





While I was browsing Facebook I came across a travelogue narrative of the island of Bali in Indonesia. Bali is known for its mystic temples and surreal beaches and for its tourist friendliness.  I goggled about Night Life in Bali and came across three pubs the Sky Garden, Pyramid and Le Favela where I can pick up women. I rang up the tour agent who told me the tour package costs 55000 Rupees and I also found out that there is group travel to Bali on the 24th of October 2022. I hope I can make it and my finances will be sound by that time.



The Prophet



Every Wednesday he visits our home and he prays over our problems. My mother and wife are so fond of him and tip him generously. To my sadness, I realized that he is a man with small dreams. One day he asked me how much time I spend in prayer. And I told him I spend one hour. Immediately he became surprised and then I told him I keep a prayer journal. He made a strict admonishment that that is a wrong way of reaching out to God. I became disheartened and I am ignoring what he told as my way of keeping a prayer journal is very precious to me.


Sous Rature



Sous Rature is a Philosophical art that was brought into existence by the Philosopher Heidegger and popularized by the Philosopher Derrida. In it a term is written and then struck out and the meaning is retained for the audience to probe and ponder.


Sous Rature



Sous Rature is a Philosophical art that was brought into existence by the Philosopher Heidegger and popularized by the Philosopher Derrida. In it a term is written and then struck out and the meaning is retained for the audience to probe and ponder.


Asemic Writing

Asemic Writing is an art form which incorporates non-phonetic pictorial script. It is done for the sheer love of writing. It can be compared to the Jackson Pollock’s abstract painting of the autumn rhythm. Jackson Pollock painted the Autumn Rhythm by running over the canvas and spraying paint over it.




Tiananmen Square



 Tiananmen Square is a historic place in China where the f****** Chinese Government butchered 1000’s by running tanks over them.

Tiananmen Square as an idiom stands for the violation of human rights and democratic rights.

There are many places in the world where Tiananmen Square is a reality.



Strait of Taiwan



All of us know the visit of US Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan and triggered a protest by the f****** Chinese and leading to a subsequent military buildup in the strait of Taiwan. But they did not have the balls to attack Taiwan and this is because of support by their ally US.

Strait of Taiwan as an idiom stands for a hostile military buildup and exercise which will to lead an escalation of war.

China is a big daddy bully wanting to aggrandize in the Strait of Taiwan.




Nancy Pelosi



Nancy Pelosi is the US dignitary who visited Taiwan and boosted diplomatic ties between US and Taiwan.

Nancy Pelosi as an idiom stands for military, economic and military support of a superpower to a nation that is threatened with sovereignty.

The nation of Taiwan has got the support of Nancy Pelosi.


Sous Rature



Sous Rature is a Philosophical art that was brought into existence by the Philosopher Heidegger and popularized by the Philosopher Derrida. In it, a term is written and then struck out and the meaning is retained for the audience to probe and ponder.




Sous Rature


Sous Rature is a Philosophical art that was brought into existence by the Philosopher Heidegger and popularized by the Philosopher Derrida. In it a term is written and then struck out and the meaning is retained for the audience to probe and ponder.


September 6, 2022


At the Mall



I and my wife were shopping in a nearby mall. A friendly girl at the counter started observing my wife closely and then all of sudden she said: ‘aunty which church do you attend’? I was baffled at first and I realized that my wife wore no ornaments and so too the girl also. People of Pentecostal faith have an uncanny knack to recognize people of like faiths.






Godtorik comes from God and rhetoric and it is a figure of speech where the answer can only be known by belief and faith. Some Biblical truths cannot be questioned. For example why did God allow the first man and woman to be tempted? Why did God not eliminate the Devil, who is the cause for sin, temptation and suffering? Why did God have to sacrifice his own son to die on the cross? All these questions have no answers and but rest on faith and belief and they become a figure of speech called as Godtorick.






I have started reading Derrida’s Grammatology. In it, I understand the privilege he gives to writing. Writing has been a discourse of signs. Derrida does wonderfully detach the signifier and the signified in a sign and uses its significance to unlock its narratology in various discourses. It is interesting how he unravels the phonic and the pictorial content of writing. He is also critical of the undue importance given to speech over writing. His writing is a chorus of inter-textuality.


Sous Rature



Sous Rature is a Philosophical art that was brought into existence by the Philosopher Heidegger and popularized by the Philosopher Derrida. In it a term is written and then struck out and the meaning is retained for the audience to probe and ponder.



Sous Rature



Sous Rature is a Philosophical art that was brought into existence by the Philosopher Heidegger and popularized by the Philosopher Derrida. In it a term is written and then struck out and the meaning is retained for the audience to probe and ponder.





I had three dreams. In one dream, my manuscripts were being auctioned in Sotheby. In another dream I saw my ex-lover but she was having no emotion and was frigid and cold. We were the most adored pair of lovers in college days. I recall my memories with her with nostalgia. In the last dream, I saw a white wall with an illegible writing on it. And I also saw cops. It will mean that I will not be made a scapegoat. I was having an extramarital affair with a woman and then she stopped replying to me. I became worried and I thought that she will complain to the cops but I feel relieved as a year has passed since the event took place.  I am very sorry for having committed the sin of adultery. Yes, God Jehovah Jesus had been gracious to me and has protected me from all harm and danger.


Asemic Writing



Asemic Writing is an art form that incorporates non-phonetic pictorial script. It is done for the sheer love of writing. It can be compared to Jackson Pollock’s abstract painting of the autumn rhythm. Jackson Pollock painted the Autumn Rhythm by running over the canvas and spraying paint over it.


Dream Drabble


During the early hours of the morn, I had a strange dream and in it, I saw keys, a bag, my mother and my ex-principal.



Keys in a dream are a positive omen and it means good luck, fame, and fortune happening in my life. A bag symbolizes opportunities for foreign travel opening up. The dream of a mother could mean maternal blessings opening in my life. Seeing an ex-principal of a foreign place where I was employed means a breakthrough of getting employed in a foreign country.




Kumbanad is a town near my locality in Kerala in India. Almost all of the people are of Pentecost faith. The quaint thing of Kumbanad is that there are no temples and it has the largest amount of banks and churches and also the largest amount of bank deposits both in India and Kerala. God has blessed Kumbanad with abundance and prosperity.



Kumbanad as an idiom stands for God’s favor and providence.




How in my life, I would like to experience Kumbanad now and always.




Sous Rature




Sous Rature is a Philosophical art that was brought into existence by the Philosopher Heidegger and popularized by the Philosopher Derrida. In it, a term is written and then struck out and the meaning is retained for the audience to probe and ponder.




My friend Nagy



He was so close to me and we were batch mates. I introduced him to existentialism and Jean Paul Sartre and I was an avid fan of his book: Being and Nothingness. Nagy warned me that the book is dark and depressive and makes one to suicide. But I did not feel that away and the book was an awakening of my consciousness. Years later Nagy married a Canadian and had two children and was leading a happy life. And one night the news came to me that he committed suicide and I became aghast and then thought of the suicide that he mentioned to me. Yes, life is a funny, sad riddle.



Erotic Anecdote



I have a significant other who lives in the Philippines. And our first meeting was a pleasant one. She loved experimenting with different positions and all that was new to me. The funny thing that happened was she used mouth lotion to wash her precious parts and I had a funny taste when lingered in hers, a taste of the sweet lotion. Yes she is an affectionate bitch and I am so fond of her.





It’s after the rains they come swarming like little clouds. We have to off of the lights or then will come and take shelter in the room. They lay on the wall like singing poems. Yes, sometimes they resemble mucous. They flirt their wings like tiny angels. The coming of gnats herald  a sign that the rains are over.




The Beach




Yesterday I was in a town Aleppy known as the Venice of the East. The town is renowned for its splendid backwaters and its pristine beaches. I arrived at the beach late evening and looking at the horizon, I saw the sun dancing with the waves like a musical symphony. People were flocking in the beach like a swarm of mosquitoes. I gazed


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-3172-5

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