
chapter 1


It was cold. I was sitting in the car I didn’t know what I was doing. I just wanted to get away. Then I saw a man run in front of the car. Running from the shadow behind him. I closed my eyes, and when I felt a shadow creep on the window I slowly started to open them. It was a guy around my age just standing there by the window. I have never seen him before. Then he knocked on the window breaking the silence. I slowly opened the door and got out. 

“Ummm yes?”... I wandered what he wanted.

“Does Kaitlin Marie live here”? he said and I was surprised. What did this guy possibly want from me.

“thats me” I said a little to eagerly.

“Really, you aren't as I suspected.” 

“What?” I said immediately I didn’t even know this guy and how can he possibly know me.

“let me introduce myself. I am Taylor Robins.”

How was this suppose to refresh my memory. He was actually really handsome. He had dark shaggy hair, and blue eyes.

“May I come inside.” he said interrupting my thoughts.

“In the car?” I said confused.

“Well if thats where you live" he said with a chuckle.

Then my mom came out running to Taylor hugging him.

“Oh my gosh! its you, your here.” my mom said with a shocked face.

I was so confused I had no idea how she knew him.

“Come in!” she said while she leaded him to our house.

How did my mom know him why was she letting him in the house. Now we were all in the house sitting down now was my chance.


“Yea” she said not looking at me but Taylor.

“How do you know him....”

“Honey this is Taylor...”

“I know that, but how do you know him.” Now Taylor looked up at me with a smile I couldn’t help, but smile back at him.

“Honey I wouldn’t know him without the help of you” My mom said and I was so confused. I didn’t know what to think, but it was the way she said it that made me wanna say mom I don't know this kid cant you get it!? But I held it in.

“Okay..” I said with thousands of questions going through my mind.

“Well seems like you guys need to catch up from all the years you missed” she said and me and Taylor looked up at her. She then got up and went to the kitchen “what do you guys want to drink”? She said peeking her head in the living room.

“Im not thirsty” I said while looking at Taylor signaling him that my mom was talking to him.

“Water is fine” he said with the most sweetest voice and his eyes never left mine. Then I got the courage to talk.

“So, where you from Taylor?” I said with my head down looking at my hands.

“I grew up here, but iv’e been around and now im back home... I just got home yesterday” then my mom came in with a cup of water for him. 

“So you decided to come see me?” I looked up at him and he was starring at me smiling.

“yes..” he said plan and simple “iv’e missed you.. so I wanted to see you and wanted to know how you’ve been.”

“I’m good, could be better” I said looking down I didn't want to tell him my personal stuff. I didn't want to come all out and say my life is horrible I have no more friends and my dad walked out on my mom and me. “How are you...?” I asked awkwardly.

“Better now that i’m back in my home town and got to see you.” That made me nervous. “You’ve always made everything seem okay” he said with a smirk, then took a drink of water.

“Thats what my mom says too” then I looked up at him I found him starring at me.

“I better go now” Taylor said and for some reason I didn't want him to leave. 

“I can walk you...?” I said with a uncertain look.

“No, i’m okay” Taylor said while getting up and putting his jacket on.

“I just thought I would be nice for once in my life... and I have nothing better to do” words just started coming out of my mouth.

“Not true... you got a lot of things to do like sit in that car of yours” he smiled, and that made me laugh. I got up without saying anything and then he opened the door for me as we walked out. Then I started walking and I have no clue where im going, but im just following him. Im trying to think of something to say to him, but words won’t come out of my mouth. All I do is smile. All he does is stare at me, then look at the ground.

“So” I start off with “Where were you?” I could tell he was thinking of something to say, but not the truth.

“Like I said iv’e been around” I should have made myself more clear duh I know he has been around he told me this already.

“Where exactly”? Then he stops and turns toward me and smiles.

“I had to get away... I don't know exactly where iv’e been or what I did I just had to get away”. Then he stopped and looked down “to protect you.”

“To protect me?” I said confused. I’m pretty sure I don’t need anyone to protect me.

“Yes” he said “But I gotta go I will tell you everything tomorrow” Then he ran to a house at the spot we stopped at. Then I turned around and walked back to my house.

Chapter 2

That morning I woke up I ran downstairs to see Taylor sitting there eating in my kitchen. When I saw that I knew this wasn't going to be easy.
“Your mom let me in” he said while eating the last bite of toast. I then sate by him just starring at him “You better go get dressed theres a lot iv’e gotta show you."
“Show?" I said “I thought you were gonna tell me I.. I don't feel like going anywhere."
“I just figured you haven't had any fun in a while and its better to show you." He said while putting the dirty dishes in the sink. “Go get ready."
“Your right! I will just be a second." Then I ran back up stairs. Looked in my closet for a school shirt. Left the jeans I was wearing on, and grabbed a jacket. Then I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and threw my hair in a pointy tale. I then ran back downstairs to find Taylor no where in sight.
“Taylor?" I said while opening the outside door to see him waiting for me. I shut the door behind me. “So where we going?"
“You’ll see” is all he said “But first I have to tell you something."
“Okay” I said and didn't know what was coming.
“I don't really know how to tell you this because I haven't told anyone this ever” he said while getting closer and getting rid of the space between us. “I am...” and then he got cut off by me falling over him when he put his arm around my waist. I was so embarrassed. “Haha.. are you okay?" he asked. My cheeks were stained red.
“Umm yes.. i'm sorry” now I was laying on him on the ground it felt so weird I didn't know what to do so I got up off the ground then he came up after me. “So what were you saying?" I said while looking away from him.
“Oh.. umm I will tell you later tonight” while he said that he opened the passenger door for me and I got in.
“Okay” I said I hope he didn't know but it just makes me nervous being around him. “So where are we going?"
“You’ll see” he said while backing out of the driveway. I had no clue where he was taking me, but I just hoped it wasn't some place he's taking me to kill me. Then I started to wander I didn't really know this guy, and im already in his car. “Don't worry, you can trust me” he says and turns to me and smiles. His smile is so perfect it distracts me. Then I thought did I say that out loud. No why would I? How would he know I was thinking about him and me not really knowing each other. Things just got really awkward. 
“I know” I say before it came to late to say anything I wander what he wanted to tell me earlier oh my gosh this is gonna drive me crazy all night.
“Hey don't worry were almost there and then I will show you everything so you don’t have to go crazy because I don't want that.” He then chuckled. Is he playing with me how the heck is he doing that I want to ask, but words won't come out maybe this is what he was going to tell me that he can read minds.
“What are you?” I say before my thoughts led him to say anything else.
“What am I?" he was questioning it.
“I know... that you have been in my head... so what are you.. mind reader?" I said and I did not know what I was talking about.
“Don't be absurd” he said then I was thinking I must be an idiot to think that. “I am more then just reading minds I can feel peoples emotions” he said while I was sitting there listening to him I didn't know to believe it or not. “I am also faster then normal people." He turned to me with a straight face. Then a smirk appearing.
“So what do I call you?" 
“Call me Taylor” he said while smiling. I cant believe this I don't know if I was dreaming this or just putting words in his mouth. “Its okay thats why im going to show you, so you know im not lying.”
“But why are you telling me this?"
“Because I know I can trust you” he said while parking in the grass of emptiness of no return.

chapter 3

We were sitting there now me starring at him and then him looking up at me. “What am I thinking?" I asked wandering “I mean” I started off, but then he said he knew what I meant.
“You are thinking about me” and then I knew what he knew what I was thinking he didn't want to say it. “Of how weird I am” he said with hesitation.
I then chuckled “whatever!" I said “This just makes you more cool” I said while getting closer to him. “What else can you do again” I said with a smile.
“I can make people fall in love with me” he said while smiling.
“We’ll just see about that” I said while I opened the door to get out. “So where are we anyway” then in a blink of a eye he was standing right in front of me.
“I have no idea” he said while putting his back against his really nice car. It was a red corvette. It was so shiny.
“Was that one?!" I asked with shock in my face.
“One what?”
“You can run fast or something?"
“Yes..” its just another one of my abilities.
“How did you get them?” I asked. I was curious because I wanted some powers too.
“I was born with it... my family and I are these things and I love it."
“Can you really make someone fall in love with you too?" I said wandering if he was gonna try it on me because I was starting to like him and I never thought I could like someone like him thats so, capable of anything.
“Yes, if I really tried” he said while looking at me with the cutest smile. “But don't worry im not gonna make you fall in love with me thats not fair... im gonna let you, and those feelings you have for me now are going to blossom.”
“yeah” is all I said
“Yes” he said with a smirk “So as much as I hate to say this we have school tomorrow.”
“We” I said..
“Yes i'm staying here for awhile..."
“How are you suppose to go to school with what you have..? Wont it be hard listening to everyones thoughts and feelings?"
“I can handle it.. I know how to control it.” He winked at me and I blushed. Never knew someone can make me feel like this before. 

Chapter 4

Today I start school, and I am not excited one bit. I get out of bed get dressed throw my hair into a bun then brush my teeth and do my makeup. I run downstairs to get some breakfast. I grave a fiber bar from the shelf and sit down. Right when I was about to turn the TV on the doorbell rang, and I have an idea who it is. I open the door and there is Taylor walking inside I walk to the couch and sit down. “What do you want” I said while he sat down by me.
“Bring you to school thats what I want” he smiled. I still cant get out of my head that he knows everything about me even what i’m gonna say before I say it.
“Okay lets go” I said getting up and throwing the rapper away from my fiber bar. It took us 5 minuets to get to school we were really early. I was usually the girl that was always late. I guess this is a new fresh start for me. I got out of the car and went into the school. I then went to my locker to put my book bag away. Taylor has gone to the office and came back with a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing two inch heels to top it off.
“Kaitlin would you be a kind girl and show Mr. Taylor around?” I moaned and shook my head yes. She then left back to the office leaving big eyed here with me.
“You can just follow me around today we have all the same classes” I said while walking to my first period class with my book. “What locker are you?”
“It says 28” he said while looking down at me with a smile “You?” he asked.
“Im locker number 34” I said while putting my stuff down at a desk then walking back out of the class. We then started walking to his locker to put his stuff away. “Follow me” I said while walking away.
“Where we going” he cached up. If he really wanted to know he could just read my mind, but if he did read my mind he would have a blow right to his stomach. My head is like my diary nobody should ever know whats going up in here. We finally reached the destination. The locker room. “I cant go in there its the girls..”
“There is nobody in here... Nobody has gym first period.” I then grave his arm and pull him in the girls locker room. I then go on a bench and lay down. “You can wake me when the bell rings.” I said while laying there on my back. He starts laughing at me “why you laughing?” I say while lifting my head up and starring at him with a confused look. He starts walking towards me and sits on the bench and takes his phone out.
“Im gonna take a picture so it will last longer” his face was serious. I think I was falling for him. I didn’t know because I never really loved someone or liked someone like him. He starts to smile. “say peanut butter!” and then a flash goes off before I took what he said in. I then sit up and stare at him. I then get closer to him going in for a kiss I was seconds away to his lips when all a sudden we hear girls. I look behind me and there are a group of girls crowded around the door coming in. Taylor then graves my arm and we leave the locker room. We both start laughing. “I thought you said nobody has gym first period?!”
“Well I lied, I didn’t know.” I stick out my tongue at him right when the bell rings. We both walk to our first class period and already the girls are all over him. Asking me for his number and whats his name is. What ticked me off the most is that he actually did give them his number. All our classes were the same every girl in class drooling all over him. It got really annoying and I finally yelled at some girls that were all over him at lunch. When I got to the cafeteria he was already at a lunch table filled with girls and some jocks. So I went to a table filled with some of my friends, but most I didn’t even know. Even trying to chat up a storm with me about Taylor and all. Then all a sudden I feel a warmth on my shoulder and I look up and its Taylor.
“Any room for me at all?" he said while looking at everyone sitting down. There all starring at each other because I know nobody would leave because they all want to sit by him. I then get up with my tray.
“There you go I'm done anyway." I then walk to the garbage can throw my food away and walk to the bathroom. Taylor stops me on my way.
“Are all these girls getting to you or something?” He says while being serious. I just stare at him with a duh look on my face.
“There really annoying” Is all I said. The rest of the day flew and by the time I got home Taylor has not stopped talking about what happened in the locker room. He keeps going on and on about what was it all about I got tired of it so I smacked a kiss on his lips right when we walked into my house. He just stood there looking like a statue. “You done.” I say, but not really asking but telling.
“Uhhh...” He says with a blank face. I then close the door behind him and run upstairs to my room thinking he would follow me, but he just stood there. Maybe it was bad.. I was thinking. So I ran downstairs to see him still just standing there. I go up to him and plant one right on his lips but this time he was ready for it he kissed me back with passion and love. “No its you” I say and go back to my room. When I got up there I started to take my hair down. I turned around to look at the door and Taylor was standing there.
“What do you mean its me?” he said with confusion.
“That kiss was uhh... Blahh” right when I said that he sat down on my bed. I was lying. Touching his really soft lips was amazing, and I wanted to do it again.
“maybe because we weren't trying?” he said with a smile “retry?” I stare at him for a second.
“I already kissed you twice please don’t make me do it again.” He looked at me with a sad look.
“Hopefully some day” he stood up and went to the bathroom where I was now.
“Someday?” I say he starts to smile again.
“When does your mom come home?” Its a Friday so she wouldn’t be home tell late.
“Why” while I was walking down stairs to grave a snack. He sits down on the couch and turns the TV on.
“I was thinking” he said then paused. I really don’t wanna know what he was thinking maybe sense we kissed he thinks were a thing now. “That we have some friends over,..... at your house... I mean here” I stare at him like he is a crazy man.
“What do you mean some friends” I sit down and sit towards his direction
“Like some of your girl friends and some of my lads... My mom wouldn't ever let me bring someone to my house because my parents are always fighting”
“I guess its cool with me” I said while thinking about it... Then all a sudden Taylor isn’t in the spot he was in but right in front of my face all I could see was his eyes, and all I could feel was his lips. I then slowly starting to push him to the point where I stopped pushing him and I was kissing back. He slowly started to let go of my lips, but I actually didn’t want him too. I was breath taken. Electricity was flowing through me. I knew it was going through him too.
“Im gonna go call a couple people” he said while walking outside. I sat there for a couple minuets thinking to myself. Then I took my phone out and texted a couple friends to come over and hang out later. I took a quick shower and put some new clothes on nothing special. I let my hair down to dry. I went downstairs and there was Taylor and a couple guys already sitting in the living room watching football. I knew some of the boys but the rest were just blank.
“So, who are these people” I started off. They all just sit there smiling at me.
“My friends” he was speaking to me but still had his eyes on the screen. Then right when I was about to say something the door bell rang. I go to open the door but the door has opened now and kids around my age start filling the room. Now all I hear is people talking and really loud music. I didn’t know what to say I couldn’t believe he invited this many people. I look around the room to find Taylor. I couldn’t see him, all I saw were heads and more heads. I was being pushed around by people trying to dance, and then finally I find the stairs. I climb up some steps to still find people walking on my toes. I get to the top and look down. I don’t recognize anyone. So I walk into my room to find some boys and girls sitting on my bed.
“Out!” I say with no hesitation and they walk out with the door slammed right behind them. I take out my phone and then remember I don’t have Taylor’s number. Then I hear a knock on my door “Yes?” I said while walking to the door although they probably couldn’t hear me. I open the door and Taylor is standing there with a worried look. He rushes in my room and closes the door.
“I promise I didn’t know about this I don’t know any of these people I don’t even know who told them to come im so sorry.” Now he is pranting around my room like a freak.
“Just go tell everyone to leave NOW” I said while opening the door to signal him out.
“They won’t listen....” so I give him a look and turn around to leave the room “where are you going” he said while following me I walk downstairs and find the source of the music. Immediatley I unplug it. Everyone just freezes and stairs at me.
“I will call 911 if you don’t get the hell out of my house.” I say with a serious face, but didn’t really mean it because then my mom would have found out. Then right when I said that someone threw there drink at me and I fell to the ground and they started playing the music again. Tonight was the worst night ever. Now im all wet with the smell of beer on me.
“Are you okay?!” a hand flung out towards me I graved it and shook my head I looked up and it was Taylor.
“Make them leave” I said with a frustrated face plastered on me. He shook his head and walked over to the stereo and unplugged it.
“No more music no more drinks... Now get the hell out” He said while taking the mp3 away and putting it in his back pocket. They all groaned “Not much of a party now huh..” Taylor said while walking to the door and opening it open for people to leave. They all slowly started to leave. Taylor slammed the door right when the last person left. For a second he looked at me then all a sudden he was on the couch and everything was all clean. I sit down next to him and look at him.
“I forgot you can do that” I say then sink down “what happened.... Who told them all to come?” I said while staring at him.
“I don’t know... Maybe one of my friends” Right when I was about to say something there was a big bang coming from upstairs. We look at each other.
“I thought every one was gone” I said while getting up.
“No!” he said then I just turned around and stared at him. “Don’t go up there!”
“why, who’s up there?”
“Just stay right here” he said and flashed away. Then I heard another bang from up stairs.
“Taylor!” I yelled “i'm coming up” then I slowly started to climb the stairs, but I was stopped in the middle of the stairs. There was a man in front of me blocking my way. “Hi, I don’t think we met i'm Noah” I looked up to see a guy with blonde hair and hazel eyes. Then I blinked and all I could see now is the back of Taylor. “Nice of you to join us Taylor” He said with a smirk.
“Leave us alone!” Taylor said while getting angry I have never seen him like this before. It scared me.
“Look... Your scaring your friend here, how bout we just have a nice talk thats all I want” Noah said while leaning over to see my face. I then got even more frightened and backed up and tripped down the rest of the stairs. When I looked up Taylor was leaning over me, and Noah was on the stair right above. “She’s bleeding” Noah said they both look at each other with uncertainty. He was right I was bleeding. 
“No!” Taylor said and pushed Noah to the wall with a lot of force.
“Relax... Relax im not gonna do anything” Noah said and pushed Taylor away. “Can I at least introduce myself before you go on a killing spree?” Taylor backed off of him and looked at me laying on the ground.
“We better get you cleaned up first” Taylor said while helping me up. I went to the kitchen and washed my hand off, and wiped it with a washcloth. I then turned around to see Taylor talking to Noah outside. I didn't know what to do I was tempted to lock my door and windows. I took my phone out ready to call someone I didn’t know who, but just anyone. When I looked up to see if they were still outside I noticed there talk has become a fight and there was yelling involved. I ran by the door tempting to lock it, but instead I opened it. They just stood there staring at me.
“Who are you and what do you want with us” I said before he said anything else or started yelling again.
“Im Noah Robins” he said and realized I wasn’t going to say anything so he added “Taylor’s brother... I just wanted to come see the girl my brother can’t stop talking about.”
“Well now you met me so just leave your not welcomed” I said and graved Taylor and pulled him in the house and slammed the door. Taylor just stood there speechless.
“Is this how you treat your guest” Noah said while knocking I then locked the door and went upstairs to my room to lock the door and the kitchen door.
“You know if he wanted in it would take more then just a lock to keep him out” Taylor said while taking my hand into his.
“Does he have powers too?” I said remembering his whole family does.
“yes, he is stronger though because he is a little older than me.”
“Oh..” I said and added “what was the thing about my hand bleeding?”
“So many questions” he said while pulling me upstairs to my room. When we got to my room we both laid down exhausted. “Blood is are weakness...” he said and then I realized I haven’t said anything. “Its okay go to bed im gonna go home see whats up with Noah” he said and then kissed me on my forehead.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

When I woke up that morning Taylor was gone everybody was gone. It was me alone in my bed. When I got up with the throb in my head I noticed my door was wide open, and the sun was coming in. The sun blinded me while I got up to close the door. When I turned around Taylor was laying on my bed. “Please tell me you don’t do this often.” I said while laying down by him “we need to talk Taylor, and you need to be honest.” I said while sitting up staring at him. “What is the reason that you never told me about your brother?”
“Well he isn’t really nice” he said while getting up and going into the closet.
“What are you”- I then got cut off when my mom walked in my room
“Who are you talking to?”
“Mmm.... Nobody” she shook her head and put a stack of laundry on my bed. “Thanks mom! I love you, you know” she grinned.
“I know, I love you too” then she shut the door behind her. Taylor then came out of the closet grinning.
“What...” I said while sitting up
“Do you love me?” He said while coming closer and sits by me.
“Your a goof” is all I said and smiled at him. He then touched my cheek and he makes me turn my head towards his and he just smiles and lets go. I actually thought he was going to kiss me and I wanted him to. He then starts to look away when I just sit there starring at him. He turns around and plants a kiss on my lips and slowly lets go. I then start to laugh and then cover my mouth in shock from laughter. He then laughs “why did you distract me like that?” I said and looked down and back up.
“I couldn’t resist” then he kissed me again and he pulled away urgently and turned to the door. “I have to go” he said and quickly ran out my side door and jumped down. I didn’t get the answers I was looking for he never really told me who he was. It felt like I didn’t know him anymore. I got up from my bed and opened my doors to the outside and looked down. He was gone and there was nobody in sight. I came back in and locked my door then fell on my bed so I can sleep a little longer. I woke to find my mom leaning over me telling me to wake up.
“Wake up babe” my mom called out, while opening the shades. I groaned and got up. I got dressed and went downstairs while I was walking into the kitchen I yawned. “Good morning” my mom called out from the living room. 

“Morning” is all I said “Mom do you mind if I go to the mall with a couple friends today?"

“No I don’t but, you need something to eat." I open the fridge and picked up a yogurt drink. 

“Bye, love you”! I said then slammed the door. The mall is at least like a 10 minuet walk from my house. I open my yogurt and drink a little and then started walking. When I got to the mall I saw a couple friends of mine sitting on the bench waiting for me.

“Hey”! yelled Chelsey. I then waved my hand. She was wearing some sweat pants with ugg boots. Her shirt was a dull pink color and had pink in letters on it. Her hair was down today. It was really wavy. Even though I knew she didn't try to look good today. She looked like the hottest girl in the mall. Megan was sitting next to her with her jeans and black jacket. Her hair brown matching her eyes. I looked down at what I was wearing. Pants and my favorite purple sweatshirt.

“So what you guys wanna get”? I said while we all walked into the mall food quart. “Looking for some buckle jeans.”

“Yeah, me too” the girl added on. We go to some stores and we usually all came out with something. We were then planning to eat in the mall when I was pulled back into a long black hallway that said fire escape doors. I start freaking and yelling and throwing my arms everywhere

“Kaitlin settle down a little its just me, Taylor”. I looked up at him.

“What do you want”? I said while I backed away a little. He let go of me and shook his head.

“I need to talk to you, my brother...” he said while looking sad.

“What about him?” I said confused and interrupted by my friends opening the door

“Are you okay?!” They said and I shook my head yes. Then they both looked at Taylor at the same time.

“Who is this?” Megan said while pulling me towards her.

“Its Taylor.” They probably couldn’t see him because it was so dark he blended in pretty well. I pushed myself away from her. “Im okay I think im just gonna leave and hang out with Taylor for awhile... Catch you later?” 

“Okay, see you later..” They said and opened the door to brightness and then it got dark again. Taylor glanced at me and took me out the other side of the hallway to the outside with a parking lot filled with cars.

“My brother” he continued “he doesn’t like me... We hate each other.”

“I can tell” I said with a serious face. 

“Whatever comes close to me he always destroys it...” he said while walking me around the building. “I had a friend specifically a girl and we got really close, she made me happy... He really doesn’t like me happy.”

“What happened?!”

“I don’t know.. One day she just disappeared, and I know it has to do with my brother. I looked everywhere for her. There was even a missing persons repot. Well.. Anyway I became really depressed after that... Until I met you.”

“So, I make you happy?” I looked up at him.

We were in front of the mall now walking to probably his house because my house wasn’t the direction where we were going.

“Yes” Is all he said with a smile. But I could tell he was really nervous.

Chapter 6


When we got to the destination I looked up. I look up to see a huge house in front of me. Covered by beautiful evergreens. I then realized my jaw was open and quickly shut it. “My parents are excited to meet you.” He locked fingers with me and started walking towards the house. I stopped but a force was dragging me along. “Come on! They love you already, don’t worry.” He turns around smiling.

“I need to change” I stated. I need to look at least decent. He shakes his head.

“You look beautiful.” I started walking trying to cover my blushed face as much as possible. We reach the the perfectly wooded door with butterflies in my stomach. He turns to me and puts his hand on my cheek. The space between us closes in. Our lips touch and he kisses me. I then kiss him back. With sparks flying through me. He then slowly stops. I look up at him to show him I didn’t want to stop. He smiles and opens the door. As I walk in I see stair ahead leading up on both sides. I all a sudden feel a hand by my waist leading me where to go. “This way” He said just above a whisper. He leaded me to a room with a fireplace and a couch in front of it. “I’ll be right back.” Then he left the room. I went around the couch and sat down. His house did not really feel homie. It felt like I was waiting at a appointment. All a sudden a girl came into view. She had curly brown hair with perfect hazel eyes that sparkled.

“Hello darling, nice to finally meet you.” It was Taylor’s mom. I quickly stood up facing her to shake her hand. She accepted and shook back.

“I would dressed a little nicer if I knew I was meeting you today, sorry.” I pleaded. She shook her head softly.

“It’s perfectly alright.” Taylor finally showed up. “Are you going to show her to her room?” She gestured to Taylor. Wait, what my room?! Taylor took my hand and started walking up the steps.

“I’ll explain when we get there.” I looked at him but his eyes were focused in front of him. We finally arrived to a a dark wooden door. He opened it and closed it behind him. “My family and I think it’s unsafe for you to stay at your house with no protection. We already talked to your mom and she said your old enough so she approved.” He sat down on the bed.

“Is he really that dangerous that I need protection?” I stood there in front of him.

“Yeah, he really is.” He shook is head yes while holding my hand. He looks so cute when he’s worried. I don’t want to change where I live because I might be in danger. I want to live with my mom and be in my homie room. “We already have all your stuff here. You can decorate all you want. you can move anything around.” He gets up and lets go of my hand. “You can get comfy I’m right across the hall.”

“Alright then” I said with a fake smile. He walks to the door and leaves. I get my phone out to text a couple friends why I left. I then walked to the closet to see some new clothes that were not mine. They were kinda fancy looking. “I’m never going to wear this.” I said to myself and closed the closet door. Laid on the huge comfy bed and drifted to sleep.

Chapter 7


Chapter 7



After I left her room I could feel that she wasn’t happy with this plan. I know she wanted more time with her mom but this is the only way I could protect her. I walked right across the hall to my bedroom. Slid my shirt off and plopped on top of the bed. Kaitlin was on my mind and hopefully I was on hers. Can’t hear anything through these thick walls. Just my thoughts. I took my phone out to see my messages. I had 21 new messages. I only gave my phone number out to three girls. These normal women are sure crazy. I plugged my headphones in and turned my music on. Then I slowly fell asleep. “Taylor, scoot over” I woke up taking my headphones out to see a women in front of me. I blinked a couple times and realized it was Kaitlin. I scoot my body over a couple inches and she slides under the covers. “I couldn’t go back to sleep.”

“Bad dream?” I asked while placing my arm gently over her hip. I could hear her thinking. She wanted me. Thats why she couldn’t sleep. I shouldn’t do that to her. Messing with her head like that. It’s not fair.

“Something like that.” She said with a low voice. It felt perfect with her here in my arms. It felt right. Now I couldn’t sleep. I knew she was sleeping I could hear her snoring. It wasn’t loud. But I knew what it was. She looked so peaceful with her perfect body next to mine. We were mean’t to be. I was drifting off to sleep when she moved and scarred me back to wake. I opened my eyes to see her face right by mine. Her eyes looking into mine. I moved my arm up by her face, and started rubbing her perfect cheek. I could tell that she was starting to blush. I love it when she does that. It’s cute and makes me want to kiss her. I bring her perfect plump lips to mine and kiss her passionately. She returned the favor and the kiss deepened. I let go before it lead to something more. She wanted more, but what she didn’t know that I also wanted more of her. She closed her eyes and nuzzled up next to my chest. After sleeping for awhile. I woke up to see what time it was. The clock said about six thirty in the morning. I got out of my bed really softly so she can sleep a little longer. I went down to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I usually never cook. But i’m willing to try new things. I took out the eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash brown. Starting cooking when I heard high heels walk down the steps.

“What smells so good?” My mother peered from the corner with a gigantic smile on her face.

“Making breakfast for Kaitlin.” I turned my attention back to the crispy potatoes.

“It’s true. A women can change someone.” She smiled and rubbed my shoulder. while walking by to get her coffee. “School has been called off just for bit.”

“I don’t want to hold Kaitlin from graduating this year.”

“We’re not, she is taking online courses with your laptop every night.”

“Alright, i’ll tell her the news.” I finished making the food and putting it on three plates. Slid one to my mother and then took some glass cups from the counter. Poured some orange juice in both of them, and started walking up the stair case. When I got to my room I put my plate on the side table. Kaitlin was still sleeping. I got onto the bed and put the food right next to her nose. She woke instantly.

“Well good morning.” She said with the most beautiful smile iv’e ever seen.

“I made you breakfast.” She moved up and took the plate of food. She had big eyes.

“You made this?” She questioned while taking her first bite. “It’s delicious! Good looking and a good cook?”

“It’s my first time cooking.” I stated while taking my plate in my hand and started eating.

“No way.” She squinted her eyes.

“Believe it.” I turned to her and smirked. We ate in quite for the next twenty minutes. “So, my mom signed you up for online schooling. Same school just online.”

“Are you serious?!” She had the biggest smile. “This is heaven.”

“You need to do homework every night online though.” I set my plate on the side table. She did the same.

“Way better than showing up at school with those drooling girls.” She smiled and slid out of bed. “I’m going to my room to shower and get dressed.” She ran over to my side and kissed my cheek.

“I have plans for us today, so don’t be long.” I teased. She ran through the door and across the hall.


Texte: Jessica
Bildmaterialien: Jessica
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.04.2012

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