
The tree in my backyard



Me and my bestfriend Camila Abcede Westermill have known each other since we were in our mommys tummy, when we were 5 we usted to put spagetti on my uncle, he used to be sleeping on the couch and we didnt want our spagetti so we put it all over him, we shared everything and also shared our best and worst moments together. People always asked us why they wernt our bestfriends and we replied "friends are the people who know about your expiriences, bestfriends are the ones that have lived them with you" we usted to jump rope together, when ever one of us got sick we were with each other untill we got better, we went to each others birthday parties, we even had our First car together we were like sisters. But those days arn't in the past, know where 18 and we still do the same things.Oh yeah i forgot my name is Kimberly Lillian Chloe McVille me and my family are billionaries so I always had everything i needed. My dad is the most important buisness owner in in the state. Oh i forgot to introduce my family ,my sister (oldest 22) Isabella Darliyah McLean/McVille just got married a couple of weeks ago and her husband is a very famous music producer lucky me i get the newest music before there even out i even get to meet the singers!!!! anyway his name is Allen McLean from McLean McLean productions. My older brother (23)Alexander (alex)Gram Jr McVille got married 3 years ago to a verry pretty model named Alicia Trinity McVille and has a daughter named Ariana Rose McVille who by the way is so perfect like me (jk) and is 2 years old she is so ADORBS!!! Im the middle sister and i have a boyfriend named Joushua (josh) Jake McMiller. By the way i have a twin brother (we are not look alike twins) my brother was born 10 mins before me so he is older his name is Davidson Eric McVille he goes out with a really nice girl her name is Adella Cromartaie. I have 2 younger siblings Sophia Illiah McVille who goes out with the biggest JERK ever Rodreck Jordan there both 17 and my brother Erin McVille goes out the worst girl EVER LLaLease Greener she just wants him because of our money. My mother Adriauna Jallene McVille and my father Alexander Gram McVille from McVille productions live verry happy together. Only my sister Sophie(Sophia) and Erin live with my parents in there mansion i live with my boyfriend in a luxourious apartment, my older brother and sister moved out before they got married my twin brother lives in the apartment in FRONT OF ME wow right but im fine. Now countinuing my story it was the first day of 12 grade me and josh drove to school like normal people except we go to the best school in the state because our parents are really really important. Everybody knows me, david(davidson),camila and josh as the richest most popular kids at the school. When we walk in to class everybodys is saying hey to us we know everyone except 2 new students a girl and a boy the girl is sitting next to MaryAnn Louisvie and the boy is next to Luke Regins. Im glad there are actually new kids there hasnt been a new kid in years. I wanted to say hi and introduce myself to them but first i had to go to the bathroom to check myself so i would look presentable i told josh and he went to. That day i had decided to wear white skinny jeans and a blue croptop with white converses, my make up was fine i was ready. Josh had some green shorts with a white shirt an some nike shoes. When we got back in the class room we went straight to the new girl first then the boy. "hi my name is Kimberly Lillian Chloe McVille what is yours." The girl looked nervous she said "omg is your last name McVille as in McVille productions." I said "yeah um my dads the owner Mr. Alexander Gram McVille" she said "cool oh um my name is nancy green" i said "are you from green company" nancy said" no um im here because of a scholarship im not rich at all " i said "oh ok well see you around" then josh introduced himself and nancy couldnt believe he was really famous/rich like me but she just kept smilling at him,in the meantime i went and introduced my self to the new boy "hi your new right" i said "yeah im new my name is Kevin Foster" he said "oh cool my name is Kimberly Lillian Chloe McVille are you from foster productions" i said "yeah are you from McVille productions" he said "yeah well ill see you around bye nice meeting you" i said then josh introduced himself


Nancy Greens P.O.V "nancy do you know who that was the boy you were smiling at" said MarryAnn "yeah the cutest boy EVER!!!!" said nancy "yes and no he is the cutest boy in the whole school but hes Kimberly's BOYFRIEND since along time ago" said MarryAnn "oh you know she is really really extremley pretty and rich" said nancy "can you tell me about her family?" "yeah sure um she has a sister who is 22 and got married a couple of weeks ago to the one and only Allen McLean,she has a brother who is 23 and got married 3 years ago to Alicia Trinity McVille and they have a 2 year old daughter ,kimberly has a twin brother w`hos sitting over ther in the right corner next to kimberly hes hugging his girlfriend, and she has 2 older siblings there 17 Sophia Illiah McVille who goes out with the biggest JERK ever Rodreck Jordan and Erin McVille goes out the worst girl EVER LLaLease Greener." "wow um shes so cool" said nancy


Kevins P.O.V "bruhh i just talked to the hottest girl ever" said kevin "yeah bruhh shes the hottest girl in the school but she goes out with joshua jake McMiller"said luke "oh" said kevin


LUNCH/CAFETERIA My group of friends always sit in the table in the middle when i got there the schools slut was sitting next to josh there were no more empty seats so i told her to get off of my seat she refused so i sat on josh's lap and i saw jelousy raise up to her she was mad alright, so i asked her who she thinks is the best prettiest girl in the whole entire school and of course she responded "im sorry to dissapoint you but its me", so i asked everyone at sitting at our lunch table i asked my brother david and he said "of course it would not be kiersten the school slut but instead its you little sister", josh said that it was me well long story short everyone said me so i laughed in ther face she got up and said 'heres your seat b**** go sit on it" and i said "nah im comfterble here what about you babe and he said im way more comfterble" she go so mad she stormed out and i said there goes "kiersten Reid" then everybody started laughing at her and i didnt move at all. I was with camila walkig to our ELA class and i always got there earlyto meet up with josh and camila meet up with her boyfriend jacob westchester. This time i heard josh voice talking to hat seemed like kiersten so i sneeked up and she had her arms wraped around him and he was trying to push her away she said "i love you why dont you love me your such a hunckcicle" and he said " no how many times do i have to tell you that i dont like you im not in love with you im in love with my #1 girl kim" she said "OMG i dont know why you like that dooshbag what does she have that i dont have look at me" and he lost his temper" first of all you dont talk about kim like that second of all shes not plastic like you so can you get out my way and leave me alone?" just then i walked in and i gave her a look that could almost kill her just then she said "oh look her comes that ugly ass dooshbag,skunkbag,dummy" and i replied and said " I AM SO F***** TIRED OF YOU CAN YOU LEAVE ME AND MY BOYFRIEND ALONE ? UNDERSTAND THAT HE DONT LIKE YOU AND YOU NEED TO STOP CALLING ME NAMES BEFORE I F****** BEAT YOUR A**." and she got an attitude and said " well fight me then bet you wont do anythin'' so instead of screaming at her i ran up and started punching her i could tell she didnt know how to fight there was already a crowd watching because they heard the screaming. Right now david and josh were pulling me off her and when they fianally pulled me off her face was jacked up she was bleeding and her makeup was all over her face and i told her "i hope this time you learned your lesson" and i stormed out the room and went straight to the bathroom to try to calmed down and josh and camila came after me josh didnt care he came into the GIRLS bathroom camila came too. Josh went over there to where i was standing and he hugged me so tight that there was no possible way on earth that i could get out camila said "well ill go check on kiersten and tell her she better not get you suspened of shes probably gonna die and ill go with jacob but im 99% sure im gonna go over there and fight her too. i went after camila and i grabbed josh by his hand and he came with me i told josh i hope she does beat her again, i saw when cam(camila) entered the room and also ran up to her and gave he 2 good punches and said "dont ever mess with my bff you heard me" and then this girl came up apperently one of kierstens friends i didnt even know she had some anyway she punches her 2 times and then cam got up and started punching her then the girls boyfriend grabbed cam and punched her so bad he knocked her out and i ran up to cam and tried to see if she was ok then i turned to thje girl and punched and punched and punched her her boyfriend grabbed me and punched me but not so bad as cam then jacob,david and josh by the way 3 of the toughest boys at the school went up to the girls boyfriend and started punching him he could barley punch hard i went up to the girl and knocked her out then i went over to kiersten and started punching her she was crying and saying no please stop please it hurts but i was so mad the boys had to take me off of her again then jacob grabed cam and took her to the nurse's office. Somehow someone had told the principle and on the intercome it said Kimberly Lillian Chloe McVille,Camila Abcede Westermill, Kiersten Ried, Diana Gonzalez, Ruben heffrey, Joshua Jake McMiller, Jacob Westchester,Davidson Eric McVille report to my office immediatly, when we got there she said " have a seat, explain everything to me right now'' we told her everything and she said " i cant believe you mr. and ms. McVille what would your father say i bet he wont be proud or will he" me and david said "no ma'am" they suspended us for a week but oh well im actually quite proud of what we did. I was actually in such in a good mood that i took out my iphone and pluged it up to the car and put on sorry by beyonce and started siging to ''sorry,iant sorry,sorry,i aint sorry,ninick nah,sorry,iaint sorry,iaint sorry" The next day me and josh went over camilas house to check on her but she wasnt there so i took out my phone and called jacob to see if he knew anything about cam afterall he was her boyfriend he answered and i asked him if he knew any thing about cam he said in a sad voice tone "im with her right now" and i said "great where are you" he said "not so great afterall we are in the hospital" and i said "why who got sick your mom,cams mom?" he said ''no its cam shes seriously injured the guy,raben, roban whatever his name is gave her a concussion and shes in a comma right now" jacob started crying and so did i and i said " but at school she only passed out then she was fine why did this happen?" he said "she acted as if everything was fine but she had a very bad headache and when we got home she fell on the floor and i took her to the hospital they told me she was seriously injured the guy hit her really really closse to the temple like a centimeter away shes luck enough that he didnt hit her on the temple because if not she would be dead already, but you know she could or could not come alive out of this comma" i droped the phone and started to cry and cry josh asked me what was wrong and i told him i could see some tears in his eyes we pulledcover and went back home we took a shower and then changed i put on some red pants white croptop and some red converses, josh put on a some addidas joggers,white shirt and some addidas shoes. We got in the car and drove off to cams house i went to her bedroom got her white shirt some black pants and black converses, josh went in to get jacob some black shorts white shirt and blacke nike shoes when we put them together in a bag we saw we had put in the same kind of clothes for then we both let out a little laughter then we got in the car and drove to the hospital on the way we stoped at a store to buy some food: choclate,chips,drinks,hamburgers,etc when then i bought some ballons and a card they both said get better soon and i got her a gigantic teddy bear she loves them we also bought some games ,it came to a total of $150.70 we paid it and left when we got there we asked the nurse for Camile Abcede Westermill we gave the things to jacob and i went straight toward cam and started crying later on around 10pm we all fell asleep, the last few days were the same then one day we were all asleep and i woke up to go to the bathroom and i saw that cam moved her finger and i called the nurse and docter to come, in the mean while i woke up the others then she opened her eyes slowly and had a smile on her face when she saw us i gave her all the things i bought her she changed and then we got out of there and went straight to the mall because cam loved shopping so i bought my self addidas joggers new shoes:nike,addidas,vans,converse,levis and cam went straight into candy world she said she was starving for sweets. When we got there we found ruben,diania and kierstien there, i was bought to fight her again and actually kill her this time well actually kill ALL OF THEM but josh grabed my by the waist and pulled me back dang i swear hes strong he sat me on the bench near the waterfall i got mad i wanted to break her ugly acne filled face that she covers up with tons of make up wich makes her face break out more like thats just plain beyond stupid she has no brain. by the way why were they here this is a really really expensive mall and i dont know why kiersten was here she isnt rich like us. Anyway if i wouldve fought her, ruben or diania they wouldnt be able to touch me because i have a body guar well actually 2 see thats the problem of us rich/famous kids we all have to have body guards so we can be safe me cam,josh,jacob each have 2 bodyguards. You have no idea how bad it is to have a bodyguard telling you what and what not to do now imagine 2 yeah i know its horrible anyways i have to enter and buy some clothes and dresses for upcoming parties and tonight is another party were supposed to go to its vivan koury's party i went into a store called P.Y.T(pretty young thing) so did cam its a really good store the boys went into another store apperantly they didnt want to shop for girly girl stuff, i tried on a black mini skirt with a white croptop cam said i looked amazing ,cam tried on some short shorts with a blue top she also looked amazing i bought a bounch of clothes i went to check 0n the boys they were in a store called DOPE the store name really did express the store the had the newest things that just came out and they were buying so many stuff that i decided to buy some stuff myself. When we were at the cash register my total was $330.64, josh's total was $500 , jacob was $465 , and cams was $100 because she only bought 1 thing, we were so hungry we went to the food court on the 5th floor i really wanted some icecream so we went to the de la creme ice cream shop i got just plain vanilla it was a huge ice cream cone so me and josh shared the ice cream so romantic. Then we went back to store called DOPE the only reason we went back there was because i saw a really pretty case that me and cam wanted and when we got there kiersten was in front of us she was going to buy $100 shoes when it was her turn and the cashier said your total is $100.70 she said "WHAT nonono its supposed to be only $20 its on 75% discount" then the cashier said "umm honey sorry that discount only applies to last years old fashion shoes these shoes right here are the newest shoes they just came out,but if your shopping at this mall im pretty sure you can afford these shoes" then kiersten said "no i cant ive been saving up for like 3 months and i only have $25 see im really poor um can you please help me out?" then the lady said "no im not allowed to but if you would want some advise here it goes this mall is for rich people like for example oh look Kimberly Lillian Chloe McVille is right here shes the daughter of the most important man ever now you say your poor you should go to the mall called AFFORDABLE on AFFORD st." then we all busted out laughing the lady then said "please ma'am get out or do what you gotta do but your hollding up the line NEXT" i paid for my stuff and it came to a total of $34 i paid it and the lady said "at least you can pay for it" i laughed and said "LMAO" We left the mall and went to the movie theather to watch a scary movie thoes are the kost romantic movies ever because when girls are scared they just hug the boy beside them. When we got in the car i pulled out my phone and bluetoothed it to the car and asked cam what song she wanted to listen to she blurted out FORMATION and i said ok then we started singing to it " all right its corny with alumanati mess paparazzi ketch my fly and my cocky fresh im so reckless when i rock my givinchi dress stylin' im so possesive so i rock my rock neclase my daddy alabama momma louisian you mix that negro with that crew ill make a texas bama" but we were interupted by a phone call on my phone from sophie my sister i answered it and it sounded as if she was crying she said it was an emergancy i had to go to the house quickly i said ok ill be there in about an hour we droped cam and jacob off and me and josh went home i took a shower put on some skinny jeans a whit croptop and some white converses put on my make up brushed my perfectly straight hair and then got in the car with josh we drove of to my parents house its a really huge mansion it was custom made so its one of a kind anyways we got there and i got the key from under the plant and went up to sophies room i heard as if she was throwing up her boyfriend the JERK r0drick jordan was there uhh i hate him hes 18 like me uhh but anyways i went into her bathroom and after like 5 min she told me that she thinks shes pregnant she wanted to see if i could buy her a pregnancy test and i said "no you can go with josh and ill stay here talking to rodrick ok" she said yes and left i was in the corner calling cam to tell her everything was ok but then i feel someones arms wrap around my waist i turn around and see rodrick i try to get him off but he wouldnt let go he put his lips against mine and started harshly kissing me i was punching him and yelling help he bit my lip and told me to shut upthen he punched me i punched him backso hard that he let me go and said ''this isn't over'' i grabbed y phone and my stuff and left i was crying and bleeding i wasnt safe in my parents house because he was there i started walking home on the way josh saw me stopped and asked what had happened i told him what rodrick did and he said ''get in the car ill go fix this'' i got in the car and he gave me a napkin i was trying to stop my lip from bleeding. When we got home i went straight to the medical room in my parents house the nurse there was rearranging files and when she saw me she said oh kim darling come here she helped me and i went through the elevator because i didnt feel like going all the way up those stairs plus i didnt want to miss the fun. when i got there josh was already punching rodrick sophie had just came out of the bathroom when she said "YOU GUYS STOP FIGHTING I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS SOMETHING and i need to talk to you rodrick" i said " what is it " then she said "umm yes i am pregnant" i said "do you know what this means mom and dad are gonna kill you they cant let this news come out to the paparazzi our reputation will be ruined now listen to me this is the plan you have that baby and you will give it to bella(isabella) since she cant have a baby theyll take care it as there own but we have to tell mom and dad how does this plan sound?" she told me "yeah it sounds ok" when we got home i changed into my pijama shorts and tanktop and josh just took his pants off and his shirt and left his boxers on we got into bed and turned on turned on the tv and started watching whatever was on tv it turned out to be THE SIMPSONS we laughed and laughed then i heard some one ring the door bell i said ill be back and put on my soft silk robe and went down stairs to open the door " we cant let her do any extreme sports she has a creature in there.ohh sorry sister were here cause sophie told me about your plan well guess what?" i souldve imagined it was bella shes the only one who comes here at 11:35pm "umm well did you like it "i said, she said "yes of course oh yeah by the way wheres davy(david/davidson)" i told her " hes in the apartment in front of me, now is that all you have to tell me cause i would really like to go back up stairs and get into my comfy bed" she said "yeah thats all here allen brought you this and take care love you sister" i looked at the CD it was some of my favorite songs all in one then i told them "thanks now go bother david" she said "what?" and i said "oh nothing"i went up the stairs and put the CD on some of my favorite songs: My house, House of gold, Stressed out, Sorry, Needed me, gold, Guns for hands, UBER, Really Really, Dont Let Me Down, Just Like Fire, Heathens, Ride Along, Dont mind, Pillow talk, Like i would, New Obsession, Wake Up, Never Forget you, Exchange, Work from home and much more songs i went over to the kitchen and got 2 boxes of choclate one for bella and allen and one for david because adella went to visit her mom and dad in Churchill,Canada.

SPRING BREAK For spring break me, josh, david, cam ,jacob and adella were packing our stuff to go to Australlia. You must be wondering ''why did they choose Australlia when the had all the other places in the world?'' well heres goes the answer to your question we decided to take out the old globe i spinned it and ramdomly placed my finger and where ever it landed was were we were going to go ,well it landed on Australia. When we were done packing we all decided to meet at the airport at 4am. I went with josh and we stopped by to get all of us some snacks: chips,drinks,candy. we had enough time to eat them because our flight didnt leave untill 5am so we had an hour to do whatever but the real reason is because if one of us got there late at least we wouldnt miss our flight. When we all meet there i decided to call my mom and dad and tell them i was ok and asked how was sophie they said she was ok then i decided to sit near the places where you charge your phone and i pluged it in and put on my headphones i played New Obseesion by FRANKIE cam took one earbud out and started singing then adella joined in ''ive been known for putting on a show, jaw dropping center stage i know oh oh, but ever since cupid walked passed he hit once like a heart attack so fast that i just couldnt leet you go,ohh oh boy im sick of that nickle and dime its truuu that you know ive been known to surprise and im that set on you i got the tricks if you wanna lock lips i got the moves if you wanna come cruise no i dont want to be your bestfriend just let me be your new obsession,that might be us if you wanna get down you think your tough but ive figured you out no i dont want to be your best friend just let me b e your new obsession wooa wooa woaoo ooo woaoo woaoo woaaa oo youve been known to go from girl to girl yep sorry i was reflecting all your world its time you let some emphaty there aint alot of girls like mee oh see how it feels once the tables have turned , ohhooo boy im sick of that nickle and dime its truu that you known ive been known to surprise and im that set on you i got the tricks if you wanna lock lips i got the moves if you wanna come cruise no i dont want to be your bestfriend just let me be your new obsession that might be us if you wanna get down you think your tough but i figured you out no i dont want to be your bestfriend just let me be your new obsession, woaoo woaoo woooo ooo woawoa woaaa woo woaoo woaoo woaaa woooo, hit me down hit me down loow take me out take me out sloow cupid hit me hard you see theres no letting go of me so hit m,e down hit me down loow commin in commin in cloose cupid hit me hard you see now baby your stuck with me cause stuck with me cause i got the tricks if you want to lock muaa i got the moves if you want to come cruise no i dont wanna be your bestfriend just let me be your NEW OBSESSION that might be us if you wanna get down you think your tough but i figured you out no i dont want tot be your best friend just let me be your new obsession woaoo woaoo wooo woaaa woaoo woaoo woooo woaa woaoo woaoo wooo woaaa woaoo woo wooah.'' the boys just looked at us as if we were crazy and they didnt know us i played again untill i fell asleep on josh



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2016

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