
November 24, 3042

In 2974 the angels and the supernatural started to appear, even though they appeared around the same time they both had very different agendas. I remember grandpa telling me that he had to run whenever he saw a supernatural. That seems silly to me, most supernatural loved people because people could help them blend in. I guess if society shunned you and no one loved you, you would attack things to.

The angels appeared and for a while terrorized Earth, they toppled citys, destroyed wildlife, killed more than three fourths of the human population. The came in small groups first, tens and twenties, then in thousands, millions. They just seemed to fall out of the sky. Droping to the ground and destroying everyting in sight. I think it was like a game to them. Sorta like I did when I was little, build snowmen and them whack 'em down with a stick. Grandma said they would carry people off to Rome and forced them to compeate in games like gladiators. The bloody murdurrers would bet on who would die first.

then the supernatural appeared and the New World Alliance used them to run those winged bastards off our planet.

Then after about ten years they, the angels, can back. Asia was the first to see them, winged men, the incarnation of pure beauty. The first one to be seen was an Icelandic guy with huge wings, golden and bronze they beat the sky with dignity, then more and more came. They darkened the sky and blocked out the sun. That was the first of the days of darkness. The angles in all their glory spread their wings and attacked Earth. The superhumans where unprepared and ultimately, became extinct with in fifteen years of their creation.
Without protection the rest of the planet gave in and surrendered. The angels rule without mercy. They are the tyrants of Earth. We have accepted our fates. We are more or less the slaves of the angels or some like me are the toys of their hunting games.

I have never seen the sun, the angles have covered it with a sheet of clouds. I'm told that their cities shine with the last sun light. I'm not sure how but, even without the sun plants still grow. I think that has to do with the UV rays that, though humans can't see them, plants must still pick them up. Grampa said that a person must learn as many talents as huumanly posible, so I can fight with a staff, sword(that was a wooden stick at the time), and I can shoot guns and bows and the like. I can make spears and daggers, I can catch a fish with my hands, I can make rope, weave baskets, and start fires. If it impacts servival then I can do it. Grampa was carried off by thoes Godddamn angels. I will not forgive them.

Jolting awake, I look around, it's as dark as usual. We don't have a sun in Sectorm or what remains of Earth. So it's always dark, or what I'm told is dark. I wouldn't know because I've lived so long in the "dark". I see the moon a lot though, I think the moon is in front of the "sun", and so Sectorm is in a perpetual lunar eclipse.

I'm lying on the dirt and snow floor, the grit is pressing against my back, the hair on the back of my neck rises and my arms tense. I jump to my feet. Rushing to the back entrance I notice that the front entrance, the rag door that I tied up in the spring is torn and swaying in the wind. I feel the blood rush in my ears, my legs take me to the door and with my adrenalin pumping in my veins, I flat out run to into the blizzard. My big sister and my parents can't survive in the blizzard. If they stay out there they will die. I run and call out their names, my shouts are lost in the wind. They twist and twirl and float miles away.

I'm giving up, I have to go back to the fort, when I see three shapes in the snow. Two are lying on the ground another is crouching over the bodies. I rush over to them and sigh with relief. I pick up the smaller body and give the man instructions to pick up the woman. He fallows my orders. Back at the fort I ask my father what the hell he was doing?! I nearly shout at him, “Dad, what where you doing? you almost killed Rose and mom!"

"Well, I was trying to get better shelter! I heard the New World Alliance is reforming. I'm tired of hiding and running! I want to leave Lily, and you can come, or you can stay."

"Dad you're thinking like a little kid! You know what happens to people who fight back! You're going to get us killed!" I notice that Rose is starring in the corner, near the fire that I built to warm her up."

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not-" Rose gets up. She's a very beautiful girl, with her big blue eyes, full lips, and black shinning hair. She has pure white teeth and lightened skin. I'm the exact opposite of my older sister. I have the eyes of a hunter; they're ice blue and have dark blue clouds that come in from the outsides of my eyes. I have white skin that is as eerie as it is practical in the icy tundra my family lives in. I have short pixie cut, of black hair it sticks up in every direction. I'm tall and lean and she is the definition of cute. I slink in the shadows and she sparkles in the lamp light. I'm not social and she loves everyone she meets. I would think that being social and pretty wouldn’t be a good thing and being smart would be better than that, but if you nice to look at an angel might bring you into his/her house, and once your their you're set. I think my mom and dad hope to get Rose, so naive and cute, to an angel's domain without showing her the big bad world. I've been worried for a day now; dad sees me as dead weight, which is not true as I get most of the food, mom doesn’t want another mouth to feed which is true, as I eat much more than Rose, and Rose is clueless.

If this was a fairy tale then a prince would waltz in and sweep me away on a white horse. This is not a child fantasy though, there are no princes. They all died as the angels took over, like them saying "Here! Look! Everything you believe in can be destroyed on a whim."

November 26, 3042

I'm sitting out front when I hear it, the sound of a hunting horn. I quickly get inside and snuff out the fire. I get everyone into the hiding area, as I wonder what fool is getting chased by the angels in this weather. I huddle together with my sister, our bodies getting warmer through the collective heat. Mom scoots closer and Dad peaks out through a hole in the wall. He turns back to us and wraps his arms around Mom, she leans her head into his shoulder. We've all been through this, and it gets easier not to think about the people getting killed as a sport to the angels.

When I was little I get caught out in a blizzard, I heard the horn but, I didn’t know what I meant. I started toward the sound and got lost, I remember sitting in the snow and crying when I saw my first angel. He had Dark hair that was as soft as feathers, he wore normal clothes and a parka made out of rabbit fur. He had tan skin and light blue eyes, like my sisters. He would have looked like a very handsome man if not for his wings. Most angels have wings about the same color as their hair but, he had wings of pure white. I remember touching them and saying, "Are you a bird?" he shook his head, picked me up and looked at me. He asked, “Where are you parents?" I think I cried and said, “I don't know bird man. Mama didn't even say Bubye!" He then lifted me up onto his shoulders and walked me back to the cabin my family was staying at, no one came out. For all they knew this could be a ploy to lure them out, he set me down on the door step and turned to leave. After walking a few steps I called to him, “Bye Mr. bird man. See you again soon!" He turned back and picked me up again, touching his forehead to mine he said, “Live long little one. Your life is hard but, your future is good. Nam advertebam virtute fortunam venenatis. Ut te numquam dura navis et damnum et dolor. Advertebam in oratione Dei. Ita dixit ita

!" I remember a searing pain. I screamed and wreathed in his grasp. He dropped me on the snow.

Now whenever an angel is near, the angelic tattoos below my left eye, on my left hand (I where fingerless gloves I found at a department store), on my back, and above my right hip glow in strange colors. Every time an angel gets close I light up like a light house. Though this is inconvenient sometimes it's saved our lives more than once. So my mom found a way to cover up the markings. I wear black gothic fingerless gloves, useless and in the way but, they work, I wear an off at the shoulder black parka, that is lined with grey wolf fur. I wear black cargo pants and black boots that have straps and buckles. I hook things off the buckles. I have knives that I found or made, I have lighters and flint among other things. I have straps on everything I own and I collect things that I could use to kill or hurt and angel. Dad and I are the only ones that carry weapons or even know martial arts. I can do at least ten different forms and I hope one day they’ll came in handy.

I relight the fire, it glows and flickers. Rose and mom come out of the hiddie hole and snuggle to the fire. I lay out some crumpled blankets and a worse for wear, and we all huddle into the layers of cloth. I stay awake for a while. I contemplate damping the fire, but it's too cold and I decide to leave it burning. The storm keeps me up a while longer, I can hear the roaring of the wind and the trees scraping other trees. I hear the crunch of the snow under the weight of something heavy. My dad walks into the small room, he points to me sister and Mom and then waves at me, and turning to the door he says something as if someone is there. Startled by this, I sit up. He whips his head around and puts his finger to his lips. Telling me to shut up. After seeing him I relax and close my eyes, I fall of into the abyss of blackness.

November 27, 3042 2:50 AM

I jump, a hand is covering my mouth. I try to strike with my hand, it's not there. I panic for a moment until I realize it's still there, I just can't feel it. I try my legs, their fine but, tied with a cold wire thing. I also can't move my mouth. I look over to where my sister and mother should be. They are not there. My eyes widen, and an electric shock runs through my body. Then I notice that my tattoos are glowing. They start to change colors; blue, black, red, green, orange, purple, yellow. I've never had so many colors flash on my skin. I start to hyperventilate, my family is gone and I'm surrounded my angels. Though Bastards! I feel my arms regain power. I twitch my fingers. The hand is removed from my mouth, I say nothing but, in my mind I cure them. They took Mom and Rose! They took Grandma and Grandma! How dare they! I lash out and strike something fleshy. I push up with my arms, my legs, as I thought, are bound. Not like that'll stop me. I reach to strike again, a hand catches my fist and twists my arm, I grunt in pain. I try to look at my attacker. It's an angel that's for sure, he twist me to see him. He has bronze skin, and gold eyes. My tattoos flash orange when he comes near. My arm hurts really bad, it feels as if I'm being branded. I scream and struggle, not a wise option for my arm. I shriek at him in wordless fury. I can hear him say, “Looks like a good catch this girl's got spunk. I think she'll do well in the games."
"You really think so?", a deep burly voice says as my tattoos flash black "With the size of her grudge I don't think she could STAND next to one of the enlightened."
A shrill voice continues purple, “No I think she'll be interesting. I mean her family, father really, sold, and SOLD her to us"
The orange person is arguing, "I think she'll do well."
"She's going to ruin the games! “says a new yellow voice
"She's going to make it more interesting!", a green voice gushes.
Orange angel says, "Hey, monkey. You are a girl right?"
"Of course she's a girl!", three angels say at once.
"Well she looks like a boy...."
"Well, are you going to strip her or something? I'm not, got to keep my virtue intact." a red voice is mumbling.
"Wait, wait you have virtue?" blue voice.
Red angel again, “Of course I do, I'm and arch angel!"
Blue angel, “You sure have killed a lot though."
"That doesn't count unless it is equal to you. I am superior to the monkey, ahhh.... humans, sorry... there for it doesn’t count."
"Long way for a short thing..." purple angel.
Black angel, “Long way?"
"You said a lot for a simple thing.", orange angel "So dear, you're parents sold you what now?"

November 28, 3042

I wake up. I remember the things my mom used to say, 'time for you yeast and shoe polish so you can rise and shine!' she used to pretend like nothing was wrong. Hahahaha the irony was funny, nothing being wrong... Oh well, it's time to get up. Yeast eating time. I try to move. My arms are blocks of lead, underwater, with elephants laying on them. So number one on the check list, arms don't move. Legs. No they're about the same. Darn... Okay, head. What the hell?! Does anything not move?! Okay, okay, calm down. Panicking and getting REALLY angry doesn't help you. Remember what happened last time. Last time, last time! Holy Bejezus! The angels! I try to fight the lead... and the water... and the elephant. I win. bolting up I, startling the man who sat watching me and the others in my room. Others? Why are there more people here? Can't think about that now. I have to run, run to Rose and mom and dad. I open a door and I'm out. I run down corridors and hallways all washed out white, or an off white that sets your teeth on edge. My legs hurt, they're existed but, I have to keep running. I bite my tongue until I taste blood. The taste is disgusting but I keep running. Flinging open doors, almost running into walls. I'm about three inches from the door, it opens and I slam into it. I must have been oblivious to the people shouting because the moment I stop their shouts reach me. I look to them, they have wings. I get up again. My legs are freezing flame. They burn and freeze and it hurts like the nine hells. I stand there, and I all I can do I stare wildly at the angels that are swarm me. One comes into catch me, I can't run but that doesn't mean I can't fight. I lash out, catching him in the eye. A nasty gash appears above his eye. I smile, almost, it seems more like a holy-shit-this-hurts-but-I'm-crazy-so-I'm-going-to-smile smile. The guy I bashed grins back at me, not in the same way though, his is more of the; you-just-hurt-me-but-I'm-going-to-get-you-for-it-later-hahahahaha smile. We grin at each other for a while. Then as the bastards drag me off I see him wave goodbye. If I could move he would be so dead! My face gets hot and with my last breath I yell, "You bastard! The world doesn't revolve around you moron. It. Revolves. Around. The Sun!" I struggle so that they're dragging me backwards and I stick my tongue out at him. I feel much better.

My eye lids are so heavy, their granite rocks. I can't lift them, they just sit there, useless. I try to lift them, I can't. I hate this, I'm trapped. I have to get away, I know that. My grandpa always told me, Lily, you can't trust you heart for it is susceptible to feelings, you can't trust you brain for it will try to reason you out of a problem, but, you can trust you gut, because your gut is never wrong. I have a gut feeling, it's time to move. I try to do something. I can't. I try again, a voice cuts through to me, lazy and uninterested, “That won't help you. The sedative I gave you is derived from a plant in the astral plane. You won't be able to move for a while." I inwardly grown, despite that he continues, “You must know that all the creatures in this building are very interested in you. You overcame a Human" he scoffs at the word "sedative. You must be angered by something. What is it? Why won't you tell me?" If I could lift a finger..."Oh my, can you not say a thing to me? Do you think I'm inferior? Oh yes, you can't-" I twitch a finger,"-move. All you can do is sit there and look pretty. I guess that what you were created for. I've always wondered that, why are you things so-" I'm seething, my foot is almost moving "-weak." I explode, my eyes flash open, my arms tense, and I sit there and glare at the light haired man with dark wings. It hurts to move but I do, I lift my eyes to glare at him, he's unsurprised. He sits there and smirks at me. My tattoos start to shine, I focus on convincing them up. Then I realize that I'm not my gloves. The angel looks at my eye and arm. His face becomes enraged, "How dare you! How dare you wear the mark! How dare you!" I decide this is a good time to move. I fluently move from the table I was placed in. My limbs are like liquid that I command, I nearly float off the floor. The Doc. reaches up to grab me, his movements are slow. I watch as his and reach and grab me, I see it coming but I can't seem to move out of the way. My eyelids close and I takes eternity to open them. His hands wrap softly around me, I can't move but, his hands become steel bars as if he expects me to move at any moment. Then he seems to realize that I take millennia to move. He start to laugh at me, he laughs so hard he needs to lean on the white covered bed. I try to say something but it comes out in mush. He easily says something it sounds like gibberish at first then after years I understand it he says, “That my dear is the soldier drug. It comes from a plant on the astral plane." He comes toward me and I try to raise my arm I barely get my hand up before he comes over and slaps me, right across the face. The he punches me in the gut. It doesn’t hurt but I anticipate it. One hundred years, two hundred, three hundred, four... at five hundred years the pain comes. It hurts so bad I feel my system shutting down. Year after year my body numbs until finally I find peace in a restless sleep.

October 1, 3042

Note to self, don't attack the guy in charge. In the last couple of days I learned that if you attack the head of an organization most of the time he will put you in a cold holding cell. Most of the time that cell is damp and dark, has a rat problem, a leaky roof that drips water on your head, and still has the bones of the previous occupants. Generally you get chained to the wall of the cell, and typically your captors don't let you out for days.

Of course they do let you out, I just haven't gotten that far yet. So here I am, stuck in this smelly, cold, drippy cell. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what is outside of the holding cell, I'm fairly sure there are two guards, there is a guard that takes ten to twelve minutes to walk from one side of the hall to the door of my cell. That means that hall way is very long or he pauses a lot to talk to other angels.

I'm in the middle of determining how to get out of my chains when the door to my prison is opened. A tall girl comes in, she signals for the guards to leave here in the room. The door closes and I hear the guards’ dead bolt it. The girl walks up to me and slaps me hard across the face. She's not getting brownie points, whatever those are. "I heard about you! You filthy mud worm that stole the makings from an angel!”, her points were plummeting fast "So how'd you do it!? How'd you get the markings of Raphiel? How did you steal them you little monkey?!" She hit zero, very bad first impression. "Oh, the usual, I walked up to what's-his-face," her face was turning an unhealthy shade of red "and cast a magical spell that took his markings. I see you don't have makings. What did you think to take mine when he said he wouldn’t go on a date with you unless you had them?" I made a little pouty face, she promptly hit me in the same place she slapped me. "You monkeys don't change. We put you under our holy rule and what do you do/ You dify us! Your natural leaders!" she's seathing,"You really are ment to be lower beings. You need someone to look after you, all you little rats can do is complain. Whine, whine, whine day in and day out" With that speech she flung the cell door open and stomped out of the room.

After blinking a few times, a thought comes to my head, what am I here for? Let's see, one, I'm here to cook. No, only preety people do that, I'm not preety. Two I'm here to clean, no for the same reason. Three says that I'm here to be a play thing for the angels. No that can't be it unless... Unless they're still forcing people to be gladiators. Crap. If that were the case then... there really is no chance of me getting out.

"Noooooooooo! God damit! Nooooo! Let me out! I can't be here! God damn you! Let me out! I have to see my sister!" I hear someone scream.
"Shut up monkey. You should be gratfull you still ALIVE." a gaurd yells,"We could have easily killed you, you maggot." So the scream came from me. I start raddling my chains, slamming my feet agains the floor, digging my wrists into the cold iron of the cuffs binding my hands. I hear the gaurds laugh "This is where it gets good," he says. This just makes me angrier I lash out of him almost pulling the chains that hold my hands to the wall off. The other gaurd looks at me and smiles. You'll have to do better than that he molths.

October 3, 3042

Cold water drips down my face. My hands are rubbed raw, my legs are numb, my wrists are bloody and cracked, my ankles ozze puss as I move them to another position.

Water splashes in my face, moments where I can't breath pass. I look around, tall healed books are directly infront of me, my eyes travel up. A man with black hair and blue eyes looks down at me. Eyes that stare unblinking down at you. "Get up," the man says "It's time to train" I look away and he grabs my face "Get up, I'm you partner, or should I say master?" I look up sharply at him, feeling my hate boil into my eyes "Oh? Dose the little kitty not like that? Well kitten, you don't have much say in the matter. Get up." He pulls my face up, draging my body with it. "Let's get a move on sweet heart, you started a day latter than the rest of the... trainies," he says as he undoes my chains.

The training room was hot sweaty and packed. Every inch of the place was covers with matts and people. There where people of all ages fighting against boys and girls that looked to be the same age as my captor. In the middle there was a raised square plateform that had four posters at each end and wire connecting the metal bars. In the rink there where a kid that looked to be twelve years old, and a man who could be no less that thirty, the man was pummling the kid agains on of the metal bars. Blood was spilling form his nose and molth, a deep gash ran across the childs forhead. "That's the fighting rink," an angel said as he noticed my horrified look "Who do you think is gonna win? The big guy is our star fight-" Without a second thought I was across the floor. I lept up on to the metal bar holding the wire and lept on to the mans back, he froze. I drew back my arm and hit him with what could knock out most opponents. The gorilla bucked tring to throw my off of him, his tharashing caused my leg to whip around. Hy heal came crashing into his shoulder, a sharp crack ecoed through the room. Then one of the angels on the side yelled,"Hey, Nimrod!" The guy I had punched grunted "You'd better win this fight or I'll have to punish you again!" The angle smiled. Nimrod jerked up, with a roar he fliped me off and pinned my to the ground with his hands. "Little girls like you should stay at home. They shouldn't come out of the sand box and think they can play with the big boys without getting hurt" With that he firmly planted him lips on mine. All the hate and dispare that I had felt sudenly condenced into one, and that was this stupid mans lips. I bit down murdurously untill I tasted blood, grabbing his lower lip with my teeth I shook my head as much as I could, ripping his lip. Blood guched onto my face, I scrunched my knees and kicked him off me. Spidding his blood out of my molth I smiled,"Little boys should stay in the sand box" then with a smirk I continued "'Cuz the big girls don't play nice." I grilled my elbow into his stomache. He coughed blood for a minute, when that subsided there was no noise in the training room. Then with a sigh the angel that had yelled at 'Nimrod' got into the rink,"Well, little kitty, let's go find your owner, I'll be buying you from him and teaching you... manners..." I looked straight up at him the soved my heal into his hansome face.

October 3, 3042

My foot connected with the angels jawbone with more force than needed. I'm not tall, not even in some fantacy world where butterflies and unicorns live, so to kick a person a good foot taller than me, I'm four foot eleven, is no small feat. I have to jump to kick something that high, so what if my blows are harder than need be.
The angle goes rocketing back across the training room, he hits the wall and slids down. A few angles rush over to him and some humans exchange looks. I feel a light tap on my back, I look back expecting a fist in my face or gut. Hands raised I turn around, behind me a boy with aburn hair and green eyes that stair down into mine. I have to tilt my head all the way up to see his face, he smiles and picks me up. I feel like a little girl and he carrys me around in his arms,"Would you tell me where your master is?" I pout and glare at him,"Why does everyone think I have a master? If you're looking for my master, well then you might want to look down 'cuz it me! I have no master!"
"You really think so?" he says snickering "If you want to servive the games you have to have a master. Didn't anyone expalin this to you?"
"There you are you little pig. What did you think you where doing?" The stupid


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.06.2012

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