
Moving to the Big apple

Chapter one

Mom you can't do this, finally i feel like I fit in somewhere and you take it away from me how can you do this? Said Lanad to her mom.
"Look sweet I know you will miss your friends but in New York you make new friends and I promise never to drag you to a new city without your permission first".FINE!!! I go to the stupid city but you totally owe me a vacation,a car,and a whole new wardrobe.While Lanad and her mom boarded the pink,purple,and blue private jet Lanad couldn't help but breathe out and look around her to see California from below and remembering life well never be the same without her friends.Landa should have been okay with this or at least that what she thought since she moved a hundred times but this time it was different she had real friends and she was now getting used to her new house and the weather.I know what your thinking that Landa is a total rich girl snob but really she not she sweet,funny, talented,and very smart but without the font she worries that....well that she won't have her moms's attention or love.Lanad is 5'6,with long curly dark brown hair,smooth latte cocoa brown skin,brown eyes that is anything but oridany,and loads of natural beauty.Lanad finally boarded the plane and sat in the back row so she wouldn't have to be by her mom who is currently talking to her lawyer about something boring that includes something about money and money,when her mom suddenly called her name and asked her if she wanted something to eat all she did was rolled her eyes and asked why do you care? Her mom said if you change your mind you know what to do and Lanad mom returns to her lawyer.Two or three hours later Landa looked out the window to see the statue of liberty and she wanted to smile but restrained because she could she her mom looking at her so Landa simply rolled her eyes.Soon Lanad was bopping and weaving to the sounds of Ciara,Nicki Minaj,and Shikara only song that she happened to like"hips don't lie".Twenty minutes later her and her mom was leaving the jet to be accompanied by three men in red and white suits who carried their bags to the limo and a couple other trucks.Fifteen minutes later Lanad saw a big house with white marbles and gardens surrounding the whole place it was like the playboy house but looked kinda whiter than pink,even though she thought it was great Lanad like always didn't let mom know that in fact she just sat in the limo while the men in red and white suits unloaded the luggage.Her mom and the lawyer got out of the limo and as Ms.Fair was walking toward the house she told the lawyer to go in with out her and to head to the room on the right of the living room.Ms.Fair then turned around and headed toward the limo."Why don't you come in", Ms.Fair said more as a command then as a question.As soon as Lanad hit the door she felt out of place this house was awesome but for some reason she could not shake the feeling of not belonging she lived in many elegant houses but this house wasn't elegant it was the kind of house you expect a rich girl snob to live in you know the kind she acts to be."Lanad!!Lanad,don't you love it I brought it for you I thought you may like it because I saw it in all those books you read and I kinda thought you feel more comfortable in this house.AS Ms.fair went in to give her daughter a hug Lanad coldy said "I gonna go check out my new room".Landa ran upstairs and soon began crying in a bathroom.Lanad mind was racing with so many thoughts such as why I feel like this.I should be happy I got this dream house I always dreamed of.She herself could not answer her own question which just made her bang her head against the gold wall while sitting against the gold wall. Ms.fair knocked on the bathroom door while Lanad yelled can't I get any privacy this house is a joke your a joke and just leave me alone![Ms.Fair went backstairs with a feeling of worry and regret].


Shopping and traveling and talking


Hello,glad you can join me again Mrs.Fair I am so sorry I wish I can help said Mr.Bonner to Ms.Fair.Mr.Bonner don't worry about that said Ms.Fair to her lawyer have a seat and Lanad she be okay in time and I guess its hard on her moving all the time.Yes it must be Ms and I am so glad for you but I must say I feel so bad for Lanad and I hopes she adjusts soon but looks like you have ever thing under control so its been nice chatting but I must be going see you later Ms.As the door closed shut Ms.Fair went to her new office and starting working frantically."Mom can i borrow the car and the chauffeur I want go and get a look around maybe get a tour bus","sure sweet just be back before 7, we have a meeting with Ms.Leopold your new principal tomorrow and I really want us to be well rested and for you to look like the princess you are".Sure,whatever you say you are the boss.Lanad before you go I going to give you the card to go shopping I thought you may want to buy some new clothes since you might want a fresh start so this card contain about 670,000 bucks[I know what you thinking but that not a lot that like giving a regular person a 100 bucks good but not that good]and I know you may want more maybe after we get that report card you get more.O' how sweet are you so sweet of you to take me away from home and give me some money to make up for it ,you can't buy my love and plus this not enough to buy it even if it you can buy it and you know what mom to make you happy I gonna leave and spend this money but I know you enjoy me leaving the most and did I mention thanks.Look Lanad I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way and Lanad just gave her a ice cold smile I know you didn't [Landa wanted to be happy but she could not it was like her mom buying her love]so just leave me alone and Landa abruptly walks to the door while grabbing her jacket with her sneakers hitting the floor.When the door shut Landa mom went into her office and tried to work but her vision was getting cloudy since she had tears in her eyes and then she just spun around to her empty desk Ms.fair just started crying with her arms around her head and her black long hair over her arms and strays along her back.Ms.Fair got up and went into the kitchen and grab some ice cream and cake and went to the large living room and turned the TV on and started eating ice cream with cake with a few tears here and there.Meanwhile Lanad was wearing a blue tee,blue jeans,gym shoes,and a purple jacket.Lanad went into a high end store and brought a dress that was short and ended at her knees,it was a sequin dress that was silver with a hint of purple and the sequins could have blinded a person who come to close. She also brought some black heels to go with the dress with a couple thousand dollars left so went into the mall and get some normal wear clothes.And since her style was glam and punk her clothes were very cool but usual so nothing special and then she spent a couple hundred on all types of shoes but mostly causal shoes and she also brought some dresses but not ones as dressy as the sequin one.As she got inside the car her cell phone rings.Lanad!!!OMG Cali girls!Omg we heard its so unfair you had to leave.
I know right,she being so unfair says Landa to her three friends Kelly,Ashley,Marley.A school where you can't say your first name that just not right says Ashley while everyone echoes yeah,IKR.Landa your mom is being so well so not cool says Marley,i know Marley but i don't know what do and i start school tomorrow and I like so dreading going to school more than usual.Landa so how do the school look like says Ashley,well its has brown bricks and its super long and kind of has a sharp turn at the entrance,inside its like no lockers just two doors where the lockers are stored,long narrow hallway with brown bricks,doors that leads into the classrooms and the classrooms are so boring and its so terrible I can't go on.How sad it seems so boring,so do they have uniforms says Kelly.Yes,its this blue skirt and blue shirt.So ugly!!!!!IKR echoed the Cali girls.Did I mention it a all girl school like a private school I am totally not that kind of girl but my mom thinks I am just another example of how she don't understand me.You know that printlyon..........wait what you say I couldn't hear you!Excuse me mam but your here and its 7:00,said the chauffeur.Oww Cali girls I got to go!!!Bye!!!As Landa hung up the phone she started to walk toward her new playboy house.[Landa can't help but start to think about what Kelly was saying about printlyon,printlyon was Landa arch enemy although her name is spelled like a boy its actually sounds better when you say it,printlyon is the total example of what Landa pretends to be around her mom a rich girl snob]

After about a mintue Landa was inside her new house that was decorated with white and pink flowers,white and black sectionals it had a classy but wild look to it.The dining room table was glass with a big dangling light above it that shone very bright that made the table look kinda like water.

Mom,i'm back,Ms.fair yells in here and then quickly wipes her face and try to re-do her makeup.Umm hi mom Landa says when she see her mom re-applying her makeup."Hi sweet well i should be getting back to work now Ms.Fair said while she cleaned up her mess and turned off the t.v."


Chapter Three

See you never pay no attention to me you always working it all about work work and more work,you try buy my love,and everyone else love and that why dad left he didn't love us he loved the money and i getting tired of all this Landa says and then suddenly storms off with her hood flying up behind her and then she turns while she a the top of the rail and says to her mom you will never get me and if you trying stop just stop,and with that said Landa simply turns back around and goes to her pink and white room.[Landa knew in her mind that all her mom knew was work since her mom moved to Detroit when she was abut 8 years old from down south and all time she would work,work,and work some more.She was the oldest although only by about 4 or 5 years she still had to help her mom out but when her mom was 14 she moved to Chicago with her grandma to talk care of her but in Chicago she met a entrepreneur who was also from Detroit and then two years later her mom grandma died and when she went back to Detroit she met up with the man who taught her everything and was of her role models besides her mom.And from there her mom worked and worked just to pay for college even though she had a dorm scholarship she still had to work but then she became the founder of a small company her business succeed but the pay wasn't good but the joy Landa mom got when she worked it was a joy Landa could not give her and it kind of made her jealous.When Landa was born and her dad begin working more hours and starting working at two more companies while managing two of her founding business that turned her well turned her into a workaholic
and since Landa mom also liked working at home Landa saw her sometimes but never talked to her for more than 5 minutes she her mom was always working but will try and take a break.Landa knew that but that don't make up for the fact that it seems to Landa she not trying hard enough.]Landa mom just walk to her office with her head up high and then do some work and then plan Landa punishment.As Landa goes up it feels like the stairs go up holding the rail its feel like the stairs are going down,that is the best feature of the house Landa thought to herself

[twenty minutes later]

Landa can you please come down here!!Landa then makes her way down the stairs and said what at the very end of the stairs,and Ms.Fair hands Landa a letter and then says sorry Landa but you must learn someday and then kisses Landa on the forehead while Landa stands in her spot surprised and not knowing what to say so she just go up the stairs and Mrs.Fair just goes and follow and also go to her own room.Lana closes her door lifts up legs in the sky and then opens the letter while rolling into a crisp cross applesauce position on her bed.[Dear Landa as your mom i feel like you should respect me more and i am only trying to reinforce positive things in you and as your mom you have disrespected me i know you think you was voicing your opinion but that not the way to handle things and you need to know that.Sweet this have to stop or it will be further consequences but for now YOU ARE GROUNDED.You will be going to no parties no friends and no hanging out after school and like i also there will be someone to pick you up from school and bring you home.I know you mad but when you learn to handle things better this won't happened usually i jut give you a date when the punishment will be lifted but this time its not up to me its up to you until you learn to have respect just please learn some respect.I love you with all my might heart and if you don't change in two months you will be sent to a gcp where you will be in this program that is designed for girls like you.I KNOW IT SEEMS harsh but its not its fair so have a good night sleep and think about it and don't come looking for me that will only give you one month to change so please be good and when you wake up you are to go to the kitchen and in the kitchen you will see a note on how your day is going to go,and did i mention no spending of money so that means no shopping.Good night sweet i love you and be good]Landa didn't know what do so she got up put on her pjs and went to bed sobbing thinking how can she do this just how can she do this to me saying she loves me and soon Landa all asleep.

New School

Chapter Three

"I am so glad you can make it Ms.Fair and Miss.Fair"."No me and my daughter are glad to be here and might I say your school is lovely and you curriculum is to die for."Oww thank you you are to sweet",said Mrs.Leopold in a huge fake smile.So if you can just follow me into the office I can give you all of Miss.fair class schedules.I am Lanad just in case you didn't know.Oww sorry but in this school to enforce manners we call each other by our last names only time girls here in Kleendon Killden Academy for girls say your first name is at lunch time and when they meet you you are to say your first and last name".Oww how nice I think thats a great idea how about you Lanad or should I say Miss.fairs" Landa mom said giving her a smile and nudging her."No you may not call me that and I refuse to respond to that".Well Miss.Fair you learn to adjust and here is everything you need to know about going here and how to adjust and you know the basic class schedules".Landa looks at the folder with her arms folded and just simply turns her head while her mom nudges her indicating to take the folder or it will be consequences and even though Landa didn't like her mom she knew her mom never joked about being grounded when she say you grounded you grounded like no contact with the outside world expect for at school and to make sure you don't run off after school she sends a car and a bodyguard to make sure you get into the car,so Landa reluctantly takes the folder and just smiles and fold her arms with the folder between them.

Old foes

BBBRRRIIIIIIIIIIIINGGG,Landa reluctanly pressed the snooze button on her alarm clock and got up and went to the bathroom when suddenly her phone rang and she didn't know who it could be since all her friends from Cali was the only ones that knew her new number and they was about 3 hours time difference.Hello Landa said into the phone,OoMG did you hear about printlyon.Ashely is that you what are you doing up?You know I have sleepong issues when I have something on my mind,"Oww right what about her?She is also moving to New York and I hear her mom will be working with your mom on this new business of some kind because you know your mom a famous business women and stuff like that.So you mean my mom is gonna to be the partner of THE EVIL GIRL mom and my mom will also be a investor in the company? Yes,and rumor has it she already there and planning to meet you when her and her mom comes and sees your new house!OMG my mom just grounded me and now this Omg she knows I hate her well I thought she knew,Ashely I gonna call you back

.Landa then takes a quick shower and pick out a blue halter top matched with some jeans with spring boots that are pink and black matched off with a brown belt to tie the jeans and the top togheter.She then went to her makeup table and put on her lipstick and some blush since that all Landa liked to use,she then went downstairs heading toward her mom office.Mom Landa yelled but she did not see her mom just a bunch of papers and a closed door so Landa opened the door and found a computer surviallance camera so Landa tried to see if she could spot her mom on the computer but no such luck.Mom!!Landa did not hear or see her mom so she was going to go out of the office when she spotted something on her mom computer that grabbed her attention so Landa sat down in her mom seat.The teen clinic was launched successfully and we will like for you and the other co owner to make a commitment to the city of New York for two years it will be easier that way and for further information on the subject please feel free to come to the appointment I have already scheduled.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2011

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This is dedicate to my old friends and me

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