
Oh it's on!

Chapter 1- Oh it's on!!!

Nicole Bresnan carefully wrapped her long honey colored hair around the curling iron. It had been a perfect morning so far. She woke up at 6:00 took a long, hot bath, and was just about to finish curling her hair. She knew she would be perfect for her first day of Sophomore year.
The summer went well. Her family was wealthy, as her parents were both surgeons and had the luxury of doing some things other families could not, such as going across the country during the summer time. Each summer for as long as she could remember, they took a break from their busy lives and went to their beach house near the beautiful Jersey Shore.
That summer she knew thing would be different. Nicole wasn’t “popular,” in school and she knew that. Her family would always tell her, “You have such a beautiful face and heart, dont let anyone tell you different.” Well, as that may have been true, she knew what was preventing her from friendships with some girls, and the lack guys talking to her, she was fat.
But, that’s what changed that summer. She worked her hardest, went for a jog on the boardwalk every morning, ate healthier, and stayed positive.
So here she is two and a half months later, 55 pounds lighter, and 100 percent happier.
Nicole stared at herself in the mirror and gently the glass, her own green eyes barely recognizing herself. But this girl was her, beautiful, happy, and confident. She was ready.
She looked at her clock, 7:29, school started at 8:00 and she knew her mother was due to call her down for breakfast any second.
And at the mark of 7:30, “Nicole, breakfast!”
She smiled to herself and walked down the stairs slowly, and couldn’t wait to see the look on her older brother’s, Josh’s, face.
She bit her lip and heard a whistle and saw it was coming from her father.
“Wow Nic, you actually look decent for a change.” Josh joked around before pulling her into a hug.
“Love you too bro,” she stuck her tongue out.
Her mother, Elizabeth, smiled gently at her beautiful daughter. “You look great honey.”
Nicole blushed deeply. “Are you sure it’s not too much?” She looked down at her outfit, and started pulling the tight skirt down.
Her mother shook her head laughing. “No NIkki, you look fantastic.”
Her dad had a serious look on his face though. “Josh watch out for your sister, you know how they can be, those horny bastards.
Her already crimson face turned even more red. “Daaaad!” She whined.
He put his hands up in surrender, “Just saying. Ok anyways, its BREAKFAST TIME!”
Nicole’s stomach grumbled and stared at the mouth watering food in front of her. But she knew what she had to do, and settled for a yogurt and whole grain pancakes, while a scrambled egg. And she had to admit, the stuff was good.
Both of their parents quickly ate their food, drowned down their coffee, and grabed their cell phones and other necessities.
Her dad kisses her on the forhead and ruffled Josh’s hair.
“Ok son, since you got their license this summer I;m letting you borrow the Mustang. Rules are, you must take your sister to school, you cannot trash it, and you have to pay the car insurance, for a year, without missing a payment or running up short on money. If you do that, you can have it. Now I’m late, I love you both!” He yelled before slamming the door shut.
Josh jumped up and down in glee, “Yess!! I have wanted that car since I was in like the 5th grade!”
She smiled at him and gave him a high five. She had to admit, she had a pretty good relationship with her brother.
"Now grab what you need and get your ass in the car, or else we’ll be late.”
She ran grabbed her school bag, keys, unplugged her phone, and locked the door behind her.
“Are you ready?” She yelled at her brother.
“What?” He was slightly confused.
She just yelled louder, “I said are you ready?”
He finally caught on, “YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS!”
An elderly woman across the street glared at the two, which just caused great bits of laughter between the two.
Now, if this were a perfect world, right then they would of turned on the radio and a song, perfect for the moment would have turned on. Yeah well, that didn’t happen, they found out the radio was broken.
“So little sis, you know what Dad said before?”
“About taking me to school everyday? It’s ok if you can’t sometimes, I can take the bus.”
“What? No. About watching an eye out on you for boys.”
“Josh, don’t worry, guys don’t really like me that much. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m serious Nic, youll have the whole lacrosse team chasing after you. So if one guy gives you shit, tell me and i’ll know some sense into him. Si or no?”
“Capisco fratello!” She was starting to get annoyed. “I mean it’s not like i can’t handle myself! I’m a big girl now!”
“Yes but-”
“No but’s, besides where here.” She unlocked the door and stomped of out of the parking lot.”
She was walking up the steps when Paxton Rander, attack on the lax team, pushed her onto the wall. His hungry eyes scanned her and her got really close to her ear.
“Hey babe, you new here?’
She pushed him off her and spat in his face, “Don’t touch me Paxton.”
He didn’t budge, but instead wrapped him arm around her waist and started pulling her into the school.
Then she smiled evilly. She went on her tippy toes and went close to his ear, like he had just done. She then took his hand leaned him against the lockers and pushed up against him.
“I knew you would change your mind ."
She then kissed him lingeringly before kneeing him in the balls.
“You bitch! He said before collapsing to the ground while gripping his painful penis.
“Ohh, I’m sorry, Did that hurt?” She asked with fake innocence.
“What do you think?”
He cut her off. “Who the fuck are you anyways?”
“You seriously don’t know?”
A blank stare was given to her.
“Nicole Bresnan?”
“Wh- you... are her? But you’re hot!? What happened to you?”
Paxton Rander was her sworn enemy since the seventh grade. From Pre-K until 3rd grade grade they were inseparable. Until a couple months before the end of the year, she found out her parents were relocated to a more southern part of California. They were both devastated and promised each other that they would stay best friends forever. They traded letters every week for almost six months, when all of the sudden things slowed down. Eventually they stopped all together. 4 years later she returned. Her parents bought a bigger house and Nicole was so excited that she would see Paxton again. She walked into school on the first day, saw him and her insides lit up. She ran over to him and gave him a huge hug.
He stared at her blankly, just like he had today.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Nicole, silly!”
“You don’t remember me?”
“Uh, no?”
“But you promised...” She felt her lip tremble.
“Look dude, I don’t know you, and you like seriously need to go away. Do you even go to this school?”
She looked at him and felt her insides rip.
From that day on, Nicole and Paxton had a problem. He would tease her, call her names, laugh at her with his friends, and she would find different ways to get revenge. Paxton never did remember her.
Paxton waved his hands in front of her face.
“Hello, is anyone in there?"
She snapped out of her trance. “Just leave me alone Paxton!” And she stomped off for the second time that day.
She went to main office to get her scheduele , where she bumbed into her best friend Alexa.
“Hey Lexi!”
Alexa just glared at her.
“Is it true?!”
“It what true?”
“You what I’m talking about bitch. That you kissed Paxton?”
Then Alexa slapped her. And she called her the bitch?
“Dude, what the fuck?”
“I’ve liked Paxton for the past year!”
“But I thought you were dating Keith?”
“So? I’m aloud to like more then one guy!”
“Wait. Aren’t you still dating him.”
“Ugh, what are you now some sort of stalker? Just leave me alone Nicole!.”
She stood their slightly sad, but mostly confused. What just happened there?
“Yeah!” Alexa screamed. SHe always knew Alexa was a bit of a bimbo, dude. THat shit is jacked up.
She shook it off and looked down at her locker number. 163. OK. She walked towards the 100 wing where she was stopped by Spencer, a friend of the devil himself, Paxton. SHe always thought it was weird how the lax guys acted. They actually lived together and even acted like brothers.
“So there's a rumor that you like me.”
That caught her off guard.
He repeated it more slowly. “So... there’s... a... ru-”
“No I got that part, but why would you think that?”
“Who wouldn’t love all of this sexiness?”
“Spencer, I’d rather stop a fire with my face then date you. You almost worse of player then Paxton.”
He wrapped his arms around my waist .
‘Dude, what’s with everybody and touching me today?”
“Just be quiet.”
“Where are we going?"
“Why are you asking so many questions?”
“I don’t know, why are you asking so many questions?”
“But I’m not.”
“How do you know?”
“God, just shut up already! Anyways here we are.”
“Where are we?”
“Oh my god, here we go with the questions again! And your locker you idiot.”
“I’m the idiot? And how did you know where my locker was?”
“I... ummm...”
While he was trying to explain it she turned her back to him and started to unlock her locker. When she turned around he was gone.
She took the lock of her locker and when she opened it a huge water balloon exploded from her locker.
“Holy Jesus, Moses and Crackers!”
I few people stopped to look, while 15 guys were peeking around the corner smirking and laughing. In front of them was Paxton. She narrowed her eyes at him.
She looked in her locker to find a note.
“Hey baby, come over tongiht and i swear you’ll be even wetter ;) xoxo Paxton!
She went up to him and got really close to his face.
“First, It’s more wet. Second, prepare for revenge PLAYER! "
“Ohh, it’s on bitch!” Him and his buddies roared.
She walked away still wet when she was stopped by her brother.
“Shit,” she cursed under her breath.
“What the fuck happened to you?!”
She smiled evilly at him.
“What?” He asked cautiously.
“How would you like to help me with a little revenge?"
Heyy cookies!!!
*gives a big hug to you all and hands each a cupcake”
OK so starting a new bookkk..... what do u thing? Should I continue?
Anyways Comment PLEASE!! Friend Request PLEASE!!! Heart PRETYY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP!

Part 1- Watch who you're messing with

Josh’s mouth was gapped open when he heard Nicole’s plan for revenge.
“Come on Nic, can’t we just glue him to his seat or something?”
She shook her head and smiled evilly.
“It took me all night to come up with this plan Joah! Besides the evil bastard ruined everything, and you promised you would beat up guys!” She pleaded. She needed it, she yearned for it, and she HAD to have it!
“I don’t know,” he said hesitantly. “We could get in a lot of trouble for doing this.”
“Come on big brother, you have to live a little!”
“The car, my phone, my life, OUR life could get ruined if we do this.”
“Stop being so over dramatic! But fine, don’t help me. But one night during dinner I might accidentally tell Mom and Dad about that party you had last year, and what really happened to Mom’s favorite vase.”
He shook his head at his sister and laughed. “Damn girl, when did you get so....” he thought about it for awhile until Nicole cut into his thoughts.
“Ok, the supplies you need are in your backpack.”
He stared at her. “Hey! How did you know i was going to even help you!”
She pouted out her bottom lip and let the fake tears come from her eyes. “You think I’m stupid? I always have a back up plan!”
“Wow, you really are evil.”
“I know!” She smiled happily. Even though her plan for revenge would take a few days, she knew it would be worth the wait. Besides keeping him guessing would just add to the fun.
She looked down at the 30 paint filled water balloons mixed the the other miscellaneous items. While, Josh ran to grab his backpack.
“Hey,” he called from around the corner. “What am i supposed to do with all this glue and a.... hey! Where did you get this magazine from?” He ran into the kitchen, with a Playboy in his hands. “Mrs. September? MY Mrs. September?! You little wench, where did you get this?
“Dude, I was looking for your backpack and thought it would be in your room, but it wasn’t their. But you know what was, sitting happily on your bed? Mrs. freaking September! SO i saw it and thought, hmm, what a perfect idea.”
He looked at her angrily. “Ok, well what is this perfect idea of yours?
“Hehe, you’ll see!” She kissed him on the cheek and ran away
“Hey, you get back here!”
She sighed and slowly walked back towards her brother.
“When do we start?”
She did a fist pump. “Yeah! We start as soon as we get to school!”
“Then what are you waiting for slow poke? Get your things and ass in the car now!”
“Ok, and I’ll explain what I need you to do in the car.”
She ran up the stairs and grabbed her book bag, and then gym bag. The gym bag was a disguise for where she kept all her supplies.She ran out the door, locked it, and hopped in.
He revved the engine and started driving and glanced over at his sister.
“You have gym already?”
“Nooooo,” She opened the bag and showed him its contents.
“Anyways, what’s the plan?”
“Ok, for today I need you to get me Paxton’s phone number, one of his textbooks and something where he wrote his name.”
“Ok? What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to get the gym and school locker combo’s for paxton, spencer, and all his little friends, I’m also going to get Paxton and Spencer’s schedules. Then, since he has lacrosse practice, I’m going to sneak in the boy’s locker room and put a little something in it.” She let a out an evil hehe.
“Why can’t I do the last thing? I mean, I’m a guy, besides it’ll be less suspicious in case someone sees you.”
She handed him the four separate packs. “I need you to put the first packet in the shampoo, then the second packet in the conditioner. You have to do this to Spencer and Paxton. PLEASE don’t mess this up!”
“Haha, this will be great,” he laughed.
Nicole ran off the the main office, while Josh went to his friends to find paxton’s number.
She pulled open the heavy wooden door and went up to the elderly secretary.
‘Hello, Mrs.....”
“It’s Mrs. Clementine deary.” she smiled sweetly.
“I was wondering, if it’s possible to get the gym and school locker on the lacrosse team. THey have a scrimmage coming up and I wanted to be able to surprise them.”
“Well, I’m not supposed to, but... oh what the hell! You seem like a doll.”
“Thank you so much Mrs. Clementine!”
“No problem!.”
The secretary gathered the info and handed it to her in a manila folder.She smiled to herself and took a peek inside. Paxton’s was on top and then noticed that he had signed down at the bottom.
Hey Bro! Scratch the whole get something with his name on it. I just got the locker info and he signed it on the bottom. Got the number yet?”xoxo
She shut her phone.
He opened it.
“Wow she moves fast.” He looked down at his phone to text back, when he was knocked to the ground.
“Hey watch where you going!” Someone screamed. The person’s books were scattered across the hallway.
“Oh sorry,” he looked up to see who it was, “Oh, Paxton! Here let me help you!”
He reached and and grabbed his books, when he spotted Paxton’s mathbook.
“What’s your problem?” Paxton sneered.
He carefully slide the textbook into his backpack and stood up.
“Oh nothing.”
“Good, freak.”
JERK, his mind screamed.
Hey, got Paxton’s number from Tim, and just bumped into the prick himself. He dropped some books and I got a chance to grab his math book.
Her phone vibrated.
YAY. That was perfect. SHe had math with him and would have a chance to witness it all and play it out all at the same time. She walked into homeroom with something on her mind. She felt like she forgot something. Ohh the schedules! She scanned the locker papers to see if there was anything that could help her.
“No, No,” She bit her lip. “MMM, perfect!”
The last page held the perfect information, when they planned to visit their lockers throughout the day.
It was 8th period and Josh though it was a bit weird that his sister hadn’t texted him back. He checked his phone just in case.
Okay bell rings in 3 mins. Meet in car? Then I’ll run in when you say to?
“Come on bell ring already!” Nicole practically yelled.
“Have somewhere to go?” Paxton sneered.
“Actually yes, don’t you?”
“Cya!” she said sarcastically.
She ran to her brother’s car and hopped inside.
A few minutes later her brother showed up and they sat in the car.
“Ok, this is what I think. I think, you should go into the locker room in like 15 minutes, just in case the coach is still their. Sound good?”
At exactly 2:15 Josh ran into the locker room. His face scrunched up because of the smell. He wandered aimlessly, when he realized that Nicole had the locker information.
Hey, I sorta need their locker info...
oh yeah. Locker #230 combo 30 24 36 for Prick
And #235 29 12 10 for the snake.
He grinned and shook his head at the way of his sister’s words.
“Ok, where are you lockers?”
He looked around.
He entered the products like his sister directed and ran back to the car.
Nicole looked up and saw Josh with a grin on his face and a thumbs up! She unlocked the car.
“So what was that stuff you gave me anyways?”
“You’ll see tomorrow!”
Ello cookies!
And that you will.
This was part 1 of watch who you’re messing with ;)
so if u wanna c what happens i suggest you look for an update tomorrow.
Speaking of updates, if you would like me to notify you anytime any of my three books are updated, leave me a note, comment, or pin point telling me to! Also you know the drill. HEART COMMENT FRIEND REQUEST!!! I LOVE YOU ALl!!


Texte: Me :)
Bildmaterialien: Me :)
Lektorat: Me :)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.07.2012

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