorrow. His first sword, with his name engraved on its steel!’

‘Sir, before I go, may I ask you one question?’

‘Go ahead.’

‘Why you have only one son?’

‘Good question! But I’ll tell you. I want to pour everything onto him. I don’t want and don’t like to waste time on repeating. He’ll be my successor. He has to. Now goodnight.’

‘Goodnight, sir.’ He bowed and wandered away, as general came inside his palace.

Chapter 6 - past

The war lasted for 6 years and ended right before Woong Tae’s 9th birthday. All of this time he had not seen his father nor anyone, beside his dear friend. He was alienated as this was general’s order. He only had teachers, which were torturing him with anything that humankind had developed until now. They were no fun and learning was boring. Any spare time he had, he was spending it with Ji Woon. He shared similar fate as general’s son, spending whole of his days alone, but it was to a different reason. As they both found out, after overhearing a conversation between two maids, Ji Woon was indeed a son of his master, Choi Jeong Ho. They didn’t know if that was a truth.

Yoo Ji Woon was told to be an orphan, with neither a father nor a mother. He was told that he was left at this court and he should be thankful that they decided to keep him. He walked always sad, since he had heard those words starting from the time he could understand words. He was also ignored: because of his half noble heritage all servants were cautious of him, but his father and his family were ignoring him because of his half poor blood. He learned really quickly where his place was. There were only two people, that ever paid attention to him, his best friend Woong Tae and Choi Hwa Ryeong, daughter of Choi Jeong Ho and, as it turned out, his sister. He spent all of his days keeping accompany to Woong Tae, whenever he had lessons about literature or foreign languages. He also practiced with him a swordplay. As he was coming back to his home, the only person, that ever asked him, if he has eaten, was Hwa Ryeong.

The days went by and general finally came back. His arrival changed many things: Woong Tae, always trapped within his court walls, was trapped now inside the building, only leaving to get lessons from archery or swordsmanship from his rough father.

Ji Woon was allowed to stay with them, but he couldn’t do anything. When his friend was laying down, with his father pointing his sword at not even teenager son, all covered in sweat and bruises, he had to stay still, not moving or talking.

Woong Tae and Ji Woon grew. They reached the teenage years, only within their own accompany. The outside world didn’t like them, because of their status. But boys also didn’t like them. As they were getting old, they were always taught to believe only in themselves, so they did. They treated everyone as a threat and always approached it with anger.

They fought with every one of their age, asserting their primacy over them. Ji Woon, even if not taught personally, was better at fighting, so Woong Tae took advantage of it and always accosted people around them and let his friend fight with them.

They went through a lot, during their times. Whole town was sick of their violence, but they couldn’t do anything, since one of them was a landlord’s son. They were brave, strong and abusive. But that was only a cover. Inside they were just a two teenagers with no one to advise them.

Inside the Shim court they were changing. Both of them feared Woong Tae’s father, as he was in control of everything. Anytime he came back from the capital, Woong Tae was shaking in fright. His father did not like his behaviour, blaming it on poor military knowledge. He trained him even more in martial arts and swordsmanship, which poor son couldn’t do well. He tormented him with exercises until Woong Tae couldn’t see well or even stand anymore.

‘I’ll never be like you! Understand it!’ Woong Tae said once, after training, kneeling on the ground, supporting himself on the sword he was given when he was a child.

‘I know that. But you have to be good enough to wield a sword of mine once.’ The general’s tone was indifferent, cold and commanding.

‘I don’t want it!’ Boy shouted. His father, once further from him, got quickly to him and grabbed his hair.

‘I don’t accept failures. Ji Woon, practice with him for 2 hours more. His grip is still too weak.’ He abruptly let go of his head, throwing it to the side, causing Woong Tae to fall. Then he walked away.

‘Yes, sir.’ Ji Woon answered and approached his friend with gloomy face. He reached out his hand. ‘Come on, get up. I’ll show you the trick, that may help you.’

General’s son just showed the hand from the front of his face and stood up by himself. He laughed. ‘You are pretty a stickler, aren’t you? You won’t even let up on your only friend.’

‘I just want to help you, it will pay off.’ Ji Woon wanted to persuade his friend, but he instead started to walk away. ‘Where are you going?’

‘I’ll be back in two hours. I really envy your talent. You should’ve been my father’s son, not me.’ His voice started to fade away as he was leaving the court.

‘Wait! But the training…! General’s going to kill me!’ Ji Woon started to run after Woong Tae.

‘Hahaha! I bet he wouldn’t even dare to touch you.’


‘He recently gave me a lesson. He said that when time comes I have to choose between honour and friends. Mind over a heart. He is keeping you around me, so that one day I can kill you, my friend, just to show how grown and serious I am! Hahaha!’ Woong Tae walked, all bruised, with his hands behind his head.

Ji Woon stopped. ‘Will you do that?’ The second boy also halted and turned around. He smirked.

‘Do I behave like my father?’ Ji Woon shook his head. ‘That’s the answer. Beside how I would do that. I can’t harm a straw dummy with this sword, I’m this bad.’

Ji Woon exhaled his breath shortly, laughing through his nose. ‘So you better not learn my trick’. He started to walk beside Woong Tae.

‘What’s the trick?’ The older boy asked, but the second zipped his lips.

‘Won’t tell. Where are we going?’

‘The fisherman should be arriving right now, we could grab some of his catch and grill it. But first tell me what trick.’

‘No, because you’re going to use it on me.’

‘I know one trick that I already can use, so better tell me second.’ But Ji Woon just shrugged his shoulders. ‘Alright then.’

Woong Tae grabbed Ji Woon’s head and put it under his arm. Then he started to tickle the younger boy, as they walked down, to the stream nearby. Ji Woon was wiggling, trying to run away from Woong Tae. Finally he hit his friend on the back of the head and procced to run down. Woong Tae had to go after him. It was their happy time.

Chapter 7

It was around noon, but it was gloomy. Young Saeng was laying in very uncomfortable position, with one leg above the couch back rest. He moved rapidly, like he was having a bad dream and finally woke up by falling from the couch hardly to the floor. He sat up massaging his lower back and mouthing some ‘ouch’ words.

He took few deep breaths, stood up and went to the bathroom to refresh himself. He couldn’t sleep well this night, because of weird dreams he had, which he didn’t remember anymore, resulting in missing the time, when Aeri was leaving the flat. He walked out, drying his face and headed to the kitchen. On the table there was some rice and side dishes wrapped, beside them there was a note, written with neat handwriting.

Young Saeng!

You slept so well, so I didn’t wake you up. Gone to work. Eat something. After work going to get things done, I’ll get you a phone number. I’m going to be back around eight, eat something without me. Allowance money is in cupboard beside fridge. The code to the door is 7639.

Kim Ae Ri – mom’

Young Saeng caught himself reading it out loud, so he smiled. He looked at the clock to check when actually Aeri left and gasped in shock, that it was already so late.

‘This is what you get, when you finally fall asleep at dawn…’ He said it, sat down and took chopsticks. ‘Bon Appetit!’ He started to eat, but he rather didn’t have any appetite. He put the cutlery down and sighed. ‘What to do…’

After fifteen minutes, he wrapped the uneaten food and put it into the fridge. He went to the couch, folded the blanket and placed it beside the pillow. Then he approached the pile of clothes and scanning them he picked some black trousers, different type from those he wore yesterday, but still black, white t-shirt and reddish, plaid shirt to put on the t-shirt. He also chose the black baseball cap and tried on track shoes – they were slightly loose, but still fitting him. He checked his appearance in the mirror, which was next to the entrance, went to the cupboard near the fridge and took the money. Aeri was generous, so he smiled. When everything was set he walked out.

As he left the building he was hit with sun ray. He squinted his eyes. Earlier the sun was hidden behind the heavy clouds and when he was getting ready he didn’t notice it got clear. Then he registered the noise coming to his ears. There were birds singing and kids laughing, screaming and talking in the nearby playground.

He took a minute to breath the air, which wasn’t the freshest and cleanest, but still it was his first breath having so much of freedom. He neatened the hat, putting it more onto forehead to give more shadow, looked into the direction of the kids and smiled. They were having so much fun, they were free. He felt an urge to join them, but then he shook his head. ‘Am I a kid, like them?’ He thought and glanced about.

He was standing still with hat on, so few moments later some mothers sitting on the bench started pointing at him and whisper between each other. Young Saeng realized how it may look, so he decide to go in random direction, just to get away from that place.

He walked and looked around, not noticing people around him, therefore he often bumped onto passers-by and he repeated ‘sorry, sorry’, but he still was not careful. He passed the café and smelled the coffee, as he took a long sniff savouring the aroma. He decided to walk into the store.

It was his first coffee after regaining consciousness. In hospital it wasn’t maybe forbidden, but rather inadvisable. He didn’t even think about drinking it and even if he would, it would come from simple vending machine, making the coffee not so special as this one prepared by barista. But after smelling it, the one coming from this cafe, he couldn’t resist. He ordered the most popular item which was iced coffee, asked for a take-out and made an exit to continue the walk. He took a sip of the beverage, which had strong, bitter flavour but still was drinkable.

On his way he found the bus stop and looked at the schedule. He tried to read all stops on map, in hope that something will sound similar, but nothing showed up in his mind. Therefore he picked randomly by jumping into first bus that appeared. As the bus was driving, he looked outside the window in awe. Even though he could recognize all the places it was passing, still, after spending so much time in hospital, it was refreshing to take such tour. He got out on the stop, where a lot people was doing that, he followed the crowd, hoping that they were going to somewhere nice.

He kept moving his head around and he found some restaurant with funny name. He walked in ordered two servings: one was for him and second, as a take-out, was for Aeri. He sat beside the table, enjoying the food and looking at the people walking by behind the store’s glass window. When he left, he bought some random newspaper and again got on bus heading to ‘I-didn’t-know-where’.

When the bus stopped at it’s final destination, he had to get out. It was already afternoon and the sun was slowly setting. He walked to the park beside the river, which he noticed before. He strolled, admiring the view and found a bench. He sat there, to read the newspaper, he put the take out and the empty cup from coffee under the bench, near his legs. He didn’t throw the cup away, keeping it as a souvenir from his first self-reliant trip. As he read, he felt his eyelids were becoming more and more heavy, so he decided to lay on bench to take a quick nap. He took off the red shirt and used it as pillow.

But as he woke up, the sun was already gone, even though it was not totally dark. The sun was making a halo on the horizon, definitely indicating it was evening. He gasped and quickly put on the shoes, which he also took off and he picked up food with the cup, seeing there were few coins and a chewing gum. ‘Nice’, he thought, ‘now I’m a beggar’. He took out the coins, but the chewing gum was stuck to the cup, so, with heavy heart, he had to throw it out, alongside the newspaper. Then he stood up and headed home.

However one problem occurred, about which he didn’t think of. Choosing the direction of trip had it cons, but he didn’t pay any attention from where he started. He was lost. So he went to the nearest bus stop and asked people how to get to °°° Hospital, because it was the only place that he knew. He got onto bus and started getting home.


Aeri was sitting beside the table and nervously shook her leg. It was already past 10 o’clock, but Young Saeng still hadn’t shown up. Earlier she called her friend, that he was lost and they needed to look for him, but she only answered that it was easy to foresee and probably he was out of country with nurse’s stuff – money, jewellery, etc. Of course Aeri didn’t believe her, yet still checked if anything was missing. Nothing was stolen, so there was only one possibility – he was lost. But what to do – her friend was too lazy to look for him, he didn’t exist in the system, so she couldn’t t call the police… She sighed and decided to wait until 11, then she would take car and go look for him.

‘No, let’s do it now… Maybe he again was beaten up…’ She started to bite her nails, clearly nervous, and she stood up going to shelf to grab the keys, but she heard the beeping sound.

The door open. She halted, because it was a sudden noise, but as it opened it showed Young Saeng looking pitifully. He saw her, looked at her with puppy eyes and smiled weirdly, giving her the box with something inside. She took it, without saying a word and opened it. She couldn’t believe her eyes, as she saw some remains of something which once might been food.

His smile slightly fades and with scratching his head, he spoke. ‘Well, I got you some food, but the trip back here was so long and I got hungry… So…’ He lifted one corner of his mouth awkwardly. Aeri threw the box onto the table and started hitting Young Saeng. ‘What?! Wait! Ouch, stop! Sorry!’

She was furious. ‘Where you’ve been?!’

‘I got lost! Sorry!’

‘First day of living here with me, staying under my custody and you do such a thing!’ She threw last punch and quietly went to sit on the couch, pouting. ‘But why I’m angry? You’re definitely an adult, you can do whatever you want.’ She waved his hand at him.

Young Saeng had hid words stuck in his throat. It wasn’t something he would expect from the nurse. As long they knew each other, or as he knew her, she barely showed any emotions, always looking cheerful and unfazed. He felt like a scolded dog.

‘I really got lost... I took random bus and got to the park. But I forgot to remember this place address, so I had to take a return bus to the hospital. Then, from there I tried to look for this flat, but it took me more than an hour… I thought I’m totally lost, so I sat and the swing on the playground and ate your food. Then noticed that this is the playground near to the home… You won’t believe, how happy I was… I almost cried…’ He wanted to please her, but he remained silent.

He tried to use one last tactic he knew, so he went onto his knees and bowed his head down. ‘I’m really sorry that I made you worried.’

Aeri saw his posture and couldn’t play mad anymore. ‘Ok… I have phone for you, so next time have it with you so that I will know where are you.’

‘Yes, mom.’ He said, with his head still down, so he couldn’t avoid the pillow aimed at him. He got shot in the head. ‘Why?! You, yourself, signed the memo like this!’

‘Oh, stop being so clever!’ She grabbed another cushion and tried to hit him again, but this time he dodged. The heavy atmosphere around them melted and they both smiled. ‘Wait a minute.’ She went to the room and brought a desk lamp. ‘Sit there.’ She pointed at the chair in the kitchen, then she put the lamp on the table and switched it on.

He sat on the chair and the light hit his eyes directly. ‘I told you everything I know!’ He put his hands up and that is followed with punch. He scowled. ‘It’s a misuse of authority!’

She massaged the arm she hit second ago. ‘Stop moving for a second, I have to take a good picture of you.’ She took her phone and adjusted the angle.

‘For what?’

‘Remember that Ji Soo’s idea with forum?’ He nodded. ‘So I need it for that.’

He relaxed and changed his position, placing his hand under his chin. ‘Make me look smart.’

‘Impossible.’ She smirked, content of her joke. She snapped a photo, when he was slightly irritated. ‘Ok, done.’

He stretched his hand. ‘Show me.’

‘No way!’

‘Give me that!’ He tried to take the phone out of her hand and accidently knocked it out of her hand. It fell on the floor and they both got down to pick it up. They stopped paying attention to this mobile device, because they faces were really close to each other. They looked into each other’s eyes and after a while Young Saeng broke this close-up, looking down at the phone. He grabbed it and checked the photo of him, not feeling embarrassed of what happened. ‘Take one more, this is ugly!’

Aeri noticed earlier that she was feeling weird around him, but she just thought of it as an irritating thought planted by her friend. However at that moment she wasn’t sure anymore. She cleared her throat. ‘It won’t be better.’

Young Saeng narrowed his eyes. ‘Take that back.’

‘Make me.’

He stood up. Aeri closed her eyes, thinking he may really do something irresponsible, after what happed a while ago, but she felt nothing. She opened one eye and saw Young Saeng with a pillow. ‘No.’ She pointed her finger at him.

‘Oh, yes.’ And he hit her.


Moments later, when the fight stopped because one pillow opened and all of the filling was now on the floor, Young Saeng sat on the couch while checking his new phone and Aeri, with glasses on, sat in the kitchen with a laptop. He broke the silence. ‘You think it’s going to work?’

‘Hmmm?’ The nurse bit her lip.

‘The forum. Photo.’

‘Oh, yeah, I hope so. It’s been just a half of an hour since I posted it, I can check if someone answered…’

‘Wait, so that’s not why you so nervous?’ He knew about her twitch with biting lips. It was a sure sign of stress.

She looked at him in disbelief. ‘I’m nervous?’

‘Yeah, you’re biting your lips like a maniac.’ She touched her mouth, clearly not aware of that habit of her. ’Also you’ve been shaking the leg rapidly.’ She halted her limb with hand.

‘It’s just an habit, nothing wrong with that.’

‘Really? But you know, since I’m here and I’m not going to disappear quick, you can always say if something is wrong…’

She stared at him, considering speaking up, then looks back to the screen. She made her decision not to share to much about sad life. ‘No, everything is ok…’

‘Okay…’ He said, not satisfied with her answer, but he was thoughtful enough not to ask further. If she wanted to talk, she would to that without hesitation. He just had to wait.

Aeri read the e-mail from one of the teachers from her brother’s school. He caused some problem and they wanted to meet with her. She sighed. What happened this time?

Chapter 8

The next morning Young Saeng woke up early, as Aeri clatters pots in the kitchen. He sat on the couch, rubbing his eyes. The nurse noticed some movement behind her, so she turned around.

‘Oh, sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up.’ She sent an apologetic smile.

‘No problem.’ He yawned and murmured, siting crooked with his eyes closed.

‘I’m already late, thankfully phone call from Yu Jin woke me up…’ Aeri, when fully awake, was talkative, while the one with which she talked – rather didn’t wake up completely.


She made some toasts for the breakfast, so now she was checking something on her phone, while putting a toast in her mouth and biting it. ‘I prefer night shifts, it’s much calmer that day one’s, thankfully from next week I will have them.’ She said, sending the crumbs around her.

‘Right…’ He didn’t want to be rude and not answer, but in slow matter he was falling forward.

Aeri sipped her coffee, shoved the rest of the toast and started to clean. ‘I will leave the ingredients on the table, prepare the breakfast by yourself.’

‘Absolutely…’ This time, instead of falling onto face, he decided to tilt to the side, so his face glued to the backrest.

‘Oh, I would forget!’ She coughed as she drank the coffee wrong, almost chocking on it, but Young Saeng didn’t even flinch. ‘Ji Soo woke me up, because her uncle found you a job, today you have to go there and introduce yourself. Don’t forget to thank in advance!’ She run to her room to grab some of her things and then came back to put on shoes.

It took few solid moments to let those words into his mind, but then Young Saeng suddenly straightened up, halting Aeri from grabbing the door handle. ‘What?!’

‘Yeah. I will send you address on your phone, just put it in the maps and you’ll get there. Oh!’ She leaned out from the entryway, since she already had shoes on, and put money on the shelf she could reach. ‘Allowance. Take care!’ And she walked out.

‘Wait, wait, wait! What job?!’ He tried to stand up and run after her, but he was tangled up in the blanket so he slipped. Second morning in a row he fell hard onto the ground. ‘Ouuuch!’ He scowled in pain.

Young Saeng heard as the door opened for last time. Aeri yelled at him from the corridor. ‘I said take care, not ‘kill yourself’! I’m late, call if something’s wrong!’ This time she shut the door and didn’t come back.

He was laying on the floor with a pout, massaging hurt areas. ‘You can’t wake me up like that, cruel woman…’ He said to himself. After that he heard the message bell on the phone, so he got up to check it. She sent there an address.

What picked up his interest was the name of place: Min Art Gallery. ‘An art gallery…?’ He turned his head and looked towards the shelf with his clothes. ‘What should I wear…?’


Young Saeng stood in front of big building with his mouth open and eyes squinted. As he entered the alley he noticed, that it was narrow street, with high development, but empty. There were some cars parked, but beside that – no one was around. Wind was softly blowing, running through his messy hair and lifting parts of his navy blue blazer mixed again with black trousers and sneakers.

He looked at the small note, where he rewrote the message from Aeri. The address was correct – the numbers on the paper matched those hung on the wall. And also there was a huge sign, saying ‘Min’s Art Gallery – modern & ancient’. On the front door there were some posters about ongoing exhibitions as well as opening hours.

Unfortunately, because of the early wake up and overflowing emotions of anxiety, Young Saeng came here early, more than two hours before opening. Therefore the gallery was still closed and he couldn’t find anyone near it. He even looked inside the gallery, maybe if there was someone waiting, but saw no soul alive. He decided to wander around the neighbourhood and to come back, when the time will be correct.

Two hours later he was again in front of the main entrance. This time he appeared just two minutes before opening, so he patiently waited until the door would open. But as the right time came, door remained closed.

At sudden he heard the engine and noticed as one car hurriedly entered the narrow alley. It definitely was an expensive car. It parked quickly, near to the building, almost hitting its wall. A man in his 60’s run out from this foreign car. He was wearing fitting, designer’s clothes and hurriedly run through the bunch of keys in his hands, murmuring some words about being late and being put in this situation again.

When he found the right key, he approached the door to the gallery, opened it and with his palms clenched in fists and laid on his hips, he turned around, in similar manner as an idol spoke with fans that gathered for his show, being prepared to give speech. But there was only one young man standing and gazing at him with awe.

The man grunted and started to speak. ‘Hello, welcome to the grand opening of Min’s Art Gallery. Today’s exhibition came to us for the middle of our beloved country and it looks like you’re going to be first one seeing it’s beauty, magnitude and-‘ He was pointing at Young Saeng, when he interrupted the old man.

‘I came here for job.’

‘Oh.’ The weird guy finally put down his hands. ‘So follow me.’ He went inside the gallery and the young man followed, but suddenly the old man turned around, making Young Saeng to take few steps back. He man took his head out of the door to look onto both sides of alley, like he was looking for someone. ‘Really, you’re the only one here now?’

Young Saeng didn’t know what to do in this situation, so she also looked around, but when he didn’t find anyone, he just awkwardly smirked. ‘Seems so?’

The man from gallery shook his head, disappointed. ‘That’s sad. But whatever.’ He again went inside and started to lead the way, opening some doors. He was preparing the gallery for guests, even though it should be already done, because it was fifteen minutes after opening hours. ‘So I’ve heard your history. Sad, isn’t it?’

The worst thing, that Young Saeng experienced after getting the amnesia, was not being in ability to read one’s intention. No matter how he tried, he didn’t know whenever the speaker wants to insult him, get out of him something he doesn’t even know or they just pity him. ‘Well, unpleasant, but I’m not crying…’

This kind of answer made the man laugh, letting out sincere one. Young Saeng brightened up a little bit. This man was weird, but he wasn’t bad. ‘Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Min Seong Gu, Min Ji Soo’s uncle from father’s side.’ He took and shook young man’s hand in western manner.

‘Jo Young Saeng.’ He slightly bended down.

‘That’s it as for the formalities.’ Mr. Min was talking and walking around the gallery, with Young Saeng following him step by step. ‘This gallery was opened, or more like opened again, by my beloved wife, as a hobby for a retirement, since our only son didn’t want to have a grandchildren. She wanted to get her hands busy, you know. I’m a small shareholder, don’t overthink where we got the funds.’ He turned around to blink to his future worker.

Young Saeng was looking at the gallery owner from above, as he nonchalantly continued to explain the gallery situation. ‘It was going pretty well, but month ago one curator quitted, recently second is pregnant and can’t move around. But the worst news gave me my son – it turned out he’s having twins really soon, so my wife’s attention is now in the kids. And I’m left with the gallery about which I have no clue.’ He put his hands up and shook them dramatically.

They finally got to the office. ‘Something to drink?’ Mr. Min offered, but Young Saeng declined. The old man shrugged his shoulders. ‘But I will.’

He bottomed up whole glass of water and sat on the couch in the centre of the office. Mr. Min looked at the young man, which was still standing and patted the couch near him, signalling that Young Saeng could rest there. ‘Sit, sit. Where was I?’

‘The twins?’

‘Right. Twins. Shocked us totally. And that’s for his ‘I will not marry, nor will have kids’. Brat. But whatever. So I was left here, alone, not knowing a thing about art. Thankfully I still had my best friend, one that knows the most, but watches from the shadows.’ He went quiet for a second, to build up the suspense. ‘The janitor. He was opening the gallery, welcoming guests, even though there weren’t many, but he had it under control. Unfortunately his wife got sick, like 2 months ago. And hence that time it’s like a rollercoaster – everyone somewhere disappeared and he’s not around, when he’s needed. Like today: he was supposed to open the exhibition, but suddenly his spouse got worse and he had to rush to the hospital.’

Young Saeng was sitting there awkwardly, since Ji Soo’s uncle was talking really quickly and the handsome man couldn’t sense where to interrupt him. ‘Poor him…’

‘Yeah… But tomorrow he’ll for sure be here and will show you what is to do.’

‘What is to do?’

‘Oh, so I didn’t tell you the most important? I hope that you’ll slowly take my old janitor’s job. He has to retire and I don’t care about your bad situation. Don’t worry. The documents will finally be done and as for that time – you’ll be getting familiar with the gallery. What do you think about it?’ Young Saeng wanted to answer immediately, but Mr. Min stopped him. ‘Oh, also I’ve heard that you kind of have some knowledge about the history? It might be useful.’

Young man cleared his throat, surprised with the proposition. He didn’t expect anything like that. ‘Umm, well, they say so… Hence, I will be janitor?’

‘Yup. But don’t worry, I’ll pay you normally.’ The gallery owner blinked.

Young Saeng smiled back awkwardly. In his situation he couldn’t be particular. ‘I guess it’s fine for now…’

The old man laughed loudly. ‘What a negotiator! You’ll see something tomorrow. Just to say – old janitor is also paid normally.’

‘Okay. What about the working hours?’ He couldn’t understand what was with that normal rate, so he omitted it.

‘Come tomorrow as the gallery opens. As for the rest my friend will explain. Also about the clothes etc…’

‘Therefore I will know everything tomorrow?’

‘What a words! Yup! Welcome on the board!’ Mr. Min gave his hand for a handshake.

Young Saeng hesitantly gave his hand. ‘Thank you.’

‘No problem!’

The gallery owner escorted young man to the exit, where they parted ways. Young Saeng walked with his head down, slowly approaching the bus stop. He sat there and seemed to be lost in thought and heavy on heart.

Finally he regained consciousness and checked when his bus would arrive. When it was there, he took it. He got to the hospital, where he was treated and where Aeri worked. He hesitated for a moment, before walking in, but finally gained some courage and entered.

He saw that near the exit there were some benches to sit on, while waiting, so he decided to use them and wait for the nurse to end her shift.

Chapter 9 – past

Year 1614, autumn

‘I tell you, this Hong Gil Dong story is getting on my nerves! Hong Gil Dong this, Hong Gil Dong that!’ Woong Tae’s voice echoed on the street. He was wearing tailored hanbok, the material used on it was clearly expensive. It was neat and monochromatic, circling around the blue tint. His hair was let down, showing its length to the shoulders. Some of the strands around the face were tied in the back of his head. He held his empty hands together behind him.

‘You’re exaggerating.’ Ji Woon was behind him, wielding two bows and a quiver full of arrows. He’s clothes were not so nice, as those of his friend, but they fit him well and were kempt. He wore grey and he tied his hair in tight bun, so none of the hair could get out.

‘I’ve just seen another notice telling about the play! The troupe is here for more than a month and all they do is repeating this dull story!’

‘I don’t understand your anger. It’s just a story. Beside you’re the son of the landlord here, just order them to leave.’

Woong Tae halted beside a table, that had apples displayed on it. They were in the middle of the market place, with many people wandering around. He grabbed two apples and started to walk away, so he heard a voice calling him from behind. It was a vendor of this stand calling him to pay for the fruits, but Woong Tae just turned around to face him and smiled. Vendor immediately went quiet recognizing who took the apples. He had no courage to argue with such a powerful person, so he just sat down beside the table and leer on the landlord’s son, which walked away as if nothing had happened, biting the fresh fruit. The second was thrown to Ji Woon, which caught it, but with that move he accidently hit two people with the bows on his back. The younger one apologized to those unfortunate victims and rushed after Woong Tae.

‘Order them… Father will not approve. And just a story, you say…’ the man in blue robes continued. ‘As I don’t care about the whole story by itself, what worries me, is the young ladies obsessed with it.’ He bit the apple.

‘Why? Because they wouldn’t be interested in you anymore?’

They finally got out of the main, busy street. ‘Indeed! They have us to be interested into! Why look for some weird character? Aren’t we good enough?’

Ji Woon smirked. ‘Are there any ladies left? Any that you didn’t lie your hands on?’

‘Of course! There is always someone, who just wants to give themselves to me.’

‘If you’ll keep that pace, soon you’ll really have to move to the capital, since your manhood will be lonely.’

‘Laugh as much as you want, as if you don’t like to come to my parties.’

‘Sorry, sorry.’ He put his hands together and placed them above his head. ‘Where are we going so early?’

‘That girl from yesterday didn’t believe I can hunt. So we’ll bring her something.’

‘So she’ll open her, umm, skirt for you?’

‘Either way she’ll. But hunting is also fun. Come on, I ordered to prepare horses. They’re at the main gate.’


When they came back, it was already getting dark. They were heading directly towards the Shim court, riding on their horses. The one belonging to Ji Woon had few rabbits tied to its harness. Woong Tae was leading.

As they got near to main gate suddenly a man jumped in front of them, frightening the animals with torch he was holding. Two men had to calm their mounts as they took few steps back. The man was waving the light as he was fighting with it.

‘Who are you?! How do you dare to jump in front of us?!’ Woong Tae screamed with anger at the stranger.

Beside the stranger stood a young woman, visibly scared of this situation. She was keeping her head low and gripping her skirt. The man passed the torch to her and run towards young master, throwing him from his horse.

‘You had a nerve to lay your filthy hands on my sister!’ The man screamed, while trying to punch Woong Tae, but the man in blue just started to laugh and decided not to fight back.

‘She could just say no.’ The attacker, after hearing this words, stopped pummelling him and grabbed him by collar to bring closer to his face.

‘She said she couldn’t!’

Woong Tae looked at mentioned sister. He recognized her, as she was looking at him with tears in her eyes. ‘Brother, please…’ She mumbled, trying to stop her sibling.

‘Then she could’ve not be this pretty. Definitely her fault.’ Young master said cockily. Desperate brother took a swing to hit him again, but this time he was stopped by Ji Woon, which casually grabbed him and had thrown him away. He took out his sword. The girl screamed and started to cry even more.

The man wanted to crawl away but was kicked. He had laid on ground on his stomach, heavy breathing. With another kick Ji Woon had turned him around, to kneel upon him. Ji Woon put his sword above his head and then rapidly lowered it, to thrust it into the soil beside poor man’s head. He leaned down to him and dead-eyed looked at him.

‘If she was so precious to you, you should’ve put her on a leash. Women are like this. Not supervised they jump on first man they see.’ He said coolly.

Meanwhile Woong Tae stood up and shook off the dirt on his hanbok. He looked smugly at the girl, now bawling on her knees near her brother. He approached his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘They’re not worth it. They probably already learnt their place.’

‘What is happening?’ Suddenly a voice came from the gate. It was steady, loud and commanding. The general was approaching them. The time also changed him, but he still had his posture and distinction. The hair turned grey and the glimmer in his eye faded a little bit, but it just made him more scary and domineering.

Woong Tae faced his father standing to attention. He was scared of him, as his breathing quickened. Ji Woon stood up and bowed to the general, while the man get on his knees and crawled to the master, to halt in front of him, with his head lowered.

‘My lord! I came here for justice! My sister was harassed by your son!’ He screamed towards the ground. ‘I beg for your help!’

‘My help? In what? What a low born like you wish me to do? To punish my own son just because you can’t account for your sister? Do you even have a proof?’ General’s Shim word reverberated between the walls protecting his household. ‘Aren’t you children of the blacksmith? It’s going to be such a disgrace for your father that you came here and caused ruckus, disturbing the landlord’s night.’

‘But Sir! She’s so young! It happened against her will…’ The smith’s son started to cry.

Landlord squatted in front of him and raised his head. ‘If you want a justice you’re going to get it. Do you want to make your father lose his only son, because he was shouting in front of my court? For that we have a proof! There people which are going to testify against you!’ The scared young man shook his head. ‘Then go away quickly. Take your pitiful sister and don’t show again.’

The attacker rapidly stood up and grabbed his sister, to run away with her. General was following them with his eyes, while his son was keeping tabs on him.

‘Low born people are always like this, thinking they matter…’ Ji Woon broke the silence first.

The General looked at him. ‘Such a words coming from not others, but your mouth…’ He smirked. ‘I bet you have to go to home.’ He wasn’t guessing, he was sending him away.

Ji Woon bowed to him, then looked at his friend. ‘’Till later.’ He added shortly and went away.

Woong Tae didn’t say anything, just accompanied him with the corner of his eye for a second, later to come back to facing his father face. He could never read the face of the general Shim. It never was saying pleasant words of comfort, but even if he tried to find out how harsh his words are going to be, he was never in ability.

Landlord ordered servants to take the horses to the stable and finally looked at his son. Woong Tae swallowed hard his saliva. ‘We have to talk. Come to the study.’

General walked into the court and young master followed him. They were going to one part of the building, where the mentioned room was situated. As they walked in, it had a strong smell of steel, since many of weaponry was situated there. Besides that, at the end there was a folding screen. In front of it there was a table with two cushions, one from the side of master, second for the guest. The light was coming from the lantern placed on the table, beside many papers and books.

Shim Dae Song sit on his place and ordered his son to sit in front of him. He was sitting in relaxed manner, while his son was all tensed.

‘About the thing in front gate… Father, if I would know, I wouldn’t let it happen…’ He lowered his head.

‘If you wouldn’t be such disappointment and actually become what I wanted you to be, it would never happen.’ General took the sword that was lying beside the table and took it out of its sheath. It was shining, as it was polished every day, but the old man started to sheen it again.

‘I’m sorry. I can’t wield a sword like you.’ Woong Tae’s words were unvarying, as he probably said those words hundreds of time.

‘You know that I hate failures and my son became one. I have to take the matter into my own hands. Know my kindness. I’ll give you two choices: either you’ll travel to capital to study more and become a scholar or you’ll marry.’

Woong Tae raised his head and hit the table, relaying his body weight on the table. ‘Father, you know I can’t travel to the capital!’

‘Why is that so?’ He hit the hand that was on his precious books. Woong Tae backed, but still faced the father.

‘It will just distain your name, to have such an incompetent son there!’ Young master didn’t want to lose his lavish life here, in the town, where he’s the son of the landlord, but during training that his father gave him, he also started to believe that he’s not worth anything in this life. He’s just a disgrace. Going to capital will be too hard for him.

‘You’re too lazy to do so. But as you wish. Then the marriage.’

Woong Tae started to look with the fear at his father. ‘I’m too young…’

‘But I’m old enough. You think only about yourself. It may seem to you that I don’t know about your hideous entertainment. I know, it’s my town. But I don’t and will not care only if you’ll mean anything in this life. Since you didn’t turn out as I would want to, I can just hope that the children of yours will be better. Bring me a grandchild, that can become a military officer and all your sins will imperceptibly disappear from my mind. They’ll not bother me.’

Woon Tae went silent for a while. He knew that even if his father says so, he’ll never be free from his control. But in the other hand Ji Woon’s will never come with him to the capital, because of his status. He’ll be there without his only power, which was given to him by his dear friend.

‘Then this marriage… With whom?’ He said quietly.

General had an ironic smile. ‘What a coward. But I’m not surprised. I would be if you would choose to travel. As for your question’s answer for now I can only say, that I have to talk with friend, if he still remembers our deal. Now go, you’re dismissed.’

Woong Tae lumberingly stood up and lowered his head to say goodbye to his father. Then he walked out and finally let out a heavy sigh.

Chapter 10

Young Saeng was woken up by nurse, as she softly patted his shoulder. He bolted up, waking up from creepy dream, and looked behind him, to see that sun is already setting, even though, when he arrived it was right above him, as for the midday. He tried to remember what kind of dream made him feel so strange, but he again couldn't. Then he looked at Aeri, which was giving him questioning look. ‘What are you doing here?’

He gave her a faint smile, while massaging his sore neck. ‘Oh, just decided to wait for you after visiting my new workplace…’

Aeri looked at her watch. ‘Sorry, my shift prolonged. How it went?’ She wanted to know more about his day, but she realised what time it was. ‘Oh, but first, we have to get going, I’m already late for something…’

‘Oh, I’m fine, I will get home.’ He stood up to walk out.

Girl grabbed his sleeve, to stop him. ‘No, come with me. Have you eaten?’ She walked in front of him.

Young Saeng found himself dumbfounded by her behaviour. He patted his stomach. ‘I wasn’t hungry.’ But as he said those words, it grumbled. He lowered his head.

Aeri chuckled. ‘Yeah, right. Come with me, I just have some short business to attend, then we’ll eat something.’

‘Girl, literately, right now I have tears in my eyes.’

She laughed and they both got into the car. They travelled in silence, lost in thoughts. Finally they arrived at some place and Young Saeng recognized it was school, so he looked at nurse with questions marks in his eyes.

‘I have to talk with my brothers home teacher, it won’t take long. Wait.’ Saying those words she got out of the car and entered the school.

Man stayed inside and started to play with the radio, but he couldn’t find anything to listen to, so he turned it off. He leaned back on seat and closed his eyes to snooze for a moment. He drifted away with his thoughts of how this day ended. He surely didn’t expect to find job so quick, but either he wasn’t sure if it’s okay. He felt heavy on heart.

After like fifteen minutes he heard something happening outside the car and he opened his eyes. He saw Aeri and some young student, probably her brother, approaching the car, arguing. He rolled down the window to listen to the conversation. His curiosity won over good manners.

‘Wait, stop right there!’ Nurse was behind her brother, as he keep on walking, not listening to her, heading to the car. She tried to catch him. ‘What do you mean part-time job?!’

‘Ah, shit…’ He swore quietly. ‘Yeah, part-time job.’

He was already taller than her, but still thin. Beside this similarity, they didn’t share common face features. She usually was all cheerful, even when not smiling, but he looked gloomy and lofty. When he spoke it sounded as he was mad at her.

‘For what do you need a job?!’

‘For money, obviously.’ He answered scoffing and was still going towards the car.

Aeri grabbed him by his hand. ‘Stop right there! Explain! All you have to do is to learn and take care of grandma, so explain for what you need a job?!’

He bit his lip, irritated. Maybe they were real siblings overall? He shoved off her hand and tried his best not to scream. ‘Yeah, like I can’t have my own urges. All I need to do is what you need from me.’

‘Stop behaving like a spoiled brat, you have your duties! For what, in hell, I work overtime?! Just for you, for you to have better life!’

‘Did I ever asked for that?!’ He couldn’t hold it in any longer. Tears showed in his eyes. ‘I never asked for anything! Shit! I want to have my own life! My own!’

She decided to attack his conscience. ‘Therefore you’ll leave me or granny?’

‘You shouldn’t put such a task on my shoulders in the first place! Do you even know how hard it is?! To be daily called by different name?! To not be in ability to say whenever she want to hug me or hit me?! Do you know?!’

‘I know. But if she won’t have us…’

He interrupted her. ‘Have me. Have only me. You meant to say.’

‘I can’t do two things at once. Either I do work and you have a place to live, school to attend or I take care of both of you and we’re left with absolutely nothing. Choose.’ She also was dried emotionally. She said it with her teeth clenched.

‘But you also have to choose! Do you want me to be a teenager or a caregiver?! ‘

Aeri couldn’t stand it. ‘Get in the car right now.’ She ordered without looking at him. They finally got near the car so she was pointing at it.

‘Answer!’ He was all red on his face.

‘I won’t! In one minute you’re saying that you’re an adult, that can take care of himself alone and in other – you want to be pampered like a kid. If you want an answer I will tell you when you mature a little bit.’

‘Shit!’ Tears started to run on his face. He turned around and opened the car doors with an impact, got in and slammed them loudly.

Aeri took deep breath and for a second she leaned on the hood. She looked up and was the gaze of Young Saeng, as he hurriedly closed the window and started to avoid her look. He didn’t even try to look around, feeling as someone behind was angry with his presence.

She again breathed deeply and finally took a seat in the car. She started the engine and adjusted the rear-view mirror to look at her brother. He meanwhile drilled his gaze in the front seat, where unknown man was seated. Young Saeng didn’t know what to do with this situation, especially when the atmosphere in the car could be cut with a knife, so he huddled on his seat.

Aeri broke the silence first. ‘Yejun this is my friend, Jo Young Saeng. Young Seang, this is my brother – Yejun.’

Young man turned to teenager with a smile. ‘Hi, pleasure to meet you!’

Yejun was looking only at his sister, not moving an inch. ‘Again, something I didn’t ask for.’ Aeri rolled her eyes.

‘Okay, you don’t have to! But if I would say one thing, is just that your sister really works hard, today she forgot to change her shoes in work.’ He pointed at her feet, where her hospital shoes were still on. Aeri and Yejun looked there.

‘Shit! And you said it just now?!’ She was thinking hard what she should put on, but she clearly left her sneakers at work.

‘I noticed only moment ago, when you two where, well, WALKING towards the car.’ He emphasized the word walking, hence he saw and heard everything.

‘It’s rude to eavesdrop.’ He sent daggers with his gaze towards Young Saeng and grabbed him by a collar.

‘Ok, stop it already!’ She took Yejun’s hand off of Young Saeng’s collar. ‘Enough for today!’

Teenager leaned back and started to take out the headphones out of his backpack. Aeri noticed it. ‘Before prince shuts himself in his castle, will he be so kind and tell me, where grandma is staying while he’s at his job.’

Yejun bit his lip. ‘Mrs. Kwang.’ He put the headphones in his ears and started to play loud music, looking blankly outside the window.

‘Thank you.’

Finally they departed. As for the road to the school, the silence in the car was as one of those calm and with a lot of thoughts, the way back – or more like continuation of moving somewhere – was extremely quiet, awkward and suffocating. Therefore Young Saeng felt truly uncomfortable.

Chapter 11

The sun has already set, when they stopped under a lamppost in a neighbourhood with narrow alleys and a lot of hills, equalling in a lot of stairs. They walked out of the car and Yejun headed to the stairs leading to unknown, but was stopped by Aeri’s hand, which landed on his collar.

‘No. You come with us.’ She said harshly.

Her brother was obligated to listen but discontent could be seen on his face. However this time he manly chose to not argue back. He turned around and leaded way to another staircase, which was going down. Below there was narrow alley, a wall with those stairs on one side and few storey house on second side.

Yejun turned right and approached one of the buildings. He knocked on door, that looks like it was an entrance to abandoned house, but a few seconds later a light lighted behind the door and a kind-looking old woman opened the door. Yejun moved to the back, so woman faced Aeri and smiling Young Saeng.

The nurse squinted her eyes at her brother, but soon smiled to the person in front of her. ‘Hello, auntie!’

‘Oh gosh, Aeri, I thought that I had to call you already! Hello!’ She clapped her hands and she noticed teenager behind them. ‘Yejun-a! You said you’ll be back sooner!’ She approached him and lightly hit his arm.

‘I apologize!’ He said bowing, but his tone was indifferent. Then, without a word, he came into the house, quickly taking off his shoes.

The woman clicked her tongue. ‘Oh, those youngsters!’

Aeri was looking after Yejun, with disapproval in her eyes. ‘I’m sorry, auntie, for causing such a problem…’ She apologized sincerely.

‘Oh gosh, my dear, you know that it’s not a problem for me at all, but I just got worried for you!’ The elder touched girl’s arm in caring way. Then she laid her eye’s on the man beside Aeri, that stood still, not knowing what to do. ‘And who’s that handsome gentleman?’

‘I’m Jo Young Saeng. Nice to meet you.’ He bowed.

‘What a nice person you seem to be!’ She turned to Aeri. ‘Finally, my dear, it’s time for you to settle down and marry! You also need to be taken care of, not always you have to take care of others!’

The nurse rose her eyebrows. ‘It’s not like that auntie…’ She wanted to explain, but Yejun walked form the inside of the house, with an old lady under his arm and gave his sister a weird look.

‘We’ll head to home auntie.’ He had to walk out slowly, because grandma was moving forward with small steps.

Suddenly old lady stopped in front of Young Saeng. She looked at the man which seemed to be totally lost by this action. She took out a hand and slowly reached out to touch his cheek. When she did it, a tear fell out of her eye. ‘Honey…’

Everyone was dumbfounded and shocked by a sudden brave move of hers, but since Yejun was rather feeling dislike towards Young Saeng, he grabbed his grandma’s hand and continued to walk with her. ‘Come on, granny, we have to go.’

‘Hahaha, what a slick move of her! To steal her granddaughter man!’ Aunt was laughing her lungs out, while young man, slightly shocked, touched his cheeks.

Aeri was grinning and she cleared her throat. ‘Auntie, I told you, it’s not like that. He’s a friend of mine that I’m helping out in this moment.’

‘Yeah, again with this help. Really, my darling, take care of yourself first. And I think this man can help you.’ She blinked toward Young Saeng, which, as an answer, just smiled stupidly.

‘Eh… But anyway – thank you auntie and sorry, that we’re so late.’

‘Again – no problem. Just call me beforehand, when Mrs. Jang will come again, because I promised her something tasty. And come with her maybe, so we can talk about some…’ She looked at young man and smiled mischievously at Aeri. ‘…things. Oh, also wait a moment!’ She run to home, and a minute later came back with some packed food. ‘Take this!’ She pushed it into Young Saeng’s hands. ‘See, he’s strong! Bye, darling!’ Before they could say no to her, she went home, shut the door behind her and soon the light goes out.

Young Saeng stood there, with a pile of boxes in his hands, not really the situation. ‘What?’

Aeri smirked. ‘Come, we have a lot of stairs to climb.’


They walked arm to arm, slowly climbing the staircase, where Yejun firstly headed to. Young Saeng held the boxes in his hands, as they were talking.


‘Yup. Started few years ago, when I was still studying. I was at first year of medical studies, but after that I decided to take nursing. She at first started to forget that she already bought something or forgot to take medicine for her heart. After that there was mistaking names. And know we are here – sometimes she’s all good, remembers everyone, but sometimes – she’s stuck in past. So there is a need that someone has to be around her all the time.’

Aeri started to explain her situation to this man. She preferred to do that, so he wouldn’t be stuck in awkward state of mind. He had already a lot on his mind, so it was better to clear some things.

‘And se only has both of you?’

‘Mom died from cancer when I was fourteen and Yejun was two. Dad couldn’t – or more like didn’t want to – rise us, so he run away after that. So grandma took care of us. Then dad got into accident and died. So we’re orphans and only person that ever cared about us is grandma.’ Even though it wasn’t pleasant memory to Aeri, she was emotionless when saying that.

‘So you just can’t leave her?’

‘I wouldn’t dare to, ever. It would tear my heart to pieces.’

‘So why Yejun is so stubborn?’

‘Hey, don’t talk like that about my brother!’ She wagged her finger at him. Then, she continued. ‘Walk for a moment in his shoes. He barely remembers mom, dad probably not at all, since he never played with us. I was much older, so everything was understandable for me – that it’s hard for an older woman to rise two kids, to feed them and worry about them. So for begging I was trying hard to be independent. For universities – I got there from having part-time jobs. I wanted to help her. So then, when Yejun was growing up, it was his reality, that he was taken care of, that he was feed, that he was going to good school. I with granny took care of it, so at least one of this ill-fated family won’t have to suffer in life. But then the sickness happened. As I was in the university I really wanted to graduate soon. So I was barely at home. And she was getting worse. Then, whenever I had a time off – I was working and again, I was never home, and again, granny was getting worse.’

‘So he suddenly had to wake up from his prince life?’

‘More or less…’ She smirked. ‘Why I’m even talking to you…’

‘Hey, I just-‘ He wanted to rise his hands, but they were occupied, so he just hopped that his face was showing enough of remorse.

‘Yeah… We spoiled him. But he was good, you know. Like really. He liked to be at home, he talked to me about problems, about friends.’ She clapped her palms. ‘He likes to learn. I’ve had hopes that at least he’ll become a doctor. But now I’m not longer sure. This whole situation broke him…’

‘But now you’re working, so why you don’t live with them?’

She laughed nervously. ‘Oh, how long I looked for job… Really… And this isn’t the area, where I can find the job that pays so well.’

‘The money? This the reason?’

‘It’s reason behind everything! If we had money, mum would not got so sick. If we had money, dad wouldn’t be so unhappy with this family. If we had money, granny wouldn’t have to work in her old age, giving her problems with health. The job I have now it’s the best paid from those I went through. But is far away from this place. Firstly I was driving there daily, but then I got option to have additional shifts, so I rented a flat, and I fall into a loop that I can’t get out of. I earn money which fully goes for expenses connected with house, with flat, with my brother’s school, with granny’s meds, with food. Nothing for me.’ She points at herself.

‘I didn’t buy myself a dress since I don’t remember when!’ She laughed, but it was a cold laugh. ‘But If I’ll resign from the flat – I’ll be too tired to work extra shifts. When I resign from extra shifts I won’t have enough money to even live here! Not talking about cram schools of Yejun. So current situation…’

Young Saeng finished her sentence. ‘Is unavoidable.’

‘Yup. As I said, a loop. But, hey, I can’t give up. Not until he’ll be happy. Even if he’ll flee away from me, knowing that he’ll have a life I’ve never dared to dream of – that is the most important thing. It’s pushing me forward. She sniffed, because some tears fell down her cheeks. ‘And also Ahn Chang-Woo, you remember him, the doctor, he helps me with granny. So I simple can’t give up on that job.’

He laughed warmly. ‘Gosh, I was getting ready to fight the world for you, but then you said something on the same level as ‘but the meals at the canteen are the best’! Have some pride!’ Aeri also laughed, realising how ridiculous her words were. She rubbed off the tears. They arrived at the front gate of nurse’s old house. It was situated at the top of the hill, but in a dark alley. The door’s paint was almost all gone.

Young Saeng put the boxes on the ground and took hand Aeri’s hand into his. ‘I think, that no matter what will happen in the future, the amount of kindness that you gave, is enough to give you luck ‘till the rest of you and your family life.’

She smiled at him and abruptly shook his hand off. ‘You sound like an old preaching geezer.’

‘Ha-ha-ha… You…’

‘You see, I might sometimes have my depression, but my humour will never fade away.’ She wanted to push the gate and go in, but halted. ‘I would forgot. How’s your first day?’

‘First day?’


‘Oh! Someone’s sad stories…’ He earned a punch in arm, so he started to massage it. ‘…totally outshined my memory.’

‘No, but really. You were down, there at the hospital.’

‘But now I’m up!’ She scolded him with her gaze. ‘Well, really, that what I had on mind is a small percentage of shit you’re in.’

‘But you have to tell me. It’s a price for listening to me.’

‘What? How? Does it work like that?’

‘Of course. Also trust me – it’ll feel much better when you spill the tea.’

Young Saeng took a deep breath in and started to talk quickly. ‘Then… I got a job offer as a janitor. Mr. Min said it’s well paid and the place is really nice, but I don’t know why it doesn’t feel right. Like after all mystery about me and also admiration for my knowledge, getting a real, down-to-earth job feels… unreal. At least.’

She looked at him with no expression and then she turned around on her heels, opening the gate. ‘So it really was nothing…’

‘Hey!’ He walked after her, but turned around to get the boxes. ‘It’s not nothing! You!’ Aeri entered home laughing.

As they both walked into the home, in good mood, they noticed Yejun sitting on the couch, playing games on the phone. He looked at them, then proceeded to look only at Aeri. ‘We got out almost at the same time, but there you are, almost an hour later.’

She lifted her brow. ‘Really, you scolding me?’

‘Someone said I had to behave like an adult.’ He was mocking her.

Aeri didn’t want to get angry anymore, so she took a deep breath ang changed the subject. ‘Where’s granny?’


Nurse looked at Young Saeng. ‘Put boxes in the kitchen and grab something to eat.’ She showed where it was, then she turned to Yejun. ‘And we need to talk.’

‘Again? I’ve already heard enough…’


Yejun stood up and went to his room. Aeri followed him, but teenager suddenly stopped and looks at Young Saeng. ‘No eavesdropping this time.’

Young man put his hands up. ‘None!’

They disappeared in Yejun’s room, leaving Young Saeng all alone.

Chapter 12 - past

Young Saeng was sitting on the couch and wondered what to do. First five minutes he kept himself occupied and played on phone. Then he went to kitchen and grabbed some food. He already ate, but he craved for some snacks. He sat on the couch back, but playing with phone was no longer entertaining, so he laid on the couch. It didn’t take long when he was fast asleep.

He woke up as Aeri was covering him with a blanket. He looked at the clock, it was almost 2 hours later. He looked back at her. ‘How it went?’

She sat beside him on the couch, exhaling the air heavily. ‘He misses grandma cooking.’

‘Ouch…’ Young Saeng didn’t know what to answer.

‘Yup… He’s a kid overall…’

‘So what you’re going to do?’

She bit her lip, as she usually did. ‘As for now I got him to get rid of his work and that I’ll give him bigger allowance. For now should be enough.’

‘But how? You barley have money to live, as you said!’ He shouted directly at her.

Aeri avoided Young Saeng’s gaze. ‘Maybe I’ll borrow from Ji Soo…’

‘Stop it! I’ll leave the house, ok?’

She pointed her finger at him. ‘Don’t! I don’t need more problems!’

‘But having me around you is bigger issue!’

‘Really, drop it. I decided that I’ll help you. Also you’re starting a job, so soon you’ll be paying for yourself…’ She patted his shoulder.

The man was not buying it. He felt like he was a burden. ‘But for now I’m not…’

‘Young saeng-a, really, listen. I hate abandoning people. And also I’m really curious who you are. That number two. And third thing, I know my brother – after a week he starts to feel guilty. And in next month, the situation will happen again. So I have to think of something permanent. But for that I have to grab some sleep…’ Aeri wanted to settle things quickly, since she finally started to feel tired from all the stuff that happened that day. She yawned and Young Saeng noticed it.

He took of the blanket that was still covering him and stood up. ‘I’ll take the floor…’

She waved her hand at him. ‘Don’t bother, I’ll sleep with granny. Goodnight. And don’t think about it all, ok?’ She walked out to different room and switched off the lights.

‘Goodnight. How I can stop myself from overthinking, hmm?’ Young Saeng whispered, while laying down on the couch.


Woong Tae approached the back of his yard. The household beside his belonged to his dear friend’s family. In the corner of the second yard a tree was growing, which branches peeped through it at dangled upon the Shim court. The young master got closer to that tree and looked up.

‘Ji Woon?’ he asked the tree. Then he heard as the leaves make a noise and his friend showed up on the fence. He sat on the peak.

‘I’ve heard, your walk isn’t brisk. What this time? A story, when he single-handedly defeated fifteen enemies? Or when he discovered a foe in the government just because of his military wisdom?’ Ji Woon asked jokingly.

‘Ji Woon, how do you value our friendship?’ Woong Tae ignored his companion comments.

‘Well, in the first place there’s not many people I talk with. You’re first on the list. Then there’s my sister, but she’s sick again, so lord… or father, as some may say, forbid me from visiting her, as if I’m the cause… Then older brother is passing a military exam right now and he only spoke to me, when I was in his way… Oh, and the twins. Father let me help them with swordsmanship, but that’s all. For now their mind is not poisoned with discrimination, so they’re kind of nice to me…’

Ji Woon was reciting, while Woong Tae sat below him and blankly looked to the ground. ‘You didn’t answer my question.’ He said.

‘Damn, my friend! You’re an important person in my life. Only my sister is better, but let say it’s her privilege as a only woman, who is feeding me!’ Ji Woon laughed. ‘I would die for both of you.’

‘Then I think I choose correctly.’ Woong Tae dully answered.

‘Choose what? Stop beating about the bush!’

‘Father ordered me to get married.’

Ji Woon was laying on the top of the wall, after hearing those word, he swiftly sat up and looked down at his friend. ‘You? Marry?! Hahaha! Don’t joke!’

‘Stop mocking me. He gave me a choice, either to marry or to go to the capital.’

‘Geez! No wonder why you sound so lifeless! So you choose to marry? Whom? Did you already, you know, did them?’ Ji Woon’s voice was joyful.

‘Don’t sadden me. I don’t know yet. But hear me out. You and our life style is also important to me. No matter what kind of woman will come into my life, no one will stop us from being who we are.’

‘You’re saying that no matter who’ll be your wife, she’ll be mistreated and you’ll have many lovers? This kind of life?’

‘Exactly. I’m young and I’m just following my father’s order.’

‘I’m in this. You know, I love to watch who you peeve with your attitude.’ Ji Woon said and that made Woong Tae laugh through his nose.

Suddenly, they heard a voice coming from Choi yard. One of the servants came for Ji Woon. ‘Sir Yoo Ji Woon, lord is looking for you.’ He said.

‘Father? I mean master? For me?’ He pointed at himself with disbelief. The servant nodded. ‘Weird things are happening tonight.’ He whispered to Woong Tae and said goodbye to him. After that he jumped off of the fence and followed the man, which came for him.

It was maybe second time that his alleged father wanted to talk with him. Earlier it happened when Ji Woon accidently bumped into officer Choi. That time lord only warned him that he better stay aloof off of him, as he’s not welcomed there. The young boy took this words to his heart and barely showed up in the main house, he preferred to keep with the servants. Every comment said about him by the officer was passed to him by someone of the help. The thing he said to Woong Tae while before was true: the only person that ever had any interest in him was his sister.

She was two years older than him and was nothing alike him. His father had two official wives. From the first marriage came his brother, which now is going to serve in the army and his sister. After giving a birth to her, their mother died. However officer Choi did not mourn her too much, since even when she was alive he already had many affairs, but none ever came to that point, where a child appeared. But there is Ji Woon. No one knows why he was kept in, but he had to stay there, not belonging to any rank. After that his father remarried and few years ago they had twins.

His sister was in poor health. She always stayed inside, not being in ability to travel, because she would always catch some sickness. She was small, fragile and behaved truly like an angel. When Woong Tae couldn’t play with Ji Woon, because of general’s trainings, Hwa Ryeong would go out to keep her sad brother company. He was terrified, because he immediately knew, that if she’s going to be sick, their father would blame it on him. But she didn’t care and always could make young boy smile.

Their environments were totally different. Ji Woon ate with the servants, while Hwa Ryeong got all the best cooking. However she was kind enough to always leave something for him to eat. Their bond was tight, even without anyone knowing that.

Ji Woon was being leaded to the main study, where his father awaited for him. He was standing in the middle of the room and as his lost in thought son came in, he ordered the servants to came out and leave them alone.

Boy looked at the master without trust in his eyes. ‘What is that, that you want to talk with me, my lord?’

‘I plan to marry of Hwa Ryeong.’ Officer Choi coldly answered in his high pitched voice.

Ji Woon felt shivers run down his spine. He had a bad feeling about this, but he had to make himself sure. ‘And you’re telling me this because…?’

‘As you don’t already figured it out. Shim Woong Tae is going to be her husband.’

Young master took a sharp breath. ‘Sir, he’s my dear friend, but… I may tell you honestly, he’s not a husband material… At least not for Hwa Ryeong.’

‘Don’t you think I don’t have eyes and ears? That I don’t know what you two do in the town?’ His father was irritated, clearly because of the situation he was put in. ‘I know. But as you keep yourself far from me I can stand it. I promised general her hand and I have to keep that promise.’

‘You promised? Father, she’s not some kind of good to sell…’

Choi Jeong Ho looked sharply at Ji Woon. ‘You don’t deserve to call me like that. But I will let it go once, however you have to be at use for once in your life.’

‘How is that?’

‘I can’t say no to the general, without losing my head. Nevertheless he can say no, which I will kindly accept. Your only task is to make it happen.’

‘Only task? Sir, you know the best what kind of man general Shim is…’

‘Use your head. Show that really there is some of my blood running in you.’ Officer Choi shouted, then he quickly changed the tone of his voice to calm and friendly. ‘If you do good, who knows, maybe not only Hwa Ryeong will be saved from that wicked man, but also you’ll be in ability to sit and eat with us one day… my son?’ He patted Ji Woon’s shoulder with hesitance and smiled untrustworthy. ‘Now go, I hope you’ll work quick. General is waiting only for Hwa Ryeong to get better.’

‘Yes, my lord.’ Ji Woon walked outside and run out of the court. It was completely dark, since it was deep on the night, however he headed to the woods nearby. The moon was shining as he approached the river and heavily sat on one of the rocks. He picked some stones and started to throw them into the water with a lot of the strength, so the splattering water was hitting his body and face. The water was mixing with the tears of anger running down his face. He shouted to the moon and placed his head on his palms, squatting.

He was in despair. He had to choose between his best friend, the only one he ever had and his sister, the only being that cared about him. The words, which Woong Tae said earlier to him, about not being faithful, echoed in his thoughts. His sister didn’t deserve such a person. She was too pure to be around someone who’ll not give a rip about her. He didn’t care about stupid promise of his father. He would never want to become a part of this wicked family. But Woong Tae also didn’t earn to be treated this way. Ji Woon could just talk with him…

Immediately a vision of his friend laughing at him scared him. He imagined, that knowing young master personality, he’s going to say something bad. ‘She’s just a woman. Wouldn’t it be better for her, when I’m not around her? That she can stay in home without me and not be ordered around? Husbands in home are such a stress! Hahaha!’ Ji Woon grabbed his hair as he heard those word in his mind said with Woong Tae voice. It was so like him, so the anger slowly fading inside of Ji Woon started to boil again. No, he has to do something out of hiding. He can’t talk with him nor utter a word. He has to come up with a plan.

He put his hands together as for a prayer and closed his eyes. How to cause the break of engagement from general’s side? He was sure it was almost impossible. This man hates failures and loves to rule people. He could do that only if sticking with his decision would cause more harm to his name then breaking the promise.

General does not make any mistakes, but his son does. Woong Tae had weakness for alcohol and women. This combined made risky results, but never higher uproar broke because of his stupidity. His father always protected himself with the phrase: ‘Is there a witness?’ and young master was smart enough to do his shameful acts aloof from curious looks. Then, when no one said something, beside poor miss, whole issue was swept under the carpet.

What if Ji Woon will make sure this time there’s going to be someone to witness it? He had his plan. He stood up and run back to the household. He has to ask for money, to buy people. He has to give them a lot, for them not to be afraid of the general. But that was possible. Second problem was who is going to be Woong Tae’s victim. He already partied so hard, that most of the available women were already at least once in this beast hands. And there’s no sweeter fruit than the one no one ever tasted before. But an idea already popped in Ji Woon’s mind. The plan was made.



Hi! Do you want to know how this story ended? Visit my wattpad: magusia333 (arlettawita)! Luv ya! <3


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.02.2021

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