
Meet Me

I take a deep breath as I'm on my way to school. The LAST day of school! I just can't believe it... it seemed like yesterday I started school as a Junior. Now I was leaving again, so close to being a Senior! I smile as I picture Irene getting all emotional. I'll miss that... at least we'll still be together at Evan Pena's party tonight.
My upper lip curls up into a sneer as I think of the nasty clique he's in. The Populars. Ever since they offered me a spot in there, and I turned them down, we've been enemies ever since. I never want to be noticed. But, like Irene said, "That's gonna be hard to do. Well... as long as you look like you, anyways." Of course, I always scoff at that. I'm nothing special to look at.
I open the schools' front door, and hot air blows in my face. And different smells. I immediately spot Daniel. He's my bestfriend. I think he's gay, if you ask me. Daniel's talking to Scott when I get to him. I stand behind Daniel for a few seconds before I jump on his back. His hands come to my thighs, barely catching me.
"Don't rape me, don't rape me, don't rape me..." he repeats over and over again to himself, grinning. I immediately get off of him and make a face.
"Eww... Daniel, I would never. If I did, you might turn straight and I'll lose my bestfriend." I smile sweetly, and he scoffs at me.
"Don't count on it, unless you're a guy, I'm not interested in anything sexual with you." He says and I fake pout, then say goodbye. Next, I start looking for Irene, my second bestfriend.
"Luce!" I hear a familiar voice call and I knew that I'd found her. Or she found me. Whatever. She runs to me like her life depends on it. "Today's the last day of school, can you believe it?!" She practically yells in my ear.
I sigh, "Yeah... I'm going to miss you so much, Irene." I tell her sincerely. She nods but says nothing as her eyes start to glaze over. "Hey, don't you dare cry." I scold her and pull her in for a hug.
She finally laughs and hugs me back. "I know, I know. I just... it sucks that I'm not going to be able to see you that much in the summer."
I pull back and say what I know is going to make her very, very happy. "Fine..." I sigh and pretend to be highly irritated. She looks puzzled. "I've decided... to sign up for summer school with you." I say happily and she squeals.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I laugh and hold her just as tight as she hugs me again. "I promise, you won't regret it. This is going to be... awesome." And yet, I'm already regretting it. The rest of the school day goes by so achingly slow. By 7th period I just stop listening to the teachers. My yearbook's already in my hands that won't stay still. Irene and I are huddled by the door waiting for the teacher to give us a, "Go ahead and leave!" sign, but it never happens.
Then she does. We all practically run out the door while I see other kids doing the same thing. Our destination is outside for yearbook signing. Once we're outside, we're immediately enclosed by a swarm of, "Will you please sign my yearbook?" We're not particularly popular but... kind of close to it.

Party Rock Anthem

Once everyone's yearbooks are signed, Irene and I head back to her house to get ready for a big party at Evans house. I got to look my best. When inside, she immediately goes to her closet. I hid MY pair of clothes in a locked box, which, I brought from him.
I unlock the pattern and breath a sigh of relief when I saw that they were just fine. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Irene roll her eyes and grin. Ignoring her, I grab them from the box and head to the bathroom.
My pink super skinny shorts fit me really good and make me look to have a bigger ass than I actually do. And a slim waist. Especially when my purple printed tank top clings to my frame, showing off all of my curvy frame and flat stomach. "Awhh, man." Irene groans. I jump, but then I look at her quizzically. "Well, I don't stand a chance if you're going to wear THAT, Luce." She whines, and now I'M the one that rolls my eyes.
Then, I start laughing. "Oh, please! Look at you! No one's going to even NOTICE I'm there, standing with you." She decided to wear sandals, shorts (not as short as mine, though), and a loose fitting shirt. You can still tell she has a figure. I raise my eyebrows at her, and she blushes. "Mmhmm... you know you look hot," I tease her.
I turn my attention back to the mirror, and finish looking myself over. My hair is down, and nicely curled which makes it look really good. I add a little eyeliner and a little lip gloss. Now, I'm all set. "Ready?" She nods and we leave her room.
But not before her younger brother stops me. "Y'know..." he sighs dramatically, and I hold in a laugh. "I'm a Junior now, Lucy. Don't you think it's time for that kiss now?" He finishes, and looks me up and down. Irene meets my eye and she nods and smiles evily.
"Sure, Bobby. I'll be the cougar for just this once." I say to him, playing along. He looks shocked, and I grab his head between my hands. Then I lean up and kiss his lips. Before he can react, I start moving my lips against his. Count to five, and pull away. His eyes are closed, his breath definitely faster. "Bye, Sweet Lips." I whisper in his ear and then we run out.
We can't contain our laughter anymore than Bobby couldn't help but get turned on. Poor kid. Y'know... if he wasn't Irene's brother, and was older, I wouldn't really mind getting hit on by him. He's kind of cute, in a weird way.
By the time we reach the party, we barely find a parking spot. The smell of booze and cigarette smoke hit me as soon as I exit the car. Music is pumping from the big house, and I feel the vibration in my chest. "Whoa..." Irene breaths.
I nod and make my way to the door, and the ring the doorbell. A second later a girl I've never seen before stands in front of me. She smiles and yells, "Come on in!"
"Thanks!" I yell back to her over the thumping music. My gaze goes to the floor, trying not to trip. My purple Osiris's step over foam cups, and random items. Irene seems not to care as she impatiently tugs at my arm, pulling me into the crowd. A new song plays, and I immediately recognize it. Party Rock Anthem, by LMFAO. Where, in order to dance to this song, you have to know how to shuffle, AND do the spongebob. The crowd cheers and forms a circle. Lexi, on the Populars, starts doing, no, trying, to shuffle. Irene laughs. I join her.
She nudges me to do it. I nod, and tell her to wait. Thankfully, I DO know how to shuffle and spongebob.The part starts coming up and I'm pushed inside the circle. All of a sudden, I'm nervous and I can't do it. I turn around but I'm stopped by Irene. I sigh, and she giggles, and turns me around, and everyone's eyes are on me.
Mentally cursing Irene, I wait for the moment, and start shuffling. People yell and cheer me on. Lexi turns red and tries even harder. Then I start doing the spongebob, and she eventually stops all together. I see a cute guy shuffling, but he's not inside the circle. Yet.
Bolding up, I grab his arm and pull him inside with me. He's shocked, but immediately starts dancing with me, and I grin widely at him. I'm glad I came tonight.

Drunk Lover

As the party went on, I found myself thirsty a lot. No doubt it was because of all the dancing I've been doing over the hour. I really didn't know what I was drinking, and I didn't really care. As long as I got hydrated, I was fine. I realize that I've danced with a lot of guys tonight. Not that I mind, it's actually kind of nice. Feeling the way their fingers drift over my hips and curves. Unless they go too far, then I pull away.
The song changes, and I mouth the words because I know the song. As I'm just standing there with Irene cooling off, someone bumps into me, making me almost fall over. Luckily, the person grabs my upper arms and keeps me up. Luckily, I didn't have a drink either, or that would've spilled on the carpet.
"Are you okay?" A deep voice yells over to me. I start to nod, but freeze when I look at the person. Evan. Evan Pena. One of the Populars. I know I should yank myself out of his grasp. I can't though. I can't stop staring at his gorgeous face. I breath in deep and take in his features.
A strong jaw line, full lips perfect for kissing. A straight nose, and piercing blue eyes. Curved eyebrows to match his dark brown hair that sits on top of his head in spikes. I know he's waiting for an answer, but my voice is still gone. Have I gone mad?

(Evan P.O.V.)

She's still staring at me. I can't help but stare back, my question mostly forgotten. Her long brown hair was curled and down, cascading down her slim face. She has elegant eyebrows and vivid green eyes. A cute button nose, and big pink lips. Her skin looks soft and smooth and I long to touch it. But, I can't I wish I could. Why?
"Want to dance?" I blurt out stupidly, unable to stop myself. Luckily, she nods and sets down her plastic cup and I hold out my suddenly damp hand, and she takes it.
I take her hand and let her go before me. I'm so excited... and a little nervous. I've wanted to dance with her since she shuffled. She's a great dancer. Me, not so much. In My Head plays.
Now I'm extra nervous. My palms are sweaty as I put them on her hips. She puts her arms around my neck and starts playing with my hair. Does she know how much that turns me on? A glint in her eyes tell me she does. Well, two can play at that game. I grab her hips and push them into mine. She gasps and then grinds against me. That move makes me groan and tilt my head back. Her hips start moving in a rythm that goes with the song. She smirks.
I can't hold it in anymore. My gaze goes to her lips, and I close the distance between us. She's shocked, but she doesn't resist. My arms pull her tighter to me, and she grips my biceps, pulling me closer as well. Her lips are so soft, and so inviting. I bite her full bottom lip, asking for enterance, which she gratefully granted me. My tongue slides in and collides with hers, and I moan with pleasure.
We pause for air, and her eyes are hooded with desire. I'm sure mine are too. I grab her leg and hitch it up to my hip, and push myself against her. She groans and bites her lip. She grabs my neck and forcefully pulls me back against her lips, Oh, yeah... tonight's going to be interesting.

Hazy Memories

(Luce P.O.V.)

I open my eyes, and the light is so bright that I groan and turn away. A flowery design comes into view, and a tan muscled chest. My eyes pop open really wide, and I try to get up to figure out my surroundings. By the dizziness I feel, I can tell it wasn't my best choice to do that.
"Luce? What time is it?" A familiar, and deep voice asks from behind me. I freeze, then take a deep breath and turn slowly to the person behind me. Whoever this person was, he still had his jeans on, but no shirt, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was only Evan.
Evan... what the hell? I look back to myself and am satisfied when I see that I'm fully dressed, well without my shoes, but that's just fine. My mind suddenly remembers that he asked me what time it was. "Uhh... I don't know, let me check." I say to him, and fetching my iPhone from my front pocket. It was 2:49 p.m. Damn, I was asleep for that long? "2:50." He sighs, and sits up beside me.
"Damn, I was asleep for that long?" He asks me, and I smile. The bed is soft and bouncy under my hands, and I picture Irene sprawled out on the hard floor by herself. It makes me feel guilty.
I scoot to the end of the bed, and put my feet on the floor. "Where's Irene?" I ask Evan as I look over the room. People are sleeping on the floor, some even on top of someone else. But, in that pile of drunken people, I didn't find the one person I was looking for.
He shrugs, as he comes to sit beside me once again. "I dunno... want to go look around with me?" He asks me, and I find myself nodding. He stands up and extends a hand to me, and I take it. We step over almost everyone, and we're the only two people up. Then I find her. I laugh lightly at her position. She slept sitting up, with her head leaning to one side. Ouch, her neck is going to really hurt when she tries to move it. I know, I've slept like that, too.
To get rid of this awkward silence, I ask Evan a question that's been on my mind. "So, what happened last night? Did I pass out or something?" I purposely leave out the memory or him shoving his tongue down my throat and me returning it.
He laughs attractively, and shakes his head. "We were dancing... and kissing. We moved to the bedroom we were just in, and then you just," he drops his head. "passed out." I moan, and look away, to anything but him. Of course, I should've known he would be forward enough to admit what happened between us.
I swallow, which makes my throat burn, because I'm super thirsty. He notices that, and takes me to the kitchen, and pours me a glass of water. I take it and drink it greedily, before thanking him. When he refills it for me, I say, "Uhmm... we kissed... I remember that, but... we were going to..? If I didn't pass out, were we going to... y'know," I start to blush and he smiles.
He hands it to me, and then shrugs. "I don't know. I just remember that, urgent, need to..." he trails off, and doesn't continue. I'm grateful for him doing or NOT doing that. I chug the water and start to go over to Irene, when he grabs my arm,, pulling me back to him. "I think I still feel that urgent need, Luce."
I freeze, and stop breathing. Well... that was unexpected. Evan looks at me, his eyes hooded with leftover desire for me. My breath hitches up a few notches. I'm stuck standing here, in front of him, and in front of Irene, unsure which to go to. I choose Irene.
His face is coming closer to mine, and I pull out of his grasp. "Well, I'm flattered, really..." I say while I make my way over to Irene, and smack her lightly on the cheek while saying, "Irene, come on, let's go." I stand up and return the glass to him. "But, that can't happen again, you know that, right?"
Evan chuckles and looks at me questionally. "Why can't it happen again?" He asks me and I duck my head, avoiding all eye contact with him. While Irene groans and shifts, I laugh at him and at her.
"Because... we're in different cliques. And the Popular's hate me. Ever since they offered me a spot with them, and I refused, we've been enemies ever since. They would probably literally kill me if they knew what happened between us last night... Plus, we were drunk. Well, I was drunk, I really don't know if YOU were." I explain to him, and he looks kind of shocked. Like he wasn't expecting for me to say that.
Irene wobbly gets up, and leans up against the wall. "Luce, I want to go home." She whines, and I sigh. "Okay, well I'm ready, get your shoes on, and we can go." I say to her and she nods, and sits down again, while she very slowly puts her shoes back on.
I look down and realize I was mostly lying. "Oh, crap, my shoes. Where are they?" I ask Evan, and he nods to the bedroom. I head over there, and he follows me.
On the way, he continues his questions. "They wanted you to be with them? That's weird, they seem to hate you. Always talking about how a bitch, and a slut you are." He mutters to himself, and my mouth pops open, but, I'm not really that surprised. He shrugs. "Sorry. I guess it makes sense now. So... you don't anyone to know what happened last night? I can't tell anyone?" He asks me, raising an eyebrow.
My shoes are in a corner, and I pick them up and began to stuff my feet in. "You can tell, but I'd prefer you don't. If they come to me, and start harrassing me... I will make your life," I threat, coming to him, and poke him in the chest. "a living hell." I finish, but he doesn't look scared. He looks amused.
"Is that a threat?" He asks me, smiling widely. I shake my head, and whisper in his ear, "It's a promise." Then I leave the room. While I step over random people, hazy memories of the previous night flash inside of my head. It was fun. Until Evan had to ruin it. Well, he didn't ruin it until the next day, but... what if everyone saw us? Ughh...

Once Irene and I are at her house, we collapse on her Queen sized bed, and pass out. I dream of Evan. I dream of kissing him. I dream of finishing what we had started at the party.

Summer Surprises

(Evan's P.O.V.)

Since the party, all I've had to think about is Luce. What the hell, did she put a spell on me? I keep remembering the party when we made-out, and almost went all the way. She was drunk, and I was a little tipsy, that's why I was the one who remembered mostly everything. Sometimes I wish she hadn't passed out.
"Evan!" Lexi calls from behind me, and I turn around to see her running toward me. I sigh, and give her a fake smile. "Where'd you go, babe? I missed you." She says before giving me a long kiss. It reminds me of Luce. What. The. Hell.
I pull away, and kiss her cheek. "Sorry, it's just too nice of a day to stay inside, so I went for a walk." Today's the last day before summer school starts, and I don't want to be lazy. Tomorrow I got to wake up at 7:30 a.m. for school. I failed math, always skipping. At least my friend Mark failed math too, so I don't have to be all alone.
Lexi sighs. "You're stupid. Why did you have to fail math?" She pouts, and whines at me. I roll my eyes. 'You.' I didn't say it, though. Maybe I should. Hook up with someone new. Like Luce... Crap.

The day passes quickly and before I know it, I'm going to bed early. I reluctantly think of Luce. And, of course, that means I dream of Luce, and her wonderful kisses. That, I'll never experience again.

My alarms goes off and I get up. I shower, and get dressed in jeans, a blue shirt, and my Nikes. I drive to school with Mark behind me. There's only a few cars, so I take my time getting inside.
"Dude, you think there's going to be any hotties here?" Mark asks, and I chuckle. This guy... always banging. I shrug and don't answer. I freeze when I see Luce and Irene standing in a corner, laughing. Luce is bending over laughing so much, she waves a hand and sits down. She's wearing black Vans, white skinny jeans, and a light green shirt that make her eyes pop. I barely even register Irene.
Mark slaps my shoulder and bites his knuckle as he looks over to Irene... or Luce? It better be Irene. "Look at that ass!" He whispers to me.
I got to find out who he's talking about. "Which one?" I ask him, and he nods over there again before answering. "The one in the green. Do you see that rack?" He answers, and I stiffen. Better think of something before he does.
"Dude, you can't. She's the bitch, and slut we always talk about." I lie, and he sighs and nods. "Right, I forgot what she looked like. Thanks for the heads-up, bro. Too bad though..." he trails off.
I don't know if I should feel happy or mad that she's in summer school too.

(Luce's P.O.V.)

I stop laughing as soon as I see Evan sitting down, staring at me. He's all I can think about lately. It's really weird. I turn away and try to focus on what Irene is telling me.
"...and he's like, '...yeah.'" she laughs, holding her stomach. If I was paying attention, I probably would've found that really funny. But, I was too focused on Evan, who was still staring at me.
My mouth goes dry, and I look at Irene. "Can you say that again, sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I say, and she looks behind me for the first time since we got here.
"Oh... I get it now." She says, and I nod. I told her what I think happened at the party, because I know that she can keep a secret. "Well... honey, you have to forget about him. If you don't, you're going to-" she starts when the door opens. My mouth pops open, when I see Daniel. Then I smile real wide.
He's wearing his multi-colored Osiris's, jeans, and a black shirt that lets you see his incredible physique. Daniel sees me, and opens his arms wide. "Lu-Lu!" He yells, smiling.
"Danny!" I yell back, and run over to him, not caring about anyone else in the room but him for the moment. I jump in his arms, and he spins me around, while he kisses my forehead. I kiss his cheek. "What're you doing here? Did you sign up just to see me?" I ask, flattered.
He releases me and holds my hand, walking us back to where Irene is grinning. He hugs her, too. "Of course, my darling. And... I suck at math." He admits, and I laugh. I'm really glad he's here. Evan is staring at him with what looks like envy. That's weird.
The two of us listen while Irene tells the story she was telling earlier, since I wasn't really paying attention to. After we left Bobby to go to the party, and when we came back, Irene asked him if he masturbated, and he reluctantly admitted that yes, he did. We were all laughing loudly when the teacher came in and told us to take a seat. She also looked at the three of us seated together, Daniel in the middle, saying that if we couldn't keep quiet, she'd move us apart. Damn.
The first say of summer school was all about learning the rules, how summer school was no different than regular school, except, y'know we get out earlier, and there's only one class.
How did Irene talk me into doing this?

Fate Show Yourself! Or Not...


Apparently, Mrs. Herres was nice enough to let us pick our partners for a project. Of course, I chose Irene. Daniel was 'so cool', that he had to pick one out of seven. There were five cute girls, and two guys. He chose Scott. I laughed at his choice, and wiggled both my eyebrows up and down. He says it's a weird talent, but hey, it's a talent!
I can't help but notice the way Evan glances at me every few seconds in class. It's nerve-racking, and exciting, and a little bit confusing. I already told him that what we had at the party was a one time thing. Although my heart and mind were thinking differently. The feel of his lips on my skin was unforgettable. I wonder if he thinks about it as much as I do. I hope so...

"We could just build a triangle, and explain the way and what you have to do to find out the area?" Irene suggests to me while we're at her house, for the project that's due in a week. We like to get started on something as soon as we're given it. It's a good strategy, I'll admit. I shrug and lay my head on my crossed forearms.
My head pops up as a thought comes to mind. "Or... we can just do something simple, like, sing the quadratic formula." I say to her, and her face crumples. "Y'know, 'Thhee quadratic formula is negative 'b', plus or minus the square root, 'b' squared minus four 'a c' allll over two-a!" I finish and she squints her eyes at me.
She sighs. "It's kind of weird you know all that from memory, Luce." She says, laughing at me. I tell her it's catchy, and I really like math. "Okay, it'll work, but not without..." she trails off, jumping off her bed to grab her poster-board. "A presentation!" She yells excitedly. This girl... she loves designing ANYTHING she can get her hands on.
I groan and lay back down on her bed. "Fine... but I came up with the song, so..." I gesture toward the board. "that's all yours." I finish and she jumps on me. "Hey! Get off me, Ire, I'm tired..." I grumble, and she gets to work. Eventually I get up off my lazy butt and help her. Now, we're a week ahead of schedule. I sigh with contentment.
"It looks beautiful, Luce, I'm positive we're going to get an A. But... there's just one problem..." She says, trailing off. I raise my eyebrows, urging her to continue. "I'm not the one who's going to be singing it." She finishes, and I nod, relieved that at least we're done with the stupid project.
I'm staying over at her house all weekend, just in case we forget something for the project. And... I kind of don't want to go home. It's so boring. "So," Irene says, jarring me out of my thoughts. "still thinkin' about Evan?" She asks me, and I scoff. Then scoff again. Then again. What. Am. I. Doing? I sigh, because arguing is just no use with her, she knows me so well.
"Yeah... I don't know why, though. I mean, we just kissed, and I don't even remember it that clearly. So what's the point in remembering something just for it to torture me?" I ask her, getting really confused, and a little better for saying it out loud.
"Well maybe it's fate trying to tell you something?" She asks hopefully. Ever since I can remember, she's always been trying to get me to believe in fate. Yeah, right. It's only by chance.
I laugh at her. "Oh, please. Not this again. Fate? As in, 'I'm supposed to be with him forever and ever?' I don't think so. You know what evil, bitchy clique he's in. And even if he wasn't in there with all the devils, he's never made any acts of kindness towards me. At the party is the only time he's actually noticed me, because I was in his way." I rush out, then take a deep breath.
Irene raises both her eyebrows and smiles. "Woah, calm down Ricky Bobby. That's the biggest speech I've ever you say. Y'know, besides class reports, and other junk like that. And... if you guys are really meant to be, then it wouldn't matter what group he's in. The clique is probably the whole reason he hasn't made any moves. They're always watching him, like, 24/7. Look, I've seen the way he looks at you during math. Seen the way you look at him, then, sometimes blush." I blush again. "I'm pretty sure he wants to be with you, he just can't, and you know why."
Well, I didn't have anything to say to that. I guess I've been thinking about our "fling" the wrong way. And maybe fate is real. I mean, when he looks at me I forget about everything. Even my own name. "I guess." I finally say to her, and look down, playing with the hem of my shirt, a soft smile playing on my lips. Well, now that I'm a believer, shouldn't fate give me a sign?

Turns out, math teachers really enjoy being sang to. I sang the Quadratic Formula song to her-the whole class-and she teared up while the other kids clapped and cheered. She even gave me a Smiley Sticker! Looks like Irene and I are the new favorite students.
"Okay class, just to make you a little less comfortable," she says, with an evil look in her eyes. Oh, no. "we're doing another project, but this time, I'M picking your partners for you." She finishes, smiling. The whole class groans and begs her to let us pick ourselves. Well, I take that back, I guess she got over me pretty quickly. Fate, I plead, please don't choose right now to show a sign of your true existence, please, please, please...
Irene smiles at me, and chuckles. She knows I'm partnered with Evan. Ah hell, even I know I'm partnered with him. "Mark and Michelle, you two are partners. Irene and Scott, you two are partners. Evan and Luce, you two are partners. David and-" she continues talking but I stop listening. My head snaps to where Evan's sitting. Our eyes meet at the same time, but I'm pretty sure I look really angry. I turn away, still feeling his gaze on my back. "Well, is that proof enough for you?" Irene asks me, and I'm speechless.

Study "Time"

(Evan's P.O.V.)

The math teacher calls our names. Together. That means we're partners. My head whips around to look at Luce. She does the same, and she's more beautiful than I remember. But, she looks angry. She turns around but I can't look away. Weeks of not being able to talk to her, now's my chance. I have to do something, or I could never have the chance again.

"So," I say uncomfortably to Luce sitting across from me. She's been glaring at me since I arrived at her house. I offered my house, but she declined and I think I know why. Too much memories. Good memories.
She raises her eyebrow expertly like she heard my thoughts. "Let me get my notebook." She tells me slowly. I barely register the words because I staring at her plush lips, the way they move. How they once moved against mine. She raises herself of the couch and walks behind her to get something off a lamp table. Her notebook, I'm guessing. She lowers herself again and I get a perfect view of her cleavage. Tan skin and a mole right above her right breast. Luckily, I tear my gaze away before she notices. "Here." She hands me the notebook, I reach for it and our fingertips touch.
A bolt of electricity bounces off the both of us, and she snatches her hand back, looking shocked. She clears her throat and looks everywhere but me, playing it off. Okay good, she felt it too, it wasn't just me. I set down the wad of paper and slide over to her side. My palms are suddenly moist with sweat, and my heart races uncontrollably.
"Luce," I start. She still won't look at me. Good thing we're alone. "I know you felt it too. And I know that you know there's something on going between the two of us." I continue and she's already shaking her head, denying it. I grab her chin with my fingers and make her look into my eyes. "I don't know why, but, since the party... I can't stop thinking about you. God, you're all I can think about." I look at her lips, back to her eyes, and to her lips. Her breathing becomes uneven and she too was looking at my lips.
Her jaw clenches as I began to lean towards her. I was close enough that I could literally feel the heat radiating from her skin. My fingers graze her jawline and my other hand is on her hip. An inch apart from her lips I force myself to stop, and silently get her reaction. She whimpers and nods, pushing her luscious body against mine. I groan and kiss her.
I try to kiss her gently but she's aggressive. I love it. Her hands yank on my hair, unintentionally or intentionally making me lean over her. I back her against the couch and now both of my hands are on her hips, bringing them up as I push mine down to hers. She cries out and I groan lowly but loudly. It feels so good.
A throbbing ache urged me to take her already. I wasn't sure if she really wanted this. Her hands travel down my neck and start to unbutton my shirt. And with an impressive time, my shirt went from on me to on the floor. Her long nails scrape across my skin gently, leaving a tingling sensation wherever she touches me.
My hands had a mind of their own. Without me realizing it, I started lifting up her shirt and I bend down to kiss any piece of skin as soon as I could see it. Once it was all off I press us together so I could feel her skin on mine. It was soft and warm.
I felt soft hands grab my cheeks, and pull me up. She kisses me fiercely, and I eagerly returned her affections. When she pulls back I was so breathless I could barely breathe. Equally breathless, she puts her lips up to my ear and whispers, "Just take me." I groan. In a record of time, we unzip our jeans and she brings me to unimaginable ecstasy. And I, her.

Not In Love, But... In Like

(Luce P.O.V.)

Oh. My. God. WHAT DID I DO? Not only did I sleep with Evan, but it meant something to me. I mean, not that I love him or anything but... I was definitely in like with him. Or... in like with his... lovemaking expertise.
I bite my lip, thinking this over while I'm on his couch staring at the wooden floor. His house is nice, not as big as mine, but cozy. It sure seemed big while I was at his party. Okay... I will not think about that right now. Not when I need to be focused on the project.
Okay... there was no project, really. The stupid teacher paired up students who never speak to each other. Well, there's a reason I didn't talk to him. And... now I have another reason. A really big reason.
"Uh," I start, and Evan looks at me. Then my body but quickly glances away. "I really don't have to be here, right? We talked, and we both know each other... very well by now, I'm guessing." He chuckles, while I blush but keep looking at him with a hard expression on my face.
"You're right, Luce, you don't have to be here. But... I'd like you to be here." He said to me, meeting my stare. This time I actually do blush. Then I grimace, hating the way he made my insides churn. He slides closer to my side of the couch, and I scoot further away from him, my heart picking up its pace.
All too soon my right side hits the arm rest and I'm stuck here, not being able to move anymore. I feel his hands wrap around my ankles and pull them up so that I'm half lying in front of him on the couch. "What are you doing?" I ask slowly, squinting my eyes at him.
"I'm giving you what you secretly want." He answers back, and pulls my legs apart wrapping them around his waist while he kneels on top of me, holding himself up by his hands that are right by my head, and on the top of the couch. I breathe in deep and I feel my heart pounding fast. My head gets dizzy with the smell of him, surrounding me.
I give him my best death glare, and I'm sure I failed at it. "Who says I want this? You may as well just be forcing me into this." My voice is surprisingly even which pleased me. His hands were roaming my body, and I felt my body submitting, even though my head had other thoughts.
"Your body's saying you want this. So are your eyes when they roll back while I do... this..." he trails off and strokes my hip, making his way up my side but taking my loose shirt with him. He swallows loudly, biting his lip. "I want to continue, Luce. But only if you want to-"
"I don't want to." I cut him off. "Plus don't you have a girlfriend? That little-" I take a deep breath and take a moment to control myself. He looks amused and doesn't move. "Don't flatter yourself," I warn him. "I just... don't like cheaters. Which, is basically what you're doing right now. Cheating." I shrug. But, I didn't believe that Evan was a cheater even though I had more than enough proof for myself to believe it. I just didn't want to.
He sighs and leans in closer, taking my breath away for a moment. "Look... while the physical connection was great," he says and I blush, try to look away but he makes me look at him. "I also want an emotional connection. I wasn't lying about all of the stuff I said before we... I won't give up." He finishes sounding very confident.

Hope Hurts

(Evan's P.O.V.)

"I won't give up." I say to her confidently, but on the inside, I feel the exact opposite. Her eyes squint at me, and purses her lips. That move is so sexy. I really want to kiss her, but I would never force myself on her.
All of a sudden she looks really hurt. "I'm not going to be your... booty call. I should've never let it get that far last time and-" she starts but I cut her off.
"I have a proposition for you then. If I can get you to fall for me before summer's out, you agree to date me." I say to her, switching the subject smoothly. She blinks at me, a perfect poker face on her perfect face. She grimaces, shakes her head a little, and opens her mouth to speak. "And, if I lose," I continue. "I'll never bother you again. Deal?" I finish, taking my right hand off the couch to hold in front of her face. She bites her lip, looks down, and takes my hand.
"Deal." She tells me, smirking. God, she's going to make this difficult. Good.
Before she left, I made her give me her address and phone number. I smile just thinking of her. I turn on the T.V. and watch American Dad. I'm pretty tired, I thought lazily to myself. I should really move, but was too comfortable to get my body to comply.
A ring at the door woke me up. I groan and get up to answer it. Lexi is standing there all smiles, and an indecent outfit. "Hey, Le-" I start to say but she just starts kissing me. I nearly fall with surprise, but am able to keep us both up. For once, I really don't want her kisses. I want Luce's. While both of theirs are aggressive, I feel no passion in Lexi's like I do Luce's.
She pulls away and hugs me. "Oh, baby. I just missed you so much while you were at school. At least summer school's almost over, and guess what I heard? That that evil skank was in your class, I'm so sorry." She apologizes to me, and I get mad. All of the rumors aren't true. Well, she isn't a virgin, but... doesn't mean she opens her legs for all the guys, like Lexi did. No, does.
"It isn't that bad, I hardly even notice her." Big lie. She's all I notice. She seems satisfied with that answer and kisses me again. She leaves soon after that saying she has to go. I don't question her. My thoughts too preoccupied with Luce already.

The next day I rise early, thanking that today's a Saturday. I hop into my car and head over to Luce's house, I'm oddly nervous. What if she refuses to go? That's just less time to win her over.
Her mother answers the door, and Luce is a spitting image of her mother, it's shocking. I thought she'd be suspiscious but she wasn't. She only smiles warmly at me and tells me where I can find Luce.
As soon as I enter Luce's room, I quietly laugh. All purple with posters of One Direction all over her wall. White as paper carpet on the floor. An enormous bookshelf filled with books and a cute little piggy bank. Two big dressers and right by it was a bed. A King sized bed. Where I found Luce.
My body hardens and I curse my body for giving in that easy. Her face is facing the wall, with one arm lying limply off the bed and another weakly gripping the ty-dye patterns of her blanket away from her body. Her shirt rised up during the restless night and I can tell that she doesn't wear a bra when she goes to sleep. I can see her tan skin, and her sleeping shorts are so short, they're basically underwear. Her legs are tan, long and slender. And wearing neon orange socks. Oh, how I wish I could just join her right now.
I take a deep breath and make my way over to her. I sit on the edge of the bed, and begin to shake her lightly. She yells and punches me in the face. I grunt in surprise and pain and get away from her. Her eyes pop open and she's breathing hard and covers herself with the blanket.
"Evan? The hell you doing here?" She yells at me. Then she notices my face. "Oh, my god. Evan, I'm sorry. Here let me take care of you-it." She blushes and gets out of bed. I try my best not to stare at her that much.
She takes my hand and brings me to a bathroom in her room. Her own bathroom! I look in the mirror and realize that I'm bleeding from my nose. "Shit." I say and she nods. She rips of a hand tissue and puts it under water. I hope it's warm.
"Okay," she sighs. "Hold still." She dabs it under my nose. I suck in a quick breath because it stings like hell. "Sorry," she mutters, cringing. "Lesson one: Never sneak up on me while I'm sleeping, I will soc you in the face."
I smile and that doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. "Fair enough. Lesson one: Better get up early from now on, because I'm an early riser." I tell her, quite happily. She groans, and my body hardens again.
"Just my luck, too." She dabs once more, and dumps it into the trash bin. "There. That should do it. Now, get out. I'm going to take a shower." She tells me hard. I raise my eyebrows at her, but do what she tells me.
I hear the shower start while I sit on her bed. Damn, I could use a cold shower right about now.

Falling Hard

(Luce's P.O.V.)

After I get out of the shower, I wrap myself in a towel and I realize that I didn't bring any clothes in here with me. Maybe I was too caught up in Evan to really remember. I take a deep breath and walk into my bedroom. There Evan was, lying on my comfy bed.
I want to join him right now. Just in this towel.
No, I don't. The hell? He hears me, and sits up. His eyes go up and down my body and stares at me lustfully. "I just need some clothes." I say to him, nodding to myself. I go into my walk-in closet and look through it for what I want to wear today. Why not torture him a little?
"Damn, you have too much clothes, Luce." He says from behind me. I turn around and find him really close to me. I back away from him, and turn back around slowly. "No, I need MORE clothes." I say back to him, smiling a little. I choose a light green tank top, some shorty shorts, and my green Vans. I'm gonna look good. I pick out some lacy underwear and bra, and head back to the bathroom.
After I'm dressed, I open the door and walk out. Evan's mouth pops open a little bit and looks at me till I'm uncomfortable. He bites his lip and makes his way over to me. For a little while, I'm scared. He's so much stronger than me, but I don't believe he'd do that.
"Well, took you long enough." He says, standing a few inches apart from me. I smile and cock my head to the side a little. "Ready to go?" I ask him, and he nods. I grab my iPhone and take a couple hundred bucks from my hidden money box. Better hide that again, I think to myself. "No huge purse?" He asks questionally.
I laugh once, and look at him. "Nope," I shake my head. "never really been into that kind of thing. Really, what am I going to carry in it? I already did my make-up, I carry my phone in my back pocket and my money as well." I explain to him. He nods, looking impressed.

He takes me skating. Skating. Really? Huh, I thought. I love skating. Weird. After HE pays for my entrance, I almost fall. He, of course, laughs his ass of. "Hey, give me a break! I haven't skated since, I was like, 13. But I still got it." I overplay it, pinching the corners of my shirt and pulling them out real quick.
"Riiggghhtt..." he sighs, trying to hold in his laughter. I shrug, not really caring, I'll show him. There a gap in the border wall, and I slide in. My few first steps on the rink are uneasy, so I hang onto the wall for support. I speed up and let go of the wall without falling. Yeah, buddy! Evan catches up to me and skates past me. I easily catch up to him and skate past HIM.
We have a race, and I win. For my victory dance, I start skating backwards. I yell with joy that I actually remember. He chases after me, and I shout that he'll never catch me, and he eventually does. He puts his arms around my slim waist and doesn't let me go till we decide to leave. After, he takes me out to the movies. Since I won, he got to pick the movie. I pout, but it doesn't work. I huff and roll my eyes at him. It's going to be an action movie or a horror movie.
"2:30 a.m. oooohhhhhhh!" He chants and I punch his shoulder. He pouts at me and I smile and stick my tongue out at him. Apparently, this movie was supposed to be really good, and the chumps took all the back seats. So we sat in the very front row. We had popcorn and sodas and candy and everything! Wooh!
Throughout the movie I glance at Evan. A lot, for some reason. It was super uncomfortable when there was a sex scene between the 2 main characters, and it was all I could hear. Anyway, they both got killed at 2:30 a.m. then it got all dark. People applauded, but I was mostly asleep.
I feel myself being lifted off my chair and I spring awake. Evan's carrying me! What the hell? Aren't I heavy, 2 tons? "Let me go." I say to him calmly, wide awake now. He shakes his head and chuckles. "Fine." I give up quickly. "Where are we going now?"
"We are going to get you in bed, because you look exhausted." He answers and I smile. "Thanks, you're so nice, Evan." I say happily. When I'm tired, I get into this "really happy" mood.
He chuckles again, and I shiver at the sound. He tightens his hold around me, thinking I'm cold. "Are you cold?" He asks and I shake my head. "Your voice does things to me." I say suggestively. His step stutters a little bit, and I laugh sleepily, which sounded sultry for some reason. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It's just some weird tired stage." I explained to him, yawning after saying it.
He looks deep in thought and fell silent. "Did you mean it?" He finally asks, his voice strained. Now I'm silent. I think about that. "Yeah..." I whisper. "I did." I smile up at him and his face becomes serious. Then determined.
Wonder what that's all about, I think to myself.

We Need The Truth

(Evan's P.O.V.)

She really was adorable when she was tired. All happy and everything. Oh, and doesn't lie either. All truthful... now is the time to ask her questions about how she really feels about me. Her hand rings the doorbell lazily and her mother answers, and laughs. "Are you staying the night, dear?" She asks me, smiling.
I start to answer, but Luce beats me to it. "Yes. Yes, he is." She says happily. "See you in the morning, mother."
"Goodnight, Mrs. Valencia." I say, kind of embarrassed and I carry Luce to her room. I carefully set her down on the bed and she lays there, smiling softly. I laugh as I close her door softly. "Why are you smiling?" I ask her, curious.
She sits back up, and shrugs. Then she smiles even more, and says, "You make me happy. Well... more confused than happy. But, when you're here... I feel happy. You do realize that I'm going to make this as difficult as possible for you, right?" She says, and I'm speechless.
My whole body warms up by her words, and I sit by her. She's smiling at me, and cuddles with me. It's more like she's drunk than really tired. But equally as cute. I'd probably ruin the moment if I started hounding her with my questions... it could wait... for now.
Right now, she wanted me. Well, her actions were saying that. I kick off my shoes and lay back against the headboard, and she sighs contently. "This is nice," I murmur to myself. She nods, and I stiffen, thinking she already fell asleep.
"This IS nice..." She whispers, then suddenly sits straight up. "I'm going to go change into something more comfortable. Be right back." She tells me, and my body hardens, thinking of lingerie. She shakes her head, thinking I was thinking what I WAS thinking. I grin at her, not ashamed of my thoughts.
When she disappears behind the door, I stand up, kicking off my pants and removing my shirt, leaving me in my boxers. I know I have a great body, due to dozens of girls telling me that while we... I am a whore. She deserves better than me. But... damn, I'm so selfish.
She comes out and she takes my breath away. Her hair is down and slightly wet around the hairs around her face. I could tell that she wasn't wearing a bra... and her light tank top had ridden up so I could see part of her belly. Her sleeping shorts WERE like underwear.
I ignore the stirring in my groin and get under the covers with her. Her hands go on my chest and it gets hard to breathe. She unknowingly traced patterns into my skin, and my thumb was rubbing on her hip. She snuggles closer to me and I sigh happily.
"Don't you feel guilty?" Her soft voice asks me, and I really don't know what she means.
"What are you talking about?" I ask her back, sending her a confused look. She sighs, her peaceful mood gone.
She pulls away from me, a frown on her lovely face. "What do you mean, what am I talking about? I'm talking about Lexi." She tells me, getting louder. "Don't you feel the least bit guilty about being here with me, when you should be with her?"
I shrug, pulling her closer to me, missing her body touching mine. "I'm pretty sure she's with another guy right now anyways." I say, then cringe at how bad that sounds. She drops her gaze downward and nods. Then she laughs.
"Damn, I should've known." She says, almost to herself. Then her head drops to my chest and her breath evens out and slows down. She's asleep. But... I'm really curious to what she was going to say.

No Duh

(Luce's P.O.V.)

Last night... I do not remember. It's more like I'm drunk when I'm that tired. All truthful, and... happy. I'm pretty sure if Evan did even something remotely nice for me, I would've done something... to thank him.
I was dressed, and we go to his house so he can change, and take a shower. I get uncomfortable sitting on his bed, waiting for him to hurry up, so I decide to snoop around. His room is nice and clean, which surprises me. Pictures of his family, friends... Lexi. In very little clothing. I turn away, disgusted. Then I'm hurt.
Evan comes back in and I put on a fake smile. "Ready?" I ask him, and he nods.
Next, we walk around the park, just having a good time. Then at 7 he takes me to a Karaoke place. Really? I like singing too... more rapping, but still. He tries to make me sing or participate in something, and I shake my head and tell him maybe later. He actually volunteers! He sings "Burn" by Usher. He actually has a pretty good voice, then he starts this whole chaos. "Luce! Luce! Luce!" The crowd cheers and I sigh, and stand up. They're in for a treat, I think to myself.
I request No Duh, by K Flay. (Look it up xP)

I look straight at Evan while I begin. "Bowl of cheerios gripped up in my left hand, balling like Lebron but I'm less tan, sweating no headband. Undercover X-Man, posers I hex them, hear your shit I treat it like my bitch, onto the next jam. Just kidding, I treat my bitches with respect, talking politics to boys while they're kissing on my neck," I rap fast, flipping my long black back, showing my neck, and Evan's mouth pops open.
"I'm Lex, Luther, Carlos, Boozer, you wear your laces loose, I rock my nikes looser, the boosters, seat, where I reside, puffin' mary j, bumpin' Mary J. Blidge, and I might, go psycho when the mic goes in my hand. Take my flinestones vitamins, fixed gear bike I'm cyclin, yeah when I come in you see me stompin taters, more popular than, gefiltife fish at a seder, my calculators, TI-89, you're stuck on 83, while all you wait in line, I'm on that V.I.P. Feeling me moving the earth by millimeters with my words, fuck what you heard, verses tighter than ernie and bert, dudes and girls lifting up their shirts," I pull up my shirt halfway and the crowd-men-cheered. "when they see me that's one of the perks, and basically the lady who merks everything in sight I'm goin' beserk you dummies slower than molasses, I'm cutting classes, as is, I earn a perfect grade point average, you're up to bat, I'm Greg Maddux, si yo estoy making every boys package happy, call me almond joy, sharp shooter aim impeccable, roll with dewey decimal, the dopest animal from here to senegal, flow so menstrual, I need a tampon in the track, got a couple bars to kill it and some monkeys on my back, I, must admit I'm just a bit custom fitted, check my shit, who wants to hit it, who am I kidding, everyone up in this city wanna get it. Don't need a sidekick, people chew my style like retainer moles and bite it. Smokin' some, soakin' up sun, you think I'm done, I've just begun, Giant on the mic, they callin' me Paul Bunyun, yakkin on some purp and, sippin' on some soda, tell me that I'm fresh I'm like, "No duh," I said smokin' some, soakin' up sun, you think I'm done, I've just begun, Giant on the mic, they callin' me Paul Bunyun, yakkin on some purp and, sippin' on some soda, tell me that I'm fresh I'm like, "No duh,"" I finish and they cheer, I smile, and get off to Evan who is clapping slowly.
(A/N - I misspelled a lot of words in this, sorry!)
"Did you not like it?" I asked him, and he nods. "Then what's wrong?" He shrugs and I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Just... surprised, that's all." He says, but I can tell there's more. He looks... angry. Though I have no reason why. A group of men start coming over to us, smiling like idiots. I smile back. All of a sudden I'm getting pulled out of the bar by a very angry Evan. He pushes me into his car and no one speaks, scared to. We go back to his house, already deciding for me that I'm spending the night. What is with him?


(Evan's P.O.V.)

The ride home was silent. Too silent. I turn on the radio, but find no station that satisfies me. My breath is coming out harsh and fast. I'm angry. I know I shouldn't be angry at her, she was just playing. She lifted up her shirt in front of everyone! No one should be able to see that much skin... but me. That thought catches me up short and I breath in unevenly.
She speaks up first. "Why are you so mad?" Her soft voice broke through my thoughts. I shake my head at her. "I thought you were having fun... we were having fun." She touches my arm soothingly, and I relax. Only a little.
I shrug it off. "Yeah, we were, till you had to ruin it." I spit at her, and I hear her gasp, and she looks away from me. I feel horrible now, but I can't think of anything to say. I see her blink a lot of times, holding back tears. She's biting her bottom lip, her eyes staring straight ahead, eyes glassy.
"Look, Luce, I didn't mean it like that. It came out wrong, I'm sorry." I say to her stealing glances at her every once in a while. She doesn't say anything, and it grows uncomfortable again.
All of a sudden she turns towards me, her face angry. "How did you mean it, then? Huh? I don't even know what I did wrong, so you can't tell me it's my fault, when you won't explain anything to me." She rambles, and I pull over at a nearby store that's already closed for the night.
I lean back in the seat and run a hand over my face. I know I was confusing her, I was confusing myself even. I was just... angry. I felt possessive. I decide to tell her the truth. "Look," I say to her softly, and she looks over to me. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. At the bar... when you showed skin... and everyone cheered... I felt possessive. I had no right, you're not mine and-"
She stops me by putting her small hand on my lips. I freeze and look down at her. Her face is lifted into a smile and she tilts her head to the side a little. "You really like me, don't you?" She asks me, laughing a little at the end of it. I nod, and her hand drops down my face, down my chest, and it lands on my waistband. I breath in at the sudden fire that erupts through me.
"I think I love you," I breath to myself and I hear her breath stutter as I lean in a little. I want this. I need this. Her eyes are staring at my lips, same for me. They're so plump and big, and I can't wait to taste them again. She licks her lower lip and I lose it.
I crash my lips to hers, and she reacts immediately. Her arms snake around my neck, pulling me closer to her. My hands go to her hips pulling her as close as I can in this car. She licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth, more than ready to taste her again. My tongue meets mine and we both moan with the feel of it.
We're already panting in between kisses and I knew that we had to go somewhere more private. And soon. She knows this too, because she pulls away from my mouth and drags her lips to my ear. "Take me home, Evan. Show me how much you love me," She whispers in my ear, then nibbles on my ear.
I had that car racing down the street a millisecond later.

When we arrived at my house, I was glad that my parents were gone for the next two weeks. I whistle happily as I opened her car door. She thanks me and we head inside. She puts her phone down on the table and sighs while I close the door. I jerk her forward and push her against the door as soon as I can.
She gasps but then my lips are on hers, thrusting my tongue inside her mouth with urgency. I really do need this. Her hands automatically go to my hair, playing with it. I grin against her lips, missing this. She whimpers as I start kissing her neck, rubbing herself against me. What would I do if she actually pleaded me to stop? I would stop, no doubt.
"Evan," she mutters, forcefully pulling my lips back to hers. I groan but match it. "bedroom... now..." she whines and I laugh, pressing a hard kiss on her collarbone. She moans, arching her back.
"I love how much you want me," I tell her, trailing a finger down her skin. She raised an eyebrow at me. "I know you love me," she whispers to me, smiling. I nod slowly and carry her to the bedroom. An ache in my groin was nearly painful.
But I've waited too long for this to happen. All night I'm going to tease her. Make her beg. Make love to her.

After the ecstasy, I hold her close to me, whispering how much I love her, and how I've always loved her. She confesses how much she loves me too. My heart was racing with joy, and I kiss her again. When things start to get heated again, I lay her down again, seeking more connection...
We both fell asleep exhausted, and when I woke up, she wasn't here. Panic went through me, then I heard noise in the kitchen. I get up, put on some boxers and went to investigate. I feel my heart skip a beat as I see the beauty in my kitchen, in my shirt.
Luce is in my favorite boxers, almost covered in my comfy shirt. She's cooking. I smile to myself, and I cross my ankles, just watching her. She's softly singing, and I love hearing her voice in a soft melody, she turns around and freezes and screams when she sees me.
She's breathing hard, it reminds me of last night. I chuckle as she glares at me. "Dammit Evan, you're mean." She mutters to me, and I embrace her, breathing in her sweet scent once again.
"I'll make it up to you, how's that?" I promise to her, and she blushes a lovely red.

(Luce's P.O.V.)

We missed school... I just notice that. But on the bright side, Evan says he's in love with my cooking. I smile and say that us Hispanic people love to cook. (A/N - I'm Hispanic, so it's not racist)
I really don't know what's up between us... are we a couple? Official? Or were we just going to be friends with benefits? But, the way he's smiling at me makes it hard to tell. Does he really love me? I excuse myself and practically run to the bathroom, and hide in there for a couple of minutes.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.06.2012

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