

9/11 Attacks


The day began like any other

The sun rose, scattering to work,

Settling into their day, with a smirk.

8.46am thousands of lives would change,

North Twin Tower was hit by a plane,

People thought, NO, that’s insane.

News came to those, yes it was true,

Some knew and others didn’t have a clue.

Terror attacks was announced

Disbelief from civilians on the ground.

9.03am, no, not again

The South Tower was hit, oh Amen.

Survivors running for their lives,

Passing the dead, that, they did dread.

Parts of bodies everywhere,

We had no time, to stop to care.

We had to get out, as fast as we could,

Everyone knew, that was understood.


People jumping from the towers,

Things happened in minutes,

Which seem liked hours.

Flights hijacked, 93,77 and 175

All the passengers, tried their best

To stay alive.

Life that day, was out of control,

When the buildings were demolished

It left, a great big hole.

90 countries, lost loved ones,

Firefighters, military and police,

Are many of the rescue wopage rkers,

That now rest in peace.

Estimated up to 19,000

In the towers upon attack,

So hard to believe

That this maybe fact.

Years later, people still dying,

To the families related

This is terrifying.

Exposed toxins from ground zero,

Pregnancy losses, cancers

No one can find answers.

A memorial was made

For all to see,

A reminder of life,

No one would disagree.

Pay your respect, for those we lost,

And say a prayer,

For no extra cost.

This moment in history,

The world will remember,

Let’s come together,

United we stand,

Hand in hand,

Let’s show the world what we can withstand.
































My Gift


For you whose hearts been broken by one you thought you knew,

These simple words, so carefully picked,

I dedicate to you.

It seems when you fall in love your worries fade away,

And problems you had yesterday,

Don’t bother you today.

You think the world is at your feet, and good times never end.

A line at home, or in a crowd you’ve always got a friend.

The fight you have from time to time,

Spill tears of rage in pain,

Yet once they’re shed then comes the fun,

Of making up again.

You share your joys and fears of life and lay your feelings bare,

The things you did alone before and twice the fun to share.

But sometimes things just seem to change.

The magic disappears, those sad songs that felt so good before,

Now fill your eyes with tears.

It seems so wrong, that life goes on, when now for you, it’s stopped.

You have nothing left in all the world,

Once you’ve had the lot.

So many times, you ask yourself what turned the good times bad?

Deep down all that matters, is you’ve lost the love you’ve had.

Please don’t be hurt by shattered dreams,

It’s hard but keep your head,

Young hearts can make the sweetest plans

Yet sadly, so misled.

















Magic of Nature


The dust of the deserts,

The dry air, the dry heat.

A dust storm approaches,

As we run like cockroaches.

The scene is golden, no green in sight.

Some might call this a delight,

Our farmers in a drought

But they work no less,

Without a plenty of food;

YES, we stress.

We sit on the couch to have a beer

Turn on the news, there’s plenty to hear.

The Murray River,

Big and brown, surrounded by gumtrees like a crown.

We camp, we fish,

We ski on the river.

There’s always plenty to see.

We awake to a sunrise

To begin anew day

The decision is yours,

Where would you like to be?























Throwing It All Away


Need I say I love you, need I say I care,

Need I say that emotions, are something we don’t share.

I don’t want to be sitting here trying to deceive you

Cause you know, I know I don’t want to go.

We cannot live together; we cannot live apart.

That’s the situation, I’ve known it from the start

Every time that I look at you, I can see the future

Cause you know I know baby,

I don’t want to go throwing it all away.

Is there nothing that I can say,

To make you change your mind?

I watch the world go round and round

And see mine turning upside down.

Who will light up the darkness?

Who will hold your hand?

Who will find your happiness, when you’re feeling down?

You look into the distance, with nothing but a frown

Cause you know, I know baby,

I don’t want to go.

Someday you’ll be sorry, someday when you’re free

Memories will remind you that our love was meant to be.

Late at night when you call my name, I won’t be around to hear

Only then you may think it’s a shame.
























Open your heart

Open your eyes

Open your senses,

A lot of people walk around

With closed lenses.

Say hello with a smile

Say hello with a wink

Say hello with a hug

Say hello with talk

Open with kindness

Or people will walk

Kindness is a lovely way

To bring some sunshine every day.
































1941 Adolf Hitler became head of the Germans,

Throughout the years, this was determined.

Disliking the Jews,

He wouldn’t listen to their views.

Nuremberg Law was put in place,

These laws the Jewish had to face.

Rights to business, marriage and school,

Were stripped away.

When they woke, they had to obey.

Forced to wear yellow stars,

They have no honour, only scars.

Banned from public parks

And everything normal,

Their lives were far from formal.

The sadness they held for the loss of children,

The count was enormous, 1.1 million.

Mass shootings became an order

Carried out by Germans and Collaborators,

This was total disorder.

Policy of extermination became about,

The final resting place without a doubt.

Camps were created,

Some for labour, but mostly death.

In the camps they took their last breath.

Gas chambers for the Jewish,

Is enough to make you bluish.

Being told to undress thinking to be showered,

The Nazi’s felt empowered.

But when they were caught

They were nothing but cowards.

The persecution and planned slaughter

Didn’t matter if you were

Man, women or daughter.

It’s unimaginable what these people felt,

Sadly, it was the life they were dealt.









Love yourself


Love yourself,

Before receiving love

No one else is above

Treat yourself good

Like you dream,

Others would.


Like what you have

Love who you are

You are the

Most important by far.


Don’t question

To fat, to thin,

To ugly, to pretty,

Be smart, your witty.

Look in the mirror

With pride and joy,

Love what you see,

Do not destroy.


Always remember,

To love yourself first

You are not the worst.
























An island in Europe

So tiny it is,

Not far from Italy

Oh, what bliss.

Capital is Valletta

Where my family is from

Before internet

There was no .com.


So much history

Cathedrals, museums, towers,

You can explore Malta

For hours and hours.

Get on boat tours

Hop aboard a shopping bus,

The sights to see

Are a must.

Trendy café’s

Buzzing markets,

Strolling in the Barrakka garden,

Or delve into the War rooms.

See fort St Elmo

Where the knights

Lost their lives,

From fighting for their country

Not being spies.


Proud to be Maltese

We like to please



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.10.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6200-3

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Janelle is a mother, wife and nana who loves the closeness of family. Often a private person Janelle shares moments with people that are close to her. Having moved from the city to the country, Janelle rediscovered her love for writing.

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