

 Ok first I want to say...thank you for look at the book and choosing to read it :)

and secondly I wanted to say that I didn't write this, my friend wrote it and does not own an account so he is using mine......ugh I feel so used.. 

Anyways please enjoy and write in the comments what you think.

We love good comments but bad commets more because it helps tells us what we are doing wrong :)

Ok thank you, hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

I felt the uncomfortable yet familiar stinging sensation in my lunds as I ran around the track at my school, whil I harbored no love for sports I prided myself on my physical condition.I could see my breath clouding out in front of me as I ran, although it was mid-winter the track was clear of snow like always. I felt a buzzing in my pocket and pulled out the gem that I used as an alarm clock, the time flashed across the screen.

Time to get ready, I thought to myself.

I smiled and put on a burst of speed to finish my lap, I caaught my breat before heading back to my dorm to get a shower as I opened the door I felt my bookbag sliding across the floor.

I gathered up my clothes, and shower suppliers as I haded to the shoer on the other side of my hall. I shut the door to the shower stall after I undressed and turned the water on, I let our a satisfied sigh as the warm water ran down my body. After about three minutes of washing and scrubbing I shut the water off and stepped out of the stall with my towel around my waist. I barely had time to step back into the stall as Will went sliding by on a bar of soap.

"Help,help,hel-" his screaming was cut short as he slammed into the wall.

I winced and went to the changing room and put on my "uniform". which consisted of a white button up collared shirt and a tie. We were allowed to wear any kind of pants we wanted,finger-tip length for girls and whatnot. I slipped on my pair of blue jeans and put my shirt on, I chuckled to myself as I buttoned up my shirt. The thought of Will hen he intentionally-or at least I hope it's intentionally- buttons up his shirt the wrong way, flashing through my mind. I lossely tied my tie, mainly because I don't like buttoning up my shirt all the way, and stepped out of the changing stall. I passed a disgruntled Will (with a noticeable lump on his head) and headed to my room, thankfully I didn't have a roommate and could just pile my stuff on the spare bed.

I grabbed my bookbag on my way out of the door, I checked my watch and rolled my eyes. I could have taken a longer shower I thought to myself grumpily as I waled to my first class, I met up with my best friend Jesus as he stepped out of his room.

" 'Sup Jenkins, how ya doing" he said giving me a brace filled smile,now for a mexican with glasses and braces Jesus was pretty intimidating considering he was close to six feet tall.

"Stupid video" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that" He asked.

"I said I'm going good, what about you?" giving him my best fake smile.

He rolled is eyes as we made or way to our first class, as we walked through the hallway I saw other people slowly trickling from their rooms. When we walked into class Jesus and myself instantly took the two desks furthest away from the front of the room. The teacher checked her watch and then stood up and cleared her throat.

"Good morning class today we're going to learn about-" the rest of what she was saying fell on deaf ears as I zoned out.

Honestly we'd been learning about the same thing for a whole week, sure it was advanced, what can you expect to learn in an AP class, plus I actually read the board when I walk into class. We were learning about the way math can be applied to magic and other things throughout the world. I looked around and only noticed one person my arch rival- academically speaking he was cool otherwise, (except for that fist fight but that was one time)- Anthony that was as bored as I was.

“Mr. LeRoy would you mind repeating what I just said”? my teacher asked a triumphant glint in her eye finally happy she caught me doing something wrong.

I heard a few snickers mainly from Will and Paul’s direction. I blushed and stood up. “I uh believe you were uh telling us about how.. um math correctly applied to any situation can be a benefit” I guessed and winced at the same time

“Hmph lucky guess Mr. LeRoy, now sit down and listen” she said visibly deflated at the fact that I had been paying a small amount of attention.

I sat down and wiped the sweat that was forming on my brow and let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding. Nothing interesting happened the rest of class. As we made our way to “combat training” (or gym as the student body dubbed the class) Paul came running up and slapped me on the back.

“Nice save” he said trying not to look like he was breathing hard.

“Increased dexterity and endurance my arse” Jesus said from my left.

Paul grumbled something unintelligible as we made our way to combat training, I heard a laugh ring out above the crowd as Will zoomed by kicking up a trail of dust with an enraged Anthony chasing after him. Anthony’s normally straight shoulder length hair was braided into pig tails, I was trying my hardest to breath in between laughing fits. Will and Anthony were standing in the gym with a teacher scolding them about running in the gym as Jesus, Paul, and I entered. Anthony’s hair still had the tell, tell signs of being braided. I was almost overcome with laughter again. As we made our way to the locker-room we were joined by a fuming Anthony and a chuckling Will.

“Aw I thought you looked nice in pigtails” Jesus said laughing before receiving a slug in the shoulder from Anthony and another burst of laughter from Will.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the locker-room to change, I unbuttoned my shirt before slipping into a comfortable (if not loose) t-shirt. I took off my jeans and put on some gym shorts, I left the locker-room and saw people milling around in the fighting circles that were painted on the ground. My friends came to join me, or, came to join Jesus would be more accurate I guess. Only instead of just the guys, Patricia (or Patty for short), Anthony’s girlfriend, was with us too. I made my way to the bleachers as the combat instructors started talking.  Something about what we were going to do today, blah, blah.. fighting.. blah, blah.. technique.. blah, blah.. magic.

Wait magic, they never let us use magic. I thought to myself.

I looked over at my friends who mirrored the same face I was probably making. All but Anthony who looked like he had won the lottery; which was more or less true considering that not only could he fight but he was a magical prodigy. Then it hit me why they were doing this. The teachers had told us about a tournament they were hosting and how they had a special way to pick participants.

“Okay, today we’ll be doing a tournament style practice considering we have a much longer session today” our male instructor told us.

Thats right, non-advanced classes are testing today I thought with a smile, they had planned all this to the last detail. A bracket was magically projected onto the wall in front of us. I let out a sigh as I saw that I was facing Sarah a capital B while also a daywalker (a vampire that can walk around in the daylight, basically really strong and fast). She had a very predictable fighting style, choosing to use one of the styles taught to us by the academy. I rolled my eyes, realizing that we were fighting first, and walked down the bleachers to the middle of the room. Where I got I started stretching,continuing to do so until Sarah finally made her way to the ring.

She stretched a little before nodding to the referee. I stopped my stretching just before the ref blew the whistle, barely having time to dodge her first flurry of blows. Leading with her left, then right, left again, throwing an uppercut before I rolled away and got to my feet.Before I had a chance to think, I felt a fist connect with my ribs. I hissed in pain and shot my right arm out landing a solid punch to Sarah’s face. She staggered back and let out a growl, then jumped at me. I did the only thing that came to mind, squaring up and punching as hard as I could…  but my punch went through nothing. I stumbled and felt a fist connect with the small of my back, sending me sprawling forward. I went head over heals and came up on my feet, spinning to face Sarah at the same time.

We can use magic I thought to myself. Internally groaning at the fact that I had forgotten the most important thing the teachers told us. My guess is that she use some sort of light refraction spell to create a double of herself, tricking me into thinking she was lunging at me. While in reality, she simply lunged behind me. Pretty good, but I’m better I thought with a smirk.

I drew a line in the air with my pointer and middle finger then grabbed the short staff that appeared. Luckily I managed to raise the staff and block Sarah’s jab. Holding my staff vertically, I brought the bottom end up and clipped her under the chin. She took a step backwards and said something in a garbled tone- probably cursing like a sailor- and rushed me. Only much more cautious this time, dodging my staff and was behind me in an instant; only this time I was ready. I gripped the end of my staff with both hands and did a full one-eighty swinging my staff and knocking her in the ribs. she landed and rolled to dampen the impact.

By this time we were both breathing pretty hard. All of a sudden, I felt a searing pain in my ribs and saw Sarah under my guard with her fist on my chest. I let my staff slide down and held it from the middle, slamming it down on her back with all the force I could muster. There was an audible crack and Sarah cried out in pain. She was on the ground in a matter of seconds. I rested my staff on the ground and leaned on it. The ref blew his whistle signaling the end of the match. Clapping rang through the gym as everyone cheered at my success (or Sarah’s failure, as they are one in the same). The teachers rushed to check on Sarah and one of them had to take her to the nurse’s office.

“Here, go to the nurses office as well, you look pretty banged up,” he said offhandedly, handing me a pass.

I nodded silently and slowly made my way.I was directed there, having used my staff for support.

I knocked on the door and heard a voice say, “Come in.” I walked in and saw Mrs. Murdock- a lady in her mid-thirties with black hair- sitting at her desk. When she saw it was me she smiled and shook her head slightly, seeing as I was a frequent visitor -mainly due to magical exhaustion- and ushered me to a seat.

“What seems to be the problem Aiden?” she asked, addressing me by my first name instead of my last like everyone else.

“Well I think I may have broken a rib,” I said as nonchalantly as could having to endure the pain in my chest. She raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

She walked over and felt my ribs through my shirt. “Yep you broke the third and fourth rib on the left side of your chest,” she signed, delivering her diagnosis.

I let out a sigh and winced at the pain. She rolled her eyes and said, “quit being a baby, I can fix that in a matter of seconds.” I nodded as her hands were enveloped with a warm yellow light.

She placed her hands on my broken ribs and I let out a sigh as the pain was relieved. She wrote me a pass back to class and I left with a thank you and a goodbye. I dismissed my staff and made my way back to class. As I walked in I heard a resounding boom and saw Anthony walk away from his fight unscathed with the biggest smirk I had ever seen. Applause erupted from the bleachers as medics rushed to the ring to patch up the poor sucker who had to fight him. I went and sat with my friends all of which gave Anthony a congratulatory pat on the back. When I sat down Anthony looked at me quizzically.

“Conjured staff, seriously?” He asked with an arched eyebrow.

I nodded and winced as I heard a scream and smelled burnt hair. I looked over to see Jesus walking over with a smug smile on his face.

RIIIIIIIIING! Every person in the gym stood up as one and rushed to the locker room.

Now when I say free for all, I mean it. If you tripped you may well get trampled. I sighed as I shoved through the crowd and made my way into the locker room. I quickly changed, grabbed my stuff, and left. I shouldered my way through the throngs of people in the hallway and walk to my next -and favorite- class… lunch. 

Chapter 2


SPLAT!" I looked up from my tray to see Chad sprawled on the floor with his food splattered all over his shirt. I look over to see Ralph snickering with his henchmen. Chad stood up and tried to walk away when a clone of Ralph suddenly appeared in front of him. The clone raised its fist to hit Chad when a blur made its way in front of the real Ralph.

“Lay off him Ralph,” I heard Will’s voice sound out loud and confident through the lunch room.

“Oh yeah, what’re ya gonna do about it, Willy” Ralph retorted, poking Will in the chest.

“I’ll start with breaking that finger off and shoving it so far up-”

“Guys, guys, guys,” Jesus started, “stop before this gets out of hand”.

“Why don’t you bud out and go make some wine,” Ralph said giving Jesus a hard shove.

“You know it’s not pronounced that way”, Jesus growled recovering quickly.

I rolled my eyes before standing. I turned to make my way over there when suddenly a voice rang out.

“ATTENTION!!!” As one every student in the cafeteria stopped what they were doing and stood, saluting as they did so.

“Can anyone tell me what is going on here”, the man said addressing the room.

“Hmm, no one, I find that hard to believe”, he said sweeping his gaze across the mass of people before his eyes locked onto me.

“Mr. LeRoy, would you kindly tell me what is going on here”, he said beckoning me forward.

I made my way to his side before telling him what happened, “Ralph pushed Chad over, and as Chad tried to walk away he put a clone of himself in front of Chad-”

“Enough” he barked “I get the picture” Mr. Saunders said. “Ralph come with me to my office” Mr. Saunders said beckoning to Ralph.

“But Mr. Saun-” Ralph tried to say before Mr. Saunders cut cut him off.

“But nothing Ralph my office, NOW” Mr. Saunders said turning on his heel and walking out the door to the lunch room, Ralph following close behind.

I made my way to my next class after the lunch incident when Will appeared in front of me.

“And where were you” he said pointing an accusing finger at me.

“I was going to jump in if you guys needed help but you had it covered” I replied walking around him.

“You’re like eight feet tall-”.

“Six two” I said cutting him off mid sentence.

“Whatever, what I’m saying is you’re tall and we could’ve used you as intimidation” he said as if he was presenting the facts in a court case.

“Yeah, I can see why” I said chuckling.

“Ya know what LeRoy, screw you” he said speeding down the hall.

“I don’t swing that way!” I called down the hall after him.

I cursed as I looked at one of the clocks down the hallway and ran the rest of the way to my history class, I made it just before my teacher shut the door. I slid into the only seat available which just so happened to be at the very front of the room.

“Alright class today we’ll be covering the human and dragon war-” That’s all he got out before the sound of crashes echoed from outside.

A voice came over the intercom “This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill everyone to battle stations we are under attack”. We sat there dumb struck before our history teacher snapped us out of it.

“YOU HEARD THE MAN GET A MOVE ON” he practically roared at us. I moved first getting up and running out of the classroom and into the throng of people in the hallway, I took a left and ran down the halls the quarters for the janitors were on. This took me to the front door, I exited the school and was surprised to see chimeras. Not the ones that were lion, snake, and goat which were the rarest no these were artificial ones created by magic, many of them walking on two legs. I pivoted on my right foot and jumped back which allowed me to narrowly avoid a swing from one of them. I summoned my short staff and raised it to block the incoming blow.

I braced myself and was surprised when nothing hit, I smelled burning flesh and hair and looked up to see a charred chimera turn its attention to Jesus as he stood there with his hands burning. As the chimera was about to charge I returned the favor by hitting the chimera in the back of the knees dropping it to the ground.

“I’ve got this one” Jesus said running over to the fallen beast.

I nodded at him before turning to charge into the fray only to be knocked aside as another one of the beasts backhanded me away. I rolled several feet on the ground before rising to my feet and rolling to the right to avoid another’s charge at me, I got to my feet as the beast stood over me. I jabbed my staff into the things throat, its gorilla face contorted in pain as it felt its throat being crushed. This isn’t working I thought to myself I don’t have any reach with this thing I thought as I brought up my staff up blocking yet another clumsy swing.

I got an idea and pressed one of the ends of my staff into the beast’s stomach and willed it to extend, the staff grew at an alarming rate almost doubling in size - it went from half as tall as me to a few inches over my head- and throwing the creature backwards.

“Nice power pole Goku” Jesus said running away from yet another chimera. Only to turn around and blast it with a face full of fire. He rolled to the right and ran away in the direction he came from.

I ducked a swing from one of the lumbering beasts and turned around using the staff to sweep it’s legs out from under it. I felt the ground start to shake and I heard a deafening roar from the direction of the school.

"ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY BACK INTO THE BUILDING" I heard our principal yell with a magically enchanced voice.

I turned to the building and started to run only for a hand to reach up and grab my right ankle, it was the chimera I had just toppled. I started lashing out with the foot that wasn't in the beast's grasp, crap I thought to myself it's too tough to damage without a weapon and my staff won't be any help....craaap I need a sword. An arrow whizzed past me and lodged in the things eye, that was all I needed. I was out of it's grasp and sprinting full speed to the front door. As soon as I entered the building and closed the door a jet of fire hit the courtyard and torched some of the beasts. 

"Heh and you said old smokey wasn't up to the task" Talion- our resident teacher of magical creatures- bragged.

"I didn't think he was" I heard the principal admit."His scales are starting to lose their luster around his snout"

"That doesn't mean anything-"And that was all I played attention to.

Smokey as you probably know is our school's dragon our "guardian" more like fatas- 

"Yo LeRoy, good work out there" I heard Jesus say as he bounded up behind me with a huge grin on his face. 

"You too man" I said clapping him on the back.

"Alright kids good job, we're now doing a school wide roll call" said Mr.Saunders pulling out a gigantic roll of parchment.

There were several hundred goans as we'd have to be here for a few hours at least, even the freshman and sophomores have to have roll call even though all they did was hunker down in their dorms.

As name, after name, after name, was called I sat on the ground in the courtyard against a wall. I heard my name and get called and I yell as loudly as I could "I'M HERE GODS ABOVE I AM HERE", this elictied quite a few chuckles from the people around me.

 The beauty of getting your name called was that once you reported in you could go back to your dorm or the gym and pretty much do whatever you want, I quickly hopped up and walked with a brisk pace to my dorm. As I was walking through the halls I saw a confused man walking through the hall "hey can I help you with anything" I asked the man.

He brightened and said "yes actually can you tell me where the principal is" 

"He's in the courtyard" I said and gave him directions, thinking he must be a parent that got confused by the protection and scanning charms that surroundd the front office. He said a quick word of thanks, and walked with a brisk pace to the courtyard. I got a quick shower and went into my dorm and laid on my bed, luckily I didn't have a roommate so I could pretty much put my stuff where I want. There was a screen being projected from a crystal on my desk, I saw the principal roll up the giant uhh name scroll? Ugh whatever the thing he calls names off of, he rolled it up and the stranger walked up behind him. 

"Can I help you" I heard the principal say, his voice being projected through the crystal.

The man showed an amazingly big and bright smile "Yes" he said "you can all burn". 

The principal looked as though he wanted to shout something but the stranger beat him to it, the man burst into flames no burst isn't the word the man exploded, incinerating the principal on the spot and I saw several magical shields being erected. I felt the entire building shake and I knew many people were dead or horribly maimed, I heard stomping and yelling but it wasn't from kids it sounded like an army a very hostile army. I started gathering the necessities, mainly snacks and food that didn't need to be refrigerated and looked frantically fro a place to put them, I dumped everything out of my bag and stuffed the food in. I got two more changes of clothes, my deodorant and back up deodorant and, I was gone. I broke my window open and dropped down onto the lege under it and held myself against the side of the building and kept quiet.

I heard them bust into my room and look for me tossing everythin, I heard a distinctly loud thump which must have been them flipping my bed over. A man only a few years older than me noticed the broken window, he  poked his head out of it surveying the situation. He started looking my way and my breath caught, his eyes locked onto mine and he held a finger to his lips and went back into the room. I heard someone shout "There's no one here, move out search every room, every closet EVERYTHING"

I let out a sigh of relief and waited, I heard the sound of boots shuffling out of my room. I waited for about five minutes to make sure they were gone and I climbed back in the winow. I moved silently and swiftly haveing to hide several times, I made it to the side doors and out into the courtyard and gagged as the scent of burning bodies hit me I felt tears welling up in my eyes threatening to spill over. Everything I had known and loved was here, my parents had dumped me at the earliest opportunity and abandoned me never writing and honestly I didn't want to hear from anyone that horrible. I blinked the tears out of my eyes and moved forward cautiously, not looking down for fear I wouldn't able to stop the tears that what I saw would bring. I was almost to the end of the courtyard when people surrounded me from all sides, there were about five men and women only a few years older than me. 

"Come with us and we'll see to it that your end is swift" said a man that was obviously the leader.

I clenched my fist, if I was going to die I was going to die fighting. I opened my hand which was still at about waist level and pored all of my willpower into this one thing, I needed something that could kill  no I wanted something that could kill. They were going to pay every single one of them I thought to myself, I needed something stong, something exquisite, and I poured everhting into this one object, all my fear, sadness, my anger no my rage. These thoughts took place in the space of a split second and in that second something appeard in my hand and I grasped it, bringing it up to block the incoming side strike from the leaders sword as I did that I saw that I was holding a black scimitar with a silver moon emblazoned on both sides of the blade. I gave a maniacal grin and knocked his blade aside and pressed forward, I was inside the man's guard in a second and quickly pressed my advantage only to be stopped by one of his compatriots. I was once again boxed in when a ball purple ball of pure arcane energy smahsed into the group disintergrating two of my foes, Anthony was suddenly at my back blocking an incoming stab that was aimed at me while i was distacted.

He caught my eye and winked making a blade of pure magic, I ran my sword through the stomach of the man charging me before he could react to the pain I extracted my sword from his gut and quickly severed his head. I pivoted on the ball of my foot and block the overhead swing of an axe from a burly woman by holding my sword horizontally, I pushed back up against her and kicked her in the stomach before sidestepping another sword thrust, after sidestepping the thrust the man's sword pierced his comrades heart killing her. I was going for a swing at the man who killed his ally when I felt a burning pain in my right shoulder, I looked down and saw the end of a blae poking out. I felt and slide out of the wound and cried out in pain, I staggered and clutched the wound I had just a second to recover before rolling to get out of the way.

"Get out of here Aiden!!" Anthony shouted at me "I've got this!" 

I nodded whispering a word of thanks befor shooting off across the courtyard, my adenaline temporarily making me forget my injury I made it to the edge of the forest and hesitated a split second before plunging into the green depths.






Texte: me
Bildmaterialien: me
Lektorat: me
Übersetzung: MEH
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2015

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My friend did all of this I just uploaded it :)

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