

The little girl with the raven hair was running around playing with the beautiful black birds as her mother looked over at her disproving.
“winter those birds are the devils birds!” But the little girl ignored her for now she was staring into the intense black eyes of one who was both bigger and more beautiful then the other ones that seemed to fly around him as though he were their king. It was a he she was sure of it but didn’t dare move because something was telling her if she did then he would be angry. The bird loved the way her green eyes stared at him boldly lit up with mischief as though she was constily up to something. And she was always up to something always disobeying her mothers orders to stay inside and not eat the extra sweets her mother tried so hard to hide.
“Mine” the bird hissed. The little girl jumped. Had she just heard the bird talk? She watched as it gracefully flew into the sky. She wished she could go with him to fly and to forget the world she flew over. She wouldn’t have to deal with the constant teasing of her twin brother who called her the devils daughter. With one last look up at the sky she made her way to her mother who was now yelling at her to come there at once. She decided that she had after all just imagined the bird talking

Chapter #1 the blood that is shed is not shed for you but for our soul that seeks out the secrets of life itself

I woke up to the sound of a rain splattering against the pavement. It only took me a seconded to realize I was lying flat on the ground outside and I was freezing. How had I even gotten here? I wondered but made no move to get up I was perfectly content to be here staring up at the gray sky as rain was pouring down my face. So ignored my discomfort and didn’t even bother to be scared and confused because I didn’t remember a thing that had happened last night. I suppose I had gotten myself into this mess. If I hadn’t decided to sneak out against my strict parents wishes then maybe right now I would be getting ready for school. I grimaced at the thought of school. Id rather be stuck at home then be there. And that was saying something. My mom and step dad were strict Christians and when I say that I mean the worst kind. They always tried to make me dress in turtle necks and khakis but they failed. I was very good at sewing so I made my own cloths and ignored my parents constant nagging every morning walking out the door dressed as if I was a child of the night. I sighed everyday was the same for me id walk out the door with my mother screaming at me cause I was wearing the wrong cloths and I would go to school and disobey my parents orders to come home straight after school. Instead coming home at three in the morning. They hated that they had no powers over me my step dad once tried to pick me up after school but all I had to do was slip out the back door in the gym. I once again sighed this time I sat up only to flop right back down with a groan of pain. It felt like my head had been hit with a brick a thousand times. Did I get drunk last night? I wondered I had done this before but never had I not remembered anything. Ok I thought to myself you need to get up and go to school like the good girl you are. I smirked at how far fetched I was when saying good girl and me in the same sentence. After about a hundred tries I was up Yay I thought hmm I think ill reward myself I could skip today and maybe go see Adam and his gang at the tattoo place. And then I could go to that party tonight. I wouldn’t have to go home and go through the torture called my parents maybe I can even mange to stay in Adams apartment for a week. Adam despite my moms beliefs was only a friend maybe even more like a brother. There was a time when I had disappeared for a whole month when I was fifteen just hanging out with Adam and Scar. But when I came home I felt guilty when I saw my mom so worried. So if I disappeared it was only for a week or two. I yawned and looked around. As usual everything seemed dark and eerie . The town named west mill made Stephine Myers town of forks look like it was sunny California. I hated that series but my cousins were obsessed so I had to sit through the whole movie. West Mill was in main and was surrounded by green forest and a ten minutes walk from here was the beach. It was a small town but not really unlike most small towns you had plenty places to go and things to do. Everyone knew each other here. I squinted my eyes to look at the sign. Victorian lane. I gasped what was I doing here? Victorian Lane was on a hill that was the farthest from town and was by far the creepiest place besides the grave yard but that was at the bottom of the hill. On the top stood a Victorian mansion with iron gates and looked empty but from what I heard had a family living there. I shuddered I knew gossip was nothing but lies sometimes but it was rumored to in habit vampires. I made my way down the hill as fast as I could cause I didn’t want to stick around long. My imagination was already making up things was it just me or did it feel like I was being watched. I looked up to see a black raven looking down at me as if it was waiting for me to do something. I’m almost there I told myself wondering how I could have possibly stayed here the whole night. I let out a relieved breath when I entered town and made my way to the tattoo place. I walked in only to be greeted my the sound of blaring music. I smiled when I realized it was my favorite band eluveitie. I had introduced the band to Scar who was now just as much as a fan of them as me. So whenever it was playing it meant she was working. I had known Scarlett since I was in sixth grade and she was in seventh she was a year older then me so she was now eighteen. Adam was nineteen I had a habit of hanging out with people who were older then me.
“Winter!!!!” she screeched and hugged me with a huge grin as though I were some celebrity but then she gasped in surprise.
“What did you do last night! Your parents are going to kill you!” I frowned.
“What are you talking about?” she crossed her arms and scolded. She took my hand and led me to a mirror. When I looked in the mirror I gasped. On my neck was a tattoo it had a raven with wings spread and on its claws it was clutching a chain with a heart entangled. But that wasn’t the only thing that had changed in my raven black hair there was white streaks, and my green eyes were both darker and brighter, my skin was completely pale, and my lips were dark blooded red. The most disturbing thing was I wasn’t staring in the mirror looking awkward but completely graceful. Scar was staring at me through the mirror with a shocked and worried expression. I turned around to look at her.
“I don’t remember what happened last night did I get drunk last night?” she shook her head.
“Winter you were completely sober and I was with you the whole time!” I quickly explained the events of this morning. About how I had woken up with my head hurting and not remembering anything.
“Maybe you just hit your head when you were walking home you are really clumsy.” I nodded in relief happy to have a normal excuse then something weird like I was abducted by aliens. I decided to just ignore the fact that I had went from plain looking into some sort of goddess as scar so liked to say.
“it is really cool tattoo but your parents are going to have a heart attack.” she snickered. I glared at her not wanting to be reminded.
“I don’t know what to tell them. How am I suppose to explain that I don’t remember anything?” Scar snorted and rolled her eyes
“You don’t our they will think you got drunk just say you thought it would be cool. Then they will do what they normally do yell at you and tell you that your grounded you will stomp to your room and then ignore the punishment like you always do. Then they will forget about that because you did something else wrong.” She smirked and I laughed.
“you know me well.”
“Is that winter I hear!” I heard a voice ask. I grinned and turned around and tackled Adam and gave him a bear hug.
“What’s up and what’s with the cool tattoo?” I quickly explained things to him and he came up with the same thing as Scar had and that was that I must have hit my head. We all hung out for the rest of the day and in the end I decided that I should go home.

Chapter #2 ghost are nothing but an illusion it’s the past that haunts us
I walked in the door only to be greeted with my moms arms crossed looking angry and my step father behind her smirking. He loved to see me in trouble. He had always hated me. I think it was because unlike my twin brother who resembled my mother I resembled my Native American dad who lived on the other side of town. They had always hated each other. My step father was a pastor of the church and my father was practiced the ways of the native Americans which meant he worshiped several gods. My mom used to also even though she wasn’t a Native American but when I was just one and a half years old she had meet step evil behind her and he had brain washed her into thinking that the things my father did were wrong and my mom had believed him so she had divorced my dad and decided to marry him. Not a year later Lily was born so she was fifteen now and just like my twin brother was brain washed by my step father. Making me the outcast the only one who was different.
“Where were you!!!” I looked her straight in the eye.
“Out.” then I made my way past her which only made her even more mad.
“Do not walk away when I talk to you! I worried all night about you all night I was wondering if one of your heathen friends had hurt you!” I stopped in my tracks. If there was one thing I hated was when someone said something rude about my friends or father.
“SHUT UP!!!” I screamed. My mother jumped back shocked at my out burst and she wasn’t the only one who was shocked. I was too never had I dared scream at my mom my father had forbid it. He had told me I could rebel a little but not to yell at my mother. And I had done the one thing he had told me not to do. But soon the guilt was replaced by an anger I had never felt before in my life. It was black and ugly as if it had been there all along and was just now making its way up. I made all the effort I could to push it down I hated the way it felt to be angry cause it made me feel useless because what can you do with anger? I knew who I needed to see the one person who could calm me down and that would be my father. I pushed myself past my mother and ran out the door. My father was a ten minute walk from here so before I knew it I was standing on his wooden porch hesitating. What would he think of me? But despite that I knew I needed to look into those calm soothing black eyes that stared into your soul. I knocked the door only to see a blonde answer. Her eyes were light blue and held a gentle sweet look, she had light blonde hair with golden specks and she was short and fragile looking. She was beautiful. Her eyes widddend.
“You must be hunters daughter!” I grinned.
“How did you know?” She smiled.
“Because you have that beautiful long raven hair.”
“Oh. Who are you?”
“Ummm well I’m a friend of your fathers.” she said looking guilty I smirked. Yea sure she was but I was happy for him he needed someone.
“Its ok if your more then a friend to him you know its about time you know.” she breathed in relief.
“he was going to tell you but he was worried that you would be angry.” I shook my head and went over to her and hugged her.
“of course I wouldn’t! who could when you look so sweet and shy.” she blushed. Just then the door opened.
“Lauran! I got the carrots so you can make you vegt-” my father stopped in his tracks when he saw me his eyes widened.
“Your busted Mr.” I said trying to sound mad but then I giggled ruining the effect. My fathers shoulders relaxed relieved that I wasn’t mad at him and then grinned.
“I see you meet Lauran.” I nodded
“Yea we were just talking about you.” I smirked and she laughed.
“I see what you mean hunter when you said she looks like a little imp I knew it was her when I opened the door. Those shining eyes!” I blushed people had always said my eyes made me look like I was up to something. My father walked over and gave me a hug.
“I like you hair my little imp and the tattoo I’m guessing your mom didn’t like it.” at the mention of my mom I felt the guilt all over again.
“she was mad cause I was gone all night so she didn’t say anything about it yet and called my friend heathen and I”
“yelled at her” he finished. I looked down at my feet my father hugged me closer.
“We all lose our tempers you know you did wrong so now it is time we move on” I nodded still looking down at my feet. I was quickly cheered up when we had started eating dinner. We exchanged stories about me and the times I had gotten in trouble which had taken up most of the dinner my father could have told them all night! Laurens favorite one was the one where I had put a fire crackers down the toilet in the girls bathroom in seventh grade. She was very interested in Adam and scar who had been my accomplices in all my little adventures. I also found out that Lauran was an artist and had just moved into town from new York city to get away from all the noise and that she had a three year old son who’s father lived in California.
“He isn’t ever around so little Tristan is often lonely.” I could tell she adored her son and my dad. I decided that I liked her a lot she was sweet, funny, caring and beautiful. I told my father that while he was making his famous home made hot chocolate.
“I’m glad you like her. She was worried you wouldn’t.” I smiled.
“But that’s impossible!” I said shocked. He laughed.
“That is what I said.” We stood in a content silence for awhile. Him probley thinking about her and me thinking about how I had woken up this morning not remembering anything and how different I looked. I had used to be tan but now I was really pale. I knew my father had to have noticed but he said nothing instead he had made the night relaxing and calm. I found myself wondering how my mother could have left someone like this for someone like my step father who didn’t have anything good looking about him. My father was not only sweet and understanding of the world but he was handsome. My dad was full Native American so his skin was tan but not in that overly tan sense, he had long black hair that went to his waist which he often put in a braid, his eyes were completely black so that when you looked into them you felt like they were looking into your soul, and he was really tall. When scar and Adam had first meet him they had been intimidated but once my father gave that smile they were won over. I felt sad because I only saw him once every two weeks even though he only lived ten minutes away. It was cause it made me sad. How could my mom have changed from the woman my father had described? To the one who claimed snakes were evil and so was my father. My mom used to be an adventurer one who had been to places all over the world but now she barley left the house because it was her job to cook and clean the house. It made me sad to look around the very house that the ghost of my mother used to live my father still had the garden my mom had planted in the back yard and the statues of the Greek gods she had abandoned. I had no problem with the god she worshiped I knew that not all Christians were like that there were some who were opened minded but my mom was not one of them and that made me sad. I sighed and my father patted me on the shoulder.
“You are thinking of her.” it was a statement not a question. I looked up into those knowing eyes and nodded.
“I just don’t get how she could leave such an amazing understanding person like you for someone like him. He was even smirking when I was being yelled at he enjoys my misery.” I hadn’t meant to bring this up I knew my father was still hurt but I felt so lost and sad.
“She did what she thought would make her happy Rain.” my father said using the name he had wanted me to be called in the first place. But my mom had wanted to call me winter so they had named me Winter Rain Frost. I deiced to drop the subject and we once again fell into a comfortable silence. It was ruined by the shrill ring of the phone. I groned instantly knowing it would be my mom she always knew how to ruin a perfect moment. I was surprised when I heard my father addressing my brother. My brother hated my father.
“Yes hunter she is here.” he paused.
“Alright ill see you then.” my eyes widened. My father seeing my expression answered the on spoken question.
“he is comeing here to pick you up so im going to make your cup now.” I nodded and sat by the fire place looking into the flames as they swirled around the wood. Why did everything have to be ruined and why couldn’t my father just lie and say that I wasn’t there? It was cause he refused to lie. I heard a knock on the door and then heard my brothers stomping angry no doubt to have to see dad. He stopped in front of me but I made no move I was not going to be forced out of this house without my fathers cup of hot cocoa. We stared challengingly at each other his brown eyes clashed with my fierce green eyes in the end I won the battle and he sat down with a huff ignoring Lauren altogether who unfortunately didn’t ignore him.
“You must be Hunters son he told me you were named after him am I right?” Hunter refused to answer only glared at her.
“Stop being rude!” I snapped at him when I saw her hurt expression but he continued to ignore. My father walked in and handed me my cup.
“So my son I trust you have been well.”
“Do not call me son I am no son of yours!” he sneered I clutched my cup wanting to say something but knew my father wouldn’t want me to interfere. My father as he always does ignored his rudeness.
“And how is your mother?”
“She’s fine.” my father nodded with a sad expression. I finished my cup and hugged my father goodbye. I was then left to walk home with my brother. Although we were twins we looked nothing alike. He had brown hair that was short and neat reminding you of a football players, his eyes a dull brown, he was short and even a little chubby. I on the other hand looked like my father. I had long dark black hair which since this morning had white streaks, I was tall almost six feet but still managed not to look like I was to tall, my legs went on forever, I had long eye lashes, and dark forest green eyes. I looked up at the sky that was now had a shining full moon in the sky showing us the way. I breathed in and smiled night time was my favorite time but when the moon was out it was even more beautiful. So many legends revolved around the moon werewolfs that ran and howled or the vampires that stalked the night. I giggled my mind going back to the house on the hill where it was rumored vampires lived and wondered if maybe they were there watching us.
“Hunter isn’t it beautiful?” I asked trying to make conversation with my brother I should have known better
“No!!!! evil things wander at this time of night how can you think that is beautiful?” I shrugged.
“its not something to fear hunter because without evil what would the good do?” He frowned.
“You make no sense.” I smiled knowing that although he tried hard to hide it he was curious by what I meant.
“The purpose of good is to fight evil and if their was no evil then there would the good things would just be.” I looked up at the sky trying to make sense of the words running through my head trying to understand it myself. My brother snarled.
“You only say that cause you are evil.” I was sick of this always being called that cause I was different.
“Why do you say that I have not murdered or harmed anyone.” I asked.
“you dress like that with all that black and you worship those heathen gods how can you say your not evil?” there it was that word heathen but I didn’t want this conversation anymore all I wanted was to be close to the person I was most suppose to be close to.. He was my twin we had been born together or close to it. And what about my mom? We couldn’t even sit in the same room together and when her friends from church came she would say I was just the girl next door who they had to keep an eye on because my mother was going crazy. In her world I had no place. It was this moment while I was walking with my brother I started to realize this. I wasn’t sure if it was cause I had woken up not knowing where I was but I suddenly felt like I was suffocating like I didn’t belong more then I didn’t belong yesterday. I walked into our house only to see my mother surrounded by women they must have been from the church. I took this as a cue to go to my room. At least by the time we were gone my mother would have decided that there was no point in yelling at me. I walked up the stars into my room and instantly felt better. I made it my own personal cave. So when I was home I could make it feel bearable. The walls were black with band posters everywhere, my carpet was purple, and my bed was by the window. Where I often stared out all night long watching the owls and ravens fly by. But my most favorite place was my giant book shelf covered in books. It was where I lost myself. I heard a knock on my door but the person didn’t wait for me to reply they just walked in. of course it was my step father coming here to give me a lecture. But then I realized how wrong I was when he locked the door. I felt uneasy as though he was up to something I backed into the wall. He smirked.
“You cant scream no one will hear you.”
“what do you want?” I asked coldly as though I wasn’t afraid.
“isn’t it obvious I want you I’ve been watching you non stop for years. The way you would walk as though you owned the place or in the way you thought I had no control over you.” he snarled.
“but now I’m tired of it and now I’m going to make sure you walk with your head down.”
“I would never.” I said through my teeth I was ready for the beating I had been waiting for years for him to start to get abusive. But what he did next was something I thought he would never go so low to do. He tackled me pinning me down on my bed and he laid on top of me. He kissed me a shoved his tongue down my throat. I fought but it was a losing battle he was much stronger then I had realized. I didn’t want my virginity to be lost with a man like this but I knew that it was unstoppable but I fought the whole way. I fought when he ripped my shirt off or when he was forcing himself into me causing me to be in unbearable pain. I tried not to scream but I ended up doing it anyways. I was left curled up into a ball sobbing while watching my step father open the door my brother was outside and he looked straight at me a smirked. And mouthed the words whore. I couldn’t believe he had tooken the one thing I had and that was my pride. How could my brother have done that too me? He was suppose to defend me make sure nothing harmed me but instead he stood outside my door listening to me plead and scream. I was left with a hallow feeling. I felt everything in me shatter. It was as though I felt like I had nothing left. I Stared the mirror above my dresser from across my bed. And gasped on the way my step dad had turned off the light and my eyes were glowing. All I saw when I looked into the mirror was glowing green. What was happening to me? This couldn’t be happening to me. It was impossible but yet there I was with glowing eyes. I was disgusted like I needed something else to make me a freak. I forced my eyes shut deciding to think about it tomorrow the last thought I had before I went to sleep was I had to go to school.

Chapter#3 you cant hide behind a mask when its all worn out
I woke up gasping sweating cold sweat and to top it all off my throat was burning and I felt like I couldn’t breath. I looked at the clock and saw it was already time to get ready for school anyways. I quickly threw on some shorts and a t shirt so that I could go to the kitchen and eat breakfast and hopefully drink a whole galloon of water. I walked into the kitchen slowly to see if he was in there it seemed I was in luck because he was pulling out the drive way I shuddered trying to bury the thoughts of last night out of my head. My brother who sat at the table saw and smirked too. He was already dressed for school like the good little boy he was. It made me mad so I did something I had never dared before I punched him on the side of the face. I leaned over and whispered in his ear.
“see who’s smirking now.” Before he could punch me back and before my mom could yell at me I ran to the bathroom for my much needed shower. I hoped what they said about hot water instantly taking away germs was real I felt more dirty then I have ever before. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed until my skin was red. All it did was make me feel like I was empty or trying to get rid of a crime scene which I guess I was. After I got out of the shower I put on my black ripped skinny jeans and a plain tight black shirt and blow dried my hair that made it look like I had just gotten out of bed and had no care for the world. I ignored my freaky eyes and ran out the front door once again with my mothers screams behind me. When I walked out I felt free with wind blowing through my hair and the fluttering of ravens wings as they flew above me and the house behind me I felt like I was once again powerful and untouchable. It was the third week of school and id already missed ten days of school so when I walked into first period I was faced with a scowling Mrs. Myers but then like most of the class gasped when she looked into my eyes. I cringed I hated attention and most of the time had managed to be the outcast who no one saw or bothered to even think of now I was being stared at. With my new gracefulness I walked to the back and sat next to what seemed to be a new girl. No one was even bothering to look at her. She was blonde with curly hair that reached to her shoulder with hazel eyes and was short but she had a sweet smile that was also sad I could tell she felt out of place and unwanted so I turned to her.
“Hi I’m winter but I like to be called Rain instead.” she jumped startled by my sudden appearance. Her eyes widened when she saw my eyes.
“You have such pretty eyes.” she blushed at her bluntness.
“sorry my names Emily.” awww she was so cute I thought.
“do you want to sit with me at lunch Emily.” She smiled
“That sounds great.” I wanted to talk more with her but we were interrupted by the teacher who was calling our attention to the front of the class. I was left to think about that dream I had last night

I was walking down an empty street I was so cold and I had a feeling that someone was waiting for me. But I still walked thinking it was just my imagination. I saw a figure ahead the street light only helped me see a tall figure with a cloak. I giggled wasn’t it past the eighteenth century I wondered to my self.
“hello Rain.” said a deep voice. I discovered the voice came from the figure but I still couldn’t see his face it made me more scared not knowing who it was or how they knew my name. he stepped towards me.
“mine” He growled. I stepped back. Where had I heard that? Even the voice sounded familiar. He stepped towards me I looked up only to see burning amber eyes and two fangs sticking out of his mouth he was grinning.
“its time my little star for you to be made mine.” I tired to run but he was in front of me in a seconded. Before I could attempt to run again he had grabbed me and before sinking his teeth into my throat he gently kissed me.

Back to present
I was pulled out of my day dream with the ringing of the bell. why did I have to have nightmares on top of problems with my family. I was feeling confused but I pushed that away. That is how I spent the rest of the day trying not to think about anything all I wanted to do was to lock away my thoughts. I asked everything about Emily and made sure she talked so that I had no room for thoughts. And I wasn’t about to go home I knew scar and Adam were most likely out of town so I decided to invite Emily to my fathers house I wanted her to meet him and his new girl friend and knowing him he would keep us there until after midnight telling us ghost stories and old legends and then if I was lucky I could stay the night at the park I knew I would be cold but it was better then taking my chances. Emily happily agreed.
“he sounds so nice!”
“Be warned he likes to tell stories.” I laughed delighted to have made a new friend. Unlike my other friends she was innocent I swear I had never meet someone as sensitive and fragile. It was like she didn’t know about the horrible things that were out there she was sheltered. That’s what I loved about her she made me feel safe and warm. Being around her you couldn’t help but being pulled into her comfortable world.
“But tomorrow you can come over to my house and spend the night since its Friday.” My shoulders relaxed at the thought of another night I would be free.
“yea ok that sounds great. Do you mind walking? its only a few minutes walk.” she nodded. We were there in only five minutes due to my fast walking. I wasn’t surprised when my father had looked shocked to see me. It wasn’t often that I showed up twice in a row but he seemed really pleased.
“My little Rain!” he gave me a bear hug. I leaned in closely and smelled in his comfortable smells he always smelled like wood and cinnamon.
“And who might this be?” I regretfully leaned out of his strong arms.
“this is Emily she’s new here.” my fathers eyebrows raised.
“let me guess she looks innocent but she’s really not is it possible you have found yourself an accomplice.” we burst out laughing at her confused expression. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.
“no dad she’s more innocent then a doe.” we walked into my dads house.
“Is Lauran going to be here I want her to meet Emily.” my dad beamed.
“Yes and she’s bringing Tristan I’m glad you came he has been wanting to meet you ever since he saw your picture.” I was happy that I was finally going to meet him. I had heard about him constantly last night. Just as I thought that I heard the door open and a little boy giggling.
“Daddy guess what I have ice cream.” said a little boy who had red curly hair and dark brown eyes. He was smiling and holding up a tub of ice cream as though it was a trophy and he was giving it to us. But he droped it when he saw me and ran towards me and hugged me.
“RAIN!!!!!” I laughed surprised he had taken to me so fast. Then he looked at Emily and beamed. He pointed at me.
“This is my sissy.” my father laughed and it was then I realized how happy he was. He was finally getting the thing he wanted a son to be close with to teach how to fish and shoot a bow and arrow. It made me feel better for so long I had watched as he smiled and how it would never reach his eyes. Latter on I was helping him clean dishes while Emily Lauren and Tristan were sitting on the couch looking at my pictures of when I was growing up against my wishes of course. My father chose this time to address me.
“Rain what is wrong?” I looked at him shocked.
“What makes you think there’s something wrong?” My father sighed.
“because you are my daughter I notice when her smile does not reach her eyes I can see when it is replaced with worry and dred. What happened to make my sweet Rain so empty?” he said it with so much sorrow that I felt tears run down my cheeks I turned my face away so that he wouldn’t have to see me like this but he gently took my face between his hands and looked me in the eyes.
“You have always had more of a heart of our ancestors more then anyone I know even more then me you have a warriors heart but remember this rain even the bravest souls have there pride tooken away and they feel fear but it is not those things that make you a warrior it is your fighting sprit that makes it so you fight even when you know you are losing.” I marveled at the fact that even though my father knew nothing about why I was like this he still knew exactly what to say. His words always made me climb out of the deepest holes. I smiled but this time it reached my eyes.
“Thank you dad.” I said then made my way to the living room. Emily stood at the door already having to go so with our farewells we walked out the door.
“Your dad is so nice.” I smiled
“I know and he’s wise too.” she laughed.
“He reminds me of a chief of an Indian tribe.” I nodded.
“you guys are so much alike.” she left me on the sidewalk staring after her in shock. How could I possibly remind her of him? I shook my head in wonder disappearing in the night. Letting the darkness swallow me whole.

Emily’s POV
I watched as she walked gracefully into the dark as if she belonged their as if she were the night herself. She was intimating the whole night I had watched as she had walked around the house wondering. Did she not see how strong she looked while she was walking as if she was the owner if every palace she stood? Did she not realize that her eyes blazed like a fire that could burn your very soul. But there was a sadness there. I had seen it when she had walked into the classroom. As if her very soul had shattered. She was mysteries she left me wondering what her every secret was. I sighed not quiet believing myself I sounded like some sort of Lesbo. When I walked into the living room I caught my mom staring out the window with her mouth wide open. When she saw me she turned around.
“Who was that?” my mom asked. My brother snorted. He was in the same year as me but a year older then me since he had been held back. We looked a lot alike but we both had totally different personalities. I was shy and sweet while my brother was a total play boy who tried to get any girl in his bed I glared at him but he ignored it.
“She’s that Goth chick who everyone says is a freak. They say she does witchcraft.”
“SHUT UP!!” I yelled mad that he could just so easily say something like that about someone I stomped upstairs not bothering to say goodnight to anyone.UNKNOWN POV
I watched as she left the girl in the house walking in the opposite direction of her home. Something was wrong I knew it. She had never went to her fathers two nights in a row. I growled not happy about the prospect of someone hurting her. I could feel her pain and smell her fear. Sean ran next to me unlike me he looked innocent and sweet although he was anything but. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and was a few inches shorter then me. I had dark long red hair that reached to my back, bright dangers amber eyes, and towered over everyone.
“How’s your princess?” Sean asked looking after her. Then frowned.
“why is she going to the park this late?” I had wondered the same thing. Instead of answering I decided to follow. I watched as she curled up in a tunnel and went to sleep. I was surprised never had she done something so desperate.
“I’m guessing you came here with news?” He nodded his head becoming series.
“The girls parents are one of them. She’s in danger.” I snarled. But then sighed it seemed that we had a lot on our plate.
“You said you have a werewolf friend am I correct?” he nodded.
“Call him.” I turned my back then called over my shoulder.
“Get her a blanket.” Then I ran into the night.

Winters POV
I was sitting in Emily’s living room on Saturday night it seemed that we had a lot in common. We both watched anime, liked to draw, write and eat gummy worms. Her mom and dad despite their first opion of me liked me. I could not say the same for her brother Dean but I ignored him content to be in this warm cozy house. The memory of the park made me shiver. It had been cold but I had refused to let it bother me. I had woken up to find myself covered by a warm blanket. I had no idea who could have put it there but I didn’t try to find out either. I was just happy someone had showed such care in me. I smiled thinking of the mysteries person.
“So do you want to watch more Nartuo or cowboy bebop?” She asked what she had asked the whole weekend. I giggled.
“Cowboy Bebop.” she smiled and popped the DVD in. her brother walked in the living room and I tensed. Ready for some mean comment but instead he sat next to us I looked over at him suspiciously.
“what do you want?” I asked he smirked.
“To just sit and watch TV with my sister and her lovely friend.” I raised my eyebrows.
“sure you do.” that was how we spent the rest of our weakened. Watching DVDs and bickering with Emily’s brother but in a playful way.
“Come on Rain get up.” Emily was shaking me but I refused to get up I was exhausted from the dream I had. This time I had been getting tortured and a voice asking me for a name I didn’t know I recognized the voice but I couldn’t place it. I was broken from my thoughts when I felt a bucket of cold water being dumped on me.
“HEY!!!!” I yelled chasing after a giggling Emily. She was so fast. I finally gave up and went in the shower. I threw on some ripped jeans, a black purple shirt, combat boots, and fishnet gloves. I put on some eye liner and black eye shadow. I looked into the mirror and almost gasped I still wasn’t used to my eyes. They if it was even possible got even brighter my skin was paler too. I felt a sharp pain in my back but ignored it I had been having that for a week now. It was the burning in my throat that happened it was getting even more consistent to the point where I couldn’t ignore it not even water was helping. I sighed and walked out the bathroom and gaped there stood Emily looking so adorable! She was wearing a light blue dress, a blue ribbon in her hair and white sandals. She didn’t even have to wear makeup! She was jumping up in excitement her eyes were shining.
“Guess what my dad just told me!”
“ There’s a new guy going to our school!” I shrugged.
“He’s most likely going to be like everyone else here. Snobby and judgmental.” Emily frowned.
“You shouldn’t judge someone before you know them plus my dad meet him and said he was really nice.” she did have a point but I wasn’t the type to admit to be wrong.
“well don’t get your hopes up.” I warned instead. She rolled her eyes.
“so optimistic.” she muttered. We walked out the door and made our way to school. Passing groups of teens who instead of walking to school were hanging out at the corners of streets. Most people walked to school since the school was the center of town so most houses were walking distance unless you lived out in the country you didn’t have to ride the bus.
“Did you see that hot guy!” a girl dressed head to toe in pink squealed to my worst enemy Britney. She was a brunette with long legs and perfect body with gray eyes. But she was evil. She took joy in peoples misery. I walked faster not wanting her to turn on me and Emily luckily she didn’t notice for she was to busy absorbing this information. Already planning how to get him curled around her finger. The girl who had told the news instantly got sad already knowing her chances were none of getting him she was going to claim him. I shook my head.
“Can you believe that?” I said disgusted
“What?” Emily asked.
“That everyone would fight over some guy no matter how hot he is. I just don’t see what’s worth it. And how can Brittney think she can just get him without even saying it and all those girls just give up like that?”
“Because this is high school and she rules it.” Emily answered but then grinned.
“Although who would want to rule a bunch of hormonal teens?” I laughed.
“Yea I know and she thinks she’s got it good.” Me and Emily laughed all the way to school coming up with how she would be when she got older. It was a known fact that people like her always ended up with the short end of the stick. Or so we liked to think. We were halfway down the hall when Emily bumped into someone. It must have been the new guy. Although he wasn’t my type I could understand why everyone had made such a big deal about him. He had brown shaggy hair that went just below his chin, chocolate brown eyes, and was tall and muscular. Emily stood there standing there looking into his eyes as though she couldn’t look away and by the look on the other guys face I could see that he to was having trouble looking away. Awww that’s so cute I thought smiling and walking away I knew they needed some privacy. She was so into the moment she didn’t even notice that I had walked away. I sat down at my normal desk wondering if I should save her seat. What if that guy had the same class as us? Would he want to sit with her alone. I felt dread I was happy for her but I was a little hesitant to share my new friend but I knew that by the way they looked at each other I would. Emily came in giggling and to my relief alone and sat next to me. I turned around and raised my eyebrows at her asking an unspoken question.
“He asked me out!” wait what? hadn’t they just meet? But then again it wasn’t my business. I smiled and congratulated her I was happy for her I told myself. But the truth was I was jealous. I had been here my whole life and not once had I had someone like me like that. Instead all I had was my step father who had just rapped me five days ago. But then again maybe it was a good thing I didn’t have that. I had learned a long time ago that people disappointed you. Relying on other people could make you go insane.
I cried out in pain as my step father drug me up the stares by my hair. His nails were digging in my scalp. He was so fast that I couldn’t even try and walk up the stares instead all I could do was drag I could already feel the bruises form. He took me up into the bathroom where I saw it was filled with water. He drug me to the tub and shoved my head under the water. I lost count of the times he had left me under there for several minutes then pulled me up for only a seconded then plunging me back under. Oh god I thought I’m going to die I thought. My tattoo was burning as if it were on fire. It had started to do that the moment I had walked in the door. My step father had then attacked me with a knife. He had token a hold of me and sliced a perfect line down my face. The bath water was bloody because if it. I was above the water again I braced myself to be plunged into the water again but was surprised to hear a roar of anger and to hear my step fathers scream of pain. I looked back only to see the new guy. What was he doing here? I thought. He turned towards me and looked me in the eye. I heard a gasp and looked over to see Emily there in the door way tears in her eyes. She ran over to me and hugged me.
“Rain! I’m so sorry.” she sobbed.
“Its ok Emily I’m fine.” I assured her although I knew I wasn’t. I felt like I couldn’t breath must have been from the near drowning experience. I thought before blacking out.

Chapter #4 it takes a brave person to know when the battle is lost and still he fights
I woke up with the sound of my fathers sobbing. I had never heard him cry not ever but there he was crying. I felt guilty knowing I was the reason he was crying. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing even I didn’t want him to know I had witnessed this. I heard gentle footsteps then a sigh.
“Oh hunter what are we going to do?” It was Lauran.
“we are going to have her live here I will never let her go back.” my father said fiercely. Never had I heard him sound so angry and heart broken.
“What else do you think happened to her?” she asked. My father hesitated.
“I don’t know but I know it was bad. The other night I noticed there was something wrong something different never would I have imagined he would have gone so far.”
“Shouldn’t we go to the police? He should get arrested.” my father si


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2011

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