
Ch. 1 The Encounter

Ch. 1
“Chelsea? Hello?” Faith Green yelled.
It had been a long day at school and Faith was meeting up with her best friend Chelsea Willow. She wondered through the door using the spare key in the flower pot outside. Faith walked into the Willows’ modern kitchen and admired their stainless steel microwave, stove, and dish washer, the smoothness of the fine granite counter tops and the huge island in the center of the room which inside held the beautiful silver, silverware.
Faith just sat down at one of the fine oak stools surrounding the island and pulled out a spoon and stared at her reflection. Just like any 16 year old teenager, she hated her appearance. She hated her long, wavy red hair and her piercing baby blue eyes. She hated the dimple in her left cheek and the light freckles that dotted her nose. She just wasn't impressed.
Faith sighed and was about to put the spoon away when she heard a creek by the entranceway to the kitchen.
Slightly frightened (not that she would ever admit that) pulled out the spoon as a form of defense and called out.
“Hello? Chelsea is that you? Haha very funny Chels, not falling for this old trick again!”
Faith remembered back a few months ago when Chelsea thought it would be funny to hide in the dish washer. And when Faith went to put her dish away their Chelsea popped out giving her a heart attack.
She shook her head and smiled at the many fond memories she had of her bubbly best friend.
Just as Faith was about to put the shiny silverware away, the wood floor creaked once again.
“Hey if anyone’s out there beware, because I have a weapon!” Faith yelled. “I’m also a black belt in karate so you better watch yourself!”
As soon as Faith turned around back to the island she heard more creaking and felt someone enter the kitchen, she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck sticking up. Slowly she turned around and stuck out her spoon and whipped it around the kitchen.
“He-, Ouch!” A voice yelled. “Is that your so called weapon?” The angry voice filled with laughter asked. Faith slowly opened her eyes and reveled in front of her was a teenager about 19. He had brown shaggy hair and light brown puddles for eyes with a nice height of about 6’4” and also the outline of definite drool worthy abs. He was hot.
Faith was lost in a trance when the boy started speaking. “Your weapon is my spoon.” He said laughing again. Then, taking another good look at the spoon, his eyes widened in mock horror. “Gasp, these are the good spoons!”
Faith’s face scrunched up in confusion. “His spoon?” She asked herself. “How the hell did he know this was a good spoon? OH my gosh! He must be a stalker.” Faith’s mind was rushing a million miles a minute.
She was scared out of her mind and started yelling at him, “Whothehellareyou? Whyareinthishouse? Pleasedon’thurtme! BewareIhaveaspoon!”
“Uhh, Fire Truck, u might wanna calm down and shouldn’t I be asking you the same thing?” The boy peered curiously.
“No. I asked you first.” She responded quietly like a small child.
He just rolled his eyes. “Nice to meet you to.” His voice filled with sarcasm. “My name is Shane Willow, I’m 19 in four months, I have a sister, her name’s Chelsea. I moved from the rocky mountains of Colorado to here, sunny California and am currently living with my Mom and some dude named Rob. Don’t get your panties in a twist but babe that spoon won’t help you much.”
Faith was aghast. Chelsea had a brother? She had seen a younger version of him in some family photos, but never thought twice about it. How could she have not of seen this earlier? The same tan skin, nose and hair color. The only difference was that Chelsea had these dark green eyes the color of a forest.
But, once again was interrupted by the sound of Shane’s voice.
“Besides Fire Truck, with rock hard abs like mine that spoon would bend like a paper clip.” He said with a cocky smile
Faith just rolled her eyes and already knew that her and Shane where going to have some problems.
“Now fire truck, ready to introduce yourself?”
Faith rolled her eyes once.
“Hi my name is Faith Alexandra Green, Chelsea is my best friend, at least I thought so, and I think you’re a cocky egotistical jerk. Oh and by the way if you call me fire truck one more time, I will cut your balls off in your sleep.” She finished before smiling sweetly.
“Sure thing fire truck,” and with a wink Shane had disappeared upstairs.
Faith could already feel her blood boiling. Not only was Shane a total douche, but she was hurt. Her best friend for 16 years, left out such an important part of her life.
She was sad and decided to leave. She would have to talk to Chelsea later about this. But sadly on her way out Chelsea was on her way in and just said, “We need to talk, come over later.” Before walking next door to her house

Ch. 2- The truth

Ch 2.
Faith’s POV
“Ugh, that… that… B- BUTTFACE!” I screamed into my hello kitty pillow.
“Honey? Are you ok?” My mom called yelled from down stairs.
“Yes Mom, just a little stressed. Oh, and Chelsea’s coming over later.”
“Ok, honey bun, thanks for telling me, I’ll set out another plate.”
“Thanks Mom!”
All of the sudden my phone started to ring.
“Hmm, you know you don’t wanna answer that.” My mind battled me.
I looked down and saw that the caller ID said Todd.
“Yo! Faithyy wuz upp muchacho?” Todd asked. I rolled my eyes.
“Totally not in the mood today Todd.”
“Youz ok?” he asked actually sounding worried.
“Yeah… maybe… not really… no… but I’ll tell you about it later.”
“You better Red…” Todd joked.
“I promise Todd!”
“K, bye!” and he hung up.
I started to pace around my small purple room.
“Ok, so your best friend has a secret brother that she never told you about.” I told myself. “Should I be understanding, like maybe there was some unknown reason she left out a huge part of her life? Like what if he’s a spy, or a ninja? I got it!” I jumped up and down. “He’s an assassin! That would explain the abs…”
“Fay you have an imaginary friend too?” Margaret, my little sister, asked with her huge blue eyes wider than normal. “Oh I gotts to tell Thomas about this!”
I smiled as the little blonde ran away from me to grab her twin.
“Tommy! Tommy! Fay has an imaginary friend!” I heard being yelled down the hallway.
Moments later they both appeared with huge toothless grins and dilated pupils. Tommy was first to speak.
“Fay you gotts you an imaginary friend? Oh can we name it Bob? Wait no, Philippe. Hold on I gotts it! Prince Philippe Bob Jr. The Third!”
Margie just squealed in happiness. “Ohh, that’s perfect! Tommy, hold my yoyo, I gotts to get Lenard!” I laughed loudly at the ridiculousness of all these names and how serious my little sister was being.
“Squirt, that’s the best name ever! Of course I’ll name him that!” I high fived him and hugged him. I pointed to a small green chair which he then sat in. “So, how’s school?”
Tommy’s face paled. “Uhh, umm, well, it’s ok.” He laughed nervously. “Hehe, it’s better than ok.. ..-“
“Thomas Robert Green, you will tell me the truth and nothing but the truth, what happened?” I scolded.
His face paled even more and tears welled up in his eyes. “Th- There’s this boy in sch- school and he told me told me that the- the- the- Easter Bunny wasn’t real.” By now he was sobbing. “And I told him he was lying, then he called me a baby.”
My eyes softened and I reached out my arms and let him crawl in my arms. “Oh Tommy, don’t listen to him. You’re the manliest of all manly eight year olds I have ever met.” I tapped his nose. “And you’re quite handsome as well with your gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair. I can already tell your going to be a heart breaker one day.”
He blushed deeply. “I don’t wanna be a heart breaker fay. I don’t want to be like Daddy or leave a girl alone like Mommy. I wanna make them happy.”
I kissed his cheek. “Oh Tommy, you can do whatever your little heart desires.”
Just as I was about to kick the squirt out, Margaret came waltzing back in.
“I couldn’t find Lenard… I looked everywhere! In my sock drawer, behind the curtains, even underneath the bed, but he wasn’t there! So… then I needed to go potty and there he was playing with my rubber ducky!” She started a giggle fit and soon her brother joined her.
I smiled again. “Ok munchkins, out of here. Take Lenard and Bob Prince Jr… whatever his name is with you!”
They both stuck their tongues out at me and ranaway giggling. I sighed and fell back on my bed as soon as I felt my phone vibrate and checked to see who texted me.
From: Chels**<3**YourFavoriteSexiiBeastINYourFone
“I can explain everything, and I’m truly sorry if I hurt you… but I need to tell you something and it has to be in person. Coming over now.”
The loud doorbell echoed through the house just as I finished reading her text and ran down stairs. When I opened the door she had a guilty face on and walked upstairs without a word.
She walked in, grabbed my polar bear pillow pet, sat on my bed and played with a strand of her straight brown hair.
She looked up momentarily. “So, when I was born my parents split, as you know. Mom got half and Dad got half, which also ended up being me, going to my Mom’s and my brother, going to my Dad’s. Since my Dad visited me, I never actually knew I had a brother. My parents just thought I would be too young to understand everything that was going on. There were those few times I met him, but we never talked, I thought he was a family friend or a cousin or something. I actually just found out about him a few months ago when he emailed me telling me Dad died.” She had tears running down her face. “I mean Dad and I weren’t close or anything but I love him.” She wiped her nose with the back of her hand and continued. “That’s when I he finally told me he brought some courage to tell me he was my brother and asked if he could live with me and Mom for a while.” She looked up at me.
“And of course you said yes.” I said with a sad smile. “I am so sorry I over reacted like that and I’m so sorry about your Dad!”
She got up and hugged me tightly. “You really are my best friend Fay. Do you think we could convince your mom to let you stay over?”
I grinned. “Of course babe. Besides we are really over do for a movie marathon.” I said with a wink.
She grinned back evilly. “A scary movie marathon?”
“Ha like we would do anything else.”
We skipped down stairs to my madre. “Hey mummy, would you the bestest Mother in the whole world and let me stay over Chels’s house?”
“Sure honey,” she smiled, “But first you guys need to taste this kick ass dinner I made. I think I only burned one thing this time!”
“Wow mom we’d love to but, the twins need it more than we do.” I said as I kissed her on the cheek while we heard the twins whine and groan in the background which made me and Chelsea burst out laughing. “Love you Mom! Love you Tommy! Love you Margie! Behave yourselves!”
‘Wait sissy!” Margie said running into the kitchen with Tommy hot on her heals.
I grinned at them. “What do u want chickies?”
“You forgot to say bye bye to Prince and Lenard!”
“Who?” Chels asked while laughing.
“None other than the twins and my imaginary friend! Duhh Chels, get with the program!”
“Yeah Chels get with the program!” The twins mimicked.
“Ok, bye Prince and Lenard. And Tommy remember what I told you before.” Tommy nodded while Margie scrunched up her face I confusion.
“Gotts to go guys! Love you!”
Chelsea and I were laughing so hard by the time we got home to her house. I was glad things were ok between us again.

Ch. 3- The intensity

Ch. 3
Faith’s POV
“Chicken wing, chicken wing, cheese and macaroni, chicken and bologna, chilling with my hommies, because its soo awesome!” Chelsea bobbed her head as she added her new lyrics to the narwhal song.
“Do you mind shutting you mouths the fuck up?” Shane screamed.
He was laying on the couch with a wrinkled black v- neck and some dark wash jeans. He looked shmexy. His hair was all messed up but he looked really tired.
Chelsea just rolled her eyes. “Nah, I’m good.” She said bored. “But I know my big borther would love to make his baby sister a turkey sandwich with lettuce, mayo, tomato, pickes, honey mustard, and a dash of salt,” she batted her eyes innocently.
“Do you have another older brother or something?” he smirked. The way he smiled was sending my knees week.
“Pull yourself together Fay!” my brain screamed at me. “This is ridiculous! He’s not that hot.”
“Yes he is,” I argued back before snaping back to reality.
“Ugh, fine be a butthole. I’ll go down stairs and make my own god damn sandwich, all because my lazy stupid older brother wouldn’t make his adorable, cute baby sister one!” she huffed and stomped down stairs, leaving me alone with Shane.
Great. *Note my sarcasm*
“Hi Shane, how do you like it here so far?” I asked tying to make conversation.
“Why the hell would you care?”
“What?” I was utterly confused.
“Don’t pretend like we’re best friends, just because I talked to you earlier. I don’t like you, and I don’t want you talking to me.” He sent me a disgusted look and as he was walking out I shouted,
“Shane, NEWSFLASH, I don’t like you either, so pull that stick out of your ass and stop being a jerk.”
He turned around abruptly with anger filled in her eyes. “What did you say to me.”
“I said, pull that stick out of your ass and stop being a prick.” I said simply.
He pushed me up against the wall. “You better stop acting like a bitch, or me and you will have some serious problems.” He shouted while pushing me up harder.
“Shane, you’re hurting me!” I said in between breaths.
His eyes turned from black back to brown and he slowly let me go. “Faith, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Tears were streaming down my face. “Just go Shane! Leave me alone!”
Why was he being so mean to me?
He turned around and walked slowly out the door and I just backed into the corner of the spacious TV room. Just then Chelsea came in.
“Fay? Faith? Are you crying? Are you ok?”
“Shane- Shane her-“
“Fay, what did Shane do?” she asked with concern in her eyes.
“He pushed me up against the wall really hardly and I couldn’t breathe and then he told me hated me and to stop acting like a bitch.” I said still I tears.
“The son of a bitch ruined scary movie marathon night? I’ll slap him with my sandwich if you want me to.” She said in all seriousness.
Cracked a smile knowing Chels never gave up food.
“Thanks Chelsea.” I said hugging her. “Do you think we can invite Todd over?”
Todd was our other best friend. He was one of those really cute fake ghetto people with the nerd classes, everything he said and wore contradicted the other.
“Of course, I’ve been really busy lately and haven’t gotten to see him in a while.”
“Cool, I’ll call him.” I said smiling big.
I took out my phone and rang speed dial.
“Hey Red.”
“Hey muchacho!”
“Haha, feeling better?”
“I was until someone had to go ruin it!”
“Awe, wanna tell Uncle Todd what happened?”
“Shut up and get your weird self to Chels’s house.”
“Scary movie marathon?” He asked excitedly.
“What else would we do?” I said as I laughed.
“True be there in 5.”
Exactly 5 minutes later the doorbell rung and we let in Todd.
“So what happened Red?”
“Oh, good seeing you to Toad.” Chelsea grinned.
Todd looked at me. “And you call me immature?”
“Yup,” I smirked popping the p. “SO anyways, apparently Chels has a brother.”
He stopped me there. “You say what now?”
“Yeah she has a jerky, mean, egotistical, asshole for a brother.”
Chelsea cut me off, “And before you get mad, hear me out. He just contacted a few months ago because my Dad died and is now living here. I wanted to tell you, but I thought it would be better to wait till he got here first. Anyways, Fay is still upset because he pushed her against a wall roughly and told her he hated her and that she was a bitch. THE END.”
“Oh Chels, I’m sorry.” Tood said sympathetically. “But, if you don’t mind me asking, why did he push you up against the wall in the first place?”
I had to answer that one. “Well, I may have or may not have told him to take a stick out of his butt?”
They both burst out laughing.
“Seriously?” Todd and Chelsea asked between breaths.
I nodded my head.
“Hilarious Fay!” Chels screamed.
I laughed with them, but there was something drawing my mind back to the intensity of Shane’s eyes. I wonder what IS his problem?

Ch. 4 The Kiss

CH. 4
Jamie’s POV:
“AHHHH!” I screamed as I jumped into Todd’s lap and snuggle my head into his chest.
Chelsea had fallen asleep ages ago, even though she’s the one who always suggests we have an all nighter. All of the sudden the lights went out and I had wrapped my whole body around Todd’s muscular frame.
“Todd?” I asked scared.
“Hey you,” he whispered into my ear, sending tiny tingles down my back. I looked up and could see how lustful his green eyes looked when they were illuminated by the small light of the moon.
“I’m scared-“I started to say when I was then interrupted by Todd’s lips.
Todd crashed his lips against mine leaving me frozen. I was shocked. Out of all people right now, Todd’s kissing me? He pulled away and looked at me guiltily.
“I’m sorry-“It was my turn to interrupt him. I cupped his face and kissed it softly.
He grinned and started to kiss me less urgently and more passionately. He then picked me up and laid me down so, that he was lying on top. His lips then found their way to my neck. His hot breaths were becoming shorter and he gently grazed my ear with his teeth and he pulled away.
He looked at me lovingly, “You don’t know how long I have wanted to do that.”
I blushed “How long?”
He thought for a second, “It was the summer of 7th grade. You had just gotten your braces off a few days before, and you were embarrassed that your teeth would look weird. So, you called me over and cried, when I told you to smile. You looked at me for a second funny, then gave me a small smile. I then told you that I thought your teeth looked beautiful, and you grin was ear to ear. Your eyes were lighter and happier then I had ever seen them and you had a natural glow. From that day on the biggest crush on you.” He looked down and blushed.
I laughed at his cuteness.
He looked up and his eyes grew sad.
“No, you idiot.” I yelled! “I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at the such weirdness of your story. That was the cutest thing I have ever heard.”
He suddenly had a huge dopy grin on his face, “Well, then would you Faith Alexandra Green be my girlfriend?” He asked while flipping me over so my back was to the door.
It felt as I was floating on air and my response was a big kiss, which he immediately responded to.
Our make out session was getting heavy when we heard a scream.
“Ahhhh! Eww! Why are you here?”
I didn’t turn around, but the voice sounded like… Shane?
“What the fuck? Who are you?” Asked an angry Todd.
“I’m Shane, Chelsea’s sister. Now who the fuck are you and why are you making out on my couch with some slut.”
I gasped , the lights still hadn’t turned on but.. I mean I’m still wearing the same clothes.
“I will not cry, I will not cry.” I told myself.
“My names Todd and this isn’t some slut it’s- “
I turned around.
His eyes widened. “Faith?!”
I felt the tears in my eyes, too late now..
“Just leave me the fuck alone Shane!” I screamed before running to the bathroom, before I could embarrass myself any further.

The Freakout

Faith's POV
I fell to into the corner onto the cold bathroom floor. Maybe Shane was right, maybe I am a slut..
“He didn’t know it was you Faith,” something in my mind told me.
But I couldn’t listen, he had to know. Who else has he met so far that has my hair color? He HAD to know, he HAD to.
There was a soft knock on the door.
“Fay, Faith? Are you ok?” I heard Todd ask softly.
I quickly whipped away the mascara and tears, then splashed some water on my face to get rid of the puffiness.
“Uh yeah, I’m fine. I just needed a moment.”
“Are you sure? I mean I’ll come in.” He asked worried.
“No!” I said a little too quickly.
I looked at myself in the mirror. My normally pink lips were red and puffy,, my hair was in knots and my clothes were wrinkled.
“Oh god, I am a slut. Shane is right, why does Todd even like me? What if he thinks I’m a slut too?” My head was spinning and my vision was blurry. I tried to shake it off and unlocked the door when everything went black.
I walked into school the next morning with my head still a bit foggy. I couldn’t remember much, but I continued walking down the hallway to my locker.
Was written all over my locker.
My eyes filled with tears. Who could of wrote this? I looked all around me and slowly a small crowd was coming together. I looked in the front of all the people and my eyes quickly made their way to a laughing Chelsea.
“Chelsea?” I asked pained.
“What do you want, bitch?”
“Chels! It’s me Faith, your best friend. What are you doing?”
“Just stating the obvious.”
“But-” The waterworks started flowing down my cheeks.
“Silly, Faith, Faith, Faith-”


“Faith! Faith please wake up!” Then I heard screaming, “What the fuck did you two do to her? What the fuck?”
My head was spinning but I slowly tried to sit up.
“Faith? Faith, oh my gosh! What did they do to you? Let me guess was it Shane. Because if it is I will personally go to his room in the middle of the night and cut off his balls.”
I smiled, same old Chelsea.
“Well, you see I have something to tell you, but you have to promise not to get mad.”
“Ohhh, let me guess! OK, did Shane ask you out?” She almost sounded excited.
“What the hell? NO!”
“Ohh-” She said sadly then quickly covered herself up, “Good because you can do way better then that jerk off.”
“Well actually,” I stopped hesitantly. “Todd and I are dating.” I looked down at my shoes and blushed.
“You and To-. OH MY FUCKING JESUS! Faith and Todd sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. FIrst comes LOVE-”
“That’s enough Chelsea, besides I have a headache.” I said holding my head.
“You passed out because Todd asked you out? I get your excited, but were you really that excited?”
“Uh, yeah, I just was so happy. It got the best of me...”
“Lair, lair pants on fire! Do you smell that? Because I think it reaks of... LIAR. Jeez Fay, you are the worst liar ever. Now, what really happened?”
“Ok, Ok... well i may have or may not have been making out with Todd on the couch when your jerk of an idiot of a brother comes in and yells, who are you and why are you making out with some slut. I know it may not seem that big but-”
“Shane Jeremiah Willow, get your ass here right now!”
I heard a groan and a shuffling of feet.
“What do you want?” he asked sounding annoyed.
“I was woken up at 3:30 in the morning to find out my best friend passed in my bathroom because of my stupid brother.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ha, yeah right. Now, I don’t care what the hell your problem is with Faith, but you need to cut it out. This is ridiculous.”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist MOM. I’ll leave your precious girlfriend alone.”
“I hate you Shane, I never want to see you again.” I quickly yelled after him.
“The feeling’s mutual Fire Truck.”
Chelsea engulfed me in a giant hug. “Faith, I am so sorry! I don’t know what his problem is or why he hates you so much but-”
“Chels it’s fine. I promise, I’ll just ignore him.”
“Ok, now what about Todd.”
We looked over to see Todd gently snoring and both of us burst into a fit of giggles. I yawned.
“I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted.”
“Same here.”
I went over to Todd and got us blankets and snuggled close to him. He stirred and smiled when he saw me.
“I’m so sorry Fay,” he whispered.
“It’s not your fault.” I whispered back.
“I know but-”
I cut him off by kissing him. He smiled against my lips.
“You don’t have to say it back but I love you Faith. I always have and always will.”
Love?! DId he say love?

The Breakup

Faith’s POV
The word love went through my mind all night. I mean Todd is adorable and sweet and is also one of my best friends but, do I love him? And I he does have those irresistible green eyes, and has those hip lines… I mean hello? Like mental orgasm right there. But, do I love him?
“Morning Beautiful,” Todd’s husky morning voice whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheek and yawned. “Why up so early babe, the suns not even up!”’
I laughed. “Todd its 10:30, it’s not early.”
“What?! It’s like still dark outside! Maybe there’s been an apocalypse!”
“Their called curtains.” I replied giggling in his ear.
“Ohh, pshhh I knew that!!”
“’Uhhuh, sure you did.”
We just laid next to each other for a few minutes with a comfortable silence.
He whispered, “Is it really 10:30 as is like, 10:30 am? ”’
I got up and laughed. “Yes Todd, it is 10:30 as in like 10:30 am. Now come on, I’m hungry and I think I smell pancakes.”
As if just on cue Chelsea’s mom called us both down for breakfast.
As we walked downstairs Todd wrapped his arm around my waist and put his lips on my temple, making melt inside. When we reached the bottom of the steps we heard a gasp followed by a chuckle.
“Well, if it isn’t the two love birds,” Chelsea stated with a chuckle.
I glared at her playfully and mouthed the words ‘I hate you’ to her. She of course just blew it aside and stuck out her tongue.
Then all of a sudden there was a loud squeal. “Oh my word, I knew this day would come! I saw the way Todd always looked at you with that bit of lust in his eyes. Oh, you look perfect together. Rob dear, wouldn’t they make the most gorgeous babies?? Shane get me the camera!!! Eeeeee!!!”
Todd and I just stood there with red faces while Shane let out a snort and rolled his eyes.
“Uhh, thanks Ms. Willow, it actually just happened last night.” I told her with a small smile.
“Faith deary, how many times have I told you to call me Ella, or even Mom. I mean, come on sweetie, it’s no secret you’re like a daughter to me. And you have better of used protection!”
Todd cut in. “No worries Ms. Willow, we didn’t do anything of that sort.”
“Good you to- Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Faith, Todd, meet my son Shane. He will be living here for a while with us for a while.”
I smiled politely, “Yes, Ella, we’ve met.”
“Ohhhh great!!”
“Yes, anyways, anyone up for some pancakes. I don’t know about you guys but I am starving!”
Ella and Rob just shared werid looks and shrugged.
For the first time this morning Rob spoke up. “Ok guys and girlies, we got buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip, whole wheat, strawberry banana pancakes, belgin waffles, bacon, canadian bacon, turkey bacon, sausage, sweet and spicy, eggs how ever you like them, white and whole wheat toast, orange juice and milk. So ya’ll what would it be?”
Shanes gorgeous eyes widdened. No! Not gorgeous, just very very very BAD eyes. Faith he has bad eyes, not eyes that make you want to stare into them for hours. NO, UGLY.
“Shut up Faith, you know you like him.”
“What? Who said that?”
Ella stared at me strangley. “Sweetie, I thought you said you guys met already.” She pointed to Shane. “That’s Shane, and he asked if breakfast was always like this.”
Now I was confused. “Wait what? I know who he is. I thought…. Oh never mind.”
“Okkk honey,” Ella felt my forehead, “you don’t seem warm. How do you feel? I could get some medication or something….”
“Ma, I’m sure Fay’s fine. Right Fay?”
“Yup Chels, everything is handy dandy!”
“Now that’s kinda strange…” Todd piped up.
“Oh shut up Toad!” Chelsea yelled with her tongue out.
“And yet I’m still the immature one?”
“Can you three just shut the fuck up?” Shane screamed.
Both Rob and Ella made a small gasp. “What is up with you?”Ella demanded.
“It’s these fucking two bickering people over hear and his little girlfriend. It’s 10:30 in the fucking morning and the last thing I needed to hear was the three musketeers over hear yelling about frogs!” Shane was coming dangerously close.
I could feel my mouth gape open and tears falling from my eyes. Todd threw a protective arm in front of my waist while Shane was walking now even closer. Before anyone could stop it Shane’s fist came into contact with Todd’s jaw.
“Now this is your one and ONLY warning. I want you away from her,” he said while pointing to me, “And I don’t want to see your face here again. While my oblivious mother, no offense ma, thinks you’re ‘really in love with her’ you don’t think I know your plan?” He turned to me. “He doesn’t want you, he wants you precious little V- Card, and from there you’re a piece of sand.”
Everyone was frozen. Ella’s hand was covering her mouth, Rob had half of his wheat toast in his mouth, Chelsea just stood there shocked, tears were running down my face and Todd was pissed.
“You think you can just waltz in here, call my girlfriend a slut, get away with it, and tell me to leave? What are you jealous? Newsflash buddy, I don’t care if you’re the fucking president, you need to get an attitude check.”
Shane chuckled. “I’m sorry but do you live here? No, I didn’t think so anyways. Fay, did you notice how he dodged my question about just wanting in your pants? Yeah thought so…. Anyways, get the hell out of my house.”’
Todd sneered and slightly winced at his now bruising jaw. “Come on Faith, we’re leaving.”
I shook my head.
“What? Faith, come on let’s go! You need to get away from this nut job.”
“I can’t.” I said quietly.
“What are you talking about?”
“I just can’t Todd.”
“It’s me or them.” I stood in place and he shook his head. “You weren’t worth it anyway.”
Now it was my time to be angry. “’Excuse me?”
“Nothing,” he said blankly.
Shane gripped the neck of his shirt. “The lady asked you a question.”
“Fine! You want to know? A few months ago, the guys and I made a bet that I could make you fall in love with me by the end of the year. If I got it 100 bucks. If I got it with your virginity an extra $200. Happy?”
I slapped him. “You where my best friend, and even though it wasn’t for long you were also my boyfriend! You said you loved me!! Who is this? Where is the guy I’ve known since 7th grade? You know what? Don’t answer that. Leave this house now and I never want to see your face again!”
He walked away hands in pockets and never looked back. I backed my back against the island and broke down crying. A very muscular set of arms picked me up and carried me to a room, where I was set down on a bed.
“Please don’t leave me.” I said softly, almost inaudible.
“Do I have a choice Fire Truck?”

The Decision

Shane’s POV
I heard my stomach grumble and was having a hard time deciding if I should ditch the sleeping beauty and eat.
She finally stired and my stomach grumbled again. Her soft laugh sent small flutters through my body.
“Are you hungry?” She quickly awakened and looked around the room. “Where am I, what time is it, and where’s Todd?”
Red flashed through me and my body I tensed, she must of remembered because then she let out a sad ‘oh.’ She looked around my large fairly empty room.
“Why am I here?”
“Why am I HERE?”
She got up quickly and fell right back down on the bed.
“Are you ok, do you need ice? Or asprin, or like water?”
“I just have a headace Shane. Now answer my question.”
“Well, I thought you might of wanted somewhere quiet, so I brought you here.”
“Then why are you still here,” she asked through clenched teeth.
“What? I thought I would stay to make sure you where ok… you know? I mean I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”’
“Just because something happened with Todd, doesn’t change my feelings for you Shane. Youre still an asshole.”
“Faith, why am I an asshole? What did I do?!”
“You called me a slut!”
“Dude!! I didn’t know it was you!”
“Really Shane? Really? I find that a little hard to believe.”
“How? I’ve known you for like two days!”
“So? You know what Shane leave!”
“Nevermind, I’ll leave!” She got up gripping her head and was almost out the door, when tripped on a sock, making her fall to the floor. “Damn sock!!!!!”
I couldn’t help but shake my head and laugh. She hopped back to her feet and glared at me.
“Don’t laugh!!!”
She stormed off down the hall while slamming my door shut on her way. My stomach grumbled again. I looked at my watch, was it really 1:30??? I ran downstairs into the kitchen where a very sad mom and tense rob where sitting.
“Oh hey guys,” I said quietly.
“Oh is she ok? Where is she? Is she sad? Is she heartbroken? Do we need to stock up on Ben and Jerry’s?”
“No, she’s fine and what? Why would she need ice cream?”
“Typical boy.” She muttered underneath her breath.
“Hey! I can here you. Didn’t they date for like a whole day or something??”
“Shane! He was her best friend too. Even if they weren’t going out at all, it’s still heartbreaking to lose someone you’ve know for practically your whole life”
“Whatever ma, anyways, what’s for lunch?”
“Well, we still have breakfast if you wouldn’t mind me heating it up.”
“Yeah, I haven’t eaten in like 12 hours. I’m a growing boy, I need food!”
“Yes drama queen, your wish is my command.”
“That is king to you, and I would like 6 chocolate chip pancakes please, with some fried bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice.”
“Ok how about four pancakes, some heated up bacon from earlier and a glass of orange juice that you pour from the carton!”
“Or that…”
“Good boy, now run along and go find Chels and Faith.”
“Yes Mum.”
Faith’s POV
My head is killing me!!! Everything was spinning and I couldn’t recognize anything!
“Fay is that you?”
“Chels? Are you their? Can you help me please?”
“Yeah sure Fay, and why are you alone you’re supposed to be with my brother.”
“You put that thing near me?!”
“What? NO! When you started crying he carried you upstairs and refused to leave until you were awake. He didn’t even leave to go eat, and that’s serious, Shane loves food. Back to the subject, where is he?”
“Well….. what?”
“I may have or may not have freaked out… umm, yeah.”
She just burst out laughing. “You’re kidding me right??!! That is absolutely hilarious!”
“And how?”
“He tried to help you and you totally turned into a psycho!”
“That’s not very nice!!!”
“I’d be a little freaked out to!” said a voice.
“What? Who said that?”
“Me, Prince…”
“Excuse me?”
“You forgot me already?”
“You’re imaginary friend, you idiot!”
“Umm, Fay?” asked a worried looking Chelsea.
“I’m going to go down stairs, ok?”
“Yeah sure.”
Since Chelsea left, I decided to change. I took out a tank top and some shorts and proceeded getting ready. A few moments later a heard footsteps coming up the stairs and me, thinking it was Chelsea just continued. I had now just removed my shirt and sweatpants and shirt and threw on my shorts. There was a knock on the door. Come in I yelled. I turned around and faced a blushing Shane.
“Uhh, I thought you might want something to eat…”
“Yeah thanks, you can set it over there.” I pointed to the dresser in the front of the room.
Just as he was about to leave Shane tripped, on another damn bloody sock, and fell right on top of me. It was well… awkward. His whole body was on top of mine and just as I was about to say ‘Get the hell off of me,’ he reached down kissed me. When he did that, my whole body felt tingly. It was different then Todd’s, better. It was weird how I responded, my hands went straight to his soft hair and it was passionate yet, hungry?
I guess we were so into it we didn’t hear the footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Hahaha. I guess you where right all along here Shaney boy, your little toy here Faith is nothing but a slut.”
We looked behind us and it was Todd??!!
“I thought I told you never to set foot in this house ever again!” Shane roared.
“I left my glasses here and thought I’d grab them and run before anyone caught me, but I couldn’t help but notice your guys “Special Moment.” But anyways, no need stop, I’m leaving anyway.”’
“Hey Todd, let’s get one thing straight. First, have more dirt on you then your parents, second, I’d watch your back and third-“
“I got this Fire Truck, and Third, step foot in this house again, and I will kill you.”
Shane’s POV
Only one word can describe that kiss…. And it’s WOW.
But, then that fucking asshole had to come and ruin it!
Faith started talking, “So Shane about the kiss-“
“Yeah about that, I should probably go.” And I got up and quickly shut the door behind me.
But, before I left I could’ve sworn I heard her say, “Did I do something wrong?”
Of course she did nothing wrong! I just need some time to think. What would he parentals say? Besides she did just lose one of her best friends. And what about Chels? There’s no way she’ll approve of this.
There’s only one option, I’ll just have to stay away from her.’

The News

Faith’s POV
“Did I do something wrong?” I couldn’t help but ask myself. “I mean, i'm not the best kisser but there was something their! I felt it! I guess I could be imagining things, but still...”
I curled myself in ball next to the couch.
“Fay are you hungry?”Chels asked. “Hello?” She poked her head in the door with a tray of some of the breakfast food from earlier. She came and sat by me. “Hey Girlie.. you ok?” She had a look of concern on her face. “Wanna talk?”
I looked up at her and smiled. Her long dark hair was in her face and her light brown eyes slightly sad.
“Yeah.. I’m ok. Just lost one of my best friends and my boyfriend, is very hungry and has a certain someone who is way too confusing.”
“That certain someone doesn’t happen to be my brother does it? Shane’s weird, don’t let him get to you. You may not think this about him but he’s really self conscious and over thinks everything. But whatever his problem is, he’ll get over it. I mean who could resist you? You’re sweet, funny, and one of the most sexiest people I know.”
I stuck my tongue out at her.
“What? If I were a lesbian I’d date you.” She said teasingly.
“Oh shut up.” We both smiled at each other and hugged.
“I love you to faybear!”
Just then Ella, Chelsea’s mom called up.
“Fay, I’m glad you’re feeling better, but you’re mother’s on the phone and she says she really needs to talk to you.
I ran out of the TV room into the the long hallway. At the end of it was a table with the landline and other junk.
“Hey Mom. What’s up?”
“‘Well what? And why didn’t you just call my cell?”
“I did. You didn’t answer.”
“Oh.. whoops.” Note to self: Find phone.
“So I have some really bad news...”
“Ma, I love you, but just spit it out already!”
“Ok, well I just got a call from the hospital.”
“The hospital?”
My mom started sniffling. “Yes, the hospital, and I’m afraid to say.... well... you’re father had a heart attack.”
“I’m so sorry sweetie, apparently when he went on that business trip to Italy, a lot of stuff happened. He was driving, when it happened and let’s just say he’s not well.” SHe was sobbing, I was sobbing. It was a sob fest.
“Well what are we going to do?”
“That’s the problem. With this economy, things have been really tight, and I’m sorry to say right now I’m the only one who can go.”
“What? What do you mean? What about me, the twins?”
“Thomas and Margaret are going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa and you can possibly stay with Chelsea if it’s ok with her mom?”
I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Whatever Ma, call me when you know more about Dad, I love you.”
She gave me an I love you too back and then hung up the phone.
“Wow, my life really sucks.” I thought out loud.
Chels was about to go downstairs when I said that.
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s not wrong?”
“Exactly! Anyways, you know how my Dad went on that trip to Italy?”
“Well, he just had a heart attack-”
“Oh my gosh Fay! I’m so sorry!”
“Wait it gets worse. And things have been really tight lately and stuff so there’s not enough money to take any of us so the twins are going to my grandparents and well... can I stay with you?”
Her face was in shock. “Oh- of course! Let me just tell my Mom!”

Chelsea’s POV
Wow, Fay’s had like the worst two days ever! I ran downstairs into the Den, where Rob and my mom where cuddled on to the worn leather sofa near the fireplace.
“Eww, gross.”
Shane walked in after me. “Ditto.”
Mom sighed and and repositioned herself she she was facing the both of us. “Yes lovely children of mine?”
“Ok well Faith’sdadhadaheartattackandhermomdoesn’thaveenoughmoneytosendallofherkidstoItalysoFaithhasnowheretogoandcanshestayhere?” I asked really fast.
“Jeeze you two really are like sisters...” My annoying brother mutterd.
I rolled my eyes in his direction and repeated it slower. “Faith’s dad had a heart attack and her mom doesn’t have enough money to send her and the twins all to Italy so Fay needs a place to stay...”
“Ohh that poor girl,” Mom said with shock.
Rob rubbed her arm soothingly. “Yes of course she can stay here.”
I ran and kissed Rob on the cheek. “You’re the best!”
I ran out of the room where I was followed by Shane.
Shane’s POV
I feel really bad for Faith. I mean she’s so her... so sweet, funny, lovable, cute, hot, sexy.... WOAH! Stay away from her Shane!” I tolf myself.
Just then Chels turned around. “May I help you?”
“Uhh... how’s she holding up?”
“Why do you care?” She eyed me suspiciously.
“Nothing, the chick’s going to be living here for god knows how long. The last thing I need is having some crazy chick running around.” I scoffed at her.
“What’s your problem with her? God give her a break Shane!”
“Whatever,” I muttered and ran to my room.
Faith’s POV
I walked downstairs slowly and went to find Ella and Rob.
I turned around and saw Ella making dinner.
“Oh hi, I was just looking for you.”
She discarded her bowl and came up to me and engulfed me in a hug. “Girl, I’ve known your family for as long as I can remember. Of course you are welcome to stay as long as you need to.”
“Thank you so much Ella.” I smiled gently at her.
“No problem. Now, you will take the guest room next to Shane’s. I hope you don’t mind but you two will have an adjoining bathroom. Anyways, why dont you get your stuff from Chelsea’s room for tonight and we’ll get your stuff from your house tomorrow, along with talking with the twins. Now take a nice long shower and lay down missy!” She ordered.
I walked up the stairs gathered my things and did as I was told.
Just as I was about to grab a towel Shane walks through the door on his side.

Shane’s POV
She stood there frozen and all i could think was, “HOLY FUCK!”

not a real chaptter

Solo my amazing cookies!
well I'm sorry to say if u were hoping this was an update it is not but please check out my new book, revenge ;). I know you'll like it! I promise! Again please please read it and I love you all
Gabby xoxoxo

The Accident...

Faith’s POV
I stood there frozen, unable to move. It felt as if every bone in my body was paralyzed and there was nothing anyone could do to help it. I mean Shane didn’t exactly help by just standing there with a lustful gaze, he could of well.. I don’t know, TURN AROUND, LEAVE SOMETHING!
Suddenly it looked as if Shane had snapped out of it. Guilt spread across his face, and his cheeks turned bright red. “Faith-”
I stopped him by moving my hand and searched around the room frantically, looking for a towel. “Oh hey I can move again!” my minded told me happily.
I rolled my eyes at myself and Shane gave me a confused expression. “Listen Fay we really need to talk about this...” Oh do we now?
“I don’t think so. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m sort of busy!” This boy is really annoying!
“It might be easier if you put some clothes or a towel on, you know.”
“Wow, great idea dipshit.” I rolled my eyes once more.
“I know.” He looked at me smugly and let out a tiny smirk.
I continued on my search for a stupid towel and the dumb ass is still standing there. “So are you going to put one on? I really need to pee.” His hand was lightly gripping his crotch and his legs were dancing. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“What you think this is funny? I really have to go! Now put on a damn towel!”
I let out an exasperated sigh. I felt my blood starting to boil. I swear this boy will be the end of me. “What do you think I’m doing?!”
He put on a ‘Duh’ expression. “Looking for something obviously!”
“No shit sherlock!”
“It can’t be that important!”
I glared at him. “I’m looking for a towel! I can’t believe this, I just had my clothes and towel right here and waloo they’re gone!
He raised his eyebrows. “Waloo?”
“Oh my word! Just help me find them!”
His eyes screamed at me desperately, but I had no clue what he was trying to say. He bit his lip and looked down. I noticed his grip had gotten tighter and his dancing more urgent. I bit back a laugh.
“Not funny!” he squeaked.
“Ha, it kind of is. Please at least look around.”
His eyes started wandering away from my face, but not exactly where I wanted them to be looking. “Shane! I’m pretty sure the towel isn’t on my body!”
His cheeks flushed red and he slowly drew his gaze away from me. I looked at Shane curiously as he rolled his eyes.
“What?” I mean what does he have to roll his eyes about.
“And I’m the dipshit?”
He rolled his eyes a bit more dramatically this time and nodded his head towards the floor by the sink. I turned around.
“Are you serious! This is the most ludicrous thing I have ever seen! They weren’t there five minutes ago!” My cheeks went even more red than before, if that was even possible. I glared at Shane and bent down grabbed my towel, and wrapped it tight around me. I grabbed my clothes and turned back towards him.
He had the same gaze as earlier and I snapped in his face.
I bit my lip and looked down. “Well I don’t think you have to pee anymore.” His face was confused, but immediately turned red, when he noticed the slight bulge in his pants.
“Shit!” he muttered under his breath.
I walked out of the bathroom, and jumped on my bed with my face on the pillow. I screamed into it in frustration.
“He likes me, then he hates me, then he kisses me, then he leaves, then he stares at me like a fucktard and does absolutely nothing!” I thought to myself.
I took the towel off and wrapped it around my head before pulling on my pajamas. How I love booty shorts! I mean i wouldn’t ever wear them to school or in public for that matter, but they're so comfy!
I crawled into bed and wrapped myself in the comfy duvet. I was almost asleep when I heard a loud bang followed by a loud ‘Shit!’
I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I opened the door and dropped my mouth open. The image in front of me was quite funny. There was Shane, gorgeous as can be on the floor with his pants to his ankles and his hand almost in the toilet.
I laughed a full out laugh, and stared at him.He looked mortified, even his ears were red! I finally stopped laughing.
“Are you ok?!”
“So I look ok?!”
“Well, not exactally....”
“Can you please help me up!”
I stuck out my hand for him to grab onto and hoisted him up. He just stood there with his hand scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Don’t you want to pull your pants up.’ I said awkwardly. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy the view or anything..
“Shit!” He quickly pulled up his boxers and then shorts.
“I’m gonna go...”
He looked a bit relieved and nodded.
“Good idea.”
Ello Cookies,
Well, short chapter, but hehehehehehe ;)
That’s really all I have to say besides me feeling really bad about not updating for a while.
Love you all


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: ME
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.05.2012

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