
My Family

"Now, we are going to pass this honor to the best scientist we have known at Hodges University. I have to tell you he is a good friend and a faithful classmate. I remembered the day He and I met at the science lab for the first time. Right away, I knew he was a great man. However, I was always the backbone to help him keep it together. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you my dear friend, Dr. Ramirez Goldon, A vivid applause for him."

The light shined brighter as the applause of the standing crowd appreciated the coming of Dr. Ramirez on the representing stand. He shook hands with Samson and they hugged firmly as if they were going to be enemies later. As far as I can remember, father had known Samson the day he started to study at Hodges and they grew in many obstacles in their life by helping each other, according to father's story. Samson was one of these friends you met in a lifetime then became like family and brother in an instant. During their life at Hodges, their bond grew every day in class, at the campus and in the major they chose together. Ramirez was the one who showed Samson his true vocation which was in the same field father studied also. The best part showed up in their history of women when Ramirez presented at Samson the woman who was going to be his wife after their studies and Samson did the same thing. Of course, Samson could not support the unfortunate event that happened after Ramirez married Jasmine. Mother died three years later after my birthday. Samson was more crushed than father, not only because she was great friend also, but she was his sister from long relatives. When Samson knew he had a sister, Ramirez knew the best day and shared his best moment with him on this day.

Samson knew father the moment they met at Hodges in the lab room. Father described Samson like this at his first sight. He was blond with short hair, strong eyebrows and a sharp nose, his mouth was not that large as he used it to say bad words to the students and his face was robust as his body started to get there too. He was a little obsessed with his form at his age at the college. He was taller and bigger than Ramirez, but he had never taken his toll over the little ones. He had an ego at first, but Lucy took care of it a little when they met. The one thing he had during his time at the college besides his brain was his style. He always clothed very well and he passed father the style also with the longer time they spent together. Nevertheless, Samson possessed great quality as a friend and a supporter. With time, Samson learned to be gentler and sympathy, but his hard core education from his father stuck in his life forever.

Father put his two hands in each side of the microphone and looked at the special guest and friends he knew during his longtime at Hodges.Father was a simple guy with dreams and the accomplishment of great things in his life. He did not have the confidence but he aimed for success anyway. Father was from Mexico and he was the only one to grow up at the American continent. Father made many sacrifices to study and to get where he was in front of a group of important people and well-known. Father had dark hair, green eyes, a little lobe nose and a cute mouth not to say a woman one. He was between 5.5 and he was more focus on his studies than his effects on women. Even his appearance he reflected to be handsome at his young age. The girls could not get enough of him. Of course, father was a brilliant student in all his classes. At start, he used to just dress like any adults with a shirt and jeans. When Samson became his friend, he changed his look with the influence of Uncle Sam. This is how Mother fell in love with him besides he was telling the ladies of his accomplishments at the college.

Well, I have to tell you that this ceremony was made at the auditorium of Hodges at Fort Myers. The place could take between 40 to 50 couples. The white color of the auditorium marked the unity of these people in the room especially through their clothes. As always this ceremony can only be done at night with great surprise from people you knew. He fixed his eyes on Samson and me at the table while opening his long mouth to start the speech.

Round table with white tower covering the worked wood; we can perceive the sparks that this cover sent in the room at the people which made them enthusiastic as ever. The chair was at the number of four with our name and friends who accompany us. From your table you can notice the beauty of the puzzle that the background that attracted people to choose a place like this for recognition ceremony. The square of woods limited by the iron form the best form of ceramic decoration I have not seen yet. The room was a little darkened maybe it was the roof reflection that produced it from the effect of the light, but the black jacket and clothes of our invitees played a great role also. In the far corner of the left from your sitting place, you can notice the American flag that was depressed of the journey and wanted to rest a little. The floor as well created a wonderful platform under the feet of the guests and it started to lose most its place with the number of feet over it to see a companion, greet a friend or a director as you want and you feel.

"Samson, my friend, ladies and gentlemen, I remembered when I met this guy who was rude enough to come and to say: "Hey you, who the hell are you?" I got stunned at the first question, but he had already seen our future in a glance at me. We knew hell at Hodges, we fought it and we won. Today, by our strength I can say that this honor is for the both of us my dear friend."


Samson stood again and father met with him to hug and to take a new picture of their accomplishment at Hodges. He came, passed his arm around my neck with his smile that was impossible to loss and he kissed me. This was the best moment of my life and I was proud of my father, well until he became crazy and obsessed with a new subject.

Today, I lived with my father in a faraway place where much people know each other and the number might be between ten to twenty neighbors. We have been living there for over four years since he abandoned reality to plunge himself in the dream world. There are two streets and a short cut between certain houses not too far from us. I usually used it to get at school in time. Every time I am walking home after school, I got this picture that comes back to me when we lost Uncle Samson. I was walking home in the second week of the second month at the new house and I stumbled on Uncle Samson leaving the house with tears.


"I lost a brother, my son."

The Lost

This was his last words to me as he walked to his car and left without a look behind. In this day, I started to hate my father in his new obsession for the Universe he thought that contained more than our own planet. I watched movies and documentary of the universe space, but as the genre of the movie specified it was fiction, science fiction, and invention. Even the report Flipboard brought at his columns does not contain a brink of truth about the universe and space.

Star Wars and Farscape might be a little close about the species and the numberless of galaxy, but the invention still brings his head out to prove us this was just a movie.
The hatred I kept for my father grew everyday each time I walked from school and wanted to see Uncle Samson again. I always think of Uncle Sam because he was always good with me and gave me my little cash when we met. Uncle Samson was the best and aunty Lucy who helped me sometimes with my homework and the nostalgic of my mother. One day, she told me the whole story of the four of them and how they met. This was when I learned father presented Lucy to Samson and Jasmine to father. From this day forward, they remained together until they closed their studies at Hodges. Lucy told me that Samson and Father fought once for her when Ramirez thought Samson might be playing with Lucy. Mother felt left alone and forgot on this day and Lucy decided to break up with Samson. By tomorrow, Samson and father were discussing the problem until they figured what cause the fight between them. This was their only and last fight, the girls’ laughed at them when they thought of it after their marriage with father and Samson.

Lucy became my mother immediately after my mother’s death. She was one of the women you met and asked yourself if life is not worth it. She was alive, full of life and mysteries, but she kept things simple in her everyday life. Lucy had known father for a longtime, she was the one who recommended father at Hodges. Lucy met father at their working place and she thought he would make a great husband, but father did not have time for this at that time. Later, Lucy decided to remain my father friend until father introduced her to Samson. It was love at first sight. Gray hairs not to say old, but grey even Samson found the mystery fascinating. Large eyebrows with brown eyes, classic nose and sensible mouth; Lucy was between slim and average, but with Samson obsession with form he led her to the gym where Aunty Lucy got her curves. She was studying to be a Manager and she was the best in her classes. Lucy was the same height as father and Jasmine was his best friend. Lucy told me most of the rest stories of father and the group. She was the one who introduced me to mother after sometimes when I was ready to understand what happened.

I had never known the whole story of father, Samson, Lucy and mother, but I knew this. They were the best happy group of friend that Hodges University had in their year.

My thoughts stopped for a moment from my hatred heart for my father at the sight of the light of the moon and the stars within the black, deepest form of the sky view. Then, it came to me. The mystery of the Universe can be very attractive to lose yourself for it. At that time, without noticing, I was trying to understand my father new obsession about the cosmos. I did not think much of the species you might meet throughout the universe, but the wonderful view of the stars and the emptiness of the galaxy and the numerous of planet you can visit with the galaxy law you have to learn and to avoid admitting a refraction. This could be a journey that everyone would dream about in their lifetime. I personally would like to do it and to see what is like to live in the uncertainty of spaceship, the cosmos planet and the unseen danger of the Milky Way.


The Dicovery

My head got back on earth when I know that I can only imagine what could be possible beyond endless possibilities. My alarm continued to ring into my watch which allowed me to notice the night was already at his climax. Well, it was not like I would be afraid to stay late in my neighborhood, because thanks to God our area possessed enough police patrol to protect our life. However, for any reason, my house had a little noise that I had never heard before. I did not pay much attention at the first two times but the third time I got curious and I tried to enter the house by the back door. I silently walked on my toes to avoid whatever to escape without my seeing. With plenty of cautious, I opened the door and noticed a dark shape in the middle of the room darkness. The back door is the favorite way for my father to disappear toward his obsessive research about the universe and to forget if he had a son. When father sat in his chair and gave his back back to the back door, even if you entered he won't know, because of his unbreakable focus. The back door faces directly the computers he is working on every day. I opened the door and the light of the computer could reflect the form of the shape in the room. I could not be sure he was a treat but I got the impression he was doing something in Dad computer about the research when I noticed the picture. I slammed the door wide open to the other end and it got stunned by the noise. He turned around with his surprise expression. I could not decipher the proper reaction he was going to take by stepping from the computer so I run to him to stop him in his track.


"No, you won't escape me boy."


I lengthened my legs to catch him but I ended up taking him to the hips. I could swear he did not bend a little. In this little movement, I saw a flash illuminated the room and he threw me like nothing with a hand. I rolled out to feel the eyes on me. At that moment, I remembered the first time I run at school and I left the kids behind. After the tour, I was catching my breath when I felt this heavy constant element on me. I had already known the sensation so I calmly turned around and saw every one with mouth open, creamed in hand melting, and drool falling down.


"Alia, you sure took your time at the old man house. Did you erase the data?" The voice stoned the room and the shade of the man grew stronger and stronger over my person. I could not lift my head and I wanted to find the right moment to burst.

"Of course sir, I had a little complication but I think it will be easy to take care of it." The second replies with a better voice. Unfortunately I could not understand yet.

"Sir, does he understand us?"

"This minuscular and meaningless being is unable to understand a galactic language thanks to the law we have had forever."


I was waiting for the right moment to lift my head and to see that strong shade that weighted heavy over my person. By lifting my head I noticed his compact boots which were long enough to cover his whole legs, the plaque was illuminating as to announce the members were still in function for the body. The second parts of the upper legs were practical because he could move it as easily as it approached me in the floor. The cover was as rigid but it continued to form a pretty protective pant for him composing with his utility belt which attached to the upper legs where his long and former form of our ancient gun was. The Upper body was incredible as to say you could see the best costume of batman but with more protection and compact impact than ever. However, this suit seemed to be as a skin of unbreakable steel mixed with the best metal in their home planet. I stood up to look at them before me as if I was watching the World Trade Center building with the human body. I took my time to admire the suits over and over. Before I knew it I had the image stuck in my head like a long term memory I had for centuries.

The first alien looked like to be the general of the ship I was in and the second might be the colonel as the right hand of the first. He stood tall with both arms behind his back and his indignation of seeing a mere human being in his presence. I started speaking when he lifted his hand to tell me stop as if he knew I would understand and I did. I could read his face he was surprised I stop talking and kept looking at them like two idiots without answers. A girl approached me with a technology for my hand like a watch and placed it in my wrist.

I thought I was done contemplating suits but I noticed that the girl had a differed one from the general and the other men. I was surprised of it when Exline brought me the watch tech. Their suits were heavier and with more protection. I imagined that their galaxy cared about the ladies status even if they were in the military. Her chest projected this compact mass of protection attached to her shoulder, the suits were blue different the men that were black and green. Her legs were set up to keep her form but with a maximum plaque of gigantic stretching pants, the boots did not change much. As she left my side I noticed her butt as men always did behind all this protection, sure the women power did not lose sight of her mission even in space.


"Thank You." I said while adjusting the tech in my arm.

"You are welcome. Are you from this planet?" She asked for curiosity and stood there for answer I was sure to give her.


"Ye..." I did not finish my words when my planet beauty in the vast universe took me by surprise. The round of our planet was constant and movable with the anti-gravity which allowed it to suspend like in midair like a balloon would. It was there with the color he projected in the glass of the ship through the mix of the water, the land, the desert, the trees and the clouds. The blue sky consent the beauty of our home in the galaxy and among the other planet in the solar system.

The blue was not our favorite color, but after this view you would love a blue either the way he was as long as he reminded you of your home planet. The planet was moving so slowly that he would take time to see the difference when he did. The white part I guessed was no other than the clouds surrounding the surface of the planet. The spiral lines they form gave this explicit bright light as a bill in our hand when we were little. He took a little time to see the movement of my planet and the composition of his surroundings. Of course, the galaxy was empty with the dark color in the background of our world, but this rainbow of blue light surged from nowhere. The electricity form they possessed reminded you of the river sliding as it wanted in the middle of nothingness. Imagining the roulette of water traveling around the cosmos, wonders sure existed beyond our limited place in Milky Way.

The New Galaxy

"Not these flash again." I said at the moment it occurred as if it did not also.

"Wait, this was the way i got in this ship in the first place. Flash and zap I am here with you guys."

"It is our best way of transportation in our home planet and throughout the world and time."

"Time, do not tell me we can...”

"Of course, how do you think we know your father is close to discovering our most and unique powerful technology?" She said while watching behind her with suspicion.

"My father, how did..."

"Exline, enough, at your post before I change my mind for your next promotion. This useless being is unable to grasp the complexity and the vast of our galaxy. Wait, why are you still here?"

"You tell me because I left my home and my galaxy in the last flash." I responded with strength and anger in my voice.

"It seems you might be useful at some point. In the military, with some formation under my supervision. What do you say?"

"What do you promise me in return if I do it." I told him while turning my head toward the direction where my home was. Tears streamed down my face and the last thoughts that came to me filled my head with memories of my father and my family.

"Of course, you will be back to your home when the time is right and we are getting back to prevent your father from reaching us." The general concluded with his strong voice and certainty. He stood behind me and waited for my answer. I did not have much choice and time to think about his proposition.

"I accept."

"Sir, we have everything ready."

"I have to tell you because you are not one of us, you have to go through some changes. They are going to be permanent even when you return home."


"Alia, forget the second project, can we try the first project the doctor create at home?"

"Of course, it is at home and the risk is very high."

"What it means very high."

"No one has survived this project and we do not know what kind creature we might create if it succeeds."


"Good, captain change our course for home. We have a new candidate for the project."

"No flash this time."

"Not necessary because our home is in this galaxy. You can enjoy the view while we are traveling."


The countless new planets I saw through this trip helped me to understand better why father got obsessed with the universe mystery and the finding of new species. he was right to look for new life form being our limit on earth. Big, small, medium, connection, spaceship, bridge, weapons, and transport were present in the emptiness of space and with purpose as our own in our world. The spaceship I landed in after my flash with Alia was called The Bugolf. It was one of the great spaceships the species I met have ever created in their home world and the galaxy. I could confirm it with many more I saw while we were entering the galaxy with low speed.

"Since you are going to be in our planet for a while, you better learn of our costumes." Alia bent his arms toward his chest to press his watch technology and the landscape of a 3D format of the planet appeared with the entire minuscular thing you need to know. I followed his example and I pressed mine and figured the buttons. I could watch the streets, the cars and the building. We did not spend much time admiring the city because we were in a hurry to go find the doctor. We crossed the city and got straight to the lab. The spaceship parked at an over whole building spaced in the air and with the identification. The place around was deserted and the people who walked around had their white uniform of lab.

After we parked the ship over the entry of the lad, which was obvious from its color and its place, we got down and entered following one of the lab personal and I took my time to look around at that moment. We traveled through a long trail of machinery which transported us through the building. There were at least ten stations from what I counted. Each of these stations contained a numerous personal working at them, developing, and creating new tech for their own planet and galaxy. They were proud and enthusiasm to work and to greet the general as he walked with us to the professor lab after we left the car. While the general and the professor got loss in their discussion, I glanced behind the door to see one of the materials of a different planet. This beast held on five metal feet and an optical fortress in the middle. In a pressing of many buttons, the tractors started working without fail and produced the suits I was admiring. The speed and the precision of the making will tell you that this beast was alive and produced its children to kill us. The suits came from the optic fortress and counted into the place for the selection. The beast stopped for a moment to pause I figured then started over. My thoughts run to my home that can even make a proper broom. How are we going to develop our galaxy if we can’t even do it for our planet?


"Alia, I trusted you with our new recruit. Take care of him. When the preliminaries are done, I will come to pick up our new species."

"New species" The word got stuck in my head and I entered the lab door with Alia by my side.


The moment I opened my eyes I immediately felt the difference when I left my home to end up at this new galaxy with a new figure in my life. I stood up and the memories came back in full like a river and the sea has his border but it seemed that my head did not. I could practically remain calm to remember everyone I left behind without even a goodbye. I sat on the bed and this lady entered the room with a bag and a folder. I held my head for a moment with my right hand as to feel his containt. I assured myself I had still had my cerebrum. Then I stood up on my feet to dress up in front of this lady who did not flench to see me in all my glory.


"How do you feel boy?" Before she finished the sentence my eyes turned her with the fury of this new animal I knew by name and Lion was his baby. She felt my presence and my strength as I looked her more and more. Alia busted the door and plunged on me. I responded by taking him by the clothes and knocking him on the wall.

"You are killing her without knowing man." I fainted my eyes as I were going to close them and I threw Alia at the other side of the wall.

"He is perfect doctor and the project was a success."

"Not so fast, we have to know which he will choose until we can proceed with the next stage."

"How many days do we need?"

"Another 30 cycles."


I heard the steps went away through the wall and the glass which projected my image, my new form. I was the new species their galaxy has created throughout history, The New breed in the step of evolution.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.09.2015

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