

I was kidnapped by VAMPIRES. Yeah I know how it sounds but its true. I was kidnapped because my boyfriend (if I can even call him that) is a WERWEWOLF. And why am I kidnapped oh yeah because I’m his mate and he’s the alpha of his pack oh and let’s not forget my little ‘gift’ I have telekinesis. And it’s so not what it’s cracked up to be (especially when you don’t know how to control it). Anyway let’s go back to the whole kidnapped thing. Now if you get kidnapped by someone especially a vampire you’d think to be somewhere unbelievably nasty and dirty and damp and let not forget dark and you’d think to be in a dungeon and have this little cot to sleep on and like in a jail cell have a nasty and dingy toilet to use and for there to be rats everywhere and for it to smell really bad and for there to be this wooden door with a little opening at the bottom so you can get your food, right while you would be so wrong and when I say wrong it’s with a capital W. I guess it’s different when you’re kidnapped by vamps. The room was really beautiful.

The walls were a pretty red not to dark that it was gloomy and not to light that it was preppy. Think of a regular red and make it a little darker. With an outline of a heart in a way darker then the color of the wall shade next to the outline of a thunderbolt in the same shade as the outline of the heart. And it continued in that patter of heart thunderbolt. (Red is my favorite color by the way.) The door to get out the room was locked from the outside. And there were only three other doors in the room. One was the bathroom and it was white and huge inside.

There was this tub more like a hot tub, it was so big. It was like a hot tub it had those little turbo things built in them on all four sides of it there were two to each side of the tub. And then there was also a shower in here. It was one of those showers with glass sides but that you couldn’t see inside no matter how hard you tried all you could see was an outline of a body. And the counter was also huge it had one of those round sinks the ones you always see in movies of fancy restraints. The counter was high like waist level and it was made of litghtish brown marble with black dots. At least I think it was marble. And of course like any bathroom there were rugs and they were the lightish brown the counter is. And then you hove those things that the towels are on and the towels are white. And to add to the greatness of this bathroom it was fully stocked. It had toothpaste, tissue, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and even the things eventually every girl will need.

Okay the next room is the closet. It was a walk-in closet. When you walk in there are mirrors on each side so you can come out and see how you look in your outfit. Okay when you head past the mirrors you have to choose whether to go left, right or straight. If you go straight you hit the shoes and accessories. You have everything from ballet flats to high hills and in all colors. And everything from earrings to purses with diamonds in the jewelry and crocodile skins and every design for the purses. And if you go left you hit the bottoms, pants to mini-skirts in all bands and styles. Lastly there was the door to the right it held the tops and dresses. There were T’s, off the shoulders and even corsets. The dresses ranged from classy to sexy to sultry and to sundressy. There were jumpsuits and rompers. Some of the cloths looked like they were supposed to be worn out to restraints out to other fancy places with was stupid I’m supposed to be held captive prisoner. And what was creepy about the closet is that everything in there was my size. Can you say creepy? Any way enough with the humongous and don’t forget awesome closet. On to the next door which was an office.

It had all type of electronics. And I even had the internet. But I can’t get on any sites I’d be able to contact help on. Like Facebook, Twitter, Ovoo and I can’t send e-mails to anyone and any other means of contacting the outside world are impossible trust me. I even tried to get on one of those avatar games. I was able to but any time I told someone I was kidnaped by someone that person either blocked me reported me or just laughed me off and called me crazy. Anyway there was the desk with the apple laptop and pens and pencils and paper. There were notebooks and journals. The desk was against the wall with a window on each side with thick drapes. They were a deep blue and very pretty. And the walls were a like a lime color but darker. And these walls were decorated with diamonds and stars. Against the wall adjacent to the desk was this big bookshelf with romance books and adventure and let’s not forget fiction and fantasy books I would actually read .And the by one of the walls that were parallel to the desk and gigantic bookshelf were one of those couch beds you find in the therapist office. And the last wall has shelves built into them that held things like and I-pod that I couldn’t call our text from. My chose of mp-3’s and on some there were pictures of ME and Daniel.

They were all taken in the past week and a 12 that Daniel had been here, and some of them before of me and him. Again can you say creepy with a capital C? Oh and I know what you’re thinking about the whole window thing. Why don’t I just find a way to climb out of them right? I’m very intuitive yah know. Anyway I can’t because when I looked out the window when that idiot Vlad left me in here I found out like were in some kind of castle. Again I know it sound crazy but it’s the truth. You know like when you watch Sherik where the princess is locked in a tower at the top. That’s how I was but it was like the castle was modern now. That was the first and last time I stoke my head out of the windows. Okay the last room to tell you about is my bedroom, weird that I was calling it my bedroom so soon.

It was the red with the way darker shade of hearts and thunderbolts. The bed was huuuuge and it was a canopy bed. The comforter was the shade of red the walls were and swirls of the color of the hearts and thunderbolts were. And like any canopy bed it had those wispy things on them and it was the color of the swirls on the bed. The wispy things made a little cover for the bed if I let them down but I keep them up so I can see anything and everything is someone were to enter the room. There were night stands on either side of the bed which were a (I know what you’re thinking red right while your wrong I told you I was intuitive) deep shade of white. White I know weird while almost everything else is red. I say almost because the rugs on the side sides of my end were the same shade of white that my night stands are. And I had a dresser on the wall opposite the bed and above that was a TV. On the dresser there were nail polish, lotion, and lip gloss in all flavors and lip sticks in different shades. The rest of the makeup was in the bathroom. There were pictures of Daniel before he came here and from when after he came still creepy but I felt a little better about the whole kidnapped thing if I was able to see him. Oh GOD I miss him so much. I’ve been thinking about him for a while.

Okay not for just a while ever sense Vlad took me from my room. I would say rights about now people are finding out that I’m missing. I wonder what Daniel would do now that I’m gone would he find a different girlfriend. No he couldn’t I’m his mate he can’t replace me. Can he? No he explained all of this to me the day I was taken I’m his one and only mate. No other girl can compare to me to him. I still wonder how everyone is taking me being missing. I went to the office grabbed a romance book went to the dresser grabbed some clean clothes. (p.js). and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it. I then started the tub stopped it up and put forest scented oil in it, and then I stripped. When I went to grab a towel I got this weird feeling not bad but a good feeling. When I say good well I mean as in a warmth filling way. Don’t get me wrong I’m not happy being here and all but a warm bath was just the thing to fix someone’s nerves. The tub was full and my bath was ready.

I added some forest scented bubble bath and turned on the turbo thingies. The bubbles started to from and then I grabbed my book and got in the tub to start reading it. It was about a brave Scotland warrior has to marry. He thought she would obey him and does exactly what he wanted her to do but he was so wrong. She continued to act like the little tomboy she is. I was on the part where she disobeys her husband and goes hunting anyway. And she ends up getting lost in the woods. I was in the middle of a sentence when I got a feeling. I shivered because the felt just then was lustful. I marked my page in the book and sat it down on the corner of the tub. I then lay down against the back of the tub and closed my eyes. I just wanted to soak a little longer and then wash my hair and get out. It felt like someone had creased the top of my breast the part that wasn’t under water. “Who’s there?” I felt like an idiot no one was here I checked all the rooms and I know no one came in because the door to get in here has a loud creaking sound. I close my eyes again putting it off as it being my imagination when I felt a pleasure so intense it made me cry out.

It felt like someone ran there hand up my knee and on until it reached the top of my thigh and over my hips to my waist. Okay I know this sounds gross I was so turned on right now. But by whom no one was in here with me but I didn’t feel scared. Then the hand did the same thing on the other side but stopped before it was about to touch my boob. Then I woke up, it was all a dream and a wet one with nobody there at that but it all felt so real. I was spooked so I washed my hair quickly and got out and then got dressed. I threw my clothes in the white basket under the sink. I blow dried my hair and after it was done I ran into the bedroom jumped on the bed and turned on the lamp so I could continue reading my book. I didn’t feel anything more so I cut off the lamp and snuggled under the covers and feel asleep but before I did I thought about Daniel and his pretty blue eyes and feel asleep.

‘I was in a beautiful forest. The trees were thin but high and the leaves were so green. I was barefoot in a white strapless dress that stopped at my knees. My long dark hair fell in waves around the middle of my back. I keep walking until I hit a clearing. And there he was. He had nothing on but some white pants. The sun glinted of his black hair and his blue eyes sparkled when he look at me. His smile was radiant and contiguous because the next thing I knew I was smiling to. And then I was running to him and he held his arms open for me to jump into which I did. “I missed you Luna.” he said. It was so sexy the way he said my name. “I’ve missed you to Daniel.” I said. He suddenly put me down and asked me “Where are you.” “I don’t know I said. It’s like some kind of castle I know that when I looked out the window there was some kind forest. That was all I can see for ……… while I don’t know how long. Sorry there’s nothing else I can really give except that it seemed like a long time to get here by car. So I’d have to say were pretty far away from civilization. Oh and the vampire who captured me name was Vlad.” I said.

“I’m coming to get you and when I do nothing will ever hurt you again okay I’ll keep you safe. I love you Luna and I was an emotional wreak when I found out you’d been taken. I felt like I was gonna die Luna. You’re mine and I’m yours and I will always need you by my side. Do you accept me as your mate Luna?” Okay I so had a problem with him saying I’m his as he put it but I had no problem with him being mine. We were gonna need to talk about it. But now didn’t feel like the time to bring it up. He had this intense but at the same time vulnerable look to him that what I said instead of saying what I wanted to say I said “I love you to Daniel and I accept you as my mate.” He picked me up then and he spun us around and around until he collapsed. We were looking into each other’s eyes as I lowered my head and kissed him. He probed at my mouth and I opened willingly to him. The taste of him exploded in my mouth. This kiss wasn’t gentle it was rough and passionate filled with lust. When we broke apart we were both breathing hard. I couldn’t help what I did next. I ran both my hands down his chest.

What happened next was totally unexpected that I gave a little yhip of surprise. Daniel growled low in his throat and flipped us so that I was on the bottom and he was on the top he then pined both of my hands over my head in only one of his hands. He ran his other hand all over my body. Over my breast, stomach, waist, hips and all the way down to my knees. I was shocked at what he was doing but also very turned on as he keep running his hands over my body and I started to notice my little moans of pleasure. What the hell moans of pleasure? This so wasn’t me I wanted to tell him to stop but I couldn’t. My eyelids started to get heavy. He growled again but this time it just made me want him more than I already did. With his free hand he went up my leg and under my dress instead of over it. I jumped when his cool hands touched the heated flesh of my leg. He took his time as if he was enjoying touching my legs but not the part of me that ached for his touch. I started to move my hips and said through little panting breaths “Please touch me. Please.” He started to move his hands closer to the apex of my thighs. I then stated to jerk my hips. Suddenly Daniel stopped and said “We have to stop.”

“What why?” Yeah I know I sounded like a big time slut and this isn’t normally me but it was something going on inside of me that’s drawing me toward Daniel making me want him to have his hands all over me and for him to hold me and never let go. “What did I do?” I said in little pants. “You did nothing wrong. There’s a hormone in werewolf’s body that enables them to be able to draw their mates toward them ……sexually. I can’t take advantage of you like that.” My breathing was starting to go back to a recognizable pattern of in and out. “Then how come sense this is the first time it’s happened?” I asked. I asked because I think I messed up somehow and he’s lying to protect my feelings. And it would make things forever weird for us. “It didn’t happen then because you hadn’t accepted me as your mate. You were and always would have been my mate and sense you accepted me I’m your mate.” He said. And then it was an awkward moment because of what had just happened. “Sorry I didn’t tell you before.” “Its okay I liked it a lot.”

It just came out I didn’t mean that was supposed to go to the grave with me. “I can’t believe I just said that.” This was so embarrassing. I knew my whole face was now scarlet. “Well if it helps I liked it a lot to.” “So does this mean we can’t be near each other anymore?” “No! We can still be near each other we just have to be careful is all.” He said “Then why are you all the way over there?” I asked he was like 6 feet away from me it was kind of awkward. “Sorry.” He said and walked over to where I was and sat down. “Since were admitting things that was me when you were in the tub. I don’t know how but I suddenly saw you and you were naked. I’m sorry.” I turned on him then. I was so mad he, might have been grouping me a few minutes ago but seeing me naked is a whole different thing, though it may be my fault because I feel asleep in the tub and now I was pissed at him and myself. “Sorry you what, saw me naked well your apology is not accepted?” I yelled.

“You jerk. I don’t care if it was by accident you saw me naked.” I started to hit him then but of course my hands bounced off of him harmlessly. Then I got up and stomped away. I was sure I was pouting like a little girl. As soon as I started to walk I heard his footsteps behind me. “Stop following me you pig headed idiot.” I said. He grabbed my arm and turned me around and just to let you know I was still pouting. “I said I was sorry and I am. It’s not like I did it on purpose. Will you please forgive me” I was glowering at him but mumbled a reluctant ok. “Where are we anyway?” I asked to get off the subject of him seeing me naked. I should make him return the favor but knowing him he’d like it. “This is the place where our dreams meet and were connected to each other during the night. Every mated ware couple has one and there all different. And this is ours.” He turned and smiled at me then. “How come this didn’t happen over the time we were going out when I was actually at home?” “Because this time we were both were thinking about each other and we really wanted to see each other.

And so this were we ended up. I leaned over and whispered I wasn’t thinking about you. “Yes you were and you know it. I smiled then and said “I love you Daniel Wolf.” “And I love you Luna Knight.” And then we kissed it was soft and gentle and heart breakingly sweet. And when we broke apart I got up and ran as fast as I could. In an instant I heard his footsteps he was far behind but eating up the distance between us. I made it to the middle of a meadow when I was tackled. He turned us in midair so he wouldn’t fall on me. I was breathing hard and he looked like he hadn’t broken a sweat. ‘’Run as fast as you want or as far just know I’ll always catch you.” He said. “Always” I asked “Always.” He responded.” I am so in love with you.” We both said at the same time. And then I started to wake up while I was still in Daniels arms.’ I woke up to the smell of breakfast and to the smiling face of Vlad.


I woke up holding Luna in my arms. Well she wasn’t in my arms because she was kidnapped. But we had had our first shared dream. In which I almost let my wolf urges decide whether or not we were going to do the big IT .I needed to get control of my hormones. I know she was feeling the draw toward me to but it’s stronger in me then it is in her. Just remembering how she was reacting to me just touching her first though and the under her clothes. And those little moans she was making were driving me insane and then she practically begged me not to stop what I was doing. It took everything in me to pull away from her so hard that my body actually started to hurt with the strain of it. I was about to take her right there. And after we had a conversation about what had happened she got up all innocently and the she turn and ran. At first I was too stunned to do anything but watch as she headed out of the clearing. Once she was breaching the line of tress is when I finally got up and ran after her. I love the chase. My inner wolf was yelling at me to catch her, catch her, and catch her.

I was about to breach the line of tress when my inner wolf took over my body for a second I could visualize and hear her feet hitting the floor then I heard he heavy breathing and the I smelled her she smelled like lavender and pine. I started to run not looking were I was going because my wolf was leading me to what was mine. Then I could see her in the middle of that meadow still running trying to get farther and I know she wasn’t going to get anywhere. In that moment were I tackled her I got back control of my body and hurriedly flip us so I would take the fall which wasn’t much for me but I would have crushed her if my wolf would have stayed in control. I wouldn’t have hurt my mate my inner wolf growled at me. Okay, okay I thought.

Now I had more important things to think about. I got up toke a quick shower and thought about the things Luna told me about. She said it looked like she was in a castle like structure somewhere beyond the woods. Where exactly could that be? Uhhh I had no idea where she was. Well the fact that she was in our shared place meant that she was safe for the time being at least. It was time for a meeting. I called all of the wolves I thought were mature enough to handle what’s I was about to tell everyone. “Well what is it?” Sharon asked. Sharon was like a big sister to me and not just to me to the whole pack really. She was tall blond and blue eyed every man’s dream. And she was married to Mitch who was her mate and he was extremely goofy person he was like the comedian of the group. Always able to make people laugh. And he was tall also and he had dark brown hair. “It’s about my mate. She was kidnapped by a vampire.”

I said and it got eerily quiet. I didn’t know what to expect but I hope it was something good. “Your mate has been kidnapped?” Kelly asked. Kelly was the goody two shoes in the pack strictly sticking to the rules. She has long black wavy hair that falls to her waist and big green eyes. She was very pretty even though she was a pain in the neck. “Yeah my mate has been taken by vampires.” I said. “While then why are we setting around here for?” Kyle asked. He was the person in the pack who just loves to get into trouble and there are more from where he came from, and on occasion I was one of them. “Because I don’t know where she is.” I said. Everyone started to talk at once about where he could have taken, her and when and from where. “Quiet” I said using the alpha tone. Every one quieted down immediately “I have some details about where she is.” I said. “Well are you gonna tell us?” Brad asked.

He was one of the trouble makers. “She said she was in some kind of castle like structure. And when she looked out of a window which was at the top of the well whatever she said she saw forest as far as she could see. She also told me the vampire who took her name was Vlad.” “Why was she kidnapped in the first place?” “I think it was one do to me being the alpha of this pack and two because she has telekinesis. I’m guessing they think they can use her powers for something.” “Oh, honey you had your first shared dream with your mate. I’m so happy for you.” My mom said. This by the way is embarrassing especially because she said it in front of the whole pack. “Wait she’s not human?” Kami asked. “I’m really not sure what she is she told me about her gift and then ran off because she got a call from her parents which I’m guessing really wasn’t them at all. I think it might have been the vamps trying to get her away from me before I could tell her what I was. I’m thinking that when she got home she asked her parents about what they wanted and they said they hadn’t called her. And I don’t know what to think after that because she still had a few hours to kill. I think maybe she tried to figure out who called her.” I said. I really think that’s what happened.

“Well does anyone have a clue to where the place Daniel explained may be? And when we do find out where we need to come up with a plan.” My dad said. And he sounded very serious. “Well how about we do a search and find out about all the places that have an abundant amount of tress in this city. I’m betting they haven’t gone far with her so they should still be in the vicinity. And when we have the places that seem to resemble what she described to Daniel read up on them and eliminate ones we know that wouldn’t be of be of use to us. We wouldn’t need the ones that don’t look very deep but if you think it could be it then you should add it to the poster I’m going to put up just in case. After we have the list made we start to look up on them. Find biographies’ about them and try to find out if any of them has any nearby castle like building nearby them. That seems like the most logical thing to do instead of searching a random place you think they might over and over be, right?” Rae said.

Rae like all the other girls in this pack is very attractive but she more so. She has mocha skin which was like light coffee right when you added the milk. She had dark hair that hit the middle of her neck and then got a little shorter when it started to come to the front of her face and it’s not that silky hair everyone wants its that think hair that takes forever to flat iron and even when you do it’s not as silky as you want it and it still looks thick but silkier and that works for her. She has big brown eyes with long thick and full dark lashes. She has a curvy, little figure to. The one thing about her that makes some guys mad and feels like a perv for looking at her is the fact that she’s only 13 years old about to be 14 in a month. How a girl her age could have such a figure when her mother’s is nothing like hers I have no idea but she and her mother are both very beautiful.(Her and Ricky’s mom and dad died) “Yeah that is a good idea but you’re not supposed to be here. It’s for the more mature wares.” Ricky said.

Ricky was her older brother and treated her like ant big brother would treat a little sister. Like a little kid. And of course like any good big brother he was very protective of her and didn’t want her around things that could be dangerous which this would be. “Oh shut up Ricky I have the highest IQ in this room you were gonna need me sooner or later and I just happen to want it to be sooner. And I am very mature .Any way that’s what were gonna be doing is that clear everyone.” “We meet tomorrow to start looking more into them because I want to assign groups when we do that part.” Did I mention she was in the running to be either alpha or beta? But I think she would be a good alpha. She was good with problems and was always able to take charge and for as long as I’ve known her which is her whole life I’ve never seen her crack under pressure she just always finds solutions to problems and was kind and compassionate . She’d be a good leader.

“Yeah that sounds good Rae.” I said. She looked my way and gave a sad smile and said “I’m sorry about your mate. But trust us and we’ll get her back for you.” “Thanks.” I said. “Okay people let’s get going every one start looking up big forest or even woods any place with a large amount of trees.” Rae said, “Okay.” Most people said as they filed out of the living room. “I really hope your mate is okay.” Rae said before she left. Me and Rae were close she was like the little sis I never had and me the big bro she wished she had but only I knew she was scared of losing her brother to she’s mean to him to hide that. I was the last person in the room after Rae left. I looked up and asked GOD to please take care of my Luna until I’m able to get to her. I then went up to my room and started looking for places were Luna could be.

I found a couple of places and one really stood out to me. I went down to add them to the list. And found that there were already some here more like a ton. I’d only been in my room for about an hour. I looked it over and found some of the ones on my list. But not the one that calls to me. It’s called Bone Neck forest of the dead. Creepy I know but it’s only called that because the forest is so big and vast that the people used to get lost and starve to death and others usually find their body’s after the flesh decayed. I had a feeling she was around there somewhere. I went back to my room and lay down.

I still had a couple of hours to kill before it was even close for me to go to bed so I could see Luna again. Well then it was time for me to go eat sense I hadn’t sense I found out Luna was missing which was yesterday. I made 6 packets of bacon and 3 loaf of bread and about 15 eggs. The breakfast was for the whole house really. When I was finished I yelled breakfast as loud as I could a little heard of little kids came in followed by Lilith who always managed over the kids in the house. Several other people came in and started to get plates and what not to eat. I went back to my room and ate. When I went back to the kitchen and started on the dishes. Afterwards I went back to my room and found that cleared about two hours.

About two more hours and then it’ll be a good time to go to sleep. I was so restless. I just ended up taking my car for a long drive. When I got to the part of the path that had trees on either side of it I slowed down. Finally I pulled over and got out something in me was telling me to go check out the woods. Convenient considering my mate is somewhere in the woods and or forest. I walked for like 5 minutes and then I heard the voices.

“Do you have her?” I heard someone say and it was a guy way too deep to be a women’s voice. “Yes I do. Do you have the weapon that will destroy those lousy wolves?” Another person said. And by the way he said the word wolves I’m guessing he’s a vampire not to mention the smell. “Yeah I’ve got it as long as you have the girl safe and sound it stays safe.” The other guy said. “Likewise.” The vampire said. “When will we meet for the trade?” the other guy asked. “Hmmm, I do not know, PROBRBLY WHEN I CONTACT YOU ABOUT WHEN TO MEET.” The vampire yelled. “I’ll be leaving now.” The vamp said. And then I heard footsteps and then nothing.

After a couple of minutes I heard a long sigh. And then I heard him walking away. I went back to my car and drove home as fast as I dared home. For some reason I had a gut deep feeling that that conversation had something to do about Luna. And that that vampire was Vlad. And he was planning on trading Luna for some weapon that would hurt wares. This wasn’t good we needed to find Luna and quick because if we didn’t she would be traded to some person for a weapon that would hurt wares. This was bad very bad. Now it was crucial that we find Luna as fast as possible. I finally made it home it was 11:54 and mostly everyone would be in bed. Too bad for them, I went around and woke everyone up and telling them to go to the living room. Well everyone except for the kids, we didn’t want them running around and talking about how they would like to die and where they would like to be when they die and screaming about being too young to die now would we.

Well most of us wouldn’t, some of us like f-in with the little kids. I wasn’t one of them. The only kid under 15 I let in was of course Rae. “Well why did you call us in here?” Scott asked. He was only one of the jocks in the house. “I called you all in here because I found out something, something that could be dangerous to wares everywhere.” I said. “Are you kidding me?” Kenny said. “No, I was out and heard a conversation between a vampire and some other person. They were talking about trading a girl for a weapon. And lately the only girl missing is Luna and they said that weapon was going to be able to I quote ‘get rid of those lousy wolves.’ So it’s now vital that we find Luna.”

“How do you know they were talking about Luna?” Sky asked. Really this is what she asked me when I also talked about a weapon that could hurt wares. “It doesn’t really matter how he knew they were talking about Luna, what matters now we have to be quicker about finding Luna. Because one the vampire are gonna trade Luna to some guy, I assume, and two because the guy there going to try and trade her for a weapon that can hurt wares as in werewolf’s. So as Daniel said it is now imperative that we find her as quick as possible.” Rae said in her shut up about it voice looking at or more like glowering at Scotty and addressing everyone.

Scotty squired and looked everywhere but at Rae. It was enough to make me actually laugh since Luna had been abducted. And it as one of those guts wrenching laughs, when I finally finished and came up from my doubled up position everyone was looking at me like I was crazy everyone but Rae. She understood that it felt good for me to laugh again. “What’s so funny?” Bobby asked. “Nothing sorry anyway back to business. We start looking tomorrow.” Most started to complain and the rest stared at me open mouthed. “Well that was unexpected.” Kelly stated matter-of-factly. “So where do we even start looking for her.” Mitch asked. “I have a feeling that she’s beyond the Bone Neck forest.” I said and then enjoyed watching the girls mouths drop open and the boys smiling with anticipation. “So everybody get some sleep we’ll be leaving tomorrow morning everyone will be going but Sharon, Lilith, Michel, Richard and Jack. Someone needs to be here to protect the house and little kids. Everyone else will be leaving” Rae ordered. “We’ll be leaving not you.” Ricky said adamantly.

Everyone else got up and left to avoid the argument that was sure to come. I stayed to make sure they didn’t do or say anything rash. “Yes I will be going.” Rae said in a hard voice. “No you won’t. Your nothing but a little kid and it’s time you started acting like one.” Ricky said in the coldest voice I’d ever heard in my life. Ricky same as Rae had big brown eyes and his were lifeless. “I’m going and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Rae said and her voice held a lot of anger. Ricky smiled a cruel smile and said “Your nothing but a weak, annoying, bossy, hardheaded little kid and you can’t even handle me in a fight how do you expect to hold your own battle. Like the little kid you are you’d just hold every one back we’d have to protect you not to mention ourselves and the girl when we get her. You’d just be a nuisance just like you were to mom and dad. You’re a little thirteen year old kid not old enough to be coming to the meetings and certainly not old enough for you to come with us. Dads lasts words to me were to protect you and I didn’t even wanna do it but if course I did because it was his last wish. Now though I wish I hadn’t.”

He said as cruelly as I’d ever heard a person be. “That’s enough, and you’ve gone way to far talking about your parents.” I yelled at him. Rae had tears gathering in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall. “Well if that’s how you really fell then how about we just don’t interact and mind our own business.” “Oh but I can’t do that I promised dad. And you would want his last wish to be honored. Wouldn’t you little sister?” He said putting an emphasis on the little. Rae walked away tears still in her eyes but chin up. “You went too far. You’re supposed to be her big brother and protect her and make her feel good about herself not bad. And especially the thing about your parents was just straight up cruel. You don’t deserve to have such an intelligent, talented and caring sister. You need to go and apologize to her and tell her why you don’t want her to go in a big brotherly way.” “I know I know. I really did make that promise to dad though and I try to keep her safe she just makes it so hard for me to do so. I really do love her but I knew this was the only way I’d get her to stay home. So I can’t apologize until we get your mate. But if it makes you feel any better I feel terrible about what I said to her I didn’t mean any of it. But she can’t come tomorrow. I can’t risk her getting hurt she’s all I have left and I love her too much to lose her to.” I understand but apologize as soon as you can or you’ll ruin your relationship.” I said. “Okay night Daniel.” “Good night Ricky have good dreams.” I went up to my room and fell asleep thinking about Luna and how I was going to protect her and probably never let her out of my site again.

Breakfast and an Escape

“What are you doing here?” “What are you doing here?” I demanded from Vlad trying to sound hard but was preoccupied by the bacon, eggs, toast and sausages and O.J he was holding. (BTW/ by the way/ my curtains were down I know stupid move but I felt like I was being watched) “Why of course to serve you breakfast.” Vlad said as he was closing and locking the oversized door in a voice that said that wasn’t all he wanted. “I know you have to be hungry after all you haven’t eaten in I’d say in about 12-13 hours.” He said in a voice that still said more than he was letting on. “Well I am hungry so if you can just put the plate down on the chest (that was in front of the bed and was also white) and let me go and then you go jump of a bridge I’d be better than ever.” I said with a straight face hey I was serious you don’t get kidnapped and not want the person who took you to be miserable and or die I was routing for the whole die and perish thing. “Oh and if I did that I wouldn’t be able to see your beautiful face in the morning now would I.”

“I would gladly DE beautiful my face if it meant that you’d leave me alone for the rest of my life.” I said in the sickingly sweet voice and with the biggest smile I could muster this early in the morning. “Do you want the food or not. I could always take it and eat it myself.” He said. I wanted to yell sorry please don’t take my food away. Come on can you blame me the day I was taken I skipped lunch and dinner. He started to walk away and I let him………oh why am I lying. When he was a foot from the door I yelled out.

“Ok, ok, ok just give me the food.” He turned around and had this triumph smile on his face. I couldn’t stand to say this but he was actually kinda cute ok my friends would say he was hot and okay maybe he was. He was tall about the same height as Daniel he has these dark vibrant green eyes and full lips he has and he had dirty blonde hair. And of course he looked about 18 or 19 to close to 17.He then came to give me my plate and O.J on those things you give your mom on mother’s day and when he did he laid down on the bed next to me. (I was in the middle of the all too large bed he was on my left) I stared at him until he stretched out on the bed and put both his hands behind his head in the typical lazy teen position. Of course I stared at him open mouthed. Him in the bed with me was just way to intimate.

Then my senses came back to me. “Well I have my food so you can go now. Like right now.” “Well I don’t want to go I want to spend time with you. And there’s nothing you can do about getting me out of here because if you haven’t noticed you’re the one being held captive here and you might as well start eating because I’m not going anywhere and please stop staring its rude.” He said in a perfectly conversational voice. “First you kidnap me and obviously kidnapping me wasn’t enough but now you’re invading my privacy and you call me rude.” I stated. He opened his mouth to respond but I cut him off.” Oh save it for someone who cares you blood sucking rodent and bloods probably not the only thing you suck.” And now it was his time to stare open mouthed. “Please stop staring its rude” I mimicked his words.

With that I was satisfied. I started to eat my breakfast. When I finished the eggs, bacon, toast not the sausages I don’t like them, I turned to see him smiling at me. He had a cute smile I thought to myself and then thought what are you thinking Uhhh stop thinking like that about him, remember he abducted you. “Stop smiling at me I know I’m beautiful but for real can you please stop it’s creepy.” I said in my bitchyest voice. He said something that completely caught me off guard because when you’re bitchy to someone you expect them to be bitchy back, right well wrong. At least with him it was. “You’re just so damn adorable, Luna.” All I could think was what’s wrong with this guy but I knew I was blushing. What could I say? A complement was a complement even from a vamp and him being hot didn’t hurt. “I-I t-that’s um nice.” I stuttered now I’m guessing I was 3 shades darker from a regular red. And he just keeps smiling at me all lovey dovey and I couldn’t take it anymore.

I got up went to one of the dressers and got out some undies that I was sure to hide from him. And then I went in to the humongous closet and got a black corset the corset with a silverish crescent moon on the left breast it that hugged my upper body and some black leather pants hat hugged my curves and would be excellent for running in. And I have this black hoddie on because it’s the middle of October. And my accessories were crazy cute but not the time to be worrying about how I look. Any way I have this purple belt you know the ones with little squares all the way around the belt I forgot what they’re called but it had a SKULL for the buckle. I also had this bracelet that was spiked and could be used as a weapon. I have this black ring that looked as if I’d be painful if I hit someone with it. And lastly but not least my shoes I had black leather shoes that went up to my knees. They were great for running in. I then went to the bathroom with my little mound and locked the door. I took a quick shower hoping all the while that Vlad would be gone when I came out. I finished and blow dried and put soft waves in my hair. I threw a wraparound on my wrist just in case. I put on some lip-gloss and black smoky eye shadow. I didn’t need any mascara I never did my eye lashes are naturally full and black, sooty even and there was nothing wrong with my eyebrows they never needed to be plucked and were soft and slightly curved inward . And he wasn’t there thankfully. I then go into the office to get the I-pod Vlad so gracefully gave me. And just guess who I find. If you guessed Vlad you’d be right. “Your still here, please just go away you kidnaper.” I know it was lame but it was all I had at the moment. I’m not usually a mean person. And then I saw that he was looking at the songs on the one thing I came in here to get.

“Hey give that to me now!” I yelled. He was touching something that I considered mine without my consent. “Why I bought it.” He said smugly. Fine if he wasn’t going to give it to me I was going to take it from him. I stomped over to him and reached up to grab my stuff but he suddenly shifted and I lost my balance. (Because when you try and take something from someone who’s taller than you usually you brace yourself against that person) I was falling and when I was only about 7 inches from hitting the ground he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me up to face him. We were really close so close that our bodies were touching and our faces were only inches apart. And he smiled mischievously. I’m sure at that moment I was……………… you guessed it blushing and I was stunned and very ashamed at what happened next. He leaned down to kiss me and I let him don’t know why so don’t ask me. And it was a nice kiss it was gentle and soft but then he started to kiss me deeper and with a little moan I gave in to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He held me tighter and the length of our bodies were touching and he groaned. It was that noise that broke the trance I was in because the person who I should have been kissing would have growled deep in his throat and I would have melted even more completely into him.

So I pushed Vlad as hard as I could and he fell back stunned because I had given in so completely to him, but only because I was imagining him as my Daniel. “DON’T YOU EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME AGAIN! The only one allowed to touch, hold and or kiss me is DANIEL!!!!!!!!! I belong to Daniel and he belongs to ME.” I screamed. I was furious. I just couldn’t control how angry I was. I was mad on Daniels behalf and mine. I didn’t want any other person to kiss, hold, and touch or love me but Daniel. Vlad just looked up at me from where he was lying sprawled out on the floor. And said in the most bone chilling voice I ever heard “Well you won’t have to worry about Daniel much longer because I’m going to destroy all those wolves.” It took a moment for that to set in. “What do you mean destroy?” I asked and hated the way my voice cracked when I said it. He smirked then and I got this gut retching feeling that whatever it is it was horrible. “You’ll find out soon enough my little moon.” He said and got up and left the room.

I hurried and grabbed the I- phone and blanket thanks Vlad for having packed this room scratch that suite so graciously and I hurried after him and just when he was at the door and about to walk out I did something I never thought I’d do in my life I didn’t even think it was possible. I tackled a vampire. Well more like pushed him really hard from behind He was so surprised that he actually fell and dropped the keys he had in his hands to was so lucky. While we were on the floor I hurried and grabbed the keys and ran out of the room and locked the door and I was lucky to because a micro second later he had the door and was trying to yank it back open. “You won’t get away from here you know that right.” He sneered at me. “Yes I will because you underestimate the power of a very flexible girl and her will to not be around you.” I sneered back at him. I know still horrible at the insults. And with that I ran down the stairs that were to my right and found myself in this humongous room with a huge table that was in the middle of the room, and just like out of those medieval books it had these poster like thingies with and insignia of a raven sitting on the hilt of a sword that was sticking out of dead wolf.

Well at least they weren’t hiding the fact that they hate wolves but honestly I love wolves and not just because my boyfriend is one. I liked them before I even knew wolfs existed because I believe they stand for honor, courage, and spirit okay back to the escaped. It looks kinda like a great hall and there was only one person in the room. God really does love me I thought. When his back was turned I hurried to the closet door and slipped through, what was waiting for me was so unexpected but welcomed. It was the weapons room. They had ever thing from modern day knives to bows and arrows and even to swords. I poked around and found a sick looking dagger it was about 5 inches long what made it look startling was that the blade was a smoky black it looked like it had a storm cloud inside of it. I strapped it on the thigh of my right leg. I took a bow which I had to hold and 25 arrows that were in a quiver that I put over my shoulder and a couple of throwing knives. They had these things that go around your waist and I put some throwing knives in there. So by now I looked as if I were ready to go into war. When I had everything I needed witch was a little over board. When I looked at myself now I thought I looked like a Goth-like version of a warrior Princess with my look and weapons. I thought I actually looked sexy but that dangerous bad girl kind of sexy. And with those thoughts it was time to get back to the escape. Vlad was sure to get one of his vamp buddies to find me any minute so it was time to start thinking about getting out unnoticed and thinking about how long I would be out in the forest and I’d need food too. When I peeked back out the hall was empty and it was quiet. I went out on high alert and stated checking doors but being careful I didn’t alert anyone while I did. If I couldn’t get to the kitchen I’d just leave. It was quiet in all then places I went to and that scared me more than if it would have been activity. Something was wrong. I found the kitchen, and still there was no one there. I look around in the cabinets and I found some apples and oranges and lucky for me even beef jerky I had the blanket which I wrapped the food in. I packed five apples and two orange and 3 packs of beef jerky that should last me I don’t want to carry too much. I walked back out of the kitchen and focused on finding the way out of this giant maze. I passed all sorts of doors and rooms and they were all empty and our quiet. This has to be a trap I thought. They’ve got the place surrounded that’s the only reason this place is empty. Damn how am I gonna get out of here. I finally found the exit. I think. I opened it and what was waiting for me was startling. There was nothing there just the open expanse and then the deepest looking woods I’ve ever seen in my life. This has trap written all over it. Please power, please don’t fail me now. I raised my arms over my head and thought cloak me make me look like the night. I put everything I had into that. I looked down and what do I find. My body didn’t look like night. “Come on this is life our death here.” I said out loud. And I felt this swell of power and I saw this light like sparkles kinda looked like stars and the next thing I know I’m not there anymore. God I hope this works. I started to walk towards the woods. When I got there and passed a tree I saw a man. He was just there watching the place I vanished from and looking startled. I hurried past him and continued to go deeper into the woods. I traveled for about 3 hours it was somewhere around midnight when I checked my I-pod. I think I traveled enough. I spread the blanket out laid on it and feel I started asleep. But before I did I made sure I was still hidden and I was and I started to think about Daniel. And then curled myself into a tight ball and went to sleep.


‘I was already at the clearing when she came. God she was so beautiful. Her long dark hair was in curls this time and her dress was white again but it was like a corset at the top and a silk skirt from the waist down. She was smiling at me and she held her skirt up and ran the rest of the way to me. I held my arms open and closed them over her as she melted into me. I love how our body’s fit together. “Hey Luna were coming to get you. In the morning were coming and were going to take you back. And you’ll be safe I promise.” “I’m not at the castle place thing anymore. I escaped and I’m out in the woods somewhere. I used my powers and asked it to make me look like night and it did. I walked right passed them. Now I’m out in the woods somewhere and away from them.” She said into my chest. “That’s good. Now when we come you won’t be in the line of fire when we attack.” I said. She broke away from me and took a step back. “There’s no need to fight. You can just get me and we can go back home.” She said. “Yes we do have to fight they’ll come after you again if we don’t do anything.” I said trying to sound reasonable. She continued to look at me like I was mentally impaired. “Look if you want to fight go ahead but don’t ask me to stand by and do nothing.” She said looking difianet. My wolf was screaming inside thinking of all the things that could go wrong. And he just want to find her force her to sit down and stand over her to protect her. I mean my wolf is the alpha but our mate isn’t a wolf. “NO.” I growled at her. “You go some were safe and stay there. Please do it for me. I need to know your safe.” I said pleading with her. My wolf was ready to make her do what he wanted, force hid dominance on her like he did the others and that would not be pretty. “You don’t think that I want you to be safe to. Don’t you think I worry about you too? I feel the same thing you do about me. I love you just like you love me. I have my special little powers to so stop acting like I’m a defenseless little girl.” She yelled. “I can’t. To my wolf you are a defenseless little girl so my wolf is saying I have to protect you. I can’t just stop.” She turned away from me and walked away. And of course I followed her. She walked to a meadow that had white roses. As soon as she walked to the middle they turned black. That was not good. She was so mad her face was red with it. She sat down in the middle of the meadow. She was so pale against all the black and she was pouting which was adorable. I walked over to her and sat down next to her and pulled her into my lap. She didn’t resist but she didn’t respond either. We didn’t like that at all (me and my wolf). I kissed her collarbone and made my way up from then. Her heart rate sped up even though she wasn’t responding to anything I was doing. I smiled against her neck. She was so stubborn. When I got to her pulse I flicked it with my tongue. And it sped up even more. I started to kiss my way up her jawline. I know she liked this but she was too stubborn to respond. I then kissed her chin then her noise her eyes and then her forehead and finally her mouth. At first she didn’t react. But then she gave in with a little moan and wrapped her arms around my neck. She opened to me and the taste was amazing. She tasted of cinnamon and green apple. She played with the hair at the nape of my neck and I slowly lead her back on the soft floor of the meadow and balanced my weight on top of her. I vaguely realized the roses were turning a deep red. She started to tug at my white t-shirt and I helped her pull it over my head. I wasn’t gonna do anything I told myself just fool around a little. She started to run her hands over my chest and I growled but that only made her moan louder. I broke the kiss and looked into those blue-green eyes of hers. Her face was flushed with heat and her eyes so vibrant and alive and I realized I always wanted her to look like this. She reached up and touched my face and told me she loved me. “I love you more than you will ever know.” I responded and bent down to kiss her. I was heated and my wolf was fighting for control of my body. I broke the kiss and trailed it down her neck to her collarbone. She was making these little sounds and they were driving me and my wolf crazy. She tossed her head back and moaned loudly. And when I saw the olive unblemished skin that she exposed my wolf went crazy. He wanted to shift and badly he almost did but I was able to pull back. I suddenly wanted to sink my teeth into her neck. I lowered her down onto the now blood red roses and balanced my weight over her. “It’s almost time for us to say goodbye.” I said and it came out a little rough. She smiled up at me and said “I’m still not gonna stand back and let you guys fight.” My jaw literally dropped and she smiled up teasingly at me and somehow slipped out of my hold and ran again. But just as I was about to chase her everything got blurry and my wolf thought not now I was just about to catch her and the last look I got at her was her smiling naughtily back at me over her shoulder at me.’ I woke up wanting to chase her. It was 7:55. We should head out in about 10-15 minutes. To my surprise everyone was ready after I showered and they said they were waiting for me for about 30 minutes. Everyone was there except for Rae. I pulled Ricky aside and asked him if Rae was o.k. “I don’t know I haven’t talked to her since last night. I fell terrible.” And if I’m being honest he looked like it. His eyes were bloodshot and he had huge purple bags under his eyes. He was pale and he looked sickly. “Look go talk to Rae and apologize to her and tell her what you told me about how you don’t want to lose her and the truth about how you feel about her. Go act like a big brother to your little sister. You look too sick to go anyway. Are you oaky?” “Actually I fell awful and from your description look it.” “How about you stay here and work on that apology.” He nodded his head yes. I rounded up everyone who was going and told them how I wanted to do things. “Let’s head out by car and when we get to the forest we’ll leave the car somewhere out of sight and by that time it’ll probably be dark by then and we should be able to shift.” No one objected so I figured that that meant it was fine. I didn’t tell anyone about how Luna said that she wouldn’t let us fight the vampires. “Oaky everyone eat and prepare yourselves as needed I’m giving you ten minute and go.” Everyone dispersed. I went in to my room and got the one thing Luna had ever given to me. When we went to the amusement park she bought this pin the shape of a Crescent moon. I pinned it on my shirt and then thought better of it and got out a chain that would still be able to fit even after I shifted. So Luna knows which wolf was hers. I went to the kitchen then and ate until I was full. When I turned Rae was standing there looking just like her brother horrible. Her brown eyes were red rimmed and around that her eyes were puffy from crying. I went over to her and hugged her. “You okay?” “Yeah I know he was only saying that out of anger but it still hurt. I forgive him though. And I still love the dummy.” She said and I knew she wasn’t lying. “So are you staying here?” “Yeah if only to make him happy and you be careful.” With that she bid me good luck and left. I went back to the living room and we set out. We left by car and it wasn’t going as fast as I wanted. It’ll be way past dark when we get there. And those vampires will be awake and looking for her by then and she’ll be defenseless if they catch her. My wolf was not happy right now and I could feel him just under the surface waiting to be let free. “Please be safe Luna, please.” I whispered.


The woods are a horrible place to sleep. I woke up to several little possums, raccoons, baby bears well whatever you wanna call them staring and sniffing at me. And of course I let out a blood curling scream. I swear to you they were not scared of me like they were supposed to be they just keep staring at me with wide little creature eyes. What did they want? One of the little things came up to me and sniffed me and then started to lick my hand. I was frozen solid scared that if I moved they’d attack me. It started to sniff me again and then it found what it wanted the beef jerky. No way was I gonna let it take it from me. I gathered all my food and stood up (which was no easy feat since my back felt like it had been stampeded over by a 1,0 pound elephant) and ran. When I stopped I realized it was morning out and was pretty chilly even with the hoddie on. I wondered around and found that there were no paths once so ever. I suddenly got scared. Of what I don’t know but I was afraid it felt like I was in danger for some reason. And then I heard it. A deep throaty growl and it sounded like a big animal and nothing like my wolf. What I turned around to see almost made me faint, almost. I was frozen in time staring at it and then I came to my senses and turned and ran as fast as I could at first I didn’t hear anything but then I heard the thundering sounds of it running after me. I’m going to die was all I could think. And then I heard it roar. I didn’t dare turn around to see how close it was. Just my luck, why does bad stuff always happen to me? First I found out my boyfriend is a werewolf, then I get kidnapped by vampires, and then I escape from the vampires and end up lost in the woods and have to fend for myself and then I find out because of me there’s going to be a Vampire vs. Werewolf war. I could take all of that I can handle that but being chased by a 352 pound BLACK BEAR I couldn’t handle. It was gaining on me I could feel it’s hot breath on the back of my neck and I needed to stop soon or I was gonna to be the easiest prey ever. And then I saw the tree. It was a huge and fat oak tree and it looked safe enough for me to climb. I turned and ran for it. I noticed that that the bear keep going straight but I wasn’t going to stop until I got up that tree. When I got to it I hopped and gabbed the first branch I could and started to climb. I was about 15 feet up the tree when I felt it shudder. I didn’t look down for fear of what I’d see. I climbed a few more branches and when I felt I was high up enough I looked down. The bear looked as if debating whether or not to continue to try and get me. It decided not to and walked away. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized that I was holding. And then my stomach growled and I comprehended that I didn’t have my food and or blanket. And I saw it at the base of the tree. I’m amazed I didn’t let go of it sooner. I was not going down there again though. Then I mentally slapped myself on the head (Couldn’t do it physically because I was holding on to the tree trunk for dear life). I tried my powers. And they actually worked. I just willed it to tie it self together and float up to me. I made it sit gently beside me on the branch I was sitting on. I slowly let go of the trunk and shifted so that I was straddling the branch and my back was against the trunk. I untied the blanket slowly as to not let the food fallout. I took out an apple and two pieces of beef jerky from the pack. I ate it slowly to savor it because I couldn’t eat it all now. I tied it back up and sat there for about 2 and half hours. I then climbed down and mentally lowered the blanket down. It was about time to start practicing to shoot this bow. I took out an orange and mentally held it up against the oak. I took out the bow and arrow out of the quiver and took aim. It was a total miss. The arrow didn’t even stick in the tree it just fell. I tried over and over again it either didn’t hit the orange or it didn’t stick. I took aim again and placed it into the bow and string and put the arrow head on my finger and pulled back on the string and then let it fly. It hit dead in the middle of the orange and stuck inside the tree. It took me a minute to dislodge it from the tree. I then did it again but aimed for the hole in the orange and it hit. I did that for about an hour and then I decided to try it while the orange was moving. I made it go in a circle over and over again then took aim and missed. I tried this until I hit it the 8th time. I did this 6 more times and only missed once. I then deemed myself a master at the bow and arrow. So if I had to rate myself with #’s 1-12 I’d give it a 111/2. I then started to practice with the throwing knives. I rate myself an 8. And with the misty knife I would just have to find out because it had to be used close up. It was 11:45 according to my I-pod. I didn’t want to hide in the tree anymore I felt that I could protect myself just fine know that I knew how to use my weapons. I ate another apple and one orange and then put the rest in the blanket and tied it up and used my (now under my control) powers to make it float after me. I walked around not looking for anything in particular. I knew by this time the vampires were looking for me but I didn’t care I figured I could take care of myself. I heard a stick snap and automatically went on high alert. My bow was already notched and aimed in the direction of the sound. Then I called my powers to cover me to make me look like the night. I couldn’t see as good as my opponent but it couldn’t see me. He stepped out from behind the tree. I didn’t know what he was for a second and then I saw his fangs. At first I didn’t do anything and then he started to walk toward me but then I comprehended it wasn’t me he was walking to it was the blanket. I didn’t cover it. I know that if I did then he’d know I was here. So I took aim and fired. I hit my mark (his leg) and he fell with an agonizing scream and with that I covered the bag and ran. When I thought I was far enough I stopped. I felt terrible even though if I didn’t get him first he would have gotten me first. I didn’t injure he permanently and lest face it I could have killed him but didn’t so that had to count for something. I started to walk around again and was surprised to see a rabbit. A white one with black fur around its left eye at that and it looked like it was hurt. It had wild eyes and I was happy it couldn’t see me. I decided I wanted to keep it and I lifted it and wrapped it in the blanket (After I put my food in the pockets of my hoddie) and it was not easy because it was trying as hard as it could to get away. I finally wrapped it in the blanket. And then I did something I never thought I’d do before. I went inside of its mind and told it to be calm. And it suddenly calmed down. I had it wrapped it so that it was all the way inside of the blanket. I gave it an apple to eat and turned it to look like nothing and then started to walk again. It felt nice to have company even though my rabbit couldn’t talk I could read its thought and put mine into his. I was surprised when I realized it couldn’t talk I mean think in English. I told it I didn’t want to hurt it and then it responded immediately. ‘Why should I believe you?’ I was stunned for a second and then responded ‘Because if I wanted you dead you’d be dead already.’ I didn’t mean to be so blunt but that’s how it came out. He seemed to accept this. ‘What are you going to do to me?’ ‘Nothing I just want to nurse you back to health and keep you if you want to stay with me.’ I answered honestly. ‘How can you talk to me you aren’t normal are you?’ ‘No I’m not I have these powers and that’s how I’m able to talk to you now.’ ‘Hey what’s your name?’ I asked. ‘I don’t have one?’ ‘How don’t you have a name?’ ‘I don’t know I just never got one.’ ‘How about I name you would that be okay.’ ‘I really don’t care.’ ‘Okay how about……… Carl.’ ‘HELL NO that’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard.’ ‘Okay no need to curse what about…Spot.’ ‘I kinda like that one.’ ‘What’s your name?’ ‘Oh Luna, my names Luna it means moon you know.’ ‘What does my name mean?’ I laughed out loud. ‘What why are you laughing tell me?’ ‘Because your name means spot, Spot.’ We stopped talking after that. I continued to walk to no place in particular. I let my disguise go so I was seeable again because if I hold it tom long it tiers me out. I just wondered around with my floating bag when out of nowhere something grabbed my hoodie. I turned just enough to see another vampire. I screamed and elbowed him in the face and he fell back with a grunt I then took out a throwing knife and threw it at his shoulder and hit my target dead on. But he still got back up and he grabbed my hoddie and pulled hard enough to knock me to the ground. He got on top of me and I reached down with my right hand and grabbed the knife and with my left I was thrashing about wildly. I pulled up the knife and sliced his arm he held on to the arm I slashed and I pushed him off of me. I jumped to my feet and was about to run when I felt a tug on my hoodie and this time it ripped. I dug my nails into his skin but it didn’t seem to do anything. I held my knife to his skin and he let go of me and I ran. I ran so fast that I swear the trees were a blur. I finally stopped at a pine tree and sat down. I looked behind me and there was no one in pursuit so I put my head ageist the tree. I was thirsty. I checked the pockets of the ripped hoddie and found I still had my food. I pilled and orange and sucked it dry and then ate it. I made my blanket follow me in the air so I knew Spot was okay. I took of the hoodie it was useless it was torn right down the middle of the back and the left sleeve was ripped. It was cold but the hoodie would only slow me down. So now all I had on was the black corset. I choose this not to look cute but because I needed something that wouldn’t allow my breast to bounce everywhere and this won’t rip as easily and because it was the only thing I could find that that had a crescent moon on it. I put my food in the blanket with Spot and told him to eat another apple and I ate some beef jerky. I started walking again. I counted how many throwing knives I had left. I had left and 22 arrows so I was okay for now. I got up again and started walking again but was sure to check my surroundings. Suddenly out of nowhere something big and black was in my way. I jumped back and I had my bow notched before I even knew I had taken it from around my shoulder. Oh what now I thought. “Back off you over sized grizzly because this time I’m not running and you should be very afraid.” And then I got good look at what was in front of me. I was dark so I couldn’t see any basic details. But it was black a shiny black. It had four legs almost dog like. It had a tail and it was about 2 feet taller than me and I was 5’10 (Sorry if that’s not right I don’t remember exactly) so it was pretty big. Its canine was like 4 inches long. But what I saw next mad me drop my bow and arrow. I stood there petrified. Not knowing what to do. The first thing I said was “Wow your enormous. And nice job with the necklace I got you can’t believe you remembered. Look I remembered to.” And pointed to the crescent.


‘I was so happy that I almost jumped on her but had to restrain myself she’s too small right now. I prodded her with my snout in the direction I just came from. But she wouldn’t budge. “No way am I not leaving until you gather the rest of the pack.” She said with her hands on her hips. And then I did the stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I growled at her. She didn’t so much as filch. She picked up the bow and turned around and started walking away. She past a tree and I got a really good look at her in the moonlight. She had on black boots that went all the way up to her knees and black leather pants with a purple belt and this black corset with a crescent moon on her left boob. She had a knife strapped to her right leg and a quiver on her back. And a pouch strapped around her waist. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had smoky eye shadow on which brought out her eyes. She looked absolutely stunning. I walked in front of her and blocked her path. “Move out of my way.” She said. I nodded my head no. What she did next surprised me mostly because I didn’t know she could. “Please move Daniel.” And I felt her moving around in my head and without meaning to I snarled at her. She fell back on her but wide eyed and I heard her heart rate speed up.I whimperd and kneeled down and encircled her in my body. At first she was rigid and then she relaxed and lay back against me and she was cold so I curled myself tighter around her. We sat like that for a while. I nudged her and she sat up with her knife already in hand. Then she remembered where she was and put it away. “I feel asleep. Sorry haven’t gotten a lot of that lately.” I stood up and she got up after me. “I don’t want you guys to fight please let’s just go home.” She walked up to me and buried her hands in the fur on the side of my neck and laid her head on the area just below that. She looked up at me with those blue green eyes of hers and I knew I couldn’t deny her what she wanted. I turned around and howled. I just told everyone to retreat that I’ve got Luna. Someone howled back asking if I was sure. I responded yeah and hurry and go back. I bent down and Luna climbed on my back and I loved the way she felt there like she belongs there. I turned and ran not giving Luna enough time to secure herself she almost fell and I berated myself. I waited this time until she had a hand full of my fur in her hands and lay closer to my body and then I took off. While I was running I heard Luna’s breathing and it seemed like she was running instead of me. It took me at least 30-35 minutes to get to where we parked. Some of the others were their already and some were just arriving but a few were still coming. And before I even stopped fully Luna jumped from my back and landed on her feet with not so much as a cry of pain and that should have hurt because I’m not small. And quicker than a human should be able to move she pulled out her bow notched it and aimed it toward the trees at least 10 feet away from us and fired. At first nothing happened and then a vampire with blond hair came staggering out of the trees with an arrow in his arm. I moved forward and so did most of my pack and Luna turned on me and looked me right in the eye and I abruptly heard her voice in my head. ‘This is my fight let me fight it.’ Then she swiftly turned back to the vampire and walked up to him until she was only 3feet from him and by his time he pulled the arrow from his arm and it was half way healed. I was anxious I wanted to be next to her to protect her it was killing me to see her close to a threat. He was a good head taller than her and way bigger and obviously stronger and it took more in me than I thought I had to stay where I was. The vampire reached out his hand and touched her face and said “Come back with me you know I won’t give up on you.” Next thing I know I was at her side and pushing her behind me and the softness in the vampire's eyes became rigid and he became desolate. The vampire bared his fangs and I bared my teeth and growled. He was outnumbered and then I heard the members in the pack growling and I turned to look and saw other vampires coming out of the trees. I turned back to my opponent. Then Luna yelled “ENOUGH.” As soon as she said that everything got quiet and everyone was looking at her. “I will not have a battle, war or whatever it is you guys want to have with each other. I couldn’t give two fucks about the hatred between the two species and I don’t care who knows I don’t. Come on aren’t you all tired of fighting with each other can’t you just hug and make up and even if you can’t just don’t interact with the other spices if you dislike each other that much. I mean come on its not even worth it. Can’t you just sign a treaty or something just stop fighting it never solves anything once so ever? Haven’t we learned that though American history like the war between great Britain and France and how the U.S tried to trade with both and that didn’t work so the U.S just stopped trading completely with the two, so both sides despised the other and one side didn’t know what to do because it was caught in the middle. And what about the war of 1812 have we not learned from that. I mean come on two sides fight against each other and the U.S is still stuck in the middle oh but this time the U.S has to fight and when the Britain and France war was over Britain turned its attention to the U.S how did nothing wrong who just tried to stay out of the way and the U.S was forced to protect itself from great Britain and the war was finally ended when they singed the treaty of Ghent in 1814. And America didn’t lose the war of 1812 but it did bring about some important changes … sorry I was getting a bit sidetracked there. And come on evey one here knows I’m right because in all the fairy tales and myths I’ve heard vampires despise wares and vice versa and I know not to believe everything I read and I don’t but so far what I’ve found out about wares and vampires from books has some true aspects in the now fact or of the equation am I right? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say I am and this has been going on way before I don’t know America was founded.” Everyone in the clearing was speechless. One because we just got a mini social studies lesson and two because of what she just said. I walked over to Luna who was looking difianet and with that outfit striking. When I was in front of her she looked up as if daring me to say no to her. I bowed my head and looked her in the eyes and I put my nose in her neck and took a deep lungful of her scent which was tantalizingly mouthwatering to me. Then I stepped back and looked at the vampire who touched Luna. ‘That’s Vlad.’ I heard Luna say. I growled at him before I turned to the rest of my pack. They understood what I wanted. I then turned back to Luna and she knew what I wanted to. She turned to Vlad and said “Pull back your vampires.” He looked hesitant but then made a signal and the vampires who were around the cars and the wares retreated. “I want you to stay Luna.” Vlad said. “I don’t want to. Why do you want me to anyway?” She asked and I turned toward him because I wanted to hear this to. He pulled Luna towered him and held her tight to his body and with one his hands behind Luna's head he kissed her on the lips. “You’re too young right now but I’ll come back when you’re old enough to know that you belong to me and not this I mean him.” And then he and the rest of the vampires were gone. I was livid it felt like I would blow up. Luna was mine and not his he kissed her I was gonna tear him apart when I got my hands on him. I turned to Luna and her eyes were wide and I tried to calm myself down I didn’t want to scare her. I was able to but I had to be under her to reassure myself that she was here with me and safe and belonged to me. She seemed to like it and ran he hands threw my coat. I probed her towered my car. I gave everyone the signal that they could change back. The pack started to shift and I shifted to but Luna was already turned the other way so she didn’t see me naked. I took out the cloths I had in the back and changed quickly and quickly went to the other side of the car and hugged my mate. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I held her even tighter and even though this must have hurt she didn’t complain. “I was so scared. Are you okay?” I asked. “I’m fine. I missed you so much.” And with that she buried her face in my chest. I buried my face in her hair and we stayed like that for a while and then I broke apart from her and told the others they could head back home but I was gonna go somewhere else but before that Luna insisted on meeting my parents and everyone else who was there. She talked to my mom for like 15 minutes it would have been longer but at that point I was fed up and I wanted my alone time with my mate so I picked her up and tossed her in the passenger side of the car and a bag floated in after her and I hopped in and drove away. I dove to this place I found when I first came here. It was in the woods around my house and there was this clearing with little lavender flowers and you could even see the sun when it set. I sat down and set her in my lap and for the next 30 minutes we made out and after that we watched the sun rise with her curled in my arms. And that’s where she fell asleep.

Home & not Home

I woke up curled up against something warm and hard. I shifted to get closer and something on my waste tightened on me and that when I realized I wasn’t at home or in the castle. I was wrapped in Daniels arms and in his bed curled against his chest. I didn’t mind that I was in his bed or so close to him I felt safe with him. I tried to get out of the bed but when I moved his arm tightened on my waist so I lifted his arm (which was not easy) and quickly got out of arm range. Just to be I his room made me feel special and confident and sexy and I felt at home here so I went through his draws and found some black sweat pants that were like 4 sizes bigger than me but it had a string thing so I could tighten it at the waist and found a well-worn white t-shirt and I searched for a while longer and found some boxers I could fit and went into the bath room.

I haven’t had a shower in 48 hours. I striped and jumped in the shower. He only had boy body shower so I just used the soap that was there and I washed my hair with his spicy smelling shampoo. When I got out I wrapped myself in a towel that smelled like him and looked in the mirror I put my hair in a wet ponytail and ringed it over the sink. I dried off and patted my hair for the last droplets of water and dried the rest of my body and. I put on his cloths and realized I didn’t have a bra and then decide it didn’t matter maybe I could borrow one from one of the girls in the house.

When I left the bathroom to come back in the room I found that Daniel was up and in his drawers and then he turned around and saw what I had on. I could practically see the longing in the air the way he was staring at me. He Walked over to me and gave me a hard kiss on the head and said “I love the way you look in my cloths you’re so small they virtually cover your whole body.” He said teasingly. If he wanted to play this game I could play it to. I ran my hands all over his chest which I realized was bare and said “I’d love to see the way you look in my cloths but my underwear probably would fit and none of the other cloths couldn’t either so then you’d just have to be nude for me.” Now I could feel the wanting coming off of his body and rolling onto mine. It took all of my strength to walk away from him.

“Where are my weapons?” I asked. “Over there in the corner in the black bag, you like the weapons don’t you.” he asked? I nodded and then thought of something that I should have thought of a long time ago

“OMG WERES SPOT.” I yelled. I ran out of Daniel’s room down the stairs and out the front door and though I’ve never been to his house I knew this because I took it from his head. I ran to his car and saw in the back seat my wrapped up bunny. He was alive that God I was trying to open the door when I remembered my powers and made it open. I took Spot out already apologizing for what happened and promising I’d never do it again when someone grabbed me from behind and I elbowed whoever it was in the face and started apologizing again because it was Daniel.

“Why’d you run out here?” he asked not at all hindered by what I did. And I told him about Spot and how I could read his bunny thoughts and how I could put mine into his so he could understand them. “Don’t do that to me again you scared the mess out of me.” He said and he then led me back to the house and into the kitchen where he started to cook. He served us bacon, eggs with cheese in top, hash browns and some toast. I gave half of everything to Spot. “I have to go home soon and I can’t go in these cloths.” I told him.

I was ready to see my parents. “I know what you were wearing when you were taken?” he asked. “I don’t know pajamas.” I said. “I can spend one more day here and go home tomorrow anyway I’m in no hurry.He started at me for a secound. “You’re just so enchanting.” He said smiling I leaned across the table and kissed him on the cheek and said "I know." I got up andwent to his room and started to search his draws andwhen I didn't find what I wanted I went to his closet and took out the black hoddie he had and a green cap. I then went down stairs and out the door and into his car quickly. When I was in I used the mirror to put my dark curls in the green cap I had grabed


Texte: I wrote it. I am Furbaby. Hmmmm thats sounds weird dosen't it the way I worded it.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.08.2012

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