
Daddy's Girl


I woke up in my bed early in the morning, it was a Saturday January 30, 2009. I woke up from my mother and step dad singing at the top of their lungs off beat of the T.V.. I remember what I saw, I remember the smell. Everything seems so bright and open. The sun’s smiling with a grin. I have to pick up some man I call my father this will be the first time we’ve ever met well at least when I was able to remember. Tomorrow I’ll be 15, January 31 Sunday. We wrote letters back and forth and few calls here and there.
Now with the thought planted in my brain I sit, gazing through the window. Silence. No laughing, no crying, no cars I went to a world of my own creation. I remember my friends, I remember them all telling me it will be okay and how I have nothing to worry about. I can smell my mom’s coffee the hole ride to the airport. Tomorrow I will deal with a monster of a different kind. I somehow feel happy and scared at the same time.
All the emotions inside of me... Joy, sadness, jealousy...hate. I'm confused. When they asked me to phone my dad, I normally refused I preferred he called me but know I’m meeting him it was my choice he come but know I ‘m not so sure that's what I want know... So much anger, so much everything. One moment I want to cry, the next I want to sing. Tomorrow, I shall meet my maker and judge. Every hour feels like my hourglass running low. I am afraid. I read a final note my father sent.



"Dear Amber, thank you for giving me a chance to make up for everything I know it’s hard for you to understand why I left, but believe me it has nothing to do with you. You are my angel, brown eyes and darkened hair angel. And if you want and if its alright with your mom I’m coming to see you for your 15th birthday I’ll talk to you about it more on the phone. I love you. <3
Love Daddy."

My eyes well up every time I read this. I love my Father but never told him because I always knew the day I met him I wouldn’t want him to leave even though I knew he would have to. We have been at the air port for about an hour and a half, Its ten minutes to noon my hands are shaking. I stand up and look to the left and I see a hole bunch of people coming back home or visiting family and right then in a faded dark blue shirt with a $4 disposable camera was my father walking up with tears in his eyes foggy green eyes. Even though we never met until then. When I saw him I didn’t even need my mom to tell me who he was for some reason I just knew that, that man was my father. Without a doubt in the world that’s the birthday I will never forget.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2010

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