


I was an ordinary boy in a unordinary situation. I felt dumb, not knowing what to do. I was only 10 years old at that time, I knew nothing and had nothing. i barely had chances of survival. But I still didn`t lose hope and fought for my life and my family. Enjoy the story……….


(This is a work of FICTION)

The Storm


I was there sitting at the bench when my pages started to fly away. I could see it, it was coming; ‘The Storm’. It was weird and spooky. I collected all my belongings and started to run. It felt like as if the storm were following me. This did not feel right. I quickly turned on my cell. Suddenly, I heard a loud deafening Bam! It was not an ordinary noise, it sounded like a building just collapsed near me. I continued calling for the taxi, but the was not any data. I then thought that the noise was the network tower collapsing.


I then ran for like minutes; they felt like days to me. As I reached home, I opened the door, fortunately I had the keys as I did not know what was going to come. I stepped in and called out for my sis. No one answered. I started to get scared.


I opened each door in my house. I could not find a single living thing! I was alarmed when the city alarm went on. It was ear-splitting. I was frightened. What could a boy my age really does alone during a disaster like this?

Confusion Escalated


I did not lose hope, I knew that I had to find my family. My sis, my pa and my mom could have been in danger. I went out at my will and started to knock at every neighbor’s house thinking that my family got scared and went to someone else`s house. But yes, I was wrong. I neither found my parents nor see a soul. This was getting scarier, the alarm then suddenly went higher, I started to faint.


I do not know for how much time I fainted for. but when I woke up, I found myself inside a tent. I was alone. But I heard some whispering outside, it was not clear so I could not understand. I still was able to hear two words: ‘death’ and ‘undead’. I was so sleepy, so I did not care much.


I peeped out of a cut on the side of the tent. I was shocked when I saw a huge pit like hole but filled with human bodies! This was a bit disgusting as it did not smell fine. “ouch”, I shouted! I had just got bitten by something I never saw! That woke me up. The guard outside talking heard me, they came in and picked me up. I remember everything because this time I did not faint. They took me to a facility where I saw many others. Some of them were looking weak and some of them were sobbing or crying.


What is happening?!

I remember that they injected me, and they looked very scared. The doctors were shouting at the nurses. My leg hurt so much that I could not resist. I thought that I was going to die! But suddenly a person wearing round glasses came to me and inspected me. I was a bit puzzled. He then said, “boy, you will have to rest on this ventilator for about a week.” I said, “WHY!?”, I was so confused and shocked. Now I was a 100% sure that I was dying. No one was telling me anything and I was just thinking where my family was.


I started to remember what the two guard were talking about, but suddenly the alarm started to ring again, and this time it was even louder! I did not know why everybody ran and started to shut the door of the facility. The doctors started to look even more scared! Some were chanting and praying.


Suddenly, I heard sounds, they were not ordinary sounds. They were screams! Like I have heard in the movies. I heard these screams in horror movies! I could hear gunshots and jeeps drifting down the hill. This place looked like a base or something. It was on top of the hill. It was pouring like it never did. I thought it must be the storm which occurred the day before.

Questions upon Questions


This day, my leg did not hurt much. It is better. But I do not why it feels like I do not have a leg. I did not care because doctors knew better. I still did not know where I was or what is happening. I really wanted to know. Why did the storm occur and how did I reach hear? Who took me hear? I thought that it was a movie shooting. But of course, it was not.


It was a very sad environment, and no one made a noise. The water was dripping from the top ceiling. It was very cold, and the alarms were off. I thought it was a false alarm the day before. But then I thought about the noises and, and my family. It brought a tear in my eyes. There was a load of red blood on the floor. It smelled like I was in a poultry. Hunger was killing me at that time. I have not eaten since I left my house. But I have a sandwich in my bag! I tried to find my bag; it was not there.


I was not able to put the pieces together. My mind had become a bundle of questions!


A sandwich in my bag?



Ok I really need to explain this. I was not happy with my family. My father was alcoholic and violent, and my mother was a party queen. Every night my mother used to go for a party and never took us anywhere. The only person I loved was sis. She took care of me.  She was I a boarding school and had come for a holiday.


I left my house. You might be thinking that I should not have. Even I was thinking at that time. I thought that I would be happy and would far away and do a part-time job in a café or something. I was not ready for something like this to happen. I did grab my identity; my passport, birth certificate, my books, my cloths, and other items I could use of my trip.


Ok, let's get back to the facility.


I was really bored and did not say a word. Suddenly I heard cries, not the scary cries, but human cries. It was a girl! She looked my age, and something had bit her arm. The nurses laid her down on the bed beside me. She looked conscious, but in pain. That is why I did not look or talk to her. She looked as if she was going through the same situation like me. These thoughts made me hungry and sleepy, so I slept.


I slept long, but I do not know how much. I still cannot feel my leg. The first thing did after waking up was to see the girl. I had some hope that she knew what is happening. I could not wait for her to wake up. Suddenly I saw trays, like in airplanes. It smelled like food! I was amazed. We were being served. I was hungry, very hungry. I also heard a yawn. It was the girl; she must have also woken up by the smell.


She startled and shouted, “where am I?” I was shocked. She looked furious, like a mad man! She calmed herself because no one answered. She was also served with food. I could see a smile when she was being served. I thought she also have not eaten from a long time.


While eating I started a conversation by saying Hi. She replied, “hi, who are you?”. I said that I was brought here by someone. She said, “oh, half of the people you can see have the same story, but not me. My parents are rangers, they shifted here yesterday. And then something just bit my hand in the tent. I asked, “do you know where we are?”. she did not say a word.


Putting The Pieces Together


This day we were released from the facility. I could not wait to see the area outside the facility. I thought it would be like buildings and all, but when I came out, it was the same environment as inside the facility. It was gloomy and there was no sunlight. It was still pouring. Then suddenly I felt something on my shoulder. When I looked behind, it was the girl holding an umbrella in her hand. I was startled. She helped me pass the slippery street. She took me to my tent; she had a map of this place, so I followed. As I entered, the first thing I did was to see if my bag and the things in it are still there. Fortunately, they were.


As I sat on the sofa like bench, the girl asked me, “what is in that bag?”. I did not expect her to start the conversation, but I answered stiffly, “I have a sandwich and some other documents….”. she then came and sat beside me and I asked her about the question I asked her before. She answered, “I know where we are, but I am not allowed to tell you”. Before asking why, I asked her, “can you at least tell me why I am here”. She then said that I am lucky to be here. I took a little to digest that. She then said, “you are one of the survivors”.  “Survivors?”




Texte: Arnav Gupta
Cover: Canva and Arnav Gupta
Lektorat: Arnav Gupta
Übersetzung: Arnav Gupta
Satz: Bookrix and Arnav Gupta
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.09.2020

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Author- My name is Arnav Gupta and i am a resident of Jakarta, Indonesia. i am 12 years old and this is my 1st book. i hope you like it. Part 2 coming in October

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