
Chapter 1: My Two Families

Chapter 1


My Two Families


I spent my emergency leave for two weeks with my family where I kept Danielle out in the picture. We came back to Dubai together and went on with our separate lives in the eyes of my friends. I visited them all including Mike Luna which he lied to me about his status with Lina Luna.


Arnold Castellano visited me in my room to tell his condition that he cannot control his emotions.


            “Marco, since that bad moment of my life; I cannot control my feelings towards Joel. I ’m asking myself why….and how?”          


             “Are you serious Arnold?”


            “Yes, Marco, I’m longing for that thing…”


            “You mean to say, you love Joel Arevalo?”


            “Yes…I told him about this, but until now, he’s only playing with me.”


            “You have a relationship with other men….or only Joel?’


            “Just for him….only once…and I gave him money when he needed it.”


            “One of these days I will visit him and talk to him about this…but you need to control your feelings and don’t get entangle with other men especially other nationalities, okay Arnold.”


            “I’ll try Marco.”


            “Do it…don't try.”


            “Yes, Marco.”



            He left me inside my room wondering the consequences of not helping him instantly on that night; that our cowardice to fight for him was showing on his personality, growing into another dimension of his soul. That was none of my business but I had the feeling that I contributed a mark on his destiny. The damaged upon him was a fate intended for him alone, not for me. I had my own destiny to tackle but not the same for him.


            I held a party in my room that all of them attended; Vivian Montoya, Joel Arevalo, Arnold Castellano, Mike Luna, Ronnie Ramirez, Susan Magtoto and Roger Ferrer. I prepared and arranged the room for us to sit down on the floor, Japanese-style. Everybody was with me when I talked to them in a serious mode.


          “I hold this party just to all of you to understand. I’m your friend here away from home. Whatever help I could extend to all of you, it’s deep within my heart. Let’s eat friends!”


           Everybody ate the food but nowhere to be heard them speak about their love affairs. I noticed Joel and Arnold were talking about something in one corner of my room while Mike Luna was chatting with Vivian Montoya all throughout the night.  Susan Magtoto was amazingly attracted to Roger Ferrer. But Ronnie Ramirez told me something about Roger Ferrer; he befriended Ryan Mallari and Glenda Teruel that he visited Danielle in manpower agency. And I observed them all throughout the whole night.


             The observations that I gathered that night were all confirmed after a month’s time. I kept my knowledge to them and kept my private affairs out of their knowledge. I visited Danielle’s place in Jumeirah when I want to be with her. Our relationship blossomed until she got pregnant. She needed to be back to the Philippines for this purpose because of the government restrictions for the pregnant woman.


              We separated our ways but our communication was opened to each other. The thing that I completed before she left was the transferring some of her assets to my name. I continued working with my company and at the same time, running the manpower agency in Dubai.





               It was in...


           The year 1990 of February, when Dubai was visited by foreign navies, including the American – The sign of the Gulf War.


               I was assigned by our area manager, Mr. Gamal Abdulrahman to transact business with Dubai Mercantile and Maritime Authority through the recommendation of the top management. I’d got a written permit from them to sell our products inside the Jebel Ali Free Zone where the American fleets were stationed.


            I organized my resources; manpower, transportation service, equipment, frozen items, fresh bread, vegetables, beverages, identification cards of employees and other legalities. Our main objectives were the American fleets who docked in Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZ) for repairs. The JAFZ was located approximately three kilometers from the city center where it housed some products of the world’s largest corporation. The warehouses were built according to the structural development of the management. It had multiple docks for easy loading and unloading of product items to and from Dubai, or the whole of the Emirates.


            We constructed a temporary store along the canal where the gigantic ship was anchored for the navy personnel. Some of the famous international fast food companies were also there with the same purpose as ours.


         Our makeshift store was connected to mobile equipment that supported our electricity needs. We had an upright chiller, big chest freezer, open fryer, bread warmer, salad chiller and family sized cola drinks. The ready-made packaging was prepared in advance to avoid delayed orders.


            I was with my staff for the operation to ran smoothly every day; to managed the stocks, manpower and to apply the QSC of our system; quality of products, fast service, and cleanliness.


           My first experienced was the American fleet, USS Nimitz, when it docked around nine in the morning. I asked beforehand that the navies were being scheduled for their rest hours by fifty personnel in one batch. We served them batches by batches for the whole day that I telephoned Mr. Gamal Abdulrahman for possible delivery of additional stocks at JAFZ.


          As we continued selling our products, the Americans thanked us for our effort in supporting them for their snacks. Each of them usually bought a family sized cola and two large beef burgers in which they paid in US currency and not getting their change. In this case, every day I calculated our sales and stocks, and the overage was distributed to my staff as tips.


           Daily, we brought all the perishable stocks to Al Fahidi branch for proper storage, and in the morning, we prepared the required stocks for our daily operation. It was hard for us to stay there in the makeshift store because of the high temperature. The usual staff cannot withstand the environment that I reported the matter to our area manager. He told me to re-assign some staff from the other stores with added remuneration.


        I was managing this kind of set up for almost three months that I only managed the manpower office in Al Maktouum Street through my mobile phone given by Danielle.


            It was in this situation that Danielle called me up that she gave birth to a baby girl which I was glad to hear. Another thing that she relayed to me was to go to Kuwait for a business transaction of manpower by a large corporation stationed there. I answered her that I had to ask permission to our area manager if he will allow me when I was busy for the operation in JAFZ. He permitted me for two days’ time of my emergency leave.


          It was in the year 1990 of June when I went to Kuwait for the business meeting with clients. I purchased a round-trip ticket going to Kuwait through Kuwait Airways. I arrived around eleven in the morning that I directly went to the office of my client at the city center. I brought my attaché case with some documents of the manpower I represented.


          My client was an international fast food chain of restaurants that was planning to put up their business in Kuwait, thus, they need Filipino workers for this endeavor. He was an American guy with a nice disposition about the spreading of the business.


          We talked each other personally during our lunch that he relayed a message about the rumor of Iraq invading Kuwait for the coming month.


          I called up Danielle about the news and she told me to come back to Dubai for finalizing the remaining transactions. I hurriedly left Kuwait and back in Dubai where I personally copied all the data to my diskette. Also, I telephoned Danielle about purchasing an independent visa for me that she answered in a positive tone and held a meeting with the manpower staff about the rumors.


          I was back with my usual job in JAFZ where different fleets and ships were being repaired. Rumors now were spreading like wildfire around Dubai; some expatriates were only disregarded while some were over speculating. Other people were spreading about the possible chemical attacks by Saddam Hussein.


          There was no news about the rumors but I observed that more navy ships were coming from Dubai seashore when I checked Danielle’s house at Jumeirah Beach.





            It was in the year 1990 of August 2 up to February 26, 1991, when Iraq occupied Kuwait.


          Kuwait an oil-rich Arab Sheikdom in the northeastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula at the head of the Persian Gulf became independent in 1961. Kuwait is bordered in the north and west by Iraq, on the east by the Persian Gulf., and on the south by Saudi Arabia. It ranks fourth in proven oil reserves (after Saudi Arabia, the USSR, and Iraq) and was a founding member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC).


           The Sabah dynasty was established in 1756 after Arab tribes settled the area. Kuwait was nominally a province in the Ottoman Empire, but the sheik received British protection in 1899. when the Turks threatened actual control. Kuwait achieved independence in 1961, but when Iraq claimed the area, it again received a British pledge of protection. Under the 1963 constitution, executive power is vested in the emir and exercised by a council of ministers. Sheik Jabir Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah became emir in 1977. The legislature was suspended from 1976 to 1981 and again in 1986; an interim council without legislative powers was elected in June 1990. In the 1980s Kuwait was subject to terrorist attacks by Shiite Muslim Extremists, including the 1985 attempt to assassinate the emir; it supported Iraq against Iran in the Iran-Iraq War (1980 – 1988).




            On August 2, 1990, after a dispute over oil, money, and boundaries, Iraq occupied Kuwait, a move condemned by the world community.


                 In Dubai, we were panicked by the news that all of us feared for our lives. Gas masks and masking tapes were selling like hotcakes in the market. Panic buying was shown in some other areas, but we were still opening our stores around Dubai. I instructed my staff to minimize selling of goods for our consumption in case of chemical attacks.


            Also, we came to our knowledge that some owners and managers of the companies around Dubai were evacuated their families at the onset of the occupation. Our company issued a memorandum that nobody can leave Dubai because all possible route terminals were suspended.


             We had no other choice but to stay with our jobs. We suspended our operation inside the JAFZ that we took our duty on our respective stores.


          As the days passed without any chemical attacks happened, we enjoy serving foreign people of different nationalities. A brisk business of all sorts was increasing due to these developments. The fear inside of us became an enjoyable experienced wherein we intermingled with the foreign people. We had lots of tips from them every day that we can use with our nightlife, together with them.


          Our stores around Dubai got an increase in sales for the first month of the invasion. But the stocks were limited from the main office in Sharjah because of the restrictions during the occupation.


          American people were very friendly and gave tips every time they purchased food. Disco houses, theme parks, shopping malls were fully-packed that each night when we came home from work, we can see foreign people sleeping outside our store and some in the roadside. Every day, we experienced this kind of operation that my friends were also tired of the daily operation.


          In the manpower office, I instructed them to open daily to do their jobs. Danielle called me up daily for the Dubai happenings and she in return gave the news that I needed in Dubai. Every week, I had a scheduled call to my wife in Bacoor, Cavite for their living conditions.


          We received news about the atrocities done by Iraqi people to other nationalities inside Kuwait. Different stories were spreading in Dubai about this news, other stories of heroism and escapade.


          I visited Mike Luna in the coffee shop where he’s working and found out that he had rented a room for both of them. He was living in with his new female partner. I talked to him about his wife Lina, but he ignored me. I felt sorry for him that his life centered only in one facet of living.



Chapter 2: The Gulf War Aftermath


Chapter 2


The Gulf War Aftermath


It was in the year 1991 of February 15 when a deadline for withdrawal had been set by the United National Security Council.


I remained in Dubai for my usual job, monitored the news headlines, an occasional night outing and continued the manpower business. The news coming from the Philippines and the local dailies were buried deep in my heart while continuing to follow its development.


The forces of the multinational coalition led by the United States compelled Iraq to withdraw its occupation forces from neighboring Kuwait. Iraq had illegally invaded and occupied Kuwait on August 2, 1990 and on January 15, 1991, deadline for withdrawal had been set by United Nations Security Council. Iraq accused Kuwait of conducting “economic warfare’ against it by overproducing oil and thereby pushing down petroleum prices. When faced with international demands for withdrawal, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein tried to elicit Arab support by offering to pull out if Israel would withdraw its forces from the territories it occupied during the Six-Day War (1967). His efforts to portray himself as the champion of the Palestinian drew little support other than the Palestinian themselves, who later found their cause injured by the support they gave Saddam Hussein.


 Shortly after the invasion, U.S. naval, air, and ground forces were dispatched to Saudi Arabia, initially as a defensive force. US president George Bush constructed a diverse international coalition and repeatedly sought UN mandates for action against Iraq. Trade embargoes were imposed and enforced by naval forces. Resolutions later passed by the Security Council authorized the use of “any means necessary” to bring about the withdrawal of Iraqi troops. President Bush also obtained authorization from Congress to use force, although many urged that sanctions be given time to take effect.


  The forces arrayed against Iraq, commanded by US General H. Norman Schwarzkoff, included combat units from 28 nations, including the United States, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Britain, Syria, and France, and noncombat units from several others; Germany and Japan., prohibited by their constitutions from deploying armed forces outside their territory, pledged billions of dollars in financial underwriting for the operation.


  The war code-named Operation Desert Storm began on January 16 with massive allied air attacks on Iraqi military targets. The allies quickly gained air superiority; many Iraqi planes were flown to Iran (neutral in the conflict) to escape destruction. Iraq launched Scud missiles against Israel in a vain effort to split the coalition by presenting the war as Arab-Israeli conflict.


   The ground phase of the war, initiated when Saddam Hussein ignored a February 23 US deadline to begin large-scale withdrawal, lasted only 100 hours. Arab troops launched a two-pronged frontal assault on Kuwait; recapturing Kuwait City on February 26, while US and European forces swept westward into Iraq, cutting off Iraqi avenues of retreat. Iraq’s defeat was decisive.




It was in the year 1991 of February 26 when the deadline for withdrawal had been set by the United National Security Council.


Allied military operations were suspended at midnight on February 27. The Security Council on April 3 imposed stiff and unprecedented conditions for a formal end of the hostilities. The United Nations mandated the destruction of Iraq’s nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons capabilities.


In the aftermath of the war, Saddam Hussein remained in power and was able to crush two major internal rebellions – by the Shiites in southern Iraq and the Kurds in the north. The coalition declined to intervene.



The war was notable for the prominent role played by high technology weapons. Hundreds of Kuwait oil wells were set ablaze by retreating Iraqi forces and millions of oil deliberately spilled in the Gulf.


It was in the year 1991 of February 26 onwards that Dubai started its developments. The expatriate workforce in the United Arab Emirates especially Dubai, continued to show the usual brisk business because of the foreign people were still around. Danielle instantly arrived in Dubai to iron-out other important business transactions.


 Dubai was gearing to be the hub of tourist attractions and business acumen of international organizations. Notable was the appearance of women from the part of Russia. They invaded the nightlife of Dubai scene which constituted more tourists visitors around the Gulf.


 Manpower businesses were thriving permanently that Danielle bought a personal visa for me, service car and a flat for me at Salahuddin Street near Al Guhrair Center. I resigned from my job in the food industry and managed to put up my own food business concept that thrived permanently. For a short span of time, I opened another two fast food stores around Dubai constructed in strategic locations.


  I joined every Filipino organization and to market the manpower and food businesses. It took some time to form the targeted network of people that really cared to trust what I had in mind. It was such a good moved for me that I uplifted the image of my company to successful endeavors.


 Danielle supported me for every endeavor I made that our relationship blossomed into permanent daily living in Dubai. We carried our lives with different perspectives but more in spearheading into the future. I opened my own two manpower agencies that I planned to unify the two businesses in the future. My own transactions were mine alone that Danielle did not question.


 For legal purposes, I documented all my dealings with government authorities and their regulations were clearly followed.


Starting from the onset of the Gulf War, I had communication with Ayah Isabel every week that I had knowledge of their activities. The children were growing tremendously as what Ayah told me; the same with Marco Junior and Shaira Rose in Bacolod City in Gustilo family.



It was in the year 1993 of May when I went to the Philippines for vacation.


The rigors of my daily life in Dubai contributed much to my desire to have a break from my usual work. The improvements of my food business really spearheaded tremendously with my hands-on style of management and the new innovations for manpower business too.


After completing some important matters with my businesses, I purchased round-trip ticket going to the Philippines. Danielle was very glad that I had to take my break and to visit our children in Bacolod City.


 I arrived in the Philippines with high spirit anticipating the happy and contented families I had. Before, I felt differently when I traveled coming from Dubai, but now it’s totally different. Ayah Isabel and Bryan welcomed me to the airport where we headed directly to our house in Bacoor, Cavite. I hugged my five children and gave time for them after I arrived. The happiness that I felt really conformed to my deepest desire for them.  “Ayah, where’s Lina?” I asked her.


            “Its two months now that she left us, told me to go to Imus, Cavite.”


            “How is she?”


            “Mike did not send money for her.”


            “You helped her?”


            “Yes, but I think she missed her husband.”


              I kept my silence for this matter, continued to talk to Ayah Isabel, “How’s the children’s education?”


            “Good, they’re improving through the help of their tutors.”


            “How’s the status of our bank accounts here in the Philippines?”


           “Still growing, remember, you’re transferring money every month?”


            “Ohhh, yes, I forgot.”


We had to go to Barrio Tuyom, your place, for some important matter together with the children, Bryan and his family.


We prepared instantly for the things to be brought, bought plane tickets; rent a ten-seater van going to Barrio Tuyom. My heart kept on pounding when we arrived at Ayah’s house before. The owner told us that they bought the house since 1988. I asked if we can tour around the interior of the house which he permitted us instantly. The house had the same in structure but different in decors and arrangement.


         “Actually, I’m selling this house….if you want…we can finalize it now….” The owner said while we finished touring the interior of the house. His words were like a thousand dreams able to collide with the reality.


           ‘Yes, please…” I answered him directly.


Next, we went to the chapel guardian and asked about our marriage contract. “Yes, have a seat please Mr. Fernando, Ayah, and Bryan.”



           “Okay, Father.”


           “I still remember that incident a long time ago. Your parents and brother were killed. Also, I remember you Ayah and Bryan. The thing is that the marriage was not fully solemnized but I kept the records. I can help you with this one for a week’s time.”


        “Yes Father, please we can wait. If you need something I can help you,” I answered instantly without soliciting Ayah and Bryan opinions.


            “Mr. Fernando, only, I have to go to the town of Cauayan proper for the formalization of this marriage contract.”


            “You need help, Father?” I asked.


            “No, I can manage, just wait here in Tuyom. Do you have a house to stay?”


            “Yes, Father, the same house as my parents,” Ayah answered.


 We stayed for about three hours at the chapel office while the owner of the house removed and transferred their belongings. Bryan hired some laborers to repair the old house while we bought household stuff in Kabankalan. I rented a truck to deliver all the items that we purchased to the supermarket and got a permit for the electricity.


 Our first night of stay in the old house was a moment of truth for me to realize the living conditions in the barrio with my family. Everything was temporarily used by our children who, for the first time adapted this temporary life. I never imagined that I can retrace my yesteryears with the advent of knowing what in-store for me while chasing my dreams.


 Happily contented with the new environment while waiting for some important documents, I asked Bryan to find a


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-9065-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Dedication To my wife Wilma, Pearl Rose, Kent Michael, Marc Vincent, John Philip, Shaira Rose, Maria Isabel, Christine Mae, KatKat, Sheila Mae, Ynnah and Hannah - for their love, inspiration and support in making this novel book. For Wearly Ann Lachica who made my cover book, an inspiration. “Life is a continuous process of your likes and dislikes, wants and needs, love and hate, good and evil, kindness and a selfishness…the list is endless…but revenge….” Fernando Lachica

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