
8 Ways To Stop Relentless Complaining


Mpho Bosupeng



















To complain is to raise your objections about something. We complain about almost everything. Some people will complain about the weather, a long queue, the government, the education system and family members. The list cannot be exhausted. The problem today is that we tend to complain too much and not do anything. I believe complaining and procrastination move parallel. If you complain and complain about something, you hardly want to roll up your sleeves and get it done right away. This is where procrastination sets in. Somebody who is a relentless grumbler hardly wants to do anything. All they do is spread their pessimism and tell us how impossible things are. Truthfully speaking, complaining is not entirely a bad act. For example if a wife complains about the husband spending less time with the family, is it unreasonable? Of course it is not irrational. It is reasonable to complain under that circumstance. However, what about people who whine about the weather, and the smell of coffee? You definitely have somebody in your life who always has something to whine about. It does not matter the occasion.

They will even go to the extent of complaining at funerals or even at a happy ceremony like a wedding. Personally I cannot stand such people. They are irritating and make life dull. It is like all they do is move around and spread their negativity. Under these circumstances I suggest you keep away from such people. Traditionally, the reason why people used to complain was to kick- start a conversation. People often believed that if I start a conversation with a complaint I will have problems just like other people and be able to fit in well with the masses. If I met you today at a bank, the first thing I may say is, “What a long queue, why can’t they work faster? I have a business meeting in 5 minutes”. You will probably smile at me and also throw in your load of complaints and say, “they always do this, don’t they ever learn?” I am positive that after these few exchange of words we will be best friends. The glitch is if you don’t complain and smile too much some will think you don’t have problems and everything is going smooth for you.

Besides, we also complain to size our problems. When we complain we also want to hear about your problems so that we can measure the magnitude of our complications. For example, I might say to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Mpho Bosupeng
Bildmaterialien: Mpho Bosupeng
Lektorat: Mpho Bosupeng
Übersetzung: Mpho Bosupeng
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.08.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-1035-1

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