


This is a philosophical dialogic discourse proceeding from a reading of multiple texts on literature, philosophy, religion, and art and culture. The muse of creativity has paved a way for a free expression of creativity. Some of the Philosophers who have inspired the writing of this work are Derrida, Foucault, Freud and many others. The author is qualified to do this work as he has acquired a Master of Philosophy in Literature. These essays are a postmodern reading of literature, art, society, religion and culture. The author has worked ebulliently and has captured a rhythmic and poetic prose on to the canvas of literary and prose. The muse is a divination of the pen.  

The Stabbing of Salman Rushdie


Salman Rushdie a celebrated author and Booker Prize winner was brutally stabbed on the dais when he was attending a literary conference in the US. It is true that his acclaimed Satanic Verses had become a controversial and notorious book and he was given the fatwa by Khomeini. Thanks to medical science he is recovering from death and has been taken off from the ventilator. The perpetrator of this heinous crime belongs to a religion in the world, perhaps the only religion that practices hate, brutality, violence and disregard for humanistic values. It is fundamental for a democracy that its writers and intellectuals should be given democratic consent to cough up ideas that promote the legacy of freedom of thought.




Museikazzo from muse and Picasso is a new avant-garde movement in writing that combines still life art, impressionism and cubism into an art of writing poetic prose. Everyday objects are rendered with life and given a free reign of imagination and are tantalized with figures of speech and are consumed into rhetoric of writing. Some examples of Muzeicazzo are the flight of a bird, the crawl of an ant, the melody of the sunset, the rhythm of a flowing brook, the heaving of waves and so on. Let me use an example: the brook is murmuring streams consciousness; it floats in the topology of musical harmony; it flows as a hymn of happiness; the brook is a poem of joy.




Godmeneutics comes from God and Hermeneutics (interpretation) and I would like to dissect certain parts from the Bible to do Godmeneutics.



Let’s look at the scripture with the dialogic encounter of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well and asked for water. The Samaritan woman was disturbed and said to Jesus that the Jews don’t drink water from the Samaritan woman and then Jesus said to her, the water that I have to offer you will make you never thirst again.



The narrative of the Samaritan woman can be looked from a socio-cultural-historical perspective.  The Samaritans were a despised lot for the shibboleth of the Jews and Jesus was standing to democratize Samaritanizim into an ideal of respect, love and tolerance of society and its people.



The Second Perspective is a literary and figurative space. The water that Jesus spoke of is the eternal living water and Jesus was being metaphoric.


The Atrocious Verdict


There was an atrocious verdict passed by the court recently in which the accused of gang rape were set free after 14 years. Not only that the lady who was gang raped was pregnant and also the devils slew her family and her daughter. The court’s actions sully the image and prestige of the judiciary. To make matters worse after the release of the accused, they were garlanded by the prominent political party. The actions of the judiciary are a shame for Indian democracy and the judiciary has become traitor to the institution of justice.



From Absurd to Post Modern Celebration


It was the Philosophers Camus and Sartre who popularized the Philosophy of the absurd. For them life is a drama of the absurd having no inherent meaning. Sartre said that man is condemned to be free because of the choices he has to make.



In this article, I want to transcend both Camus and Sartre by saying that absurdist existential philosophy is evolving into a postmodern existential philosophy of celebration.



In this article, I would like to introduce new


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-2525-0

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Dedicated to my loving Late Father Prof: V A Mathen Bose

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