

"What should I were today."I said ot loud to my self.Hi my names Luna im 16 i have dark brown her and light blue mixed with grey eyes and a nice curvy figure mediuem sized breast, small waist thick hips and very long legs i also have olive skin and 5' trying to figure ot what to where to school to day.I sat here for ten minutes trying to decid,I finlly picked a black mini with a white spagetti strap and a black pull over shawl that stops right bellow my boobs and is a little open so people can se the shirt im wearing amd lastly my black sandel wedges. I went down stairs and was greeted with the smell of my favortie breakfast.Eggs,baccon,and of course toast with grape jelly on them."Thanks mom." i said "this looks great." "your welcome honey." I sat down and ate my brecfest.Dad was not at the table so that means he already went to work."mom the next time you let dad leave before i say good by imma kill both of yall got that." my mom laughed and said whateve.i tell her to stop tryng to talk like a teen its weird but of course she never lisens.I finished eating and ran out side and got on my Nija and rode to school When i got there Emily,Ivy and Katy were all waiting for me."Hey girlies."i said "Hey" they said in response at the same time."So" Katy said "Guess who just asked me out?."Phil"sad Ivy."Shut up Ivy"katy said punching her Phil was a nerd who Katy used to have a crush on and we teased her senseless about."David" said Emily. "Nope"said Katy."We don't know just tell us ." i said."Jake." Katy said.Jake is 5'10 and smokin hot.He has sandy brown hair and dark geen eyes that could put any girl in a trance including me and i don't go for boys that easily."Wow" me,Ivy and Emily said as the same time."I know right i did't belive it myself when he asked me and we are officaly a couple."

"I'm so happy for you."i said even though now i was the only one of us who did't have a boyfriend,not that was conplaining.Ivy's boy fiend was Derrick and he was hot to with blue eyes light blond hair and at 5'11.Emilys boyfriend was Kyle also hot who had hazel eyes and black hair and was 5'10 like like Jake. "We need to get you a boy."Ivy said. Yeah Emily and Katy said ."No guys im fine when i want a boyfriend I'll start flirting and when i do that then you guys can start messing with my love life.Okay" I said "It's a deal they said."Come on lests get to class be fore were late."i said.We went to our lockers and got our books and split up.Me with Ivy and Emily and Katy.Me and Ivy had history while Em and Kat had Geometry. when me and Ivy walk in the class every one sid hey to usDid i mention we were some of the most popular and prettyest girls at school.Ivy like me had olive skin but she was a blue eyed striaght haired blond and a very curvy figure.Emily was a green eyed wavy haired red head and had the longest legs i've ever seen and she also had a curvy figure just not as busty as Ivy.And of coruse Em she had black curly hair and had hazel eyes.We had mad it just in time becous Mr.Carter had just walked in and not alone.

New Kids

"Settle down kids." the teacher I think his name was Mr.Carter said."We have new students.Now interduce yourselfs."He said."Hey i'm Betty" the short light browen haired girl said.""Hi i'm Mike" the dirty blond haired boy said."Im Rebecca"said a short haired blond."Jhon"said a longish brown haired boy said."Hey guys"I sad "I'm Daniel."The girls stared at the guys in m pack whlie the boys stared at the girls in my pack. I have black longish hair i'm 6'5 i have an 8 pack and I have gray mixed in with silver eyes. im prttey much nice person until someone pisses me off then im horrible."Take a seat please."Mr.Carter said.I scaned the room for a seat and found one in the back row next to a some girl.I walked to the back and sat down."Hey"i heard a soft voice say and turned torwed it.What i saw shock me.She was beautiful with long brown curly with a mix of wavy hair.And her eyes were so stuning blue mixed in with grey.She had a curvy little figure and long legs that were showed of by the skirt she was wereing."Hi" i said still staring."Im Luna and this is Ivy" she said indecateing a blue eyed blond."Hey am Daniel."i said to them."Quiet down students time to start the lesson"said Mr.Carter. Luna turned and got a notebook out and started taking noets.I half listened to the lesson and half wacthed Luna out of the corner of my eye.The lesson ened and class let out.She gathered her things but before she could get up I was standing in front of her desk."Oh!you scared me"she said "Sorry.Can you show me around the school lke a personal guide?"I asked."Um...sure"she said. I held my hand out to help her up.When she took my hand tingles shot up my arm."My mate,mine,mine,mine."Scremed my inner wolf.I was so happy.When she took her hand from mine the tingles stop and i was a little sad but still crazly happy.I finlly found her my mate."we found her" my wolf said."shut up." "Our sceudules might not be the same" she said."Let me see yours."I hurridly gave it to her she compared it to hers."We have all the same classes but bio.It'll be easy to show you around." "Thanks"i said "Welcome." she said.Her voice just made me want to hold her tight and kiss her senseless but i have to control myself she dosen't know about my kind.For the rest of the school day she showed me around exept for that one class we did't have together. I got so irrtated and mad cause a lot of the boys keep checking MY mate out and makeing kitty calls and whisling but she just inorged it all and showed me around"Thanks for the tour." I said "maybe we can hang out some time out of school"i said.Please acept i keep thinking to my self. "sure me and a bunch of friends are going to the beach after school you should come and bring some friends if you want. I gotta run." "Bye and thacks for the invite I'll be there with a few friends." "K,bye." With that she was gone out the front do of the building. All i was really thinking about was the beach wicth ment she would be in a bathing suit."YUM,YUM,YUM" was all my wolf said. "I know right i said." I met up with my pack and told what happened and where we were going in a couple of hours."I'm sooooo happy for you!"Rebecca said."Me to" said Betty. The guys just keep pating me on the back and congratulating me."No more one nighters for you." Mike said. I relized that but i did't care she was worth it."Well lets go to the mansion and get ready and go to the beach in lets say 2-3 hours." Jhon said. "Alright" every one agreed.We went back to the mansion and i told my parents abot finding my mate"I'm soooooo happy for you" my mom said "Did she acept you?"my Mom asked the formar alpha female."No I did't tell her I don't know what she is.She might be all human or she could half human and something else.So I wanna get to know her first and then worry about those things later. "I'm happy for you son.Finlly found your mate I hope when you tell her she'll acept you."said my dad the former alpha male of the pack. "Me to dad."I said. Our pack is bigger than just us who went to school some of them are grown some of them are still in elementrey and some are just kids. I had to call a house meeting to tell eveybody about it.They were all happy form even the young kids.Before I know it,it was time to go to the beach I go Rebecca,Jhon,Mike and Betty and told them it was time to go. We finlly left and went to the beach.Luna and her friends were already there. Luna was sitting under an unbralua and reading a book.She look absolutly beautiful in a cherry red two peice.It toke my breath away how cute she was.And then she turn and saw me and my pack got up called her friends who were play vollyball and walked over to us.

The Beach

He came OMG he came I got up and called my friends over and then walked over to hime and his frineds."Hey" I said "I'm glad you could make it ,um we well my friends were playing volly ball do you wanna play becuse I'll play if you do ....I mean you guys do not just you but you guys." OMG im babbleing no boy has ever made me babble before.I'm embarrasing myself."Hey im Emily this girls best friend."Em said pointing at me (and coming to my rescuse un be knwest to her)."Don't you dare forget me I'm her best friend to." Ivy said.Katy running over and said "Umm hello and I'm her best friend to. Were the four Musckertires."
"Nice to meet you guys"Daneil said he had a delightful voice to me. Derrick,Jake and Kyle came over and introduced them selfs. "So who wants to play some vollyball" i head Jake say.Daneil and his freiends all did and just because he wanted to play I did to.We went on to the vollyball net and started playing.I some how ended on the same team with Daneil and he was right behind me I could fee his eyes on me the entire timed we played.Some of us wanted to get in the water some wanted to keep play vollyball while sme just wanted to seat and relax.Some how me and Daneil ened up seting next to each other.We chated for a good 30 mins and I really like him ."So is this the only thing you guys do for fun?"He asked. "Of course not we go to the amusment park,out to eat,and vist some of the hot spots in town.And one time our parents let us stay in a beach house just us teens no parental vision."I said."Sounds like fun."he said."So what you do before you came here for fun maybe we cn try some of those things." "Wel for one we went hikeing,went bunge juping before and we swam with dolphins,fish,sharks and other sea life. "Wow I don't think I could take swiming with things like that excpt for the dolphins." "Oh so we have favortism for dolphns huh." he said with a little puff that made me laugh. I look up into his eyes and stoped laughing.He was looking at me with such intesity that it felt like he could see though me.He leaned down as if to kiss me and I leaned back.He looked at me as if he were hurt."I was just trying to tell you something I thought we were friends." he said looking now very hurt. "I'm so sorry I just thought you were trying to kiss me and got scared.I've only know you a couple of hours and I don't want to move to fast in that direction." I felt like an idiot why did't I let him lean in and tell me what he had to maybe then he would have kissed me and I wanted him to now so bad that it started to hurt." Well you dont have to worry about that with me I'll go as fast or as slow as you want,no pun intened.And I did't know you thought of me like that already,I thought we were only friends."He said then added suddutively "For now." I knew I was blushing I felt it creep up my neck to my cheeks. "Um..well..we should.. um." I sputterd. He leaned down and whisphered in my ear "Your very cute when you do thigs like that, lets go swiming were at the beach might as well right." I could't think with him this close to me. "Um sure" I heard myself say. For the whole time at the beach he has on his swim trucks and a white T-shirt.He toke his shirt off and i was trasfixed.He had an 8 pack and it was so musceled the sun glinted off of it and it looked o smooth and a good place to lay my head.When he said my name I blushed knowing he just cought me staring at his abbs.He held out his hand for me to take and I did and agian I felt the tingles shot up my arm it happened at school when I touched him there. After he helped me up we played in the water for a while ducking each other and splashing each other we had a lot of fun.When we were walking back to the cars Daneil put his arm on my shoulder and pulled me agenst him so that our sides were touching and warth exploded in me.When we got to my car and he let me go the warth left my body and I wanted his arm back there. But before he left he kissed me on the cheek and a shiver ran though my body.He then wisperd in my ear "I'll see you tommorow beautiful." And with that he was gone.I stood there looking in the directin he had gone. "I'll be looking forwared to it." I said in a wisper. Of course I old my girlies about my mixed feelings for Daneil. "This is great." Ivy said. "You finlly have a crush on a boy."Katy said. "So how are we gonna get them together?" Emily said. "Wait hold on a sec I did't say I wanted to go out whith him jus that I had a crush on him i think."I said. They just countiued talkng about how they were going to get us together or alone.And I was starting to like the idea a lot.I smiled to myself just thinking about what would happen tommorow.

Lust And Desire

When I got home from the beach I went sraight to my room to go over ever thing that happened.Her resposes to me were adorable.She was the only thing on my mind,the only thing I could think about. All I know is that I love it when I make her blush and I'm gonna make her do it way more othen now that I know I can.I like it when she looked at my abbs and blushed it made me feel manly.UGGGH I can't get her out of my head."I wanna see her now rght now" my wolf yelled at me. "You know I can't do that she'll get suspicious." "how will she be suspicious?" "Oh I don't know maybe because I know where she lives without her telling me!" My wolf growled at me but he know it was true so he said nothing.I started thinking about ways to win her over.I know she likes to talk and read.Maybe I'll go get hersome books. "About what?"my wolf said. I grumbled but knew he was right.What should I do for her."I think I've got it!"I said to my wolf."What." "I'm gonna convice her to go on a date with me and get to know her bettr and maybe she'll talk to me more.What do you think?" "It's an ok idea lets try it out,but if it does't work out were doing what I want." "Which is?" "You'll see if your idea does't work end of convertaion." "Whateve." I said I have nothng to do I thought I'm going to sleep. I woke up the next morng toke a shower and then got dressed.I put on a black fitted T-shirt and black jeans and of course black Vans.I got in my black Convertable and drove to school not careing if my pack was following or not.When I got there Luna was just pulling up on her Nija.I went over to her thinking abot what to say,but once I got a good look at her evey thing I was thinking just dissppered.She curled her long brown hair and had makeup on that brought out the color of her eyes.She has on a white half tee with the word love in black bold letters on it that stops under her brest whith a black tank top underneth with shorts on and black hills.I could't say any thing, all I could do was star at her.I want her so bad that it hurts. "Um.....hey." she said with that soft voice of hers. "Hey." I managed to stop staring at her and talk. "Um..I was wondering would you like to go out today just the two of us?" She seemed to be thinking about it."I don't know um..............yeah your nice so I'll go with you." "It's a date then." I said "It's a date" she said "so where will we be going?" she asked. I lended down and wispered in
her ear that it was a secret and she better be ready go all night long. That made her blush and I gave her a peck on thr forhead even though I wanted much more than that,smriked and walked away. I meet up with my pack over by the fence that opens and closes s the cars can get in and out.They were irratated at mefor leavng them at home but quicly go over it when I told them what I had done."Foreal." Rebecca said. "Thats so romantic!"Betty exclaimed. "So where are you gonna take her."Mike asked ."I was thinking the Ammusment Park she says she goes there for fun and hags out there so I thought it be a good choise." "Good luck!"Betty and Rebecca said."Oh I almost forgot whats a good present for a girl?"I asked Rebecca and Betty. "Jewlry" Rebecca said at the same time Betty said "Stuffed animals." "Well we girls do love both."Rebecca siad. "She's right."Betty said.The bell rang."Come on before were late."I said. We hurried and got our books and went to our class.I sat next to Luna and asked her "Do you want me to dive You or do you wanna drive yourself." She raised her eyebrows and said in a suductive voice."I want you to drve me." It took me a minute to understand what she ment when she said that and I rtorted with "Trust me I will and I'll be a very slow and exciting drive." That made her blush all the way to her forhead and I wanted to claim her as mine right then and there. "Do it." my wolf yelled at me. "NO."I yelled back. Insted I tought about how to suiduce her and get her to really let me kiss her.All Itought about the rest of the day was or date.Finally the bell rung for the lest cass to be dismissed. I waited by her Nija and when she came she said "Just follow me home so I can drop off my bike and then you can wisk me away." "Ok."I saidand followed her home she parked her Nija in the garage and went into her house for a few minutes then came back out and got into my car."My dad said to have me home by 12:00 O'clock." She said."Sure,Your gonna have thetime of your life before then,then o.k." I did't give her the chance to answer I turned the music on (paramores mosnter was playing) and speed off.All I could think about was how I had her all to my self for 5 hours.I was gonna have some fun with her tonight.I was lusing after her and I liked it.

The Date

Outwardly I was calm and conposed inwardly I was freacking out.I was in the car with a boy lets face it that I relly like even though I've only know him for 3 days at least.I was thinking about what to saw to him and how to say it so when he said "Were here" did't really here him until he poked me in the side and whisphered in my ear and said "Were here unless you want to stay here and talk" he said wiggleing his eyebrows. I look at him and he was looking at me with that wierd intensty agian and made me feel naked.I looked away blushing "Well" I said emberrased "were not gonna have any fun just siting here staring at each other are we."I siad geting out and walking to the ticket both.Then I felf him behind me his warmth right behind me I supn around and saw Daneil."Stop being creepy and sneeking up on me."I said "Me creepy."Daneil said puting his hand to hi heart in fake indignition."Come on lets get our tickets" I said. We got or tickets and decied to goand get on the superman first.We picked one of the doubled seats.When the ride started I adimaticaly grabed his hand.I was about to pull back but he tighted his hand on mine.I pritacly scremed though the whole ride while Daneil laughed at me. When we finally got of I stumbled but he was there to cacth me.He lened down to me as if he was about to kiss me,but I sliped out of his hold and skiped over to the cotton candy machine."I'm hungry."I said.He bought me a cotton candy stick.As I was taking a bite of my cotton candy he took a bite on the side right across from me so that we were looking into each others eyes.For a minute time stoped and it was just the two of us.The sounds of the ammusment park faded into nothingness and it was just them."So what are we getting on next?"I asked just to get rid of the akwardness.And it worked to becuse next we got on that ride that up and down really fast I forgot the name of it I was haveing one of the best nights of my life.Daneil played the stand games and won me an oversized teddy bear a necklice,and a glow in the dark ring."Come on" I said plying him to he FerrisWheel "It's the last ride ride we'll be getting on."Daneil was carrying moy over stuffted teddy and I had my ring and necklice on."Pleaseeeeeee"I begged.Daneil wanted to go home but I wanted to get on the FerrisWheel first and then go home."Fine,but only because you begged."Daniel said.We each bought our ticket for the Wheel and got on Daneil sat in the middle me on his right and Mr.Bear his ofical name on his left.The Wheel strated going around and around and around.We Got stoped at the top unfrotunatly we did't kiss now that I thought aboout it more i relized I wanted to do it.We talked at the top .Non-personal things like where were you born, whats your favorite color?,whens your brith day?. And then we started talking about what happend tonight and how much fun we had with each other.The wheel strated to move and go around agian.When we got off we walked to the car in silance not akward silice but a satfied one.We walked to his car and put Mr.Bear in the back with his selt belt on.I was thinking about how wonder the night turned out for me ..for us.Me and Daeil lisened to music the whole ride home.When wegot to my house he walked me to the after getting Mr.Bear of course."Well goodnight" I said."I had a great time and hope that we can do it agian sometime." "Me to" he said.And then he leaned down and I stayed right where I was and let him kiss me.He was timed at frist but then he urged my moth open with his tongue and I willingly opened to him he explored my mouth thoroughly as if to remember my mouth.I wraped my arms around his neck and moaned softly I thought I heard him growl but I must have been mistaken.He pulled back saying breathlessly"I'll see you tommorow sweetheart." "Bye" I said breathlessly."Looking forward to tommorow."I said. "Me to."he said. "Wait does this mean were going out."I said before he drove off."HELLYEAH" He said while driving away.


I was just so exited.I finally got to kiss my mate.She asked if we were a couple I siad hell yeah.Damm I was just to happy my wolf wanted to run free.I drove home as fastas I could then got out of the car and shifted.I ran into the woods near my house.I ran as fast as my feet would take me.I stoped at some point to howl my excitment.I then ran back the mansion.Of coruse when I shifted back I still had the left over adrenaline.I heard a branch snap behind me and spun around and thats when It pounced.


Clueless And A Twist

"I wonder what I should where tommorow."I said out loud left to my self.After Daneil left after that amazing and when I say amazing I mean it was a kiss that left me weak kneed and wanting more.I wanted to dress nice for him tomorrow.I wanted him to look at me with desire in his eyes.
I had to pick it out carefully tough.I don't want him thinking I'm easy but I don't want him to think I am a prune.Scince I could't decide on what to were I called Katy(she know every thing there was to know about fashion."Hey,you remember I told you guys about the date I had with Daneil right." "How could I not your finally going out with a BOY." "Whateve,anyway he kissed me today." "He what!Give me all the dets." "No, I don't want to do it over the phone and I called for a conpletly different reson." I said "Well what is Lu?"She asked. "O.k don't freak out o.k,"I said "Fine just tell me what it is already!"she yelled. "Well after he kised me I asked if this ment we were going out and he said hell yaeh-" "Wait you to are going out." Katy interupted me. "Stop that." I conplianed. "O.k I won't interupte any more." "Thank you.Well anyway after he said yeah I went up stairs plaining on wearing a fun outfit.Not slutish but not prudish etier.Tell me what to were." "Oh well thats easy."She said. "Were your last birthday oufit." She was right it was the perfect outfit. "Thanks alot bye,bye now!" "Not until you tell me what haappened." Katy said sounding aggitated. "At school tommorow I promise." And with that hung up the phone.My brithday outfit was sexy!!! It was a blue jean rumper.(like a body suit but with no straps)with gold buttonsgoing up until it reached right above my cheast,I had to were a stapless bra with it so it does't look tackie.And it had shorts when you put it on and button it up to the top.It showed of all my curves.I was sure Daneil would like not just like it but loveee it. And the shoes that went with it were black strapy open toed heels that went up to the the middle of my thighs,and it had little studs on the top of it in the shape of hearts.And of course I would trow on a shwall that youcould put on like a sweater but minus the zipr and it has love wrttin on the back in four differrent ways.After I had my outfit pikced out I went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower.When I got out it happened agian.Oh I did't tell you guys sorry.I have telepthy,I have it but don't know howto control it.The blow dryer was floting right in front of the mirror.I grabed t and pluged it in.If anybody ever found out about my 'gift' they'd freck out and tell every one about it.Which is why only my parents know about it.I know I was supose to be the normal popular girl I bet this is a twist.I can't let anybody know about it or we'll have to move agian.Yeah at my old school in elementry school one of my friends saw and I told her about it and then she told the others and they told there parents who told the teachers who tried to fnd out if it was true.Whicth is why we had to move here and there never where any more insadents like that ant more. Just imagineing a secret like that getting out and ever body looking at me dferent and in disgust.But just imageing Daneil looking at me like that makes my heart hurt.No I could't let that secret get out under any circumstances.After I finished with my hair,I changed into my flannel p.j's and went down stairs to eat dinner.After dinner I went back to my room tothink about how to tell Daneil about my 'gift'. I know what I said bout I can't keep that a secret from him,I don't know why I could't not tell him I just know that I felt the urge to do so. I'll tell him tommorow I thought.As I got in bed just as I was drifting into sleep I thought I saw someting in the dark conner of my room.ButI inorged it thinking it was just do to me being tierd.I was in a forest runing away from somethhing but also to something.What ever was behind me I could tell it was only a few feet away from me.I keep running until I ran into what I was runnig to a huge white wolf,seriouly it was big like just standing on all four it was like 15 feet tall.It looked at me with its gray eyes for a moment and then shiled me from what was after me so I could't see it.

An then I woke up.Weired dream I thought as I put my outfit on.I crrled my hair and went downstairs to eat my breakfast still think about it.What was I running form? I thought and why did the oversized wolf step in front of me almost like it was protecting me?I went to school thinking about this.


"Damm it,damm it,damm it all to hell."Daneil said to hime self in his room.The thing that attacked him was a vampire.A wolfs most hated enemy.Luckly I turned around just in time.I shifted to my wolf form and tore it's head off.A necessary precaution when dealing whieh vampires.After I killed it I went insideand told my pack to stay on high alert,that there might be vampires around.(They usauly travel in groups)I went to sleep thinking about that vampire.Why was it outside a wolfs den?I did't understand it at all.I driftedof to sleep thinking about that vampire.I was in the woods in my wolf form.Iheard feet pounding on the ground, and then I smelled her my Luna she smelled like roses and green apples.She ran right to me and stoped when she saw me and looked at me in awe.But then I smelled the vampire whicth reeked of blood.I shifed so I was satnding in front of Luna.So she could't see the vampire.

And then I was back in my room.Wow I thought to myself what a weird dream.That got me thing about Luna.I now had to keep an eye on her just to make sure she was safe.I wooul;t have a vampire laying a hand on my mate.I went to the bathroom and tok a 5 minute showeand then brushed my teeth.And then I picked out what I was going to were today.I had a black shirt that said 'Here I am what are your other two wishes?'(in dark yellow)on,and of course my black jeans and my dark yellow shoes.I went down stairs and ate breakfast with some of the others and my pack.I then went to go gather Rebecca,Betty,Jhon and Mike.After I got them all I said it was time to go to school."And keep alert at all times." I said When I got to school and parked my car I went to wait for Luna at her usaul parking space.When she got there I smiled knowing she'd make my day better no matter what the circunstances where. Then I gota goodlook at her.She looked so sexy that I could eat her up.She was were this thing that started on the top of her thighs like shorts and endedat the top of her breast.She had these sexy ass heels on that put her right to my nose.She looked so good I could't even speak for awhile."Hey" she said in a seductive voice."Your staring is that a good or bad thing." "Definitely a good thing.You look hot I said not bothering to hide the hunger,longing and disire in my eyes." "Thanks"she said blusing.That just made me want her more.I could't help myself any more I crushed my lips to hers urgeing her to open her mouth which she did with susch egerness that made me groan deep in my chest.She then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in closer.I then squezzed her body closer to mine.She pulled away first even though I still held her in my arms."I need to tell you someting." she said in a voice as sweet as honey. "Go ahead I'm all yours."I said to her encouragingly."I'm different from most people." she said shyly."And how are you different from other people." I said intrested.I was finally gonna find out if she was mixed or all human."Well..I um...have a...g-g ift.If you can even call it that." "Well what is it?"I said excited now."I'm t-" The bell to start getting your books and goto class rung.She looked releaved by it."I'll tell you add the end of the day o.k." she said giving me a quick kiss. "O.k"I said a litle disaponited but not letting her see.We went on with our classes with me as I always did sneaking pecks at Luna during class.She was just so beautiful.I could't help myself.Then I smelled something awful the smell of blood.The smell of a vampire.Where was it.I got very anixous.I was worried about my pack and definitenly for my mate who could't protect herself if something bad happened.When the last bell rang I hurried out of class and located my mate.She was talking to some girls and I was flushd with relif.I then looked around for my pack when I saw them I hurried over to them."Do You guys smell it?" I asked.They shoke there heads in yes."Stay aleart and ready for anything I told them.When I turned around to go back to Luna she was gone.I looked all around and could't see her."Were is she?"My wolf asked sounding anixous and worryed and panicked all at the same time.I satrted walking around looking for her scared out of my mind.And I finally saw her and I feft so releaved.She was at her Nijastanding as if shewaswaiting for someone.And when she saw me she smiled.And my heart squzzed in my cheast as I relised she was waiting for me.I went over to her and gave her a kiss.Andit was't an ordaniray kiss it was a hungy soul seaching kiss that made her moan deep in her throat.And in return to her moan I groaned deep in my chest.I pulled away first even though it toke all my stregth."What did you want to tell me this morning.Herwhole demener changed.Her cheeks that were flushed now paledandher smile truned into a thin linemore like a slit on her face.The happy light from her eyes became an almost fearful look.I wondered what she had to be scared of.I did't want her to be scared of anything and if she was I'd protect her from whatever it is."I have a gift as I told you earlier.I'm what people would call a telekinitic.I can left objects wih my mind.I know this sounds crazy but you have to beliive mr I'm telling the truth."She said sounding like shewas about to cry.She then put her arms around me and hugged me burying her face in my shoulder. "I belive you.I do I promise."I saiid hugging her back andI did."You do really? Your not lying are you?"She asked sniffling."No I would never lie to you.Well not that ofthen."That made her giggle.Then she became serious."You can't tell anyone what you know now about me o.k.Or I'd just be another repet of what happened last time my secret got out.I'd have to move agian and I won't be able to see any of my friends agian and most of all I would't be able to see you and just thinking about not being able to see you makes my heart hurt.So promise me you won't tell anyone without taking to me first ok." I was so shocked by what she just said I won't be able to see my friends agian asnd most of all I won't beable to see you and just thinking about it makes my heart hurt.

"I promise." I said to her."But now that you told me your secret I should tell you mine."I said about to tell her my biggest secret."I'm a w-" I was cut of by her phone ringing loudly and her puting me on hold to answer it.I felt a little hurt that she would put me on hold for a phone call."But-"She said."Fine I'llbe there in 10 minutes.she then hung up her phone looking so angry that I took a step back."Sorry about intrurupting you sweety but I have to go home like right now."she said."Trade numbers," she said.So I gave her my phone and she gave me hers and we put our numbers in each others phones.She gave me a pashionate but short kiss and hoped on her Nija."Bye,babe call me and tell me your secret later on today.Like in lets say 3 hours." she said.Before she speed off I said"Be careful at night from now on.And I love you." she did't hesitate to answer. "I love you to." And then she speed off.


I was so mad.I finally told Daneil about my special ability and he belived her,and I was so happy until I got a phone call from my parents all mad about something I was't even paying attention to.I was just trying to get them of the phone so I could talk to my boyfriend. Boyfriend it souned wired on her lips,more like my soulmate we fitted each other so prefectly.I was sweet kind,popular and innocent.While Daneil was mysterous,popular and a bit of a bad boy and tust me I was pretty sure he was't innocent.He'd been about to tell me his secret.He seemed like it was a matter of life and death at the time.But he could always tell me tommorow.I thought to my self.I wondered what he had to tell me that was so important was it asbigor bgger than what I just told him.I expected him to think I was crazy but he did't and I belived him when he said he was't going to tell anyeone about what I told him.And then he said some thing that made me give my heart,soul and body to him even though he did't know it yet.When I made it home I went into the foyer were mymom and dad were waiting for me."So why am I I in trouble?"I asked."What are you talking about honey?"My mom aske."You called me when I got ok of school telling me to come home immediately.It souned like you guys were made at me." "Pumpkin,we did't call you all day today." "Your right I was hust messing with you guys your so gulible sometimes.I swear."I said with a forced laugh."I was sure I got that call.I had to check my phone."Well I have alot of homework to do so I'll see you guys at dinner.Okay." "Sure see you then." My dad said. I then ran up to my room and hoped on my king sized bed with my colorful dotted conferter.Not feeling very confty by the way.I picked my phone out of my back pocket and looked throw the call log there it was my house phone called at 3:55 just tenn minute after school letout I was scared.I belived it when they said that they had't called me.That had to mean that parents were playing a sick joke on me or that someone wanted me at home in a less populated area.But why?I called Daneil.I had to find out why he told me o be careful at night I had a feeling the weird 'non-existing phone call' and that warnig had something to dowith ech other.He picked up on the third ring."Hey babe all you alright?" he asked as soon as he picked up the phone."Why did you tell me tobe carefull at night from now on?"I asked skipping to the point off why I called him."Well I um its jus dangourous around at night." He said finishing lamely."Oh but beffore you came here I always went out at night why can't I go now.Do you have something todo with it?"I askednot letting him get a chance to speack before I said. "What was your secret.I fil it has something to do with your weird waning and the wired phone call I got."I said."What phone call." he asked sounding suddenly anixous and panicked ."Well when we were at school and I said i had to go home." "Yeah"he said sounding a little more conposed now."Well I thought I was in trouble,but whe I got home and asked my parents what I was in troublefor.They just keep saying that they had't called me all day.And then I acted as if I was just jocking with them because I did't want them to get suspitious.I then got my phone and the call was thre just ten minutes after school let out.I then went downsatirs and got the house phone and cheacked to see if the call was placed to my phone and it was.Then I called you because I thought the phone call and warnig you gave me was more than a coincidence,was't it." He did't say anything."Well whats going on here or are you going to leave me in the dark about this when it obviously has something to do with me." "Lura I can't tell you this over the phone." "Tell me I yelled into the phone." "Luna like you I'm different.I'm a werewolf.And vampires are our mortal enemys." "What does any of that have to do with me?" I asked. "Well this is't the way I wanted to tell you,but your my mate." "Your what?" "My mate the one whos perfect for me ine very way possible.Every were has one and you just happen to be mine." "I'm still not seeing what that has to do with me."I said."The day I droped you off atgomeafter or date.I was so happy me and my mate were going out that I shifted and run around the woods by my house a little.I then shifted back and I heard I snap of a branch behind me and truned just in time to see a vampire luanch it's self at me.I truned just in time to hurry and shift back and rip its head of.I'm the alpha of my pack,alpha is the head ledar in a pack.So I'm sure the vampires know your my mate and are planing to hurt me through you." "Oh." I said know my voice was soft."Just be careful Luna please." "I will I promise,I'll return to you my little wolf." "Please do my little mate." "Alright I'll seeyou tommorow and we'll dicuse it more then okay." "Alright bye baby and know that I'll forever love you."Daneil said "I love you to the end of etrnity and even after that."I said "Bye." he said "Bye." I sid and hung up the phone. "Very touching" said a deep and errie vocie"to bad I despise touching." said a figure comining out of the drkness by my curtains.(The time passed awful fast while I was figureing out what my boyfriend was and what might be after well was after me now)"Who are you?" I asked sounding calmer than I felt."Well I'm Vlad and of course I know who you are Miss.Luna Johnson." :I've been wacthing you even before you mutt killed my brother."He spat the word mutt. "Why have you been wacthing me before Dameil killed the bat?"I spat the word bat like he di the word mutt."Well becouse of your powers of ourse.But your mate your mutt toke something dear to me now I'm about to do the same.I had my mouth opened to screm but as soon as I opened my mouth and nose he was there putting his hand over it with a white cloth.I struggled agist it not breathing for as ong as I could't and wiglling twisting and jerking my body in an effort to get free.But he was to strong for me.As the world around me fadded into darkness I remembered the promise I made to Daneil and how I was aobut to braek it.And I also lastly how much I loved him and how I know he would find me no matter where I was and no matter how far away I was.And then I feel into the darkness that was called unconsciousness.


I felt anxious.I don't know why but Ifelt as ifsomthing were terriblely worng.It felt as if part of me was missing."Luna's in trouble.We have to go help her.We have to hlep our mate." My wolf screamed."I know lets go get her." She was gonna have to come here more othen just so I know she was safe and then I was going to put some were's on patrol at her house to ensure her safty.I then went to find Betty,Rebecca,Jhon and Mike."Were going to Luna's house my wolf is screaming at me that she's in truoble." "Then she must be,our wolfs are usaualy always right about things about this."said Mike.With that we went and drove to Luna's.When we got there her parents answered the door."Luna called us over said she ha something to tell us."I lied easily.I had a lot of practice."Um srue shes just up stairs.Down this hall,up and the second door on the right." Her dad said."Thanks"Betty said as we made our way up stairs.I smelled it as sone as we came into the house.The vampire.And it got got stonger every step wetook toward he room.Ibrust in and found it empty.I smelled her sent and the vampires sent mixed in.The things on her bed were in a mess.Her phone,notebook,house phone and i-pod were all over the place and as I went around the bed I saw a white peice of cloth with that stuff used to knock people out on it.My mate had been abducted by a vampire.I sawthat the window had been left open.She did't even stand a chance.I was going to get her back and I was going to get my revenge.No one touched my mate but and what ever vapmire who thought they were big enough to doy it was going to pay for it,daely.Just wait for me Luna I'll find you no matter where you are.I'll save you.I promise.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2012

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