“I believe all animals were provided by God to help keep man alive.”
Iwao Fujita
Title of Show: All Paws Pet Talk and All Paws Pet Talk TV
Name of Host: Annie Greer, Brian Patrick Clark, Debora Wolfe, Sheryl Matthys, Brent Atwater
Theme: A call-in show covering all subjects involving pets
Guest Profile: We welcome all experts in the Animal Industry as guests
Where Aired: Nationwide including entire state of Florida and on Internet
Email: jack@allpawspettalk.com
Website: http://www.allpawspettalk.com
Best Method of Contact: Email
Title of Show: Animal Advocacy with Linda Nelson is among more than a dozen active programs and many others available in archived form--and we are always looking for people with something to say.
Name of Host/Theme: Our hosts are people who are exploring ideas, their topics are generally broad and deep. Look at our stations lists to find a specific host or topic.
Where Aired: New Voices (central location)
Guest Profile:: Interesting
Email: Georgia@ladybugbooks.com
Website: http://www.TeenTalkNetwork.com, http://www.LadybugLive.com
http://www.NewVoices.com; http://www.caninescorner.org/radioshow.htm
Phone: 209-694-8340
Best Method of Contact: Email
Title of Show: Animal Radio®
Name of Host: Hal Abrams, Judy Francis, Dr. Debbie White, Joey Villani, Vladae Roytapel, Joy Turner, Stacey Cohen, Britt Savage, Vinnie Penn
Theme: Anything Animal
Where Aired: 100+ AM FM stations (list at AnimalRadio.com) & XM Satellite Radio Channel 166
Guest Profile: Fun, provocative
Email: judy@animalradio.com
Website: http://AnimalRadio.com
Phone: 805-237-2067
Best Method of Contact: Email
Title of Show: Animaltopia
Name of Host: Robert Semrow
Theme: Anything and everything animal related
Where Aired: Pet Life Radio
Guest Profile: Anything and everything animal related
Email: rsemrow@animaltopians.com
Website: http://www.animaltopians.com
Phone: 888-969-7297
Best Method of Contact: Email or phone
Title of Show: Ask Dog Lady
Name of Host: Monica Collins
Theme: Dogs, life and love. Responsibility to pets is underlying theme
Where Aired:
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-0702-3
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