
Okay, so i was walking down the hallway, then
I saw him. He's not just any boy. He is the boy of my dreams. His name is Luke. I draw his name all over my journals and my walls. So anyway, I saw him and I "accidentally" bumped into him and dropped my books onto the floor. 'Oh fudge!!!!," I sighed, exasperated. "Whoa!!", he exclaimed. He dropped down to the floor to help me pick them up. "Thanks, I'm just so clumsy sometimes",I said shyly, not looking up.
He chuckled lightly and looked up at the exact same time as me. We looked into each others eyes and stopped talking altogether. "You have really pretty eyes", he said. "So do you", I replied, not taking my eyes off of him. We sat like that for a while until someone bumped into us. We were going to be late for class so we said goodbye as I gathered my books. "See you at lunch then?",he called. "Sure!", I called back as we parted. I could barely concentrate in Tech class. I was going to be eating lunch with Luke Carson!!!!

At lunchtime, I got my tray and looked around. I couldn't find him at first but then I saw him sitting at a table with a few of his friends. I fixed my clothes and walked over to them nonchalantly. "Hi," I said shyly. "Is this seat taken?" Luke looked up, "Oh, hey, umm I'm sorry,I didn't catch your name." I smiled nervously. "Oh, my name is Indigo, but you can call me Clue." "Okay, Clue," he said smiling with those adorable dimples of his. "You wanna sit down before lunch ends?" I nodded vigorously and plopped my tray down onto the table. As we ate , I thought to myself, Is it really this easy? I concluded, it isn't even official that he likes me yet. So ,I shouldn't get my hopes up.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2010

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