
The Beginning

Isabelle stomped her Louis Vutton heel into the shiny wooden floors of her parents den.
“Mom this isn’t fair!”
Maybe if she fought hard enough she could convince her parents, or more like her mother, against this.... dilemma.
“No this final. I’m sorry, but we already told Jake’s parents.” Her mother told her sternly.
“Daddy?!” She pouted at him with her big green eyes.
Yeah she was ‘Daddy’s little princess’ and maybe a wee bit spoiled, but who said a little money ever changed anything?
“Not going to work this time sweetheart. You’re mother’s decision is non- negotiable.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead.
She pouted slightly and bit down on her lip.“Why are you making me do this Ma? I don’t even know who this ‘Ms. Paxton is!” Her mother rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic sigh.
“We told you already, Ms. Paxton is a friend of both Jake's mother and I..”
Back in college Lorena, her mother’s best friend, and her mother herself, had become very close with some old lady. How exactly two college girls became all buddy buddy with some old cat lady and actually managed to maintain a friendship for all those years Isobella just didn't know. she doubted that the old hag even knew what texting was let alone how work a cell phone.
“So? Why can’t you guys go?” It didn’t make sense. her mother hadn't ever mentioned her ‘close friend miss Paxton’ before.
“Sweetie you know both your father and I love you very much. But we’ve been through this numerous times now!”
Her mother was frustrated and anyone within a mile away could see that. Her hair was a mess and her eyes looked dull and tired. Meaning to say, not her typical mother. The one obsessed with perfection, and self image.
“I know Ma, but this still isn’t fair.”
Her mind was pleading that her mom would give in. But it was no use.
“Isabelle! This isn’t up for discussion! Jake’s driving, so it’s not like you have much to do anyways.”
Isabelle’s eyes widened.
“Wait what?!” She knew her mother couldn't be serious.
“Jake’s driving?” Her mom said cautiously and slightly confused.
“Why does he get to drive? Why can’t I? Why is HE even coming on this trip? Why am I going on this trip? How come he can’t go alone?” She could hear her voice starting to rise with each word.
She hated him. Honestly, she’d rather put a fire out with her face then go on the stupid trip.
“Isabelle! Why are you being such a drama queen!” Her mother seethed. “ I’m sure Mrs. Ace wouldn’t want her son going across the country alone! And neither do I. So, you can either start packing now, get over this fit you’re having or you can sit there,” she said pointing a corner of the room. “So have fun sweetie!” Her mother smilied sarcasticaly
Her father cut in. “I think what your mother means is that well.... ummm.... you...” He was lost for words. Clueless on how to help the situation.
“Henry please! I meant what I said!”
Isabelle’s POV
I threw my shoes into my open suitcase.
Ugh this was so unfair! I mean I thought they loved me!! Ok, I was being a bit of a drama queen but still, this was Jake Ace we were talking about. Now you’re probably wondering who was this Jake Ace person right?
Jake Ace was a Grade A Jackass. He treated girls like objects and had no morals. At one point you could actually say that we were friends, best friends even. But then he just changed sometime around fifth grade he stopped wearing superman shorts and bedsheets as capes. His once soft blue eyes turned cold and hard, it was like he was a different person. But whatever, it’s not like that matters anyways, he hates me I hate him and thats just life.
I jumped on my king sized bed, rubbed my hand along the soft purple comforter and looked around my large room.
I don’t wanna go on this trip! It was summer, all I wanted to do was hang with my friends, tan, go to the beach! But my stupid mother had to ruin it all.
“I don’t hear packing up their!” My annoying mother called up.! “stop procrastinating and get to work. You leave in less than twelve hours!”
I looked over at the suitcase next to me and sighed. New york to California , Yay! Note the sarcasm in my voice. How long could that possibly take by car, 3-4 days max right?
“Mom!” I called down.
“What?” She yelled half concerned half annoyed.
“How much should I pack for?”
“How long should I pack for? Do you think 4 days is ok?”
“Oh, I would pack longer than that, it could take up to a week just to get there and have you forgotten that you’re spending the whole summer there? That’s two and a half months!”
Shit really that long?
“Hey watch your language missy!”
Did I just think out loud?
“Yes, yes you did! Now get packing!”
I walked to my closet and took everything i could grab off the hangers and laid them on my bed. I looked at the massive pile on my bed and grabbed the remaining clothes out of the closet. This seems good enough, besides you can never be too repaired.
Hmm what else do I need to bring?
I turned my head and noticed a checklist on my nightstand. Typical. Thanks mom.
Roadtrip Checklist:

Money (We will give you $2500, $1000 in cash and the rest will be put in the bank)
Body Wash
Hair Brush

Thought I’d give you a list of the basic things you will need while away. Your phone can only make calls to me or Jake’s parents. I have done this so there are no distractions. And when I said basic I meant all you may bring with you. I will check your bags if I have to.

She is such a control freak!
I sighed loudly again and slowly packed away all of the things I needed. Remembering to keep an outfit out for the morning and also bring my gym back which held pj’s for tomorrow, a wallet that will soon hold some of the money they would give me and my phone.
I closed the suitcase carefully and slipped out of my clothes throwing on my silk nightgown I realized this would be the last time I’d get to sleep in my bed for a while. That didn't stop me from falling asleep instantly.
I woke up to the sound of beeping. It was my alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time. 6:00?!
My mom wandered into my room. i pretended to be sleeping,
“Oh good you’re up. Come down stairs when you’re ready. Jake will be here in a half an hour and please don’t keep him waiting.” damit!
I sighed and slowly got out of bed. Going into the bathroom I washed my face and brushed my hair, I slipped on my clothes and went down stairs.
“Morning Daddy, Mom.”
My dad kissed my forehead said good morning and went back to drinking his coffee. On the other hand my mother was standing there with an envelope in her hand. I looked inside to find the cash she had promised me.
“Thanks Mom.”
“No problem. Jake and his mother should be here any minute.” My Dad looked at his watch and gulped down the rest of his coffee.
“There’s an early meeting and I can’t be late.” He hugged me tight. “I’ll miss you princess.”
“I’ll miss you too Daddy!”
I sat down at the island when I heard the doorbell ring. My mother squealed in happiness. Weird.
“Hi Lorena!” Hi Jake!” She is way too cheerful for 6:30 in the morning. I heard Jake mumble a grumble of hello and walk inside. well someone's not a morning person.
“‘Hey Jake.” I said ‘confidently.
“Whatever. Where are your bags.” I pointed upstairs. “Don’t forget them, I’ll meet you in the car.”
“Honey, you look gorgeous!” I looked up to see a smiling Lorena. She hugged me tight. “You look great!”
I looked down. I was wearing dark short denim shorts, a tight black v-neck to show a little cleavage and a pair of black stilettos. Meaning to say, I looked hot.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
“Where’s Jake.” My mother asked.’
“In the car.”
“Did he take your bags?”
“No he told me not to forget them, then left.”
She laughed and I glared at her.
“Oh, you’re serious.”
“Yes mother.”
I made my way upstairs grabbed my bags and went to the car. when I opened the car door i noticed a scowling Jake,
“Look, I don’t like this as much as you do, but we have to live with it.”
“Yeah whatever.” We sat in an awkward silence and waited for the parents to come out.

Inside the confines of the house Mrs. Ace and Frechtte squealed with happiness.
“Do you think it’s going to work?” Mrs. Frechette asked.
“I hope so!” Mrs. Ace squealed back.
“Are you sure you put the wrong maps in the glove box?”
“Yup! The ‘one’s from 1979 right?”
They high fived.
Both women were positive that this was going to be great. As far as they were concerned their kids were perfect for eachother they just needed a chance to know that. So the women had sent them in complete circles for a woman that doesn’t even exist!
“We are so bad,” .

Day One

Jake’s POV
Ugh the last thing I wanted to hear was that my mom was shipping me across the country with Isabelle! It’s not like we’re on good terms or anything and I was supposed to spend my summer with the boys’ down in Colorado! I turned the radio up and cringed as I heard “Boyfriend,” by Justin Beiber. I was about to change it when the bitch herself whined.
“Oh my gosh! I love this song!” She bobbed her head to the song and I shook my head with disgust. I reached over and changed it over to a more suitable station. Nickleback came on. Mmmmm, much better.
She grabbed the dial and switched it back. Umm I don’t think so. I changed it again. She was going to change it back when i couldn’t take it anymore.
“Enough! Jesus christ, you will listen to what I listen to when I want to listen to it.”
She looked slightly taken about at my sudden outburst, but quickly redeemed herself.
“You should see a doctor about that.”
“Excuse me?”
“Anger and yelling causes premature wrinkles. Do you want to be a bald old guy at 23?”
“I’m just saying, it would be a little hard if you wanted to ‘score some’ looking like my grandpa.”
“Dude, just shut up.”
She smirked to herself. “Nah I’m good.”
I groaned internally and sighed. What time is it? I looked down at my watch. 8:45. I haven’t even been in the car that long and I already want to kill her!
“Why do you have to be so annoying?” I actually was quite curious.
“I’m annoying? I don’t think so Jack.”
“My name is Jake.”
“Yeah I know.” I groaned again.
“This is what I’m talking about when I say annoying. Like seriously, is it a hobby?” I looked over at her and she had an amused gleam in her eyes. They quickly turned into fear.
“What’s wrong?”
“‘Watch the road will you!?”
“What?” I turned my attention back to the road. Holy Shit! I swerved the car back to the right side of the street and let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “Are you ok?”
“Do I look ok? You nearly killed us both!”
“Calm down, nothing happened.”
She huffed and slumped down in her seat. Oh boy this is going to be a long trip.

Isabelle’s POV
The nerve of him. I nearly died and he thinks it’s no big deal? He is such a jerk. I slumped further into my seat. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and sighed. At least he’s hot, I could be stuck with worse. Nick Pasquini flashed through my eyes and my body shuddered. Ew, just ew. I turned my attention back to Jake and saw his jaw clenched. Why is he always so tense?
“I don’t know why I’m tense. I’m just frustrated.” He said smoothly.
Did I just think out loud again? Damn I should really try to do something about that.
“Yeah you should. You’re weird enough as it is.” His mouth was turned up in an amused smirk. Bastard. I punched him in the arm and let out a please chuckle when he let out a girly scream.
“‘What the hell was that for.”
I shrugged. “Nothing in particular.’”
“Hehe thanks.”
He turned his head towards me again and gave me a weird look. “Are you being sarcastic, cause if you are, ‘you suck at it.”
“No, I’m being serious.”
His look became more bewildered. I sighed. “Well you see, a bitch is a female dog, a dog barks, bark is on trees yada yada yada. Ever heard that saying before?”
“You really ARE weird.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
He rolled his eyes, when we saw a gas station coming up.
“Wanna stop? There might not be another one for a while.”
“Sure.” He pulled in and started to fill up the tank.
“Want anything? I’m going to go inside.”
“Uh, an iced tea would be nice.”
I nodded and went inside. I looked around the medium sized store and looked for the twizzlers. I love twizzlers. I grabbed a couple bags, some gum, Jake’s iced tea, and a water for me and went to go pay when I saw a familiar face.
“Sean?” The familiar boy looked up and bloodshot green eyes stared at me.
“Iz?” He asked with disbelief.
“”Oh my gosh! What are you doing here. It’s been like a year since I’ve seen you! How are you?!”’
We hugged and he checked me out. “Good, better now that I’ve seen you. You look hot!”
I payed no attention to my ex boyfriends slight slur. He’s probably drunk, like he always was, back when we dated.
“Thanks, but I have to go pay for this.”
“I own this place. It’s on me.” He gave me a sloppy smile.
“Oh, well it was nice seeing you Sean. I’ve better be going.”
I turned and started to walk away when I was pulled into a hard chest. “You’re not getting away that easy. It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten any pussy.” I gagged as I smelt the alcohol on his breath.
“Let me go.” I struggled against his embrace. “You’re hurting me!”
He bit my ear and started gripping my body. “I don’t think so. You know this is why I broke up with you. Because of all this I’m not ready for sex shit. It was complete bull. So now I can get what I want and no one can stop me.” He laughed evilly in my ear and I felt a lump in my throat form. I struggled against him more and felt all of my things drop. He pushed me into the wall and started kissing me.
I felt my body freeze as he started lifting up my shirt. The tears were spilling down my face and I continued squirming trying to get away.
“What the hell is going on here?!” The voice sounded familiar, and I felt Sean freeze to look at who it was.
“Go away jackass.”
“Help me!””
His eyes turned hard and he lunged for Sean. “What kind of sick person are you?”
“Get off of me you freak!” He was silenced by Jake’s fist as he fell unconscious.
‘I stared at Sean in shock. And felt a warm pair of arms wrap around me. I tensed slightly then looked up at Jake.
“Are you ok?”’
“‘I’ve been better.” I responded trying to lighten the mood. He let out a forced chuckle and grabbed the things from the floor.
“Come on. We have a full tank and should be good for a while. Lets get out of here.” I nodded in agreement and walked towards the car.
“Thanks by the way.”
“For what?”
“You know, saving me.”
“Don’t mention it.”
I gave him a slight smile and stared out the window.
“Hey can you tell what to do after Hudson St.?”
I reached into the glove box. “Stay straight to go onto Hudson St/Holland Tunnel. Continue to follow Holland Tunnel (Crossing into New Jersey). 2.0 mi.”
“Cool thanks, It’s like 10:00am. Do you want to find something for lunch in a little bit? Then later we’ll find a hotel?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
So far the trip hasn’t been too bad. We’ve been civil at least. I started humming to a Paramore song that was currently playing on the radio.
“You like Paramore?” He asked interested.
“Yeah, of course. Why?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Just didn’t peg you for a Paramore fan.”
I shrugged at him back. The traffic was ‘moving fine until we got in the tunnel. The traffic was ridiculous.
“Damnit!” He seemed slightly agitated.
“I really need to take a piss!”
I smirked at him. “Sucks for you!”
“You shouldn’t have drank all of that iced tea!”
“Now you tell me!”
“How bad do you have to go?”
His hand was pressed against his crotch and his leg was bouncing. Hehe.
“This is not funny!”
I bit my lip to hold back a laugh. “Oh, but it is!”
He glared at me and continued bouncing.
“HONK HONK HONK!” His horn blared.
“Will you stop?”
“Umm no. I have to pee!”
Slowly the traffic started moving. It wasn’t until 10 more minutes of bouncing that we got out of the tunnel.
“Fuck it!” He said under his breath.
“Fuck what?”
The tires screeched and he pulled the car over to the shoulder. He got out of the car and ran to the grass area.
He is not going to pee here!
“Watch me! Ahhhh!” He let out a sound of relief.
You heard the sound of a trickle and I let out a sound of disgust. He finished his business and climbed in the car when we heard the sound of sirens.
“Shit!” He yelled as he banged his hand against the steering wheel. A police officer walked towards the car.
“Excuse me sir, license and registration please.”
He reached over me and handed the cop the information. The officer returned to his vehicle. I stared at him.
“Nothing.” I grabbed a twizzler from the bag and started chomping on it.
“Can you please be more quiet?”
“Nope.” I said popping the p. I only continued eating the twizzler, only more loudly. He groaned and grabbed my twizzler and threw it out the window.
“Gasp!” I glared at him and grabbed another twizzler.
“WIll you please stop!?”
“No.” I said simply. He grabbed the whole bag of twizzlers and threw them out the window just as the police officer came back.
“Mr. Ace, I am going to have to give you two tickets. One for urinating in public, and one for littering. You will have til the end of september to pay them back.”
He nodded and sighed. He handed me one of the tickets.
“‘What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Pay it.” He said with a duh tone.
“Because you and you’re stupid twizzlers!”
“I didn’t make you throw them out the window!” Ugh, how dare he do that?
“Uh, yes you did.”
“Whatever. Can we just get going. I’m famished and now have nothing to eat because of you!” I looked down at the ticket. $450??! Is he serious? Damn asshole!
“Sure drama queen. What do I do now?”
“Uh, Holland Tunnel becomes 14th St. Continue on that for 0.3mi. then, Take RT-139 W for 1.2 mi.”
“Okay. Keep a lookout for somewhere to eat.”
We continued driving on 14th St. when I saw a Diner up ahead.
“Hey look, there’s something called ‘Tunnel Diner!”
“Wanna try it?”
I shrugged. I was starving and it looked like our only option for now. “Okay.”
He pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. We locked it and we made our way inside.
“Come on, hurry up.”
I rolled my eyes at him. We were greeted by a young waitress who was shamelessly checking him out. I cleared my throat.
She scanned me over and rolled her eyes. “How may I help you?” She asked us. Or more like Jake.
“A table for two please.”
“Of course come right this way.”
She swayed her hips in an attempt to look sexy and failed miserably. We sat down at a small booth and looked over the menus.
“I think I’m going to get a BLT.” I told him.
He looked up at me and nodded. “I think I’m going to get the deluxe hamburger.”
“Cool sounds good.”
The same waitress from before came up. This time with her shorts noticeably shorter and shirt noticeably lower.
“‘Hey,” she addressed just Jake. Bitch. “I’m bethany and I’ll be serving you in any way you like today.” She bit her lip and looked down at him through her fake lashes.
Sorry maybe that’s too nice. Slut is more like it.
Jake choked on his water and let out a chuckle. Bethany narrowed her eyes at me and I glanced at her innocently. Wow, this thinking out loud thing is really getting out of hand.
“So sexy,” addressing Jake again once more, “Can I get you anything? Anything at all,” She asked winking.
He blatantly ignored her. “Yeah we’ll have two diet cokes, one BLT and one Deluxe Hamburger, no tomato, and fries well done. Thanks.”
She let out a slight huff and walked away. Jake stared at me accusingly.
“Is the oh so great Isabelle jealous?” He asked jokingly.
“What? Me jealous of you? Haha no. No why would I be jealous of you?” I laughed nervously.
“Okay...” he said in a singsong voice.
Bethany, our slutty waitress came over once again with our drinks. She placed mine in front of me and started to place his down when her hand knocked my drink all over me.
“Oops.” She said bitchly.
“Can I get you anything?”
Jake spoke up. “Yeah, I’d like something.”
“Yeah, anything for you baby.” She said winking.
He smirked evilly. “A new waitress please.” She gasped slightly.
“Now please.”
She stomped away. “Hey can I have the keys? I wanna grab some clothes to change into.”
“Sure.”: He threw them at me.
I got up and ran to the car. I unlocked it and searched in the back for the right suitcase. I finally found it and grabbed some black booty shorts and a white t-shirt and some black vans.
I locked the door and went straight towards the bathroom and changed immediately and shoved the wet clothes into my bag.
I walked towards the table and saw the waitress almost on top of Jake and gasped. Jake looked extremely uncomfortable and looked as if he was trying to push her off of him. I grabbed the bitch by her extensions and yanked her away.
“You ugly bitch!” She yelled at me.
“Jake go get a supervisor I yelled at him.
He nodded and quickly scurried away. I heard him talking to an older sounding man just and saw them approach just as she slapped me.
“Bethany!” The owner I presume gasped.
“Get out of my Diner immediately!” She glared at me and threw her apron down.
“Fine by me!” She yelled. “I quit!”
I stared wide eyed at what just happened and rubbed my sore cheek.
“I am so sorry.” THe owner frantically said. “Please let me get you your dinner, no charge.”
Jake smiled at him and we took our seats once more.
“That bitch was crazy!” He exclaimed.
“You think?”
“This has been one crazy day! You want to try to find a hotel after this... I’m kinda tired and this just made this worse.”
‘“Yeah sounds good.”’ I was in deep thought when Jake interrupted me.
“What ya thinking about?”
“Nothing, just that this has been the most eventful day I think that I have ever had.”
“Agreed” he replied.
Just as he said that the food appeared in front of us. My stomach grumbled and Jake let out a chuckle. I glared at him and dug into my BLT. It was okay.
:How’s your burger.”
“Great! Yours?”
“Yeah it’s good.”
He smiled and we quickly finished our lunch in silence.
“Ready to go?” I asked him.
The owner appeared once again to say sorry and to have a safe trip. We left and climbed in the car. I sighed.
“Now to a hotel.” I said in relief. It had been such a tiring day. We had been driving on Take RT-139 W for a few minutes when off Washington Blvd. I noticed a motel.
“Hey Jake, turn here. I think I see a hotel.”
He turned on his blinker until “Starwood Hotels,” came into view. He nodded in acceptance and parked the car. We grabbed our bags and headed to the front desk’. Sitting their was an old sick looking man.
:Um hi,” Jake spoke up. “I’d like a room with two single beds.”
“Not available, sorry.”
“What is available?”
“‘One room, with a queen sized bed.”
“Okay we’ll take it.”
“What?” I asked.
“That’s all they have!”
“I don’t want to share a bed with you!”
“Trust me the feelings mutual. But honestly we don’t have a choice right now.’”
The old guy smirked at us. “Oh, young love.”
“Oh we’re not,” I stuttered.
“That’s what they all say.” he winked.
“I guess we’ll take it then.” I told him. “How much?”
“200 per night including tax.”
I handed him some cash from my wallet. And he handed me the key.
Oh how this would be an interesting night.
Hello :)
I am quite proud with this this chapter because it’s the longest I’ve ever written. :)
BTW: Everything written is valid. The Diner, the hotel, the streets, the directions, everything. I used MapQuest :P
Anyways, yeah...
SO yeah Comment Heart Friend Request Send me a note! :)
Gabby :)

Day One Pt.2

Isabelle’s POV
Ugh, this is place is pretty disgusting. I continued tugging all the suitcases to the room and stopped to take a breath.
“‘Are you going to help me?!” I said still panting.
He looked at me blankly and kept walking.
“Uhh, hellooooo.”
“What?” He snapped.
“Nevermind Mr. Grumpy. Do we need to get you ‘some tampons or something?”
He ignored me again. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. How much farther can this room possibly be? 10 minutes later we were still walking around aimlessly.
“Jake do you even know where our room is?”
He looked at me slightly guilty then turned away. ‘No, I know where it is.”’
Oh he did not just lie to me. I dropped the bags and sped up to where he was and grabbed his ear and started pulling him.
“Ow ow ow ow OW!” He screamed.
“Give me the damn room key, help me with these bags or so help me god I will chop your balls and sell them to a hobo!”
“Ok!” I pulled harder.
“Ok what?”
“I’ll help with the bags, OW, and give you the room key!”
I smiled at him sweetly and let go. He glared at me and clutched his ear. He picked up the two heaviest bags and started to walk away. I just stood there with a hand on my hip and cleared my throat. He turned around slightly annoyed and confused. I stuck my hand out waiting to receive the key but instead got a high five.
“Um, hello!”
“What?” he asked innocently.
“The room key you butt!”
“Butt?” he smirked. God he is so immature. I rolled my eyes and finally felt’ the card in my hand. I looked down.
“Room number 312?’”
“Look around! We’re obviously not in the right area!” I pointed to a door sign with a number six. He sighed.
“I’m sorry okay?”
I paid attention to the signs and saw our room coming up. Jake ran ahead and leaned against the door frame.
“Why’d it take you so long to get here slowpoke?”
My mouth fell open and I started to stutter. “But- But- But....”
“Close your mouth. You might catch a fly.” He winked then stole the key from my hand and opened the door.
He he is such a dick!
“Oh and I’m immature?” He asked amused.
“Wow, I REALLY need to stop doing that!”
He flopped on the bed and threw the luggage on the ground. “Please have wifi, please have wifi, please have wifi.” he begged. He withdrew his laptop from a backpack and powered it on. “Yes!”
“Why do you need wifi.”
“None of your business. He quickly typed something. “Do you have a piece of paper?”
“Uh yeah.” I grabbed a notebook out of my purse and gave it to him. He scribbled something down and hopped up.
“Where are you going?” I asked him curiously.
“Nowhere. Stay here and don’t answer the door.”
‘“Hey you can’t just leave!”
“Watch me.” He quickly turned on his heel and fled the room. Great.

Jake’s “POV
She can’t know I’m going to do this. It would be mortifying! Well not mortifying, just well you know... embarrassing. Not that there’s anything wrong with what I’m doing.Teenage boys go there all the time as a way to have fun. I think the best part of it all is the costumes, especially the ladies.
I ran a hand through my short brown hair, and went to the front desk. This time a younger man, in about his mid 40’s was there.
“Hi, um sir?”
“What,” the crabby man snapped.
“I’m in room 312. If some girl comes down looking for me, tell her to go back upstairs, and that I’ll be in bed in a little bit”
He raised his eyebrows and winked. “Sure I’ll get right on that.”
I nodded thankfully and ran to the car and took off.

Isabelle’s POV
That stupid ass! He just left me here alone?! Wait, he left me here ALONE! Woohoo, party up in here! Let me just text my friends with my... oh, yeah... I laid against the headboard of the bed and sighed. Wow, my life really sucks. I got up and stretched my legs. What to do, what to do? I looked in the nightstand and noticed some small welcome pamphlets.
Just as I thought, nothing remotely interesting.
I opened the door and traveled outside. I peered over the banister and saw a new man at the front desk. Hmm, maybe he could interest me. I ran down the steps and rang the little bell on his desk a bunch of times. Hehe. It made a funny sound.
“Hello Mr. Man!” I exclaimed loudly, earning a few glares from some passing people.
“Mr. Man?” He asked bewildered.
“Yes!” I bit down on my lip, trying to think of stuff to say. This guy was boring me.
“How am I boring you?”
“I’m sorry?” Poor guy. I bit down on my lip again noticeably frustrated. “Oh! Are you staying in room 312?”
“With Jake Ace?”
“Yes! Do you know where he is? Please say you know where the jerk went. I mean you would think that he would stay with you, right? But no, he runs off to god know where leaving you with no car, and not even a working phone!” I sighed loudly and rubbed my eyes.
“I can’t help you to much. But I may be able to tell you where he went.”
“Really?! Where?”
He quickly scribbled an address down. “‘It’s only around the corner. You should be able to walk.”
I smiled and mumbled a thanks. Now to find him.
I opened the door and noticed it was starting to get dark and shrugged. Whatever, it’s not like it should take that long.
I followed the different streets until I came across a very overlit building. AAA Playmates?! He went to a strip club? Wouldn’t it be funny if he was one of the strippers. I started to laugh when the mental picture flew through my mind. Ew, nevermind.
I went up to the door and was about to open it when a big dude opened it for me, causing me to trip forward. Whoops.
He looked me over and a look of relief flashed through his eyes.
“Oh good you’re here.” What? He dragged me by my arm towards the back into a small room that resembled a dressing room. Everything then finally clicked.
“Oh no! I’m not a performer! I came here looking for my friend!”
“I don’t care. You’re on in five minutes. Don’t make me bring out little Tony.”’
“Don’t ask questions, just get ready already.”
“But really I’m only-” He cut me off
“Like I said, I really don’t give a shit.” With that he stormed away.
Yeah right, like I’m staying here. I looked underneath the door and didn’t see any signs of feet, so I quietly opened the door and attempted to sneak out. Attempted being the keyword here.
As soon as I got out of the room, I was grabbed and thrown back in. Do men have any feelings at all anymore? I heard something being jammed against the door and tried to open it when I found it was wedged stuck.
“You’re not coming out of this room till you’re ready. And don’t even try to escape. I’ll grab you by your hair and dress you myself if that what it takes to get you out on that stage!”
I guess they don’t. But what am I supposed to dress in? I looked down and saw I was just wearing some shorts and a t-shirt.
“An ugly T-shirt if I may add! The clothes are next to you and stop talking to yourself. It’s creeping me out!”
I scowled. Shit. I rolled my eyes and looked at the costume.
“Are you kidding me?!” I yelled.
“Nope. Now suck it up and put it on.”
The thing was hideous. It was a blue corset, with a ridiculously short pink frilly thing. Like seriously it was a thing. Not a skirt, a thing. It barely covered the top of my ass!. Anyways, there was also this tiny black thong with these weird stockings. Garters I think there called? Whatever. Who cares?
“I care! Now hurry up!”
“I’m done already you idiot. Now let’s get this over with so I can find my friend!”
He looked my body up and down and licked his lips.
“Dude! Ew gross.” I pushed him away and ran in the direction the arrows were pointing. I finally got to an area filled with poorly dressed girls when I was pulled by someone. I squinted my not believing my eyes.
“What the fuck? Iz?” Janie was an old friend of my Moms. And when I say old I mean OLD. She had to be at least 50, probably older!
“Who do you think you’re calling old? For your information missy, I have spent over $5,000 dollars for botox!”
“How is that a good thing?”
“Excuse me?” He voice seethed with anger.
“Well spending that much money for botox just proves you’re old. I mean how many wrinkles are you hiding grandma?” Ok, maybe I pushed it a little too far with the last comment, especially after I noticed her raising her hand, looking as if she was about to slap me. I closed my eyes waiting for the worst when a voice rang through my ears.
“Okay gentlemen, are you ready to see AAA Playmates early 3:00 showing? You know we offer nothing but the best girls around!”
We heard a bunch of cheers when all of the sudden the evil dude who locked me in the dressing room showed up and started pushing me on stage. I glared at him, but he paid no attention. I froze as I felt the lights hit me. The stage was long and close to the ground making it easy for guys to grab you, with 5 long shiny, silver poles and purple lights. It was pretty, I guess, in the sort of, ‘I’m going to be dancing seductively on a pole and try to give you boners so I get money’ kind of way.
I attempted to walk like the girls in the movies do, but I ended up tripping and landing on a pole instead. Great, just my luck.
“Ohh yeah baby! Mmm, dance on that pole, dance on that pole real good!”’ I heard someone scream. I made a face but hid it by turning my back towards the crowd.
“Woah and look at that ass!.” Pig. I attempted to ignore him and tried to scan the crowd to look for Jake. I searched every single person in the room, but there was no sign of him! I finally gave up and realized how weird I probably looked just standing there staring.
I looked at the other girls around me and tried to mimic the the thing she was doing on the pole. How hard could it be? I jumped on it and immediately slid down.
Obviously hard.
Well that idea’s out of the question. I looked over my shoulder again and noticed that some girls where by the edge. I strutted to the edge. I turned around awkwardly when I felt a pair of hands on my ass.
I looked down and saw the guy from the front desk in front of me. “What the fuck?” I yelled angrily at him.
He ignored me and kept grabbing my body. He even shoved a $100 dollar bill down my top. I struggled to get him off of me when my hand brushed by something on my thigh. I looked down and noticed a whip? When did that get there? Whatever, who cares. I grabbed him and started whipping him to get away.
“Ow, ow, ow! Stop!” I paid him no attention and ran away off the stage.
Just as I thought I was close to my freedom, the stupid big bouncer guy grabbed me again!
“I don’t think so princess.” He whispered into my ear.
I thrashed myself against him and starting hitting him with the whip as hard as I could.
“Fuck! You crazy bitch!” I started sprinting to find an exit when he called after me. “Come back here!”
I ignored him, and the pain that these stupid shoes were giving me until I was safely outside. I sighed and quickly regained my breath.
I walked in circles, not sure what to do. I sighed and convinced myself to go back to the hotel. To bad it’s dark now and I couldn’t see a thing. I sighed once more and started walking from the direction, when I saw a light come on and a door open followed by a familiar voice.
“Thanks so much David!” I strained my vision to see Jake standing there with a stupid grin on his face.
His body turned around confused.”What?”
“Jake! It’s me Isabelle!”
He quickly muttered something to the David guy and ran over to me.
‘ “What the fuck are you doing here?” His face was filled with anger.
“Well, its a long story...” His eyes scanned over my body and his mouth gaped open.
“‘And what the fuck are you wearing?!”
“Would you believe me if I told you I had no idea.” He looked over at me again and shook his head.
“Yeah, I would believe you.”
“Good, because I have NO idea what the flipping chicken nuggets I’m wearing. This front desk guy gave me directions here telling me you were here. So I went inside and this big dude
thought I was a performer, and made me were this. And then I had to keep whipping people!”
“Whipping people? Strip club? What?”
“I don’t know! I just want to get back to the hotel!” He nodded and started to grab the key from his pocket when huge bright lights were flashed at us.
“Stop right there! This is the New Jersey State police, put your hands up in the air please.” A cop screamed into a megaphone.
My heart sank from my chest. “You two are under arrest for prostitution. You will be held in custody, until bail.”
I bit down on my lip. “How much is bail sir?
“$1,000 dollars.”
I reached into my shoe and grabbed the cash. I counted it quickly before handing it the cop.” It’s $1,000 cash sir.” I frowned. That was all the cash my mom gave me. And now it’s gone.
Good thing I have a bank account.
Jake spoke up for the first time. “Listen sir, we’re on a roadtrip and my friend here went looking for me. Everything is just a big misunderstanding.”
He glared at us and stuck the money in his breast pocket, before returning to his car and driving away.
I looked over at Jake. “Well, ok then.”
He rolled his eyes and unlocked the car and hopped in.
“Are you coming or not?”
I nodded quickly and jumped in. The last thing I remember was putting on my seatbelt before falling into a dreamless sleep.

Day. 2

Isabelle’s POV
“Dude…… dude…… dude….. BITCH!” I slowly opened my eyes to see who would possibly of woken me up so rudely. I rubbed one eye to make my blurry vision clear and glared at the dick wad in front of me.
“What the fuck could you possibly want at…” I looked at the small digital clock on the nightstand next to my bed. “6 AM?!”
“Well drama queen… actually 6:03 AM, but anyways I wanted to tell you that you’re a whale.”
I clenched my jaw and clenched my jaw. “EXCUSE ME?” I asked filled with venom. “Who the fuck do u think you are waking me up at 6 AM-“
He interrupted me. “6:07 AM.” He said snidely.
“Back to what I was saying, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?”
He ignored me and just continue to be his dick self. “Don’t you want to know why you’re a whale?”
I sighed and pulled a pillow over my head. “Leave me alone!”
“Never babe.” He winked and I groaned loudly.
“Please? I mean pretty please, with a cherry on top with sprinkles on top and hot fudge and sprinkles?”
“Nope!” he said popping the p.
“But-but-but-“ I said whining.
“But I wanna tell you why you’re a whale! Don’t you at least wonder?”
“I wonder oh so bad… please do enlighten me why I am a whale.” I responded monotone.
“Because whales blow! OHHHHH!” My whole face turned red and I clenched my fists. Jake just pumped his fist in the air and fell to the floor laughing at his own joke.
“You are such a loser” I smiled at him and attempted to go back to sleep. I love sleeping and maybe I’ll go back to my dream! It was such a nice dream… I was at the beach with Jake and we had a picnic and he gently kissed my-
“Awwww that’s just too cute… having a wet dream about me.” He winked a again and smirked.
“Fuck! Why do I keep doing that?” my face was even redder than before and I was so embarrassed! I do not like Jake. Like at all. Like he is the last person I would like to be with. Like seriously, that’s gross. Like-
“Hey! We get it! We get it! You hate me. I mean I know I’m a jerk but I have feelings too!” His facial expression became sad and all of the sudden I felt really bad.
In all of my tiredness I got up and looked up and tried to make eye contact with him. “Jake… look, I’m sorry. I really need to get that checked with my doctor.”
He just ignored me and kept his eyes down. “Jake, I’m really sorry okay?” I hugged him tight and eventually he hugged me back. While we were hugging I noticed how hard his chest was. Damn! Someone must be working out!
All of the sudden I looked down and realized what I was wearing. I looked up at Jake with my mouth open and he just smirked innocently. I quickly ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
“God Jake! You are such a dick!”
“Nuhuh!” He yelled through the door.
“Yahuhuh!” I yelled back.
“Just get your hot ass out here and stop being such a pussy!”
I gritted my teeth. “Can I just PLEASE have some clothes!”
“Why? I kinda like you in that outfit.”
“I said please!”
“Fine! Where are they?”
“In my suitcase, dumbass.”
“Okie dokie!”
I heard a zip and some rumbling around. Wow, him actually being nice!
“Nice thong Iz! Red and lacy… my favorite!”
Oh, this is the last straw. I stormed out of the bathroom, gripped him by his ear and brought his face close to mine. He was bent in an awkward angle and had pain all over his face.
“Not until you apologize!”
“You sure about that?”
“Yep! Who do you think I am? I am the all mighty, all powerful, Jake Ace, and I do not apologize!”
Okie dokie then. Okie dokie? Oh shit. I need some alone time.
“Alone time for what?” he asked. “Is someone horny? Does someone need to get off?”
“I swear it’s getting worse.” I muttered under my breath.
“That it is.” He had a smug grin on his face and I just gripped harder on his ear and pulled tighter.
His face turned bright red in pain, and out of the corner of my eye I saw the red underwear in his hand.
“Hehehehe,” I laughed evily.
He looked at me scared. “What?”
“I bit my lip and slowly pulled the black thong from last night down. I grabbed the red ones out of his hand and seductively slipped them on. I turned around and slowly slide the skirt thing down and went to the suitcase to grab some more clothes. I grabbed my matching red bra and a pair of booty shorts and a graphic tee and turned my back to him once more. I put my bra on and then turned around and slid the booty shorts and shirt on.
I looked down at his crotch and noticed a quite large bulge in his pants and a shocked expression on his face. I smiled at him with triumph, threw on my black wedges, put my hair in a messy bun and put on my sunglasses.
“Are you ready?”
He nodded still shocked and grabbed our things. Hope I taught him a thing or two. I looked back and noticed him gazing hungrily at my ass. What a douche bag.
“Hurry you’re ass up slow poke!”
He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked at me through my sunglasses. “I’m trying! What the fuck do you have in here?”
“I think you know pretty well what’s in here!” I winked.
“Stop it! I’m hard as it is thanks to someone I know!”
I turned around with both hands on my hips and smirked. “Hmmm… I wonder who that could’ve been!”
“You little bitch” I heard him mutter under his breath as I turned to continue walking.
“Paybacks a bitch, ain’t it?” I yelled .
I approached the stairs and ran down them. I impatiently waited at the end of the banister.
“Hurry up dumb ass! Do you ever want to get to California?! Hurry you’re dick self up!”
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” He yelled.
“Ohhh, that’s why it’s taking you so long!”
“Wha- No! Not that way!”
A few bystanders where glaring at me and I flipped them off. Stupid old people. Like seriously, do something about those wrinkles grandma!
A heavy person leaned on me panting and I looked over to see Jake.
“Watch. Out.” He said between breaths.
“What are you talking about?” asked confused.
“Purse. Purse. Purse.”
“Are you alright? My purse is in your car…”
All of the sudden a hard object slapped me against the head. “What the fuck?!”
I turned to see an old lady ready to swing her giant purse at me again.
“Who the Jesus do you are young lady? These are my love folds!”
“What the fuck are love folds? They’re called wrinkles grandma.”
She hit me with her purse again. Damn that hurt.
“Good! It should hurt! And yes, love folds! Do you need me to spell them?! L-O-V-E-“
Jake cut in on our argument. “Excuse me miss. I’m sorry for the way my girlfriend acted. She’s not very sensitive and doesn’t get peoples frustration.”
“Sexual frustration.” I muttered.
“Excuse me youngster? Would you like to repeat that?”
I started bursting out laughing. “Not you ya old fart.”
Jake just glared at me. “Anyways,…”
“Gertrude. It’s Gertrude Triggerfield.”
“Well Gertrude, I’m sorry for the poor manners of her. She’s been feisty like this all morning. “
“What a nice young man you are. And you.” She glared at me. “Better watch your attitude or this handsome boy will leave you.” She went in the giant bag of hers and pulled out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote something down. “Maybe for someone better, like me.” She handed him the piece of paper with a wink and slowly walked away.
“Okay, was it just me, or was that fucked up?”
Jake dropped the paper and shook his head. “It definitely wasn’t just you. Now come on youngster,” he joked with me. “If we don’t leave now we may never get to California.”
“Shut up grandpa.” I stuck my tongue out at him and poked his side.
“You are such a bitch.” He laughed.
“I know, It’s my specialty.” He rolled his eyes and we made our way to the front desk.
“Of course it is.”
I ran back words making funny faces at Jake the rest of the way until my back slammed into the desk. “Son of a-“
“Good Morning!” A blonde, overly peppy girl said.
“We’re checking out.” I said bored.
“Who would WE be?” She asked emphasizing the we.
“Me and that dumbo over there.” I responded as I pointed at Jake.
“Ohhhh, he’s cute! Is he your boyfriend?”
“No he is not.” Jake said smoothly as he checked the receptionist up and down.
She giggled and blushed. “Ohh, hehe. Well if you know, wanna hang out or something… I could maybe give you my number?”
“Nah I like my girls brunette. “ he said winking at me.
“Oh well then.” She huffed, messing up her perfect blonde hair. “What room did you guys stay in?”
“Your total will be $395.27.”
My mouth gaped open. “No. That can’t be right. I paid last night!”
“I’m only telling you what the computer says.”
“Well the computer is wrong!”
“I’m sorry, I can’t help you.”
“What?!” He asked startled.
“Well….” He stopped.
“Well what?”
“Well I got hungry. SO I ordered some food. And it was SO good. So I just got more. And then more. And more. And more…. And well I may have gone a little bit overboard.”
“A little overboard?! A little overboard? How do u expect me to pay this? I gave all our money to that cop last night! Remember?! All of our money. GONE.”
“Hold your tits. There’s a little thing that I like to call a credit card. “ He said smugly.
“Yeah I have one of those too, but I’m not supposed to use it yet! My mom will get suspicious! “ I whined.
“You’re not the only one whos parents have a little bit of money sweet cheeks.” I blushed at that moment and looked down. He chuckled and handed the lady his card.
She swiped it and handed it back. “Thank you and hope you had a nice stay.” She smiled brightly. “If you would take this survey, it would only take up a few minutes of your time…”
Before she could even finish her sentence, Jake had started lugging our stuff back to his car.
He stopped dead in his tracks. “Why am carrying your stuff?” He dropped it on the ground and just walked away.
“You are such a d-“ The old lady from before glared at me. “Such a jerkface!”
“Its my specialty!” He shouted behind him.
I rolled my eyes and lugged my suitcase and I to his car. When we got there he was leaning on it with his arms crossed on his chest.
“What took you so long slow poke?”
I glared. “Can we please go get some breakfast? I”m famished.”
“Sure, anything for you my lady.”
HE hopped in the car, unlocked the door for me and started the ignition. “Where do I go again?”
“Make a left and turn onto RT-139.”
“How did you just no that?”
“I just remembered from yesterday. Duh.”
“No need to get feisty again.”
I huffed in my seat.
Just as he made a left we passed a starbucks. “JAKE JAKE!
“What? What?” He asked annoyed.
“We just passed a starbucks!!”
“No we didn’t.”
“Yeah! It was off of another street.”
“Ugh, do you really want to go there?”
“Then no.”
“You suck!”
“No, but you do.” He winked at me and I flipped him the finger.
Hey guys ☺ its been a while since I’ve updated and I was in the mood so I was like what the hell. I hope you like it and just tell me if you would like an update from me


Texte: Mee
Bildmaterialien: Mee
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.08.2012

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