

A publishing surprise


Hubby roaming through the net

Found an ad of Indie Authors

Look into it, it may be big

It may have supporters.

Made an enquiry via email,

Didn’t expect a response,

I got one, little did I know

It was the begging of my fairy-tale.

I said to the man,

I write poetry, does that matter?

No, send it through,

I’ll have a quick scatter.

To my surprise, they liked my work,

I had no confidence,

I felt like a jerk.

Is this real? Strangers liking

What I write,

I was sent a contract,

To my delight.

This can’t be real, I thought

When I read the contract,

I was bought.

Months went by,

Still not feeling real,

I signed the contract,

And made a deal.

Seeing my book for the

Very 1st time,

There are no words,

That will rhythm,

What an achievement

In my life,

can’t wait till, the New Year’s journey

I hope I thrive.

2nd book is ready to go,

All this, from that one little

Enquiry so long ago.


Don’t be


Don’t be second choice

Be first,

If you’re not,

it will be the worst.


Know your worth,

While here, on this earth.

Kissing many toads.

Before the prince

That’s enough

To make you wince.


Don’t be last choice

Make it known

And you will rejoice.

Stand up proud

And be loud.


Never settle,

For what you think is good,

Settle for great,

Going into womanhood.


Take nothing less

Along the way,

You will have success.


Don’t be fake to impress,

Be yourself and express.


Some will hate you,

Some will like you,

Some will love you,

Through and through.


This is known

To be true.



The one


Do you believe?

Can you conceive?

Breakup after, break up

Boyfriend after boyfriend

Had enough, need to blend.


Accepting my fate

I’m sure, you can relate

Time on my own, to evaluate.


Loving life

Getting into strife,

A new face came my way,

At that moment

I did pray.


Please be the one,

Not just anyone.

As time went on

Happiness grew,

Soon enough

We became two.


A version of me

So happy was he.

Together we both

Felt so free.


I believe, I conceive

Soul mates are true

There out there

For me and for you.
















Should I stay


Should I stay

Or should I go?

So nice you are

Is it for show?

Where's your head?

I feel mislead.


Should I stay

Or should I go?

Don’t expect me to know.

Emotions, up and down

I run after you

Like a clown.


Should I stay

Or should I go?

Going I decide

Now I'm satisfied.


























Our loveable kangaroo


We love our Kanga's

We call them skip

They bounce up high

From their hip.


We love our food,

Flowers, leaves, grass

Don’t feed me meat,

I’ll have to pass.


We are everywhere

In the country,

Forests, woodlands, grassy plains,

We go in hiding when it rains.

Our babies, are called Joey's

We live to 10 years old

Sometimes we are



We jump very high

That's no lie.

A group of us is called a mob

We hop and hop

We do not bob.

Love us or hate us

We do not make fuss

We love our land

We live on it

















The 80’s


Living in the 80’s

What a joy,

It was so much fun

I was a tomboy.

Fluro clothes,

Lycra and leg warmers,

While on tv

Were the transformers.

Big hair was a must

Acid wash jeans,

Models wore them

In magazines.

Denim mini skirts

As short as can be

I’m sure, you will all agree.

Roller skating

At the roller disco

Dancing while you skate,

Feeling like a hero.

Playing Atari with friends

Having such a good time,

Don’t want it to end.

Water ring toss

Is a favourite of mine?

Not for sale anymore

There hard to find.

Recording songs

From the radio,

While watching

Our favourite tv show.

VHS and tape cassette’s

Dancing to music,

In my sweats.

Playing SIMON,

With colours so bright.

Simple Simon was always right.

Being cool, was having NIKE’S

If you had them, you’d be liked.

Bananarama and Madonna

Lead the way

In the music genre.

Safe we felt even at night,

Mum always said,

Come home, when you see,

the streetlight.

Riding bikes to friends’ houses,

In little groups, we road like mouses.

The 80’s kids are a strong breed,

We are as strong as a stampede































Brother love


A brother’s love

Is always there,

So, when in need

Do not despair.


Side by side

Miles apart

He will always

Be there

With an open heart.


Protective they are

From near or afar,

His is a gift,

A friend for the soul

Overall, he makes you whole.


You can’t

pick your family

You’re stuck with me,

Run as fast as you can

But you will never be free.


















The sun is out

The sky is blue

My sweat is so thick

It feels like glue.


Let’s find a forest

With a river, we fish.

Let’s play in the water

Swish Swish.


Set up the swags

Or campers if you like,

Let the kids, ride the bikes

While you go for a hike.


Relaxing in the sun

Not a care in the world,

Stretched out on the lounge chair

With toe’s curled.


Fishing to do,

Or going in the boat

So much fun

I’d hate to gloat.


It’s not for all to enjoy,

Finding what you love

Will bring you joy.


Skiing on the back of the boat

Falling off, don’t worry,

You will float.

Fun in the sun,

Fire at night

Watching the stars,

Is my delight.





Vietnamese ride their bikes,

Living their best life,

They don’t want any strife.

Cheeky kids in the street

Try to make money

To buy some wheat.


People serve you on the street,

For the tourists

Oh, what a treat.

Americans tried to take the land

Controlled they were

By the Americans hand.

Beneath the earth,

Land mine’s lay,

Villages are weary


They Bart with you,

That’s what they do,

That’s their income

To make a stew.

Smiles on their faces,

Cover the sadness

So much history

It’s all madness.














4 x 4 driving


Load the car

Off we go

To the hills

Where there, is no snow,

Smell the fresh air,

Eucalyptus aroma

Being in the forest

Sends you into a coma.


Find a track,

Change the gears

To 4 low,

Air out the tyres,

Or you will have a blow.

Steep are the tracks,

Pick the right line

So, you don’t stack,


you want to come back.


Descending is scary

Slow you must go

Enjoy the ride

And go with the flow.


Bog holes are deep

From the heavy rain,

Use your winch,

In the terrain

So much fun

Had all round,

This is the playground

To be found.






Unspoken words


It’s hard for some people

To say I love you,

Mostly for men

This is true.


Sometimes, it sounds like

Be safe

Call me if your late.

Did you eat,

Hope you had a treat?

Call me when you get home

I’ll know your safe and not alone.


For some it’s the little things

That mean so much,

For some, it’s the tender


They love to touch.


A caring question

Is an offering of love

In suggestion.

A hug can mean so much

You don’t need words

Just the touch.

An ear to listen,

A shoulder to cry on

Are all gestures of love

Of unspoken words

That are never heard.











North, south, east, west

Where do you live

Which is the best?

Sydney, Melbourne, Perth



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.10.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6201-0

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Janelle has found her passion for writing a variety of genres such as poetry, thrillers, non - fiction and fiction... with other poetry collective books such as SOUNDS OF THE WORLD 1 & 2 ENCOUNTERS WITH THE UNKNOWN - True ghost stories NO ONE IS SAFE AT NIGHT - Fiction Thriller Janelle's work is relatable on any readers level...

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