
First day of school

I woke up from peaceful sleep to a loud and annoying sound. I layed in my bed hoping that the sound would just go away. After five minutes had past I figured that the loud sound wasn't going away. I forced myself out of my warm and comfortable bed. I finally turned off the aggravating sound of my alarm. I looked to see what time it was, it was 6:35. I knew I had to start getting ready for my first day at my new school. So I started walking to the bathroom before something stopped me.

There was knocking at my door, right as I was about to open the door. My mom opened the slowly peaking her head in. "Hi sweety I was just seeing if you was up and getting ready." She said in a sweet but gentle voice. "Yes I am up, I was just about to start getting ready." I sounded groggy when I spoke. I clear my throat and waited for her response. "Oh okay dear, well I am cooking breakfast for you and your brother. It will be done in 30 minutes." She said and walked out of my room closing the door behind her. 



  I walked into my bathroom turning the water for the shower on hot. I stripped out of my pajamas, and folded them and set them on the counter. I hopped into the shower, the water was just perfect. I let the warm soothing water flow down my back into the drain. I grabbed my shampoo and started to lather it into my hair. I washed the shamooo out of my hair, now it was time for the conditioner. I grabbed my body soap and began to wash my body. The light smell of cherry blossom filled my nose. I loved my body soap it smelt to good. When all the soap was off my body, I turned the water off and grabbed the towel wrapping it around my body. I wrapped another towel around my head so my hair wouldn't drip on my dry body. I walked into my walk in closet it was huge it had everything from shirts, pants, dresses, and skirts. I also had a ton of shoes there was every color shoe that you could think of. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to wear. I decided to wear my favorite pair of pants. They had slits going across them. I grabbed a white tank top with my red letterman jacket and red converse. I blowed dryed my hair real quick and plugged my curling iron in the wall. I decided I would put on a little bit of make up. I really dont wear it because I already have a barbie doll complection. I applied mascara and some eyeliner. I was beginning to work on my hair it didn't take long as I thought. I was looking in the mirror examining myself. I had long blonde hair with piercing blue eyes. I was petite and had curves I loved the way I looked. I was done so I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. My mouth began to water at the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs. It looked delicious, I sat at the table as my mom brought my food I told thank you and begin eating. When I was finished eating I put my plate in the sink and walked to my room for the last time to brush my teeth. 

I grabbed my bookbag and was about to walk out the door when my mom called my name "Elizabeth!" She yelled. "Can you please take your brother to school?" She asked politely. "Ugh! Are you serious I have less than 30 mintues to get to school!" I said fusterated "please take him." She knew I was getting mad she could tell it in my voice. "Fine! Come one you brat, lets go!" I yelled at him and I was out the door before my mom ask me any other favors. I got into my car it was a blue Volkswagen Beetle. My dad got it for me when I turned 16 right before he died. I sat in my car as thoughts was swirling my mind of my dad. The car door slammed shut, bringing me back to the real world. "Are we going to go now?" Eric asked with an attitude. "Whose driving? Me. So shut up before I make you walk to school." I replied in a rude tone.


 I dropped him off and speed off to hurry to get to my school. I only had 20 mintues to get there and it was a almost 15 minute drive. I pulled into the student parking lot. I had found a parking spot and turned off the engine. I sat in the car worrying about if I was going to make new friends or not. I got out of my car and started walking to the school. I found the office easily, "Hi my name is Elizabeth McDaniel im a new student here." The lady behind the desk didn't look old. She look like she was in her 30's she had hazel eyes with short black hair. She was wearing a dark purple ruffled shirt which was pretty. She looked at me handing out a few sheets of papers. "This is your class schedule, this one is all of the rules which you need to read and the last one is your map." She said in a calming caring voice. The school was huge I think I need more than a map to get around. More like a gps probably. I giggled to myself I told her thank you and made my way to first period. I looked down at my schedule that the young lady gave me. It said that my first period was economics with Mr. Harper. I thought to myself wondering if he would be nice or a mean teacher. I reached my first class finally, it seemed like it took forever. I walked into the classroom and it was almost empty. The teacher wasn't even in there yet. Was I even in the right place I thought to myself. The bell rung and the classroom filled up with teenagers. 

 A small girl a little bit bigger than me sat beside me. She has bright green eyes and long straight brown hair. She was wearing black mini shorts and a bright blue tank top with a blue areopostal jacket and blue flats. She looked at me and smiled I returned a warm smile. "Aren't you that new girl!" She said with excitment. "Yes I am" I said with a confused look on my face. "Hi my name is Megan." She said more calm than before. "My name is Eliz..." before I could finish she interrupted "I know who you are" she said. I looked at her with the same confused facial expressions that I had ever since we begin to talk. "You are Elizabeth right?" She asked the look on her face was hoping i was. I nodded yes and she squeal and before I knew it I was being hugged by her. 

 "Don't freak her out Megan" an unknown male voice called behind me. She let go and I turned to see who the voice was. It came from a guy a very hot guy. He was so hot he had long shaggy dirty blonde hair. His eyes were a dark blue as I made my way down his face his I found his lips. Oh my god I wanted to kiss them. They was a light pink they looked so soft, so kissable. He was wearing a shirt that showed all of his muscle from his arms to his abs. He chuckled bringing myself to reality. I found out that he was laughing at me because I was drooling. Oh great! Perfect way to make a first impression. I wiped the drool away and just smile. He looked at me for a second and then he finally said something. "My name is Zachary but most people just call me Zack." He said it so soothing it made me want to melt into a puddle right in my chair. What was he doing to me? I never felt this way, it was unusual. I barely even know this person so why did I have this feeling. It didnt make any sense to me but I didnt care. "Hi Zack" I finally replied, he smiled and it was so white and perfect. Megan interrupted my thoughts when she asked where did I move from. I looked away from Zack back at megans porcelain doll face she was looking at me waiting for me to reply. "Miami, Florida" I told her trying to slow down my heart from looking at Zack for the first time. "Why did you move up here to Chicago?" She asked confused "Because when my dad died he left my mom a house up here. He was a very good brain surgeon." I said hardly finishing my sentence. My eyes started to water at the thought of my dad. I held them back and just turned to face the board where Mr . Harper was boring the whole class about economics.

  We had 30 mins left in the class still megan nor Zack say anything else it was silent between us. I was thinking about what megan said. She told me that she already knew who I was. How? I wasnt really popular, I was back in Miami but that's over a thousand miles away from here. It didnt make no sense to me. I opened my mouth to ask her about how she knew me. As soon I was about to say something the bell rang and she was out the door before I could say wait. "Dont worry about Megan she gets excited about meeting new people." Zack whisper at my ear behind sending shivers down my spine. I turned around to see his face so close that I could feel his breath on my face. All I really could think is Thank God I went back to my room to brush my teeth. I stepped back and turned around grabbed my stuff and shot out of the room like a speeding bullet.  

  My second and third periods went by slow but its okay because they was my two favorite subject. English and science I had a high grade in both classes when I lived in Miami. As I walked to my fourth period I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see who it was I didn't recognized him but I was nee here so I didn't recognize anyone except Megan and Zack but that's the only people. "Hi there sexy, you must be new to this school." He said with a wicked smile on his face. "Umm... yea can I help you?" I said with a attitude and after a few minutes past he stood shocked to what i just said. I could hear his friends whispering and giggling like a buch of school girls. I begin to turn and walk away when I felt a warm strong hand wrap around my wrist. "In a matter of fact yes I do." He said so confident I could hear the evil in his voice I didnt wont to find out what he wanted. I snatch my hand from his strong grip. "Do you know who I am!" He said in a louder tone "Look I honestly dont give a damn who you right now I am trying to get to class and your holding me back." I stood there for a few seconds looking at him with anger in my eyes. "Now if you mind I have somewhere to be!" I raised my voice and I turned heading to my class. 

I walked calmly into my math class I saw megan and a few other girls around her. They were gossiping about something but I couldnt understand them. Suddenly, Megan turned facing me shocked "there she is" that was all she said. I looked at her confused, she gently grabbed my hand pulling to the desk beside her. "Liz, this is Kate and her sister Cloe they are twins. This is also Alice we are all best friends." How did she know my nickname was Liz, only my dad called my that. But Elizabeth is a popular name so it could be nothing. Megan wasnt lying when she said Kate and Cloe are twins they look identical. Both had beautiful long curly bleach blonde hair and a ocean green color eyes. I couldn't tell them apart. I look at Alice she was different she had brown but, with red tent to her eyes i liked them they were unusual. She had black hair that went just below her shoulders and she was pale. She looked like the one that didn't really talk much in the group. "I can not believe you told Isaac off in the hall earlier!" She sounded shock but kept a relaxed face. "Who?" I asked questioning her on her statement. "Isaac..." she paused for a momemt and continue. "Isaac he is the most popular and hottest guy in school other than Zack. Isaac is the footballs team quarterback. But Zack is the footballs team captian." Wow Zack is the schools hottest and popular guy I cant believe I have a crush on him. Wait I didnt just say that I dont have a crush on him. I don't even know him that well. My thoughts began to wonder when I got snapped back to reality by Megan snapping her fingers in my face. "So I have something to tell you Liz!" Excitment filled her voice as she spoke. "Okay, tell me" I asked wondering what in the world this girl was going to tell me. "Zack is having a party this Friday, you should totally come!" I sat there thinking if should go but I have a whole week to think about it. I love parties it gets me relax and having fun. I opened my mouth to say something but immediately shut it. All I could was nod she seemed so happy. 

  It was already lunch and I was starving. I went through the salad line and got the stuff I usally get on my salad. I walked out and began looking for a table I saw Megan,Kate, Cloe, Alice and Zack he was about to sit down I walked over to the table and sat down. I begin to eat my salad it was so delicious at this point. All I could hear was people talking and enjoying their lunch. When I was done I joined the conversation that the whole table was having. I suddenly got the urge to ask Megan how she knew me. "Megan can I ask you something?" By the time I said that the whole table got quite and all eyes was on me. My hands started to sweat and my cheeks felt like they started to burn with fire. My throat went dry and I couldnt talk. I didn't know why I was so nervous it was just a simple question. "Yeah Liz" she said sweetly. I cleared my throat "remember when we first met, well you said that you already know who I was. How?" 

She looked down at her food and then look back up to me. "Your father was very popular in what he did, he was known world wide and I seen you papers or on the news with your dad at 16 years old." She replied in such a low voice it was like a whisper. I looked at her and nodded and she smiled she knew I meant thank you.

    I started to get that weird feeling of someone was burning a hole in the back on my head. I turned around and across the cafeteria with a evil smirk on his face Isaac was staring straight at me. I slowly watch him and he got up walking to my table I began to grow tense and i didnt know what to do. I felt like I wanted to get up and bolt out of the cafeteria, but my body wouldnt move. He was suddenly behind me, I could feel his breath on my neck. It sent shivers down my spine, and I could feel goosebumps appearing on my arms. The whole cafeteria seemed to have went quite. "If you ever decide to talk to me the way you did in the hallway earlier, I won't be as nice as I was." Isaac threaten me in a whisper I didn't say anything I just sat in silence. He was about to walk away when out of no where, my self confidence decides it wanted to stand up. "Just because your the quarterback for the school football team don't mean you run this school and it sure in hell don't mean you run me!" I notice I said my words with attitude, but I didnt care I wasnt going to let him talk to me like that. He turned around so fast I hardly seen him move with my eyes. He was standing so close to me I could smell his cologne. I knew he was mad I could see it in his eyes. It was really scary his eyes weren't their normal caramel brown. They seemed to turn a red color. A little growl slipped out of his throat. He wasnt the Isaac I met in the hallway once before. He was something else but I just didnt know what. "Isaac go back to your table and leave Liz alone, she is new here try to give her a good first day." Zack said nicely, we both turned to him and isaac let out a breath. "Fine" he said agreeing and turned and left the table.

Lunch was finally over and my last two classes went by sorta fast. When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door. I walked out into a busy hallway it was so conjusted I could barely move with out touching someone by accident. When I reached the doors that let outside I felt free as I push the doors open and walked out heading to my car. I felt to warm sun glazing down on me I heard birds chirping and I smelt the roam of sweet flowers. As I got the my car I unlocked my door and got in. The car ride was relaxing, I was blaring my music to one of my favorite songs "Burning Bright" by Shinedown

I was singing and I was having fun as I pulled into the drive and turn the engine off. I walked into my house to find my mom sitting on the couch in the living room she was watching tv. I didnt know what show i didn't really pay attention. "Im home!" I yelled over the volume of the tv. I went into the kitchen I made me a sandwich and sat on the couch with my mom. "Oh hi honey, how was your first day," she asked curious wondering what my answer would be. I looked at her before saying anything, "it was alright." We sat in silence for a few minutes before I got up heading to my room. I walked in my room and I fell on my bed my feet dangled off the side of the bed. I layed there thinging about how my day was. Before I noticed my eyes started to feel heavy and the darkness engulfed me.



Party time!

The week went by super fast It was already Friday, and I haven't even started to think about Zack's party. I got out of bed and started getting ready. I put my cute light pants with the design on the back pockets and my one shoulder strap shirt on. I straighten my hair and splashed some make up on. I ate breakfast and left the house. Soon as I got to my school I pulled into the same spot that I had been parking in for the past few days. I got out and started to walk away to head to first period. I hated how big the school was. It meant that I had to walk more just to get to my classes. I walked in to Mr . Harper class and Megan and Zack was already in there. It seemed like they was always early to class. "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully with a smile. "Hey Liz" they said both in a unison. "Are you still coming to Zack party tonight?" Megan said questioning me, I looked down at my feet then back up at them both. "Oh damn I forgot about that..." I lied but I tried to sound convincing as best as I could. "Well please be there!" Megan said with a pouty face. I hated when she did that, it makes me give in every time. "Okay fine I will try to be there, what's the address?" I asked and Zack wrote his address on a sheet paper. He handed it to me as he smiled, I returned the smile and said thanks and began paying attention to the teacher. 

Half of the day past and I started to think about what should I wear to Zack's party? How many people might be there? Would there be alcohol or not? All of these thoughts circled my brain. "Mrs. McDaniels!" Ms. Smith yelled bringing me back to what was going on. "Do you mind to explain with the class what you had done." She asked as she folded her arms. I looked down at my desk looking at the paper that was in front of me. I only did a few problems oh my god what am I going to do. I sat there as the class turned quite looking at me. I felt the fire in my cheeks began to burn. I bet my face looked a tomato. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Umm..." I paused "I only did..." I was interrupted by the sound that I loved. The bell rang and the class scattered trying to get out of the classroom. I hurried trying to gather my belongings ,and ran out of the classroom before my teacher said anything. 

As I was walking to my car, I saw someone sitting on my hood of my car. Who could it be? I hope it wasn't Isaac trying to get revenge. I notice I slowed my pace of walking. I got closer to see it was Zack, why was he on the hood of my car? He got up and started walking towards me. "Hi liz" he said smiling "hi Zack why was you on my car?" I asked my voice was so soft. "I was waiting for you, I wanted ask you something". He was still smiling and I looked at him with a confused look. "I wanted to ask you if you like to be my date for my party?" He asked me with such a gentle but sweet voice. The type of voice that makes you weak in the knees. I looked at him and I started to walk to my car. When strong but soft hands wrapped around my waist and turned me so I was face to face with him. "I... I don't know, I have to see even if I can go". I lied but every part of me was screaming yes. He was so hot I couldn't say no but I had to. His dark blue eyes were looking at mine and I felt like he was staring into my soul. I pulled away and unlocked my car. Before I got in I looked at him "I'll think about it" I told him and got into the car, and drove off before he could change my mind. 

Soon as I got home I went straight up to my bedroom. I thrown my book bag onto to the floor. I sat on my bed trying to relax before I start getting ready. I heard my phone beep alerting me that I had a message 


From: Megan

3/15/14 at 4:20 

Heyy girly... just wanted to tell you that the party starts at 6:30 & wear something nice! See you soon. 


To: Megan 

3/15/14 at 4:22 

Okay, I will try to see you later. 


I sat on my bed for a few minutes I looked at my clock shit! It was already 4:35 I had to get up and start getting ready I had less than two hours. I went into my bathroom and turned the hot water on. I grabbed two towels and laid them on my counter where my sink was. I started taking off my clothes and threw them into my dirty clothes hamper. I got in the shower oh it felt so good and soothing. I started to wash my hair massaging the soap into my scalp. I washed the soap out of my hair, I began to do the same process with the conditioner. I grabbed my body wash and started washing my body. The smell of flowers filled the shower. I let the water wash away all the soap off my body. I turned the water and stepped out of the shower. I grabbed on towel and put it around my body I grabbed the second towel and put around my hair. I walked out of my bathroom and into my closet. I looked for something cute. I decided to wear my white mini shorts with slits going across them and my blue and white strapless shirt. I grabbed my blue letterman jacket and blue converse. I walked out of my closet and laid my clothes on my bed and walked to my dresser picking a matching Victoria secret strapless bra and underwear. I put them on and put my clothes on afterwards. I went into my bathroom once again, and started to blow dry my hair. When I was done I put some eyeliner and mascara on. I plugged my curling iron into the wall when it was done heating up I started to curl my hair. My hair was already curly so it dont really take that long. I looked into the mirror I looked hot! I brushed my teeth and sprayed a little perfume on me and walked out of my room down the stairs. I was heading to the door when my mom said something behind me. "You can't go anywhere tonight. I have to be at work in 10 minutes and you have to watch Eric." I turned to face her and begin to reply "are you serious! He is 15 he can babysit his self!" I realized I was yelling at her. I lowered my voice and she looked down at her feet. Im sorry but you are going to have to cancel whatever you had planned. I have to go I love you see you tomorrow." She said calm and walked out the door. Ugh I can't believe this is happening. I looked at the clock on my phone it read 5:50. I'm going to that party one way or another. 

Don't tell mom!

    "Hey brat!" I screamed trying to get his attention. He came out of his room with a annoyed facial expressions on his face. "What did I ruin you precious little Xbox game" I said with a smirk on my face. "Go pack your bags you're staying with one of your friends tonight." I told him but he didnt move. "Mom said I cant go no where." He said in a sad voice "I'll give you 20 dollars to do what I said and not to tell mom." He looked at me then took off into his room. 


    I sat in the car waiting for Eric to hurry up. He came out of the house and locked the door behind him. He got in the car and I pulled out of the drive way. He told me directions to one of his friends house. I parked the car and I turned to look at him. "Okay so here's the deal..." I paused and continue "...I will be here by 8 o'clock to pick you up. I will call you before I come get you so you better be up." I warned him he looked at me and nodded. He got out and shut the door. oh and another thing don't tell mom! Or you can kiss the 20 dollars goodbye." I told him before he could walk away. "Fine" is all he said and I took off. 

 I plug the address that Zack gave me into my gps and it showed that I was close by. When I pulled into his driveway I was shocked instantly. His house was gorgeous, it was solid white, with navy blue shutters around all the windows. It had greek columns stretching up to the seconds floor balcony. The house was just perfect. I tried to find a parking spot I finally found one but I had to walk. I got out of my car walking to the giant house. I felt so tiny walking up to the front porch. I walked into the house and was even more beautiful than the outside. There was a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There were stairs on each side of the huge room leading up to the second floor. Seperating the two stairs there was a hallway but I didnt know where it went. "Are you enjoying what you see." A familiar girls voice said, I turned to see Kate smiling at me. I cleared my throat "Yes it very beautiful here" I said she looked at me and motioned me to follow her. I hesitated at first but slowly begin to follow her. She lead me to where the group was Kate and Cloe was wearing the same exact thing but different colors. Megan looked stunning as always and Alice was staying to herself like usual. There was something strange about her, but I didnt know what it was. Megan handed me a glass and smiled. I could smell the alcohol in it, I guess that answers my question I had thought earlier today. I wonder what was in? "Its some type of punch and it has vodka in it." She said as if she had read my mind. Well what the hell I drank the punch and it actually was really good. Before I knew it I was already on my fourth cup and I was a little buzzed. "Well hey there." I turned to see who was talking it was Zack. He looked like a god and he was so hot. His long dirty blonde hair barely covered his dark blue eyes. His smile and lips oh my... stop it Liz before you start drooling again. "Hi Zack!" I said trying not to slear words. I could somewhat stand but was a little wobbly. "Wow you look fantastic, I would ask you for another drink but you look like you don't need another one." He said giggling to himself. "Thank you" I said smiling. He grabbed my hand and I felt electricity shoot through my arm. It wasnt a pain feeling it was more like warmth feeling. "You wanna dance?" he asked me hoping that I would say yes. I nodded and he was pulling me to the dance floor. I was dancing like I never dance before. I was grinding all up on Zack. I was having so much fun, but all fun comes to a end. I started to have that sick feeling in my stomach, I felt like I was about to throw up. I rushed off the dance floor to go in search for a bathroom. As soon I got to one I opened the door and ran to the toliet. I started to throw up. I think it's the alcohol and dancing mixed together. They arent a good combination. It felt like forever as I sat there I felt my hair being pulled to the side and someone was rubbing my back. I looked up to see who was helping me out. Oh god! It was Zack of course this had to happen and he has to see me like this. "Go away I dont wont you to see me like this." I said trying to push him away, but it did no good. "It happens to everyone so im not leaving you like this." He said in a dominate voice like as if he was in charge. 

 All of a sudden he picked me and headed out of the bathroom. I curled my body close to his chest enjoying this moment as long as I could. We reached the main area where the party was. It seemed as if everyone has left. Wait everyone did leave, was I in the bathroom that long. I needed to head home but I was enjoying myself. "I need to be heading home" I said he looked down at me and smile. "You're not driving not tonight, you can stay here until the morning." He said in a gentle voice. I didnt argue as we reaches the top of the stairs we headed down the hall and reached a door he opened it and walked in. I was guessing it was his because it had trophies and football gear on the floor. His room was a dark but lightish color it was huge. He had his own walk in closet and bathroom. I felt a soft and cold feeling surrounded my back. Zack already layed me on his bed, he started taking my shoes off and then pulled the covers over me. His sheets were so soft it felt like Egyptian cotton."Good night Liz see you in the morning." He whispered so softly in my ear. I couldnt hardly keep my eyes opens. I seen him walk out leaving me in his room and closing the doors behind him. I felt my eyes shut, I fell asleep sleeping in Zack room.




I woke up by the sun blaring on my face. I opened my eyes slowly everything was blurry. As my eyes adjusted I wasn't in my room! Where was I? As I started to think about what happen last night. Then it it hit me, the party I was is Zack's room. I got out of the bed searching for my phone. I found it in my jacket, I looked at my phone it had 5 missed calls from Eric. Oh shit! It was 8:30 and I had to go get him, and be home before our mom does. I put my shoes on and put my jacket on afterwards. I went to the bathroom trying to make myself look a little better. That was impossible I looked like a walking zombie but I was alive. I walked out of the bathroom heading towards the door. I turned the the doorknob as I walked out into the long never ending hallway. I started walking hoping I would find the stair. I finally found the stairs I walked down them heading to the front door. Hoping that no one would see me, but I spoke too soon. "Hey Liz I have breakfast cooked. Do you want some food?" Zack asked behind me I slowly turned to face him. He looked like a God, he had no shirt on showing off all his muscles and abs. And his pajamas pants were barely on his waist. Showing the V line at his pelvis. "Umm...I cant I have to leave." I said sounding serious. He looked at me confused I didn't have time to explain. I opened the door and ran out of his house. I was almost at my car when strong built arms locked around my waist picking me up. I was facing Zack he had puppy dog eyes that could make any girl melt. "Why are you in such a rush? Did I do something?" He asked questioning me. I didn't reply right away I just stared at him. "No you didn't do anything, but I have to go i don't have to explain right now." I told him as I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it only tighten. "Let me go Zack!" I yelled as I felt anger build up inside me. He put me down gently and I stepped back. "Im sorry but I have to go." Telling him and I ran the rest of the way to my car.

When I was is in my car I started the engine and drove off. I grabbed my phone and dialed Eric. He picked up the phone and said hello. " Hey I'm sorry im running late i'll be there in 10 minutes so be ready!" I told him he agreed and ended the call. I pulled in front of his friends house. He was already standing outside waiting for me. Soon as he got in the car I drove off speeding all the way to my house. We got to the house and mom wasn't home yet thank God. I am surprised that I didn't get a ticket on how fast I was going. Eric and I both jumped out of the car and ran up the stairs to the front door. We unlocked the door and went inside. The house was quiet and peaceful for once. Eric fell on the couch and turned the tv on. I walked into the kitchen making me a bowl of cereal, I was starving. Since I did puked up everything last night. I went to the fridge and grabbed the milk out and grabbed the fruit loops out of the cabinet. I fixed me a bowl and went to sit on the couch with my brother. "Wow Liz you look like shit. What happened to you?" He said bursting out with laughter I looked at him with a evil eyes and he suddenly stopped laughing. "I went to a party..." I paused wondering if I should continue. 

"...and there was a lot of alcohol there." I finally continued he looked at me with shock like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but never did. I got up off the couch and walked to the kitchen to put my bowl in the sink. I walked back to the living room and started up the stairs to my room.

I opened my door to my room and walked inside. I went and I layed on the bed thinking about yesterday. How I got drunk so bad I couldn't walk straight. How Zack seen me puking my guts up that was embarrassing. Also how he carried me to his room and laying me on his bed. Then this morning when I basically walked out on him. Zack might never talked to me ever again. Just thinking about him not talking to me hurts. Why was I thinking about him? He doesn't even like me he was just being a good friend. I got up and decided to take a shower I reeked in alcohol. After my shower I felt clean again. I decided to let my hair air dry instead of blow drying it. I walked out of my bathroom and sat on my bed turning my tv on. Hours had past and it was getting late I didn't know that I was watching tv that long. I turned it off and checked my phone. I had a message from Zack. How did he get my number? He must have put it in when I was asleep. I opened the message and it read


From: Zack

3/16/14 at 11:25 

Hey its Zack um... just wanted to say that I hope I didn't do anything wrong to make you mad at me.


To: Zack

3/16/14 at 11:27

No you didn't do anything and I'm not mad at you.


From: Zack

3/16/14 at 11:30 

Oh okay thank God! (: well I guess I'll see you at school Monday.


I didn't get to reply because I passed out before I could. I woke up to a loud banging noise at my door. The door flew open and my brother was standing beside my bed. "Where is my money Liz!" he demanded, as I looked at the clock beside my bed it read 8:45 ugh he woke me just for money. I threw my pillow at him. "Get out of my room you dweeb!!" I yelled and rolled over trying to go back to sleep. "Fine I will just go tell mom!" He said I could feel he was smirking. As he walked to the door I felt myself jump out of my bed, I ran after him tackling him to the ground. I was sitting on him and I had his hands pin to the ground. "You wouldn't dare!" I said with anger in my voice. "Oh but I would, now get off me!" He said trying to get away but it was no use. I got off of him I helped him to his feet. I walked into my room and grabbed 20 dollars out of my wallet. I guess he followed me into my room, because when I turned around he was only standing inched away from me. "Here now get out of my room you brat!" I said as I handed him the money. He smiled and turned and walked out of my room.  

It was sunday and there was nothing to do. So I decided to go running. I closed my bedroom door and began to change into my workout shorts and push up bra. I grabbed my ipod and headphones and walked out my room and down the stairs. Before I walked off the porch I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I was already to go running I put my headphones in my ears and pushed play on my ipod. Music filled my ear as I began to run. I use to be on a track team at my old school. I use to be one of the best on my team in fact. I had been running which seemed like forever. So I started to walk to slow my pace of my heart. As soon as my heart rate got back to normal I didn't realized how late it had got. It was almost 8:30 but something caught my attention. There was a car slowing down beside me. A Corvette it had yellow with black racing stripes starting at the front and ending at the back. That wasn't the worst part the one person I didn't won't to see was in the car. It was Isaac, ugh could my day get any worst. "Hey sweetheart!" He said with a smile "Don't talk to me Isaac." I said with a attitude "Oh come on sweetie don't be like that. Look its getting late let me give you a ride home." He said in a more serious tone. "No there is no way in hell I am getting in that car with you." I felt anger start to bubble in my stomach. I don't know why he makes me so angry. Maybe its because he thinks he is better than everyone and that every girl will fall at his command. Well he has another thing coming because i'm not going to be like every other girl. "I'm serious Liz, let me give you a ride home. Thats the least I can do..." he paused and continued to what he had to say. "Its late and you don't know what's out here." He said and stopping the car. I turned to him to say something. "Okay fine! Only this once" I snapped and started to walk to the passenger side door. I got in and buckled my seat belt. He drove off down the road. I told him the directions to my house and soon after we pulled in my driveway. He stopped the car and put it in park. We sat there in his car in silence when I turned to him. "Thanks for the ride" I said in a sweet voice. I reached for the door handle and open the door. Isaac stepped out of the car walking over to where I was standing. What was he doing? He pushed me against the car with his pelvis making it hard for me to move. I was staring into his caramel brown eyes. I could almost melt, wait what was I saying snap out of it Liz. I felt his strong warm hands slide up the sides of my body. One of hands gently glided to the middle of my back. The other one was at the nape of my neck. With both hands he pushed my body closer to his closing the space between us. I didn't know what was going to happen next. As soon as that thought popped into my head. I felt something warm press against my lips. A sudden instinct I started to kiss him back I felt my arms snake around his neck. I pulled gently at his hair as I ran my finger through it. A little moan escaped inside his throat. Oh my god! What was happening? What was I doing? I need to stop this and I mean now. 

I pulled away from the kiss and unwrapped my arms from his neck pushing him away. We both was breathing heavy as I caught my breath I looked at him. "Im sorry but I cant do this" I said confused. "No Im sorry I came on to you first. I didn't know what I was doing." He apologize as he walked back to the driver side of the car. He opened the door before he got in he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. He started the engine and backed out of my driveway as he drove off. I walked into my house heading up to my room I closed the door and sat at the edge of my bed. All I could think about was what just happened!? 


I couldn't hardly sleep last night. I was twisting and turning to get comfortable, but it seemed like I couldn't ever get in the right position. It felt like 6:30 came faster than it usually does. I rolled over and turned my alarm off. I sat in my bed looking up at the ceiling hoping I didn't have to go to school. Although i knew I had to get up and get ready. I got up out of my bed as I walked over to the bathroom. I turned the water on hot, the mirror already started to get steam on it. I walked out into my closet picking out some regular blue jeans and a pink aeropostale shirt. I picked up my black flats and laid them on the bed. As I walked to the bathroom I stripped my clothes off and put them in the dirty clothes hamper. I got into the shower I took a pretty fast shower than I normally do. I got out drying the water droplets off my body. I towel dried my hair as the best as I could. I didn't feel like putting any make up on and I put my hair into a bun. I pulled some hair letting them to fall at the side of my face. Then to top it all off I decided to put a hair band with a bow on it on my head. I guess I was ready for school even though my mind and body was begging me to stay home. I walked out of my room closing the door behind me. Slowly I walked down the stairs and headed outside to my car. I threw my bookbag in the passenger seat and got in starting the engine. I backed out of my driveway into the road. I put the car into drive and I was off to my school. It took about 15 minutes to get to school. When I pulled into the spot I parked at usually Megan and Zack was waiting for me. That was unusual they never waited for me to get to school. I parked my car grabbing my bookbag. I got out of the car shutting the driver door and locking it. "Hey guys whats up" I looked at them with questionable eyes. "Hey Liz" Zack said with a smirk on his face. I started to get butterfly's in my stomach just looking at him. "We was just waiting for you to get to school so we can walk together" Megan voice was sweet like candy. Making me turn my head facing her now. "Oh okay cool" I said and started to walk to the school. Megan was on my right side and Zack was on my left. It felt weird but im glad I have good that want to walk into the school together. As we was walking to first I tried so hard to avoid Isaac as much as possible. It was already weird thinking about what happen last night between us. I didn't like isaac in that type of way. I liked Zack but I don't why I did, its not like he liked me back or anything. I would never have a chance with Zack. He was the hottest guy in school and im just me. I was pretty but not enough to claim him mine. 

    Finally we got to first period and I rushed into the classroom and sat down taking out my stuff to start the day. Zack and megan sat down right beside me like they normally do. "What's your problem skittish pants." Zack said as he bursted out laughing. His laugh was deep but sexy. I really didn't want to talk about this right now, but before I could stop myself my mouth started to take over. "Umm... 'I paused trying to collect my thoughts on how I am going to out this. "Something happened last night and it was weird." I said as I continued I told them how isaac drove me home after my run and how he got out of the car walking towards me. "He kissed me!" I blurted out and every then went silent. I heard a little growl sound come from Zack. Why did he growl, was he jealous? Omg he was! It was all over his face that he was jealous that Isaac kissed me. I turned to face Megan she looked shocked. I didn't think telling them what happened Sunday would make them go quiet. I knew that they would be shocked but not like this. The class period went by slow without the three of us talking it was awkward. The bell suddenly rang I got up gathering my school books. Megan was pretty much the first person out the classroom. Everyone left after her and it was just me and Zack. I grabbed my stuff and started to walk to the door but something stopped me like a brick wall. My stuff fell out of my hands and dropped to the floor. I stumbled back trying to catch myself from falling but it was no use. I was falling to the floor so I braced myself for the hard impact. Though it never happened someone caught me before I hit the ground. I opened my eyes seeing who caught my fall it was Zack. He picked me up setting me back on my feet. I dusted myself off picking my stuff off the floor. "Thanks for catching me." I said as I felt the embarrassment fill my cheeks. "No problem" he said softly. I looked down at my feet and looked back at him he looked like he wanted to say something. It was silent between us it seemed like forever. "Heyy can you do me a favor, can you just stay away from Isaac?" I took a minute to respond but I couldn't say anything. It was like I had lost my voice. I nodded and I walked to my next class before I was late. 

   It was already the end of the day wow today flew by. The last bell rung and I was the last one out of the classroom. I took my time getting out of the classroom,because I didn't won't to accidentally bump into Isaac. When I headed out of the classroom I walked towards my locker. I put my books into my locker and closed the door. I was about to walk away and head to the doors that lead outside to the student parking lot was. Instead I felt warm strong hands wrap around my arms. I had no idea who it could be I hope it wasn't Isaac. Suddenly I felt a pain shoot through my spine. I was slammed into the lockers. My eyes were being to get blurry so I still couldn't see who it was. All I really see was shapes and colors but I couldn't even see that hardly. It took a few minutes but I finally got my vision back. What the hell! Why was Zack holding me up against the lockers? His eyes weren't a dark blue color they normally are. They were black and filled with lust and heat. "Zack..."I paused trying to get my words out without stuttering. "What are you doing?" I finally said. As I got the words out of my month. Soft, warm but sweet lips pressed against mine. I felt a small shock of electricity pass through me as his lips touch mine. I instantly started to kiss him back, I started to snake my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers through his soft silky hair as I pulled at it gently. A little groan escaped his throat. Oh my God that was so sexy. He licked my bottom lip asking for access to my mouth. I granted him entry, our tongues entwined each others like snakes. I searched his mouth with my tongue he taste like honey so sweet and soft. As he pushed me further into the lockers I felt his erection on my stomach. I let out a little giggle into his mouth letting him gain access more than he already did. He lifted both of my hands over my head and held them there with one of his hands. With the other hand he wrapped around the middle of back. Bringing me and him closer closing the space between us without losing contact with our lips. Then he moved his lips from mine trailing down my jaw bone to my ear. I didn't won't him to leave I wanted him to come back. He nibbled and sucked on my ear for a second or two and made his way to my neck. He left soft kisses on my neck like he didn't won't to hurt me. As he kissed he nibbled and sucked on my neck. A moaned escaped my throat without me knowing it. I felt him smile on my neck. Embarrassment filled my cheeks it was then reality hit me in the face. I was being pushed up against a locker after school making out with Zack. How did this happen? He let go of my hands letting them fall by my side. He looked back to me his eyes were back to the normal dark blue. "Liz I don't know what it is about you but I can't stop thinking about you." He said looking at me with his soft eyes. 

"So will you please go out with me!" 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.07.2014

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