

Xenia my Love

Written by: Mosses Nephi





13 Billion light years away in the fabled galaxy Cosmos Redshift 7 (CR7), on a planet named Nephi (Ne-Fi) one of 23 circling the Sun Star in a small solar system similar to our own. A young woman's future is written, choices will be made to procure the future of Nephi's populous.


Girls the age of five will be chosen, based on best genes and regenerative qualities of Nephi. Chosen by the Sextans of Higher Moral, a total of 500 girls will be taken via interplanetary transportation to the Planet Earth. The trip will be 5 years by Nephi standards, and five years back. In our terms here on Earth approximately twenty years.


The populous on Nephi has become unstable. Strange breeding issues have systematically produced genocide on the planet. Although the planet is strong, full of oxygen, plentiful and garden like. The people of Nephi struggle to grow enough food to feed the population. Even with Millions of years more advancements than here on Earth, feeding the population has become the biggest issue of survival.


A planet double in size of Earth, a garden with no deserts. How could this be? Here is what has happened!!


The Nephi are a tall species of human. So similar in fact that some people of Earth are direct offspring. A typical woman on Nephi is 6 foot 8 inches tall, thin and strong. Fat storage of the race is nonexistent, their skin is tight to the body like that of an athletic Stripper. Because of the higher gravity on Nephi the bones structure of the people has become lightweight and strong, similar in a strength to weight ratio as carbon fiber – yet definitely alive and tissue. She may be 6'8” tall full figured - meaning not skin and bones, but she only weighs about 100 lb. here on Earth. On Nephi, she weighs double from the gravity so about 200 lb.


The Women of Nephi are not the problem, it is the Men. The males reach 6'8” tall when they are 10 years of age or twenty here on Earth. Here's where their God made things tricky. On Nephi when a man breeds with a woman the bond is unbreakable like a Dove they only take one partner for life. The trouble is upon mating, a successful pregnancy starts a vicious and painful growing cycle in the males as they grow a foot taller in just a few weeks.


The men of Nephi in the past have reached heights of 30 foot. It became impossible to sustain such big humans. Through the years or millennia, laws have been put into place that restrict men to only 2 offsprings. So if a man is found to be 9'8” or taller he is sentenced to death. Death is almost immediate since there is no denying what he has done – the making of 3 offsprings. The genes don't lie, and to feed such a Big man seems nearly impossible. The population had risen to a staggering 30 billion on the United Planet of Nephi but is now only about 10 billion. You ask how the male could still have Coitus if he is so big – it's simple really, a males penis is 18 inches long and has the girth of a Coors Beer can when he is ten years of age. So the penis never gets any bigger, it's big enough even for a giant this is how they fornicate.


Even more complicated than just getting too Big upon successful Fornication. Size limiting the men has brought demise in the form of Warriors from other planets with similar growth issues, who's populous is small enough to sustain the Giant men. Nephi has been in great and constant battles since the genocide has begun. The loss of life from genocide, war, murdering the men with 3 offspring, and females that can no longer mate due to loss of their husbands and their incredible bond - has Nephi on a mission to make more offspring without making Giants that consume too much, and men that will break the bond and the women's hearts and spread the love.


Xenia (Z-ne-a) has been chosen along with 500 other girls from around the globe. Based on reproduction ability, physical fitness and a Myriad of other scenarios. Their families have been informed, provisions have been made, the Interstellar Vesicle leaves in three days time.


The journey will be too long to keep the mental stability of the girls and crew in favor. So a simplified Cryo sleep will be implemented every 100 Nephi days or 200 here on Earth. Between Cryo, sleeps will be intense studies of Earth and it inhabitants. The history of the Nephilim on Earth, Sexual Education. Topics on child birth. Explanations of why they have been chosen to save their race.


Even more data has been given to each girl on her chosen mate once they reach Earth. The Nephilim have sorted through a Million Earthling men who possess the blood of Nephilim. They have been broken down to 2500. Based on genetics that favor Nephi, academics, physical fitness and blood qualities that are not favorable as a human on Earth but mandatory for the offspring of Nephi.


Each girl has been given 5 choices, she can only pick one. Once she has decided the next part of her journey will be learning all about her mate. She will have only one chance to quickly seduce her chosen and put him into an unbreakable bond. Since the 500 chosen girls of Nephi could only be classified as the best and most beautiful, the Sextans feel they will have a 100% success rate of offspring.


The girls will be women and fertile when they arrive at Earth. Their wardrobes will consist of almost only seductive wear. The most slinky outfits, that only the most beautiful could even imagine wearing. They have learned the sight of pornography, temptation, and lust. There makeup so colorful and strong resembling engravings of Egyptians or the looks of Cleopatra has been laser tattooed to their faces. They will never be caught without makeup, 100 % beautiful 100% of the time.


So beautiful to start and now more stunning than ever. The women of Nephi would rank a 20 on a scale of 1-10. There bodies naturally athletic but sculpted with weights on their 10-year journey, these women are ready for business. Skin as tight as leotards, physical abilities that of our greatest athletes on Earth. Lightweight and bouncy, every mans dream here on Earth or on Nephi. They have had no connections with men on the entire journey, isolated from the men crew they are dripping with anticipation.




The interstellar vehicle has been plotting time travel or space-time bending courses since they departed Nephi. On a smaller vessel, the trip could be made in only a half a year Nephi time or even way less. But this much bigger vessel that holds 500 women and 500 more offsprings to go back has to be navigated more carefully through some continuum's. The vessel is approximately 2 miles long. In stories like a building, it would have 200 and the girth maybe half a mile wide. Designated the UNN LOFT (United Nephilim Nations - Light Obtrusion Fast Transport), it has never made the journey to Earth before, this is the maiden voyage. Nephilim have been traveling the heavens for millennia, stopping at Earth and other inhabitable planets for supplies, much like our pirate sailors did conquering our oceans in the past. The smaller ships in the UNN are on missions to every galaxy, these smaller vessels are able to travel much faster than the UNN LOFT. UNN vessels have quartz power supplies and ground to earth thrusters, anti-gravity systems along with cloaking technology.


But for traveling the heavens they use the LOFT system, developed over a million years ago it still is the fastest and safest form of travel for the universe. Other systems have come and gone, but the reliability of the LOFT outweighs it slower travel time and is the preferred choice.


Xenia explained to me once how the system worked, I was very intrigued and to say the least really didn't understand anything she said. Especially with all the crazy ass sexual tension that she demanded. The basic idea is the main computer system can lock on to a distant planet in a solar system even in another galaxy – up to 15 million light years away. Further than that and navigating the wharf in the time gap between the stars becomes to tedious. Then with crazy ass magic the LOFT bends time using the huge amount of quartz power, and the vessel only has to travel a short distance, about 5,000 earth miles. So each LOFT time warp only takes about a day. The problem is the vessel uses so much power bending space-time that it has to recharge for several days before the next jump.


From the windows, yes windows on the UNN LOFT, who knows what those are made of. You can see out, Xenia said when they jump the gap in space-time, that it looks like the vast wide open universe is compressed. Looks like water as if they are in the ocean when space is compressed or folded. The UNN Vessel has thrusters and can easily move 50,000 miles in a days time. Of course recharging and taking on quartz fuel when at fueling solar systems or stations. Anyway, no civilizations travel at Lightspeed or 100 times faster to conquer the heavens. All the fleets of vessels in the universe travel by bending light space and just move over a bit, relax space and start over.


Although some LOFT's can make a 13 Billion Lightyear journey in an Earth's month time, they must have a Mother Vessel to rebuild and make the LOFT safe for another mission. You can imagine it would be like a Hot Rod, destroying itself from the faster travel times and jumps – light or time bending. And carrying mandatory supplies for longer missions is not possible with the smaller faster vessels.


Quartz mines on key planets have to be in place to refuel the LOFT's. Just like traveling the oceans, run out of the wind and die, run out of quarts and die. So traveling the Heavens is not as easy as you think it would be for advanced races like the Nephilim, and it still takes 5 Nephi years to get to Earth. Of course the only reason to go back to Earth now was to pick up some good morphed Nephi genes to put men on Nephi who can produce hundreds or even thousands of offspring without turning into 30 foot Monsters. Every chosen girl from the Sextans will only produce a male child, it was in the sorting process along with all the other test that eliminated a billion choices.


We'll hopefully the morphed genes of the new boys allows them to not be bonded to a woman – or it will be all in vain. I'm guessing with the little bit of human man gene mounting every willing Nephi woman should be no problem. After all they say one man has enough sperm to populate the whole world, and probably horny enough to get it done if you live 500 years. Not to mention a man thinks about sex every 10 seconds or something ridiculous like that, women not so much.


So far so good. The food crops do well aboard ship. All 10,000 hands are holding up properly. As they should - a ten year Nephi trip is really no big deal when a Nephilim life span if not killed can reach 250 years or 500 years for an Earth man. The females have reached maturity some are Cryosleeping but not all at the same time, for comradely sakes. People need people for sanity.


During Cryosleeping the subjects / girls need attending. Some need more intravenous feeding than others. Robots pull each girl from the chamber each day to clean the bodily excretions and filth. For hygiene and health, no Cryo patient is unattended. Ultimately the girls share responsibility for each other, due as to one as you would want to be done to you. Some girls have been tested and found mentally stable enough to not do the Cryo sleep, but they share in taking care of the others. Cryo doesn't preserve your life or make you live longer, it makes the tremendous journey bearable.


We'll Cryo - it's not like the movies, jump in pushing a button and wake up 50 years later looking the same as when you went in. In the real world or universe, the body must consume and process, or it is dead. People, Nephilim and all other civilizations across the universe aren't frogs that can hibernate. If the vessel was smaller Cryo wouldn't be an issue. But sending 200 UNN fast vessels would never happen, they are needed for interplanetary War Tactics and keeping the peace.


So in two weeks time the girls will be escorted to their chosen Nephi Genes Earthling Mates, so all girls are awakened and prepped for Mating time. Good thing they woke them two weeks early, sometimes getting your shit together after Cryo is a long groggy process. We wouldn't want our stars to be slacking when it comes to loving time.


UNN LOFT pulls into its last jump and has been ordered to lock on to our planet Venus and make the orbit around the bright little star-like celestial. And so it's orbit is made. For transportation purposes, the UNN LOFT must dock behind planet Earths, Moon. Any further distance and beaming girls and their 8 foot Nephilim escorts would be far and dangerous.




And so it has begun each team 4 Nephilim Giants and a beautiful 10-year-old 6'8” Nephi woman are lined up in teams for transport. Because of the type of meetings that are about to happen each girl has the 4 bodyguards. Each Earthling mate will respond to the girls differently, so they must be safe.


If a chosen mate tries to refuse his Nephi Giant beauty he will be held down forcefully for Violent Coitus. I think ultimately the plan is to get the mates to accept the females instantly and for me it was absolutely no problem – I couldn't get her in the house fast enough. Of course a beautiful young 30-year-old woman showing any interest in an old beat up Mother Fucker like me, well I was right on it. Come on in Sugar Plumb Honey Baby...


She was 20 earth years, who would have known - she looked 30, but she was only 10 in Nephi. Turns out Nephilim start having intercourse at 6 or less, just like in the old days here on earth. People had to start families early, like 12 and 13-year-old mothers to populate the race. Not to mention we humans had a life expectancy of only 35 years of age 200 years ago.


So I meet Xenia for the first time. Don't know why I was even home that morning, I'm usually gone by 7 am or so. I'm guessing the Nephilim for lack of better words must have Cock Blocked me somehow – some telepathy crap. I was just lollygagging around the house, picking up, cleaning up and stuff. Probably brainwashed me, so the house wouldn't be so fucked up. Coincidence would have it my wife of 25 years quite me a little while back and I'm not tied down anymore. Even got the papers to prove it. But who am I kidding all men would cheat if they thought they could get away with it. Xenia is the Kind..Anyway, she always kept the house nice, unlike me I get sidetracked.


So as were talking at the kitchen counter, I noticed her accent and ask where it is from, she said a far away place. OK, small talk sucks anyways. Didn't want to pry. So what are you trying to sell me today? Nothing she says, “I have a sample for you, that you cannot turn down – it's free and it's me”. Now I'm freaking beautiful young girl like I've never seen in my life. So pretty almost makes my Dick shrivel up in fear. Must be something wrong, like what. Diseased, Aids, HIV some bullshit here not making sense. Feeling like I'm maybe being scammed or better yet about to be robbed, you just know a gun is coming from somewhere.

So I pull the curtain back on my front door, its a windowed tall door 8 foot high. I put the curtain there – well it was just there so it stays. I see 2 giant men standing like presidential bodyguards, hands behind back - long black ponytail hair down to their waist. Jesus Christ one more just showed up between those too like magic, what the fuck.. What the Fuck I say out loud, as Xenia approaches me. She puts her long fingers upon my shoulder when I notice she has 6 fingers. Freaks me out some more. Her hands aren't much longer than mine, very comparable in size to my own, she is very feminine and fragile looking. I see a little despair in her bedroom eyes, her voice is desperate when she softly speaks to me. She says a little bit of something and I interrupt her, “Shhh” she shushed me. I can't speak she is so pretty, so I listen. “Don't worry about those guys, they are my bodyguards. They will not harm you. I feel no fear with you. You are my soul mate and I have chosen you.” Her lips are only inches from mine, she smells wonderful a smell that in 46 years I have never faired before.


I'm putty, I got goose bumps – she softly kisses my lips. She tastes like Sweet Red Wine, she takes my hand and leads me to the Master Bedroom as if she new exactly where it was.


I feel short walking down the hallway, she's got to be 7 foot tall in those stilettos. I barely made 5'10”. I'm thinking probably gonna get some VD or HIV, but I'm also thinking at my age I cannot pass this once in a lifetime opportunity up. If I don't choke in the bedroom from fright of such beauty I'm definitely going to mount her and enjoy every minute of it. Not worried about getting her pregnant I had a vasectomy in my twenty's, 2 kids was enough expense for me and I hate wearing a Jimmy. I have a hard enough time making wood half the time anyway. That's probably why my wife wanted a younger man and moved on. Or maybe the lack of Wood being with her for 30 years, the same Piece of Ass. But probably the Drinking and Smoking and high blood sugar - fucking Diabetes...Or maybe all the Masturbation, I here that's not good for Wood with your partner, you know always blowing your wad without her, nothing more for her.


In fact if Xenia wants me to put a Condom on, if I had one at all, it would just ruin the moment and Wood anyway. She holds my hand when she sits down on the bed, she sits ladylike – legs together. Her skin is so fair and smooth, her legs the perfect tan. She has absolutely no body hair, no peach fuzz or anything – very fair skinned compared to my red wrinkled face - I've always disliked my face even though girls tell me I'm better looking than Cruise, fucking liars they just wanted my money, not that I have a bunch, just whatever I had. Off track... Back to the story.


So she pulls me by my hand and says “Come here sit next to me”. I do even though intimidated. Well, I notice Xenia's throat seems a little swollen like a Buck in Rut but not that big. She licks her lips a bit more than other women and her tongue seems a little further out when she does it. I don't think she actually doing it to be sexy, but every time she Licks Her Lips I get an overwhelming sensation in my pants. She is so very Sexy.. Xenia says “Lets cut the foreplay, I really want you to take me now” she is so straight forward, I like it - say what you want – I try to do that all the time.


She leans over to kiss me since she is so much taller than I. A French kiss right off the Bat, I'm so instantly aroused my Cock couldn't get any harder. Did I mention it was morning kinda early even. I'm liking this since I'm a morning person, always get my best Wood and Orgasms in the morning.


I start off easy, I feel she has no experience almost getting soft here, got to stop that. She wants me and she knows what she's doing. Take it, and give nothing back- no regrets. I caress her breast they are so firm and round, young is beautiful. The moment escalates and we kiss with more authority, she pushes her tongue deep into my mouth, the deepest any woman ever has. Very Sexy, I can't remember my Cock ever being so hard so fast in my life, exhilarating. She breathes harder and I start to lift her slinky skirt, I have goose bumps like when I was a kid for the first time being caressed by a woman.

Her body is beautiful, young and tight skin like silk – I throw her slinky white skirt to the floor. I stand up and remove my shirt – I'm not shy, I work out a little, keep thin and get a little sun. My pants drop to the floor after getting


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.02.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-3980-2

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I have written 3 more books in sequence for Xenia. To be released should there be any demand.

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