
The middle of it all

Dark night on the road with only thing visible is the black pavment from the road with the yellow lines and a tree here and there off to the side fretting that a deer may come by. My heart pounding from all the stress that was going and and my head was being fried from everyhting like a marsh mellow being stuck into a fire. When you take it out, it is nothing but charcle. None of this would have ever happened if I would have just staid out of my friends buisness. Nothing good ever comes from being noise.
I look at my whach and it was past midnight. I decide to turn on my radio to hopefully calm my nerves down. The song was Rape me by Nervona. Not the best song for the timing but still a great song. You can't help not to head bang to that shit. "Rape me, Rape me my friend. Rape me, Rape me again. I'm not the only one da da da da da, I'm not the only one ya, I'm not the only one."
(fuzz) "What the fuck? Oh, come on. You have got to be kidding me. this shit always happens in the movies." I say to myself, " and then the person pulls over gets, out of the car, see's something, screams and runs for her life and dies." I don't pull over though because I am not like those stupid chickes. I am smart and just keep going and if my car decides to brake down then I am just going to park in the middle of the road and park my little but in my seat till day light or someone comes along. My car was still running though so I was just fine with my heart racing faster then a G6.
(Thump) car spining on the road. (crash)

2 Months before

"So you have everyhting now? You have your bags, your tooth brush, your money?" my mother said to me with her ragedy looking grey sweat pants and green blous though with just freshly painted nails and brite red lipstick on her lips. " Make sure you call me every night sophia you hear and Mia. Oh, Mia. You keep a sharp eye on my girl now. You know how she can be sometimes. Geting into mischeaf." I look at my mother with a stern look like I was about to hit her. But of course I wasn't going to do that. That wouldn't be nice. Mia just laughed. Then My mother swept her hands inwared sujesting us to come closer to her. She hugs us both at the same time squeezing us till there was no more juice inside of us. "I love you girls, so much," kissing me on the cheek and then Mia both leaving a red sticky lipstick mark on both of us. We look at each other and had our selves a little giggle pointing at each other. Mia looked funny expecially because she wasn't her mother. She was mine. But then that made it embarising to me. I felt like I was in one of those movies where the father is pulling up in a trashy car that smokes and makes loud noices and then when you get out of the car the parent, Screaming almost, Make good choices honey, you here.
We start to walk out the door with our last few bags. I open the trunk to my black jeep. We throw our bags in and I slam the trunk down shut. I give my mother one last long hug. All of a sudden, I beggin to hear over my shoulder, snifling. It was my mother. I didn't really know what to do but I tried to think what a mother would do f her child was sniffling. So I then squeez her tighter. I whisper I love you in her ear and I coold feel her smileing with the warmth of her breath over my neck. I look her in the eyes and say," Remember mom, I will always be your little girl no matter what. Just wait till im getting married! Then you will have totally different feelings then." She smiles a big grin and pats me on the head though I was taller then her. It was like a Grey Hound trying to be a lap dog and the owner is just petting their dog.
"Honk, honk" Mia said with my car," Come on girl. If we want to make sure we get a good deal on our room. We got to go now! Ya hear. Now!"
"Ya, ya I know. Just give me a moment ok. I'm sure you and your mom had a whole week of crying with each other before you got her. Ya, that's right. I know how close you and your mom are. Just give a moment." Mia looked away and just sat there with her head down in disgrase and her hands in her lap folded fiddling with her fingers.
"I love you mom. Good bye" I kissed her on the cheak and left her with a smile still looking at her as I walked down to my car and then opened my side door to the drivers side. Looked at my mom with a smile and then blew her a kiss. Bent down to get into my car and drove off. Hoping tha that was the best way to say good bye to my mother. Because you know its never . easy to say good bye to your parents. If only my father was here. I could give him my last hug and kiss as well. But that wont happen. Never. But I can always do it in my dream and blow him a good bye kiss.
I look out my window and put my hand over my mouth and then blew a kiss to the sky and then said, "I love you pops."

What just happend?

"Hey, do you think we could get something to eat now? It's like past two o'clck and I'm kinda getting hungry now ya know." Mia preped her voice like to try to make me laugh but was serious at the same time. Her face was looking flushed and my face was a little too. Our stomachs had been grumbling for about a half an hour now.
"okay, okay. We can stop for a half an hour to try to get our legs moving again and get something to eat and then we get on the road right away." I pulled over to the Left lain on the high way and then I found an exit for number 32 in Colorado. We look around and we see a subway. I pull over and park into the parking lot. Not a whole lot of people were out here at this hour. Must be it wasn't a busy hour for them here.
I get out of the car almost falling over. My legs felt like Jellow on a hot summer after noon. It was hot down here in Colorado. Way different from New York weather right now. Mia pounds her arms on the top of the car with them folded and makes a huge sigh that you could probebly hear it from a mile away. "So lets go get something to eat why don't we." Mia didn't want to do anything till she got food going threw her mouth and into her stomach.
As we walk we could see people on the sides of the building just staring at us like we were invading their taritory. We open the door and a bell rings above our heads. The whole place was desirted. Everything was covered but seeing this place I dont even know if anything is eat able here. It smelled musty and the heat wasn't helping.
"Hello? Is any one there. We're starving people willing to give you money for some good servious food." I stood there by the counter in my short shorts and Red tank top. Mia sits up on the counter facing me with the big yellow smily face looking at me from in between her boobs on her tank. Her long brown hair put up in a pony tail whipts me in the face as she then starts walking over to the find the bread. I grabed a cup and went to the soda station and pushed down a button and it worked. "Dr.Peper, Coke, Pepsie?" I asked Mia.
"Ah, just get me a Dr.peper. I thought you knew me?" She laughed as she took the tops off that was over the food. "The food is actually good here. Shocker isn't it?" She goes behind one of the Ovens and plugs it in. The machine makes a noice and then Mia stuck her bead with some meet and cheese on inside of the oven and then goes to the other side to watch as it slowly moves and the cheese melts. "Hey, you going to come over here and make your sub?"
"Oh, ya. Just one moment. I need to go to the bathroom really quick. I just know I look like a mess." As I walk over to the bathroom on the left of the building and I open the door and look inside to see if there was a mirror inside of it. I find one and it was all dusty. I really don't think this place is open anymore but then again how could the food be fresh and ready when this place looks like its been desirted for about a decade. I go to get some paper towle and turn on the water. It was warm and very unclear but it didnt matter. I got it a little wet and then whiped up the mirror. I then saw myslef and I was supprised the mirror hadn't cracked. The mark that my mother left was still on my cheek and so I whiped that off first. Then I got out my little bag off make up. touched up my face and put on some bright red lip stick on. Out of no where I heard a scream. I ran out the bathroom and found Mia standing there looking like she just say a ghost.
"What? What is it? What happened? You look like you just saw a ghost. Are you okay?" I shouted at her with frite all in my voice.
Mia had her hhands in front of her mouth looking down and then looked at me wide eyed. I still hadn't known what was going on but then Mia moved over to the side and there was a man on the ground behind her. "He was just there and he put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't mean to hurt him It just was my reflexes. I swear Sophia I swear." Mia started to cry and then ran out of the building with her hands over her eyes.
I stood there for a moment and then forced myself to move and run back after Mia at the car. I run outside looking for her. I didn't see her at first by the car but then I saw a head in the pasenger seat. I start to run over to the car and open the drivers door open and get in the seat and close the door behind me. It was quiet for a while then I decided to just start the car up to stop the silence.
As the car starts up, I make a funny noise with my lips and then Mia makes a little gigle. We look at eachother and both do it at the same time together. We stair trying not to smile and then start histaricly laughing. It was one thing was always did when upset about something.

That man looks like a trole

I start to get on the high way and then good thing is that Mia still had her sandwitch with her which she filled up so much that it was just the perfect amount for both of us to split. As we munch on our food, I ask Mia to look at the map and tell me where we are. Not that I was lost just wanted her to figure it out because Mia has a little trouble with math and I want her to figure out how much farther we have by using the messurments on the map. Shes also's not good at directions and I love to see her stumble. And that may sound bad but shes my friend and I love her plus in the end she always gets it and is very succesful which makes me very proad of her.
"So we are In Utah Right now on rougt 70 and the exit nearest isn't till for another 20 or so miles and um," Mia hesetated. She ws silent for a will and I nudged her to tell me what was up. She wouldn't say anything and she seemed as if she was tramatized or had just seen a ghost. Then she finally spoke, "Sophie. There is a bridge coming up." She was really queit and I just thought to myself oh shit. And I could tell Mia was scared and I had just remembered from that moment that she is tarifide of briges. So I told her to go get in the back and cover her self with the red blanket that I had back there right away and close her eyes and put her head phones in her ears and lsiten to music and grab the foot massager, turn it on and put it under her butt so she couldn't feel or hear or see when we were going over the bridge. She gave a small quick giggle and then did just as I said exactly as I had told her. I don't under stand what it is about bridges that she hated because she sure isn't afraide of hights. She loves rollercosters and all that kind of stuff but can't stand bridges. I mean I guess it could be a bit scary but not for a person who likes hights. She looks looking down from buildings and sending an echo out into the world saying hello.
I start to see the top wire of the bridge and look back at Mia. She ws still there doing as I said, with the sheet over her head and I could hear the massager Vibrating under her butt. It was really loude seince it was underneath her because the pressure mad it echo and so I was giggleing inside although I really shouldn't be. I just smile and then look forward. I saw something that was standing in the middle of the road just infront of the road just at the edge of where the bridge starts. I squint my eyes really tight. As I got closerI then realized that it was a man. A very little man in ragedy cloths. I start to slow down and then stop right in front of him.
He was like a midget of some sort in a torn up trole alfit. Or so it seemed to look like. I was puzzling so much in my head that no words came threw my head or mouth. The weird thing though is that he just stood there standing and staring at me with some kind of sinister smile. I rolled down my window and stuck my head out the window. He was affily close but I yelled out to him. I asked, "Is there something I can do for you sir?" The short man kindly just stood there. He just stood there with that creapy look in his eyes. He then said something but I didn't hear a thing he said. Only saw his lips move. I put a puzzled look on my face and ws about to ask him to reapet what he said. But he said it before I could and said," Pass word."
"Excuse me?" I was more puzzled then ever now.
I look back at Mia and she was still there just sitting still but The blanket was moving back and fowrth. She was listening to her music head banging. She liked to listen to rock and stuff which is good because that is very loud music which is what she needed at the time. I look back at the man but he was still just standing there.‎ I didn't know what to do or say. Then I heard sone kind of ruffling noise in the back.
"Why have we stoped and," All of a sudden Mia screams at the top of her lungs so it seemed. I felt like I had lost my hearing but thank god I haden't or so I hope. "Gnarled, gnarled! The password is gnarled okay please just let us pass! Gnarled!"
I was about to ask what the hell she was saying but then I saw from the corner of my eye the little man putting his head down frowning and then moving to the side. I just sat there in astonishment. I didn't move for a while or saya word or anything. Then I began to move the car slowly onto the bridge though still puzzling in my head harder then ever.
As I move, the little man just stood to the side watching me with his head down but never taking his eyes off me. He had no expretion on his face. Just blank. He made me feel so uncomfurtable and I wanted to stop looking at him. There was something about him that mistafied me. It's like there was some kind of magic in the air around him. But as I drove away on the road I felt that magic being pulled away from me even though it was all in my hand. Now though that am all the way across the bridge all of the magic is gone but the horrier was all in Mia's eyes.
Mia crawls up back to the front with me but still looking forward with her big blues eyes wide open. I would say something but I bet she wouldn't say anything back so I just left it silent again like from the not to long ago insedent. Honnestly hate these silent moments but I guess it's better then being in a car with ranbbling kids that never shut up for 3 days straight in one small car. Never doing that again but also I was littling when I went through that and wasn't driving at the time. I feel bad for my parents now.
I patted Mia's left shoulder but still said nothing but in my head I was saying What in the bloody hell is Mia not telling me?


"Alright, we are almost there. Just five more miles and we are there and in college." I say with a big smile. I put my hand on her shoulder and tried to shake her but she stiffened up so that I couldn't. Mia just satting there quiet but then she turned her head to look at me and forcing herself to reavel a smile but I can see in her eyes that she is frightened from not to long ago. I see the sign of the next exit for us to enter to get to the college. I then see the entrence and turn on my turn signal to go threw. I drive around looking at all of the bulidings and then find the enternece to the colege. I turn in and begin looking for the main building. Then I began to see a bunch of colege students around this one building so I figured that this is where we need to go. I look for a parking spot and park the car.
"Ready?" I ask Mia. And she knew perfectly what I ment by that. You think I am saying this as of 'ready to start a new life in college together'. No, I mean 'ready to have some fun'. We have this thing where when we wont something, we like to spice it up a little and play around with some people to try to lewer them to us.
As we look for our first victume in our new lives I then spot a young man probebly from 23 to 25 of age. He had the nice skater hair, black swish. He had on converse and bagy tan shorts with a black T-Shirt That said Academy of Art University on the top left corner right ontop of his chest peck. And from the looks of how tight the shirt was pn him I could tell that this boy had a six pack. He was hot and in both ways. He looked like he has been out in this heat for like 5 hours. And it's pretty damn hot out in this weather and it always is so if he has to do this more then for one day then I would deffinetly hate to be him. But then again it would be nice to watch him getting hot a sweaty. I poke Mia and point to the young man. She looks at me with a huge grin and nods her head. We then flip our hair and fix each other up. Fix our make up and then start walking over to the man. For we were lucky enough that no one was being aquanted with him at the time.
We come up to him and I say, "Hey, um I'm Sophia Frobisher and this is my friend Mia Waldeburge. We are here to get our information and stuff." I twist my hair and chew on my gum sexually with one hand on the table trying to make it obviously I was flirting and I could tell that he saw it because he was just smiling shaking his head. He had a little giggle. " Whats your name handsome?" I ask him with a big grin on my face.
He hesitates still smiling with a little chuckle and say's, " Ace, Ace Octavius."
Grining with a red face. He seemed to be enbarised or maybe flirting a little to much for his usual. I had a feeling in me like I was special. Special to make him blush as much as he was.
Then I asked, "So you going to give us our directions?"
He hesitated and then started to shuffle around looking for our papers. He then found mine and asked for my friends last name again because he forgot. Then he found her's and handed it to her. He then began to say, "The Edgar Degas Apartments at 680 Sutter are housed in a apartment building, which is located in the heart of Nob Hill, next door to one of the Academy's galleries, and across the street from our 625 Sutter academic facility. The building is also minutes away from Union Square, the gallery district, and Chinatown. Countless cafés, restaurants, parking garages, and grocery stores surround the area." He said it so well as if he has said this in the mirror over a dozen times. We said thank you in unison and turned around fliping our hair at the same time. We then turn around and look back at him and of course, he was staring right at us with an ear brow up and mouth just slittly open. We turn around and get into our car very slowly like in the movies and then sat there staring at him. Then we look at each other for a few monents. Then we started laughing histaricly.
I turn on the car and start driving back to get out and us the directions the guy gave us. The whole comunity area actually seemed a lot smaller then it looks like on the map. We found the building and then I looked for parking. I found one of those parking tunles. I drive inside and see the numbers. We were number 27 and so we went around to look for our number. I then find it and park the car into the parking slot. We get out and I pop the trunk with all of our bags and stuff.

What is that?

"How about I go look for a cart to put all of our stuff on and you can stay here. Start taking stuff out though so it will save us a little time. You know?" Mia told me.
"Ok, ya. I can do that. But don't be to long. You know how I don't like to be left alone long." I looked around with fright in my voice.
She said ok and then started to walk down the parking lot and once she went around the corner I started to unpack the car. My heart was pounding fast anf hard but I knew nothing would happen. But I had some kind of feeling like I was being watched. I then heard a noise and turned around fast. I heard something like foot steps. I tried to look around but I couldn't fined any one. Then I saw something like a shadow around the corner. I was praying that it was Mia. But I hid behined the car any ways.
My heart was beeting faster then ever now. I peek over threw the car window to see who it was. I then saw this man in a nice suit and he was looking around as if looking for someone. I tried to make out his face and then I saw his eyes and they were blood shot red. I gasp and held my hand over my mouth. I didn't want him or what ever it was to know I was there.
I then look back at him and he looked frightened and his cloths were tatered like he just got in a fight. All of a sudden, he flies back. As if someone just pulled him from the back with a clear see threw string. I stand up and look around for him. I then hear a loud screaching sound and it seemed to last about half a minute with my hands covering over my ears but I still could hear it loud and clear. Then when it stoped, I take my hands off my ears and look up. I start to walk slowly over to the corner. Then I heard a ding. I turn around and the elevatore doors open up. Mia was inside it.
I took a deep breath in, "God, you scared me. Don't do that again."
" Sorry, I'll try my best." Mia hada weirded out look on her face. Then she asked me, "Gosh, you ok girl? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Did something happen up here or something?
I turn my headd over my shoulder to look at the corner of the parking lot, "No, nothing. Nothing happened."
"Ok, well why don't you help me with these bags then so we can get to our place." She squeeked with a big grin.
I started to put bags onto the cart and then we went to the elevator. I still look straight ahead over to the corner. I knew I probebly should have told her what I had seen, But I really don't think she could have handled it. Not after every thing else that has happened for the past few days.

The book

I open the door to room number 27 with the key that I was given with all the info I got. The door opened up with ease which made me happy becasuee I wasn't in the mood for a broken knob.
The room was a nice badge room with two beds both on one side of the room and then a few feet away from the beds was a cauch and in front of that on the other side of the wall was a small flat screan TV. It was small but just the right size for us. Besides we probebly wont even to in the room much but for studying and sleeping.
"Ya, this is really nice. Just right wouldn't you say?" Asked Mia more like to the air but it was to me I figured.
"Ya, I like it. Besides, It's not like we will be doing much in here. May get a bit tipsy a few night but for the most part nice." I nudged Mia in the arm with my elbow Laughing. She laughed along with me and then we went over to the couch and we both ploped our butts down on it at the same time. We sat there for a bit in silence. Then I said, "So, wanna goes around and cheack the place out or stay here and unpack? Get things orgenized and stuff."
"Ok, ya lets just stay here but its hot out there and I don't want to ride around any more then we already have for the past few days."
I agreed with her and so we startedto open our bags and put our cloths into the dressores they had there. They were just the right size for all the cloths that we had brought. I had just finished putting my pants in my droores when I then looked over and found something like a book sticking out of Mia's dufle bag. I went over and grabbed it out of her bag. It had some kind of weired markings on it that I could not indicate. Then, Mia grabbed it out of my hand with in a snap and shouted, "No! You can't touch this."
"And may I ask why not?" I blankly asked
"It.... It.... It.." She hesitated as to what she was trying to tell me. Then she said, "It belonged to my great great grand mother. It's her diary from when she was a child and then past it to her daughter and then she past it on to her daughter and then My mother past it on to me just the day before we left for here. Mother told me to take very good care of it and to never let it out of my site and that hoipefully this book will help me get threw life like it had for her and her motther adn her mother."
I was blank and I really didn't know what to say. I felt sheepish for asking her why I should't touch it. She looked so angry and upset all at the same time. "I'm sorry Mia. I prommise to never touch your things with out your consent." I smiled, "You know I love you and would never disobey you. Come here and give me a hug." I started to walk over to her with my arms wide open and then she came into my arms and we hugs for a moment and then I looked at her face and told her, "Now lets go ad get some ice cream. Ice cream always helps you feel better."
She smiled and we walked out the door.


"No, wait! Please! I didn't know. I'm not the one you are wanting. Please!" I cried running for my life trying to get away some monster. My heart is racing and I'm trying to figure out a way to out smart the thing but there were no streets or things that I could go and hide behind. Then I trip over something. I look on the ground and it was the book that I had found in Mia's bag and then picked it up. It was book marked and so I opened the book to where the string was places. I look at the page and it was a bunch of strang simbles and signes. I couldn't figure it out.
Then I heard a voice, "Now I've got you." and grabed me.
I wake up in bed sweating. Mia was beside me with her hands on me grabing my arms. My heart was racing and I had my hands over my mouth. "Are you ok?" Mia asked. I said nothing and pushed her to the side. I then got up out of bed and went over to the bath room. I look into the mirror and my make up had run all down from my eyes to my chin. I got a cloth out from underneath the sink cabnet. I turned on the water. It was very cold that I retreaved my hand back as if it was hot. I then put the cloth under neath the running water. I ringed it and then wrapede i around my pointer finger and started to rub my make up off. My make up just kept smirring all over my face but eventualy I got it.
Mia came over to the door frame with one hand up the frame leaning and looking at me. She was in her short short girl boxers and white tank top. She asked me if I was ok again and I just looked at into the mirror with my hands on the edge of the sink. I looked blankly and said, "I had the stranges dream ever." I then looked away from the mirror and looked at Mia. Then I started to walk into the main room and sat down onto the couch with my legs crised crossed. "I was running from something. I have no clue as to what it was but I was just running and running. Then I trip. I found myself triping over that book that you said your great great grand mother gave you or well your mother but first from her. But any ways, and then I turn to some page and look in it but I couldn't comprehened anything that was in it." I took a deep breath. She was sitting next to me looking at me with a scared expreation like she knew what this all ment. Like it was some kind of sign or what ever but I for sure had no clue as to what it was. There was no answer to this one question.
"well," Mia beggan to say, "I'm sure your just stressed out and it doesn't mean anything. I mean we are in college for crying out loud. We arn't nearly close to being prepared as to what is to come to us. We just need to relax and chill for a bit. I mean it hasn't started yet. Lets just take a breather and have fun for a bit ok?"
I nodded. She was right. I was stressed and deffinetly not ready. I had to clue what college would be like. I barly could keep up with high school and now college. Wow. Well, I guess I'll get it in the end like I always do.
I intertwined my fingers. Looking down and still invisioning my dream. It just kept replaying in my head. Like a broken recored. But it's giving me a mind grain becasue it's playing a song I absolutly dispise. I'm telling myself in my mind, "Get up all ready. Just get up and turn it off" But I'm affrade of the silence so I just ;et it keep going.
Mia puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at her. Then she says, "Why don't you get up and go take a shower and then get in some nce clear clothes, huh? You will feel so much better and then we can go around and cheack the place out. Make sure it is of our standards. You know what I mean." She smiled and winked at me. And I did know what she was talking about. I knew exactly what she was talking about. We stood up at the same time holding each others hands and looking into each others eyes with ginormis grins on our faces and said at the same time, "Boys!"
We have this thing where we will go some where and scope the place out. You know. Make sure that the boys were hot and if the boys were just right, We would stay a bit longer or come back some other time. But if we did that then the boys would have to be perfect. Almost unreal and unbelievably georgeous. But if the boys are not to our standard then we leave. We're out. Good bye. Never again will we be back.
So I got up and looked for cloths and got into the shower.

To many nightmeres

I'm at the stage where I can no longer keep my eyes from closin or hold myself up. My eyes are closed but I'm forsing them to stay open. I can't fall asleep right now. If I do, I will miss something. SOmething important.
I look forward and I see my friend. He was just sitting there on the couch in the middle of the room. I tried to lift my head up to try and get his attention but everything was moving so slow and everything looked fogy and I felt very dizzy. I felt like I was flouting up on the moon but with so much pressure being pushed down apon me on my head and arms. I then give up and fell back down into a pilow on a couch. As I was about to fall back asleep, I felt something touch my hand. I still didn't open my eyyes though to see who or what it was. I just figured ot was my friend. He helpeed me up and at this point I was fine. A little dizzy but nothing horrible like I would fall over again. We walked over to a window where there was a balcony outside of it. We stood there and I told him, "I had a really strang dream just last night. It was like I was almost asleep in my dream but it felt so real like it wasn't even a dream. And then there was this boy. He was trying to lead me to something but I couldn't figure it out.
My friend gave me a strange look and then told me that I should go back to sleep. That I just needed to clear my head out with all the stress that I had been going threw. I also was quite tired and told myself that I havent had much sleep latly. I put my head hanging down looking at my hands, then I looked back to say something but he was mysteriously gone. So I got down from the ledge and walked back over to the couch to go back to sleep. I then felt something touch my hand and I had a feeling that it was my friend again holding my hand probebly to make sure that I was sleeping. But this time when I opened my eyes he wasn't there. infact no one was. But yet I could still some how feel someones hands holding mine. I look at ym hands and thing to myself, "Am I going insain or something?" I told myself no though but then my hand was forced onto the wall. Then I was being pulled along the room and then my hand landed
on a wooden chest. I could feel another hand pressing down onto kine. I then look at the chest and it was worn out wood with bras like buckles.I squate down to get a better look with the pressure of the hand still on mine at the top. I see a spot where it says, "Only the key from the heart can set things free."
I thought long and hard on this and the pressure on my hand was then gone and so I quickly moved it and grabed onto my neckless around my neck. I kissed it and then looked at it. It was a key with a heart shaped at the end of it where you hold the key. I then repeated the saying and the box and thought to myself, "What if this is the key? And if so, what will be inside this chest? What will be set free?
I unlocked my neckless around my neck and took the key off it. I then put the key and I heard a click. I slowly opened the case and a bright light came puring out. I then hear this big loud screach like sound.
"Wake up!" Mia shouted with a blow horn in her hand and part of the blinds in her other hand. I squinted my eyes with my arm shealding them.
"Alright, alright. I'm up ok. Thanks alot. You just woke me up from another strange dream but this time I had found something out or at least I was about to until you woke me up. There could have been a dead body in the chest for all I know." I excamed with my toung sticking out at her and my forhead was all rinkled.
"A dead body?" Mia questioned. "A chest? What the hell have you been smoking girl?" She laughed.
I told her, "Nothing, just I guess stressed out is all like I was in my dream. I don't know. I've been having strange dreams every night latly. It's really strange. But I don't think anyhting of them.
"Okay, well as long as you don't die in any of them." I interuptede her and told her, "Well , actually I have, several times. But not this time. It was strange."
"How is that strange?" Mia shouted. "It is a good thing not to die you know? Ugh, Sophia. What am I going to do with you sweety?"
I looked down at my hands and then back at Mia. I see her neckless sticking out of her T-shirt. It was of a key. Infact, it looked exactly like the key from in my dream. The key that I had on or, unless, That person was Mia. Maybe my dream was of something that had happened to Mia. I walked over to her and looked at it closer. I asked if I could see her neckless. She said sure and handed it to me taking it off as I had remembered I had from in my dream. She placed it in my hand and I analized it and then looked at the neckless looking on the back side and found some writing on the heart shaped handle. It said, "Only the key from the heart can set things free."
I grabed Mias hand and put the neckless back into her hand and began to walk away with both my hands over my mouth. I ran into the bathroom and slamed the door shut locking it behind me. "No, no. This can't be possible. It was just a couinsidence. It was but a dream." I said to myself. I was sitting on the toilet and then I stood up to the sink and turned on the water. I put my hair up in a quick messy bun and then splashed some water onto my face. I look into the mirror looking at myself and ask, "What is going on? Am I going mad? Is this real or what?"
I turn the water off and then hear a knock on the door, "Are you alright sophia?
I'm starting to get aorried. Is everything going all right?" Mia asked threw the bathroom door.
I told her yes and that I just needed a minute to wake up. I had so many questions to be answered but I didn't even know if they were worthy enought to be questions or let alone be answered.

talk to him

I was wearing my short shorts from Mudd and then a red tank top by Candys and my lip gloss which made my lips pop out like none other on. I love just walking around with this on an then doing my own little strait down the street usually around the time when all the guys are out playing basket out side. When they see me walking they all stop and stair or studer and mess up their whole game because they couldn't take their eyes off me.
So I go down stairs from my room and then open the door. As soon as I did this, the heat just slaped me in the face almost feeling like I already had a sun burn on my face. I walk out and then almost become blinded by the light. I took my sun glasses off of the top of my head and put them over my eyes. Every thing then turned tan and darker which was all good for me.
I wasn't quite sure still where to go but I figured that I could just walk around and eventually some guy would come up to me asking for my number or on a date. I mean I was looking pretty fine and if I was a guy and I saw a beauty as such I would totally come running out my door to at least say hello and maybe get a number.
I was beginning to feel a bit fait and s I looked for a water fountain. I couldn't fined one though. It was all buildings and trees and a lake but I wasn't prepared to drink lake water. Then I was a man walking towards me. He had a water bottle in his hands. I ran over to him and asked, " Oh, kind sir. May I please have some of your water? I am dyeing of thirst. Sir please." My eyes were drying and my throat was on fire. I could barley even breath. The man then handed me the water and I chugged it right down all in about five gulps. I thanked him and then sat down at a bench that was right by us.
"Are you okay ma'am?" The man asked me. He was actually the man that My friend Mia and I had first met from when we got our information to the college. I looked up at him with a smile. He smiled back and he had a dreamy smile for what it seemed. Nice white strait teeth, not that I care, and soft looking swooped to the left side black hair. I was tempted to feel it but maybe another time for when we are actually good friends. Hopefully that day would be today. He then asked me again, " Are you okay?" I nodded my head and then tried fixing my hair up.
I stand up trying not to look into his eyes becasue I knew once I did that I would be hooked but I did anyways. He had georgous blue eyes that sparkled with the sun. I didn't realize till till a minute later that my mouth was hanging wide open. I probebbly looked like a retard and so I then took my eyes off him. He snikered so I could tell he was smiling. He then said, "Hey, ain't you that girl I met this a few days ago?" I look up back at him and shook my head yes.
"Ya," I said, "I was with my friend Mia. When I saw you I knew that I just had to come to you." I smiled. I tried to keep it cool but I could feel my heart pounding un-endlessly. He was so georgeous. I noticed that my hands were even begining to shake so I put my hands behind my back and bit my lip becasue I could feel it quivering as well.
We were both just standing there with no words and it got very weird feeling in the air. So, to try and brake this ocward moment by saying, "So, can I have your number?" He laughed after I asked this. I kind of felt embaressed but I had to say something. Then he took out a card and handed it to me. He then says, "My name is Ace again just so you remember." I looked up at him with a questionable expretion on my face. He took my left hand and placed the card in it. I look at my hand and surely there was a card in my hand. I didn't know what to say. I was so speechless.
He started to walk off and I wanted to stop him but I didn't. I just turned around as well and began to walk the other way back to my place.

Thats my place

"I feel hot," said Mia. She looked a bit pail so I went to go get a rag and put hot watter on it. I had her lay back down in her bed and placed the cloth onto her forhead. She thanked me and then began to fall asleep. I felt bad for her but as well we were supposed to hang out at the cafe. She mumbled something and I didn't hear it. I cam up closer to her with my ear to her mouth and she said, "Go without me. You need a break and I don't wanna get you sick." I told her ok and grabed my sweater walking out the door.
It was a bit chilly out today which was weird but it was still very nice. I went to the car in the parking lot and still a bit tarrifide by what had happened a while ago. I get into the car and start to drive out as fast as I could.
I drive out and ride over to the cafe. It was a cute little place and homey. I get in line which there were only threee people so I had time to deside what I wanted. I look at all the different opptions. I then saw zebra hot chocolate and I knew instantly that that was to be mine.
It came to be my time and the person in the front in a black T-shirt and white aprin tied around her waist asks me, "Can I get you something?" I told her yes. I would like a zebra hot chocolate. Someone in the back instantly began to make it who was also where the same thing as the girl in the front. He was very fast and seemed to know what he was doing. He then finished and handed the drink to the girl in the front. She then placed it on the counter in front of me and said, "That will be $5.50 please." I handed her the money and I grabed the drink.
I walked over to a table of two but took only one seat. I had to jump up just to get up on the stool. I then take a small sip of my drink and everyhting just became bliss. It was the best zebra hot chocolate that I had ever had.
I had my eyes closed and then from behind me I hear a voice, "Hey there. You seem to be enjoying that drink right there." It was Ace. "Let me guess. Zebra hot chocolate? Ya, They have the best drinks here expecially that one right there. I get it all the time." I smiled and agreed with him that it indeed was very good. He then set a book in front of me and said he would be right back. He began to walk up to the line. I figured he was going to get what I had.
He comes back with a cup in his hand. He sat down in the chair in front of me. He took a sip out of his cup and then smacked his lips together and sigh as of succes. He was so cute and I couldn't stop staring into his eyes but then he said, "So how are things going for you? You seem well after what happened that one day."
"Ya, That was embarising I have to admit. I'm sorry for that." He put his hand over mine and then said, "It's ok, really. I mean it happens. Obviously you needed help and I wasn't just ganna reject to a pritty face such as your's." I began blush with a huge grin on my face.
"You're truly to kind. I'm just thankfull that you did help me and that you just happened to be there at that very time." I then took another sip of my drink and again closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, he ws looking at me with a big grin on his face.
There was a TV above Ace's head and the news was on. I then hear the name of our school and looked strait up at it. It was talking about some kind of catastrify that had happened in my building. I then began to worry because Mia was in there. I then got up and ran out the door. My arm was then pulled on. It was Ace.
"Whats the matter? Did I say soemthing wrong?" I told him no. Something has happened to where I am staying and I need to go cheack on my friend to make sure that she is ok.
"Oh, well hey my car is right there. Let me drive you there. I want to make sure everything is ok as well. I live in the same building." I smiled and noded. He sujested me to fallow him and I did.
We get to his car and he had a red mustang of course just being as perfext as he was. He opens the pasenger seat door and takes my hand as I get inside. He closes the door and then gets in on the other side. He turns on the car and we drive off to the school.
We get there and there were cops every where aroud the building. The place seemed fine but thats only the out side. I look for a near by cop that wasn't buisy and then walk up to him
"Excuse me," I say to the cop, "What happened here sir? I live here and I heard something had happened here."
"Someone in the building heard a scream and then a big grwaling noise like a bear or something like that." He pounted up to the building, "It happened on leavel two up there. Does that have any afect to you?" I nod my head yes with both my hands over my mouth. I began to walk forward but the cop then pulled on my shoulder and told me no one is aloud inside at this time. I asked him if anyone was hurt and he said, "No. We havent found any trace of blood or anyhting yet though room 27 was a bit torn up as if a tornado had gone threw there."
I drop to my knees still with both my hands over my mouth and began to cry and then I scream, "Mia!"
The cop drops to my level asking me what is the matter? Who is Mia? I did not answer her. I just cried. I then ask if there was anyone in the room when he got there and he said, "No ma'am. There was no trace of any one."
"Sophia! what happened?" Ace shouts running to me. He gets on his knees with both his hands around me while holding me.
"They have her." I mumbled. "What ever the fuck was in there has my friend Mia and now she is gone." I began to ball my eyes out. Ace just kept holding me which made me feel a little bit better but it was still hard to stop my tears. He was stroking my hair and shushing me trying to sooth me and calm me down.
"Hey," Someone called out. It sounded familler but I couldn't be sure. I look behind me and sure enough it was Mia. Just walking twards me. I stand up and run to her wraping my arms around her, "Wo, what happened here? Whats wrong Sophia? Are you ok?"
"I thought you were taken." I say to her with sobing tears.
"What are you talking about? Mia, what happened here."
"Someone got in our room and its an absolute mess and I thought you were in there and the cop said no was in there so I thought who ever was in there had taken you."
"No, after you left I got up and took a shower and then went for a walk hopingg the fresh air would help me feel a little bit better. You know me. I can't just stay still."
I didn't know what to say. My heart was still racing from everything that had just happened in the past ten minutes. "So your ok right?" I asked Mia and she nodded her head yes. I smiled and then tried to fix myself up. I probbebly looked like a mess.
Mia held me in her arms and then pulled me along and said, "Hey, why don't we go to that cafe now?" I look at Ace and he sujested us to fallow him. Mia aska, "Where are we going?" I then told her that I took his car to get here and so now we both have to take his car to go back because my car was there. She then shook her head and said ok as of going in Ace's car expecially when she saw his car. We all hope in and then start driving off to the cafe.

Class starts

"Can you turn off that stupid alarm of yours off? Its giving me a head ack." Mia asked me. It was the first day of college together. I wasn't ready. I get up to turn it off and then walk over to my dresser to grab my cloths that I had laying out for the day. I'm one of those kind of people that like to be ready for the up coming. Or I am a ready freak.
"So you ready for college? I know I'm not but I am also very exsited because we are in Ccollege baby!" Sophia jumps up out of bed squezing me till there was not a single breath left in side my tiny little body. I push her off of me and agree with her. I was very excited but scared at the same time. I couldn't wait to get to my first class. It was dance for me so I was very excited.
I put on my leatard, tights, shorts and cover over shirt and slip on my slip on shoes and Mia and I head out with our bags of other books and cloths for classes later on. Mia ran out the door in only her leo and tights jumping and skiping around. I was just laughing along and then shouting at her to but a shirt on at least over her self.
"Thanks mom but I think I will be fine. Hey so I havent seen you complain about any of those dreams latly. Im guessing that they are ganna now or something."
"Um, ya. Something like that." I laugh, "No I've been fine. Not much scary ones ya. Just ordinary ones expecially since I've been. Well, you know. Talking to Ace."
"Oh my gosh. You are blushing. Wait a minute. Don't tell me. Have you two like gotten together or something.
My face was probebly bright red at this point from all the blushing. "No. We arn't together. Yet." I get the biggest grin on my face and and it felt like it was on fire.
"Oh, yet. Those amazing lovly words. Well lets hope it becomes a yes soon hey? Oh my goodness you two would make the cuttest couple on campous!" Mia began to jum up and down and snreaming franticly in a toon, "Ace and Sophia siting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G." I was about to slap her in the face for being so damn annoying now butI kept my distance.
"Ya, well I guess we will just have to see. I wonder what classes he has today."
"Wouldn't it be funny if he just happened to be in our dance class." Mia leaped with gidenes. "Then you two could be the class couple and maybe get paired up together and all that other stuff. How cute would that be? Omg you two have to get together now!"
Mia could not stop leaping and francly it was making me sick becasue of seeing her go up and down so many damn times plus the thought of seeing Ace and if he did happen to be in our class. What if we did get together and become the class couple. Would that be a good or bad thing? Would it get in the way of our teachings or will it help encourage us to get closer with each other? I would like to think the second one so if he just does happen to be in there then everything must be destiny.
We get up to sudio 8. The sudio that we were assigned to. Now my heart was deffinetly pumping and I was more nervious then ever. Mia and I walk inside and it was a giant room with two great big bars in the middle of the room. There were a few girls and one boy in the room. I didn't see Ace but it was early so I wasn't worried yet. I wouldn't be suprized if he came in late and the teacher not mind because hes been here long enough and she loves him. But also, he may not even be in here which would just kill me inside. I really wanted to see him but then again I wouldn't want to make a fool of my self right in front of him.
I put my bag down on the side of the wall and grab my balet shoes out and beging to put them on. Mia does the same as me petty much at the same time. We tend to do that a lot if anyone hadn't noticed. We are almost like sisters so you could call it but obviously we have different motehrs but I call Mia's mom mother and Mia calls my mom mother. We are just all one great big family of girls.
The teacher comes in and says, "All right class. Time for class." I look around again for Ace but he was no where.
"Hey Mia. Come on." I turn to sophia and then walk over to the bar with her. He start with some points and then all of a sudden the door bardges open. Ever one looks over to the door. It was a guy but not really sure yet as of who is was.
"Hey. Sorry I'm late teach. You know me. Always gotta be fashionably late." It was Ace. My heart was pounding and then he met eyes with me. He had the biggest grin on his face and the biggest eyes I had ever seen him with. He was beautiful. He began to walk over to me and then grabed my hand and said, "Hey cuty. Why didn't you tell me you had this class as well? We could have walked together here." I blushed and then looked around ad realized that we wern't the only ones in the room. I then take my hadn out of his and then turn around getting back into first position.
"Ouch, that was cold sweets. Well I guess you are right."
"Come on now Ace. Why don't you try setting good eamples for once for the new comers." The teacher say while sujesting Ace to come up. "Now, lets get back to what we were doing in the begining." Ace was right behind me and I could almost feel his breath breathing along the side of my neck. I wanted to melt and I probebly would have if the bar hadn't happen to be there for me to hold on to. We then start to do pleays and Ace grabs my ass as I went down. I leap up yelping.
"What is the matter miss Waldeburg?" the teacher asked me.
I had my hand on my ass and said nothing for a moment. Then I said, "Nothing. Cramp. Sorry."
"Well, that is quite all right. That is why we strech."
"Yes ma'am."
I look at Ace and he was just smiling. I wanted to smack him across the face but I didn't want to get him or I into trouble expecialy because then we could never become the class couple without the teacher haveing to keep an eye on us.

Dont walk away

"Hey, wait up." I yelled at Ace. "What was all that shit? Its so not like you. Hey, I'm talking to you." I pull on his shirt but he just kept walking as if I wasn't there. I stoped and stood in place. I looked straight ahead of we just watching Ace walk before me. I felt like run an tackleing him down but I on't even know if thatt would have gotten his attention.It was as if I was a ghost just walking right threw him. But I just turned around and saw Mia walking twards me.
"Hey girl. Why did you go running after Ace and why isn't he with you an what was with the screach?" Mia questioned me.
"Well, for starters. Ace had grabed my ass so that is why I screamed."
"Oh my god he grabbed your ass! What the fuck why? Wait, did it feel good?" Mia gave me a look with her eye brow cocked up.
"Oh, Mia. You really arn't taking this the right way." I glard at Mia as walking forward. "But yes. It felt nice." I said quietly and then giggled.
"Omg Sophia! Do you know what this means? Hes totally into you! You two are totally ganna hook up!" Mia had a huge grin on her face.
"Ya, if we were ment to be together then why did he just walk off not saying a thing to me?"
"Well, um. I really don't know what to say to that."
"Ya. nore do I." I sighed for a long momen, "Oh well. I mean its just Ace. I don't need him. Or maybe hes just really going threw a tough time. Like maybe something came up with his family or an old friend."
"Ya, maybe your right but also this morning he seemed so happy."
"He did didn't he? Hmmm, well I guess we wont know untill we go see him and ask, right?"
"Ya, you have fun with that. I have to go see my counselor about something. Not sure but I'll give ya a call for when we can meet up again ok?"
"Ok, ya I'll see ya in a bit I guess." I smiled and started walking to Ace's while Mia went the apposite way of me.
I kept thinking about why Ace just walked off like that from me after all that he did in the class room to me the whole walk to his place. I was so cunfused and thinking of so many excused as to why he did that but maybe it was just me. What if he wanted me to say what he did to me in class. Myabe to like try to get out of class or something of that sort but I can never be to sure.
I came up to where he stays. I walk inside and then find the elevatore. I got inside and as I went up my heart began to beat faster every second. I was trying to figure out what to say as I walk up to his room door. I knock once and then all of a sudden the door opens up. It was Ace and he just stood there with a huge grin on his face as if he was expecting this of me.
"Hey sugar."
I giggled and then said softly, "Hey Ace. May I come in please?"
"Oh, of course." He sujested me to enter with his arm open to his room like a sentlemen. "You can have a seat on my couch if you would like."
I took a seat on the couch as he had sujested. I looked around and his room was very tidy for a dude that doesn't seem like he is organized what so ever. Then again, it could be his room mate that is the organized one in the room.
Ace sat next to me and asked, "So brought you all the way over here to me? Are you wonering why I just walked off like the way I did or why I did the things I did to you in class?" I nodded my head yes, "Well one, I wanted to see the way you would act if I did that and if you are more into your studies or being in a relationship."
"And?" I asked him like if I was asking if I passed or not. I wasn't really sure as well so maybe by what he says then I will know.
"Well the say you smiled at me let me know you want a relationship but the way you answered the teacher after I grabed your ass let me know that you wouldn't do anything to risk your schooling."
"And, is that a good or bad thing for my part?"
"Well for my part," He pased getting closer to me grabing my hand, "It makes you just absolutly perfect for me."
I smiled so big that I don't even think I have ever smiled so big before, "So, what does this mean now? You know, between you and me."
He smiled andd looked straight into my eyes, "Well, I was hoping that maybe me and you could become a little more then friends. That is if you would like."
I began to blush and my face was so red hot. "Hell ya I would love that." I jumped up giving him a hug practicly strangleing his neck. Then I let go and had a searious look on my face and asked, "You wont just walking off like you did earlier to me though now will you?"
"Oh, of course not hun. I'm really sorry about that I just knew that if you came running for me that you really do have feelings for me. I hope you can forgive me for that."
I nodded and then smiled, "Ok, thanks." I then stood up from the couch, "Well, I need to get ready for my next class. I'll catch up with you later." I wink at him, "Text me ok."
He nodded and blew me a kiss. I cought it in my hand and blew a kiss back. I walk to the door and close the door behind myself. I then stop and got the hugest grin on my face. I say very quietly to myself, "I'm actually with Ace Octavius." I got suppore excied and then run down the stairs and then go into my room hoping Mia was inside there. I open the door and then see Mia covored in some kind of red liquid stuff all over her shirt and splatered on the floor. She then runs faster then I had ever seen her go into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and then run to the bathroom door.
"Mia." I scream, "What is that all over you and the room?"
She hesitates first and then begins to say, "Ah, hey sophia. Sorry you had to see me like this. It was weird because there were these guys who had spaugety sauce with them and I wasn't sure eactly what they were up to but I began to walk to them asking them what all that sauce was for and before I know it I spaugety sauce all up on my shirt and face. I ran here as fast as I could and then came inside here. I'm suprized you didn't see me running past you. Oh, wait. thats right. You were with Ace. So did you find out why he did all those things to you?"
"Oh, ya." I smile again, "He was testing me to see if I was right for him and now we are together."
"Wow, Sophia! That is great! Now you both can be the class couple."
I smile bigger, "Ya, It's going to be amazing but enough of me. Are you sure your going to be okay hun?"
"Ya, Sophia. Don't worry about me girl. I'm fine. I'll just take a shower and you go to class. I meet up with you in twenty minutes ok?"
"Ok, ya. You get cleaned up and then we can go find those guys that did this horrible thing to you. Later hun" I walk out the door leaving Mia.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.03.2012

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