
Chapter 1

I love my brother. I really do. But right now I want to kill him. Rip his throat out and kill him.

I let my older brother run away to Florida with his girlfriend to follow a band and now I'm rewarded with being HIM in his new school. Although he did bribe me into doing it-I get his car when he gets back- but I still don’t want to do it! I'm wearing a really uncomfortable brunette wig and not to mention the really uncomfortable ace bandage that’s smashing my boobs in. I look like a moron as a boy.

I'm lying on my dorm bed when a boy bursts through the doors and plops down on the bed next to mine. I sit up and watch him as he takes off his shoes. He’s really hot. He’s got dark brown hair and a really toned body. His jaw line is perfect and he has amazing green eyes, like emeralds. He also has his ears pierced. He looks over at me and I get butterflies in my stomach.

“I'm Finn, and you are?” He asks me.

“Nate. You my roommate this year?” I ask him in my guy voice.

“Guess so. Listen, I'm gonna have some friends over, you don’t mind right?”

“Not at all. That’s fine with me.” I say to him, and fix my wig a little bit.

“Kay, cool.” He says and glides over to the desk across the room. He has all of his stuff set up and he knows where all of it is. He opens a drawer and takes out a golden chained necklace and puts it on. He turns to me and says “I'm gonna go get some food.” Then he rushes out the door.

Ohmisweetgoodness was that hard to do. I'm really hoping I can actually talk to him next time instead of gawk at his amazing body and ravishing features. I lay back down on the bed and think to myself… He’s totally going to think I'm gay.


Chapter 2

Okay, when Finn said he was going to be having friends over, I didn’t know they would be drunk. Their all playing video games (some racecar game) on Finns bed. The short Mexican is Paco. The really tall American is Kale, and the really cute tall Scottish boy is Scott (how ironic). Paco is ranting about some chick he got to give him a blow job and Scott keeps hiccupping. Scott has the cutest Scottish accent in the world. When he introduced himself I blushed so hard I had to look away. Finn is drunk too but he seems to be controlling it. Kale is so drunk that he keeps forgetting which screen is his, in other words he’s failing terribly at this game, his hair is a mess and he’s sweating a lot. I'm just sitting here watching them and pretending to be really interested in my phone.

“Hey, Nate, can you throw me my phone?” Finn asks. I look over to the nightstand next to me and grab his phone and toss it to him. He looks at me for a brief moment and nods to say thanks.

“You know Nate, it seems like you can’t stop staring at me, do you have a problem.” Kale slurs. Paco and Finn start laughing and I blush. I clear my throat and think of some witty comeback.

“Kale, I'm looking at you because you look like a pig right now. So why wouldn’t I be staring at you?” I say in my guy tone. Everyone but Kale starts laughing really hard. Kale just glares at me and stands up while trying to fix his messy hair at the moment.

“You little shit. What did you just say to me?” Shit. He starts walking around Finns bed and they all look over at me. Kale stops at the side of my bed, about 5 feet away from me.

“You heard what I said, Kale.” I say back, trying to sound confident even though I'm scared shitless. He steps forward and pushes my shoulders back. “You fucker.” He says and slams into my shoulders again, making me fall back onto the bed. I try to sit up but he jumps onto my waist and straddles me. He’s way too heavy for me to push off, so I just push him as hard as I can as a warning.

“Get off me!” I yell at him. He smiles and punches me in the stomach, making me grunt in pain.

“Hey, Kale, get off him, it was just a joke.” Finn says and stands up. Scott and Paco also stand but don’t say anything, they just look at us. Kale looks back at them for a second and smiles.

“Why? He’s a little jackass. Let’s treat him like one.” Kale says and turns back to me.

Crap. This guy has anger problems. I'm too weak to fight him and if he touches my chest, he’s going to know I'm a girl. I think he’s about to pull back but then he pulls back his arm and punches me square in the face, making me see black and white dots. I cry out a little and put my hand to my left cheek.

“Hey! Kale, stop it!” Scott yells and steps forward. Kale ignores him and squeezes my sides with his knees really hard. I grab at his legs with my hands but he just grabs both my wrists in both hands and puts them over my head. He leans forward and glares at me.

“If you ever say shit again, ill fucking kill you.” He whispers to me. He lets go of my wrists and jumps off my lap, but punches me in the stomach again in the progress. I sit up and wince at the pain. I'm getting all teary eyed and I don’t want them to see so I stand and rush out the door and down the hall to the bathroom. When I reach the sink, I look in the mirror and I can already see the bruise forming on my cheek. I wipe my eyes and zip down the light jacket I'm wearing and pull up my t-shirt to examine my stomach. I don’t see any bruises yet, but I can tell there will be some. I hear a knock on the door and Scott’s voice asking me if I'm okay. I pull down my shirt and zip up my jacket. When I open the door Scott’s there, examining my face.

“I'm fine. I just wanted to see if a bruise was forming” I say.

“There is diffidently a bruise.” He says and smiles a little. “I'm sorry Kale did that, he’s got anger issues and he can’t control them.”

“I'm fine. I probably shouldn’t have opened my big mouth.” I say to him, trying to end the conversation. I walk around him and head back down the hall to my room. He follows and closes the door behind me when I reach the room. Kale is gone and so is Paco. Finn looks up at me from where he’s sitting on his bed and smiles.

“You okay, dude?” He asks.

“I'm fine.” I snap, and head back to my bed in the corner. Scott looks at me really quick and turns to Finn.

“I’ll see ya tomorrow.” He says and leaves. Its midnight already and I have class tomorrow. I start to take off my jacket, but realize I probably shouldn’t since I took off my ace bandage earlier today before the guys came over. I look over at Finn who is already half naked in boxers and climbing into bed. I turn off the lamp on the nightstand and take off my jacket and pants. I'm wearing black boxers that are rather comfy to be honest. I climb into bed and drift off to sleep hoping that tomorrow will be fine.

Chapter 3

God, wigs hurt like hell after a while.

When I wake up, I wasn’t expecting Scott to be at the foot of my bed, bouncing up and down.

“Wake up twat, we’re getting breakfast.” He says, and slaps my leg over the blanket. I groan a little and flip onto my back.

“Hand me my clothes, please.” I tell Scott. He looks around for a brief second and grabs my jacket and jeans off the ground. I sit up and put my pants on under the blanket, and when he isn’t looking I grab my ace bandage from under my pillow and wrap myself up under the blanket. When I'm done and ready to put my jacket on, Scott whips the blanket off me and I put my hands to my chest. Luckily I have my undershirt on.

“Come on, you don’t need to be modest now.” He says and grins at me. I blush and put my jacket on. Once I stand up and look around the room, I realize Finn isn’t here.

“Where’s Finn?” I ask. Scott looks away for a moment and turns back towards me.

“He’s breaking up with his girlfriend at the moment.”

“Oh.” I say, because I don’t know what else to say. I clear my throat and pick my phone and wallet off the bed side table. “Ready?” I ask.

“Yep, let’s go.” He says and opens the door for me. We walk down the halls and finally find ourselves in the cafeteria. I scan the room and find Paco and Kale sitting at a table, laughing. Scott leads me towards them and I cringe inwardly once I make eye contact with Kale. He’s glaring at me. He’s obviously still butt hurt about last night. Baby.

I sit next to Paco and across from Kale. He’s still glaring at me so I look away. I scan the room again and find Finn sitting with a blonde girl. She looks pissed and he looks bored and annoyed. As if he notices me staring at him, he looks over towards our table and locks eye contact with me. I look away, blushing.

“Dude, are you listening?” I hear Scott say. As I look up at them I notice they were talking to me while I was gazing over at Finn. Now I feel the heat in my cheeks spread to me neck.

“No, sorry. What were you saying?” I ask them while fidgeting with my sleeve.

“We were talking about that really hot girl behind you, I think she’s checking you out.” Paco says. I turn around and notice a girl with long red hair smiling at me. I smile back, out of politeness and turn back around. They’re all staring at me now.

“What?” I say, and laugh a little, “She’s not my type you guys.”

“Why not? She’s hot and is giving you that sexy smile girls do when they wanna hook up.”
Paco says to me and looks back at the red-head.

“I don’t like red-heads.” I lie. I think girls with red hair are actually really pretty.

“Damn, you’re a dumbass. Maybe I can have a little piece of her then.” Kale says for the first time.

I glare at him and turn to look back at the girl but my nose brushes something soft yet hard. I look up and notice Finn. And then I realize my nose just grazed his abdomen. I blush and turn back around.

“Sorry dude.” I tell him. He sits in the chair next to mine and grazes my knee with his in the process.

“Nah its fine, man.” He says and turns his attention towards Scott who must have said something that I didn’t hear.

“How did it go?” Paco asks Finn.

“Terribly, she was all mad that I didn’t send her any signals. But it’s over and done with, so it’s all good now.” He says and smiles a little.

“Who is she?” I ask him, trying to get into the conversation.

“Her names Cassandra and she was my girlfriend for 6 months.”

“What happened?”

“She got clingy, and I stopped having feelings for her.” He says plainly.

“Oh.” I say, because I'm speechless again. My phone starts ringing and when I look at caller i.d I almost fall out of my chair.


“Sorry guys, I got to take this in private.” I say and hurry towards the exit, but not before I hear Kale tell them that its probably my ‘boyfriend’. I roll my eyes as I leave the building and answer my phone.

“Hey mom.” I say in my girl voice.

“God damn Nora, why haven’t you called?” She shrieks into the phone.

“Oh shut up, you don’t even care!.” I yell back.

“You’re right. I don’t. But I do care that you didn’t call your little sister to say happy birthday.” Shit. I completely forgot.

“I forgot. I’ll call her later. Tell her I'm sorry.”

“Whatever. Don’t forget to call her you little bitch.” She snarls into the phone and hangs up. Damn, I hate my mother.

I head back into the cafeteria and instead of heading towards the guys; I stop by the food area and grab a Mango Arizona. When I'm done, I walk back to the guys and sit down. They’re in a deep conversation about how Paco’s sister fucked some rich guy who goes to school here. I block out their conversation and drink my Arizona.

When they’re finally done talking about Paco’s sister, Scott kicks me under the table. I look up at him and he grins at me.

“What?” I ask him and smile a little too.

“That red-head is walking over here.” He says and his eyes look at something behind me. I turn around and there she is.

“Hi.” She says and smiles at me.

“Hello.” I say. Awkward.

“Listen, I think you’re really hot, can I give you my number?” she asks me and straightens her red blouse. I gulp and turn towards Finn. He winks at me and nods his head towards her boobs. I roll my eyes and clear my throat.

“Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend.” I lie. Kale laughs behind me, and then I hear him grunt in pain and swear under his breath as Paco kicks him under the table. Red-head looks at me again and frowns.

“Oh, okay. Thanks anyways.” She says and turns to leave. I swivel in my chair and look at Finn again.

“Listen, I know you think I should have taken her number, but I'm not interested. Okay? So can we not talk about this anymore?” I say to them all. They all shrug and Finn brushes his leg against mine again. I look over at him and he nods towards the doors, as if to say ‘wanna get outa here?’. I nod and get up.

“We’re going back to the room. See ya guys later.” Finn says and we walk our happy asses back to the room. Once we’re there, I sit in my bed and kick off my shoes. I yawn and scratch my itchy head.

“I'm gonna take a little nap.” I say and lay down.

“Its 12 in the afternoon, dude.” Finn says and I hear his bed concave as he sits down.

“I know, but I didn’t get much sleep last night and I'm tired.” I say and close my eyes.

“Whatever man.”

Eventually I fall asleep to the sound of Finn playing video games on his bed.

Chapter 4



“Get the fuck up Faggot.”

Great, I get to wake up to a dickhole.

Kale slaps my left calf and I grunt.

“Get out of here.” I say but its kind of muffled by my pillow.

“Finn wants us all to meet him at the Mary Park Pool in 15 minutes. You gonna bail on him?” He snaps.

I look over at the clock and it reads 10:30 PM. I look up at Kale and frown.

“Why is he there so late?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” he yells. “Just get up and come on, they’re all there, I wanna get going.” He says in a lower voice and sits on Finn’s bed-obviously waiting for me to get out of bed.

“Fine.” I say and sit up. I straighten my jacket and make sure my hair is in place and then I get up, and grab my cell from the desk and look back at Kale.

“Come on.”  I say and exit my dorm. He follows and I hear him take his keys out of his pocket. I look at him and he frowns at me.

“What? I'm driving obviously.” He says.

“I figured.” I snap back. We walk out of the dormitory and through the parking lot to Kale’s car, which I have to admit is pretty nice. He owns a black BMW convertible hard top. He unlocks it and I get in. He slides in too and turns the car on. Music starts playing and its Imagine Dragons, which happens to be my favorite band.  I smile and go to turn it up when he grabs my hand and pulls me half way across the front seat.

“Do. Not. Touch.” He snaps. I yank my hand out of his grasp and sigh. This isn’t going to get better.

I see him look over at me and he sighs too. He reaches towards the stereo and turns it up. He puts the car in drive and heads towards the road. We roll out of Gates Prep School blasting Radioactive.


10 minutes later we arrive at a deserted park, with no pool in site. I turn towards Kale and ask “Where’s the pool?”

“Just get out and follow me.” He says without a snappy tone, which surprises me.  I get out and follow him down the path. We walk through the woods and I'm just about to ask where the pool is when I see lights through the trees. We walk through a clearing and I can hear the music that’s blasting inside the huge concrete building in front of us.

Kale looks at me and smirks, then turns and walks to a small red door on the side of the building. I follow and we walk into the building. The first thing I notice are the lights, which are really bright. Then I notice the massive pool. It’s got to be 150 ft wide and 200 feet long. I see Finn, Scott, Paco and 2 girls hanging out at the end of the pool. Their all drinking and I'm pretty sure I can see Scott smoking a joint. Then I realize he is actually smoking when the smell hits me.  

“Scared?” Kale whispers to me as I take in the scenery. I frown at him and shake my head.

“Why would I be?” I whisper back. I start walking towards Finn and the gang and Kale follows.

“Hey! Its Kale and New Boy!” Yells Paco. Taking a hit of the joint Scott passes him. Finn reaches over and grabs some remote and turns the music down.

“Hey guys!” I yell back. When I reach them I plop down in one of the chairs they set up around a glass table. The table has weed and rolling papers all around it, not to mention the surprising amount of beer and vodka bottles.

“Want some?” Paco asks me and reaches his hand out to me, with the joint. Ive smoked weed before and I actually like it, so I decide it sounds like a good idea, and I take it from him. I lift it to my lips and inhale, I get a lot of the smoke but I don’t cough. I blow it out and smile at everyone.

“Thanks. So what are we doing here?” I ask. Finn slaps his knee and laughs really loud, but it’s a nice kind of laugh, one that makes my cheeks flush.

“What do you think, Mate? We’re doing it right now, hanging out.” He smiles at the girls and turns to Kale, “Turn the lights off man” then he winks at him.

Kale smiles, a really nice smile that I never thought I’d see on him, and he heads over to the wall, which has a light switch. He flips it and all the lights turn off, but the pool lights are on. The pool is so pretty that I actually gawk. It should be in a movie, it’s so perfect. The lights make the pool look luminous and amazing. This could be the weed talking, but I really just wanna jump into the water.

“Yes! I love when we do this.” Scott yells. He starts unbuttoning his shirt and I freak out a little.

“Wait, are you guys going swimming?” I ask Finn. He started unzipping his jeans.

“We all are going swimming! Come on, strip dude.” He yells, and slides his jeans off. Damn he’s fine, he’s wearing blue and green boxers. I sigh and try to sound calm when I start to turn down the offer.

“No dude, I can’t swim, I'm gonna stay up here.” I say. There’s no way in hell I'm going swimming with them.

“Aw damn, that sucks. Are you sure?” He says and takes his shirt off. Damn he has some muscles, he’s not huge but he’s diffidently perfect in the muscle territory. I look over at Kale and he’s already got everything off. I have to admit he actually has a really nice body, if I compared it to Finn’s I’d say Kale’s was better, which is hard to admit because of that ego of his. Both the girls and Scott and Paco are already in the pool, playing around and splashing each other. I look back at Finn and nod at him.

“Yeah ill just stay up here, it’s no big deal.” I say nonchalantly. He nods and smiles.

“Alright, but you gotta have some fun, take a couple shots, loosen up. It’s a party!” he yells and walks towards the pool. He stops a little before the edge and runs and jumps, doing a perfect flip in the air and landing nicely in the water.

“Show off” Yells Kale. He looks at me briefly before he runs and jumps into the pool.

I turn towards the vodka and beer. Maybe I’ll have some, it’s not like I can’t handle it. I take a full vodka bottle and start drinking. It burns but I swallow without gagging and I take a beer chaser. I look back at the gang and sigh. They’re all having fun; it’s kind of making me jealous.

After about a half hour of splishing and splashing and a couple shots (for me), they all decide to take showers in the locker rooms. Everyone races to the lockers except Kale and Finn. They both get out of the pool and flip their hair (in a very sexy way that makes my heart race) and then start walking towards me.

“I wish you were in there, you looked really bored.”  Finn says. Kale rolls his eyes and takes a swig of Vodka, which I basically downed. And I can diffidently feel the buzz that’s mixed with the weed.

“I had fun up here” I say and smile all goofy like. Okay, no more drugs for me tonight.

“I can see that.” Finn says and turns to Kale. “I'm showering now, you can come in after me.” He says and walks to the locker room.

“Why can’t you go with him?” I ask Kale.

“Locker room isn’t that big” he mumbles and chugs the rest of the vodka bottle, which I have to admit is a lot. He sways a little and I stand up and reach out to him.

“Wow dude, take it easy on the vodka.” I try grabbing his shoulder to steady him but he grabs my wrist and drops the vodka bottle, making it shatter everywhere.

“Don’t touch me, or try and help, faggot.” He slurs a little and I frown at him.

“I'm not gay you ass hole. I'm just trying to make sure your drunk ass doesn’t hit the ground.” I snap at him and try to yank my arm away, but he holds on. He laughs and yanks me closer to him.

“You’re not gay? I find that hard to believe. You're so girly looking.” He says and lets go of my wrist, and crosses his arms over his chest.

The buzz is going away cuz now I'm just getting mad.

“Bastard, thats a steroptype.” I snap.

“Dont piss me off you bitch.” He mumbles and in one swift movement he’s pushed me and I'm falling.

“Ow!” I yell as back hits the ground and my elbow smacks against the concrete. He bends down and picks me up by my collar. I start kicking out at him and slapping his shoulders.

“Stay still.” He barks at me. I grab his crotch and he groans and lets me go. I slip a little and land on my butt infront of him. He's holding his crotch and swearing over and over again. He whips his head up and glares at me.

"You're dead shit." He starts crawling towards me and I start backing up but he reaches my foot and pulls me towards him. He starts to reach for my crotch and I realize hes trying to do the same thing I did. But I dont have anything to grab onto! Too late though, he's already pawed me down there. 

“What the-“ He whispers and grabs my crotch again. I knee him in the gut and push back away from him.

 “Stop it. You aren’t gonna find anything.” I whisper. Shit, it’s all over now; I have to explain this somehow. “I don’t have a dick.”

“Then what the fuck do you got?” He yells and stands up as I do.

“I have a vagina, that’s what.” I snap at him and look at the ground.

When I look back up at Kale I search his face.

And the look on his face will forever be planted in my brain.

Chapter 5

“Oh thank god.” Says Kale.

What the hell?

“What?” I ask him.

“You look like a chick dude and its been messing with me.” He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. “I'm so glad you’re a chick. I always thought you were gay.”

Oh thank god he didn’t freak out.

“You can’t tell anyone, please dude.” I plead. He raises an eyebrow and grins wide.

“Why? Are you afraid that Finn will find out? I knew you had a crush on him.” He says and sits down in one of the chairs. He picks up a joint and lights it.

“I don’t have a crush on Finn. You just can’t tell anyone.” I say. I take a seat in the seat next to Kale and he grins.

“Why would I help you? Why the fuck would I even listen to you? I could use this against you.” He looks at me and laughs. Before I know it he's standing and he grabs my arm and yanks me up.

“Let go.” I yell at him. He laughs more and he drags me towards the pool.

Oh god no. If I get these clothes wet they’ll stick to me and you’ll be able to see the outline of my boobs. Why the hell did I take my jacket off?

“Come on, you’re going in.” He says and I grab onto his shoulders. He yanks me in front of him so I'm facing him and he grins at me.

“Don’t.” I beg.

He pushes me back and I scream as I hit the water.

I push off the bottom of the pool and reach the surface in seconds. I gulp in air and slide my soggy wig off. As I'm rubbing my eyes I hear Kale laughing in the background.

“Damn.” He says.

“You jack ass.” I yell at him. I start swimming to the other side of the pool and don’t even bother looking back. As I get out of the pool I lift up my shirt and remove my ace bandage (without Kale seeing) and rush towards the door. I hear Kale yell my “name” and I rush towards the woods. As I'm running towards the car I hear Kale’s pace increase and before I know it he's grabbed me buy my shoulders and yanked me to his chest.

“Stop running, I’ll take you home if you need me to.” He says into my ear.

“No! Just let me go!” I yell at him and elbow him in his chest. I book it towards the car and pull on the car handle (remembering that he left it unlocked). I climb into his car and lock the doors while watching him run towards the car. He gets to the car and he bangs on the window.

“Open the door.” He yells and clenches his jaw. I just shake my head and he bangs his hands on the car again. I look in the rearview mirror and try to flatten my messy hair. I look back at Kale and he yells very rude words at me.

“Please, just let me in.” He pleads. I decide to unlock the car because it starts raining. He gets in the car and slams the door. The next thing I know he's pushed me against the car door and I end up smushed between it and him.

“Bitch. What’s your name anyway?” He mumbles the last part.

“Nora. Now get off me you gorilla.” I push at his chest and he grabs my hands with one hand and puts them in my lap.

“Hmm, Nora, what a girly name.” He says and lowers his mouth to my ear. I shiver as he breaths into my ear. He grabs my waist and wraps his hand around my back; bringing me up to his chest and lowering us back down to the seat. He's closer then he was before and I think my cheeks have turned bright red.

“Get off me Kale.” I try and say normally but he licks my neck and I shudder underneath him. I don’t know what’s going on in his head but he seems to be holding back towards something. He nuzzles his mouth into my neck and whispers something I never thought I would hear come from his mouth.

“So, Miss Nora, I'd like to get one thing straight. If you piss me off again, I'll make you wish you hadnt. ” I flinch a little and I see him grin and feel his body shake as he laughs. He moves his mouth across my cheek and just before he reaches my mouth I turn away quickly.

"No, Kale stop." I say through clenched teath.

“It’s a joke to me sweetheart, dont wet your panties. Don’t worry though, I’ll keep your secret. As long as you do what I say.” He pushes me back into the car door and empties the car keys out of his pocket.  “Take the car back to the dorms and I’ll get it tomorrow morning.” He growls and shuts his door; leaving me alone in his car.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2012

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