

ionman>I was stolen. Taken from my ife. I was was keep somewhere that no one knew about. I've been here 5 long years. He always comes to see me. I hate him so much for what he's done to me. I teel him this but he only laughs and says i'll get over it. I trusted him once. I thought he was my friend. I thought worng he was much more than a friend. I'm not locked in some room all day long as i'm sure some of ou are thinking. They let me out but monieter my every move. I'm allowed out side but they are always there wacthing so i can't do anything. He came agian today."I hate you." I said. He picked me up and slammed me agianst the wall. "No you don't" he said angerly. He then smashed he lips down on mine hrushly. I could have pushed him away i could have did something,but I didn't because even though i hate him I loved him. I ran my handsup his chest and into his hair and he pulled my body closer to him and ran his hands up and down my back. He pushed me away hard and I fell on top of my bed. He climbed on top of me and kissed my neck up until he got to my lips and then he violently pushed his lips down on mine. He stuck his toughe inside and our toughes wresled for dominace, he won. When he pulled away we wre both breathing hard. My heat was beating fast to fast it was going to burst if we countinued like this. He leanded down by my ear and said "Tell me you hate me now." I couldn't because at that moment I loved him with every fiber in my body. He smiled and got up and walked out of my room. I stayed where I was.How can i love himbut hate him so much i asked my self over and over agian. I would tell him tommorow that I want to see my family hat i want to go home. He'd say no of course but it was worth a try.But i'm getting ahead of my self here. Lets go back to the begining, were everything changed, where my life was stolen from me.

Happy days

The cold air flew across my face and through my long blackish brownish hair. It could never decide what color it wanted to be. My breathing quickened as my black converse pouned agiast the dirt road to the park. I always went to the park on Saturdays for some wied reason it conforted me. Sorry, how rude of me not to interduce myself. I'm Nina. I'm 13 and in my opinon very nice. I have long natrully curled hair thats brownish-blackish and just 2 inches from the small of my back. I have mocha colored skin & bright blue-grey eyes.I'mabout 5'3 or 4 I ealy couldn't say. I have a curvy figure for a 13 year old, it's really embarrising. To me the most inportant thing to me are my friends & faily and I'd do anything for them. I rounded the conner sharply almost falling but cacthing myself at the last minute. I was afew feet from the swing set when I notticed a boy ther but he had already herd me and turned to ook at me. I finally got a clear veiw of his face whicth was amazing. He had diry blond hair and as far as I could see deep set green-blue.His jaw was musculair and ooked like it had been chiseled off of a greek statue. He looked about a year or two older than me. is body made me swoon and I'm gonna tell you now I don't swoon. For anyone. He had on a tight body fitting t-shirt that allowed me to see his rock hard abbs. "Hey." He said and that husky voice sent shivers down my spine. "Hey." I said back a little shyly. I may be quitebut shy no. Whats going onwith me. I went over towere he was and sat down on the swing next to his al the while not looking at him. "My names Trey, how about you."he said smiling down at me. "Oh uh my names Nina." I couldn't help itanymore. He seemed to be round my age but the way he held him self you'd think he was 35. "How old are you?" I blurted out before I could even process what was going on iny head. "Oh I'm 16 how bout you?"He asked hopefully. "Well I don't usally tell strange guys my age but yu seem trust worthy.I'm 13." I said relizing that iwas flirting with a boy 3 years my senior. "I'm not the strange one." He pouted. "I love your name." I blushed no one had ever said that to me. I looked around the park. We were over by the swing setand the slids were a good 10-15 feet to the left. I got upand walked over to them turnning around as I did to tell him to come on that I was gonna show him something. I lead him to the slide and got under it. The yellow stuffthat it was madeof was really irritateing to my eyesd so i panted the bottom half back and scribbled my name in so it showed yellow. "Cool." he said. We started to chat about radom things.Like what school we went to or what we wanted to be whn we got older. I looked up at the sky then aroud at the senory. We were in a park but it was one of those parks thats surrouned by thin woods. The trees were tall and skinny and the green grass and leaves were so vivd it almost hurt to look. But the sunset is what stole my breath away from me. It was a flammng red with a thin burnt orange on top of it. I got up and turnedto Trey. "Lets make this our place." i said. "That sounds fun I'd love to see you agian hows tommorrow at 8:oo for you?" "Thats perfect."

And so thats how I met the boy of my dreams. I feel in love with him over the timewe spent at our place. We both came ever Saturday and Sunday. It was good until he dicided that he wanted me all to him self. Until he decided to steal me. But agian I'm gooing to far ahead. We'll get there soon enough. But we still have a couple of more mounths of happyniss lets enjy them while tey last.


I went home to find my parents with their to many friends agian.
"Do you guys ever get tired of each other because honestly if I was you I would have been dicthed my mom and dad I mean their so boring. But alas I'm not you." I said playfuly. Did I mention that I'm filthy rich, well my perents are. So our house was inhumanly huge. Gosh let me stop being modest for a minute. I had a mansion for a home. It was a five stories and at least had 18 rooms on every floor. The rooms were all spacetious and by that I mean big. The outside of the house was what you'd see in a movie about Drake or Lil'Whyne. It had this over sized wooden door with glass but it wasn't see through. And when you walk up to he door and look left and right there's like this alse. So he things holding this up were these humungoues cream coullums. The whole house was cream actually. Any way the windows hade sills made of cream concrete. But if you go to the back of the house there's his one room with a huge bolconey.That was my room with b- I'll tell you about my room latter. My parents room had a window seat thingy. Look all I know is that it was a window but was expanded out so you cold go into it like it was another room.

All around the house was aswsome. The drove way was like a circle but missing the part that completed it. And then there was this big o'l fountain in the middle of it. The garage was like its own seperate house it was big to. Like it was supposed to fit more than two car's but what ever.

The inside is just to much for me to explain and plus I'm very lazy so you'll just her details abut what I wan you to or if its inporant. Lets just say it like the outside but with more colors and better fernished.So back to mom and dad and thier gang. My mom was born with money. Don't think that just becouse she was born into it that she's spoiled and a bitch she'snot. Even though she had money she dresses like well different and she doesn't flaunt it to other people.

My mom is where I got my amazing figure from. She's 5'7 and has long brownish-blackish hair that stoped at about he middle of her neck.(She keeps it cut said it takes to much time to do anything wih long.) She has an olive complection and a bit of a turned up nose. She has a delicate chin and her cheeck bones were high and proment. She has blue eyes and her curves are out ofthis world. Big brest little waist big but not to big hipsand long legs. Her legs were most of her body.Compare anyone to my mom and they'll look stocky and imperfect oh and she's white.To put it in short my mom was sexy.NowI feel like a perv.

My dad is to tall for my likeing. He's 6'8 and has light chocolate skin. He has light grey eyes and a built body.He had a musculuier jaw and big full lips.His nose is kinda...well bigish but it complements his face. He was buff in the arms and legs. My dad to sum it all up was just staight up hot wih a capitol H-O and T.My dad's black thats where i gt the skin and I got my eyes from noth of them. I now feel like I need help because I thought of my father like that.

"Hey were not boring,were just not intresting."my dad said. He was a big time lawyer.

"Speek for yourself I happen to be very intresting.Right honey?"

"I don't know dads got you pretty much beat well because his is a true statment." I said and laugh when my mom looked afended. "Hey guys whatca talking bout." I asked Jhon,Adem,Anny and Emilly.Jhon and Emilly were in love and married and so were Adem and Anny.

"Nothing but adult things that you don't need to even think about yet. Unless you want to start doing my taxes then I'm all game for you join in."

"You know I'm feeling sick all ofa sudden." I said faking a stomach ahce. Ithen up and hit it to my room yelling "Nahh my stomach's alright but all of you are just reallyyyyyyyy boring and old. I have a repitation to up hold remember and hanging with old people and actually learning isn't it."

Okay now you get to see how my room is. The wwalls are black with purple swirls on them and the lights in the room come on from the flor in certain places in the room so my ceiling would be free. On the cileing I have solid purple paint with black swirls. My bed was a king sized one with blood red conferter on it.And the pillow cases had one big black rose on it. My carppet was black and fuzzy. I have black dressers andone purple lamp on the night stads that are by my dressers. I have a full sized mirror on the wall on the otherside of theroom with pa purple frame and plack rose's on them. My balcony is prtty much like my room. I have a purple table with black butterflys on the and a purple chair that you can mold to yor bodywith black dots all around it. If you haven't noticed by now my favirote color is black and purple. I laid down and started on my home work. While I was doing a hard algebra problem Matt called me.

"What's up sexy?" He asked. Did Forget to mention to youguys that he's the biggist perv you'll ever get to know but he's my perv so play nice.
"I don't know for you but for me it'll be our algebra homework."
"Well lisening to your sexy as hell voice got little Matt to wake up and now he hungry for something soft and wet."
"Not going to happen in your life time. Why did you call me at what is it 8:33." I asked a laughing a little at what he said.
"Well I'm having a party and your invited and bring a friend if you want." He said in all seriousness.
"Okay what time and where?" I asked felling as if I'm forgetting something. "My house,6:30 till 2:00,Sunday.
"KK bye."
"See yah." Something was nagging at me fromethe back ofmy mind. Then it clicked and i got up grabbed a black coat and ran.

I made it there at 8:58. I didn't think he'd be here but I had to come and find out. It was dark and it didn't seem like anyone was there. I sat on the swing and cried. I was angry and said all in one. What had I done. I was 4 hours late. He probrably thouht I stood him up. I'm such an idiot. I ggot up and turned to go back home and was tackled by someone hard and heavey. I was knocked to the ground and dragged back.I screamed loudly and started to thrash about I was flipped over and was greeted with the site of Trey smiling at me laughing. I sat up and puched him in the cheast.Hard

"That was not funny, at all." I said pouting. We had been meeting for three mounths now.

"Your right it wasn't funny. It was halarious. You should have seen your face."

"Sorry for being so late." I blured to get ofthe subject of him almost scaring me half to death.

"I had thought tha you dicthed me for something better but I couldn't leave." he said saring into my eays with an emotion I couldn't name. I had an idea/

"Hey wanna go to a party it's tommorrow."

"Sure i'll go if you'll be there." I blushed. He made me do that a lot. And he seemed to like it.

"OK well just meet me here tommorrow at around 7ish. That cool" I asked a little shyly.

"Thats great." he said and turned to leave. I turned to go thinking that it was romantic of himm to wait for me for so long. I was suddenly turned around. Trey was ther smileing mischeviously at me. He bent down and pressed his lips down on mine. It was amazing. His soft lips moved aginist mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He pulled away and said "I wanted to do that sence we first meet." And left.I went home in a daze. He kissed me was all that was going thruogh my head at the moment. My first kiss was to someone I loved. I had a intense yearning for him. It was so strong it hurt. Tomorrow just wait one day and you can hae him. I thought to my self.

So far so right. Well here comes the bad. Can you guess what happens next? Well whatever you can think of would be worng. Here comes the big day. But before tha happens you get to see Trey P.O.V. How bout you ask him why he did it to me.

My Evil Mind

I'd do it at the party.No one will notice right away. I told my parents what I was planning. They both seemed content with the whole thing they just told me to be careful with what and how I do it. I couldn't stand it anymore. Being so close but not being able to have waht was mine. It was killing my wolf. I became obsessed with her. She was all I could think about. But that was asceptable but that was because she was my mate, mine. I had to have her. I couldn't contol wha happened at the park. I kissed her and it was amazing,but not enough I wanted more and I was going to get it. I loved her and I was gonna get what I wanted. I might have to wait for it but that was okay. I wanted to be with her every day not two out of a week. I needed her. She was the very soul in my body. Please don't judge me off of what I'm about to do. Imagin that you have something that belongs to you, but you could only have it on a certain day. You'd do every thing in your power to get what belongs to you. I know their's a chance she might hate me but I was willing to risk it. Only she could make my life complete she was my other half. I needed her. Ilayin my bed at night wondering what she's doing. When I;m with her I can smell the wolf on her. Her wolf will me dorrmant for three more years and it doesn't seem like anyone had old her. My wolf was happy as can be, to tell you the truth I was happy to. I mean I got to finally get what was mine. She'd have to understand why I had taken her when I tell her about what she is. I wonder how long she would be mad at me. I know that taking her was wrong but I was just getting something that actually belonged to me since it was born. Well I had to go get ready for tommorow. I'd have what I want very soon.


Party Girl

Come on come on.I thought he was late and I wanted to get to the party.I was waiing outside of the park entence and waiting for him.There was a party going on an I was missing it and I was not happy abot that. As I told you before I was a quiet girl. But that all changed when there was a party invloved.I suddenly turned into this sexy slightly sluty bad girl that mothers don't want thier boys around.

I was wearing tight black curve fitting jeans.I had on a black tight but low hanging v neck so it showed a lot of cleavge but not to much that it was sluty. I was wearing purple sneaker boots with blck swirls comming up the side and black shoelaces. I had on medium size purple hoops and a silver chain with my name hanging from it in purple writing.I also had on a purple ring that was a heart with cross bones going though it.My hair was up in a high pony tail and I had a bang that swooped over my right eye. I had on deep purple eye shadow witch made my light blue-grey eyes stand out. I put on some strawberry lip gloss. And in my opinion I looked hot.

"Come on,come on,come on already." I said in a whispered voice.I had been waiting for him for 30 minutes already. I was going to leave him if he didn't get here in 10 minutes. Even if I was nuts about him it didn't mean I wouldn't leave if it ment I would miss the party.Those ten minutes weren't even need I soon found out as I saw a figure running towred me and as he got closer I realized it was Trey and he was drop dead 18 times over grogeoues.

He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and like me black jeans but with black and white jordans. His hair was messy but the sexy way. His mucseled chest pushed agianst the fabric of his t-shirt and that had my mouth watering. He was waering an unzipped leather jacket. He looked very mysteryous in all that black. He looked like he could be an avenging angel. As he got cler I saw his soft looking pink lips and suddenly had the urge to kiss him.

"Sorry I'm so late I got held up with my parents." he said and not even breathy even after he just ran the whole block to me.

"It's okay. Hey when we get to the party I know you'll be older than almost everyone but were way more mature than we get credit for. So don't just brush them off give them a chance first." I said a little pleadingly.

"I wouldn't think about being mean to your friends and getting on your bad side.Then I wouldn't be able to talk to my little gothic princess." He smiled a heart brecking smile at me and looked at me with an emotion I couldn't deciper.I melted right on the spot.As soon as me and Trey walkedin all the girls will fall head over heels for him. As soon as I thought that a stab of jouesely hit me hard and painful.I wanted to kiss him and let him know he was mine but that would be stupid.I told myself that I could like him but w could never be together.

"What are you thinking?" Trey asked right next to my left ear. I jumped and turned around shocked. "N-n-nothing." I lied.

"Liar." he said simply with a smirk on his face.

"No I'm not."I lied once agian.

"I really want to kiss you right now like yesterday." he said. I blushed shocked.And while I was still suprised he bent down and breathed his warm breath over my lips. He was only about a cenimeter away from my lips and I wanted to lean forwared and kiss him so bad thatit started to hurt. And just as I was about to he suddenly leaned back and said we should get to the party before it's to late.

"Ah crap the part." I yelled.And took off down the street. I was by myself and then heared some foot falls beside me.I turned and saw Trey looking at me and smiling as if this wan't a work out.Maybe it wasn't maybe I was just out of shape.

"Why are we running and where to?" he asked.

"Because were are late to the party and were going to my house so someone can drop us off at the party."I said in response. The run to my house was like ten minutes long.When we got there my driver was already there and waiting. When Trey saw he whisthled and said "So a spoild rich princess then huh?"

"No I never have been and never will be a princess."I said a little ofened that he would think that.

"But you know that if your a princess everyone has to cater to your every need.Some more than others like oh I don't know like a sutier or secret....lover." he said with a sexy smile on his face and as soon as I saw it a shiver ran down my back.Washe saying that he wanted to be my l- no not even gonna go there.

"What are you thnking about now?"Trey asked and I just shurgged of the question.

"Come on we have to go of we'll be even later than we already are." I said.

We got into the car and I told the driver where to go.Trey scooted over closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder.My body reacted instintly. I snuggled deeper into is chest and laid my head onn his shoulder.He didn't seem to mind in fact it felt as if he growled agiasit my chest but just put it off as my imagination.The drive was 20 minutes long and when we arrived we knew it even if you didn't know where to go you herd the music even with the door closed.

We got out and went to the door.The music was almost defining.I just opened the door even if I knocked no one would be able to hear it, and walked inside. When people started to look at me and Trey they all stoped talking and danceing and everything went quiet and everything stopped exept for the music.At first I was scared and then I started to get a little annoyed.

"Starings Rude."I tried to yell over the music but no one could hear me so someone turned it off and I repeated what I said.Every body was queit for a seconed and then laughed and people(Mostly girls and that irritated me)came over to speek to me and Trey. After about 20 minutes I was on he dance loor surrounded by guys.I didn't even know where Trey was and I didn't even care I was having fun and that was all that mattered.I grabbed some random boy and started to grind agianist him. He was cuteto with dark brown hair and green eyes and he was lean.But not better then Trey.The music was making me drunk and all the heat of boddies around me made me feel alive and vibrant and free. I suddenly turned around and pushed the guy agiaist the wall and started to make out with him. At first it was just a make out but then it strated get heated. I wrapped my arms around his neck and him around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I was suddenly pulled off of him and turned around violently.I wassupprised when it was trey Iwas looking at and his light blue eyes were blood red and I was scared. I tried to get away but he squised tighter and pulled me upstairs and into a room where a couple were making out.

"GET OUT." Trey yelled loudly and the boy and girl broke apart and scurried out of the room giving Trey a wide berth. Helooked at me with those blood red eyes and I started to back away until I hit the wall. What was wrong with him? I thought.

"What do you think you were doing down there with that boy?" he yelled at me. I crnged and cowered away from him as he came closer to me.

"I said what do you think you were doing?"He said a little calmer this time when he noticed he was scaring me.

"I-I was just h-ha-having fun and dancing."I stuttered.

"No you don't do that with anybody but me." He said visiously and came at me. I thought he was going to hit me but I was way off. He picked ma up and pushed me agiaist the wall and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist. He took my face and kissed my with so muched passion and waiting and need that it took my breath away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kiss him hunggrly. He then slipped my shirt up and started to reach up my shirt until he got t my bra. He undid the clip in the front and it feel away. His warm hands touched my breast while his soft lips started to trail kisses down my neck.I couldn't stop the moans that escaped my mouth. He started to pull my shirt up and then I finally realized what I was doing. I started to struggle agiast him until he let me go. I stood there panting from the intense moment we just had.

"MINE."I heared Trey growl and that was my only warning before he threw me on the bed and he was on top of me.He kissed me deeply and I couldn't resist him and I gave him acess to my mouth he moved his tounge around searching every part of my mouth. I was heated and I know he was to considering the large bulge I felt agiast my thigh. I slowly let my hands find there ay up Treys shirt and I ran my hands over his chest and twecked his nipples before running my hands over his back. he growled low and deep.What was up with that even though it turned me on more it was still weired.Treys hands found there way tomy pants and I stopped him and said I wasn't ready.When I looked into his eyes they were coal black. That gave mea little scare but I said nothing about it.

Trey laid his head on my shoulder for a second and beathed deeply. And the next thing I know I feel bone deep pleasure explode through my body. I convoulsed a couple of times until it subsided and when it did I felt a wet liquid runnning down my neck.I reched my hand up and touched it and looked my hand had come out bloody. I open my mouth to yell at Trey and to see what he had did when suddenly a wet cloth of some sort was pressed down over my noise and mouth. I was forced to braeth in the strong liquid. My vision started to get blurry and I looked at Treybut he as foggy so I couldn't see. What was happening to me. i trieded to struggle agiaist whatever it was but it was no use my streatgh was desipitating.I got one last blurry look at Trey before my world went black.

Now you know what happened.Tragic right. No you get to seehis

point of view. I was stupid that night I know so no need to tell me.Becouse of lust and desire I will never see my family or friends agian. And the worst part of this is that I can't even hate him for doing it. So nowyou saw how I was stolen.Now you getto experiance how it feels after you get taken but be fore that listen to what Trey has to say.

Loving Her

What had I just done. I looked at Nina and felt a swell of love then regret then awe. She looked so pure and innoeccent lying on that bed knocked out at some persons house.Ihen I heard pounding on the stairs and I knew I had too get Nina outta there before I got caught and she was taken from me. I felt my wolf swell with panic at the thought of his mate being taken from him. She'd be asleep for awhile. In the mean time I'll find a way to get her out of hear unknown. I looked around tthe room for something thatI would be able to bind her and and then just decided to use the bed sheet. I toar it into to long pices and binded her arms and legs. I felt terrible doing this to her and it was starting to hurt me and my wolf.I hurried and finished and picked her up. She was small in my arms and fragile looking. I had marked her and I wanted to agian. No it was to soon I'd hurt her if I did that.My wolf was tring to take over my body and do what he wanted to his mate and I couldn't let him do that.I went over to the window with her in my arms. Slowly and very carefully I opened it and when I had her positoned right I jumped. I landed softly on the soft ground.No one was around so I quickly called Devon and had him come and pick us up. He was here in about ten minutes and while he was getting here I just stared at Nina at how helpless she was, it made me want to protect her more than I already did.When Devon finaly got here I laid Nina down gentaly in the back of the car and I hopped in the front.

"So your really going though with it huh?" Devon asked in his deep raspy voice.

"Yeah,I really am.I just I don't know,I just have to her.I love her.I just can't be with out her I dont know whats wrong with me." I said looking back at Nina lovingly.

"When yoou find your mate that persons all you can think about. I's quite natural to think about your mate constantly." he said knowingly. Devon had a mate and two kids with her a boy and a girl...TWINS and horrible ones at that.

The ride was silent after that. I countinued to stare at Nina even though I knew I would have a kiler ache in my neck for this.We made it to the house and I gentaly took her and went to the section of the castle like place I live that we sectioned off for her. I took her to her new room. I embellished it myself. The walls were a deep purple with black decorations on them. There was a queen sized bed that had a black covoring with purple spots over them. She had purple carpet with black wolfs running around on them. Her dressers were black.Her room was supplied before hand.She had all the things a girl would need. How we knew what size her cloths were was because I had people find out the things I couldn't ask her about. I laid her down on the black bed. She looked so inoccent all pale laying agaist thr black. I wanted to claim her. I loved her so much but I knew I couldn't she was to young.I stared at her for awhile and went over and kissed her softly on the lips and tingles shot up my body as I did so. I left quietly after that and went to my room.

I couldn't help but think about her. She was just so stunning. I started to then think about all the things that could happed when people found out she was missing. They'd look here but wouldn't find her,more like I wouldn't let them. I went to my room and stripped off my cloths and took a long shower.I went back my room when I was finished and throw on some boxers and got under my covers. I dreamed about my beautiful mate and how she hated me for a while but got over it and we lived happyly from then on. And even in my dreames I knew it would never be that easy. But what I did know was that I loved her and I wan't going to give her up. God loving her is so hard.

What am I gonna do.

I wake up to the sun shining in my face and slober on my cheek. For a second I started to panic but then I remebered where I was and calmed down slightly. I mean if he had'nt killed my and cut me up to pices and threw me in the river already it's likely hes not going to.

I get up and walk towrds the door and try the knob hoping that it was unlocked but knowing it wasn't. I slowly reached my hand out to the knob. As if scared of the demons that reside on the outside world. But before I could even touch it it started to twist. I jumped back starlted and wacthed as if frozen as the door attatrted to open. As it swung fully open I saw Him standing there looking at me as if I were a wild animal that was not to be starlted. 

And to be honest I felt like it. I felt like a deer tha was being hunted by cruel and malicous people who were intent not to just kill me but tourter me to. He stood there and wachted me and I wached back. 

He opend his mouth and the words that came out of them unfroze me. "I love you."




Hey guys im back this isnt the full chapter just a little tease until I can figure out what direction I want this story to go. See ya soon.


Texte: I made it I am Furbaby.
Bildmaterialien: All my pictures I got of of
Lektorat: n/a
Übersetzung: n/a
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.10.2012

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