
Chapter 1

It all started with a kiss in 5th grade,before I had known I fell in love with Kevin McGregor.Sorry for not introducing myself my name is Lilian Emily mcgorge (lili) I'm the school hottie every boy in whole 10th grade wants me but can't have me because I go out with Kevin McGregor another of the school hottie.I am 5'4 good curved shaped body pretty long brunette hair. I got out out the shower and put on my red crop top, white skinny jeans and my red converses. I'm a rich kid don't take me wrong I only use money when I need it. I go to the mirror and start putting on my mascara and lipgloss suddenly my phone rings I see it is Kevin I answered and said hey sexy how you doing.

"Nothing much,just wanna ask you do you need a ride to school"

"Sure meet in in 20?"

"Got it bye luv you"

"Luv you too"

I finished putting on my make up and dried my hair then I got my bookbag and went downstairs and put it on the couch. "Hey mom what's up" I said.

"Nothing just making breakfast want some" 

"Of course mom"

Then I sat down and started eating my eggs,bacon,biscut,and drank orange juice. I went back upstairs to brush my teeth just when I finished I heard the door bell "uh just in time". I went downstairs and kissed Kevin then I grabbed my bookbag and said bye to my mom and got in Kevin's car.I started to call my bff Hazelle Kenneth.

"Hey haze wyd you still going to the party tonight"

"Yeah of course why wouldn't I"

"Do you wanna come to my house to pick out our outfits"

"Sure by gotta go"


Chapter 2: The party

 I got home with Hazelle and went up stairs so we could pick our outfits out.

"I should wear some booty shorts and a blue crop top and Jordan's" said Hazelle

"And I should wear some black skinny jeans and a white crop top that says not just another pretty face with some white converses" I said

We quickly changed and started on our make up. When we finished Hazelle said "wow you look amaze"

"You too maybe Kyle will ask you out tonight who knows" I said

"I hope so" said Hazelle

 We finally got to the party and I saw Kevin wave at me I quickly ran and gave him a quick passionate kiss. He sat down and I sat on is lap everyone says we look cute together.

Just then I went up to Kyle and asked him if he like Hazelle Kenneth.

He said " umm I've had a crush on her scence 8th grade"

"Well just to let you know she has a crush on you too just go over there and ask her out"I said

"okay I will" said kyle

I went back and sat on Kevin's lap and watched Kyle and Hazelle

"Hey Hazelle um can I talk to you in Private" said Kyle 

"Um yeah sure" said haze 

"Listen I've had a crush on you scence 8th grade andi want to know will you go out with me" said Kyle

"Are you serious I've been waiting for this my whole life yes" said Hazelle

She ran up to me and said "guess what"

"What" I said 

"Kyle asked me out and I said yes" said Hazelle

"Wow congrats haze I'm so happy for you" I said

"Thanks now I gotta go with my man" said Hazelle

2 hours later we were all on the floor and we were going to play  spin the bottle

"Me first" I said 

I spinned the bottle and it landed on Hazelle

"Truth or Dare" I said

"Dare"said Hazelle

"I dare you to make out wit Kyle for 4 minutes" I said 

And so they did and 6 minutes later the bottle landed on me 

"Truth or Dare" said Kyle 

"Dare" I said

"I dare you to stay with Kevin all night in a room locked up" said Kyle

I looked at him with embarrassment and anger ten I looked at Kevin and said

"Fine but you owe me one" I said

Chapter 3: Just Kevin and me

"So what now" I said

"I don't know what do you want to do"said kevin

Me and Kevin had been going out for 5 years and no one and nothing has gotten in our way. Of course me and him have had sexual relationships so I told him we should just go to sleep.

" okay babe" he said 

I cuddled up onto his 6 pack I was in some blue sleeping shorts and a hot pink tanktop. Kevin was in his pajama pants only ,complety showing his 6 pack.sorry for not telling you about him we first met in 5th grade now he's in 10 th grade he's  5'6 hhhe has black hair and blue eyes. Hes also richhh like me but as I said were not spoiled. We both go to Westchester county high school. When I woke up I got in the shower and washed from my head to my toes. Then I put on my blue skinny jeans with a light blue crop top and light blue converses. As you can tell I love skinny jeans crop tops and converses. Then I went to the mirror and started putting on my makeup and lipgloss. Then Kevin got in the shower and whhhen he came out he put on some green shorts and a white shirt with some white converses.

Chapter 4: the family

 I LILI have a great family I have   3 sisters and 2 brothers. My sister the oldest named Pauline Olivia mcgorge is 19 she as a boyfriend named Jake Oliver she as long pretty curly blond hair blue eyes and a pretty body. My other sister Ivy Arielle mcgorge is 18 she has a boyfriend named Liam lane Willson. And my youngest sister is 16 she is Isabelle Chloe mcgorge she is in a relationship with Eli lewis. My oldest brother is Logan Thomas mcgorge is 19 and has a girlfriend named Ashley rose baliey. My middle brother is 17 like me and is named Blake Alexander mcgorge he has a girl friend named Vivian Grace Jones. My parents are Victoria Vanessa mcgorge and  Andrew max mcgorge.

I KEVIN also have a good family 2 sisters 1 brother. The oldest is Abigale McGregor she is 18 and has a boyfriend named Charles Clark, my sister the smallest is 15 autumn McGregor and has a boyfriend named Luke Doyle. My brother is 18 and is named Ethan Scott he goes out with Alexis Miller.

Chapter 5: Matching cloths!!!!!

 I woke up from the sound of my stupid alarm clock playing "she's kinda hot though" by 5SOS. I got in the shower and then I went inside my huge walk in closet and pulled out my gray skinny jeans and my white crop top with my white converses. I completely loved my style. I walked over to my mirror and put on my mascara,lipgloss and blush. I grabbed my bookbag went down stairs and put it on the couch.

"Uhh mom when are they going to finish fixing the elevator I'm tired of walking down all those stairs." I said 

"I don't know honey mabye in 1 week but at least walking down the stairs gives you good exercise." Said my mom

I went back upstairs to get my phone and call Kevin to ask him if he's coming

"Hello babe you gonna pick me up" I said 

"Of course see you in 10"he said

"Okay see you luv you bye" I said

I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I went back down stairs and got my phone to text haze and tell her my mom and dad were going on a trip to Hawaii for 2days and that we should throw a party.I suddenly heard my phone buzz it said 

"Of cowrse"

"Great see you at school"

I heard my door bell ring I went opened it and slightly kissed Kevin I told him he could enter I went to the refrigerator and got a zero calories clear American ice drink flavor cherry lemonade I asked Kevin if he wanted one he said 

"Sure but get me tropical instead of cherry"

"Okay" I said 

I said bye to my mom got my bookbag and got in Kevin's car. Just then I noticed that Kevin was wearing the exact same thing as me he gray shorts a white shirt and white converses.

"Babe did you notice were wearing the same outfit today" I said 

"Yeah I just noticed when you opened the door" said Kevin

"So me and haze have something planned" I said 

"What is it"

"So my parents are going to Hawaii for 2 days and were thinking about throwing a party what do you think"

"Are you kidding that's awesome of course we should throw a party" said Kevin

"Great" I said 

We got out the car and walked into the school Kevin grabbing my by the waist I went up to haze and shhe told me something 

"You see that girl right there that's Lizette Hamilton she's our bff from middle school" said Hazelle

"Wait what omg I'll be back" I said

I ran through the hall went up to Lizette

"Liz remember me" I said 

"Of cowrse lili its been so long"

"I want you to meet myfriends"

"Babe remember liz" I said to Kevin 

"Yeah was up liz you still cool" 

"Why wouldn't I"said liz

I introduced her to: Ashton Philips, Kelly Bryans, Zayden Evans, Issac Cooper, LehLi Marshall, Scarlett bell, Melanie Brooks, Bruce Charles etc.

 Everybody was telling us we were Matching.


Chapter 6: party at my house

Me,Hazelle and Lizette got to my house and picked out our outfits.

"I'm gonna wear a black mini skirt,a flowered Crop top and black converses" I said

 "I'm going to wear a blue tanktop,peach short shorts and blue sandals" said Hazelle

"And I'm going to wear a black short knee length dress and black vans" said Lizette

Me and haze look at each other like what is she thinking. Later that day people kept on coming and coming when Kyle and Kevin walked in we ran up to them and kissed them.Kevin span me around and then we went to the couch it was full so I sat on Kevin's lap. I saw liz and Zayden flirting. I went into the kitchen and saw haze there we talked for what felt like hours.Me and Kevin were playing video games and were betting on who would and my team won. Then me and him were play fighting.  I love that were so close. I asked Kevin if he could come help me get some drinks. He grabbed grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a hug and wouldn't stop kissing me I played with with with his hair. We pulled away to catch our breath and brought out the drinks. 


S I would like you guys to see pictures of the characters

Chapter 7: surprise

 "Wow thanks mom thanks dad thank you so much Mrs.McGregor and Mr.McGregor." I said 

I was surprised to much to even talk. Kevin's parents and my parents got us an apartment its clear and blue me and Kevin's favorite color.(here's how the appartment looks.)

 When we got there me and Kevin explored the appartment. It was huge and the bedroom kitchen and living room were amazing. I was so happy we could make so many memories here. When we got to the bedroom it was surrounded by windows  but we were lucky because it was in a private sucured area so no one will know or see what we do yay.

 I told Kevin to chase me and I saw what happens there those words really turn him on. Damm he looked so sexy it took me back to when we first did it first it hurt alotw when he stuck his big ass dick in my vagina uhh but then there came pleasure. Suddenly I was woken from my day dream Kevin carried me bridal style and threw me on the bed he was on top of me he took my clothes off and I got on top of him ripping his cloths off just waiting to see his little friend. What do I say little its huge. We had sex perfect way to use our new apartment. We got in the car and drove to my old home to see my mom and dad.

Chapter 8: mom and dad's home

 This is my old home so many memories here but I'm happy I live on my own with my boyfriend the only one with the key to my heart

When me and Kevin walked in we asked the Butler Harrison why my parents had called us urgently. Hhhe said " go ahead and see for yourself in the living room." Me and Kevin walked in Kevin holding my hand the we heard laughter and saw tears of emotion.

"What happened what did I miss." I asked my mom 

"Jake just proposed to Pauline." Said my mom in tears 

I went to hug Pauline and Kevin went to hug jake then we exchanged places I was crying and looking at my sister she looked so pretty even when she was crying.



She had on a pretty flowered knee length dress with a black belt.

"Attention" said my sister "me and Jake want to give.   you guys good news mom dad I'm PREGNANT!

Every body started to cry and go up to Pauline to hug her and touch her stomach. 

" what when did you find out Pauline and how many months." Said my mom

"I found out a week ago and I was waiting for the the perfect time to tell you about this I'm 1 monthh pregnant." Said Pauline.

My parents said that they would give us a million dollars to buy anything we needed for our apartment and they gave Pauline and Jake 1 million dollars to buy all the baby stuff and etc. Well you see my parents are billionaires so those 2 million dollars they gave me and my sister won't hurt them. Me and Kevin said goodbye and went shopping.

Chapter 9: Shopping

 Me and Kevin went shopping but first we got new phones. It was time for an upgrade we got the iPhone 6 Both of us me and Kevin picked out couple cases we couldn't chose so we just bought all the ones we liked then we went out to buy furniture like we promised our parents we wanted it to be different shades of blue and white in the house. We completely adore the color blue as you can tell that is one of the rings we have in common. We got a moderblue chair, flat screen tv, we got a bunch of cloths and shoes too 

Kevin also picked out his cloths but that would be too many pictures. We finished shopping and went back home because Isabelle Chloe called me and told me it was an emergency that I need to go to the house ASAP.

Chapter 10: your what ????

 "Your what...Isabelle Chloe mcgorge mom and dad are gonna kill you many months are you pregnant." I said in shock my stupid ass sister didn't use protection when Eli was fucking her well of course not he was probably fucking the brains outta her but I swear I'm gonna kill him if he don't respond to my sister. My mom and dad are gonna kill her and I'm not gonna be involved.

"I'm 2 months pregnant and...and ...", said Isabelle

"and what Isabelle Chloe tell me"

"Well Eli said he was going to love the child I have inside as much as he loves me."

"Yea but that's not the fucking problem the fucking problem is to tell my mom and dad." I said I'm so worried because our parents gave us a talk about 3 years ago when we were all underage how they don't  want us pregnant before were 18 if we didnt obey that rule they were capable of throwing us out of the house.

"Remember the talk that we got from mom and dad I don't want them to throw you out the house." I said

"Yea but that's why I called you, you convince anyone I just want you to convince my mom and dad to let me stay."said Isabelle Chloe

" okay I will I'll talk to them but your gonna owe me big time you here me." I said

My plan was to talk to my mom and dad about Isabelle Chloe and convince them it wasn't her fault that we didn't talk to her about sex. My parents would probably understand and let her stay. I just can't help to see my youngest sister being so pretty and full of opportunity's ruining it by not having enough info about becoming pregnant. I talked to my mom and dad and after some yells they agreed to let Isabelle stay at home but Isabelle Chloe has to give the baby to my sister Pauline when its born. Isabelle Chloe agreed sience  she's too young to take care of it. 

Chapter 11: Girl or Boy

We went to the doctor today to find out what it is. Last time we went we told them to make it a surprise. They got a black balloon and inside it was either blue strands or pink strands. (Blue =boy) (pink=girl). We walked inside and we saw the black balloon we popped it and blue and pink strands came out. Isabelle Chloe was gonna have 2 babies


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.02.2016

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