


Alkali Dejentlemen Andre

Routine Break..............................................13
What Will Become Of Us If Not Machines.....................14
The Princess And The White Wolf............................15

Elizabeth Castillo

Field Of Dreams............................................24
Seeker No More.............................................27
Glimpse Of Heaven..........................................28
Drifting Sand..............................................33
Be Amazed..................................................34

Julie Moffit

Words To Live By...........................................37
New Haiku..................................................40
Haiku(Inspiration From Emily)..............................42
Ruth's Song................................................42
A Box Of Therapy...........................................47

James Ross

A Sweet Fellowship.........................................50
Life In Motion.............................................55
Gentle Is The Night........................................56
My Reflection..............................................59
My Destination.............................................60

Bina Gupta


Dowell Oba

Chemical Bond..............................................72
How I Miss You.............................................72
Ballad Of Mary.............................................77

Steven Michael Pape

Brahmans Quest.............................................82
Like Leaves That Drift.....................................83
Summer Hazy Day............................................87
The Trees Are Talking......................................91
Then Spring Came...........................................94

Venoyd McCalister

On My Way.................................................100

Scott Ransopher

The Price.................................................103
A Grandfather Like You....................................106

Frances Ayers

Soul Speak................................................108
In Memory Of..............................................109
What The New Year Brings..................................112
The Souls'Joy.............................................116


Through out the centuries,there have always been poems that have inspired us.
These poems portray our hope,forgiveness,tolerance,patience,fortitude,love,gratitude,faith,and resilience.Many of these themes are covered in this anthology.

They also succeed in telling a story about how we have resolved a life situation or ethical dilemma.These inspiring poems give the reader insight into the Poets character
and psychological growth.Observances of nature also provide constant inspiration.

Through out this anthology,you will be moved by many different perspectives as each of the Poets come from different walks of life.You will hear from Students,Writers,Mothers,Fathers,Caregivers,and Teachers.

One thing I can promise is that this anthology will inspire you.

Frances Ayers-Editor

Alkali Dejentlemen Andre

Carlos André dos Santos Ferreira,is a 26 year old male who hails from Vila do Conde,Portugal.From 5th to 9th grade he attended Escola Básica Júlio Sául Dias (in English goes something like Basic School Júlio Saúl Dias).And from 10th to 12th grade, he attended The Escola Secundária José Régio (in English is Secondary School José Régio which is named after a known writer from here.)Both schools are located in Vila do Conde.Last year Carlos participated in a writing contest with a short story he created originally for it.He didn't win but that didn't dampen his spirits.When he is not writing,he enjoys listening to music ( especially heavy Metal),reading,going to festivals/concerts,camping and going out with friends.Carlos has been trying to form a band recently and hopes to start something new musically.He loves writing,as it releases his thoughts and creativity.He's been writing for a while now.Carlos picked up a pen around 2002 and has never stopped.In the beginning it was just wannabe-lyrics.But afterwards,he started to write poems as he developed his writing skills.

Routine Break

Time and time again
Always and always once more
Blind from this constant light
And noise from surroundings
It's always creeping up inside
This needed peace
And as of habit
I wait for the nightfall
To ease this ansious feelings
But until the night soothes me
I will not run,i will not give in
My routine break will not cease
And my soul i will release
From the every day predicament
These familiars glares
Became so trivial
And like every being
I'll try to live day by day
Without giving in
To the curse of routine

Copyright 2010

What Will Become Of Us If Not Machines?

There's a need of space
A space in between
Where no one and nothing can reach us
A space just to be
I will have time,i will have occasions
To express many suggestions
Until then
I'll always wait for the nightfall
To ease this craving inside
But until the night soothes me
I will not run,i will not give in
My routine break will not cease
And my soul i will release
From the every day predicament
Without any concerns
Without any rush
With time i will reach
That needed peace
And that's why
I trust my heart to you.

The Princess And The White Wolf

Through her dreams
Roaming in a place so unfamiliar
Full of greyish gleams
With the wind sounding like a whisper

It felt like winter
A beautiful land covered in white
But she would not whimper
It was an appraisal to her sight

Alone she was not
Being the target of someone's gaze
From that day she would never forgot
How her heart was set ablaze

Soon she would find
Soon she would understand
A bond forever intertwined
Her soul's greatest friend

The noble mighty white wolf
Gently appeared
With such overwhelming presence
But not to be feared

Surrounded by a shining light
With a heart never unfeeble
Like a flame in the pitch-black night
That repels all evil

She was doutbful at first
Wondering why he was there
Her mind was ready for the worst
But he wasn't going anywhere

It came to her senses
That they shared a strong tie
There weren't any pretenses
And with time it would intensify

It was indeed so pure
That would never rust
A connection so mature
Beyond any sense of trust

Through any peril or danger
They remain together
They defend the weakest stranger
Even if it is a simple beggar

United,they'll always strive through
United,no shadow will remain
A purity so true
That no one can restrain

A unique everlasting friendship awoken
A beautiful tale sung in a serenade
It will never be broken
It will never,ever fade!

Copyright 2010


Visions come
Visions flee away
Like a fresh breeze of air
Or like little revelations that happen
I see these bright lights
They announce one more month
More time of discoveries and sensations
Swaying around in the ether
Where night after night
I lay down in layers
Of a undiscovered life
Feeling your warm presence
True in life,deep in thought.

Copyright 2007


So silent,so vague
I watch the waves
Wash all the impurities
All the uncertainties
From this decaying shell off a person
Your presence lingers here
And i follow your footsteps
Into the ocean planet
Adrift in the ocean planet
Remembering always
This dream i had with you.

Copyright 2012

Elizabeth Castillo

As a feature Writer/Journalist/Short Story writer/Poet/Blogger whose mission is to share her creativity through pen pushing,Elizabeth sees herself as a keen observer of beautiful things around her.She is a natural born Artist from the Philippines.She graduated with a Bachelor Of Science degree in Business Administration,with a major in Management.Elizabeth also completed another course in Computer Programming,and currently works as an Online English Instructor for Koreans and as a freelance Writer.Previously,she worked as a News Correspondent for a local community newspaper and as a feature Writer for a private company’s corporate magazine.Elizabeth started writing and exhibiting her poetic prowess when she was just in her elementary days – an era when she was still this shy, unassuming lass.She describes herself as an arts and nature lover as well as a frustrated photographer.Her favorite authors are Stephen King, John Grisham and Paolo Coelho.Elizabeth has also self published her own poem ezine, Poetic Lizzy with 3 released issues.In addition,her work has appeared in 5 anthologies,the latest of which is "Live Life: The Daydreamer's Journal",part of a global charity for the benefit of the American Cancer Research.She is also a world record holder for most Artists Contributing to a Cover of an Anthology and is part of the currently released "Breaking Silence: The In-Depth Words of a Poet".

Field of Dreams

You always seem to utterly amaze me
These nostalgic sanctuaries you bring me into a sublime revelry
Each time I close my eyes my soul starts to wander,
In faraway places I've never seen, can't seem to remember.

These field of dreams each night takes me to a different life
You hold my hand as we step into a magical world
Enchanting palaces, at times I feel I'm reincarnated,
In this maze of majesties I'm left fascinated.

My spirit travels to a Kingdom I've never seen
Standing in the middle of the ocean with a mystical stream
Beneath a clear blue sky a mighty seagull flies,
Seeking for a lost damsel within it lies.

If only I could just stay in this forbidden dimension
I will be living forever in such joyous stead
Instead of always burdened with consternation,
In this mythical field of dreams, I will enjoy my eternal bliss!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

Seeker No More

I have been lost
Now I've been found
Used to look up the stars
And ask what direction should I go,
A labyrinth laden with incantations beheld me.

Why do these wandering feelings still manifest itself?
In this spiral life continuously lingering at each corner
Caught up in a daze, a frenzied state,
Lost in a enormous maze.

Confusion swirling my head
Some hated my silence
But i turned a deaf ear to this abhorrence,
They know nothing of this clamoring inside me.

Don't they know I'm in deep thoughts
But my timidity isn't equated to being shallow
Within the confines of this unassuming lass' heart,
Is a quiet but defiant thunderstorm.

Raging through the veins, wants a life of it's own
I tried to fit in my shadow to a world that's too "perfect" for me
Even gave in to mundane things,
But still i perceive there's much more than these.

A Holy Hand lit a burning torch through my secret pathway
As i step into my newly-found sanctuary
My dreams are within an arm's reach,
As i cast away my mystical wishes to the vast sea!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

A Glimpse Of Heaven

I awoke up one night and much to my surprise
A white apparition stood before me
Dressed in immaculate white gown
With soft, cottony wings and a golden halo above her head
She has a serene face with no trace of past pains.

Her feet was just bare but as if she floats
Hands so warm giving you a soothing feeling
Telling me from within i am safe with her
And so i let her take my hand and dismiss this quiver.

She led me to a magical place high above the clouds
A place where adversities and hurts cannot be found
All you can see are playful cherubs with cute, chubby faces
Flying angels greeting you as you enter the fortress.

All of a sudden there's a beaming light before us
So strong and vibrant, it made my eyes burn for a while
An unexplainable feeling washed over me that very minute
Then a voice out of the blue thundered uttering, "My Child."

I knew then I'm having a glimpse of dear heaven
But still can't believe myself, 
No it simply cannot happen
Was i already dead and God is now welcoming me
I blurted "Oh, Lord,is it my time already?"

He replied "No, it's not yet, my child. I just went into your dreams
So I could grant a wish."
Remember when you were a kid, you asked Me for this?
I guess it's a little overdue so I thought of giving it to you now."

Amazed, I couldn't speak for a minute
And so I realized God really do answer prayers in His time
Though a lot of us simply think He ignores our petitions
There could be reasons for such delays, the No's are actually sooner...

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2011

Drifting Sand

All along at the shoreline I found my niche
Fragments of memories come drifting away,
As cold water splashes before my sober eyes
Leaving me tinges of flash backs from my distant past.

Have I tried to hold back from the mighty current
Or just let it wash me away to a dreamy land,
Did I make myself get to oblivion
Pondering also have I carried on my sacred mission?

The ocean's strong stream is leading me to another direction
As the warm blowing wind creates this drifting sand before me,
Gigantic waves can't readily turn me over from my pedestal
For I am toughened by dragging to the flames like a diamond.

I'll keep focusing on what lies before my horizon
As I slowly see seagulls maneuvering over the ocean,
Will be chasing these dreams 'til they are within my reach
My footprints etched on the sand will remind them I was here!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

Be Amazed

Wake up to a brand new dawning day
The radiant rays of the sun smiling your way
Blue skies awakening this desire in your heart
Embark on your mission, have a thrilling start.

Be amazed at the wonders what this world can bring
Creation of God can all be but stunning
Let the soft whispers of the southern wind caress your weary soul
Forget about the worries let your senses be enthralled!

This life could be at times harsh on you
But wait, don't fret, don't let yourself immerse on being blue
Be amazed at a grandiose beauty in front of your eyes
Sail on your wondrous journey, don't let yourself be capsized.

Yes, at times traveling on this vast ocean can be turbulent
But stay put on your ground, don't go against the current
remain steadfast through the complexities this world throws at you
Shout at the top of your lungs, God I'm amazed by You!

Elizabeth E. Castillo Copyright 2012

Julie Moffit

Julie Moffit lives in Westland Michigan a suburb of Detroit, with her husband Rick and son Zachary.She loves to write haiku, cinquain and poetry that has been inspired by the works of Emily Dickinson and,Robert Frost .She has written for several years and self published a book in 2010 titled "Winter Song".She has also been published in other anthologies as well.

Words To Live By

In a Culture of hatred

People need to have a little Empathy for others

Would it be so hard to Emulate some kindness?

Having Integrity stands for something

A pragmatic view of the world

In a Visceral dysfunction of a mess

Living by a Plethora of true words not by Proxy

Just Google the word Love

Copyright Julie Mofitt 2011

New Haiku

Life's moments are to embrace

Journey of one step forward through time

Grasping the achievement that waits

Copyright Julie Mofitt 2011

Haiku ( Inspiration from Emily D. )

No dwelling in HOPELESSNESS

Strife to have some FAITH in turmoil


Copyright Julie Mofitt 2011

Ruth's Song

In the eloquence of beauty

Music plays and fills the room

With the sweetest sound

I see your face

Hear your voice

I carry a locket in my heart that is treasured

Last words spoken

I love you -

And I let you go

To a better place

No suffering

Simply peace

I just hope you look down upon me from time to time

Days, months, years have gone by

I always think of you each and everyday

Songs played remind me of you

A reflection in the mirror

I see you in myself

As time passes by

The void is still there

As I keep going

Strong, determined

For the gifts you gave me

Because of you .....................

Copyright Julie Mofitt 2011

A Box Of Therapy

A box of thoughts

Is kept in a closet

Many words put to paper

Journals full of such emotion

Expression of feelings, thoughts

Words are the therapy that become a coping mechanism

Fragile state

Writing each day

Rather than hide under the covers

Good days, bad days

Getting through it all

Becoming stronger each day

Words written with strength

Faith leading the way

Finding some peace in the chaos of life

Loosing the battle

Just not ready to give up yet

Putting the armor on to fight back once again

Loosing sleep

But staying sane

In a whirl wind of uncontrollable drama

A box of thoughts

That sits in a closet

Not ready to let go - just yet........

Copyright Julie Mofitt 2011

James F. Ross

James resides in a small coastal bay community in northern California; he is the author of the forthcoming historical-fiction trilogy The Desert Sun Saga. The Desert Sun – Life in Motion, is planned for release in 2012, with Brogan Creek Massacre and Dann’s Honor to follow.

His poem Tunnel is included in an anthology of global poetry published in 2011 as pay attention: a river of stones.

An accomplished musician and songwriter, a selection of his compositions were performed by an international ensemble in Warsaw, Poland at a 2005 Habitat for Humanity fundraising concert.

To view more poetry, music, and photography by James, please visit Craft Your Life in Motion

He is available on Facebook and Twitter. In addition, original artwork is available at Zazzle.

A Sweet Fellowship

Hello friend

Although our time was brief

We had a sweet fellowship

Desired by many

Experienced by few

A firm hand welcomed me

Pure joy, without fail

Guided our conversation

Each time we met

Laughter, augmented with love

Strengthened our bond

Neither was taken for granted

Sincerity, seasoned our shared vision

Of faith, hope, and charity

It is a mystery

That by design

This moment

Has come

Grace grants safe passage

A choir of friends and family

Sing you to rest

Your laughter has been saved

Embraced in my memory

Tears soften my voice now

To say to you

Goodbye Friend

Copyright 2011, James F. Ross

Life in Motion

Walking among the clouds

Rising above all calamity

Silence gives you pause

Wisdom and Love embrace you

First Light now acknowledged

Being Aware simplified

Moments of beauty shared

Craft your life in motion

Copyright 2010, James F. Ross

Gentle Is the Night

Gentle is the night that fades

Emerging from your day and soon into mine

Two soul mates…one magnificent canopy

The remaining luminous streams

Reveal your unblemished splendor

A gift for those

Blissfully seeking love

Copyright 2011, James F. Ross

My Reflection

My hand fits inside his now

A gentle giant

Graciously gave himself

A present to us all


Love renewed and confirmed

My reflection hugged me

And waved goodbye

Copyright 2011, James F. Ross

My Destination

I am

Paddling my canoe


Logic and reason offer resistance

Passion and beauty encourage me

Friends lend me their confidence

Although the challenge is new

Familiar are these waters

Pressing on toward my intention

Having known full well

This Journey has been My Destination

Copyright 2011, James F. Ross

Bina Gupta

Bina Gupta, has an ongoing romance with words, using them to effectively and beautifully convey the shades and nuances of life’s interactions. Surviving and experiencing the failures and small triumphs life offers up, Ms. Gupta has achieved not only serenity, but a fine and final acceptance of who she is and what makes her tick. Born in India and raised in Mumbai, Bina has a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Bombay University and uses her unique perspective to her advantage as a Writer. Having divided most of her adult life between India and the States, she carries with her a deeply felt passion for writing and has been developing her creative talenanthologies which include PROSOPISIA, an international journal of poetry and creative writing, Eves Times Chennai and (Paris), both e-zines, as well as a recent publication entitled, Ripples. Her work has also been selected to appear on the site.

In addition, five pieces of her work were also included as part of a permanent exhibit related to the World Trade Center attack.It is featured at the Museum of Chinese of the Americas (MoCA) a tremendous achievement and acknowledgement of her talents.

Bina is married, working and living in Brooklyn, New York. Her work has been featured in the Botticelli Magazine issue # 3 and most recently has been featured in the bestseller anthology, In The Company of Women, released in early 2012.Since the mid-70’s while living and working in Cleveland, Ohio,her creative juices have come to fruition in her collections of work: My Heart On My Sleeve and Handful of Fireflies which can both be purchased at Works from this collection, have been published in several poetry anthologies.


Seeds of
Lie fallow
In the fecund
Pockets of earth
That is my heart
News of death
Seeds them
Sprouting them
In record
I mourn alongside
Friends and the icicles
In the dark caverns of my
Heart begin to bleed ruby
Tears frozen by shock
And disbelief
Death is
A great equalizer
Bereft feeling permeates
I’ve learnt
To live in the
Be it in grief
Or in joy

*April 18, 2012 –Facebook and my website

Vestiges (dealing w/ ALZ)

Some vestiges of me still remain…
Some are long gone in the mist of morrows
some happy some sighing like my sorrows
yet some still remain...
Pulling back the lacy curtain of my misty memories
I peek through frowning with wistful concentration
Trying to penetrate the foggy clouds of my hallucinations
Hanging on to some vestige of my reality..
A paradox it is, veritably, as I hang on to my sanity
What seems okay to me is actually a moot point with others
My reality is mine only as others look askance in negation
I perilously hang on to the remnants of me
Dried up fragments of flowers and pressed leaves are they
In the book of my life, their fragrance a happy memory
The association, an important part of me, lost in the mists
Of lost vestiges of me in the sands of time…
In these mazes of my mind I seek me in a dazed haze
They think I’ve lost it, yet I know that I am there somewhere
Curled up in self preservation against onslaught of other forces
Stitching tattered vestiges of me in a frenzy…
Am I a closed book gathering dust in peaks and troughs of my life
Trying to make it home under my own steam and no longer roam
The compass of my life gives mixed signals and clueless, I clasp
Tight to the remaining vestiges of me
I ask not for any pity or understanding or acknowledgements
My foibles and my idiosyncrasies aid me to retain me for me
Your memory now exists as those dried blooms in the book of my life
Now I exist in the vestiges of myself that belong only to me
Teaching is leaving a vestige of one self in the development of another. And surely the student is a bank where you can deposit your most precious treasures ~ Eugene P. Bertin

**this poem appears in
self published collection of poems called “My Heart On My Sleeve” march 10, 2009 and
website/facebook etc.

Dowell Oba

Dowell Oba is a dynamic Nigerian poet with a natural flair for wielding the quill. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and Education degree in English and Literature, from the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. His first poetry collection "Ocean Tide" was published 2011 by Author House. His poems have also been featured in the Copperfield Review, USA, The ZAM Africa Magazine Netherlands, Grade School Syllabus USA, and in the first eBook anthology in this series.His ballad poem "Dilemma with Two Sisters"was featured in the Literature Grade School Syllabus in the USA.He is currently an English and Literature teacher at Renaissance International Schools, Ovwian, Warri, Nigeria. He won the Voices Net Writers Contest USA in the periods of April 2010 and July 2011 respectively. In January 2010,Dowell also won First Place in Poetry in the Creative Writers' Awards for Excellence of the Faculty of Arts, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria,at the climax of his university days.His poem "Our Peaceful Toil" was published in Volume 2 of the World Healing World Peace Poetry Anthology during the 2012 National Poetry Month of April."

Chemical Bond

Like the image of the compass,
You pose the fixed end
And I remain the rotating end.
Though I run away from those I love,
The chemical bond you possess
Ever draws me closer to say...
Love is just a definition
Of what you've placed
In my heart!

Copyright Dowell Oba 2009

HOW I Miss You

How I miss you, let me count the ways:
I miss you like bread misses butter,
I miss you like a knight misses his angel,
I miss you like a runner misses a runway,
I miss you like a suitor misses his bride,
I miss you like a thirst misses water,
And I miss you like an engine misses a propeller.
So please write me if you miss me too!

Copyright Dowell Oba 2009


With an ongoing ride through time
A verse to your salute I did mime
in recognition of a presence well spent
On a fading world of life given on rent
Emerging victoriously through daily conquest
Achieving craving desire at immediate request
Placing a positive stamp in my delicate heart
Since the onset of our love you did start
Hard to believe the passing on fast a year
Seeming only a month cut out from a year
When my emotions for you was at its best
For right in my heart your figure did rest
Erasing swiftly every previous unworthy attention
Dedicating my love towards you, a wise decision
But the joys of the world your love did bring
Rendering its blessings in my life it did ring
So a salute of appreciation I make this day
In wishing you merriment in a most perfect way
For being so special up this very day you've been
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you who my heart has seen.

Copyright Dowell Oba 2009

Ballad Of Mary

Mary smiles intuitively,
That, I know.
Mary laughs flowery,
That, I know
Mary talks merrily,
That, I grow.
Mary speaks craftily,
That, I slow.
Mary reasons logically,
That, I toe.
Mary coins perfectly,
That, I'm sure.
Mary sniffs wisely,
That, she's pure.
In Mary's lovely virtues
Ever said,
Does Mary prove religiously,
That, I know.
But in Mary's wisdom
Lies a point:
In wrongful an act,
She knows,
A listening ear
To affirm her right,
Cos Mary speaks skilfully,
That, I know.

Copyright Dowell Oba 2012


I flowed in my sense of chivalry
Amidst every possible glance of rivalry
In justification of a manner, ever dignified
An opportunity with an angel, so nicely signified.
I spinned to the rhythm from my lyrical rock
Overshadowed by a magical hit as though struck
By a thunderbolt ringing constantly in my head
I tossed my coin, it spinned to your favor instead.
Now I slowly recollect that joyful moment
In contact with a damsel like the moon's crescent
I ran, but my shadow tilted towards your direction
From afar, I pictured tactically a derivation
Of a spectacle as sweet as though a femme-fatale
A mademoiselle of glory, soft as though a petal
For I once planted a rose bud early this June
That probably must have blossomed into her fine fortune
To make her priceless a figure so well crafted
For an artist had indeed retired for a skill well mastered
Wondered how it would feel in a mind paradise
In the realm of her dream to slowly fantasize
And be in cognizance with a damsel so well endowed
Like a cognoscenti with knowledge of her every doubt
To slowly unleash my mesmerized hands on her shoulder
That will surely make sweet Eny echo her rhythm much longer.

Copyright Dowell Oba 2009

Steven Michael Pape

Steven was born in 1974 in England. He has had a dozen poems published independently in various Anthologies by Forward Press. Steven has also self-published three books of his own poems and two Anthologies of worldwide poets ,all available from More recently,he has had book reviews and poetry featured in New York's AEA zine. He is Currently working on a book of realism poetry.

Brahman`s Quest.

And we learn from teachings of so long ago,
That by freeing the mind, the soul will follow
These words with their strange abbreviations,
Each one can be understood and appreciated.

With meditation and with mantra beads,
It is all some want and all some need
To reach enlightenment with silent prayer,
And to caress each thought that is there.

The sublime one sits under the bodhi tree,
His eyes are shut it don`t mean he can`t see
An ascetic that meditates in a yellow robe,
Each word that`s uttered, each word that`s told.

Sitting outside we all see natures full bloom,
It can still be experienced in a locked room
Our imagination is just like water it flows,
Materialistic impulses we just have to let go.

Copyright Steven Pape 2012

Like Leaves That Drift

Like leaves that drift amidst the breeze,
Standing still imitating the tree`s
Place a stake into hollowed ground,
This inner truth lost then found.

Sit still, obey all perception,
Abolish all of the old rejection
The hurt and the hate welled up inside,
This reclusive soul, destined to hide.

Thoughts honed down into structure,
The brain swells, the imminent rupture
In wakefulness confront it head on,
With empty eyes, soul long gone.

This still long anxious waiting,
Yet avoiding ideas, anticipating
The nature of the art, the beauty of the beast,
Day turns to night, anger turns to peace.

Copyright Steven Pape 2012

Summer Hazy Day.

A dreamy summer hazy day,
Opening the window
Thoughts drift away,
The all observing nature at play.

The birds taking flight,
All sounding alike
The flowers in bloom,
Sun changing from moon.

The fresh air takes place,
Over the emotionless race
As times seeming slow,
Our minds they do grow.

Expands with due care,
The world shining bare
Memories are gone,
As it all carries on.

The young and the old,
A crow standing bold,
The trees with fresh leaves,
Feeding animals underneath.

Big smiles on pale faces,
This sun hits all places
It creeps through our pores,
Leaves us craving for more.

The vibrant colors that be,
When we are wanting to see
When we all open our minds,
To the beauty combined.

A dreamy summer hazy day,
We all now leave nature to play.

Copyright Steven Pape 2012

The Trees Are Talking

Deep into the forest,
Amidst the twilight gloom
The trees are talking,
Illuminated by the moon.

It sounds like a tidal wave,
It starts from the far end
Then travels through the tree tops,
As the ancient branches bend.

Standing higher than houses,
Older than the human form
Breathing in their oxygen,
All nature is reborn.

The trunks are unblemished,
Not spoiled by human hands
Swaying into the night sky,
Pure beauty where they stand.

Copyright Steven Pape 2012

Then Spring Came

Then spring came, In it`s rare enchantment
All it`s beauty, yearly reanacment.
The beauty of these lost woods,
Trees lined pure white like doves.

The colors that bloom,
Brings lightness to gloom.
These once skeleton trees,
Now all full in the breeze.

These virginal seeds,
Have completed their deeds.
All budding in full flow,
And yet more time to grow.

This Gothic house, Red vines climbing high,
Interacts with this stark blueness of sky
A worthwhile portrait, an artist comments,
Abstract imaginary clings to dead cement.

Then spring came almost overnight,
Shocked by it`s beauty, marvelled by light
Flowers lined up, all along this path,
As sunlight glistens off of my wine glass.

Copyright Steven Pape 2012

Venoyd McCalister III

Venoyd McCalister III is a full time student at Angelina College in Lufkin, Tx. He is a Liberal Arts major and enjoys writing poetry about love, religion, and any subjects that interest him regarding different events past and present. He enjoys experimenting with different poetic forms and he is passionate about his craft


humble .. but not weak....
patient... but not sleep...
living ... to love all...
a man... but i weep....
troubles... but i sleep....
anxious... but i wait....
meditating time and space....
while living to love without reason....
giving .. without.. pause...
a smile is always in season...
levitating on life and love....
i know trouble.. but i sleep....
a man .. but i weep....
loving without cause....
humble... but not weak....
broke ... but not cheap.....

Copyright Venoyd McCalister 2012



Close encounters with silent reapers...
The lion den has my reservation...
And the lions have been my pillows...
And i have slept .... and i am sleeping ....
Been saturated.. with wasteful condensation....
But time has strengthened my resolution ....
This temple has been and is still resilient...
Heavy wings cut through the storm...
Many turbulent nights spent alone....
Perhaps it was solitary time well spent....
Wide awake from lying dormant....
So funny how the shoe revolves...
Karma has made the puzzle solvent....
I have been the liar's doormate....
Now dust me off and watch me shine....
Faith and patience sharpened my resolve...
Now i will ......become the storm...
It is funny how situations revolve....
As the stars align ... seek what is in store ...
... As i fluff my pillow... hear me roar...

Copyright Venoyd McCalister 2012

On My Way ( collab re-titled )

As the sands of time...
Fall down like rain...
We were born to die...
But lord .. with faith i will sustain...
You saved a soul...
That once asked for death...
You calmed a weary mind..
Now i can rest....
Your grace and mercy...
Saved this soul of mine....
Now the lower i get..
The higher i rise....
I was so lost...
The blindest of the blind..
And i made you my choice...
And i hear your voice...
Illuminate my mind...
As i walk with you day to day.....
I am on my way ..
To see you face to face...

Copyright Venoyd McCalister 2012

Scott Ransopher

Scott Ransopher was born in Tempe, Arizona on September 25th 1974. He currently resides in Garland, Texas. He graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas in 1997 with a degree in English language and literature. He has been writing poetry since 1995. His web site is:


What did they pay for this rainbow spring
Here on their high plateau?
Aching lungs and the north wind's sting
And drift upon drift of snow.
What was the price of this jade green grass
That covers their sprawling plain?
Blizzards like beasts and ice like glass
And gnawing cold and pain.

In growling winter it's hard, it's hard
To remember wild strewn flowers.
But with a hundred hues on their great, green spread,
They forgive the cold-bitten hours.

Copyright Scott Ransopher 1997

A Grandfather Like You

The Oshkosh B'Gosh overalls
A trademark of your own
The acres of farmland
You'd always call your home

You taught her "Oh Susanna"
You taught her Sheep head too
And she thought everyone
Had a Grandfather like you

You could fix near everything
If parts were left over--who cared?
You always were up to mischief for
Your honor was meant to be shared

You were a dancer, a farmer
An angel and a crook
You taught your grand kids lessons
You never learned from a book

Love must have given you nine lives
And she's glad to share a few
For it is a real treasure
To have a Grandfather like you!

Copyright Scott Ransopher 1998

Frances Ayers

Since my mid forties I have been writing poetry,mostly in rhyme,although recently I have begun to write free verse and Haiku.I have found writing to be very cathartic,as it has helped me deal with a number of losses,especially the suicide
of my younger brother.I have been published in three Facebook anthologies and online.My poem,"As Old As Sea",came in third place in the May 2010 poetry contest,and another poem,"Of Winter Born",was voted a three star finalist on that same
site.When I am not writing,I am a full time Caregiver to my elderly uncle and beloved nine year old adopted cat Mimi.Previously,I worked as a Social Worker with abused and neglected children and their families in the NYC area.I graduated from Fordham University in 1988 with my MSW degree.

Soul Speak

Tell me of your deepest yearnings
And need to feel you're not alone
Trust me with memories you treasure
Have patience when I take that tone
And Wish for me all life's goodness
Few tears that sting like braided rope
Patience and luck in equal measure
And strength anew to help me cope
Hoping to attract that kindred soul
With a longing that knows to wait
My heart opens up to accept the one
Forever more to be my mate

Copyright 2012 Frances Ayers

In Memory Of

Whispers of the past
Flood the eyes and ears
And visions like a blast
Announce the time of year

Forgotten dreams again
Dredging up the years
Through night and day they lend
The living borrowed tears

Perhaps its sorrows way
To cleanse the soul again
Of doubts that may sway
The heart that needs to mend

Copyright 2011 Frances Ayers


Refined,and polished
Reflecting the light of day
Memories are precious

A rare collection
Never lost or hidden
Forever ours

With many facets
To be shared with loved ones
A living tribute

Copyright 2012 Frances Ayers

What The New Year Brings (Haiku Chain)

Hope in full measure
Enough to last many days
Sustaining us

A faith filled cup
From which we sip slowly
Lasting all our days

Patience which awaits
The dawning of the new day
Lifts its eyes upwards

Copyright 2012 Frances Ayers

Change (Haiku Chain)

Uncertain days
Challenging the strongest hearts
We climb a mountain

Stepping upwards
Approaching the highest peak
A magnificent view

Vision is panoramic
Eying the valley below
Part of our journey

Copyright 2012 Frances Ayers

The Souls Joy(Senryu)

Bright light to others
Imbued with goodness and love
Seeks a higher goal

With faith and purpose
Sets out on a far journey
Discovering life

By what it finds everywhere
Can now reach the stars

Copyright 2011 Frances Ayers


Bildmaterialien: photos are copyright and duty free
Lektorat: Frances Ayers-Editor
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.05.2012

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