
Chapter 1- The News

Jamie's~ POV


So, my idiot father decided it would be a great idea to send me to this "camp," over the summer. And, to make it worse, he's sending me there with his boss's daughter, Kara, my opposite in and out. Oh and don't forget about her oh so amazing boyfriend. Gag me please.


Kara's the stereotypical cheerleader type, with her platinum blonde hair, striking blue eyes, a slim build, straight A's, and the popularity that many girls crave. Unlike me, Jamie Dutton, who has the dull brown hair, dark green eyes, small, lanky build, low grades, a sarcastic attitude, and easily forgotten.


So anyways this is how it starts:


As I walk down the wooden stairs I hear my dad call my name. "Jamie, come here please," I can sense that his tone is serious


. I continue my way into our modern living room decorated with a medium brown suede couch, a big family flatscreen TV on the wall, a beautiful stone fireplace, perfect for roasting marshmallows in, and a few old pictures of our family and friends.


 "Hey dad, 'sup?" I say casually. Then I see my dad's boss, "Oh, hello Mr. Reyes." I greet him smoothly


"Jamie, how many times do I have to tell you it's Micheal?" Micheal says with a smile.


 I grin back at him and turn to my dad, "You called me?"


 My dad shoots me a look before talking, "Yes, do you remember Micheal's daughter Kara?"


"Uhh yeah, I think I've seen her around school before."



Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies. How could I not know Kara, she's basically the ruler of the school, the one boys would give there left nut for . She's also pretty fucking evil if you ask me. Poor Johnny has been doing her english papers since the seventh grade. All she can do in return and give him a wink and a kiss on the cheek. Not to mention even though she's dating Todd she still manages to get away with sleeping with the entire football team.IT's either he's too stupid to notice or he just doesn’t give a shit.


My dad smiles. "Good, because Micheal has offered me something I know you'll love." Ok, now i'm intrigued. Mr. Reyes is ballin' in dough. Maybe I'll get that new phone or something in exchange for like, I dunno...


"Continue," I say, and my dad rolls his eyes. I know I'm being rude but I got it play It causal. Try not to get to excited and get my hopes up.


"Micheal has offered you two free months.... ,” he stopped leaving a dramatic pause. “IN CALIFORNIA."


"Oh cool," I try to say cooly.Two full months across the country away from my family? OMGGEE YESSS!!! I've been bound so tightly by my parents for my entire life. It's always been school this and school that. Everyone expects so much of me and my grades still suck.


"What makes it even better..." My dad was seriously getting me jittery. What could be any better? I grew excited, and bounced in my seat anxiously.


"Is that you'll be able to spend it with Kara! Isn't that great?” Micheal asked me excitedly. Did you hear that? That popping sound? That was my ego exploding. And then just when I thought things couldn't get any worse my dad had to add... "Oh and one more thing, her boyfriend Todd has been invited as well, but don't worry about him. Honey, I bet you can't wait! It's in a beautiful camp called "Camp Linitoukia.”


“ Don't worry about cost, everything will be paid for, including food, transportation, and anything else you need." Mr. Reyes. I mean Michael, pitched in.


Whoopee! Spending eight weeks with a girl who has more clothes then the Queen of England and her very obnoxious, cocky boyfriend, who have both barley acknowledged my existence for the past eleven years. No problem!


"Listen dad, as great as that sounds I sort of already made plans to spend time with Brittany, Caitlin, and Barbara over the summer." I can't hurt the old man can I?


"Sorry Jamie, this isn't up for discussion, I've already took up the offer and your mother agrees that this is a good experience for you."


"But DAD, this isn't fair!" I whine like a child. Mature right?


"Jamie!" dad scolds me. "I already said this is NOT up for discussion."


"What do you want me to say, whoopee, can't wait!?"


Michael quickly cuts in. "Well Jamie, you and Kara will be leaving in two weeks. See you then."


My dad and Michael shake hands before they get up, Micheal dusts invisible specks off his trousers, and disappears out the door leaving me in a fuming state. Thanks a lot Micheal.


When he finally leaves I glare at my dad. "Dad, how could you do this to me? How could you ship me off to California with KARA and TODD for two months? How could you do all of this without even talking to me first?"


"First off, young lady, don't speak to me like that. Secondly, I knew you have always wanted to go to California! Think of this as an opportunity!"


"Dad, I'm seventeen! You ask teenagers before you decide you want to ship them across the country first!"


My dad just ignores me and leaves. Now who's mature? I stomp away! UGH!!! How can he do this to me?

Chapter 2- On The Plane

** 2 Weeks Later **


"Now Sweetie, do you have everything? Your toothbrush, hairbrush..." As my Mom goes on and on and on, I just nod my head and roll my eyes. My mother insisted that I pack extra carefully which ended in taking 4 hours of my time!


"Yes mother, I have everything I need. Now can I please go? I'm going to miss the flight! It leaves in about an hour!" My mom gives me a long painful hug before kissing me on the cheek and telling me to call, blah, blah, blah.


I grab my backpack and my two suitcases and take of to the gates that will lead me to hell. And if the trip could not get any better, so far my mother has not been giving me any space. She's been constantly fluttering around me like an anxious bird, asking me every other second if I needed anything. Perhaps a drink from the nearby vending machine? How about a small burger from that McDonalds over there? I kept refusing, my mind focusing on the terminals. At least when I'm on the plane I'll be gone from my very overbearing mother.


When my luggage Is finally dropped off, I look at my ticket and it says Terminal B Flight Number: 226 First class. I just shrug my shoulders and after what feels like miles of walking, I finally find myself where I need to be.


 As I walk on to the plane I'm lead to the First Class section. It was nothing special. Maybe just a litte extra leg room compared to coach.


Ii wasn't sure where my seat was so I asked a flight attendant, "Um excuse me, can you help me find seat #36?" I ask.


"Yes of course, Miss," she responds politley


When I get to my seat I realize I got the one next to the window! YAAYYY!!! I sit down and look out, and stare at the runway and other planes. How bad could this be, I mean only 10 hours to go.


Just as I'm about to get my self comfortable and take a nap, I look over and see Todd sneering at me.


"Yes Todd?" I ask trying to be civil.


"Get up! I mean you didn't think you could actually take this seat right? Because It's mine."


"That's great for you, would you like me to get up and grab you a fluffy pillow while I'm at it?"


"Yeah, that'd be nice." he said taken a back, not noticing my sarcasm.


"Listen jackass, this seat is mine, you snooze you loose pal."


Then all of the sudden I was pulled from the collar of my shirt into a lip lock. I pushed him away before he did anything else.


"Yo, dude what the hell?" I nearly screamed.


"Oh, come on Jamie, I've always known you wanted me." He gave a coky lopsided smile.


"In your dreams pretty boy."


I tried to push him away and get back into my seat when I bump into Kara.


"Where you just kissing my boyfriend? Please tell me you did not put our diseased lips on my boyfriend!?" She shriecked before slapping me.


"Okay, seriously Kara, let's think... why would I want your sloppy seconds!"


"Whore, please." And on she went, just talking on and on and on about how ugly and stupid I am, before I fell asleep of boredom.




 After about three hours of sleep I slowly awake when I feel someone tap me on my shoulder. As I look over it's Kara and she looks pissed, not that that's a surprise.


"Uhh, may I help you?"


"Actually, yes. Can you please stop snoring? You're disturbing my aura." I can feel my cheeks heat up but I still roll my eyes.

"Anything for you your majesty." And she replies by sneering (which by the way is not very attractive) and gives me the finger. Bitch.


So I sit back up, annoyed, because I was so rudely interrupted and pull out my phone. As I log into Aim, my very handy instant messaging site, I pray Caitlin is on. Who am I kidding, Caitlin’s always on.


Pickl3Lov3r: Heyy girlly


CaitlinNOTCate: Heyy sexxxii


Pickl3Lov3r: Evil queen bitch ruined my nap, claiming I was snoring.


CaitlinNOTCate: Don't worry about her, she's just jealous.


Pickl3Lov3r: Stunning good looks and amazing personality?


CaitlinNOTCate: Clearly.


Pickl3Lov3r: Oh, did I mention Todd kissing me and Kara slapping me?


CaitlinNOTCate: WTF???


Pickl3Lov3r: I know right? I swear these people have some serious problems...


CaitlinNOTCate: Was Todd an amazing kisser?


Pickl3Lov3r: Caitlin!


CaitlinNOTCate: Sryy


Pickl3Lov3r: Whatevs... Just give me hope and the strength not to kill both of them over the summer!


CaitlinNOTCate: HOPE AND strength! But think about it, you'll be in Cali, hot guys everywhere, just ditch her and ignore him.


Pickl3Lov3r: I guess, but we'll still be stuck in the camp together.


CaitlinNOTCate: Aren't you a little old for camp?


Pickl3Lov3r: My point exactly, but apparently it's some special teen camp. *rolls my eyes*


CaitlinNOTCate: Look, everyone will love you.. how could they not.. but seriously just ignore her!


Pickl3Lov3r: I'll try... gotta go gonna land soo LOVE YOU!!! xxoo BYE!


I turn my phone off and tuck it in my backpack. California, here I come!

Chapter 3- The Rules

As we get off the plane, I sort of feel bad for Kara, I mean she did just witness her boyfriend kissing me.


"Hi, Kara." I smile. "I think we got off on the wrong foot before. But in case you don't know, I'm Jamie."


"Yeah, I know who you are." She gives me a once over.


I know she thinks I'm intimidated by her but, news flash, I'm not. Yeah so she has the perfect golden hair with a waterfall of curls down her back, her makeup is down flawlessly, and has on the latest name brand pair of white cutoff short shorts and pink tanktop. Sure, she looks good, but she doesn't have the attitude to match it. At least I'm comfy while I wear my hair in a messy bun, my ex boyfriends sweatpants, and a t-shirt.


I fan myself up and down. I might need to change its hot here!


"Well, are you excited?" I ask trying to lighten the mood.


"Ok, JANICE," she my name really slowly as if she thinks I am a toddler who can't comprehend anything unless each syllable is spoken out clearly, not to mention she can't even get my name right, " Now I know that you kissed my boyfriend so on no means are we friends. Lets lay out some rules here. First, do not speak to me. Second, do not ever talk to Todd again, comprendo? Third,...


I cut her off "Actually KRISTIN," I mock her, "You see, I don't understand how you would think that I would ever kiss your walking STD of a boyfriend. Is your head that thick? Anyways let's do a little review, just incase you forgot momentarily who I am. I am a human being and human beings have feelings. I'm not one of your stupid minions at school, you don't own me, you don't scare me and I certainly don't think highly of you; I actually pity you. So, why don’t we try this whole rule thing over again, shall we?"


She flares her nostrils before speaking to me. Right, because that's really attractive.


"Listen you little bitch..." She starts to say before I cut her off again.


"Moi? A bitch? I think you got your people confused here." I chuckled, amusement filling through me. Gosh, was this girl dense. Surprising, I mean, she is in Honors everything, right?


She glares at me before continuing, "You will follow my rules or else I'll make sure my Daddy will ruin your father's career."


 What a lowlife...using blackmail to get what she wants. I quickly came up with a smart comeback.


"Wow, do you use common sense at all?" I sigh, "Who do you think he invited me to go with you this summer? It was your "Daddy's” idea. And my very dumb father agreed. So, lets follow my terms here, got it? A- I will talk to Todd where I please when ever I please, not that I would ever really want to anyways. And B- You will treat me with some respect.I think that's pretty fair. You shouldn't have any problems abiding by my rules.


"And if I dont?"


"Then I'll tell your father how mean your being to me and maybe throw in the idea to cancel all of your credit cards." I say with a smirk.


"Jamie, you think your so cool don't you? Well, news flash, your not."


"Kara, when did the words 'I think I'm so cool' come from my mouth? Oh right, never! You're the only person in the world who can't seem to get it through their thick pretty little head that other people aren't always going to be your servants. That theyre not going to cherish you, or look up at you and say 'I want to be just like Kara when I grow up.' Because personally if I was a little girl and saw you I dont even know what I would say.


'Fuck you!"


"No thanks, but you can kiss my.." And I slap my ass as I turn and walk away towards the bus.


Just as I was walking away, I turned and noticed Todd and Kara in a deep argument. Hehe, paybacks a bitch and Karma's its sister.


Woah, I don't know what happend back there but I think I just scored.


Jamie: 1


Kara: 0

Chapter 4- Cabin #34

Ha Kara is such a numb nut. I mean for a supposedly smart girl she's not all that smart. “I've been sitting on the bus for a good hour and it is so hot. You wouldnt even believe it. But the beatiful, breathtaking veiw makes up for it. It's absolutley gorgeous.


Finally we arrive. As I step off of the bus, I realize that the view isnt the only gorgeous thing. All around me are the most attractve looking guys I have ever seen! I felt my mouth open in shock and out of nowhere Kara popped up.



"Close you mouth, your drooling." I roll my eyes and wait till she's gone intil i reach up and check my mouth. Liar.


I walk towards the regestration desk with all my luggage to go get my information. They gave me my cabin number, key, and some other pieces of paper. As I trail off towards #34, my cabin, I notice under my name it says James instead of Jamie, but it must be a typo.


Ugh, I feel so disgusting. As soon I get to the cabin I look around. There's quite a few beds, some dressers, a small TV, and a bathroom in the right hand corner. Exausted, I throw my stuff onto the nearest bed and lay down for a second. I close my eyes and close my eyes. I try to take a nap before giving up and realizing that I'll probably have to change before I die of heat stroke.


I open and rumage tthrough my bags. I grap a tanktop and a pair of shorts and take off the unbearabley hot sweat pants and sweaty T-shirt. I have the shorts in my hand when the door flies open.


"Woah, dude, why is there a naked girl in our cabin?" a cute boy asks, frozen with his mouth open.


My hands instinctivley hide my body while my face turned the color of a fire truck.

“Umm... errr...” I stutter.


"'Why are you in our cabin!?" One of them screams at me.


"Why am I in your cabin? Why are you in MY cabin??"


“Why are you here?!” Another one asks.


"Why am I here? Why are you here?!" This was just going to go in circles.


"We're here because this our cabin."


"No, this is my cabin... " I realize I never put on a shirt and turn around and do that quickly. My face is flamming hot. When i'm done I reach into my bag and show them paper with the information on it.


"Well, obviously there has been a mistake."


"No shit, really?"


"Anyways, hi I'm Matt."


"Nice to meet you, I'm Jamie Dutton. Now if you don't mind I'm going to straighten this out.”


As I walked through the camp I noticed Kara and she gave me an evil smirk. WTF? That's weird. As I finally reach the regestration desk i go up to an older woman. "Excuse me, I have a little problem, could you please help me?"


She finished typing something before looking up and smiling. "Sure, what seems to be the problem?” I tell her what happened.



"Oh dear. I would change your cabin in a heartbeat but everything is packed solid. We don't have any empty cabins, I'm sorry."


Grrrr. "Do you have any idea how they messed up my name."


"Well, we did recieve a call earlier, something about messing up the name of a Mrs. Dutton. Is that you."

"Yeah, do you have any idea who called."


"Yes, I believe she said her last name was Reyes."


That little bitch! No wonder she was smirking at me! She did this on purpose. Oh, she will pay!



"Oh thank you." I smile sweetly before turning around and walking back to the cabin.




Kara: 1


When I reach the cabin i go inside, and plop on my bed.


Another guy steps forward. "What are you still doing here."


"Well, there's no more room so I guess I'm stuck with you guys. OK, now that we're past this can you please all introduce yourselves?"


Matt steps forward and brushes the blonde hair out of his light brown eyes. "Well, you already know me, I'm Matt."


Another boy with brown hair steps forward. "Hey, I'm Spencer."


Two more people step forward, "Hi I'm Chris and this is my twin Kirk." Chris tells me with a wide smile but Kirk just nods at me.


Then Todd step forward, "Hey sweet thang, didn't know you had such a cute little body."


"Leave me alone Todd," I snarled at him.


"You know this guy?" Matt questioned


"No!" Toss said a little to quickly.


"YES, sadly! Todd over here harrassed me on the plane."


"Dude, not cool..." Matt said shaking his head. I coud tell Matt and I were going to be good friends.


"Did I mention in front of his girlfriend?" I gave Todd the dirtiest look I could muster.


"You know what that means don't you," Chris said with a sly grin on his mouth. "Someones sleeping outside!" he sang.


All the boys burst into laughter.


His face was priceless. "WHAT?!"


"Outside dude, it's the rule once you mess with your cabin family." Chris said happily.


Todd just hung his head before heading outside. "Whatever! It's not like I care."




Todd: 0


Is it just me or am I getting seriously good at this game?


Matt starts talking again, "There's another guy but I don't know where he went, his name is Landon."


"Where did he go?"


"I don't know sorry, but don't worry about him, he usually has a stick up his ass anyways, and not to mention a total player."


"Oh niicee, can't wait to meet him!" I said sarcastically


That earned me another round of laughter from the guys. I have a feeling I'm going to get along with them.


But I just can't get my mind off of this mysterious Landon guy. Where did he go?

Chapter 5- Landon's Story

Landon’s ~ POV


Today was just like any other camp day I’ve experienced over the past few years at camp; I woke up and played football with my best buds. But everything changed when we went into our cabin that hot summer day. There was this girl that I couldn’t quite place, she had something different to her and I just had to find out more about her, I just couldn't get myself to look away.


Matt opened the door and just froze.


What the hell, I said to myself snapping back out of my bubble. I look back at the girl and realize she’s half naked, how could I not notice, a beautiful girl like that. Wait, did I say beautiful? I don’t say beautiful. Hot? Yeah. Sexy? Oh course. I was Landon, the one that had girls begging on there knees to go on a date with me. Only Allison was supposed to be beautiful, that was until she left me.


Flash Back:


Allison flashed me one of her signature smiles. She had the perfect white teeth with lips I could kiss for hours. She was my first kiss. Hell, she was my first everything.


“Come on Landy,” giggling loudly, bringing me out of my thoughts, “I want to go on an adventure!”


“Sure thing Ally, where do want to head?”


“The beach!” she exclaimed loudly.


I shake my head. “Alls, its nine o’clock, it’s too late to go to the beach.” She just pouts and I take a strand of her hair in my hand and twirl it.


“Pweeeeaaaaaasssseeee Lanndddy, I’ll tell you I wub you.” She shows me her big puppy dog eyes. Those stupid, stupid eyes.


“Ugh, fine Ally, but I think you might need to throw in a kiss as well,” I give her a sly smile with a wink

“I wub you Landon” she whispered to me softly and then gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I smile inwardly as I felt the warmth in her kiss.


“Come on, beautiful let’s go.”I grab her hand and pull her into my car.


The car is filled with a comfortable silence. As I was driving, I couldn’t help but sneak a glance at her. Her beautiful face was filled deep thought. I couldn't help but admire her and her beauty. How did I get so lucky?


“Hey Landy,?” she whispered.


“Yes sweet girl o’ mine?”


“Promise you’ll always stay strong even when I’m not here for you,” she whispered.


I could feel my face twist into confusion. What was she talking about? “Yeah sure,” I replied carefully.


No, Landon, I’m serious, promise me,” her eyes where hard and her face where determined.


“Yes Allison, I promise.”


The rest of the night was tense. We played on the beach and made sand castles. The dark sand was illuminated by the moonlight. Something wasn't right and I just couldn't put my finger on it. We only stayed for a little while longer before the chilly night summer air started to get to us.


We finally got back to her house and just as she was about to hop out I grabbed her by the wrist. “I love you Ally and don't you forget it."


She smiled at me, “I love you too Landy.”


End of flash back:


I shake my head at the memory. It was one of the last ones I had before the inccident, before everything changed. I slowly slipped out of the cabin and ran to the Rec Room hopeing to get some time alone. As I got to the door my mind was racing a million miles a minute.


How could Allison do that to me? How could she go and kill herself like that not thinking about all the people who loved her? It’s been two years since the incident, two whole years and I’m still not over it! Could you imagine the wonderful birthday present that was? What it was like to wake up on your 15th birthday with a huge smile on your face, just about jumping out of your shorts with eagerness to see your girlfriend, when you find out that she overdosed and slit her wrists in her bath tub? Any idea at all? The nightmares?


But thanks to Allison, that's why i made my self into a player. I can't let anyone hurt me like that again! Thats why I put up my walls, my signature smirk and swaggered my way into a new me. It took me months just to stop thinking about Ally. Fuck it, I still think about her. No, no, no Landon! And this is why I can’t even think about that girl in the cabin. The girl that had me interested before I even knew her name. Good thing she never saw me.


After I finally calmed down, I walked back to the cabin, ready to face any road block in my way.

Chapter 6- Uh Oh Spaghetti Oh's

Jamie's ~ POV

“So there’s another kid Landon, right?”



Every since I got here a few hours I’ve been wondering about that guy. I don't even know why. I don't even remember seeing him. The guys told me that he was here earlier when they first met me, but what I want to know is where he went after that. Just as I said that Todd walked in, but everyone ignored him.


“Yeah, I mean I could have sworn he was here earlier when we first ran into you but, I haven’t seen him since. I’m worried about him.”


“Don’t worry Matt; I’m sure he’s fine.” Spencer told him, “Landon’s one strong dude.”


I must have given a confused look on my face because all the sudden Spencer got all nervous and started rambling. “Did I say strong not strong uhhh, do you want nachos? I’m totally in the mood for nachos, with the cheese and everything, nachos anyone?”


Matt cut him off before he could continue, “Dude chill, what he was trying to say was, something happened to Landon a while ago and it’s still a sore topic around here. But, if you want to know anything just ask Landon.”


“Just ask Landon what?” a voice asked just as the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen walked in. He had dark messy brown hair and deep blue eyes, that were filled with a life time of scars.



I'm pretty good at reading people and I could tell just by looking at him he had been going through something.


“And Jamie, this is the infamous Landon!” Matt gave me a pearly white smile.


I smiled grandly, “Hi Landon, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” I treid to be as nice as possibe.


He just gave me a blank look and a tired flat voice, “The feelings not mutual.”


“Wha-“and then the bathroom door slammed. Ok then?


“Guys I don’t think Landon likes me very much.”i said trying not to sound dissapointed.


“Jamie, just because you think you’re so cool and you think everyone likes you does not make it true.” Tood remarked snottily.


“What the hell Todd, was I talking to you? No. And like seriously, do you and your stupid girlfriend share a brain? When did the words, ‘I think I’m so cool and everyone likes me come out of my mouth?’ Oh right, never!”

That made him to shut up.


Matt stepped forward angry, “If you talk to Jamie one more time like that, you should wake up the next morning expecting your head shaved and your balls chopped off. Are we clear?” Todd just got an annoyed look on his face. “OUT, NOW!”


His voice was pissed. Let’s just hope I never end up pissing Matt off..


Before things could get out of hand I interrupted, “So back to Landon.”


Chris started explaining , “Don’t worry about him, he never likes new people. Just give him some time.”


I stepped forward and gave Chris a peck on the cheek. His cheeks flushed bright red.


“Wha- what was that for?”


“For being nice,” I gave him my genuine smile.


Matt had an unhappy look on his face, “And what am I? A monkey on a unicycle here for your entertainment?”


I shake my head no and just as I reach up and attempt to kiss his cheek he abruptly moves his head and my lips end up meeting his instead. As, I quickly pull away we both blush darkly.


“Oh god, Jamie I am so sorry!”


“No, don’t worry about it,” I assure him dazed.


His reply is a grin and then I realize the awkward stares of the surrounding guys.


“Ohhh, ummm, well…”


Chris whispers to Kirk and then Chris speaks up, “Me and Kirk are starved were going to head up to the mess hall anyone want to come with us?”


The rest of the guys murmur a yes leaving Matt and I alone.


Oh god, what have I done.

Chapter 7- The Question

Landon’s~ POV


“She’s even more beautiful then when I first met her,” my heart tries to tell me.


 “NO! Shut up Landon, she’s probably just another whore,” says my brain.


“No, she’s beautiful, admit it.”


“BUT what about Allison and your promise to her?!”


 Before you ask any questions, yes I am having a fight with myself. My brain kept saying one thing while my heart is saying another. Just as I was about to go and take a shower Matt comes in.


“Dude what was that all about? You just met the girl, give her a chance.”


“Matt are you fucking crazy? Why should I have to give anyone anything? When she proves to me she’s actually worth my time then we’ll talk.”


But she is worth your time you stupid ass. There goes my heart again.


“Whatever Landon, but we already have Todd sleeping outside and if you don’t pick up your act you’ll be out there as well.”


“Whatever Matt, just give me some time, ok?” Matt just gave me a slight smile before leaving.

“Sure no problem dude.”


As soon as he turns around and leaves, I go to the mirror and take my shirt off. I look at my reflection and trace the scars and wounds on my chest.


Flash Back:


“Honey, can go and start dinner?” My mom called to me.


Allison just died and she thinks everything is going to just go back to normal? Hell no, but instead of yelling at her I simply ignore her and go upstairs.


“Landon?” Shit it’s my dad.


“Landon!” And he’s pissed


 “LANDON!” Fuck is there a place to hide in here?


I look around the room and realize its useless trying to hide. All of the sudden my dad bursts little son of a bitch! You do not ignore your mother in this house boy.”


All of the sudden a jolt of pain is spread through my body. He goes to take my shirt off to make the lashes more painful.


“So, your little whore of a girlfriend dies and you think you can misbehave? Hm? You think that just because something hard goes through your life it give you the right to ignore your mother? Well, you better get over it quick boy because thumbs up, life sucks and we don’t have pussy’s in our family.”


He then reaches for the belt and gives me another six lashes on my chest, twelve on my back, and a punch in the face which sends me flying into my dresser. Now I’m sobbing and just as I’m about to lose consciousness I manage to as my dad something.


“What did I do to you Dad? Why do you hate me?”


He just ignores my question and I try to throw on my shirt.


“You better fucking believe you will clean yourself up before you go down to make dinner. You have ten minutes.”


That’s the last thing I hear before everything turns black.


“Wake up boy!”


I slowly open my eyes and try toremember what just happened. When I realize the pain of my body, realization sets in.


“Karen go wait down stairs please.” She just nods. Great Mom, thanks for leaving me alone with Dad, again.

As soon as the door closes my father is quick to lock it. Then he grabs me by the hair.


“Do we have to go through this again boy? I was up here an hour ago when I told you to make fuucking dinner!”


“I’m sorry Dad,” I make out through tears.


“Your apologies mean nothing to me anymore you worthless piece of shit. Now take of your shirt.”


I hesitate and he slaps me.



“I said take off your fucking shirt!” And then he pulls it off and throws me face down on the bed. Then all of the sudden I feel a sharp point on the inside of one of the cuts.


“You will make dinner and pretend like nothing ever happened or else next time you won’t get off so easy."


And just to make his point and sticks it sharply into one of the cuts and drags it down.


I hear a piercing scream, when I realize it’s mine.


“Shut the bloody hell up. Oh and five minutes boy!” My father screams at me and gives me another hard punch in the face before leaving my room.


I slowly crawl into the corner and sob. I taste the metallically taste of my own blood running from my nose. I turn around and try to see the damage to my back when I realize that he hit me so hard my whole body is numb.


I try to get up but my head is pounding so hard I just fall over. As I get up again, I head over to the bathroom and lean on sink for support. I look into the mirror and wince at my reflection, my eye is purple, my nose is swollen and bloody, and my hair is a mess. As I look at my watch I realize I only have 2 minutes left. So I slash cold water on my face and wipe the blood from my nose, brush my hair and then run into my mom’s bathroom to get some cover up. When I think I look presentable I look down and see the dark noticeable blood stains on my shirt and put a jacket over it.


“Good job,” I turn around and see my dad with obvious disappointment in his eyes.


“Thanks,” I mutter.


“What? I didn’t hear you.”


“Never mind Dad, it was nothing.”


He grips me by the hair and I wince, “Tell me what you fucking said or me and you will be having some quality time later in the basement.”


Terror flashes through me, “I said thanks Dad.”


He just nods and leaves.


I go and look around the kitchen and realize that I don’t know what to make. So I go into the living room to try and find my mom.


“Hey Mom, what do you want me to make for dinner.”


My mom opens her mouth to speak when she’s interrupted my father, “Penne alla vodka.”


“But I don’t know how to make it.”


“Well then maybe later tonight we can go into the basement and I’ll give you a few words of advice.”


My mouth drops open in terror while my mom just sits there happy oblivious to the world.


“That’s a great idea Craig! I’ll do it for tonight.”


When she leaves Dad just smirks at me.


“You will be there at 10:00 pm, not a minute later and if you are expect the worse.”


I gulp and decide I’m not hungry so I go to walk back upstairs when I’m stopped by Dad.


“And where do you think you’re going?”


“Upstairs, I’m not really hungry anymore.”


“No you’re not. You will sit at my dinner table and eat every last drop of food I give you, with no complaints!”


Off from the kitchen Mom calls, “Boy’s dinner is ready!”



It’s 9:50 when I realize I should probably start heading back down to the basement. But when I stand up I immediately feel the need to puke. He gave me seven plates of that stuff, seven! He told Mom, about how much I loved it.  I really truly 100% hate him. I hate my own father.


I quietly tiptoe downstairs and into the basement at exactly 10:00. Inside I see the faint glow of a light and a table with a cloth over it.


“Though you’d never make it son, I was getting worried.” He said with a smirk


Yeah right like he actually cared about me.


“Now are you ready for some advice?”


He didn’t even wait for anything before he ripped my jacket and shirt of and threw me down on the table.

“So here’s my list for you. One, don’t ever speak back to me.”


As soon as he finished his sentence, he jammed the knife in my back and slaughtered through the cut mark he made earlier.


“Number two, when I tell you to do something that means you do it.”


And then he jammed the knife in the next mark. The pain was unbearable but the cloth in my mouth was preventing me from doing anything.


Next thing I knew I was face up and punched in to the face.


“Now boy this never happened.”


Then, “Oh my god!” was heard.“Oh my god, oh my god, what have you done?! Craig, you will talk to me this instant!”


I couldn’t see who said that, but it had to be Mom.


“Yes 911 come quick, help please, my son is hurt very badly, and he’s bleeding everywhere!” She yelled frantically.  


Then everything went white.


End of flash back:


I wince at the memory but shake it off and step into the shower.


As the warm water runs down my body the same question keeps running through my head, “Why does Dad hate me so much?”


I guess I’ll never know since he was put to life in prison, but still, wouldn’t you want to know?

Chapter 8- The Truth

Jamie’s~ POV

Matt and were sitting on my bed when suddenly I hear someone crying in the background.

“Uh Matt, do you hear that noise?” I whispered.

“No and why are you whispering?” He asked as he gave me a slight chuckle.

“I don’t know,” I wondered out loud.

Then the next thing I know, Matt crashed his lips to mine and started kissing me hungrily while leaving me frozen, like an idiot. What the hell? And wow, does this dog kiss badly. What? Did I say dog? I mean this boy kisses badly. Matt is obviously a boy, not a dog.

“Yo, can yall’ just get a room?” A voice I couldn’t quite place asked. The boy’s voice had an annoyed tone to it with a tad bit of jealously.

Matt’s back immediately tensed and he gripped his fists. What’s wrong with him today?

“Landon, can’t you just go somewhere else?” Matt asked while his voice was filled with venom.

Wait, Landon?? Shit, did he just see everything that just happened??

“No shit Sherlock,” he answered me. “But please next time you randomly decide you just want to make out please do it somewhere private. I really don’t think anyone should have to witness Matt kissing like he’s a fucking dog.” Landon’s retorted.

Wait did he say dog? I felt myself chuckle when I realize he said the same thing that I thought. Hold on a second, he heard that? I just pushed that question aside as I noticed Matt glaring at me, telling me with his eyes to shut up.

“Yes, I did say dog. Did you not see the way he moved his tongue.” He said with a small smile before demonstrating.

“Oh my god, Landon shut the fuck up!” Matt roared.

“Yo Matt, my buddy calm down, there’s no need to get your panties in a twist.”

Matt just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms and left his face angry. Whatever Matt, be a dick if you want to.

Suddenly as I looked over to Landon, I was immediately drawn into his deep blue eyes. That’s when I felt jolts of emotional pain go through me. What was that? Whatever and I shook those thoughts away also pulling away from his eyes. That’s when I realized the puffiness of his face and the redness of his eyes. Was he the one crying?

All of the sudden Landon’s voice filled with anger.

“For your information no, I wasn’t crying. Besides even if I was, it wouldn’t be any of your business to begin with. So fuck of will ya’?” His voice was scary and intimidating.

Did I just think that out loud, again?

”Yes you did think that out loud AGAIN,” He sneered.

Wow I really need to stop that.

“Yeah you do and Matt, just for the heads up I did your pretty little girlfriend a chance and she blew it big time.” Then he walked away wearing a sly smirk on his gorgeous face.

I had questions running through my mind at full speed. Like why was he so mad at me? What was all that pain I felt? Should I be worried? But I just shook my head and forgot about the questions I had, )for now anyways) when I noticed Matt still tense besides me.

“Uh, Matt you ok?”

Then he jumped out of whatever angry world he was in and snapped back to reality.


“Matt I asked you if you were ok.”

“Yeah I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine? Why do you want to know? What’s it to you?”

“Nothing it was just a question.”

Jeeze, something is definitely up with these people.


Landon’s~ POV

As I walked off, I couldn’t help myself but smile when I remembered the way Jamie thought out loud or how cute she looked when she blushed.

“Oh shut up Landon, don’t forget, you did just walk in with your best friend making out with her.” My brain reminded me.

“You know what this means Landon, you might actually like her.” My heart was also saying.

I sighed. This was like in those stupid TV shows when they have the angel on one side and the devil on the other.

“UGH!” I screamed.

“Yo dude, you ok?” I looked up and saw Kirk.

“Yeah man, just a little frustrated.”

“Talk to me.”

“Nah, I’d rather not.”

He looked at me unsurely.

“Well ok… why don’t you head up to the mess hall with me to get a bite to eat? The other guys should be there already.”



“Whoa, did you see how hot that Jamie chick was? I’d bet you I can get her in bed by friday.” I felt my body tense. When I looked over in the direction it came from, I realized it was coming from Matt! When did he get here?

“Dude, not cool, she’s a person, not an object.” Chris piped up.

“Yeah I agree with Chris.” I butted into the conversation.

“Seriously, coming from the dude that middle names sex?

The rest of the guys just stared at me.


Everything was silent until Spencer decided to break the silence.

“You totally just stood up for her!”


“You never stand up for anyone!”

Oh shit. They realized that?

“Whatever guys, just worry about yourselfs.”

After I finished eating, I went outside to catch some air and get away from Matt’s constant comments on how he was going to get her into bed by the end of the week. I think I was jealous, maybe I am falling for Jamie. Maybe it’s time for me to change my ways.

“No Landon, don’t do it!” My brain kept screaming at me.

But I really think it’s time to follow my heart.

"Don't be stupid remember what happened last time," it sang in my ear.

“Yo Landon, wait up!”

I looked back and saw Chris with that stupid grin on his face running and trying to catch up to me.

“I know you Landon Desty, tell me your feelings about Jamie right now or I might slip and tell Kirk about what really happened to Mr. Snuggles.”

I gasp, “You wouldn’t!”

“Try me,” he retorted putting an evil grin on his lips.

“Ugh, fine. Dude, I don’t know what’s up with this girl, when I first met her all I wanted to do was get to know her more. I wanted to ask her questions and make her laugh. Then I remembered my promise to Allison. So for the past day I’ve been fighting my heart and brain with trying to find what’s right. She’s different man, she’s real. When she looked into my eyes I felt like she could read me like a book, like she knew me without actually knowing me. But, every chance I get to be with her I ruin by being a total ass. It’s weird, my emotions are out of whack and when I heard wheat Matt said I wanted to punch him until his face was completely broken. I wanted to punch Matt, my best friend! Dude, I really don’t know what to do!”

Chris just looked at me and shook his head.

“Seriously dude, you really can’t tell what’s happening? Are you that oblivious.”


“Listen to your heart dude, always follow your heart.”

“Well then Chris, I think I love her.”

Chapter 9- Daddy's Home

I’m in a pitch black room with nothing but the shine of the luminous moon. I hear a slight creak in the floor boards and turn around, my chest pounding. I see a slight whip of short brown hair pass the light for no more than a millisecond.

“Who’s there,” I call out.

No one answers; you could only hear the heavy pants of my breathing and the distant howling of the wind.

“I know your there.”

I focus my eyes attempting to get used to the darkness when I notice a faint light surrounding a big oak door. What’s inside?


I can feel my heart beat going faster as my adrenaline continues to get pumped up. Suddenly I hear a loud bang.

“I know someone’s there, I can hear you!”

I hear the shakiness in my voice. As I go down the creepy hallway, I can’t but notice dark shadows on the walls. What are they?

Then it comes to me, pictures!

I squint at the tiny wooden frames on the dark green walls and take notice of a mother, about 36, with light brown hair and dark green eyes and a warm, but distant smile on her face, then a father with a heavy dark brown mustache and nothing but pure evil in his eyes, and finally a little boy.

Just as I’m about to walk away something draws me back to the child. Maybe at first glance he looked like any other young child but there was something about him that felt familiar. He had the same dark hair that I’d seen before. But, that wasn’t what was drawing me to him; it was the way the boy’s eyes looked. It was how they were so dark blue, almost like the ocean, and the way they showed so much and so little at the same time, that made me feel as if there was an invisible string tying us together.

Ugh, this is bothering me so much, I know that I have seen this person, but I can’t quite put my finger on it!

Then on the other side of the door I heard a faint whimper.


Again there is no answer.

“Ok Jamie, suck it up, go through that damn door right now!” I told myself, “It’s now or never.”

I take a huge breath and quickly tiptoe to the door. As, I put my hand on the cold brass knob I can’t help but second guess this situation.

Oh what the hell! I turn the knob and barge right through the door. And as I enter I can’t help but gasp at the sight in front of me.

The man from the picture is in front of me, the one with the icy, evil eyes. I can tell he can’t see me. But, why; I’m right in front of him.

But that wasn’t what was most shocking; on a table, in front of the man,was the boy. He wasn’t young anymore; he’s definitely older as I could see the defined muscles on his back. He had huge scars and gashes everywhere and I couldn’t imagine the pain he must have gone through.

That was when I noticed the man beginning to take a knife.

“Ha ha son,” I heard him chuckle lightly, “Didn’t think you’d get off that easy did you. Always remember there’s a loophole out of everything.” Then he looked down and gave off a full blown laugh, “Well except out of this situation. Now that I’m out of prison, you better prepare to lose everyone and everything you have ever loved die and I’ll make sure you see every second of it.”

Then he plunged the knife into his back.

I heard a loud scream, it was piercing my ears! That’s when I realized that it was mine!

As I looked back at the young man on the table, I realized he could see me, but only him. That’s when noticed the eyes and the realization finally hit me.

That was LANDON!

Then everything went black.


“Jamie! Jamie!” I heard a whisper in my ear.

What happened? All I remember is a dark hallway. Then I felt my eyes widen, Landon!

All of the sudden cold water was splashed all over me.

“Ah-“ I tried to scream.

A warm hand covered my mouth, trying to shut me up. It was too dark to see anything and I was too tired to care what was going on, if I was going to die it might as well happen already.

I was pulled outside and dragged to an area I hadn’t seen before.

Oh I’m still on the camp! This must be the campsite I passed on the way in!

I was put on one of the logs and the man pulled his hand away.


I cut him off.

“Landon?” I felt tears come to my eyes. “You’re, you’re ok?”

Then Landon pulled my shaking body to his and held me tightly to him.

“Shhh, Jamie. What happened? You where screaming my name in your sleep.”

I then told everything from start to beginning and by the time I was done I had started to sob again. I felt Landon tense against me.

“Jamie, don’t worry, it was just a bad dream,” he said soothingly.

“But it wasn’t!” I screamed at him, “It was too real!”

“Trust me sweetie, everything’s going to be ok. Don’t worry your pretty little head off.”

“No, not unless you show me you back.”

“What the fuck? No, why would I show you my back.”

“In my dream you had twelve huge scars on your back. If they aren’t there I’ll leave this alone, if they are, we are dealing with this right away.”

He just rolled his eyes and lifted up his shirt. I gasped at the gruesomeness of his back.

“Landon? What happened?" I asked as I traces the out line of all the scars, which made him shutter. "The boys told me you had a story, but you would have to be the one to tell me. Can you tell me tonight?”

He just sighed before taking a deep breath and starting, “Well… It all started with a beautiful girl named Allison. Before I laid eyes on her, I thought love at first sight was unrealistic. But everything went spiraling down from there. We met when I was nine, also when my Dad first started drinking. My life as a nine year old then went from fun and carless to depressing and frightful, and Ally helped me out of it.” His eyes were glazed over and I could tell he was taking a trip into the past. “My Dad used to be the sheriff until he started getting drunk every night. He wouldn’t come back until four in the morning sometimes. Eventually, over the weeks he got fired and started drinking more and more. He would be home by dinner every night and angry and hyped up. He was able to deal with the anger for a little while, until one night, when I was supposed to be getting ready for bed and I was actually playing video games. When he found me he screamed in face spraying his stench of vodka and brandy all over me before throwing me on the bed. I heard him unbuckle his belt and then all of the sudden my body went into shock. He whipped the belt so hard on back; he ended up breaking two of my ribs. Then, he made me tell my mother that I tipped of the side of the bed onto the wooden bed frame. After that I started cutting myself, wearing more black clothing and not talking to anyone. Finally, Allison approached me and we talked for hours. She eventually, made sure I got back to my old self, but that didn’t stop the beatings I got every day. Over time they just got worse, but I tried not to let it show around Allison, I couldn’t live with myself if it was all too much for her and she left. So, when I was about twelve, I decided to take a risk and ask her to be my girlfriend. Of course she said yes and then we dated for two years.” He had tears in his eyes.

“What happened after that?” I whispered.

“Then on my fourteenth birthday, I was notified that she killed herself. I was so devastated, that I lost all communication with everyone. Even my father was sober enough, to let me off the hook for a while. But, like everything else it got old, and one night I made my father so angry he brought me into the basement, took a knife and cut open every single lash he had given me earlier. That’s when my mom walked in and saw what he did to me. She called 911 and then my father was sent to prison for life.”

My eyes widened and I looked at Landon for approval to hug him. He just slightly nodded and then pulled me into a tight hug. I just hugged him back and then he started to whisper something in my ear.

“I have never told anyone this before, but after what happened with my Dad in the basement that night and after I got home from the hospital I tried to kill myself. I went into the showers during lunch at school and slit my wrists with a razor and hoped to bleed to death. But thankfully, that’s when Matt walked in and found me. That’s how we became best friends.”

I just pulled him closer to him and whispered back in his ear.

“Just remember Landon, no matter what happens to you or what you look like I’m always here.”

He nodded and that’s when I heard my phone go off. It was a private number.

“Hello, is there a Landon there?” a deep voice asked.

“Maybe, may I ask who is calling?”

“Just say an old pal.”

“Landon, it’s for you.” I called to Landon.

“Who is it?”

“I don’t know, he says he’s an old pal?”

I handed the phone to him and his eyes widened in terror when he heard the voice speak then put it on speaker.

“Guess what Landon boy, Daddy’s home,” an evil voice said.

Then I let the words sink in and my eyes matched Landon’s and the next thing I know we’re both running.

The Afraid

Landon’s POV-
How dare he involve Jamie! I keep a tight grip on her arm as I pull towards our cabin to grab the things we need and the guys. I look over at her and notice she’s looking at her phone. I smile, she looks so beautiful with the moonlight in her hair. Wait, who is she calling?
“What do you think you’re doing?!” I hissed.
“Calling 911... we need help Landon.” She answered simply.
I grab her phone.
“Give it back!”
I ignore her, turn off the navigator and throw the phone in the woods.
“Hey! Do you know how long I had to save up for that? That was like a year of allowance and birthday money!”
“Hey Jamie?”
“What?” She snapped.
“Do you think you could shut the FUCK up!” I yelled.
Maybe I was a little too harsh...
“Jeez Landon... don’t get your panties in a twist!”
I roll my eyes.
“Ok Jamies, here’s the plan. We’re going to go to the cabin, and you’re going to get some sleep. We’re going to have a really busy day tomorrow. I’ll stay up and start to pack the necessities. I’ve also got to wake the guys, which takes like an hour anyways, finally I’m going to half to use the camp’s pay phone and call a few people to make sure we all have a reason to leave camp, a ride to the safe house, and well, a safe house. Ok?
She looks a little shocked. “Landon, aren’t we being a little extreme here?”
“Extreme?! Extreme?! I showed you what my dad did to me Jamie! He’ll kill everyone I’ve ever loved, just to get back at me because I supposedly made him go to prison! I’m not letting you die, because you’re too stupid to realize this isn’t some little game! This isn’t a dream where you can just open your eyes and everything will go the way you want it to. You need to grow up and stop being so naive!”
“You know what Landon, go fuck yourself.”
“Nah, that’s what Trisha is for.” Trisha is this chick who is basically like a prostitute. Except you don’t have to pay for her. She’s really easy. She has these huge like DD sized boobs and a really nice ass. Besides she thinks I’m sexy.
She looks at me disgustedly. “Ok Landon, you do that. I’m going to go find my phone, pray it’s not broken and go sleep somewhere else. Don’t expect em to come back to the cabin.”
“Why do you have to be so stubborn? The cabin is right around the corner from this tree.”
She stares at me blankly. “Whatever Landon. Have fun with taco sauce or whatever her name is.”
“It’s Trisha, and thank you I will.”
“Hey where’s the nurse’s office?”
“Around the corner and down a bit why?”
“Oh, no reason.” Weird
.She walks in the cabin and i reach for my phone to text Trisha.

Me: Hey, you up?
Trisha: Yeah Baby, are you?
Is she an idiot? No bitch, I’m sleep texting.
Me:Yeah, wanna meet up?
Trisha: Of course! I’m so horny!”;) Where you wanna meet up?
Bitch please, you always are.
Me: Behind the nurse’s office?
Trisha: Sure baby, be there in 10 ;)

In case your minds haven’t figured this out already, no i don’t really like Trisha. I mean, she’s to....
“Not like Allison or Jamie.” My mind tells me.
Damn conscious.
I kick the gravel down the walkway towards the nurse’s office.
I stand there and look down at my watch.
Great another 10 minutes of my life, wasted.
Finally a I hear another crunch in the gravel.
“It’s about time.” Like really? The chick can’t go any faster?
I’m standing here for only about a minute or so, and she still hasn’t shown up. I yawn and tap my foot impatiently.
“We don’t have all day here.” I say to myself.”
I poke my head around the corner of the building. Maybe she forgot where we usually go.... I see a shadow of someone heading by the entrance of the building. I run after her before she can get us both in trouble. But my feet stop short when instead of seeing the curvy blonde, i see profile of a girl who looks peculiarly like,
“Jamie?” She ignores me and keeps walking. Maybe, it’s not Jamie. But, what she does next proved my theory, she stuck up her middle finger and gets closer to the door.
Stubborn girl.
“Jamie get in the cabin right now or-”
I hear crunching behind me and turn around, maybe Trisha finally decided to show up. I’ll half to deal with Jamie another time.
I squint my eyes to get a better look at her and realize she;s wearing all black?
‘What are you wearing,” I scream hiss.
I squint harder and see the there’s not one but two people. MY hearts pounding and my feet start pounding on the gravel. I run as fast as i can towards the woods where i trip over a branch.
I try to get up, but the shadows are too fast and they put a black sack over my head. The last thing I hear is laughter and the piercing soundsof my own screams before everything tuens black.
Ello my cookies,
OK, well i know i havn’t updated this book in forever and the chapter isnt long at all, but i promised someone a update and i had to do it. So what do you think? I love feedback so please talk an extra minute of your time to heart, comment, friend request, or write me a note! Umm i will right this in all of my books, but if you would like a perpsonal letter or pin point of when I’ve updated, “THe Butterfly Effect,” “My Best Friends Brother,” OR “Revenge ;)” PLEASE PINPOINT me OR WRITE ME A NOTE! Thank you so much everyone, and don’t forget i love you all!


Texte: Gabby Scranton
Bildmaterialien: Gabby Scranton
Lektorat: Just_Peachy (On
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2012

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